• Published 30th Sep 2016
  • 892 Views, 28 Comments

Split Conscience - TheMajorTechie

A man awakes to find a pony. In his mind.

  • ...

Voice In My Head

Craig yawned loudly as he lazily tossed the messy sheets off his body. The sun was high in the sky, and the alarm was ringing quite loudly.

Wake up, Craig. Your alarm's been ringing...

The alarm... Craig thought as he scratched his side, attempting his best to shrug off the final wisps of sleep.


His eyes shot open, immediately focusing on the loudly blaring clock on the desk beside his bed.

"No, no, no, no, no!" he hurriedly exclaimed, rushing about his room gathering his things. It was now 10:15; he was almost half an hour late for work. Craig grabbed his jacket as he flew out his bedroom door, a slice of bread half-stuffed in his mouth. He tumbled down the stairs in his hurry, his messy entanglement of limbs miraculously avoiding any major injury.

Careful now, I can't cast any healing spells in my current form.

Avoiding the faint buzz in his head from the fall, Craig continued on his way to his not-so-nice job at the local grocer.

"You're late," his boss flatly stated as he opened the door for the rocketing man.

Craig sheepishly grinned as he put on the old apron. His area of the neighborhood wasn't particularly known for well-mannered people, or really friendliness as a whole. In fact, there were regular reports of various crimes in and around the area; just one more reason he wanted to move.

The only problem? With his current amount of savings, he would never last long enough to find a new job.

Not that he was one to complain, however. As long as the money was steady, and roof over his head, he was perfectly fine with keeping the job. He needed the money, anyways. Living alone in the suburbs can be harsh sometimes.

Not completely alone, y'know...

Craig shot up from his seat, alarmed at the sound of a new voice. The store rarely had any newcomers, let alone anyone with a voice like that. The only people who'd have such a soft voice would be folks who lived in the next city over.

"H-hello?" Craig said meekly, listening for footsteps. The store was rather small, being a family-owned business and all. He had been hired for the sole purpose of filling in for a recently deceased member of the manager's family. That being said, Craig's ears focused on searching for the nonexistent sound of a customer.

Well, hello to you too.

There it was again; that voice... this woman, whoever she was, sounded pretty educated. In fact, she actually sounded rather similar to Craig's mother, with the exception of the lady's voice having a tinge of... something.

"You don't have to hide!" Craig called out in a far stronger voice, "If you're scared, it's fine. I understand that this town's not really all that great..."

What do you mean? I'm not hiding... I don't really know where I am, anyways... all I can see is this counter, and the door, and--

Wait, Craig thought as the feminine voice rambled on, that's what I see...

Really? I honestly don't know what's going on... I just woke up, with this strange... numbness to myself. I tried to move, but I can't really seem do do much else besides follow wherever this body's taking me...

Craig blankly sat at the counter, his eyes frozen wide as he stared straight ahead, carrying on his conversation with... whoever that was.


"Gah!" Craig yelled, falling from his stool. The manager impatiently tapped his foot as he returned a fierce glare towards Craig.

"Stop spacing off, Craig," the man threatened, "or I'll have to fire you."

You'd better listen to him, the voice spoke in Craig's mind, it wouldn't be nice to accidentally get you fired.

Yeah, Craig thought as he logged into the POS system, you're right.

So, I'm just wondering; just what do you do at your job, anyways? I've been watching you, or at least, your body, picking up various groceries and... zapping them with this weird thing.

Craig jolted in surprise after hearing the voice again.

"WHERE ARE YOU?!" He yelled angrily, standing up in a defensive position. He had finished his first shift, and was now in the back of the store, taking a nap.

What do you mean, where am I? I thought that you'd know where I was.

"Come out," Craig said again, softer this time. "I can't stand not knowing where you are anymore..."

Well, the voice replied meekly, I'm in this room full of... shelves. Lots and lots of shelves.

I swear, Craig thought as he fumbled about in thought, if you, whoever you are, are in the same room as me, I'll call the police for stalking.

Suddenly, a bright flash of light blinded him. He cried out in shock as he fell back on a towering stack of boxes, falling into said boxes as if they weren't even there. The light was immediately replaced by a faint magenta glow, seemingly emitted from his own hands.

I haven't even been able to see myself for a while. Lemme cast a spell to mirror myself.

Mirror yourself? Craig thought as he pulled himself from the boxes, his hands still lightly glowing.

His right arm shot up in front of him, completely out of his control. Craig immediately reacted by slamming his left hand down on his elbowpit, in attempt to push it back down.

"WHAT IS GOING ON?!" He wailed, the clattering sounds of falling storage bins filling his ears, "SOMEONE PLEASE CALL THE POLICE, A HOSPITAL, SOMETHING!"

Seriously, the voice calmly stated in an unnervingly soothing voice, calm the buck down. I'm only casting the mirroring spell.

"What the fu--" Craig began, before being cut of by a blast of light shooting from his palm. The light swirled about in front of him for a second or two, before collapsing on itself to form... a figure. At first, he wasn't able to tell what it was, considering how loosely formed it was before the light began to "freeze" in place, taking the form of what seemed to be either a large dog, or a tiny horse.

"Hello," the lighted figure greeted, "I am Twilight Sparkle."