• Published 27th Mar 2016
  • 5,841 Views, 526 Comments

The Ever Changing Moon - CommanderX5

The return of Nightmare Moon is coming, and with thestrals on her side, the Elements may not be enough. Now the fate of Equestria rests in the hooves of a young pureblood thestral, Fluttershy and the friends she made.

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Eternal Night - Ambush

The Ever Changing Moon


Chapter 3

Eternal Night

Part 3 - Ambush

The pale light of the moon shone brightly over Fluttershy’s grave, which was now nothing but a large hole in the ground with the headstone sprawled a short distance away.

The pureblood’s coffin sat near the hole, surrounded by a strange group, which included a black alicorn, two elderly pegasi and a large bear. Nightmare’s magical aura enveloped the figure in the coffin.

Nightmare Moon raised her head and stood up, the glow around Fluttershy quickly fading as the ritual came to a close, hastening her recovery. The alicorn furrowed her brow as memories of recent events kept bothering her.

I cannot believe we are really doing this, Luna. Assisting in the recovery of the Bearer of the Element of Kindness, not to mention forgiving the Bearer of Loyalty. Those ponies were chosen to become our enemies and banish us back to that cold prison.

Our fight with each other was not set in stone, but was the result of our choices. We see nothing wrong in showing trust and forgiveness, turning potential enemies into allies, Luna responded.

The tall alicorn walked away from the coffin, approaching her armor which was now lying on the grass. She had already dirtied Rarity’s dress during the party and didn’t intend to damage her armor during her short spar with Rainbow Dash, taking it off before delivering a proper punishment. We are getting soft.

Luna replied, Ponies change, and so do we. We see nothing wrong with it. confusion apparent in her thought.

Nightmare Moon glanced at the pony in the coffin, and next at the half-asleep pegasi sitting next to it. “Miss Sunflower, Little Seed,” she called, receiving the expected attention. “Lady Fluttershy shall awake in a half hour or so. Once she does, please make sure she takes the time to adjust after her long sleep. I am certain she will have much to discuss with you, and her clan, too. I can speak with her after that.”

“I understand,” Little Seed said absentmindedly.

“Why such a lack of enthusiasm?” Nightmare Moon asked as she turned towards the stallion. “While I understand it must be difficult to stay awake so late at night for ponies of your age, I had expected a different reaction to your friend’s comeback.”

Sunflower rubbed her foreleg nervously. “That’s because... we aren’t sure what to think of it.” She took a slow breath and lowered her head. “Fluttershy never told us her secret. It was Hawkeye who helped us discover her true nature… before using us as hostages to test her.”

Little Seed nodded. “Fluttershy’s friends rescued us, and we have had over a year to think it over.”

Sunflower continued, “Greeting her after all this time… it may be a difficult experience for our tired old hearts.”

Nightmare Moon smiled faintly. “I understand. I will have a nice, long talk with Moon Shadow about his methods when I meet him again.” She looked at the bear and pointed at the coffin. “You are to guard your Mistress and her friends until her clan arrives, understood?”

Harry grunted in affirmation and plopped into a sitting position next to the coffin.

“Princess Nightmare Moon!”

The sudden call caught her attention as the alicorn looked at the galloping ponies. She glanced over her shoulder at the exposed coffin with a sigh. This is going to be difficult to explain.

Just be honest; we shall win our subjects’ trust with sincerity, Luna suggested.

Nightmare Moon rolled her eyes. Of course. Surely we can explain how we talked with a pureblood in her dream, only to pull her coffin from the ground to bring her back from the dead.

Tis the spirit we expected from thee, Luna cheered.

Nightmare Moon released a long breath before asking, “How can I help you, my subjects?”

Both ponies stopped in front of her. Moon Dancer was the first to bow as she hissed to her friend, “Minuette, show some respect.”

“Oh, right.” The sea-blue pony dipped into a quick bow with a sheepish smile.

Such interesting cutie marks, Nightmare thought as she looked at the hourglass, and next at the half-moon with three dark-purple stars. She raised an eyebrow upon a closer examination. Is fate making fun of me?

What do you mean? Luna asked.

Moon Dancer stood up, fixing her glasses before glancing at her book-filled saddlebag, making sure none fell out during her long gallop.

This pony bears a strong resemblance to Miss Twilight. Take away the glasses and saddlebag, add a bit of dye and they would look like twins. She glanced back at the cutie mark and added, It is as if our cutie mark merged with Twilight’s.

“Hello, I’m Minuette! I saw you at the party where everypony were celebrating your return. It’s so great to find out we had another alicorn princess.”

Surely tis not another prank? Luna asked, ignoring the present ponies.

We will find out in due time.

“Though your wings are waaay different than Celestia’s,” she said, jumping forward and grabbing one of Nightmare’s spread wings, waking the alicorn from her thoughts. “They look more like a thestral’s wings, but way bigger and longer. Are you an alicorn-turned-thestral by any chance?”

“Minuette, stop it!” Moon Dancer shouted in panic.

Nightmare Moon narrowed her eyes as she stared at the pony in annoyance, whose excitement and lack of respect for personal space reminded her of a certain mare who had dumped a large cake on her. She withdrew her wing with a sharp snap, causing Minuette to lose her balance and fall on her back. “It seems somepony needs to learn how to respect royalty,” she said sharply.

“Please forgive her,” Moon Dancer said as she approached and bowed. “M-my friend here didn’t mean to show disrespect. She’s just too excitable for her own good.”

"I can see that, but such a transgression requires some form of punishment." She raised her hoof to stop their protests. "That can wait, though." She lowered her head to the bowing subject and asked, “What should I call you, little pony?”

“M-Moon Dancer,” she stammered before looking up hesitantly.

“Miss Moon Dancer, are you related to Miss Twilight Sparkle?” she asked. “Your resemblance is hard to ignore.”

Moon Dancer stood up and magically adjusted her glasses. “You know Twilight?” Her face lighting up.

Nightmare Moon nodded. Is it just me, or does she have stars in her eyes?

“She’s my school friend and I’m a big fan of her’s. She’s so smart, has read so many books and is a student of the princess.” Moon Dancer pointed at the alicorn. “And I would have never guess she was given the responsibility of welcoming back Celestia’s sister.” The alicorn frowned at the mention of her sister’s name.

Minuette grabbed Moon Dancer by her shoulder and asked, “Who can’t contain her excitement now?”

Moon Dancer raised her forehoof to her mouth as her entire body seemed to become paler. Her ears drooped.

Minuette chuckled playfully. “Come on, don’t be like that.. If Princess Nightmare didn’t mind my excitement, surely she won’t mind yours.”

Nightmare Moon closed her eyes and shook her head. Bearer of the Element of Magic who likes astronomy. A pony named Moon Dancer with half-moon as a cutie mark. Both looking nearly identical. Element of Kindness being a pureblood. What’s next? Changelings becoming my allies? My... sister needing me to save her?

We find it to be quite amusing, Luna responded. We had hoped our subjects would change for the better over the centuries, and they have indeed.

Too many changes for this simple Nightmare.

Luna chuckled mentally. So sayeth our second personality, born from our grief, loneliness and desperation. A pony who became something more over the centuries and hath helped us deal with the very emotions she was born from.

Point taken, Nightmare thought before opening her eyes, only to find out that her subjects were no longer standing in her shadow. She looked around and behind, quickly noticing how Minuette and Moon Dancer were inspecting the coffin.

“Ummm… princess…” Moon Dancer started.

“Why is this coffin here? And why is there a hole in the ground next to a grave? Were you trying to raise the dead?” Minuette asked.

Nightmare Moon rolled her eyes. “Your assumption is not far from the truth.”

Moon Dancer’s eyes widened. “Really? I’ve heard that necromancy is a forbidden element of dark magic, extremely difficult to master and too dangerous to use. Did you read about it in the past, or maybe write a few books about it yourself?”

“Please, calm yourselves,” Nightmare Moon said as she raised her foreleg. Alright Luna, thus far being honest worked in our favour. Hopefully it is not going to change now. She cleared her throat and continued, “We were not trying to bring back Lady Fluttershy from the dead, as she was not dead to begin with.”

Both ponies tilted their heads to the side.

“Lady Fluttershy is a pureblood thestral who was in a deep sleep. We merely tried to hasten her awakening.”

“Really? That’s great!” Minuette said, jumping in excitement with a mischievous grin. “ I can’t wait to see the look on Mayor Mare’s face when we tell her.”

Moon Dancer glanced between the coffin and the alicorn before asking, “Is Miss Fluttershy… a peaceful pureblood?”

Nightmare Moon’s face scrunched into a badly suppressed smile while Luna laughed in her mind. “Calling her a peaceful pureblood would be an understatement. We received a very good impression of her when we visited her dream. Furthermore, she was chosen by the Element of Kindness.” She glanced at the excited pony who kept bouncing in place with a large smile. “Miss Minuette, I order you to not share this fact with the citizens of this town. Lady Fluttershy should be the one deciding when to share her secret.” She glanced at Moon Dancer and added, “This order includes you, as well.”

“Our lips are sealed,” Minuette said before zipping her mouth shut.

Moon Dancer sighed in relief before taking a step back. “Oh, right… I completely forgot!” She approached with a nervous smile. “Mayor Mare wishes to accommodate you in Town Hall for the night. Minuette and I volunteered to inform you.”

Minuette jumped ahead of her friend and nodded energetically. “Pretty much. We went to ask Twilight where we could find you, but she didn’t know. We were about to ask Pinkie to help us search for you. Luckly, a local musician told us where you were going.”

Accommodate us? We have no time to rest now. We should hurry and visit another town soon, Nightmare Moon thought.

Tis rude to turn down such an offer. Furthermore, we need to change our sleeping habits in order to judge our subjects, Luna answered.

You have a point. Nightmare turned and spoke regally, “Lead the way, my loyal subjects.”

Minuette nodded, skipping ahead of the tall alicorn. “Sure thing, follow me!”

Nightmare Moon followed with slow steps and a wide grin. “How rude of me. I said there would be a punishment, and I am not one to go back on my word.” The moment Minuette glanced back at her, she sent a piece of her translucent mane towards unicorn’s mouth, sealing it.


“Half an hour of silence will teach you some respect and contain your excitement for a while.”

Minuette turned her head to the side with an annoyed “hmn…”

Moon Dancer glanced at the coffin and asked, “What about the pureblood? When will she wake up?”

“Veeery sooooon.”

Ditzy flapped her wings rapidly with her signature wall-eyed smile on her face. Dash’s hooves were pressed against her shoulders, keeping her safely grounded.

“Calm down, Derpy. We don’t need a hole in the ceiling,” Dash said as drops of sweat were falling from her face. Her wings flapping at fast pace. While she considered herself to be a great athlete with unmatched speed, keeping Ditzy from damaging her surroundings proved to be a challenge even for her.

The surrounding decorations were already a mess as Town Hall had suffered from hours long celebration. Tables with leftovers of food were all over the place. Ditzy’s father and mother alongside a few other volunteers were cleaning after the celebration, and fixing a hole in the ceiling would certainly slow them down.

“I'm trying, but it's just so wonderful!? First a new princess convinces the entire town to accept our kind, now she wakes up Flutt...!” she failed to finish as Dash’s forehoof sealed her mouth. Unable to contain her happiness, Ditzy embraced her friend in a tight hug. Her forelegs sank into Dash’s wings, squeezing her like a balloon.

Rainbow Dash gritted her teeth as her face slowly turned purple. When it comes to hugs, the half-breed thestral proved to be way more dangerous than even Pinkie Pie. Luckily, her forelegs weren’t trapped as Dash poked Ditzy’s shoulder and pointed at her own neck.

“S-sorry,” Ditzy said as her ears drooped. She quickly released her friend who fell onto the floor, gasping for sweet, wonderful air.

After a moment, Rainbow stood up and looked around, making sure nopony overheard their discussion. It didn’t surprise her when Pinkie Pie bolted outside. Most likely on her way to welcome back her sleeping friend.

Dash’s pupils shrank as a thought struck her. “No, Pinkie… No more parties tonight!” She flew outside, following her over-energetic friend.

Ditzy approached her parents at a cheerful trot, ready to share the great news. Though a mere look at her mother’s wide smile told her that she’d heard all the details. The hearing of a thestral wasn’t to be underestimated, after all.

Her walk was interrupted by a flash of light coming from the stage.

Curious, she flew towards it, only to raise forehoof up to her face, gasping.

Nightmare Moon kept walking towards Town Hall at an easy pace, side by side with Moon Dancer who kept admiring the sky. The night sky was dotted with a thousand tiny multicolored fireflies, all of this punctuated by the bright orb of a full moon. Minuette was bouncing around them, not bothering to slow down.

“If I understand correctly, Canterlot was evacuated because of me?” Nightmare Moon asked. While Twilight had provided her with a significant amount of information and historical events, she changed topics whenever asked about the current situation in Canterlot.

“I’m not sure. We were informed that there’s a threat to the capital and were evacuated to nearby towns until it is dealt with,” Moon Dancer said. “Ponyville was quite accepting despite its small size and low population. Many residents offered rooms in their homes, inns are now full and Town Hall will once again be filled with sleeping bags once cleaning after the celebration is over.” She shrugged. “By connecting the facts and using basic logic, I suppose your return was related to this threat but nothing more. If you were the threat, Ponyville would be evacuated as well.”

Nightmare Moon rubbed her chin. “I must agree. Despite my power, I wouldn’t be able to conquer the entire capitol on my own. I would need an army…” She stomped, causing Moon Dancer to flinch. “When I returned from my banishment, I was greeted by two purebloods who had united others of their kind. They are no doubt involved in this so called threat.”

“You'll protect us, right?" Minuette asked, her mouth finally freed from its bonds.

Nightmare Moon lit her horn, stopping Minuette in mid air before patting her on the head. “Do not get the wrong impression, my little pony. As my subject, you are under my protection, yet, I have not decided what to do with the rest of Equestria. I shall judge the ponies of other towns before deciding if peace is possible.”

Upon seeing how Moon Dancer looked to the side as silence lasted for a few seconds, Nightmare decided to change the topic. “Miss Moon Dancer, I find your name to be quite… interesting.” With her subject now looking at her curiously, she asked, “Would you share the story behind your name and cutie mark?”

Moon Dancer blushed as she fixed her glasses and next fiddled with her saddlebag. “Interesting indeed,” she said, chuckling nervously as she opened her saddlebag, scanning through several titles. “Speaking of interesting, I’m sure you’ll find this book to be most intriguing.” She grabbed a random book quickly, presenting it to the alicorn.

“One hundred one ways to brush your mane?” Nightmare Moon asked while reading the title, which only made Moon Dancer drop the book from her shaking forehooves. She glanced at her star-strewn mane and asked, “Are you implying my pride, my mane which displays the beauty of my night sky, needs additional care?”

Minuette laughed and said encouragingly, “Go ahead and tell the princess, don’t be shy about it.” She crossed her forearms and smirked. “Or should I do the honors?”

“N-no… don’t tell her!”

Minuette gestured for Nightmare Moon to get closer before whispering into her ear.

Nightmare Moon chuckled before giving a playful glance at Moon Dancer, who covered her head with her forelegs. “Oh, my… Quite an unique way of getting a cutie mark.”

“Moon shone brightly, missteps were made, and a cutie mark on the flank you get!” Minuette signed cheerfully.

Moon Dancer whimpered, wishing she would sink into the ground at this very moment.

The cheerful atmosphere was suddenly interrupted by a silver bolt, which flew straight at the alicorn’s cheek, striking against the nearly invisible barrier without any significant injury.

Minuette gasped before falling onto her four hooves as she was released from Nightmare Moon’s magic. Moon Dancer flinched as her eyes focused on a bolt falling onto the ground.

Nightmare Moon looked down at the projectile before raising forehoof up to her face, rubbing a small bruise under her ear. While she had expected violence from some of her future subjects who would fight her out of fear, being greeted so warmly had caused her to lower her guard.

Her ears perked up at the noise of incoming bolts, which bounced off her body. Should she be a thestral or a pureblood, such precise strikes would wound her greatly, maybe even kill her. She grit her teeth as she scanned her surroundings for the attackers.

Moon Dancer ran behind the wall of a building, levitating over Minuette.

It didn’t take long before several well armed earth ponies and unicorns emerged from behind various hiding spots. Each wearing a mask with odd looking goggles on their eyes while armed with crossbows. A quick glance at the surrounding rooftops told her she was being targeted by pegasi as well.

“Who are they?” Moon Dancer asked, peeking from behind her cover. “Watch out!”

Nightmare Moon lit her horn as the rain of bolts bounced against her violet barrier. While alicorn magic protected her from harm by weakening all kind of attacks without her influence, she didn’t feel like acquiring more bruises.

Why are they attacking us? Nightmare asked in her mind as she charged a spell, aiming at their foes. A few pegasi scattered from a nearby roof as her beam hit it, leaving a large hole. She followed with a few quick beams, forcing her foes to retreat behind cover.

We know not who they are, but their weapons are made to kill thestrals. Do they take us for such? Luna asked.

Minuette said our appearance is closer to that of a thestral than an alicorn. I wouldn't be surprised if these foals who are attacking us made this mistake, Nightmare responded. She staggered, yelping as her discussion with Luna was suddenly interrupted by a series of impacts on her wings, a mix of sharp pokes and a toasty sensation, probably a fire spell.

She looked behind her shoulder to examine her injury, seeing burned marks and two small dents on her leathery wing. She turned around and stomped in anger with both of her forehooves, summoning lightning against the attackers while unintentionally damaging the house.

“Watch out!” Minuette shouted as she tackled her friend, getting Moon Dancer out of the way before part of the ceiling could fall on them. Screams of panic echoed in the background as a few nearby ponies ran away.

Nightmare Moon bit her lip as she looked around. She was clearly outnumbered and surrounded.

We need to withdraw! Luna advised urgently.

Run away from these foals? Even in such numbers, they are no match for our might.

Luna mentally frowned. We would stain our honor by fighting those savages in this town. Thou would endanger our subjects who welcomed us with open hooves, and turn their homes into worthless rubble.

Nightmare Moon raised her barrier for protection from further attacks as she examined her options. While her foes were numerous, well trained and equipped with weapons, their speciality seemed to be fighting purebloods, not alicorns. And unlike the royal guard, they lacked the numbers and firepower of an army.

Should she fight them, she would dispose of the attackers one by one without losing too much magic, which was a precious and a very slowly regenerating resource for an alicorn. Yet, the town and residents would pay a great price as the result.

As ruler of this town, I am responsible for its residents. I shall withdraw and dispose of this trash without putting my subjects at risk. She spread her wings and flew up, evading further bolts and offensive spells before heading toward the Everfree Forest. As she had hoped, her assailants followed her.

Thou should spare one or two of these attackers. To judge ponies of this era, we need to learn why they target us, Luna suggested.

Nightmare Moon ignored the confused glances from her subjects as she turned herself into a violet fog, flying towards the sea of trees filled with various monsters, a perfect location to return the favour by ambushing those who dared to ambush her. Is not that obvious? There are those who still fear and hate thestrals, willing to kill them. The question is, how many.

We shall learn the truth in due time, Luna responded.


Moon Dancer peaked from behind her new cover, as did Minuette, their attention focused on the galloping ponies, each armed. Their cutie marks and faces were hidden behind their camouflaged cloth. Whoever were those attackers, they had one target.

“Let me at them!” Minuette shouted with righteous fury, her gallop was stopped by Moon Dancer’s magic. “Let me go! Our princess is being attacked, we need to help her!”

“I get the impression that she can take care of herself just fine,” Moon Dancer said as she placed her friend on the ground and pointed at the top of a large tree emerging from behind lines of homes. “We need to inform Twilight, she’ll know what to do.”

“Whooooaaa,” Pinkie said as her body shuddered, shaking her cyan ride as she was being held between Dash’s hooves.

“Woaaah… Careful there, Pinks. I don’t know why you’re so hyperactive tonight, but now’s not exactly the best time.” Rainbow Dash quickly recovered and kept flying towards the cottage, the additional weight not even slowing her down.

“Sorry Dashie, but it wasn’t me… I mean, it was, but this time I felt a doozy.”

“A doozy?” Dash asked before smiling. “It must be Fluttershy. She’s awakening after all.”

“Did you hear that?” Pinkie asked as her ears perked up. She pointed towards the town.

“Yeah, but whatever it is, it’ll have to wait. Fluttershy will wake up soon and I want to be there for her,” Dash said as she slowly descended, her sharp eyes now focused firmly on the open coffin in distance. Applejack, Hawkeye and Apple Bloom were already waiting there, while Harry the bear was napping near the hole, Sunflower and Little Seed sleeping between his paw and belly.

Rarity wasn’t far behind as she galloped toward the bridge, followed by three thestrals who were once members of the Cloudsdale clan which was lead by Fluttershy’s parents, turned from pegasi on their own free will. A little over a year ago she had hired them as assistants for her boutique, expanding her business a little by exporting clothing for pegasi to Cloudsdale thanks to her assistant’s guidance.

Before Dash could react, Pinkie pushed herself free from her hooves, falling down for at least seven seconds before stopping herself a few centimeters above the ground. Big Mac was quick to restrain the energetic mare before she could fire her party cannon at pony in the open coffin.

Already used to Pinkie’s antics, Dash descended, closing her wings the moment she landed next to Applejack as she now looked at Fluttershy’s smiling face.

“Yer finally here,” Applejack said with a weak punch to the shoulder. “Ah thought ya were faster than that.”

“Yeah, whatever,” Dash said, not bothering to look at the farm mare, her attention now on the pony inside the coffin. Even after a year and a half, she still wore the same peaceful smile. Instead of holding her forehooves together, she was hugging her own feathery wing as an illusion still hid her true nature.

Fluttershy rested comfortably against the soft inside as if sinking into a big pillow. The inside was still white and clean, lacking any sight of dirt or passage of time.

The beautiful reds of the cedar the coffin was made of appeared to still be in a great shape, though yellow paint was mostly scraped off due to Nightmare Moon pulling the coffin from under the ground. The pink butterflies decorating the top were barely recognizable.

“Whaaat? That’s it, no comeback?” Applejack chuckled before grabbing Dash by her shoulder. “Ya must be really into it if ya can keep yer pride locked tight.”

“We’ll tease each other another time. After all we went through all those years ago, I can’t wait to welcome Flutters back. We’re like an unstoppable duo, smart pureblood and master athlete, like a Wonderbolt team, one which shouldn’t be separated for so long.”

“Sureee…” Applejack said with a roll of her eyes.

“Why’re you so relaxed about this?” Dash asked as she gently took Applejack’s forehoof off her shoulder. “I still remember how you were all depressed for weeks after that fake funeral, knowing full well Flutters was alive. I could swear you missed her almost as much as me.”

“Oh, please. Ah may owe a lot to Fluttershy, a large debt Ah’ll never be able to repay to mah last days, but Ah’m not goin’ to be all sobby ‘bout it.”

“Apples ain’t for moping,” Hawkeye said as he puffed his chest. “We’re tough, hardworking and honorable, but not…”

“Mistress Fluttershy!” Rarity shouted as she galloped over to the coffin, tears dropping from her eyes. “You’re finally returning to us. Such a glorious night it is! I can’t wait to tell you about all that happened in past year. About our successes and failures, times of happiness and sorrow. Our clan will finally have our kind and caring leader and wonderful friend back!”

Hawkeye shook his head. “As Ah was sayin’, we ain’t that emotional.”

“Totally not as emotional and amusing as our favourite drama queen!” Dash said, grinning.

Rarity raised her foreleg defensively. “Drama queen? I’m not…”

“Drama queen Rarity, her majesty the queen of drama, it totally suits you!” Pinkie shouted as she struggled to free herself from Big Mac’s hold. “I’m always up for hugs, but you should wait for your turn, Big Mac, now it’s Fluttershy’s turn.”


Dash looked at Pinkie in worry as she whispered, “I know Pinkie’s energetic and all over the place, but tonight she’s really stepping up in her game.”

“Oh, I can’t wait! First we’ll go to the Sugarcube Corner where I can bring out an emergency birthday cake. I wonder, should I use the number of candles based on Fluttershy’s pegasus age, or for Fluttershy’s pureblood age? Whoooooaaa!” Pinkie said as she started shuddering, causing both of them to bounce around. “Next we can go to Town Hall and party all night and day… well, maybe just one night will do. I’ll need to stop after-party cleaning though. Maybe I can make some cupcakes and muffins with blood icing. I’ve plenty to share after all. Hey, Hawkeye, what’s your favourite flavour?” She finally wriggled free from Big Mac’s embrace, only for Rarity’s magic to levitate her back into his vice grip.

“My fav…” Hawkeye failed to finish.

“I bet it’s apples. Apple-cinnamon cupcakes with white icing and sprinkles it is. I could add a candied apple slice on top, as well.”

Applejack whispered, “She sure is. Maybe she ate several bags of sugar or drank lots of hard cider?”

Dash whispered back, “First she organized welcome parties for ponies from Canterlot. Next was Twilight’s welcome party before joining Nightmare Moon’s celebration. She’s barely slept in between. How she can still stand is beyond me.” She glanced at napping Apple Bloom on Hawkeye’s back, who released a slow yawn and rubbed her eyes. As bright as the sky was thanks to the stars and moon, it was still the middle of the night, after all. “Do you think parties and spreading cheer is the source of her craziness?”

“Ah hope not,” Applejack raised forehoof up to her face. “Pinkie may be all over the place, but she was never strong, an’ now she’s givin’ even Big Mac a hard time.”

“Vinyl did mention that her magic is quite strong tonight,” Rarity stated. “I fear my theory about spreading cheer and celebrating with others being the source of Pinkie’s unexplainable power is not that far from the truth.”

Suddenly, a long yawn left Fluttershy’s mouth as the pureblood stretched inside of the coffin, cracking the wooden walls on both sides with her forelegs. After several seconds that felt like minutes for everypony present, Fluttershy opened her eyes slightly, closing them a few times before they fully opened.

Tears streamed from Dash’s eyes as she burst into a broad smile “F-Fluttershy! You’re back!” In an instant, she grabbed her best friend in a tight hug with Applejack joining a moment later. “I missed you so so much!”

In spite of herself, Applejack closed her watery eyes as she tightened her hug, pressing her forelegs against Fluttershy and Dash’s wings. “Ah… Ah can’t thank ya enough! Ah’m so happy!”

Hawkeye raised an eyebrow at her daughter’s display of emotions, only for Apple Bloom to run up his neck and jump onto Fluttershy’s head, the only part of the pureblood’s body which wasn’t embraced yet. “Thank ya, thank ya, thank ya!”

“Mistress Fluttershy is finally back,” Rarity said as she wiped tears from under her eyes with a tissue. Sobbing and smiling as if watching a tragic romance play.

Her thestral assistants half-bowed in silence, wondering if they should interfere. Hugging a pureblood without permission was a high offense, yet their mistress didn’t seem to mind.

The ground trembled as Harry released two old pegasi from his hold and approached, grabbing Fluttershy, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash in a massive bear hug.

Big Mac’s happiness didn’t last long as his attention focused on Pinkie as she shuddered again, her color turning from pink to red, shaking in his embrace. Drops of sweat fell down his forehead as he felt as if holding an active volcano, ready to erupt at any moment.

Like a cannonball, Pinkie overpowered Big Mac’s hold, dashing directly towards the coffin as a large explosion of confetti followed.

Big Mac, Hawkeye, three pegasi thestrals and Rarity gasped as instead of their hugged mistress, all they saw was a multicolored cloud while a rain of confetti fell onto their fur.

Rarity raised her foreleg and pointed at the cloud as she asked, “Did Pinkie Pie just… explode?”

“I sure did! Now that’s what I call a big welcome,” Pinkie said as the cloud dispersed, revealing Pinkie lying on an unconscious bear, who was crushing Rainbow Dash, Applejack and Fluttershy under his massive weight. “That was really fun! I wonder if I could explode twice?”

Apple Bloom’s eyes were rolling in all directions as she held Fluttershy’s head in a vicegrip, lucky enough to avoid the bear’s weight as Fluttershy’s head was emerging from under the bronze mass of meat and fur.

What was once a presentable coffin was now nothing but splintered wood scattered all over the place.