• Published 15th Jun 2016
  • 3,856 Views, 39 Comments

Equestria Girls: Digital War - Fear Ripper

While the boundaries of between dimensions were being torn during the Friendship Games, an unexpected repercussion occurred. The Digital world discovered their world. How will the Humane 7 when they get mixed in to the digital mayhem about to arise.

  • ...

Explanations over Tea

It was the next day after the girls caught Brave Heart doing his "Heroic Deed." He had convinced the girls to wait a day for their explanation, because he was worn out after the battle with Wendigomon.
Now, it was the end of the school day, and the girls were standing outside a door of an apartment complex. Which was where Brave Heart told them to meet him.
They rang the bell. A few seconds later the door opened, but instead of the expected Brave Heart, Dorumon answered the door.
"Hello, friends of Brave Heart" The purple digimon said.
The girls replied nervously with small "Hello's."
"Well you all should com in. Brave has been expecting you." He invited them in.
They had all entered a moderate looking apartment. It was about average size and generic looking as there was no distinct features. There was a small kitchen next to the living room with a T.V, a couch, and a medium sized coffee table in the center. The door to the kitchen opened, revealing Brave Heart.
He noticed the girls and smiled.
"Hey girls! Welcome to my home. The tea will be ready soon, so why don't you all make yourselves comfortable in the living room! I'll be there in a moment." He said returning to the kitchen.

A few moments later, the eight of them were sitting around the coffee table while dorumon was sitting on the couch.
"*Slurp* Hah~. Sorry for the wait, I don't usually have guests so I was unprepared. And as for how plain my apartment is, I haven't had time to decorate since I moved here." Brave Heart said.
"Oh, it's no trouble at all darling. But, you said your home. Does that mean you live alone?"
"Yup, that's right. I live alone." This surprised the girls.
"All by yourself?" Applejack asked, " But what about your parents?"
Brave Heart's smile remained, but his eyes showed a faint sadness.
"They aren't around anymore, if you know what I mean."
They knew exactly what he meant.
"Ah, ah'm sorry for bringing it up sugacube." AppleJack said regretfully.
Brave Heart just waved it off, "Eh, it's alright! You didn't know know, and I've already made my peace with it. But it still kinda tough subject to talk about."
Wanting to change the subject, Fluttershy spoke up.
"So how do you pay for it if you live here alone?"
"My uncle, who is my guardian, is paying for it until I graduate, so I have time to focus on school."
While the rest of them were engaged in the conversation, Rainbow quickly lost her patience.
"Alright, enough small talk. Let's get down to what we're really here for." then all eyes fell on Brave Heart.
"Oh, that's right, you wanted to ask me about yesterday." The girls face fault at their idiotic male friend. "I knew I couldn't keep this secret from all of you any longer. Feel free to ask me any questions you want."
"Alright, how about we start off with what the hell that thing you were fighting was? As well as your little friend there." She pointed at Dorumon.
"Well what I fought yesterday was a Wendigomon. That, as well as Dorumon, are known as Digimon."
"Short for digital monsters. Digital data turned flesh and blood."
This shocked the girls.
"B-but how is that possible?" Twilight stammered.
"Hm, perhaps a little background is in order. Ahem! Digimon, like Dorumon, originate from a world. A different dimension separate from our own. The digital world is a world made up of computer data and the emotions of mankind, and originated from humans first reaction of computers. With the birth of this new world, it also birthed new life. Namely, the digimon. As computers and technology evolved, the digital world expanded to what it is today."
The girls took time to take in the information, until,
"That. Is. Amazing!" Twilight said as she started to examine Dorumon. "Computer data turned into a living breathing species! There's so much we can learn from them!" As she observed the digimon, her friends sweat drop at her egg-headedness.
"Alright, so we know what they are, but what does any of this have to do with you?" Rainbow asked, catching Twilight's attention once again.
Brave Heart's smile grew.
"Great! Now I can go into my hero origin story!" The girls rolled their eyes. "Alright, here we go. It all started one fateful night, about one month ago."
(Flash Back)
It was a lonely night at Brave Heart's apartment. The girls were all busy with their own devices, so he went home to do some online gaming.
Brave Heart sat at his desktop computer, mashing away at the keyboard.
"Haha! Now B Team, distract it till we attack… Yeah! We did it!" He said.
In his brief moment of celebration, a message window opened up on the screen.
"Huh? What's this?"

*A rare mission has been unlocked! Do you wish to continue?*


The message read.
"Oh! A rare Mission! Alright, I accept."
Brave Heart clicked yes on the message, which made another message pop up.

*Thank you for accepting.*

*Mission: Acquire the box within the shrine in under 2 else something terrible will happen.*

Suddenly, the screen started to warp, until it shut off.
"Huh? Ah man! Was that a fake message? Did it have a virus?"
The screen suddenly turned back on, but it was an all white screen. The screen started to shine brighter and brighter, until it filled the whole room. The light was so intense, that Brave Heart had to shield his eyes.

The light had eventually died down, and Brave opened his eyes. He found himself standing in a wide, grassy plain.
"Whoa! Where am I? Is this a dream?" Brave started to freak out.
Before Brave could go any further, he realized there was some sort of shrine in front of where he was. In front of the shrine stood a stone pedestal, with a metal suit case resting on top.
"Well, seems as good as any place to start looking for answers." So he started trekking towards the shrine.
Suddenly, he sensed a danger and jumped back. A small explosion happened where he once stood. In front of him landed a purple fox-dragon creature.
"What the hell are you?" He yelled.
High above them, some sort of countdown clock appeared and counted down from two minutes .
"A clock? Wait, just like the mission said!" He gazed at the creature, then the shrine. "Well, I guess I have no choice."
Brave Heart charged at the creature and reeled back his arm for a punch. He swung, but the creature ducked under his arm and head butted him in the abdomen. Brave Heart skid back some by the force. The creature dashed forward intent on slashing him with his claws. Only for Brave Heart to side step out of the way and delivered a powerful spin kick to the creatures torso sending it back.
The two exchanged blow for blow until both felt the sting of fatigue and stood across from each other. Both were covered in bruises and breathing heavily.
"*Huff. Huff.* You're pretty tough, whatever you are." Brave Heart said. The creature grunted as if returning his compliment. Brave Heart looked up to the clock, there were thirty seconds left counting down.
'I can't waste any more time fighting this thing. If what the mission said was true, something terrible will happen if I don't get that case. I need to finish him... wait." He observed his surroundings, and saw the creature just standing in front of the shrine. Like it was protecting it.
'That's it!'
Brave Heart mustered up what remained of his strength, and full on charged at the creature. Sensing this, the creature also charged at full force. The two were closing in on each other. Closer, and closer, until! Brave Heart surprisingly jumped over the creature with a front flip. The moment he landed he made a mad dash for the shrine.
The creature snapped out of his surprise and chased after him, but it was already too late as Brave Heart grabbed the case and lifted it off the pedestal, in turn stopping the count down with three seconds to spare.
"Haha! Alright! Mission complete… now what?"
"Well done boy." a deep, male voice boomed through the air.
The world around him suddenly shattered around him like glass. The world around him was now a black voice, and he was seemingly standing on nothing.
"You have passed my test." The booming voice came from behind him.
Brave Heart slowly turned around, and saw a truly magnificent being. It was a quadrupedal yellow dragon with a long tail and neck, three toes on each foot, and a claw on each toe. Its body is covered in golden scales . It has eight red eyes,three on each side of the head, and two on its top. It has two long horns on the back of its head, and six large tusks on its back. It also looked like it had eight red orbs on its back.
Brave Heart was shocked to say the least was shocked to say the least, and slightly stepped back in fear.
"Do not be alarmed boy. I am not here to harm you." it said,
Regaining his composure, Brave Heart spoke up, "Who, what are you?"
"I am Fanglongmon. Digimon sovereign and god of the Digital World."
"Digimon? Digital World? What is all that?" The sovereign began to explain what Digimon and the Digital World are. (Same explanation he gave to the girls). Brave Heart was shocked or what seemed like the hundredth time tonight.
"Incredible. Another world, and creatures made of data." But one question still remained, "What does all of this have to do with me, Lord Fanglongmon?"
The God paused, before he continued, "I will get to that, but first a bit of my worlds history. You see, long ago there was a being created from the negative emotions of humans, such as hatred, anger, sadness, etc. His name was Apocalymon. He used his powers and tried to take over the Digital world, and spread the emotions that were used to create his very being. To complete his task, he had to destroy the two digimon who ruled at the time. AncientGreymon, the one who rose the Sun, and AncientGarurumon, the one who rose the moon."
"Wait," Brave Heart interrupted, "Rose the Sun and Moon? It doesn't happen naturally?"
"No, unlike the human world, digimon have a great control on the environment. Those who are powerful enough to rule could be powerful enough to inherit these two abilities. There are many types of digimon, but all of them draw their power from either the sun or the moon. So these abilities of raising both were granted to regulate the power, and no one digimon could abuse the power."
"Very fascinating."
"Now as I was saying. Apocalymon wanted to gain the power over the sun and moon, there for controlling the balance of power over the lesser digimon that draw power from the two. A war had broke out between those who serve under Apocalymon and the united force of the Sun and Moon Digimon. In the end, AncientGreymon, AncientGarurumon, as well as the other Eight legendary warriors were able to defeat Apocalymon, but it wasn't enough for him to be defeated only for his data to be reconfigured and be born again. In response, the other four sovereign and I sealed the evil in what's known as the Zero Dimension. Where he remains in a void of nothingness for eternity. Peace had reigned over the Digital World, but only for a brief time. Even though Apocalymon had been sealed, a portion of his influence had remained. The Sun and Moon digimon started to detest one another, attempting to prove that which side is more powerful. Sadly the influence had affected those who rule as well. AncientGreymon and AncientGarurumon refused to lower the Sun and Moon. One thing lead to another, until they had declared war on each other, and split the world in half. Sun and Moon both opposing one another. This war waged on for over three hundred years."
"Wait, hundred? Our worlds computers aren't nearly as old as that."
"Time moves faster in the Digital World compared to the human world. A day could be a week, a week turned months, and months turned to a year."
"Okay, I understand. Please continue."
"As I was saying, the Digital World today has changed significantly. Half the world belongs to the sun and the other half the moon. Although, due to various imbalances in the dimensional barrier, caused by events in the human world, both factions had discovered something very grave. A portal to the human world." Fanglongmon paused for the information to settle in. "Observing the humans through these portals, they deemed humans weak and beneath Digimon. The two factions then came to the first agreement in centuries. After years of war and destroying their own people the two current rulers, WarGreymon of the Sun, and MetalGarurumon of the Moon, made an agreement. Whoever conquers the human world shall lower their side and claim dominance of both."
"What!?" Brave Heart yelled, "But, you're the Digimon God! Can't you do something about it?"
"With my great power comes great responsibility, as well as great restraints. As a God, I can't interfere with mortal affairs unless absolutely necessary. Such as my involvement in sealing Apocalymon." Brave Heart clenched his fist and looked down in disappointment. "But I draw the line at my subjects attacking a world that can't defend itself." He then gazed at the sovereign with hope. "I may not be able to intervene, but I can give your world a fighting chance."
Suddenly, something appeared on Brave Heart's left wrist. It looked like some sort of wrist watch. It covered his whole wrist, the square screen was surrounded by a circle that had some sort of runes engraved in them. Three buttons rested just below the screen, and some sort of slot port on its right side. It's color looked like a dull and lifeless gray.
"That, boy, is a digivive. I had sought out Digimon who detest this war, and they have agreed to help save your world from the wrath of theirs. Should you choose to accept this mission, you will lead a team of digi-destined children like yourself as well as Digimon partners to fend off opposing Digimon."
Brave Heart wanted to accept in a heartbeat, but questions still remained. "Why children? Aren't there more powerful and qualified leaders in the world that have more experience? Like the military?"
"Children can better bond with Digimon, because they are still growing and maturing. They can grow stronger alongside their Digimon with the bonds they share. Adults of your world are already developed and too closed minded. Probably see all Digimon as a threat and experiment of them."
Brave Heart nodded in agreement.
"But why me? There must be someone out there that would make a better leader than me."
"In my search, I sought out a child who has a heart filled with justice and a need to help others. Destiny lead me to you. The shrine was a test to see what kind of leader you would be. During you fight with the Digimon you realized that it's only objective was to keep you from getting the box. Should you have chosen to stay and fight you would have failed the mission, and I would have erased your memories and searched for another. But you kept the objective in mind and completed the mission. You aren't reckless, or a fool." Brave Heart nodded once again. "I understand if you choose not to accept this task, but-"
"I'll do it!" Brave Heart interrupted the God. The sudden agreement surprised the sovereign. "If Digimon are leaking into our world then they will have to go threw me first! I won't let anyone be harmed while I have the power to do something about it. I swear on my honor as a hero!"
It was silent, until a small chuckle from the sovereign turned into full blown laughter.
"Hahaha! You are one interesting human, boy. Alright, I will now grant you the power."
The digivice glowed lightly, then instead of a lifeless grey, it changed to a red color.
"That shows that you are now connected to the digivive as well as your Digimon partner." The metal case from earlier levitated in front of Brave Heart, "In the case holds seven more digivices similar to yours."
Brave Heart opened the case and saw he was right, but the others were cold and lifeless like his was originally.
"Each hold a Digimon within, but they are sleeping. They shall only awaken when their destined partners prove themselves worthy of their power. Any other information of the digivices functions can be found within."
"Wait, when will I meet my partner?"
"You have already met him." Brave Heart was confused, until he felt a slight tug on the back of his shirt. He turned around and saw the same purple dragon-like Digimon.
"Um, hi." it said.
"Oh! So you're my partner?"
"That's right, I'm Dorumon!" Suddenly Brave Hearts digivice emitted a beeping sound. When he brought it up, a holographic screen popped up showing a picture of Dorumon and various data about him.
Digimon Analyzer:
Dorumon- Rookie Level- Beast type- Data Attribute.
Special Attacks: Dash Metal, Dino Tooth, Metal Cannon, and Hyper Dash Metal
No other data available.
Brave Heart read out loud.
"Yup! That's me. Nice to meet you partner!"
"Likewise, let's fight alongside each other!" The human and Digimon shook hands/claws.
"Good, you two are getting along. Now go, find your team, and protect your world! I will be watching over.” Fanglongmon said.
With that, everything went dark.

Brave Heart woke up on the floor of his apartment. It was the morning of the next day.
“Huh? Was that a dream?” He asked himself.
But the moment he noticed his digivice and the metal case next to him, he concluded that it was real. Although, something was missing. Actually, it was someone.
“Dorumon? Are you here?”
“I’m in here.” His partners voice emitted from his digivice.
“You’re in my digivice? But how do I get you out?”
As if on cue, the digivie responded in a generic computer voice.
“Voice recognition required for Digimon realization.”
“Realize? Um, Dorumon: Realize!”
Data started to leak out of the digivice and spiraled into a cocoon until it dissipated, revealing Dorumon.
“That feels kind of weird.” the Digimon said.
That day was the beginning of the greatest adventure of his life.
(End Flashback)
“And that’s my story.” Brave Heart concluded.
The girls mouths were agape in shock.
“You met a god? Awesome!” Rainbow Dash yelled.
The others agreed, but to a lesser extent of excitement, except for Pinkie.
But Brave Heart got a smug grin,
“It is pretty awesome isn’t it?” He then dramatically struck a heroic pose. “And now, with the powers bestowed upon me by Lord Fanglongmon, and with my Digimon partner, Dorumon!”
“Our mission is set in stone! Find the rest of digi-destined! Delete every Digimon that threatens the safety of the Innocent! And save the world! That is our path to becoming heroes!” He struck a final pose, with Dorumon who joined it.
The room was silent. Brave Heart and Dorumon held the pose, the girls, except for Fluttershy and Pinkie, gave them a deadpanned stare. The only sound that could be heard was Pinkie clapping, being the only one who enjoyed it.
After holding their pose, the two gave up and huddled together in a corner while Brave Heart pulled out a small hand book he got from who-knows-where.
“Why aren’t they cheering? We did everything the manual said to do.” Brave Heart muttered.
“Maybe I should stand on the left instead of the right.” Dorumon said.
‘Idiots.’ was the girls mutual thoughts.
Fluttershy raised her hand, “Um, Brave Heart? I have a question, if you don’t mind.” she asked shyly.
“Oh yes, what is it?”
“By “Delete” do you mean kill?”
The temperature in the room immediately dropped. The girls looked at Brave Heart and waited what felled like ages for an answer.
“Hmmmm, not exactly.” he said while scratching his chin, “You see, even in our world Digimon are still data. When their bodies are destroyed, their data just get’s reconfigured. I suppose they do “Die” in a way, but it’s more like reincarnation. Because the reconfigured data form into a digi-egg, and hatches into a new Digimon.” He pulled out the egg from the other day and placed it on the coffee table. “Even if the body is destroyed, the digi-core, which are like the Digimon’s hearts, remain and form the digi-egg. So Digimon never “Truly” die.” The girls sigh in relief. “And now, here’s another responsibility I have”
He carried the digi-egg to the desktop in the corner of the room. He held out his left are with the digivice toward the computer.
“Digi-port open!” A small blue portal opened on the computer screen, surprising the girls. “After defeating the Digimon, I send their digi-eggs back to the digital world.” He tossed the egg through the portal, and it immediately closed.
“Okay, so why is it this town?” Sunset asked, “Why isn’t it any where else in the world?”
“From what Lord Fanglongmon told me, the imbalance of the dimensional barriers happened in this town. Happening about three months ago.”
Both Sunset’s and Twilight’s eyes widened in realization. Three months ago were the events of The Friendship Games.
“Twilight. Sunset.” Brave Heart said to get their attention. “Considering those stories you girls told me about what happened before I transferred, I can probably know what you’re thinking. I’ll start out by saying this, it’s not your fault.”
“But we-!” he held up a hand to stop them.
“It’s all in the past, and doesn’t matter now. You may have done things may have aided in the current events, but you never intended for it to happen. I wouldn’t blame either of you, because you didn’t know it would happen.” The two girls hesitated for a moment, but nodded appreciating his words.
“Okay, one more question,” Applejack said, “Why didn’t you tell us?”
Brave Heart paused.
“Remember what I said yesterday when I left school?”
“The hero must keep this secret from the ones he cares about to protect the. It’s not that the hero doesn’t trust them, in fact it kills them inside because they can’t tell them. But if the ones they care about knew it would get them involved and put them in even more danger!”
(Flashback End)
“You didn’t want us to get involved?” Rarity asked
“But how would us knowing get us involved?” Applejack asked.
“Girls, you’re all great friends, and that’s what I love about you. But could you honestly say that you would just sit idly by while I’m out there fighting?”
She didn’t answer.
“*Sigh* But I knew you all would find out eventually. You’re all too curious for your own good. Especially Twilight.”
“Hey!” Said egg-head yelled.
“I’m sorry i didn’t tell you girls sooner, but i wanted to take this time to get stronger.”
“Why?” a soft voice said.
All eyes turned to Fluttershy.
“Why do you need to get stronger? Is it so you can be a hero? Even so, is it worth risking your life?”
There was silence once again, as the rest of the group began to agree with their shy friend.
Brave Heart’s face took on a solemn look.
“Fluttershy I-!”
Brave Heart stopped mid sentence and looked around like he heard something. Dorumon’s ears perked up and the pupils of his eyes turned from normal to a slitted dragon eye shape.
“What’s wrong darling?” Rarity asked.
“A Digimon just appeared.” He said.
“What? How do you know?”
“It’s an ability I acquired when I bonded with Dorumon. When Digimon go through the dimensional portal and enter our world they give off some kind of melody that I and other Digimon can hear.” He explained.
“Dorumon” His partner nodded, before turning into data and flowed into the digivice. “Stay here girls, I’ll be back.”
He turned to exit his apartment, but two strong hands grabbed his shoulders stopping him. He saw that both Applejack and Rainbow Dash holding him, both with stern looks on their faces.
“We ain’t letting you go alone this time Sugarcube.” Applejack said.
Brave Heart shook his head defiantly. “No, you can’t come with. It’s too dangerous for you all.”
Sunset stepped up and said, “But it doesn’t stop you from going.”
“It’s not as dangerous for me because-”
“Yeah, yeah. You have a Digimon partner and powers now.” Rainbow interrupted, “But like you said earlier, we aren’t going to sit by while you’re out there fighting the good fight. I want a front row seat to the action.”
The others nodded in agreement, and stood defiantly against Brave Heart.
“*Sigh* There’s nothing I can say to convince you, is there?” The girls shook their heads. “Alright, but keep out of site. I wouldn’t know what I would do if I couldn’t protect you all.”
With that they left.

The rag tag group of friends followed the melody Brave Heart was hearing to a busy four way intersection. A large digital field surrounded the area. Cars on all sides were parked just outside the thick fog, not knowing how to get around it.
“That’s a large digital field. Must be a strong Digimon in there.” Brave Heart said. He faced the girls, “Remember what I said, stay out of site.” The girls nodded.
The eight of the discreetly entered the digital field. The thick fog made it hard to see anything around them while they wandered.
“Excuse me, Brave Heart?” Twilight said.
“Yes, Twilight?”
“I was wondering. Why do these “Digital Fields,” appear when a Digimon go through the portal? And why the Digimon stay in the digital field. Could they not just roam around when they enter our world?”
“That’s a great question Twilight. The reason they stay in the digital field is because they need it to stay in physical form until their bodies adapt to survive in the human world.”
“Yes. You see, the fog is actually a portion of the digital world's atmosphere that is leaked along with the Digimon. Without it the Digimon who travel to our world couldn’t keep a physical form since they would still be data. With the digital fields their bodies can take a physical form and slowly adapt to the human world until they can keep their physical form without the field.”
“Wow, fascinating.” Twilight said taking notes from a notebook that she got from who-knows-where.
“I just wish it wasn’t so hard to see through. I can barely see in front of me. Dorumon, do you sense anything?”
“Yeah, but something isn’t right. I can sense that there is a Digimon here, but I can’t tell where they are.” Dorumon said.
“Strange, well it’s time to get to work. Dorumon: Realize!” Dorumon had realized as the both got ready for battle.
“Gear Stinger!”
What looked like a barrage of glowing needles shot towards both Brave and Dorumon. Fortunately, they jumped out of the way.
What flew out of the fog was a bee like Digimon. It was about the size of an average sided dog, it had brown stripes over its yellow body. Six legs that had brown colored talons on them, two blue antennas stuck out of its head with three small, circular, green gems in between. Two sets of black insect wings on its back, and a long stinger sticking out of its thorax.
Said Digimons data appeared on Brave Hearts digivice.
Digimon Analyzer:
FanBeemon- Rookie Level- Insectoid Type- Virus Attribute.
Special Attacks: Gear Stingers and 88 Call.
This little Digimon is a strong, dedicated worker due to its personality being so cheerful. Alone it may not be strong, but are greater with the help of its hive.
“Only a rookie level? Why would it cause such a huge digital field?” Brave Heart questioned.
“Fanbeemon aren’t known to be that strong, they usually defend their own hive and work to expand their home.” Dorumon said.
“Well, at least this will be a quick battle.” Brave Heart and Dorumon prepared to swiftly delete the Digimon.
“Gear Stinger!”
Suddenly, two Gear Stinger attacks from two different directions shot the two of them in the back.
“Gah!” Both of them yelled as they fell to one knee.
“Brave Heart!” The girls yelled.
Out of the fog, two more Fanbeemon appeared.
“Three!?” Brave Heart exclaimed. “But only one Digimon at a time should be able to go through the portal.”
Dorumon’s eyes widened in realization. “Brave, I think I know what’s going on.”
Before the Digimon could explain, the antennas of the first Fanbeemon glowed a bright red.
“88 Call!” They called.
Out of nowhere, a sudden swarm of Fanbeemon flew out of the fog and gathered around the first one, who seemed to be the alpha. In total there looked to be about 30.
Brave Heart’s face showed shock. He looked at his surroundings and spotted an abandoned car.
“Girls! Hide behind that car!” Sensing the seriousness in his voice, they did as he said. Both Digimon and human got to their feet. “Dorumon, what’s going on here?”
“From what Lord Fanglongmon told us, the portal is unstable and can only send one Digimon at a time that has the power limit of a champion. The Fanbeemon alone aren’t powerful on their own, but when fighting with their hive they have the combined power level of a mid-top tier champion. So it would make sense for them to be able to travel here together.” Dorumon explained.
“Foolish.” The lead Fanbeemon said to Dorumon, “You betray your own kind to aid the humans, and fight with a human scum like this? How pitiful.”
Dorumon was angered, “More pitiful to attack a world that can’t defend itself? I don’t know what WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon were thinking, but this world shouldn’t get caught in our world's affairs.”
Fanbeemon sneered, “You are more foolish than I thought. These humans are weak, and the Digimon are the strong. The weak will always crumble under the strong. Just as the Sun with always be stronger than the moon! We will conquer this weak world for the sun and prove the moon will always be out shined!” It’s red glowing antennas glowed, and the other Fanbeemon responded as if they understood. The horde charged at the human and Digimon.
“Get ready partner. This isn’t going to be easy.”
Three Fanbeemon charged at the two ready to stab them with their stingers. But they dodged in different directions to avoid the attack.
The same three Fanbeemon flew towards Brave Heart, only to be punched and knocked to the ground by his Digi-soul coated fist. The Fanbeemon immediately turned into digi-eggs.
“These guys don’t seem that durable.” He said.
Dorumon charged forward and charged his attack.
“Dash Metal!”
His attack hit two more Fanbeemon, which turned them into digi-eggs also.
“We have to finish this quickly. The girls are still in danger.” Dorumon said.
So the battle waged on the horde began a relentless attack to try and overwhelm the two, but they held their own. Attack after attack, they were able to dwindle down the number of their horde, but not without taking damage to themselves. Fatigue start to plague the two partners as the attacks became relentless as well as the pain of their many injuries.
Brave Heart and Dorumon regrouped together and stood to face the horde of Fanbeemon. They panted heavily as they tried to remain on their feet.
They have only managed to take down twelve of them. Leaving around twenty left to defeat.
“How are you holding up Brave?” Dorumon asked.
“Not good partner. My digi-soul is half gone, and I’m running on fumes at this point. But remember article two of the hero code!”
“Yeah! Never give up.” Dorumon quoted the hero manual.
Just when they were ready to attack,
“C’mon Brave! You can take ‘em!” The voice of Rainbow Dash yelled from behind their hiding spot.
The horde of Fanbeemon diverted their attention from the partners to the group of girls.
“Rainbow Dash! You gave us away!” Sunset yelled.
“Sorry! I got too excited!” Rainbow said.
The Fanbeemon’s stingers began to glow and charge their attack.
“Oh no! Girls I’m coming!” Thinking fast, Brave Heart pulled out a battle chip that looked like a shield.
“Download: Barrier!” Brave Heart and Dorumon dashed in between the girls and the Fanbeemon. He thrusted his hands forward, and a transparent barrier appeared in front of them.
“Gear Stinger!”
Multiple Gear Stinger attacks were fired by all of the Fanbeemon, but were blocked by the barrier. Unfortunately that didn’t stop them from relentlessly firing more stingers in hopes of overwhelming them.
Brave Heart and Dorumon struggle to keep the barrier up as the girls real back in fear.
“Girls, now’s your chance. You need to get out of here!”
“But we can’t leave ya’ here.” Applejack said.
“Don’t worry about me! It’s too dangerous for all of you to be here. Dorumon and I can take them from here.”
“You too can’t fight in the state you’re in. If you don’t flee now you might get hurt, or worse!” Twilight said.
“Is this really worth trying to prove that you’re a hero?”
“That’s not it!” Brave Heart yelled. Which silenced the girls.
“I mean, at first it was, but it’s more than that! I know the risks of what I’m doing, I know I could very well lose my life. But if I won’t do it who will? Lord Fanglongmon chose to give this power to me and Dorumon chose to be my partner. I can’t just do nothing while these Digimon intend to harm innocent people. I won’t stand for it! I have this power, so I want to use it to protect everyone! That’s the kind of hero I am!”
Suddenly, cracks started to appear in the barrier and eventually broke. Brave Heart and Dorumon were hit with dozens of needles making sparks fly everywhere, and forcing them to crash into the car the girls were hiding behind.
“Brave Heart! Dorumon!” The girls screamed in worry.
The lead Fanbeemon smirked, “You’re care for your fellow human scum will be your downfall. Now it’s time to end you, so there will be no one to oppose us.” It flew towards the partners readying his stinger to end them. Just as it was about to land the final strike.
It was suddenly knocked away by a blunt object, sending it flying back to it’s horde.
What knocked it back was Rainbow Dash holding a discarded metal pole in her hand and standing defensively in front of Brave Heart.
“Stay away from him you sorry excuse for a honey bee!” She yelled.
“Rainbow Dash? I told you to run.” Brave said
She just turned her head and smirked, “You said you can’t just stand by and watch the innocent get hurt, right? Well I can't just stand by while I see my friend getting hurt either!”
“Us Neither!” The rest of them stuck together with Rainbow to protect Brave.
“We may not be able to do what you do, but we can at least stay by your side!”
“Friends are always here for each other, so we can’t just leave you.”
“We’ll show these meanies what we can do together. Even if we can’t fight.”
“They will have to get past us if they ever threaten our friend.”
“I’m scared, I’m terrified. But I’m afraid of running away even more!”
Rarity, Applejack, Sunset, Pinkie, Twilight, and Fluttershy exclaimed.
“Girls…” Was all Brave Heart could say in awe of his friends statements.
Erratic beeping came from Brave Heart’s digivice. The screen started to shine brighter and brighter, until seven lights shot out and circled around the girls.
The lights stopped and presented themselves to each of them. The lights faded, revealing themselves at the other digivices.
Once they attached themselves to the girl's wrists, the all changed color.
Rainbow Dash had a cyan colored digivice with a red collared buttons.
Sunset’s was a burnt orange with a black buttons.
Rarity’s had a white and lavender color scheme.
Applejack’s was and orange color with red buttons.
Pinkie Pie’s was a light pink with darker pink buttons.
Twilight's was a dark purple, with pink buttons.
Finally, Fluttershy’s was a yellow with light pink buttons
“The other Digivices? Then that means you're the other Digidestined!” Brave Heart said.
Data started to flow out of each of their digivices and formed into other Digimon.
In front of Rainbow Dash is a bipedal dragon Digimon with blue skin and red eyes. It has white coloration in its belly and snout, a small horn on its nose, two ear-like appendages on its head, a yellow "V"-shaped mark on its forehead, and two yellow upside-down triangle marks under its eyes. It has five fingers on its hands and three toes on each foot, and a claw on each finger and toe.
In front of Rarity was was a tall, bipedal, yellow fox Digimon. It has fur sticking out from its shoulders and has a furry chest. The only form of clothing on it was the purple sleeves, which has a yin-yang symbol on each, and has three fingers and claws on each hand. Swirling symbols can also be seen on its knees, which are yellow, like most of her body. She also has long, white, three-toed legs and a long, white-tipped tail.
Applejack's was a bipedal blue dog with black nose and claws, yellow eyes, a white belly and mane, and white tail tip, feet tips, snout, inner ears, and a yellow cross-shaped mark in the forehead. It wears a red bandanna, white bandages on its arms, and red and black boxing gloves on its hands.
In front of Pinkie a flowering bud with a green body with stretchy arms and legs, and a pink head with a yellow leaf on the top of it, and a pair of eyes and a mouth which resemble three black dots. It flies by lightly spinning its leaf.
The Digimon in front of Fluttershy was a lop-eared rabbit like Digimon. It had brown fur with pink patches and is pink on the end of its ears, and three horns protruded from the top of its head.
Twilight’s was a pink rabbit like Digimon with white fur and two sets of ears. The ears were covered in purple fur but had pink crescent moons on the. Yellow crescent moons could be seen on its chest, arms and forehead. It wore a pink ribbon over its shoulders with a moon medallion in the middle.
Finally Sunset’s was a bipedal cat like Digimon, It’s fur was red with flame like spikes on its mane. It had blonde fur in the middle of its chest. There was some sort of silver and red head gear that matched its wrist gear that had flames coming out of them.
“More Digimon traitor!? Attack!”
The whole horde of Fanbeemon charged at the new Digimon. But they did not expect them to fire back.
“Vee Headbutt!” The blue reptile launched itself towards them, striking many of them with its attack.
“Diamond Storm!” The fox Digimon jumped into the air and launched crystal like projectiles.
“Rolling Upper!” the blue dog Digimon spun around and smacked them with its fists.
“Seed Blast!” The flower Digimon shot seeds from its mouth.
“Blazing Ice!” The brown bunny Digimon blew icy winds from its mouth.
“Luna Claw!” The moon bunny Digimon slashed its claws sending slash waves.
“Corona Knuckle.” The red cat Digimon encased its fist in flames and punched the enemies.
A large explosion of power erupted and deleted all of the Fanbeemon. It rained down Digi-eggs and leftover data, until all that was left was the alpha Fanbeemon.
“Wha!?” Fanbeemon gasped, “All of my comrades, defeated!? By measly humans and their Digimon pets! You will all pay for this!”
He charged one last time out of blind rage, not caring about what will happen. Until a fist of flaming digi-soul punched him away.
“Metal Cannon!” a large metal sphere made the final strike before the alpha Fanbeemon was deleted.
“Upload!” The data in the air then flew into Brave Hearts Digivice.
“Phew! Glad that’s over.” Then then turned to the girls, “And I never would have guess you all were my team!”
“Wait.” Twilight said, “You mean, we are the other digi-destined that you were talking about?”
“That’s right!” A cheerful voice called out.
The seven new Digimon stood in front of their respective partners.
“You are the partners that we were destined to fight alongside!” the white bunny Digimon said in a feminine voice.
The girls digivices beeped and showed data on their respective partners.
Digimon Analyzer:
Lunamon- Rookie Level- Mammal Type- Data Attribute.
Special Attacks: Luna Claw, Tear Shot, and Lop-ear Ripple.
A kind and caring Digimon. Brave in the face of battle despite her timidity. Has an easy time making friends and attachments, which is why she can’t stand being alone.
“Yup, that’s me, Lunamon! It’s nice to meet you Ms. Twilight.” The bunny Digimon said.
“My aren't you polite. But you don’t need to call me miss, we’re partners after all, and I hope we can be friends.”
“Yay, friends.” Lunamon latched onto her partner in a hug, which she returned kindly.
“Alright, let’s see what your name is.” Sunset said observing her digivice.
Coronamon- Rookie Level- Beast Type- Vaccine Attribute.
Special Attacks: Corona Knuckle, Corona Flame, and Petit Prominence.
He is a Brave little Digimon with a strong sense of justice being powerfully sincere.
“Coronamon huh? Sounds like the name of a tough guy? Are you a tough guy?” Sunset teased.
“Yes I am! I will protect you with my justice Sunset Shimmer!” Coronamon said proudly. But then purred in delight as Sunset pet his mane.
Rarity trotted around her Digimon partner observing the fox, “Oh my, you are a sight to behold.”
Renamon- Rookie level- Beast Type- Data Attribute
Special Attacks: Diamond Storm and Power Paw
A calm, cool, and collected Digimon. She has a very mature air around them and a strong sense of duty.
“I will be in your care Ms. Rarity.” Renamon bowed.
“Now, now darling, there is no need to bow to me. We are partners after all, and I must say you have such beautiful fur.”
Renamon’s cheeks turned a visible red, “T-thank you Ms. Rarity.” She spoke calmly.
“Hmmm.” Rainbow Dashed hummed as she looked at her partner, “ I guess you look cool enough to be my partner.”
The blue reptile smirked, “Funny, I was about to say the same to you.
Veemon- Rookie Level- Dragon Type- Vaccine Attribute.
Special Attacks: Vee Headbutt, Vee Punch, and Hopping Kick.
Although it has a mischievous, prank-loving personality, he has another side with a strong sense of justice.
“Hm, my data doesn’t mention that I’m the coolest there is!” Veemon said proudly.
“Prank-loving and totally awesome? I can tell, the two of us are gonna make each other twenty percent cooler!” Rainbow said as the two fist bump.
Meanwhile Pinkie Pie was hugging the life out of her partner. The little flower bud’s face showed no expression, but one could tell it was struggling.
“Oh my gosh you are the cutest thing ever! I wonder what your name is!” Pinkie said.
Lalamon- Rookie level- Plant Type- Data Attribute.
Special Attacks: Seed Blast, Sing a Song, and Lala Spiral.
She is a Digimon with a kind heart and a cute voice. Even though her face hold no expression, most can’t help but find it charming.
Pinkie Pie finally let go of her partner. Lalamon floated in front of her trying to catch her breath.
“It’s nice to meet you Pinkie Pie. I hope we can get along from now on, since we will be partners.” Lalamon said.
Pinkie once again wrapped her arms around the bud Digimon, but in a softer hug as she pet it gently.
“Don’t worry Lalamon, I’ll be the best partner ever! I’ll walk you, feed you, and make sure you get all the love you need!”
‘I’m not a pet.’ Lalamon thought.
“Well I’ll be, so ya gonna be my partner from now on.” Applejack said as the blue dog Digimon stood at attention..
“That is correct Ma’am.” He said sternly.
Gaomon- Rookie Level- Beast Type- Data Attribute.
Special Attacks: Rolling Upper, Double Backhand, and Gao Rush.
A very calm, quiet, and serious digimon. Like a soldier, he takes orders from those he perceives a higher up or a superior.
“Ya sound like a hard worker Gaomon. That’s something I admire.”
“Thank you Ma’am. As your Digimon partner, I will do everything in my power to keep you safe, Ma’am.” Gaomon said in his same stern voice.
“Now, none of that partner. You shouldn’t see me as your superior, just speak to me as a friend.”
“My apologies Ma’am.”
Applejack sighed, ‘That’s going to take some getting used to.’
Finally, Fluttershy and her partner were looking at each other nervously, both trying to figure out what to say.
“Um, hello.” Fluttershy said, only for the brown bunny to flinch at the sudden greeting. “Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you.”
“No,no,no! It’s my fault for being a scardy-mon.” it said in a small voice.
Lopmon- Rookie level- Beast Type- Data Attribute.
Special Attacks: Tiny Twister and Blazing Ice.
A very timid and sensitive Digimon. Kind to all and caring for her friends, but because of its skittish nature often looked over as weak.
“I am in your care now Ms. Fluttershy, please be kind to me!” Lopmon exclaimed as she bowed to her human partner.
Seeing how scared the little Digimon was, Fluttershy’s animal caring nature kicked in. She gently picked up the scared Digimon, and brought it into a soft embrace.
“There, there, there is nothing to be afraid of.” Fluttershy said softly. Which managed to calm the scared Digimon.
As if on cue of the introductions ending, the digital field started to slowly disappear.
“Everyone, we got to hurry. We can’t let other people see the digimon.” Brave Heart said.
“How, I don’t think we can be very discreet if we walk through the streets with them.” Sunset said.
“Follow my lead.” Brave Heart faced Dorumon, “Upload: Dorumon!” Dorumon was then surrounded by a cocoon of data and flowed back into Brave Heart’s digivice.
The others did as he did.
“Upload: Lunamon!/Coronamon!/Renamon!/Lalamon!/Veemon!/Gaomon!/Lopmon!” All of the partner digimon were now in their respective digivices.
“But what about all these?” Rainbow Dash pointed at the Eggs.
Brave Heart pointed his digivice at the group of eggs.
“Store.” The eggs were covered in a similar data cocoon as they flowed into Brave Heart’s digivice.
“Wow… these things are super convenient.” Rainbow said.
“No time to talk, let’s go!”
With that, the new team of digi-defenders left the scene.
(Digital Void)
Fanlongmon had seen the entire fight through his all seeing eyes.
“Good, he has finally found his team. Go now digi-destined. The battles may be great, and the dangerous even greater, but I believe you can overcome them and bring the digital world into a brighter tomorrow.”

Author's Note:

I hoe you liked this chapter.
Anything unexplained will most likely be explained later or next chapter.