• Published 27th Jun 2012
  • 3,008 Views, 67 Comments

Love is Magic - Lux

Can Twilight Sparkle find the love of her life?

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The Letter

Chapter 16 – The Letter

The day started out just like any other, only this time both Mystic and Twilight knew that it was no longer like the day they knew before. Previously they were alone following their own pursuits. Now that they were a couple their hopes and dreams aligned with each others as did their hearts, strengthening them. Now the two felt that there was nothing that could stop their dreams as long as they were together.

“Good morning, Mystic,” Twilight said lovingly to the stallion.

“Good morning Twilight,” Mystic said, looking like he was deep in thought.

“What’s wrong?”

“I was thinking that since we’re special someponies I don’t know if I want to go back to Canterlot after the end of this week. I think it would tear my heart up if I had to be away like that.”

“I would feel the same way too,” Twilight said.

“Is it ok if I stay with you then?”

“Of course you can, Mystic! You’re my special somepony after all. But what would Princess Luna think about you staying here?”

“I think she’ll be ok, but I want to send her a letter just to be sure.”

“I know just the way,” Twilight said, “Spike!”

“Oh hello you two lovebirds,” Spike said chuckling.

“Spike, Mystic needs to send a letter to Princess Luna requesting that Mystic be able to stay.”

“He’s not going to boss me around like you do, right?”

Twilight gave Spike a glare that made him realize that he should drop the issue or get a time out.

“Fine then,” Spike said as he got a parchment, an ink pot and a quill, “Whenever you’re ready Mystic.”

“Dear Princess Luna,

A week ago you sent me to Ponyville to study the Elements of Harmony and the bearers who possess such qualities. While I have successfully completed this study, I must confess something. I have fallen in love with Twilight Sparkle. At first we were just friends, but both recognized that there was a magic between us, a bond stronger than even the Elements of Harmony could have, even beyond friendship. It was love. I love her and she loves me. It would tear us apart if we had to separate after such a wonderful time together.

It is my request that I stay with Twilight in Canterlot. If it be that you don’t see fit that I can be your student, than I understand. But I would rather be with Twilight than anything else.


Your Faithful Student,

Mystic Study”

“Ok, Spike, send it to the Princess.”

The baby dragon then breathed fire on the paper until it dissolved into the green flame.

“Mystic, you’re willing to give up being the student to Princess Luna for me?”

“Yes, Twilight. If I can’t have you, nothing else matters.”

Twlight, overwhelmed by the emotions she felt, embraced the stallion. As if subconsciously he leaned over and kissed her on the lips. Twilight’s eyes went wide at the surprise display of affection.

“What’s wrong,” Mystic said seeing the look on Twilight’s face.

“Could you… do that again,” Twilight said as if embarrassed at the request.

Mystic smiled and then kissed her again. When the two released they each had a smile on their face and a lasting feeling of love between them.

“So I guess we have to wait for the letter,” Twilight said.

“Yeah, I guess.”

The morning passed as the two waited for the reply. Both tried to occupy their time reading and conversing. Yet despite enjoying each other’s company, there was nervousness in waiting for the result. Finally the two heard the telltale belch signaling that a letter had arrived.

“So what does it say,” the two said almost in unison.

“To my Faithful Student, Mystic Study,” Spike began.

“From your letter that you have sent to me, you have indicated that you wish to stay in Ponyville. You have also declared that your reasons for doing so is because you are now in love with Twilight Sparkle, a pony I know much about as she is my sister’s student. You are very adamant about staying, even going as far as to accept your possible rescinding of being my student.

It is therefore my decision that you are to stay in Ponyville and study the magic or friendship, harmony, and love. You are a wonderful student who understands many of the aspects of magic. But now you have experienced a magic that is more powerful than anything you ever know. That is love which is strong enough to overcome any obstacle. I for one will not deprive you of this experience or in being with a wonderful pony such as Twilight Sparkle.

I do of course expect letters from you about your progress as well as visits to the castle occasionally so that we could continue some of your studies. Until then, I wish you the best in your new relationship.


Princess Luna”

“She said yes,” Mystic said, “and I can still be her student!”

The two unicorns merrily galloped about the room in joy as if they were school age ponies, celebrating their final obstacle being overcome. Now they had each other and a new life together.