• Published 29th Jul 2016
  • 15,718 Views, 109 Comments

The Bill-inning - EmperorDalek

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Chapter 4 (edited and spellchecked version)

Mini Boss Part 1

She was not too sure where she was. The castle was so vast and held so many varying pathways, corridors and hallways that it was not surprising that she had become somewhat lost. Fearful of the Luna-creature finding her again, she had stuck closely to corridors with windows or other escape routes.

Letting out a deep sigh she cursed under her breath. Still paranoid about Luna’s whereabouts in this terrible nightmare world, she was mentally kicking herself for bringing her sister into these things. With her on the long journey through this maze of darkness was the thought of encountering the Luna-beast, or even worse things. All she wanted now was just to return to having her sister by her side. She was alone in this terrible place that was ironically somewhere deep within her own mind.

She had not encountered anything as terrible as last night’s monstrosities, but the fear of them eventually turning up was ever-present. Especially in a place where literally anything can happen and anyone can appear at any time. Just as she was thinking about all this, her ear perked up at the sound of a deep clanking of machinery starting up! Her head turned, looking in the direction of where the sound had come from. But when she looked, her horn was empowering an offensive spell.

Her head turned, as she slowly rotated in place while looking down the hallway and without knowing when the approaching steps would finally reach her.

The running stopped and, as evidenced by the sudden whoosh, it had leaped into the air and taken flight. But it did not seem too slow, as it was still moving down through the hallway at a much faster speed.

As it flew through the dark spaces down the hall in front of her, it did not sound like the typical beating of wings. It was formless, like a shadow.

Standing her ground, she narrowed her eyes down the hall, preparing to cast the spell.

*Creature’s Pov*

With great speed it flew down through the corridors and hallways in its path. Its vision was uneven, constantly shifting from side to side. It was rather…unfocused to say the least!

However, eventually something stood out against the black walls with white outlines as it entered its field of vision! A quadruped form was standing at the end of the hallway and staring straight back at it. Its eyes narrowed, and while picking up speed, it was moving towards her at increasingly faster and faster speeds!

It released a hazed breath, letting it echo throughout the hall! Soon it was right in front of her, almost hitting her square in the face!

*Celestia Pov*

However, as Celestia turned her head, looking all around, nothing happened and there was nothing to be seen.

All of a sudden, the floor started to shake. In fact, everything was shaking! Debris started falling from the ceiling, cracking to pieces upon impact with the floor as the walls started to crack, letting beams of light shine in from the outside world. However, no matter how much she wanted to run, she was somehow paralyzed in place!

‘’What?!’’ she shouted, looking to both sides. ‘’No!’’

But in spite of her intense struggling, nothing she did seemed to be strong enough to move her hooves out of this terrible paralysis that had taken her over body.

Suddenly, the cracked wall shattered like pieces of glass, revealing a dark-purple sky with waves moving through it and moving toward the left.
The ground suddenly started to shake again. But it did not last for very long this time as a black figure emerged from underneath the cracked wall! The form of the creature looking down upon her was that of a demonic-looking worm! Four pink tentacles sprouted from a giant maw that was its mouth, and five eyes on both sides of its head. There were aquatic-looking fins on its head going back down along its blue body!

The large serpentine body of the creature moved through the air, just staring at her in silence. That was until the point at which, inexplicably, a box appeared in front of her, followed by text.

"Fool! I am the Great Blue Serpent, cursed to roam these wretched halls for all eternity…!" as some text within the box read.

"Huh! What is an 'Azetlor'’?" she responded, once she noticed a smaller box up in the left corner of the first box, displaying the name 'Azetlor' inside it. She absolutely had no idea what was happening!

"I have been lenient on you by granting you access into the deeper regions of my master’s castle… But no more… Our little game ends here! Prepare to die, mortal!" The box disappeared shortly afterward, leaving her staring up at the giant worm, but she was unable to read its face well.

It let out a mighty roar, which distorted her vision of it – despite the fact that she was looking right at it just as she had been doing this entire time. However, she saw it more clearly once the roaring stopped.

Suddenly, she felt that she could move again, and her ear twitched. Her head turned as she looked around at her surroundings with a confused glare on her face.

"Where in the world is… that coming from?" she asked herself confused, though despite moving her jaw up and down, she could only hear the words in her head. Seriously! This was a dream, but the weirdness was way off!

Meanwhile, the strange…music, or at least that is what she guessed it to be, because it didn’t sound like regular sounds, continued to surround her airspace.

Suddenly, a shadow formed above her, shrouding her in darkness. Becoming wide-eyed, she looked up above her as the creature labelled as "Azetlor" suddenly dropped down, its head crashing into the spot where she was! However, when she tried to move her legs normally, they wouldn't budge! Quickly looking down at her hooves, her face strained as she tried to once again get them to move, only to fail yet again! She looked back up, but when she did so, she was hit by the Azetlor-creature! Dust blowing up off the ground.

However, instead of being flattened, or worse, she was just knocked back out of the way. Her body flickering momentarily red, and then just in an unfocused manner.

"Ow!" she heard her own voice speak as it hit her, but without her actually opening her mouth.

"Okay! Seriously! What is going on?"Her mind screamed as the confusion exploded within her head.

As unexpectedly as everything else, a sudden box of text appeared in front of her. Before looking at the box, she looked up above her to make sure that it wouldn't hit her. Her jaw dropped as she saw Azetlor just… standing there, still directly above her.

"Not even going to bother asking this time!" she tells herself before guiding her eyes back down to the box, and beginning to read it.

"Hm…" she grumbled after reading it.

"Welcome, 'Princess' Celestia to a literal game of life and death. This game, as you might have noticed, is unlike any game you have ever played… However, your sister has played something like this many times so if she were here then you would have no trouble beating this little mini-boss in my service."

She growled internally to herself, turning her head to look around the hallway. Still, Azetlor was not making his move.

"Good. At least I won’t get injured in a realistic manner," she thought. Her eyes shifted back down to the box of text, staring at it with her "reading eyes".

"If you want to have any chance of progressing beyond my guardian, you must first defeat him, and you can only do so with the spells I see fit to leave you with."

"Wait, what?!"

"Have fun, kid!" it actually said to her. As she was freaking out from the sudden voice, jumping back away from the box, it disappeared amid a gentle and magical flurry of pixels.

The first thing to pull her back into reality was her restored mobility, which she became aware of just as Azetlor resumed slamming his body down against the ground!

As he picked himself up off the ground, she struck a stance, as if to show that she was ready to fight this demon. Suddenly, before she could even finish thinking, another box appeared in front of her, earning a frustrated groan from her. Instead of wasting time thinking about it too much, she instead quickly read the message. Once again, Azetlor was frozen in place. She quickly resumed scrolling through the text.

"Oh, I almost forgot to mention that your normal movement is useless in this 'virtual-world'. You can only move left and right, and even then you can only do so by thinking about it; your normal movement has been shut down." She groaned hard as this sunk in. "Also, all spells aside from levitation and a weak energy blast attack are useless here. However, the blast attack can be charged up in advance for greater damage, but don’t wait too long or it will only give your opponent enough time to strike you before you get a chance at him…"

"Huh, surprisingly helpful" she thought with a certain air of comfort.

"The only spell you are allowed to use is a shield "spell" which when well-timed allows you to get physically hit, but sustain no damage. The second is your standard teleportation spell for a quick last-minute save should you become desperate. Although I should warn you that you have a limited supply of these. Lastly, you have a heal spell that will allow you to recover all AP (Attack Points) and HP (Health/Hit Points), but these too come in a limited supply so use them sparingly. However, you will be able to restore your energy so that it can be re-used, but this takes one point from your HP. Aside from that, you can restore as often as you wish. K', got it? Okay, ciao!"

The text box folded in on itself until it was gone, immediately followed by reality resuming.

"Okay, I think I got most of that." she still heard herself say without actually moving her mouth.

"Let’s see… maybe if I…" she uttered in her mind while concentrating on achieving simple movement.

"Move left!" her mind called out.

Suddenly, as if some unnatural force inside her was manipulating her own body, she ran to the left. But, looking really awkward in the process. It was comparable to how a picture would move in the second dimension. She now had a greater respect for those simple tapestries on the walls in their castle back home.

The music started up again, and she quickly looked back up towards Azetlor, who with so many eyes, could not tell where he was looking exactly.

Narrowing her eyes, she started to run out, hurrying across his unfocused range of sight.

Suddenly, multiple red beams started appearing on the floor. She looked up, seeing that his eyes were starting to glow! She could only jump to conclusions about what it meant about his intended action! She looked back down towards the floor, which made here grow even more nervous when she saw that she was actually standing in the place where the presumed eye-beams would be fired!

Quickly, she did the only thing she could think to do. Closing her eyes, her horn started glowing! – Meanwhile his eye-beams are just about ready to fire! – Her horn erupted, surrounding her entire body in light as ten beams shot from his eyes, flying down through the air at speeds greater than even the fastest Pegasus! Colliding with the earth, and making the floor explode! Leaving behind a large, gaping crack in the floor.

Turning its head, it looked from side to side, staring down in many different directions as it looked for her. Its eyes started to glow, shortly projecting multiple beams down onto the ground, which scanned along the floor for her whereabouts. Meanwhile the crack in the floor resealed itself.

While it was searching for her, something suddenly exploded against the left side of its head. Its jaw dropped, and its entire body was shown to be red. It flickered for a minute, before being returned back to normal again. Its head turned, shifting its searchlight-eye-beams down at the spot where the blast had come from. But when it looked, there was nothing its eye-beam projections could detect.

Growling, Azetlor narrowed its eyes. Its head turned, looking first left, before briefly turning right. It snarled in frustration as it activated its eye-beam projections, looking them down on the ground.

With a loud growl, its head retracted back out of the of the cracked wall. Its body gently moving back and forth, almost like it was locked in some sort of movement pattern.

Jumping up into the air, her horn glowed, removing her invisibility spell. The eyes on the side of its head looked out, widening from surprise when they spotted her out of the blue! A red exclamation appearing above him, suspended in the air!

Her horn glowed, building up energy to fire at it! She figured that a normal attack would cause some damage, but powering up would probably double or even triple the damage being done to him!

Just at the moment when she had almost reached a high enough level of power, she suddenly faced an unexpected complication.

A slimy appendage suddenly wrapped itself around her leg. It pulled her out of her concentration, interupting the spell process and hanging her upside down. She struggled to free herself, punching the tentacles with her hooves and even kicking them. But nothing she did seemed to have any sort of impact. No matter how much it looked like the blows would have hurt someone else, they did not seem to have any effect. Her deduction was based on the consideration that the only time she had seen it be affected by her attacks was when it flickered red, then just flickered, before returning back too normal.

"Urgh! Let me go!" she shouted, continuing to bang her hooves against the tentacle. One other tentacle slithered up to her, grabbing her left hoof, while another took the right, and another took her hind legs, grabbing both the left and the right.

Another text box appeared, followed by readable text.

"Impressive, very impressive…" it then scrolled down, showing more text.

"But I am afraid that it is time to end your games, thus awakening you from your dream…"

Once again, it scrolled down to reveal more text. "You will never interrupt my master’s plans!"

The tentacles tightened their grip, squeezing so hard that she was on the verge of feeling bones breaking!

"I will rip you limb from limb! It is going to be fun!" she begrudgingly read with her eyes. Becoming wide-eyed with a frightened face as she looked back at it.

The box then disappeared, leaving her with a growing pain in her limbs, which was hurting more and more by the second!

Author's Note:

I added the image of Azetlor from the stylized version of Ghostbusters in case i didn't do a good enough job of describing the demi-god from the Ghostbusters Video Game:twilightsheepish: