• Published 28th Jun 2016
  • 5,509 Views, 93 Comments

Before You - Nordryd

Fluttershy is curious as to why her boyfriend has become so distant lately. But when she asks him about it, she discovers how haunted he still is by his past... and one event in particular that might be the seed of his fear.

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Ch.1: Scars

It was an early Saturday afternoon at the Canterlot Mall, and the place was packed. Groups of friends, couples, and families roamed the premises, shopping at the stores, eating in the food court, or just walking around and talking.

One place that was filled to the brim was the arcade. Either guys playing shooters, little kids trying to win the crane game (failing more often than not), or in one particular case, playing skee ball to win a ton of tickets for a prize. This particular case involved nobody else but Coppermane.

“C’mon, only a few more tickets,” Coppermane said.

It’d been a couple hours since he started, and it’s thanks to all the quarters he brought with him that he’s been able to go for so long. He almost had enough tickets to get a stuffed animal from the prize corner. He wasn’t one for stuffed animals… but Fluttershy certainly was, and tomorrow was their ten-month anniversary. Ten months with the most amazing girl in existence! Coppermane could hardly believe it.

Ten months ago, Coppermane’s life went from pathetic and worthless to amazing and beautiful, all thanks to just one girl. Fluttershy has given him so much: friends, love, and most important of all, a reason to live. If she never helped him on that fateful day, Coppermane wouldn’t even be playing skee ball right now. And Coppermane was going to do everything in his power to give Fluttershy an amazing day tomorrow to show her how thankful he is. To be honest, Coppermane would never be able to fully thank Fluttershy for everything she’s done for him, but he’d be damned if he didn’t try.

And he would start their special date by buttering her up with a big dinner, and then end it with tons of gifts: a new stuffed animal, jewelry, candy, flowers, a romantic love letter, a coupon for a day of shopping where he’ll buy her whatever she wants, and other textbook dating gifts. He couldn’t wait to see Fluttershy’s face when she saw all the presents.

He was only a few tickets short, and he was on his very last throw. He bit his lip, harnessing all the concentration he could muster. His eyes fixated on the 100 cup as he gripped the skee ball in his hand. His mind went crazy, doing rudimentary calculations to determine the proper force, angle of trajectory, and velocity to ensure he got the final 100 points he needed for Fluttershy’s new stuffed animal.

Gritting his teeth, he swung his arm, throwing the ball onto the lane. With amazing precision, the ball landed perfectly in the 100 cup, earning him the rest of the tickets he needed.

“Yes!” Coppermane cheered. He caught people giving him weird looks from his sudden outburst. He blushed profusely as he scooped his tickets in his arm, bolting for the ticket receipt machine to avoid everyone’s attention.

After feeding the tickets into the machine, it spat out a receipt that read 501 tickets. He went to the prize corner, and picked the cream-colored, pink-maned stuffed pegasus. A stuffed animal that looked just like Fluttershy. Uncanny, but perfect.

With gift number one out of the way, he was on his way out of the arcade to find her other gifts.


Coppermane and Fluttershy sat across from each other at the fanciest restaurant in town. It was in the city, and would be a little expensive, but it was a perfect way to spend their anniversary. For such a special occasion, it was worth it.

As they waited on their food, they took the time just to gaze into each other’s eyes. They both dressed up in their outfits from the Fall Formal, and Coppermane couldn't help but notice how beautiful Fluttershy looked. Fluttershy was liking how sharp Coppermane looked too.

They interlaced fingers, resting their joined hands on the table as they admired their significant other.

“Coppermane… thank you so much for bringing me here,” Fluttershy said.

“Anything for you, Fluttershy,” Coppermane said, squeezing her hand.

“This is going to be really expensive, Coppermane,” Fluttershy said. “Can I please help you pay?”

Coppermane shook his head. “Not a chance. This is on me.”

“Coppermane…” Fluttershy groaned.

“I insist, Fluttershy,” Coppermane said. “My goal today is to pamper you, regardless of the cost.”

Fluttershy blushed when she received a wink from Coppermane. “You’re just too sweet.”

Coppermane’s face matched Fluttershy’s hue. “I mean… I guess…”

Fluttershy giggled. “You are, Coppermane. You’re the sweetest guy I’ve ever met.”

Coppermane only blushed harder, looking away for a split-second. He knew he wasn’t special, but Fluttershy sure made him feel that way.

Fluttershy couldn’t help but giggle at Coppermane’s shyness. It was still the cutest thing ever.

“Are you ready for school next Monday?” Fluttershy asked.

“Eh… not really,” Coppermane said. “But… I have you now.”

Fluttershy smiled. “You sure do. And I’ll make sure no meanie ever hurts you. And you have everyone else too.”

Coppermane smiled. “I promise to keep you safe as well,” he lifted her hand up to kiss it. “No matter what.”

Fluttershy giggled as he kissed her hand. It was such a cute gesture, and always made her giddy.

And right then, their food arrived. A big sirloin steak and fries for Coppermane, and a garden salad for Fluttershy.

Fluttershy giggled when she saw Coppermane practically drooling over his steak. In the blink of an eye, he began cutting into it and devouring it. He’s probably the fastest eater she’s ever met. She could only roll her eyes and snicker. That’s her Coppermane.

Fluttershy started digging into her salad. When she was about a quarter of the way through, Coppermane was about three-quarters through his steak.

“My goodness, Coppermane, you’re going to make yourself sick,” Fluttershy said.

Coppermane looked down, and saw how little of his meal remained.

“Oh…” Coppermane said, chuckling. “I guess I could slow down a bit.”

Fluttershy smiled, and giggled a bit. He could be so silly sometimes.

“Here,” Fluttershy said, bringing a forkful of lettuce up and pointing it at Coppermane. “Eat some salad, just to balance things out a little.”

Coppermane feigned annoyance by rolling his eyes. “Do I have to?” he asked, smirking.

Fluttershy rose an eyebrow, making Coppermane chuckle. She brought the fork closer to him, and he met her halfway, eating the lettuce off the fork.

“Thanks,” Coppermane said. “Want a fry?”

“Sure!” Fluttershy said. Coppermane held a fry out to her, and Fluttershy took a bite right out of it. She couldn’t help but giggle. She loved it when he fed her.

After a few more minutes of talking, laughing, and flirting, they paid the check and left the restaurant. Fluttershy tried insisting on helping Coppermane pay the bill again, but he refused once again. It took some coaxing, but he reluctantly let her pay the tip.

To pamper Fluttershy even more, Coppermane carried Fluttershy out of the restaurant and to the car; something both parties loved. Fluttershy loved being held bridal-style by Coppermane, and Coppermane loved holding her. Plus, their faces were close enough for quick kisses as Coppermane walked. It was perfect!

Coppermane placed Fluttershy down behind his car, and gave her a big hug, which she immediately reciprocated.

“Thank you, Coppermane,” Fluttershy said, nuzzling his chest. “That was delicious.”

“Anything for my princess,” Coppermane said. “Ready to go back to my place? I have a surprise waiting for you.”

Fluttershy gasped. “A surprise? Really? Oh Coppermane, what else could you possibly do to make this night more wonderful?”

“You’ll see when we get back,” Coppermane said.

And with that, Coppermane opened the passenger door for her, and closed it once she was safely inside. He got in on the driver’s side, and with that, they were off to his house, where the rest of their date would take place.

Fluttershy waited outside Coppermane’s front door as he unlocked it. She could hardly contain how excited she was to see what her prince had in store for her.

“You ready?” Coppermane asked.

“Mmmhmm!” Fluttershy said.

“Close your eyes,” Coppermane said.

“Okay,” Fluttershy said, shutting her eyes.

“Watch your step,” Coppermane said, squeezing her hand.

Fluttershy heard the front door open, and felt Coppermane guide her carefully. She’s been in Coppermane’s house enough to know the general layout. For some reason, she was being led to the living room. He stopped walking, and positioned her accordingly. She couldn’t stop smiling. She was so excited.

She felt Coppermane let go of her. “Alright, open your eyes.”

Fluttershy did just that, and gasped at what she saw.

Laid out on the couch was an assortment of gifts. Not one… but several, and none of them looked cheap. One gift would’ve been more than plenty, but this was just amazing. A big stuffed pegasus, two bouquets of red and white roses (on the coffee table), a jewelry box, boxes of her favorite candies, and a letter.

“Coppermane…” Fluttershy cooed. “You shouldn’t have…”

“It’s all for you, Fluttershy,” Coppermane said. “Go ahead. Some of them still need to be opened.”

Fluttershy smiled, and tried to hold back her tears at the sheer number of gifts on the couch. She walked over, and picked up the first jewelry box. She opened it up, and gasped when she saw a beautiful bracelet, made of turquoise colored stones, and a single teal gem.

“Oh my goodness… it’s beautiful,” Fluttershy said, still fighting tears.

“Here,” Coppermane said, walking over to put it on for her.

Fluttershy giggled as he put her new bracelet on for her. Her tears were getting harder and harder to hold back.

“Almost as beautiful as you,” Coppermane said, making Fluttershy’s face heat up.

“Coppermane… thank you so much,” Fluttershy cooed.

Coppermane smiled and gave her a tender kiss.

“Only one more thing,” Coppermane said. He leaned down, and picked up the envelope, colored light green with a graphic of three pink butterflies.

Fluttershy gladly accepted the letter, still trying to fight her tears. The amount of gifts was overwhelming. She opened it up, eager to see what was inside. She pulled out a card, and opened it up to find a message, and a small, stray pieces of paper.

“What are these?” Fluttershy asked, examining the pieces of paper.

Coupon: Redeemable for a day of Shopping. Your prince will go with you to the mall, and buy you whatever you want. A princess like you deserves nice things, and your prince intends to give it to you. Redeemable at any time. And your prince loves you :D

Coupon: Redeemable for a hug/kiss from your prince. Can be redeemed infinitely many times.

Fluttershy giggled, sniffling from the tears building up behind her eyes. Coupons for affection. This was probably one of the cutest things she’s ever gotten from him. She turned her attention to the note, which finally forced a tear out.


Ten months ago, my life was nothing. I was lost, and had nowhere to go. I thought I was worthless. But then you came, and showed me the light for the first time. And for the last few months, you’ve made me the happiest guy in the world. You’re my best friend, and the love of my life. You give my life meaning. I feel so humbled to call the sweetest, strongest, prettiest, most amazing girl in the world my princess. I can’t wait to see what fate has in store for us next. Whatever it is, I know it’ll be amazing, because I’ll have you by my side.

With all my love,

Your Coppermane

Fluttershy’s tears could no longer be contained. Without a second thought, she gave Coppermane a huge, passionate kiss, throwing her arms around him. Coppermane wrapped his arms around her, and followed her every move. She could feel his passion radiate from his lips, making her melt in his arms. Tears continued to stream down her face, trickling onto Coppermane’s cheek, but he didn’t seem to mind at all.

“I love you so much,” Fluttershy said, immediately kissing Coppermane again.

Fluttershy felt Coppermane’s lips slowly take over the kiss, making her moan.

“I love you more,” Coppermane said, kissing her again. “Happy ten months.”

Before Fluttershy could even think, Coppermane returned to kissing her, making her moan. Nothing felt better than her prince’s kisses. Every time he kissed her, she felt loved and beautiful. She caressed his shoulders in return to show her how much she can love him.

Fluttershy couldn’t have asked for a more magical anniversary date if she tried.


Summer was coming to an end. Today was the last day before CHS started the school year. For Coppermane and Fluttershy, it had been one enjoyable summer. They decided to spend their last day of summer together, going to the beach, dinner, and now just hanging out in Coppermane’s room, cuddling.

But something was off. Ever since their ten-month anniversary, Coppermane has been acting… strange. For some reason, he’s been strangely… depressed. Despite this being their last week of summer, she hasn’t seen him hardly at all. When she did see him, like when they went to the beach, he was unusually somber.

He’s been acting a lot like when they first started dating. Still recovering from depression, and being scared.

Fluttershy figured their beach visit would be a good way to cheer him up. Sure, they didn’t do anything similar to their last visit, with Coppermane giving Fluttershy an accidentally sensual massage and getting to second base, but she figured at least wearing her two-piece swimsuit for him would help make him happy. But that didn’t work.

What’s worse is that he won’t talk to her. Even right now as she cuddled with him, he wasn’t saying a word. They’ve cuddled in silence plenty of times before, but this time it just felt… cold. Fluttershy could see some kind of pain in Coppermane’s eyes, and it made the atmosphere very somber.

Did something happen this week? Why was he being so quiet? Was he trying to distance himself from her?

“Coppermane?” Fluttershy asked.

“Hmm?” Coppermane grunted, not even sparing a glance.

“Are you okay?” Fluttershy asked.

Finally, Coppermane looked at her, and his eyes were dark.

“Um… y-yeah… why wouldn’t I be?” Coppermane asked.

Fluttershy wasn’t buying it. She sat up, and looked Coppermane dead in the eye.

“Coppermane, something’s wrong. I can see it in your eyes,” Fluttershy said. “You’ve been sad all week.”

Coppermane had no response. He just bit his lip and looked away.

“Coppermane?” Fluttershy cooed. “What’s wrong? You can tell me anything, remember?”

Coppermane sighed, and sat up, leaning back on the bedframe. He brought his knees up and held them in his arms, looking down. He looked hurt. Fluttershy whimpered, and moved closer to him, resting her hands on his shoulders.

“Coppermane, please. Let me help you,” Fluttershy coaxed. “I can’t let you go back to school feeling depressed. If you’re sad, I’m sad.”

Fluttershy felt a tug at her heartstrings when she saw a tear fall from Coppermane’s eye.

“Coppermane,” Fluttershy said, wiping his tear, “Will you talk to me? Let me help you. Please.” She gave him a kiss on the cheek. “I only want to make my prince happy. I love you.”

Those three words finally made Coppermane look at her. His eyes were bloodshot, shiny with tears.

He let out a long sigh, and pursed his lips.

“S-Sorry… I… I just have a lot on my mind,” Coppermane said.

Fluttershy smiled. He was talking now.

“Like what?” Fluttershy asked. “What’s going on in that cute little head?”

Fluttershy saw a small, yet sincere smile appear on Coppermane’s face, but it was short-lived.

Coppermane sighed. “Fluttershy… um… how have I been doing?”

Fluttershy looked confused. “What do you mean?”

“A-As your boyfriend,” Coppermane said. “Have I been… adequate?”

Fluttershy smiled. “Coppermane, don’t be silly,” she said, taking his hand in hers. “You’ve been more than adequate. I couldn’t ask for a better boyfriend if I tried.” She gave him a tender kiss on the cheek.

Coppermane pursed his lips. “So… you’re not thinking about… l-leaving me?”

Fluttershy’s eyes went wide. “What? Leaving you?”

“I feel like you’re not telling me something,” Coppermane said. “Like… there’s one fatal flaw I have that’s a deal breaker for you.”

Fluttershy couldn’t believe her ears. “Coppermane, why are you asking such questions? I told you that I would always be here for you, and that I would never leave you.” She gave him a tender kiss. “I love you with all my heart. I can’t bear the thought of losing you.”

It took a moment, but a small smile appeared on Coppermane’s face, making Fluttershy smile too. Unfortunately, this smile was also short-lived.

“So they were just stupid questions,” Coppermane said.

“Coppermane, stop bullying yourself like this,” Fluttershy said. “I can’t bear to see you do this to yourself.”

Coppermane looked down at the bed, refusing to make eye contact with her.

“Coppermane, did something happen this week?” Fluttershy said. “Something to make you question whether or not I love you?”

Coppermane pursed his lips, and a tear escaped his eye.

“I… I ran into someone from my past,” Coppermane said. “Someone from Crystal Prep.”

“Neon Lights?” Fluttershy asked.

Coppermane shook his head. “No. Someone else.”

“Someone else?” Fluttershy asked.

Coppermane nodded, looking shameful. “Fluttershy, you know I love you, right?”

Fluttershy managed a small smile. “Of course I do.”

Coppermane squeezed her hand. “Well… what if I told you… in the past at Crystal Prep… there was someone else I used to love… almost as much as I love you now?”

Fluttershy’s eyes went wide. “Someone… else?”

“I don’t have feelings for them now,” Coppermane said, “but there was a girl back at Crystal Prep whom I used to be head over heels for.”

“Really?” Fluttershy cooed.

“Yeah,” Coppermane said. “Before you… there was Sunny Flare.”

Author's Note:

I've been itching to write something else with my OC and Fluttershy, and this is what I came up with. This takes place before Colors of the Sun, and after Amorous.

I don't know, this chapter seems a little all over the place, and kind of bad to me. It's a lot shorter than my other Coppermane & Fluttershy things, that's for sure. I wrote this somewhat impromptu, and I think it shows. It was fun to write more fluff with them though. More is definitely planned. This is just setting the stage. Nevertheless, I feel like it's kind of lazy.

Either way, I hope you all liked it somewhat. Stay tuned for the next chapter. It'll be better than this, I promise. :twilightsheepish:

Peace out! :derpytongue2: