• Published 12th Apr 2016
  • 2,805 Views, 124 Comments

A Pair of Rare Shies - shortskirtsandexplosions

Rarity and Fluttershy keep their love relationship a secret for thirty days.

  • ...

First: Breakfast

"I have a gift for you, darling."

"A gift? Oh Rarity, you didn't have to."

"None of that, now! It's... just as much a gift for me as it is for you, in all honesty."


"It may seem a bit silly at first, Fluttershy, but I trust that you will find it most fitting."

"'Fitting?' Is it a dress?"

"Mmmm-heeheehee... no. But it suits you nonetheless."

"Now I am curious."

"You won't be for long. Now close your eyes."

"Just what kind of a gift is this...?"

"Hehe... a very thoughtful one, I assure you! One that comes from the heart!"

"If it was 'thoughtful,' wouldn't it come from the mind?"

"Don't go mincing words, darling. I'm not dating Twilight, now, am I?"


"I swear, if you weren't so positively radiant..."

"I-I'm sorry, Rarity. I'll play nice. You want me to close my eyes, now?"


"For... uhm... f-for how long?"

"...not very long. Just close your pretty eyes, and stay perfectly still."

"Okay... do I have to hold out my hooves?"

"Only if you desire to. Now... eyelids closed. There's a good filly."

Fluttershy complied, smiling.

Seconds passed.

At last, when she felt almost like saying something...

...a soft pair of lips made contact with hers.

And as the warmth spread through Fluttershy's body from her muzzle to her chest to her heart...

...a very surprising thing happened.

She didn't flinch.

And by the time she started processing the gravity of what was pulling her forwards, she found herself reaching back—with both forelimbs and wings. Embracing. Caressing.

Somewhere between the tender squeaks, she knew...

There was no going back.

She couldn't have been happier.

Weeks later, Fluttershy was still smiling with her eyes shut.

She felt the soothing touch of satin as she sleepily nuzzled a lump of pillows and bedsheets—all smelling of vanilla fabric softener...

...and her.

Fluttershy smiled deeper. Just as the first foggy thoughts of morning wafted through her mind, the pegasus felt a gentle, loving tug to her scalp, accompanied by a hypnotic sweeping sensation.

One eye peeled open, then the other. Fluttershy spotted dainty shadows flittering across the bed's headboard. Then an eloquent voice rang against the familiar acoustics of Carousel Boutique's upstairs bedroom.

"Good morning, dearest," Rarity exhaled in a sing-song tone. "And do forgive me." Fluttershy felt more soft tugs to her scalp. The sweeping sounds of Rarity's brush filled the spaces between waking words. "I simply could not help myself. Not that I truly had to, I-I suppose. Your mane truly is to die for. So consistent and manageable..."

Fluttershy stifled an undainty yawn, continuing to lie on her tummy as Rarity brushed her mane. "Mmmm... I don't mind."

"Well, of course you would say that."

"Honest!" Fluttershy muttered against the pillow case. "I don't. It's okay. Brush to your heart's content."

Rarity sat beside Fluttershy and a mountain of tangled sheets. With gentle telekinesis, she stroked Fluttershy's pink bangs straight and straighter. "Must be quite the exercise dealing with all of this on your lonesome."

"Mmmmm..." Fluttershy shut her eyes, enjoying the rhythmic motions through her mane. "One hundred strokes on either side... morning and night..." She wriggled slightly. "Sometimes noon."

"No wonder you don't let Aloe or Lotus touch it when we do our weekly visits to the Spa." Rarity licked her lips, delicately navigating her way pass a tangle. "They're underqualified for such a work of art!"

Fluttershy giggled into the mattress.

Rarity raised an eyebrow, smiling slightly. "What?"

"'Our weekly visits,'" Fluttershy murmured in a breathy tone. "Is... uhm..." She squinted one eye open. "...is that even going to be a thing anymore?"

"Why, of course, dearest!" Rarity remarked, breathily. She paused in brushing to stare down at the other mare. "Why wouldn't it be?"

"Be... b-because I would very much like to keep going with you to the spa every week." Fluttershy gulped. "If that's okay."

Rarity smiled. "It's the veritable highlight of my existence! It always has been! Why should things be any difference since... well..." She giggled inwardly, leaning in to nuzzle the back of Fluttershy's head. "...you know."

"Heeee..." Fluttershy cooed. Her wingtips lifted slightly, the feathers dancing. "I know I-I don't exactly go for the full pony pedi every time we go."

"Don't you mean all of the times?" Rarity smirked, leaning back. "Ah!" She gasped, brushing faster. "Good heavens! I almost messed up your mane!"

"But... but I like being there with you," Fluttershy continued, murmuring. "It's so nice and peaceful just... hearing you talk while we both enjoy a warm rinse." She closed her eyes, draping limply against the bedsheets once again. "Mmmmfff... although this is nice toooooo..."

"Hmmmmm... I'm inclined to agree." Rarity winked as she finished off the other side of Fluttershy's pink mane with soothing brush strokes. "I'd say it's high time you had the magic touch."

"The cl-closest I could get to relaxing in the morning is having Angel brush my mane," Fluttershy said, stifling another lazy yawn. "And you know how temperamental he can be—" Her eyes popped open. "Oh. Oh my goodness!" She sat up, nearly knocking Rarity off the bed. "I... I need to get back to the cottage! All of my animal friends! They'll go hungry if I don't give them their regular morning breakfast!"

"Now relax, Fluttershy—"

"They'll..." Fluttershy nibbled on her fetlocks, eyes moistening. "Th-they'll think that I-I've abandoned them! Oh, the poor dears—"

"Fluttershy, it's okay." Rarity grasped the mare's shoulders. "It's only seven-thirty."

"It... it is?" Fluttershy blinked out the sunlit window. "I... I could have sworn it was later!"

"Would I let you sleep in on something so important?" Rarity winked. "I know how much you care for your... mmmm... wildlife companions." She cleared her throat. "Fear not. You have plenty of time to feed them today."

"Oh..." Fluttershy relaxed, slumping onto her side. "Oh thank goodness. I half expected you to be so exhausted you'd let us sleep past noon. Especially after last night—" Her pupils shrank, and a deep blush overcame her muzzle. "Mmmm..." She curled inward, limbs and chin and all.

Once more, Rarity let loose a high-pitched giggle. She leaned in to nuzzle the mare. "Oh, how I do adore that rosy tinge that takes over your golden complexion." She shared a bold wink between them. "You only have yourself to blame for last night, by the way."

"Errm..." Fluttershy tried hiding behind a lock of pink hair, but it was too neatly brushed. She bore a crooked smile instead. "S-sorry."

"Don't be." Rarity smiled. "I certainly got my exercise. Oh! Speaking of which!" She hopped off the bed and trotted across the room.

"Hmmm?" Fluttershy tilted her head up. "What's the matter?"

"Nothing's the matter!" Rarity trotted back, levitating a tray with a warm plate and an even warmer bowl. "Unless, of course, you have a dislike for a warm, tasty meal!"

"Huh? Wait, is that...?" Fluttershy sniffed the air, then was overwhelmed by a foalish grin. "Did you make me grilled cheese?"

"That I diddddddd!" Rarity sang, standing bedside with the floating tray. "The picture perfect recipe for the adorable filly still residing inside you."

"Oh, Rarity! You remembered!" Fluttershy giggled. "My older sisters used to make this for me all the time."

"Now sit up, dearest!" Rarity said, telekinetically fluffing the pillows behind Fluttershy as the pegasus rested against them. "Or else you might spill something!"

"Tomato soup?!" Fluttershy grinned as the tray was rested on her lap. "Squee! This... this is so wonderful! They go so well with one another!" She dipped a corner of the grilled cheese sandwich into the broth and took a tiny bite. Her ears instantly drooped as her eyelids fluttered shut. "Mmmmmmmmmm... goodness..." Another bite, and she sighed dreamily. "Oh Rarity, you are far... far too good to me."

Rarity smiled, batting an eyelash. "Only because you're so good to be good to!"

"I swear..." Fluttershy managed to speak between more bites. "...the last time a pony ever treated me this marvelously—" She froze all of the sudden, her eyes locked in place. Gulping the last morsel down, she calmly placed the rest of the sandwich back on the plate and squinted across the bed. "Rarity, what do you wish to ask of me?"

"Huh?" Rarity smiled wide—although her muzzle twitched ever so slightly. "Why, what ever d-do you mean, dearest?" Her voice cracked.

"Your voice is cracking, Rarity," Fluttershy said in a dangerous monotone. "You don't sound like Sweetie Belle unless you're attempting to hide something."

Rarity gulped.

"Be honest with me, Rarity." Fluttershy cocked her head to the side, eyes narrowing. "It's what we agreed on when this all began, isn't it?"

"Mmmm... " Rarity flinched delicately. "Please d-don't use the stare."

"Be straightforward and I won't have to."

Rarity gulped yet again. "Alright. I... I was in such a happy mood this morning that I woke up early... a-a-and I had this most delightful thought." She cleared her throat. "More like a proposition."

Fluttershy folded her forelimbs above the tray. "I'm listening."

"Simply that..." Rarity leaned against the mattress. She fluffed her mane while avoiding Fluttershy's gaze. "I do so enjoy having you as my special somepony. Just... how marvelous would it be to share that ecstasy with our friends!"

"Rarity..." Fluttershy sighed. Instead of frowning, she fidgeted, gazing towards the walls of the room. "We've... we've b-been through this." She gulped hard, fighting the urge to shiver. "I... just don't think I'm r-ready to share this with our friends, no matter how special it is."

"And I know that dear—"

"It's not b-because of you!" Fluttershy bit her lip. "Just... I-I'm afraid of how awkward it will feel for the whole world to know that I'm dating. All the teasing and the words said behind m-my back just m-makes me want to curl up into a little ball. Plus I don't want the other girls to feel strange or left-out because what you and I have is something beyond friendship that they can't relate to. And... and the last t-time I had a special somepony, it was before I came to Ponyville and..." She clenched her eyes shut, sighing. "...oh goodness, here I go rambling about it all over again."

"Nopony's asking you to do so, Fluttershy," Rarity said, resting a hoof on her shoulder. "And I don't want to come out with our relationship right away—"

"Y-yes you do..." Fluttershy sniffled. "You absolutely hate keeping things secret. I must be such a burden to you over this—"

"Now don't go putting words in my muzzle," Rarity said, her expression briefly stern. "There is absolutely nothing that I am ashamed of concerning you and me. Nothing."

Fluttershy exhaled, rubbing her eyes. "I'm sorry..."

"Don't be sorry, dearest." Rarity bore a tender smile. She rubbed Fluttershy's shoulder as she spoke. "And—for what it's worth—I too do not enjoy the idea of revealing to the others just how close we've been these last few weeks. At least not yet." She shuddered, glancing aside. "Rainbow Dash, no doubt, would tease us... just because she's Rainbow Dash. Applejack and Twilight would just be confused. Knowing Pinkie Pie, she'd immediately throw a party and then all of Ponyville—nay—Equestria would know on her terms and not ours."

"Then..." Calming down, Fluttershy stared at Rarity directly. "Just... uhm... what are you proposing?"

"Hear me out." Rarity smiled, clasping Fluttershy's hooves with her own. She stared into the other mare's eyes as she spoke softly but firmly. "While I would much prefer living in a world where all of our friends and family know of our glorious affair."

"Heehee..." Fluttershy snickered, nearly snorting. "I'm sorry... 'affair'."

Rarity winked. "Yes. Quite absurd. Ahem." She squeezed Fluttershy's hooves again. "While I would much rather the whole world know that we are a couple, I think that what we have right now is precious. Because it is just us... each other. So why not embrace it!"

"What do you mean?"

Rarity tilted her chin up. "What I propose is an endurance trial. Well... that's a rather brutish way of titling it. Think of it more like an exercise."

"What kind of exercise?"

Rarity smiled. "One month. Let us keep this secret for one month." She waved a hoof towards the sunlit window. "Let us make an adventure out of this relationship! Let us learn about one another! Love on one another! Cherish one another! Struggle with one another! And then... once an entire month has expired... then and only then shall we reveal ourselves to our closest companions." She exhaled, gazing softly upon her lover. "For will we not—by then—be properly prepared for whatever might come our way? Come Tartarus or high tide?"

Fluttershy gazed aside, trembling slightly.

Rarity blinked. "Is... is that not fair, you think?"

"It's fair..." Fluttershy murmured. "But... I suppose there isn't much that's fair about my fears." She gulped. "Or sensible. But... but still..."

Rarity nodded. "Your concerns are important to you. And I understand, dearest." Her eyes twinkled. "I will not compromise your reservations."

"You shouldn't h-have to be the one who compromises all the time," Fluttershy said woefully. "Especially for an awkward mare like me." A soft sigh, and her eyes lifted up to meet Rarity's again. "Let me think about it?"

"But of course!" Rarity nodded. "Absolutely! It was a proposition, after all."

"Heehee..." Fluttershy smiled. "And for a moment there, I thought it was a different kind of proposition."

"Uh!" Rarity leaned back, a hoof over her chest as she gasped. "After only a few weeks?! Do you take me for some kind of hussy, Fluttershy?!"

"No-o-o-ooo..." Fluttershy broke into giggles. "My goodness, Rarity!"

"Heeheehee..." Rarity leaned in, rubbing noses with the mare. "I do so love you, dearest."

"Hmmmmmm..." Fluttershy smiled, her eartips turning warm. She blurted: "I love you harder."

"Mmmf..." Rarity bit her lip. "Going to have to work on that one."


"Don't be." Rarity pointed. "Finish your meal. I know you want to."


"Then...!" Rarity skipped across the bedroom. "We can return to your place so you can feed your animal companions!"

"Mrmmmfff..." Fluttershy swallowed some more grilled cheese. "Where are you going?"

"To freshen up!"

Fluttershy raised an eyebrow. "Don't you prefer doing that after you're around my forest friends?"

"I'm freshening up at the thought of freshening up later!"


"Angel? What did you do with the lettuce leaves?" Fluttershy asked, her voice throwing across the cottage.

A little white fluffball hopped over, tugging at her tail. Angel pointed his paw at a nearby table where a bowl full of tender greenery rested.

"Oh! There it is!" Fluttershy suppressed a giggle. She stopped pouring dry food into a dish and trotted over. "I swear. I'm getting distracted lately." She hummed to herself. "I wonder why."

Ferrets, pigeons, tortoises, badgers, and other small critters congregated in the middle of the cottage's living room. Fluttershy shuffled among the skittering current of fur and scales and feathers, depositing samples of food in key spots. She hummed a few more notes and paused to lean down and nuzzle a squirrel or two.

"Heehee... I sure hope I didn't make you all wait too long." Fluttershy winked. "Mommy Fluttershy was off on... uhm... a 'mini vacation.' I guess I'm having a lot of those as of late. Ehehehehe..."

The pegasus spread some more food around and looked up.

"Rarity? Have you seen Mr. Whiskers?"


Fluttershy winked. "Rarity?"

"Over h-here, d-dearest!"

"Hmmm?" Fluttershy looked over. She blinked. "Rarity... what are you doing on my table?"

"Uhhhhm..." Rarity gulped, shivering as she stood on the very tips of her fetlock in the center of the living room table. "I... uhhh..." She squirmed, inching away from the edges of the furniture, all the while nervously eyeing the wildlife circling and surging around her on the wooden floor. "...I just couldn't help but notice how... incredibly ravenous all of your... ulp... little friends are. Is..." She pointed pensively at a wandering ball of fuzz. "Is that thing venomous?"

"No, Rarity." Fluttershy smiled dryly. "Chipmunks are not venomous."

"... ... ...are you absolutely certain?"

"If you're uncomfortable inside my cottage during feeding time, you don't have to be here." Fluttershy pointed at the side door. "There's a lovely patio with some cool shade. You can wait out there and I'll join you shortly! I promise!"

"No! I... I-I volunteered to assist you with this endeavor and..." Rarity stomped her hoof down. "...that is what I intend to do—gaah!" She winced as the table teetered from her gesture. Uprighting, she shuddered and said: "Alright, then. Mr. Whiskers. Uhm..." She looked around, her pale cheeks blushing slightly. "I don't suppose you could be a tiny bit more specific."

"Heeheehee..." Fluttershy hoofed Angel some celery and trotted over to the table. "Rarity, come down from there. It's going to be alright." She smiled reassuringly, holding a hoof up. "There's no one who lives in or around my home who could be a danger to other ponies."

"Are... are you sure?" Rarity took the mare's hoof. Nevertheless, she clung to the pegasus, staring at the floor and wincing. "I'm suddenly afraid that I might be allergic."

"Oh?" Fluttershy cocked her head to the side. "To what?"

"Anythingthatmoves!" Rarity blurted, squeaking. "Oh! That one has quills on it! Look at my flank! Are there any needles stuck in it?"

"If there were, I'm sure you would feel it by now."

"Not if they were barbed with... erm... numbing poison!"

"Porcupines don't work that way."

"They came from Everfree, yes? Perhaps they've never seen a unicorn before! They could be frightened out of their pointy little minds and excrete anything!"

"Rarity, honestly. If this is how you'll be around my animals all the time, you'll never relax whenever you visit here." Fluttershy sighed, patting Rarity's back. "Maybe we should stick to spending time at the Boutique."

"Huh? No!" Rarity tilted her head up, legs locked. "Perish the thought! I'm a grown lady! I can surely handle the presence of animals!" She gulped. "Even... the intensely scratchy... itchy ones..." She gnashed her teeth. "...that drool."

"Oh Rarity. Mr. Whiskers doesn't drool."

"That's Mr. Whiskers?" Rarity blinked. "I must say. The name doesn't exactly suit him."

"He's going through cancer treatment."

"Oh." Rarity cleared her throat. "I suppose that explains it."

"I really, truly think you would be a much happier pony if you learned to relax around wildlife." Fluttershy brushed her bangs back in thought. Suddenly, her eyes lit up. "I know just the thing!"

"Hmmm? What, pray tell? A lobotomy?"

"N-no, Rarity." Fluttershy giggled. "You just need to get outside more."

"Yes, but... outside is so..." Rarity shuddered. "...exterior."

"Tell me. What are you doing tomorrow?"

"Well..." Rarity inched away from a random, wandering iguana. "I have two dresses to work on for high-paying clients. Buttttttttt... I should be able to get them done in time to clear up my afternoon! I figured I would invite you over for dinner and a movie. Why?" Rarity blinked. "Are you thinking of something else?"

"That I am." Fluttershy nodded. "How about a walk in the park?"

"The p-park?" Rarity blinked. "Just you and me? Without the girls?"

"It would be a first, don't you think?"

"Huh..." Rarity tapped her chin, smiling into the distance. "Come to think of it, it would." She suddenly squinted. "But... but wouldn't somepony see us and think—"

"—that we're just two perfectly amiable friends spending some quality time with one another." Fluttershy smiled. "Besides, I think a stroll in the great outdoors would do wonders for you."

"But... b-but..." Rarity leaned from one pair of legs to the other, grimacing. "It all sounds so... so hot and... and sweaty and..."

Fluttershy nuzzled Rarity close. "Pleeeeeease? You will enjoy it. Besides..." She kissed Rarity's ear, then breathed: "You haven't had a dislike for sweating lately."

Rarity paled. After a massive gulp, she stammered: "I shall bring my sundress!"
