• Published 17th May 2016
  • 1,151 Views, 100 Comments

The Ghost Of Me - Bluecatcinema

The untold story of Black Knight Paladin.

  • ...

Never Surrender

"Alright, you've piqued my interest." Fletcher admitted. "From the sound of it, it seems Black actually had a good thing going with Elite's taskforce. Which leaves me wondering why he would choose to betray their trust and become a twisted regicidal terrorist."

"As I keep reminding you, it isn't that cut-and-dry." Black growled.

"Might I suggest we stop arguing amongst ourselves?" Elite offered. "There is still a story to tell, you know."

"Yeah, and I wanna hear the rest." Caboose smiled. "This is a better story than that last James Buck movie."

"Like I said, I'm intrigued." Fletcher shrugged. "Please continue, Mr. Paladin."

"Well, since you asked so nicely..." Black huffed.

Many years ago...

After that first mission, I had realized the truth in Elite's words. I really did wanted a challenge. And I tell ya, breaking into a building to snab a guy who had made some questionable friends was on another level than just shooting terrorists in the face. However, the next few missions that followed were nothing of interest.

Elite and the others still had to get info out of Sand Dollar, so they had me check on other leads. For the most part, they were just dead ends: Some little place on the docks, a depository down south, a little hole in the wall bar where Dollar said some of those guys hung out... And when I wasn't doing that, they just had me stick with my brothers and comrades and go about my day as usual. And after those dead ends, I was okay with that. But then came an evening...

One warm evening at the squad base, Black and White were walking back to the barracks after a long day of serving their country.

"It's always good to fight alongside you, bro." White smiled one evening. "The battlefield just hasn't been the same without you lately."

"Thanks, White." Black smiled. "I've missed having you by my side too."

"You guys were both really awesome today." Rookie admitted. "Boy, I wish I could be as good as you..."

"Hey, not everypony can be as naturally gifted as us..." Black smirked.

"But that doesn't mean you can't be as good as us one day." White declared, casting a small glare Black's way.

"Hey, sure." Black smiled. "Keep at it, Blue. Maybe one day, you'll be almost as good as me."

"I hope so." Rookie beamed. "I want to serve my country well, and make my family proud. I had a late uncle who was a General, you know. He was the whole reason I enlisted."

"I'm sure you'll be more than capable of honoring your uncle's memory." White declared.

"But you shouldn't try to be just like him." Black shrugged. "You gotta be your own pony. Stand out from the herd. Like I do."

"Honestly, I like being part of a group." Rookie admitted. "Makes me feel like I'm a part of something bigger than myself."

"That's exactly how I feel." White grinned. "Nopony can make it too far alone."

"That's your opinion." Black scoffed. "Still, I guess there are some benefits to being part of a team..."

"If only all of us felt that way..." White frowned. "Look, Avalanche and Nora are at it again."

"I'm telling ya, I bagged the most sand ponies!" Nora insisted.

"No, I did!" Avalanche yelled.

"No, me!" Nora shot back.

"Me!" Avalanche retorted.

"Ugh, why can't they just kiss already?" Rookie rolled his eyes.

"Whatever keeps 'em from talking..." Black scowled. He lay back on his bunk, pulling out his tape player. "Thanks for the mixtape, Rookie. Really comes in handy for times like this."

Black put on his head phones and played the tape.

Craving punishment
Blaming myself
For a world on fire

No more shame
No more pity
No more...

"Can you make me one of those?" White asked Rookie, as Avalanche and Nora continued their argument.

The next morning, Black received word that he was needed for another mission. He made his way down to the basement, and through the secret passageway to Taskforce Omega's headquarters.

"Okay, I'm here." He declared.

"Welcome back, Black." Elite smiled.

"Good to be back." Black grinned. "How's everypony doing?"

"Rrrf." Titan grunted.

"As well as can be expected." Micro Manager declared.

"I've had worse days." Shadow Slinker nodded.

"Had some unexpected bugs to work out in my latest invention, but otherwise, not too bad." Armory smiled.

"So, what do you have for me today?" Black bumped his hooves together. "I hope it's not another one of those 'dead ends'..."

"Fortunately, no." Elite remarked. "This time, we have a simple, yet cruically important mission. Remember our old friend, Mr. Dollar?"

"Yeah, how is the rich guy, anyway?" Black smirked. "Did he talk?"

"Not as much as we hoped.." Elite admitted. "While he does admit to being associated with them, he seems to be... 'scared' of them, even more than of Titan here."

"Hehehe..." TItan sniggered.

"Well, I assume you got something, right?" Black asked.

"That we did." Elite smiled. "While he refused to divulge much, he did give us an interesting lead. He mentioned there being a warehouse a few miles over. It's mostly used to hold chemicals, which he has apparantly been passing along to a third party in an under-the-counter deal. According to Sand, it is often frequented by low-level members of his subversive friends."

"Have anypony ever told you that you use the word 'subversive' a lot?" Black frowned. "Are these the mysterious guys you mentioned earlier?"

"Yes they are." Elite nodded.

"Yet you are still keeping me in the dark about who they are." Black glared disapprovingly.

"I believe the time hadn't come yet for you to know, I'm afraid." Elite shook his head, "But rest assured, it will be soon."

"Well, I hope so." Black pouted. "If I am going hoof to hoof with these guys, I would like to know who and why..." He then sighed. "But I guess you're right."

"I appreciate your trust in me, Black." Elite smiled. "I really do."

"You should." Black shrugged. "Trust isn't something I give out too freely."

"And I'm glad to know you gave it to me." Elite nodded. "I assure you, it won't be misplaced."

"So, what's going to happen to Sand Dollar anyway?" Black asked.

"We will continue to question him further about his 'friends'." Elite declared, "But after that, we will deliver him to authorities for assisting in terrorism."

"Just like that, huh?" Black raised a brow, "They aren't going to question how Sand Dollar came to be with us?"

"We are a covert operation for a reason, Black." Elite declared. "Most laws that would otherwise hinder law enforcement and military don't apply to us. While they won't be so happy about it, they will rest easy knowing that we brought somepony in."

"They shouldn't have a problem, anyway." Black snorted. "What's the point in law if it means letting ponies get hurt? I'd gladly break a dozen laws if it meant protecting my fellow ponies."

"An admirable sentiment." Elite admitted. "Still, you wouldn't be able to continue protecting them from jail."

"Which is why I'm lucky to have found you guys." Black grinned.

"Indeed it is." Elite chuckled.

"...So about this mission..." Black declared.

"Right." Elite nodded. "According to Mr. Dollar, those ponies who visit the warehouse will be gathering there tonight. We need you to get in there, and gather some info as to what they are up to... and maybe bust up their little shindig and bring one of them in for questioning."

"Consider it done." Black smirked, "Just let me suit-"

"Hold on." Elite declared. "When I said 'you', I meant 'not just you'. You're getting a partner this time around."

"Oh, yeah?" Black frowned. "Who?"

"Armory." Elite smiled.

"Can't wait to start working with you, Black." Armory smiled, as he walked over.

"...Seriously?" Black frowned. "I thought the reason you hired me was because I was the only one with some combat experience."

"Yes, for a solo mission such as nabbing a heavily-guarded mark." Elite clarified. "However, you are storming a heavily-guarded warehouse. We have reason to believe this warehouse has numerous advanced technological safety systems. So much advanced you need somepony with the brains to thwart this system. That's where Armory comes in."

"Well, no offense to Armory, but he doesn't look like much a fighter." Black said with concern.

"Don't you count him out, Mr. Paladin." Elite smirked. "While Armory has limited experience out in the field, he does know how to fight. He may not look like a fighter... but that's because his greatest weapon..." He pointed to his head. "Is his brain..."

"That and a arsenal of gadgets and weaponry that would make Iron Stallion and Bat Stallion jealous." Armory boasted.

"...Well, with that logic, I can't argue." Black shrugged, as he then pat Armory. "Guess we are teaming up."

"Oh, yeah!" Armory cheered. "It's been too long since I got into the field! I've been aching to test my gadgets out in the real world."

"Calm yourself, Armory." Elite admonished him. "Remember, you must remain professional."

"...Of course." Armory calmed himself. "Professional is my middle name. Well, actually, it's Fritz, but you get the idea..."

"Well, you'll be glad to hear there won't be that much research this time around." Elite told Black. "Just a quick look at the layout with Micro Manager, and a little chat about the best way to enter from Shadow Slinker."

"Yipee..." Black rolled his eyes.

"I know how you feel, Black." Armory declared. "I'm dying to get right to the action!"

"I knew I liked you for a reason." Black grinned. "Come on, let's get this over with."

They made their way to Micro Manager's table.

"Of course, this warehouse isn't as heavily fortified as Dollar's building." Micro Manager declared. "But there a few interesting security implements, such as pressure pad-based alarm system, and a hoofprint lock."

"I've got a few gadgets that can get by those." Armory smirked.

"Why am I not surprised to hear that?" Micro Manager chuckled.

They then moved on to Shadow Slinker.

"The best way to enter is from the back." Shadow declared. "We don't know exactly how many operatives will be inside at the time, so it's best to try and take them by surprise."

"Sneaking around was never my favorite tactic." Black growled. "But I do like to know what kind of fight I'm in before I start. The back way it is."

After that, they gathered together their equipment. Black took a crossbow and the ropedart, while Armory got a saddlebag full of his gadgets.

"I see you're packing light." Black joked.

"Just the essentials." Armory grinned.

"Good luck, you two." Elite declared.

"Thanks, boss." Black nodded.

"We won't let you down!" Armory pledged.

Black and Armory climbed into the nondescript carriage, which carried through the hidden tunnel, and to the warehouse. Armory was still quite excited, tapping his hoof along the way.

"Try and relax, buddy-boy." Black urged. "We're probably headed into battle. You gotta get serious."

"Oh, don't worry." Armory declared. "I can be serious if I need to. Right now, I'm getting all the excitement out. Trust me, I'll be plenty serious once we get there."

"Good to know." Black smiled. "Since we're doing this together, I'd like to be sure I have a partner I can count on."

"I'll do my best, Black." Armory grinned. "Wait'll I start unloading my gadgets. Those schweinhunds won't know what hit them."

The carriage parked a short distance from the warehouse. Black and Armory, clad in stealth gear, approached the rear.

"Okay, there's the back door." Black noted. "Now let's see one of those gizmos in action..."

"Ask, and ye shall receive." Armory pulled out a flat, wide object with a plastic underside. "This should take care of the lock..."

Armory placed the device on his hoof, then took out a brush, coating the hoofprint lock with dust.

"Okay... why?" Black asked.

"The last good hoofprint should still be on there." Armory smiled. "And this little baby will help me use that to my advantage."

Armory pressed his glove-like invention against the scanner. The device was fooled into thinking his hoofprint was valid, and opened up.

"Not bad." Black grinned. "I'm starting to like having you along more and more."

"That was just the opening act." Armory smirked. "Wait until you see the main event."

They slipped into the warehouse. It was a wide area, a few crates scattered all over.

"Not much there." Black frowned. "They said that this warehouse was filled to the brim with chemicals and pathogens. Either they cleared it all out or Dollar was messing with us..."

As Black stepped forward, Armory stopped him.

"Hold up." He declared, grabbing another device, a long tole with a two-headed prod at the end. "Remember the pressure pads?"

Armory jabbed the prod into the floor, unleashing a bolt of electricity. A waft of smoke rose up from the floor.

"Neutralized." Armory grinned.

"Nice." Black declared.

As they walked forward, they saw a faint glow of light ahead. A small room, shadows of ponies brought out by the light, lay ahead of them.

"Bingo." Black grinned. "Now the real fun starts."

"Oh, goody..." Armory grinned.

They sneaked over to the office door. as they did, they overheard the occupants muttering amongst themselves.

"The bosses are getting antsy."

"So what else is new?"

"They're really getting on our backs about this latest operation."

"Typical. every time they have a big plan, it means where work for us."

"I'd be happy if we didn't have to deal with that bald buffon."

"I know, right? Stuck-up jerk..."

"Okay, I'll head in first." Black declared. "You cover me with those fancy gizmos of yours."

"Sounds like a plan." Armory nodded.

"On three." Black whispered. "One... two... three!"

Black kicked open the door, and he and Armory rushed inside. Several thuggish stallions in overalls stood within, surprised at the intrusion.

"What the-?" The largest yelped. "What are those, ninjas?"

"Not quite." Black smirked. "We're acquaintances of a friend of yours. One Mr.Sand Dollar. He sent us here. Said you could tell us a few things about his after-hours operations."

"Is that so?" A wiry stallion growled. "We're not telling you anything!"

"Fine. The hard way it is." Black grinned.

Black rushed over to the wiry stallion, knocking him out with a single punch.

"Oh, that is it!" The large stallion lunged at Black... only to be wrapped up in bolas. "Ah!" He dropped to the floor.

Black turned to see Armory, wielding the bola launcher.

"Consider yourself covered." Armory smiled.

"Kill them!" One of the remaining stallions snarled.

"Not today!" Black smirked, decking another one with a haymaker.

Most of the stallions focused on Black, but one went for Armory.

"Out of ropes, are we?" He sneered. "Too bad."

"Yeah... for you!" Armory whipped out another weapon. The weapon fired out two electrodes, which jabbed into the stallion's chest and electrocuted him.

"AHHHH!" The stallion screamed, before falling unconscious.

"It may shock you to know I have more tricks up my sleeve." Armory smirked.

"Ugh, seriously?" Black groaned, holding one stallion in a headlock.

"It was the best I could come up with." Armory shrugged.

"Whatever." Black punched the stallion out.

As two more stallions charged Black, he did the unexpected, and charged them. He rammed into them, smashing them through the office window, and into the warehouse.

"Ugh!" One stallion groaned, as they tumbled. "Are you crazy?"

"I've heard that before." Black snorted, headbutting the stallion.

After that, the other stallion grabbed some barbed wire atop a crate, and whipped Black in the leg with it.

"Agh!" Black yelped, as the barb gouged into his thigh. "You little...!"

Black fired his crossbow, clipping the stallion in the foreleg.

"Ahh!" The stallion screeched, dropping the barbed wire.

"Zip it!" Black clubbed the stallion in the head with his crossbow.

"Whoa, nice work." Armory admitted as he joined Black. "Elite wasn't kidding about your combat prowess. Like poetry in motion."

"What can I say?" Black smirked. "I like to lay down a beat or two..."

"You okay, though?" Armory asked, pointing out the wound on Black's hoof. "That looks pretty nasty."

"I've had worse." Black declared, using some cloth from his outfit for a makeshift bandage. "There. It'll keep for now. I'll get that creepy medic of ours to look at it later."

"You mean Nevec?" Armory asked. "Boy, that guy spooks me..."

"Tell me about it." Black snorted.

Black and Armory returned to the office, looking for anything important

"Now, let's see what we have here..." Black looked through a stack of papers on a desk, as he glanced them over... only to scowl, "Damn it. Of course these guys would write it in Saddle Arabian."

"Never learned the language of the country you would be fighting in?" Armory smirked knowingly.

"Didn't expect to talk with the locale." Black admitted, "I was lucky to find a bar that knew English."

"Well, if it's any consolation, foreign language was never my forte either." Armory frowned as he glanced at the papers... before his eyes light up in recognition. "But look at that ink stamp..."

Black glanced at said ink stamp, which seem to look like a bird with two Fs overlapping it...

"I'm guessing you've seen it before?" Black frowned.

"You can say that, yes. These papers are definitely worth bringing back to base." Armory nodded.

"Okay, but just to be sure, let's grab one of those clowns, just in case they know something that's not written down."

"Consider it done." Armory nodded, pulling out some diamond-lined rope and tying the wiry stallion up.

They returned to the base soon after, boasting both paperwork and a captive.

"Well done, fellas." Elite smiled. "I'll have Micro Manager will look over and decipher these papers, and Shadow and Titan will see if our new friend will talk."

"Here's hoping." Black nodded.

"Hey, Black?" Armory smiled. "It was... really great working with you. You were amazing out there."

"Thanks." Black grinned. "You weren't so bad yourself."

"I did do pretty well, didn't I?" Armory spun his empty bola launcher... which hit him in the nose.

"You did good enough." Black chuckled.

"I'm sure he did." Elite smiled.

"Hey, Elite, can I ask you something?" Black asked.

"Sure, what is it?" Elite asked.

"When Armory and I were looking through the papers back at the warehouse, Armory seem to recognize this symbol that was on the paper." Black frowned. "An eagle with two Fs connected at the tail... am I to assume that this is that group we're up against?"

"You could assume that, yes." Elite nodded.

"And should I 'assume' that you're still not going to tell me what they're called?" Black asked, getting testy.

"I know it's frustrating." Elite declared. "But I assure you, it will all come to light soon, when the time is right."

"Yeah, well, that time better come soon." Black growled.

"Not as soon as you'd think, but soon enough." Elite declared.

"Very cryptic." Black snorted.

"Thank you." Elite smirked. "We'll let you know if any comes up."

"You'd better." Black sighed, departing the HQ.

After leaving the basement, Black made a beeline for the medical unit.

"Hey, creepy." He called to Nevec as he entered. "I got a wound that needs fixing."

"Ah." Nevec turned around. "Nice to see you again, Private Black. I'm surprised you haven't been around sooner. From what I've heard, you're quite a fighter. I'd expect a stallion like that to have to come see me more often, so I can attend to their firm, muscular bodies..."

"Yeah..." Black cringed, creeped out. "So, think you can get to it?" He held up his leg, removing the makeshift bandage.

"Of course." Nevec nodded, grabbing some antisceptic, cotton balls, and gauze. "Let's take a look at the little problem."

"Not so little, if you ask me." Black frowned.

"That does look a little serious." Nevec admitted.

"You don't have to tell me that." Black snorted. "I lived it..."

"My, you have such strong, firm legs..." Nevec remarked, as he examined his patient.

"Thanks..." Black cringed.

"Such a pity one of those marvelous limbs had to suffer an injury like that." Nevec declared. "Completely throws off their perfection..."

"I'm sure it does." Black shuddered.

"Here we go." Nevec applied the antisceptic. "This might sting a little."

"I've had worse." Black declared... though he did grit his teeth in pain.

"And now for a proper dressing." Nevec wrapped the wound. "There. That sinewy leg of yours should be as good as new in no time."

"Thanks, doc." Black declared.

"Interesting, though..." Nevec mused.

"What's interesting?" Black asked.

"Well, it's just that, judging by the shape and depth of the wound, it looked as if it had made by some kind of forceful interaction with a piece of barbed wire." Nevec surmised. "Hardly the kind of thing you run into on military operations..."

"I... took the fence with trying to get to our enemy's base." Black lied. "I thought I could clear the wire. Guess I misjudged my jump."

"...I see." Nevec nodded, his expression unreadable. "Well, let's both be glad your firm, muscular thigh will be perfect again soon."

"Yeah, sure..." Black cringed, slowly stepping out of the room. "Later."

"Later..." Nevec said quietly.

Two days later, Black returned to the HQ.

"So, did you guys find anything out yet?" He asked.

"Well, unfortunately, MIcro is still deciphering the documents you found... but we were able to get some info out of the stallion you captured."

"As it turns out, there's more than one place those low-level thugs had been gathering." Shadow told Black. "Each reportedly having more of the chemicals and pathogens, and possibly more intel on what's going on around here."

"No kidding?" Black mused. "Guess there's more visiting to do."

"And Armory will be joining you for all of them." Elite declared. "There may be more stringent security measures in place in any of those locations. I trust that won't be a problem?"

"Actually, no." Black smiled. "I kinda liked working with the guy. Bring it on, I say."

"I'm glad to hear it, Black." Armory grinned. "That last mission was more fun than I've had in a while."

"Trust me, the fun's just begun." Black grinned.

For the rest of the week, Black and Armory followed lead after lead, going to warehouses and disused buildings all over.

"Alright punks, listen up!" Black roared, as he and Armory burst into one location. "We're here to get some info. You can help us, or you can get some hospital time. Your choice."

"Get them!" The ringleader roared.

The thugs charged.

"Hospital time it is." Black snorted, punching one out, then grabbing one and throwing him at two others.

"I was hoping to get to test this anyway." Armory shrugged, his new weapon firing pellets at the remaining thugs' hooves, gluing them to the floor.

"Okay, here's how it's going to go." Black growled. "I'm going to start pounding until somepony talks. Where are all those chemicals going?"

"You'll get nothing from us." The ringleader spat.

"We'll see about that." Black snarled. "Armory, check for records. I'll see if I can hammer something out with these guys..."

"Sure, you get the fun part." Armory joked, walking over to the office area.

"Now, let's get to know each other." Black smirked at the ringleader. "Starting by introducing my hooves to your face."

After Armory searched through some paperwork, he returned to find Black standing amongst the unconscious thugs.

"Did they tell you anything?" He asked.

"Nothing important." Black shrugged. "You find anything?"

"Not anything useful." Armory shrugged. "If these guys know anything, there's no evidence for it."

"Guess we should just bring them in, and move on to the next target..." Black sighed. "How long does that glue of yours last, anyway?"

"A while." Armory shrugged. "But I do have a solvent handy."

"Good." Black smiled. "That could have been messy..."

It was the same wherever they went. None of the ponies they encountered were willing to talk, and documentation was low on the ground. Eventually, by the end of the week, Black was growing impatient.

"Eight buildings. Eight frickin' buildings." Black scowled that night, as he sat at a round table with Elite and the others (Micro still off deciphering not only the papers they first brought, but the others they brought soon after). "Me and Armory cleared out every one of them, but we're still no closer to finding out what the hell is going on."

"What's worse, we're out of places to look." Armory frowned. "And all the henchmen we captured and brought here don't know anything."

"It would seem the higher ups don't consider them worthy of knowing anything important." Shadow Slinker declared.

"Grrf." Titan growled.

"Yeah." Black nodded. "Irritating, ain't it?"

"Well, hopefully by now, Micro had finally finished deciphering those papers..." Elite frowned.

"You would be right."

Everypony turned to see Micro joining them.

"Thank Faust." Black sighed in relief, "Tell me you got something."

"I do... but..." Micro went silent, his face stuck in a deep frown.

"What is it, Micro?" Elite frowned.

"I... I think whatever it is they're working on, it is bad... very bad." Micro frowned.

"What are you talking about?" Black asked.

"Erebium, Sonambrite, Grogarous, Spirotox... If a major in chemistry has taught me anything, when put all those together, you get a catalyst much similar to that of the cordyceps virus." Micro revealed.

Everypony except Black frowned deeply.

"The what now?" Black asked in confusion.

"Did you ever see that documentary where that fungus was growing off that ant?" Armory asked.

"Not really. Never cared for nature documentaries." Black admitted.

"To put it simply, it's a parasite that take control of the insect and turns them into a zombie." Micro declared. "It's often used for medication and are naturally found in tropical forests."

"...Is that it?" Black deadpanned. "I really don't see how that's a threat. You say it infects insects. The biggest threat they would be is to bugs."

"Exactly." Micro Manager pointed out, as he then pulled out a document, which has been translated. "Thanks to the last document you brought back, Black, we were able to learn that they had been partaking not only in illicit buying of chemicals... but pony trafficking... but not the ponies you think."

Armory glanced at the document.

"Monday, 09:30. Received delivery of one dozen Changelings for experimental-" Armory's eyes widened. "Changelings?"

"Changelings? You mean those freak of natures that are part pony, part bug?" Black scowled.

"Hey, have some tolerance for the other species." Shadow glared.

"What? My father told me horror stories about these pests." Black glared back. "They can take our shapes, infiltrate our towns and cities, and can suck us dry. They're a huge threat to Equestria!"

"You shouldn't believe everything you hear, Black." Elite chided him. "While it is true that they can pose a huge threat... they only do what they do to survive. After all, we have been driving them towards extinction for couple of decades now..."

"Well, they were kinda asking for it." Black sneered.

"I'm afraid that topic isn't up for discussion at the moment, Black." Shadow Slinker declared.

"That's right." Elite nodded. "Regardless of their past, the Changelings did not ask to be kidnapped. Nor be experimented on."

"If what you're saying is true, then why are we concerned? It seems like the virus will only infect those overgrown bugs." Black frowned.

"Well, there's a theory I read a while back." Micro declared. "They say that the cordyceps 'could' infect the normal pony, but the fungi was naturally designed to only latch onto creatures close to its own size. Hence why it only infects small bugs like ants and spiders. But this cordyceps virus is not natural. If I am right, they are making their own strand of the virus... a virus that can latch on changeling... and changelings are about our size..."

Immediately, Black caught onto where he was going with this theory...

"Allowing the virus to infect normal ponies..." Black gaped. "Holy buck... they're planning a viral outbreak."

"And the Changelings are the rats to this Bubonic Plague." Armory growled. "As if Changelings aren't hated enough already."

"And considering the Changelings' talent for disguise, they could spread this virus wthout us even being aware of it." Shadow Slinker frowned.

"We could have a full-scale epidemic on our hooves." Elite said darkly.

"Then we gotta shut this down before they get any farther." Black glared. "Micro, did the documents mention anything about who is responsible for those Changelings getting sent here?"

"Fortunately, yes." MIcro nodded, as he set down another document. "Our 'friends' seem to have been using another company as a front to moving them all over here for quite a pretty penny. There has been plentiful of secret transactions between them and one 'Obadiah Stable'."

"Obadiah Stable... hey, isn't he that business bigwig from Stable Industries?" Black asked. "That fancy weapons-making corporation? They supply some of our bases with their products!"

"Ah, yes." Elite nodded, "Obadiah Stable... the self-proclaimed 'Iron Monger' of the military weapon industries."

"Ugh, I despise those kind of corporations." Armory scowled. "Mass-producing weapons like that... where's the love?"

"You can ask him yourself." Elite declared. "I need you and Black to get over there and bring Obadiah in. With everything that's going on lately, I can't shake the feeling that impending disaster is coming our way..."

"Not if we can help it." Black said boldly.

"And help it, we can." Armory grinned. "Right, Black?"

"You know it." Black slapped him on the back. "Time to move, partner."

At that very moment, over at the Saddle Arabia branch of Stable Industries, Obadiah Stable, a dirty brown coated Earth Pony with a scrubby gray beard, bald mane, blue eyes, and a black business suit (hiding a Cutie Mark of a metal helmet), sat in his office, messing with a ham radio.

"Come in... come in..." Obadiah growled.

Suddenly, a gruff voice spoke up.

"This had better be good, Stable." A gruff voice growled. "Can you see that we're busy?"

"Indeed." A softer voice joined in, agreeing with the other voice. "You know our operations are at a critical stage right now. And you know how-"

The present...

"Spoiler alert!" Caboose suddenly blurted. "Anyone who hasn't read King of the Changelings yet may not want to go any further!"

"...What is he talking about?" Black frowned. "What spoilers?"

"I'd ignore it if I were you." Fletcher rolled his eyes. "He does this from time to time."

"Can't believe this is the guy who finished me off before..." Black rolled his eyes, then turned to Elite. "And you actually want me to work with him?"

"Please continue, Black." Elite urged.

"Okay, fine..." Black sighed.

"Wait, how do you even know what was happening then?" Caboose asked. "You weren't there!"

"We grabbed the security footage afterwards." Black declared. "Now, where was I..."

Back to the past...

"And you know how Gridlock gets when you interrupt him while he's in the zone." The soft voice sighed.

"Like you're any different, Harlhooves." Gridlock growled, "Now what is it that you thought was so important that you needed to call us?"

"We got a big problem." Obadiah scowled. "In the past week, I've been getting words from your men that two stallions has been busting into our warehouses and safehouses, nabbing a couple of them and gathering sensitive information on our little project..."

"Say what?!" Gridlock snarled, "And we are just hearing about this now?!"

"Hey, don't shoot the messenger." Obadiah glared, "I just heard about it myself. I saw on the television that they nabbed Sand Dollar. That damn fool must had tipped them off."

"Who the hell do these guys think they are?" Gridlock demanded.

"Isn't that exactly the question?" The soft voice asked. "Who are they?"

"...You're not going to like it." Obadiah sighed, as he pulled out a photo... which was of an unmasked Black Knight and Armory, presumably before they tackled one of the leads. "While they have taken great pains to hide their identities, my cameras were able to catch a glimpse of them. There's a big red stallion that I don't recognize... but the other..." He gave a scoff. "Does a red-maned Germane pony ring any bells?"

The radio went silent... before in unison...

"BUCK!" Gridlock and Harlhooves cursed.

"It's them..." Harlhooves growled in frustration.

"Heinrich Armory..." Gridlock snarled. "And if he's there, then this must be Elite's doing."

"Yes... this elusive 'Taskforce Omega' the Forefathers has been talking about." Obadiah frowned.

"How did they know we would be here?" Gridlock demanded. "We've been covering our tracks every step of the way!"

"Who are we kidding? It's them! They always find out!" Harlhooves groaned. "This is not good!"

"You mentioned a big red stallion." Gridlock pointed out. "Any idea who he is?"

"No, but I am having my guys check him out." Obadiah declared. "I can only assume that's he new to the team, and that he's no stranger to a brawl. He must have a military background."

"How much do you reckon they know already?" Harlhooves questioned.

"Well, given they hadn't come for me yet, they were probably looking for leads." Obadiah frowned, "But two nights ago, they ambushed some of our operatives at one of my annex buildings. I'm afraid that they might be coming here next for me..."

"Then might I suggest you make yourself scarse?" Harlhooves suggested.

"Normally, I wouldn't agree with such wussy tactics." Gridlock frowned. "But Harlhooves is right about the experiment being critical. And if Taskforce Omega are the ones responsible for all this, you are the only one standing between them and our hard work! If they catch you, they'll stick you in a hole somewhere until you crack, and then they will find out about our project and ruin everything! You gotta get outta there NOW!"

"I can't do that, Gridlock, sir." Obadiah declared. "If I leave now, then my reputation is ruined. I will lose Stable Industries. You realize the lengths I went to secure this company? For Faust's sake, I had my partner's son killed by terrorists!"

"It's for the best, Obadiah." Harlhooves urged. "We lost a lot of good stallions to Elite and his men, and we can't afford to lose another one."

"But you need my resources." Obadiah frowned. "The project is not yet ready for initiation. If I left now, we could face serious delays. And a certain 'somepony' doesn't like delays."

"I will live!" Gridlock scowled, "But you won't if you stay!"

"Look, the way these two are going, they're not going to stop unless somepony does it for them." Obadiah growled, "I'm staying right here, and if they do come for me, I'll take them down myself."

"Tell me you're not serious..." Harlhooves murmured.

"Tell me you're out of your freaking mind!" Gridlock growled.

"Hey, I will not see your hard work burn to the ground!" Obadiah declared, "You two have been working for this for years. And I know a thing or two about having worked hard to get where we are today."

"Which is exactly why you should depart immediately." Harlhooves urged.

"Yeah, vamoose!" Gridlock added.

"But what would that do?" Obadiah asked. "It will only delay the inevitable. I'm gonna bring this little crapstains down right here! Show them what happen when they buck with Stable!"

"What happen is you're going to get your ass kicked." Gridlock sneered. "Besides, what can you do against two ponies that can clobber our troops? You're just some middle-aged milksop!"

"I agree with the implication, if not the language." Harlhooves added. "You're no warrior, my friend."

"True." Obadiah nodded. "But you forget, we happen to be friends with a certain paraplegic who has a knack for creating the most wondrous machines... and he had recently given me something that could even the odds in my favor..."

A suited Unicorn stallion entered the room, carrying several sheets of paper.

"Here's the details on the red stallion you wanted, sir." The pony declared as he then left.

"Thank you." Stable took the papers as he looked at it, as he then turned back to the radio, "Don't you worry, you two. By the time the night's out, our problems will be over..."

That evening, Black and Armory approached the rear of the building.

"Time for the old rope darts." Armory smirked. "There's a reason I hold this particular invention so highly."

They fired the darts straight up. They embedded themselves on the underside of the roof, and poor stallion pushed the retract button, carrying them to the top floor, and Stable's office.

"And I can see why." Black grinned.

"Now, just let me trick the lock..." Armory started. "...Hmm, that's odd."

"What is?" Black asked.

"The lock has already been deactivated." Armory frowned.

"Weird." Black frowned. "Maybe he just forgot to turn it on."

"Maybe..." Armory frowned.

They opened the window and climbed into the office. Obadiah was nowhere to be seen.

"Didn't Micro say Stable would be in tonight?" Black frowned.

"He did." Armory nodded. "And his intel is never wrong."

"But this place is empty." Black frowned. "You'd think his secretary would be here, at least..."

"Maybe it's her night off?" Armory suggested.

At that moment, they heard a muffled grinding, whirring noise.

"What was that?" Armory asked.

"Got a feeling it ain't the secretary..." Black joked.

Suddenly, the wall beside them was smashed open.

"What the-?!" Black yelled.

As the dust cleared, the floor began to shake as a giant metal stallion clambered towards them, the eyes glowing, towering over both of them.

"Um... Obadiah Stable?" Armory gaped.

"Hello, gentlestallions." The armored stallion declared, his voice being indeed that of Obadiah, as he was within the stallion itself. "I've been expecting you."

"Well, we hate to disappoint." Black declared.

"Wow... what a magnificient piece of technology..." Armory gaped, awestruck. "Simply incredible... this could only be the work of one stallion..."

"Why, thank you." Obadiah grinned, "Mr. Irons never fails to disappoint."

"Mr. Irons?" Black frowned. "I'm guessing he's a friend of yours?"

"More of an associate." Obadiah shrugged. "Speaking of associates, it looks like Taskforce Omega has a new flunky."

"You know about the Taskforce?" Black frowned.

"And I know about you, Black Knight Paladin." Obadiah sneered. "A little green for this sort of work, aren't you?"

"How-" Black gaped.

"You really should have kept that mask on during work hours, Mr Paladin." Obadiah declared. "You never know who's watching."

'Way to go, Paladin...' Black scolded himself.

"I knew you were coming for me, but I took precautions." Obadiah announced. "With this suit, an army couldn't beat me!"

"Armory..." Black whispered to Armory, "You wouldn't happen have anything to deal with giant mechanical stallions, would you?"

"Not exactly." Armory admitted nervously. "I wasn't expecting this..."

"You know what, enough talk!" Obadiah sneered, "You are welcome to die!"

"Come and get me!" Black said boldly. "I'll bet you can't even move so quick in that tin overcoat!"

Obadiah activated magic-powered jets in the back armored hooves, launching himself at Black.

"...Uh-oh." Black gulped.

Obadiah punched Black, sending him flying.

"Urgh!" Black groaned, as he slammed into a wall. His suit provided him with some protection, but not enough.

"No!" Armory yelled. He turned his taser on Obadiah, but the voltage barely made him twitch.

"Wait your turn." Obadiah grabbed the wires and pulled,fling Armory across the room. "Once I'm done with your friend, I'll move on to you..."

"Bring it, buckethead." Black lunged at Obadiah, covering his helmet and blinding him.

"Get... off!" Obadiah yelled, flailing around.

Armory looked through his bag, desperately trying to think of something.

"Come on, think..." He told himself.

Obadiah grabbed Black, and slammed him onto the floor.

"You know, I never had a taste for this sort of thing, but I must admit, I'm deeply enjoying this suit!" Obadiah cackled, as he prepared a built-in crossbow. "Hold still, Mr. Paladin."

The crossbow fired, but Black dodged.

"Laugh it up, pal." Black snarled. "But I'll find a way to open that can somehow!"

"Open... that's it!" Armory dug back into his bag. "Hang in there, Black..."

Black was doing his best, but Obadiah's armor protected him from his fists, his crossbow, even Armory's weapons. With one mighty blow, Obadiah knocked him across the room.

"Thank you for providing me with such an excellent field test." Obadiah declared. "My associates will be pleased to hear that they won't be bothered anymore by this mystery stallion that came out of nowhere..."

"Don't be so sure." Black groaned, struggling to get up. "I don't go down so easily..."

"But perhaps your brother will." Obadiah smirked.

"...What?" Black froze.

"Oh, I know all about White." Obadiah growled. "Maybe he's not as tough as you are..."

"I wouldn't count on that." Black growled.

"Perhaps my associates could pay your brother a visit." Obadiah said wickedly. "Somepony would have to break the news of your passing to him, and break some other things while they're at it..."

"You wouldn't..." Black trembled, fearing for his brother's life. "Don't even think about it..."

"This is where I say goodbye... so..." Obadiah raised a mechanical hoof. "Goodbye."

"I don't think so!"

A rope dart embedded itself in the leg of Obadiah's armor. Both Black and Obadiah turned to see Armory, his dart gun, jury-rigged to combine with his taser. A bolt of electricity entered the suit, fusing its circuity.

"Ahhh!" Obadiah roared, his suit slowing to a halt, "You'll... I'll..." He tried to move, but couldn't. "What?"

"Well, well." Black stood up. "So much for your fancy suit." He pulled off the helmet's mask.

"G-get away from me!" Obadiah yelled, as he tried to get out, but he was fastened in too tight. "I'm warning you!"

"Nighty-night, Obie." Black punched him in the face, knocking him out.

"Are you alright, Black?" Armory asked.

"Yeah, thanks to you." Black nodded. "What was that, anyway?"

"Just a little something I... threw together." Armory chuckled.

"Come on." Black urged. "Let's get this guy out of that tin can and over to the base for questioning."

After pulling Obadiah out of the suit, Black and Armory departed, returning to base.

"Good work, you two." Elite smiled.

"Hey, Armory deserves most of the credit." Black grinned. "He's the one who took this clown down."

"Ah, y'know..." Armory said humbly.

"Nice job, Armory." Elite smiled. "Now, we'll see what Obadiah knows."

"I already got some of that." Black frowned. "Beardy knows about me, and you guys. He threatened my brother. I thought this was supposed to be a secret organisation."

"It should be." Elite declared. "But secrets have a habit of getting out."

"That wasn't part of the deal." Black growled. "If I'd known joining up with you would mean putting a target on my brother's back, maybe I would have reconsidered..."

"I know you're worried about your brother's safety." Elite declared. "But you needn't do so. This base is protected. And your brother is a soldier, after all. Just as skilled and capable as you are, right?"

"More or less." Black admitted. "But still..."

"Once we take down our foes, there'll be nothing to worry about." Elite told him. "Besides, just because Obadiah knows about him, doesn't necessarily mean anypony else does."

"Yeah, maybe..." Black sighed, though still not fully convinced. "Well, if that's all, I guess I should be going."

"Of course." Elite nodded. "See you tomorrow."

"Yeah, see ya..." Black sighed, as he departed.

Black returned to the barracks, more than a little shaken. White noticed at once that something was wrong.

"Black, are you okay?" He asked.

"Huh?" Black snapped out of his reverie. "Oh, yeah. I'm fine..."

"You don't look fine." White declared. "What's wrong? You can tell me."

"No, it's... stupid." Black shrugged.

"I'll be the judge of that." White smiled.

"It's just... I'm worried about you." Black sighed.

"Worried?" White asked.

"Yeah." Black nodded. "We are in a dangerous line of work, and I can't always have your back. I'd just... hate to see anything happen to you. Especially if I'm not there to stop it."

"I know how you feel, Black." White smiled. "I worry about you too."

"It's different, though." Black frowned. "No offense, but we both know I'm the more skilled out of the two of us."

"That doesn't stop me from worrying about you." White countered. "You're my brother, Black. Regardless of skill or strength, I'll always worry about you when we're apart. But I don't let that worry consume, and you shouldn't ever. Trust that I can take care of myself, like I trust you can."

"...You're right." Black smiled. "Thanks, White."

"Hey, that's what brothers are for." White placed his hoof on Black's shoulder.

"I don't know what I'd do without you." Black grinned. "And I don't plan on finding out."

"Same here." White chuckled. "So we'll make a pact; Neither of us dies anytime soon. Deal?"

"Deal." Black ruffled his brother's mane.

"Oh, you know I hate that!" White cringed, patting out his messy mane.

"Yeah, I do." Black smirked.

"same old Black." White grinned. "But I wouldn't change you for the world."

"Right back at ya, bro." Black smiled.

Lights out came shortly after. Black went to sleep, his fears put at ease.

The next morning, Black was summoned back to the HQ.

"Well?" Black asked Elite, "Did Obadiah talk?"

"Unfortunately, no. He refused to budge." Elite declared, "But we were able to seize a lot of his documents. One in particular points us to a lab in a little town back east... I believe we might had found where they are working on this virus, as well as where the changelings are being kept..."

"And does this town have a name?" Black asked.

"Indeed it does." Elite nodded. "Reinadh."

"Well, we gotta stop them." Black nodded, still a little shaken up from last night. "The sooner I put a stop to these guys, the sooner White will be safe..."

"I'm afraid it's not that simple, Black." Elite sighed. "I fear that we have not been as invisible as we had hoped, and it seems that they are onto you, Black..."

"And who are 'they' exactly?" Black growled. "Why haven't you told me who 'they' are? Considering I've been going after their pals, you'd think I'd deserve to know... So why don't you just tell me already?"

"I suppose I should." Elite sighed. "With the stakes seemingly growing higher by the day, perhaps the time has come for you to know exactly who we're up against..."

The present...

"Reinadh." Fletcher mused. "There's a name I am well aware of."

"Ooh, we're finally here." Caboose declared.

"Yeah, we are." Black nodded.

"The time has come for you to learn the truth of that terrible day." Elite remarked. "Once you hear it, it will change the way you think of Black forever..."

Author's Note:

"Never Surrender" belongs to Combichrist.