• Published 30th Sep 2016
  • 892 Views, 28 Comments

Split Conscience - TheMajorTechie

A man awakes to find a pony. In his mind.

  • ...

A Typical Day of Work

Craig yawned, stretching lazily as a hand landed atop the blaring alarm.

Lemme guess, time for work? Twilight asked with a tired voice.

Yup. Craig replied in return. Slowly, he pulled himself from the covers, shuddering slightly at the cool after-storm air that surrounded him. He yawned once more, before beginning his ever-repetitive morning routine.

Brush, eat, walk, work.

Brush, eat, walk, work.

Brush, eat, walk, work.

Twilight remained silent the entire time.

A sigh escaped the man's lips as he donned the apron once more, shuffling along as he began to stock the shelves for the morning. His boss had already been around for probably the past hour or so, and was catching some sleep in the office before the opening time.

Let's see here... Craig thought, It's nearing the weekend, and the current forecast is saying that we'll be getting another dousing of rain, so--

Wait, nobody here can control the weather?

What? No, Twilight. How would that be possible?

Um... just, nevermind. So it's going to rain?

Yup. I'd probably better get more umbrellas and ponchos out. The last storm pretty much drained our shelf stock.

Craig quietly opened the "back room's" door, wincing slightly at the rather loud squeak it gave in return. It took a moment for his eyes to adjust to the poorly-lit room.

"Let's see... umbrellas... umbrellas... are we out of umbrellas?" Craig whispered to himself, crouching down to the lowest shelves, "Oh. there they are."

He pulled a brightly colored box from the lowest shelf, huffing slightly at the weight of the dense package.

"Craig?" the manager asked from behind the door, "You up yet? Or are ya snoozin' again?"

"I'm awake." Craig replied, pushing the door open with a foot as he exited with the box in tow, "I'm just restocking the umbrellas before the next storm hits."

He sure doesn't seem as angry as he did yesterday.

Yeah, he's usually chill if there's nothing to trigger him.

The first customer came just around six. It was the woman from before who had bought the massive stock of tuna. She just wanted a new can opener.

The next one came shortly after, promptly leaving with a pack of soda in tow.

Craig stopped keeping track of customers after the third, who in this case, was a young woman with a child sleeping in a stroller.

"The usual?" Craig offered, gesturing towards the "baby supplies" section, which in reality was simply a single shelf on the wall, filled to the brim with diapers and baby food.

The woman smiled, and made her way towards the shelf.

"What's our sales for today, Craig?" the manager called from his office, "I saw quite a lotta people a few hours back."

"Don't you have the sales on your computer?" Craig deadpanned, mildly annoyed at his boss and only coworker.

"Idunno, you tell me!" the manager laughed in return, "Ah, Craig, I know that ya check the database yourself during my shift, anyhow. Oop! There's our total profits for today! Heh, isn't it nice to have a self-updating thingamajigger like this?"

Craig simply rolled his eyes at the remark. Twilight was right, the manager did seem a bit peppy today.