• Published 27th Jun 2012
  • 3,008 Views, 67 Comments

Love is Magic - Lux

Can Twilight Sparkle find the love of her life?

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Chapter 12 – Rarity

It was later in the afternoon when Twilight Sparkle and Mystic Study had returned to Ponyville. So far the stallion was happy that he had seen two of the bearers of the Elements of Harmony, not including Twilight herself. Strangely both Applejack and Fluttershy saw that Mystic liked Twilight and interestingly enough there was a hint of her liking him. He wondered if it was that blatant that Twilight’s friends could see it. More importantly, if it was that blatant, why was Twilight not noticing it?

Mystic wondered about his relationship situation. Twilight looked like she was interested in finding love; otherwise she wouldn’t have been so upset when Rainbow Dash told her those things. She however wasn’t interested in him as a special somepony, at least not at the time. Mystic resigned himself to being her friend. This at least established something with the purple unicorn rather than awkward temporary housemates. He wondered if that was a good idea doing that, if he had relegated himself into the friend zone.

He wondered if he liked Twilight as a special somepony. Granted she was smart, funny, kind, and cute. And she was amazing at magic. It was everything that he wanted in his mind for an ideal soul mate. Like Twilight’s concern when she spoke to him, he was unsure of what Twilight was really like as they had only known each other for a few days.

Maybe with meeting the other Elements of Harmony, he could find out more about her indirectly. It was like a research project, something Luna would give him when she taught him. But unlike other studies, this had to be more subtle as it was relating to a pony.

“Here we are,” Twilight said, breaking up Mystic’s thoughts. He didn’t know how far he had gone at first, but he quickly knew where he was. The two were standing in front of Carousel Boutique, the same place he went to earlier when Twilight wanted to be alone. The two walked into the store which was the same that Mystic remembered it as.

“Rarity,” Twilight said, “are you here?”

“Oh Twilight,” a familiar voice was heard, “I’ll be right there in a minute.”

True to her word, in a minute Rarity did appear.

“Oh, hello Twilight. And hello again, Mystic. I didn’t expect you to be back so soon.”

“You met Mystic, Rarity,” Twilight said questioningly.

“Why yes,” the white unicorn said, “I was on a stroll when I met Mystic outside your home, Twilight. We had just some idle conversation, especially about that he was Luna’s student. I couldn’t believe it that Luna had a student, but I stood corrected when I met Mystic. Now, how can I help you?”

Mystic was happy that Rarity left out the fact that he expressed his concern about Twilight to her. The fact that he had given away a sort of uncomfortable event would not bode well for his friendship status.

“Well, as I said to you before, Rarity, I’m studying the Elements of Harmony. You told me that you were the bearer of the Element of Generosity. Would it be ok if I asked you a few questions about that for my study?”

“Of course you can, dear. Let’s retire in the sitting area then.”

The three went to the room Mystic and took a seat.

“Ok, Mystic,” Rarity said, “I am all ears.”

“Well, what does generosity mean to you as an Element of Harmony, and how important is it?”

“Why, generosity is a very important quality to have dear. If a pony wishes to have any relationship with another pony or have any social class they need to help others. This includes devoting their time, energy, sometimes material things like money, or in all three of our cases our magic. By devoting any of this, it shows that you care about another pony to sacrifice a part of you for the welfare of the other pony. However generosity should be a mutual thing. I simply cannot stand ponies who take advantage of others while doing nothing for them in return.”

“Ok, and how does generosity impact your job?”

“Well, as a business pony, I have to establish and maintain a relationship with my clients. While I cannot just give away the dresses and accessories I make because I wouldn’t be in business for long, I am always willing to be flexible with the payment of my wares. And I’m always willing to help with alterations or repairs at no charge. When a pony knows that you are fair with your business, they will come back and tell other ponies, so it’s only natural to be as helpful as possible.”

“And has anything really changed in your life since becoming a bearer of the Element of Generosity?”

“Not really dear. I can say that I have had more adventures as one, defeating villains and the like. More importantly I was able to meet five best friends that have made my life simply wonderful.”

“I think that’s all the questions I have.”

“Very well, Mystic I’m glad to be of help to you and your study. Now Twilight dear, may I speak to you in private. Don’t worry, Mystic. It’s just a little mare talk. It shouldn’t be too long.”

“Err… ok Rarity,” Twilight said unsure what Rarity would want to talk about. It appeared to be something urgent. She followed her friend into another room.

“Now Twilight, I must ask you if you’re alright.”

“If I’m alright,” Twilight said, “Why do you ask that.”

“Well, Twilight, you look like you have much on your mind. It’s the same look I know I have when I have several projects to do. Now tell me, what’s on your mind?”

Twilight then gave the story about how Rainbow Dash accused her of dating Mystic and saying about how the rainbow manned pony didn’t know that she was interested in love.

“Why Twilight that’s terrible,” Rarity said. In reality she knew the story from Mystic, but it was nonetheless shocking when heard again from her best friend, “Well, I shall have to have a talk with our mutual friend about holding her tongue and not upsetting a pony. I am confused about something.”

“Confused? About what, Rarity?”

“There’s something not quite right with your story. I can fully understand why you were upset when Rainbow Dash told you that you were not interested in love. What I’m not sure about is why you were upset that she thought you and Mystic were dating. You were upset about that too, right?”

“Well yes… I think. I don’t know. It was just that Rainbow Dash was saying that I was dating him. It took me by surprise I guess that I sort of blurted out that we weren’t dating and things went from there.”

“I see. Now I don’t wish to pry, but are you… you know… considering dating Mystic?”

Twilight immediately blushed as she started to shuffle her hooves.

“Well no… I mean yes. It’s complicated. He seems like a nice pony and all, but I don’t think I had the chance to get to the level of dating.”

“Fully understandable, Twilight. Let me rephrase the question then. Do you like him, not just as a friend but as … you know… a special somepony?”

Twilight’s face had now turned maroon with embarrassment.

“I… I don’t know. I mean I he’s smart, funny, kind, and I’m happy when I’m around him. He seems to be what I’m looking for in a soulmate. But can I really like him? Should I really like him? Ooohhh, for once in my life I don’t know!”

Rarity smiled and put a comforting hoof oh her friend’s shoulder. “Twilight, I honestly think that you like Mystic, and I think that he likes you. But I can’t decide for you about who you should love.”

“Is finding love this hard?”

“I’m afraid so. Now there some ponies who find love at first sight and although how romantic that is, most ponies have to work to find love. My advice is to get to know him more and then let you heart decide.”

“Thanks Rarity,” Twilight said as she hugged her friend, “I guess I shouldn’t worry about things and just see what happens with my and Mystic.”

“That’s the spirit. And as always if you need help again, I’m here.”

Twilight and Rarity then exited the room they were in and met Mystic.

“Well, Mystic,” Twilight said as she recovered from the conversation she had with Rarity, “Are you ready to go back to my home?”

“Um… sure,” he said, “Thanks, Rarity.”

“You’re welcome, dear.”

Twilight walked out of the Boutique her mind swimming with thoughts. Mystic was following her when he noticed Rarity motion for him as if she wanted to say something to him without Twilight there.

“Mystic dear, I know you like Twilight. A mare’s intuition knows this. Don’t worry, I won’t tell Twilight, but I think she wouldn’t be surprised.”


“I see the way she looks at you. She may not be falling head over hooves for you yet, but there is that spark of love there. So my advice to you is to be generous to her, devoting what you can to get to know her. Then and only then can your heart decide. Do you think you can do that?”

Mystic gave a nod.

“Very well darling. Now I won’t keep you waiting any longer.”

Mystic then caught up with Twilight as the two headed back to the library tree.