• Published 12th Feb 2016
  • 1,018 Views, 80 Comments

Shades Of The Past - Bluecatcinema

Shine goes to a small town to investigate a bandit leader... and learns more than he bargained for.

  • ...

Strange Relations

Years ago...

Black had been in Belle's care for a couple of weeks, and his injuries were healing up nicely. Though one hoof was still in a cast, and his joints were a little sore, he was finally able to move and feed himself of his own accord.

"My, you are a tough one." Belle smiled. "Most stallions wouldn't recover from injuries like yours so quickly."

"Not to brag, but I'm not like most stallions." Black smirked.

"Especially in the modesty department." Belle joked.

"But I never would have been able to recover if it weren't for you." Black admitted. "You were like an angel of mercy in my darkest hour."

"Oh, thanks..." Belle blushed.

"Anyway, now I'm mobile again, I'll like to return the favor." Black smiled. "Anything you need help with, just let me know."

"There's no need for that." Belle shook her head. "I helped because it was the right thing to do, not because I expected you to pay me back..."

"That may be, but I'm going to do it anyway." Black smiled. "Think of it as a way of making us square for the room and board you've given me. So you may as well just tell me now if you've got anything that needs doing around here."

"Well, the schoolhouse's roof needs some fixing..." Belle mused. "But I couldn't ask you to do that. Not when you've still got a bad hoof..."

"I've done much harder deeds with far worse injuries." Black declared. "Besides, I've been going nuts laying around here, with nothing to do. It'll feel good to get out in the fresh air again."

"I don't know..." Belle frowned.

"Come on, Belle." Black urged. "I want to do this for you. Besides, I have to start earning my keep around here."

"Okay." Belle gave in. "Just be careful."

"I'm always careful." Black smirked.

"Somehow, I doubt that..." Belle giggled.

Over the next couple of days, Black worked on the schoolhouse roof, patching it up, while wearing a wide-brimmed hat. He told Belle it was to protect him from the heat, but it's real purpose was to hide his face, in case anypony were to recognise him. Despite his still-bandaged hoof, he finished the job quickly enough.

"Well miss Belle, I'd guarantee this roof for five years." Black smiled. "If there's anything else?"

"Well, the windows won't open." Belle admitted. "And I know the children and I would enjoy a nice breeze."

"Consider it done." Black grinned.

"Not right away, though." Belle smiled. "You should rest up first. Too much exertion could easily undo all the healing your body's done."

"Nonsense." Black smiled. "What this body needs now is to shake off the old cobwebs. Laying around all that has really dulled my edge. Because, if I did overexert myself, I'd have my very own nurse Flightengale to take care of me."

"You're awfully sure of that, aren't you?" Belle smiled. "What makes you think I would? After all, last time, it was a matter of life and death."

"I know a compassionate mare when I see one." Black declared. "And you have more compassion than almost anypony I've ever met."

"Oh, thanks..." Belle blushed. "But that's exactly why I don't want you to push yourself too hard. There's nothing I hate more than seeing somepony hurt."

"I wish I could say the same." Black sighed. "But I've done my fair share of hurting, in the name of Equestria. I didn't enjoy it, but I did it anyway, to protect ponies like you."

"I didn't know..." Belle mused.

"That's my choice." Black declared. "Trust me, the less you know about my past, the safer you'll be. I don't want anything or anypony to hurt you, Belle."

"Thank you." Belle hugged him. "You're very sweet."

Black tensed up at the sign affection, a blush tinging his cheeks.

"Thanks..." He said, gently breaking Belle's grip. "Guess I'd better get to work on those windows."

Black went inside the schoolhouse, leaving a smiling Belle behind.

"Thank Faust I stumbled upon him that day..." She sighed happily.

The Present...

Shine stared, aghast, at the stallion standing before him. Shade, understandably, was perturbed.

"What's with you, royal?" Shade growled. "You look like you've seen a ghost."

"I... You..." Shine gaped, "Son... you're Black's son..."

"Yeah, my dad's name is Black Knight. So what? What's he to ya?" Shade snarled.

"Shade... I don't know how to say this but..." Shine shook his head, before declaring. "You're my cousin."

"Say what?!" Shade frowned. "No way I'm related to you, you class traitor!"

"You do know we share the same last name, don't you?" Shine pointed out.

"A coincidence." Shade snorted.

"Then there's the fact that we look a little alike." Shine declared.

"Big deal." Shade sneered, "So do Changelings."

"And then there's this." Shine pulled out his own locket.

"What the..." Shade frowned, noting the similarity between their lockets, as he gaze at both that locket and his in Shine's other hoof, "Where did you get that?"

"My father gave me this for my eleventh birthday." Shine declared, opening it up to reveal the picture of his own parents. "And if your locket is anything to go by, it seems like Black gave you one just like it."

"Wrong there, bub." Shade growled. "My mother gave it to me when I was a little colt. My father wasn't around at all."

"What do you mean by that?" Shine asked.

"It... it's not important." Shade shrugged. "Besides, this isn't proof. We can't be related!"

"You really think that?" Shine brought his locket closer to Shade. "Look at my father, then at yours. You seriously don't see any similarities between them?"

"I guess there is something there..." Shade muttered. Though White Knight didn't look much like his brother, there was enough of a resemblence to give him pause.

"Your father was my father's brother." Shine told him. "We are cousins, Shade. There's no question."

"It... It really is true." Shade admitted. "We're... we're..."

"Family." Shine smiled. "I had this weird feeling about you. I didn't know what it was until now."

"That's why you came all the way out here?" Shade asked. "Because of a half-baked hunch?"

"Well, when you say it like it, it sounds stupid." Shine frowned. "So, now that you know we're family now, how about calling a truce?"

"As long as you give me back that locket." Shade glared at him.

"You got it." Shine tossed him the locket.

"...Thanks." Shade said grudgingly.

Outside that cave, the rest of Shade's band were in hiding, previously listening in on their fighting until it went silent.

"It got quiet..." Knots asked.

"You don't think that royal got him, do you?" Girth trembled.

"Of course not." Flying Daggers sneered. "No pampered throne-warmer could possibly get the best of our leader..."

"Please." Scirocco sneered. "He's not invincible, you know..."

At that moment, Shade emerged, flanked by Shine.

"Everypony can come out." He declared. "Things are all just fine."

"Just fine?" Scirocco frowned, as the thieves emerged. "But the royal-"

"We have come to an understanding." Shade announced. "For now..."

"Impressive operation you've got here." Shine declared. "Didn't think even fifty thieves needed this many riches..."

"We don't all have royal treasuries to fall back on, pretty boy." The Chineighse stallion retorted.

"Like I said before, you don't know me." Shade sneered. "And you certainly don't know them."

"That's right!" Jump nodded.

"Who are you to judge us?" Leap added.

"You don't know us!" Spin snarled.

"But I'd like to know you, Shade." Shine insisted. "Starting with where all your ill-gotten gains really go."

"...What?" Shade frowned.

"I've looked up all your raids." Shine admitted. "And all this stuff here only amounts to a fraction of what you took. Why is that?"

"Well, a lot of it goes toward maintaining our awesomely huge battle wagon." Girth declared.

"And all our ponchos." Jump smiled.

"And hats!" Leap chipped in.

"And... certain other essentials..." Spin finished.

"Yeah, that doesn't quite account for everything." Shine pointed. "What about the rest?"

"If you ask me, it all went to waste." Scirocco scowled.

"Where did it all go, Shade?" Shine asked.

"You really wanna know?" Shade glared at him. "Fine, follow me." He turned to the others. "We're stepping out for a while. Be back soon."

"But boss, are you sure that's a good idea?" Girth asked.

Shade led Shine out of the hideout. Blueblood and Gothic were right outside.

"Shine, you're okay!" Gothic smiled.

"I knew he would be." Blueblood declared. "And I see you've apprehended one of the fiends!"

"Watch it with the name-calling, pretty boy." Shade growled.

"You are in no position to be talking back, scoundrel." Blueblood shot back.

"Unlike your kind, I can do a lot more than talk." Shade sneered.

"I didn't apprehend anybody." Shine declared, stepping between them. "Guys, I would like you both to meet the Western Shade.. .also known as Shade Paladin."

"Paladin"? Gothic frowned.

"Why would this ruffian thief have your family name?" Blueblood asked.

"Well, the thing is..." Shine began. "Shade here... is Black's son."

"What?!" Gothic gasped.

"Black's... son?" Blueblood gaped. "Black as in Black Knight? That Black Knight?"

"What's the big deal?" Shade frowned in confusion. "Why are you all acting like this is something major?"

"How is this possible?" Gothic asked, "How could he be Black's son?"

"Not quite sure of that yet." Shine shrugged.

"And what exactly are you doing with him?" Gothic asked. "Weren't you supposed to bring him in?"

"I'd like to see any of you try." Shade growled.

"I'm not taking anypony in yet." Shine replied. "Shade told me that he has a good reason for what he's been doing, and he's going to show me."

"And you believe him?" Blueblood frowned. "What if it's some kind of trick?"

"You royals always think of regular ponies as backstabbing double-dealers, don't you?" Shade growled.

"Okay, easy there." Shine declared. "Guys, I know it sounds crazy, but Shade is family, and I at least owe him the benefit of the doubt."

"Hey, let's not go pulling the family card." Shade growled. "I'm only showing you this so you and your royal family can buck off. That's it."

"Maybe you should watch the language, desert rat." Blueblood snarled.

"Why don't you make me?" Shade retorted. "Unless you're afraid of mussing up your fancy mane."

"Back of, mister." Gothic growled. "Shine may think you're okay, but we don't. So don't push your luck."

"Okay, everypony just cool it." Shine declared. "Shade, lead the way."

"Sure." Shade nodded. "Just as long as these two yahoos stay behind me. The farther, the better..."

Gothic and Blueblood followed as Shade led Shine out of the desert.

"A real chip off the old block, huh?" Gothic frowned.

"I certainly hope not." Blueblood shuddered. "For Equestria's sake... I don't think I can handle the stress of a second 'Crystal Sun'."

Back in Canterlot, the trials were wrapping up for the day.

"Okay, that was excellent work." Elite announced with a proud smirk. "I learned so much about all of you, and I am that much closer to deciding who among you has what it takes to be a general. I will leave you all to retire for the night, and I will take that time to deliberate which of you are deserving of being a general. Until tomorrow, my friends."

"You heard him." Fletcher declared. "Time to clock off for the day."

"I never clocked on." Caboose shrugged.

The Guards returned to the barracks to change out of their armor.

"The rest of you may as else just give up." Call sneered. "I've got this in the bag."

"It's not over yet, Duty." Fletcher frowned. "And that ego of yours isn't going to help."

"Yeah, you better check yo'self!" Caboose added.

"Just don't act too surprised when Everest announces my name." Call smirked, as he closed his locker. "I just hope you clowns can get along without me..."

"Somehow, we'll manage." Fletcher said dryly.

Caboose and Fletcher departed the castle grounds together.

"So far, so good." Fletcher mused. "I think we may actually have impressed Elite."

"I'm impressed by how well he took all my bat guano crazy talk." Caboose admitted. "I thought that little song of me would have him pour gasoline on himself and light himself on fire. But no, he took it like a trooper."

"Your... eccentricities are indeed an acquired taste, my friend." Fletcher chuckled. "But Elite Everest is a consummate professional. Nothing rattles him. At least, that's what I've heard..."

"Looks like you heard right." Caboose grinned. "And you know what? I think he's taken a liking to you, pal."

"I can only hope." Fletcher declared. "Getting this position would be wonderful."

"Better you than doodie." Caboose sneered.

"Again with the name-calling?" Fletcher frowned.

"Hey, you know I'm right." Caboose shrugged. "And besides, that's what you get for being named 'Duty'."

"Well..." Fletcher shook his head with a grimace. "...I'll admit, having that callous blowhard take the job would be an unpleasant outcome. But I'm sure it won't happen. Not as long as we're in the running."

"Oh, yeah." Caboose nodded. "Against us, that jerk doesn't stand a chance!"

"Of course he doesn't." Fletcher grinned, as he turned down the path to his own house. "Goodnight, Lieutenant."

"See ya tomorrow, Cap." Caboose waved.

Meanwhile, Shade led the royal trio back to Prairieville. As they walked down the streets, various townsfolk waved and greeted Shade.

"Howdy, Shade!"

"How's it going?"

"Say 'hi to your ma for me!"

"i'm guessing none of them are aware of your... profession?" Shine asked.

"That is kind of the point of the poncho, hat and face wrappings." Shade snorted. "I don't wear all that stuff to make a fashion statement, you know..."

Soon, they came to a small cottage on the east side.

"Okay, you two stay out here." He told Blueblood and Gothic. "I only agreed to show him." He gave a sideways glare at Shine.

"Now see here!" Blueblood scowled. "Who are you to give orders to-"

"Blue, please." Shine interrupted. "It's okay."

"...Fine." Blueblood huffed.

"Good luck, Shine." Gothic frowned.

The two cousins entered the house. It was a modest little home, with some nice furniture and and ornaments scattered around.

"Nice place." Shade remarked. "Reminds me a little of where I grew up."

"Yeah, yeah." Shade said bluntly. "If you're done admiring the decor, follow me."

The two made their way upstairs, reaching the second floor, a corridor with several doors before them.

"You wanna know why I rob ponies? Get ready to learn." Shade said flatly.

"Shade, is that you?" A weak voice called from behind one of the doors.

"Yeah, mom." Shade called back. "I'm home."

"Well, don't just stand outside." The voice declared. "Come and let me see you."

Shade opened the door. Inside the room was the mare from the picture in Shade's locket, although older, with a lined face and graying mane. She was laying in bed, a weary but happy smile on her face. Shine saw a "Teacher of the Year" award on her bedside drawer, the name "School Belle" upon it.

"Hi, mom." Shade gave a small smile, as he sat at her bedside.

"Hello, dear." Belle chuckled. "How's your day been?"

"A little more... turbulent than I expected." Shade admitted.

"I hope you're not working yourself too hard." Belle declared.

"Of course not." Shade assured her. "And even if I was, it'd be worth it to help you."

"Oh, you are sweet." Belle smiled. "You get that from your father, you know..."

Unable to stop himself, Shine let out a snort of derision, causing Belle to notice him for the first time.

"Shade, mind telling me who's your friend?" Belle asked.

"Oh, I'm Shine." Shine declared. "Shade's... new friend."

"Oh, how nice." Belle smiled. "Shade's always been such a sweet boy, but not much of a social flower."

"Mom..." Shade groaned.

"Oh, hush." Belle grinned. "You know it's true."

"You'd be surprised what a... magnetic personality your son has." Shine declared.

"He is a darling, though." Belle smiled. "He's been working two jobs, just to pay for all my medication. I'm not in the best of health, you know."

"Well, I wasn't going to say anything..." Shine admitted. "What's wrong, if you don't mind my asking?"

"It's something called Grogar's syndrome." Belle revealed. "It's treatable, but the treatment costs so much. Luckily, I have Shade, doing those jobs of his..."

"Yeah, I've heard they're pretty big 'jobs'..." Shine said under his breath.

"Such a good boy, taking care of your mother." Belle held out her hoof for Shade to take. "I don't know what I'd do without you..."

"And I don't know what I'd do without you." Shade admitted. "You're everything to me, mom. And I'd do anything for you."

"I know you would." Belle beamed. "You're the best son a mare could ask for."

Shine actually felt a tear come to his eye.

"Now, would you like me to fix you some dinner?" Shade asked.

"Actually, I already made myself some." Belle declared. "I ate it about half an hour ago."

"Mom, you know what the doctor said about exerting yourself." Shade frowned.

"Yes, I do." Belle nodded. "He said a little activity is okay in short bursts. I may not be at my best, but I'm not totally helpless."

"Sorry, mom." Shade sighed."I just worry, you know? I just don't want anything to happen to you when I'm not there."

"I know." Belle smiled. "And I love you for it."

"Thanks, mom." Shade beamed. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll escort Shine out."

"Nice to meet you, Shine." Belle declared.

"You too, ma'am." Shine nodded.

As they headed down the stairs, Shine turned to Shade.

"So that's why you're robbing ponies." He mused. "To pay for your mother's treatments."

"Yeah, that's why." Shade glared, "And don't you dare think about telling her otherwise."

"Hey, you're not the first pony I met who do bad things for good reasons." Shine noted, his mind thinking of the Napoleons, "You're risking everything to keep her healthy. That's... respectable, at least."

"Yeah, because I need a royal's respect." Shade scowled.

"But you're still breaking the law." Shine frowned.

"Big whoop." Shade rolled his eyes.

"This begs the question of why you are doing this, rather than getting those jobs like she thinks you are doing." Shine declared, "Surely it's better than robbing."

"Oh, do you think I'm that stupid?" Shade snarled. "You think if I was able to land two jobs that I would have to steal for her? Unlike you and your cushy spot as prince of Equestria, I don't really have shots at jobs that could cover a fraction of the treatments' costs. At least when I'm stealing, I can always make enough to cover the medical bills."

"At the cost of other ponies' livelihoods." Shine pointed out.

"Actually, I made it a point to only go after rich ponies and royals like you." Shade retorted. "They've got more money than they know what to do with. Losing a little isn't going to hurt. It'll just mean they have to go easy on the caviar for a while..."

"And you think that justifies your robberies?" Shine glared. "Stealing is stealing, no matter the target. And it's still wrong."

"Like you could understand." Shade snarled. "You live in a castle, with everything you could possibly want. You don't know what it means to be denied something you want."

"I wasn't always a royal, remember?" Shine pointed out with an annoyed glare. "I grew up on a cherry farm. Sure, we weren't exactly poor, but we weren't well-off either. Growing up, there were plenty of things I wanted, but never got. But I never resorted to stealing."

"Look, I showed you why I'm doing this, I didn't asked to be judged by you." Shade growled. "Now let's go."

Shine and Shade emerged outside, Blueblood and Gothic still waiting for them.

"Finally." Blueblood sighed, as they headed back down the streets.

"So... what happened back there?" Gothic asked.

"I'm curious to find out myself."

Scirocco emerged from within an alley.

"Scirocco?" Shade frowned. "You followed us?"

"I figured I'd wait on the outskirts of town, and see if you came back." Scirocco declared. "I had to make sure these rotten royals weren't going to try anything."

"Well, we weren't." Shine declared. "And I find it funny you were so concerned, considering what almost happened back at your hideout."

"Hey, I have a temper, big whoop." Scirocco shrugged with a false smile, "I made great strides in resisting it." He then frowned, "I would had stopped myself if you hadn't jumped in. Even if I wasn't able to, Shade could take it, right, Shady?"

"I guess there's only one way to find out." Shade said tensely.

"So... where do we go from here?" Blueblood asked. "We came out here so we could deal with the Western Shade..."

"Well, you're not dealing with me." Shade growled, "I showed you my reasons, and now you three can go buck off."

"If you think we're going to let you continue this crime spree, you are sorely mistaken." Gothic glared.

"Like you could stop me." Shade spat.

"is that a challenge?" Blueblood sneered.

"So what if it is?" Shade smirked.

"We've stopped better than you." Gothic glared. "Would-be world conquerors, monsters, demons..."

"You want a fight?" Scirocco raised his bladed hoof. "Bring it on."

"Okay, that's enough." Shine declared. "Nopony's fighting anypony. Shade's still my family, after all. And though I don't like his methods, he's doing what he's doing for a good cause."

"Good enough to let him walk away scot-free?" Blueblood frowned.

"Yes." Shine nodded.

"I still say this is a bad idea." Gothic declared.

"Duly noted." Shine nodded. "But for now, we'll just leave them be."

"Then we're done here." Shade shrugged. "Come on, Scirocco. Back to the hideout."

"Are you sure? Seems a waste to leave without at least drawing blood..." Scirocco snarled.

"Now." Shade said firmly, and he turned to leave town.

"...Fine." Scirocco seethed, as he followed Shade's lead.

"Hold on." Shine called after them. "Why don't you come back to Canterlot with us, Shade?"

Shade stopped, soon followed by Scirocco, as Shade turned to face his cousin.

"...What?" Shade said flatly.

"What?!" Blueblood and Gothic echoed.

"Say what now?" Scirocco growled.

"You heard me." Shine declared, "Shade, I just found out that you are my cousin. And like it or not, Shade, it makes you family. And I want you to meet the rest of mine. My sister, Mist, my foster parents, my daughter, all of them."

"Seriously?" Shade snorted. "You expect me to come with you, to the heart of the infestation that are the nobles?"

"He has a point." Gothic admitted.

"We can't bring this scoundrel back with us!" Blueblood growled.

"For once, I actually agree with these royals." Shade admitted. "Just because our pops were brothers doesn't make us one big happy family. And I know for a fact that I do not want to meet your holier-than-thou wife. I already can't stand that pompous, condescending harlot as it is."

"Come on, Shade, don't be like this." Shine urged. "...I can help you. Both you and your mother. Surely if I explain to Celestia about your problem, she can surely give you money for the treatments-"

"Thanks, but no thanks." Shade growled. "I don't need hoofouts from you rich folks."

"You see?" Gothic snorted. "He clearly enjoys thieving. Why else would he pass up a better way?"

"Only you think it's a better way." Shade shot back. "I see it as the grovelling, pleading spineless way."

"Why you disrespectful-" Blueblood snarled.

"Easy." Shine urged. "Shade, I just want to help you."

"I don't need your help, or your pity." Shade spat.

"You see?" Gothic stepped in. "Ungrateful little-"

"That's not helping, Gothic." Shine growled. "Shade, you know what the right thing to do is."

"Yeah, as in 'not begging your tyrant of a wife for money'." Shade retorted.

"Don't call her that." Shine admonished him.

"If the horseshoe fits..." Shade sneered.

"Um, may I have a quick word with my boss?" Scirocco pulled Shade aside.

"Us too." Blueblood glared at Shine.

The two cousins were pulled aside as they began whispering harshly.

"Have you gone insane?!" Blueblood growled.

"Actually, I'm thinking clearly." Shine declared. "Shade may be a thief, but he's not the same kind of stallion Black was. And I aim to make sure he never is. I can change him."

"And what do you think Celestia's going to say about the son of the stallion who almost killed her daughter staying with us?" Gothic asked.

"Celestia doesn't have to know who he is." Shine retorted.

"You would lie to your own wife?" Blueblood frowned.

"Not lie, exactly." Shine countered. "I'll just... withhold the truth, until she's ready."

"Yeah, I can't see that backfiring at all." Gothic snorted.

"Look, she's my wife." Shine declared. "I know how to deal with her."

"That's not how it's been looking lately..." Blueblood frowned.

"Cheap shot, Blue." Shine growled.

"It's true, though." Gothic pointed out. "With all that's been happening between you two lately, lying to her may not be the best idea."

"As opposed to just coming out with the truth?" Shine snorted. "Get real. Celestia would have him thrown into the dungeons on the spot!"

Meanwhile, Shade and Scirocco were having their own conversation.

"Can you believe the nerve of that guy?" Shade growled. "One moment he wants to take me in, and the moment he finds out that we're cousins, he's all 'welcome to the family, bro!'" He let out a spit. "...I spent years trying to get over my dad not being there... and I don't want to deal with someone bringing him back up. Especially some Prince."

"Now, Shade..." Scirocco tried to sooth him. "I can care less what daddy issues you have. The point is, you're missing out on a golden opportunity."

"Opportunity?" Shade raised a brow.

"Yeah." Scirocco nodded. "Think about it. That fool is offering you to stay with him at his home: the Canterlot Palace. A castle that has vaults and castes filled to the brim with treasures and jewels worth millions upon millions of bits. You can easily make off with some of that loot, right under their noses, and you will had set all of us for life."

"...Good point." Shade whispered. "It could be a goldmine..." He then thought to himself. 'And I would be able to see to it that mother is taken of...'

"It will be the biggest score ever." Scirocco smirked.

"Okay, I'll do it." Shade grinned. "Seeing Princey over there, I think I can easily pull the wool over his eyes."

Meanwhile, Shine was still convincing the others.

"Look, I just know there's good in Shade." Shine declared. "But that good has to be encouraged. If I can show him a better way, he won't end up like Black."

"That's a very risky theory, Shine." Gothic frowned.

"I agree with Gothic." Blueblood nodded. "You could be letting a viper into our midst."

"Come on, guys." Shine urged. "You have to trust me on this. I just feel like this is the right thing to do. If I can show Black's son the right path, it'll redeem Black's own legacy, and my family's darkest moment. I have to try."

"...Very well." Blueblood sighed. "We can bring him back with us. But I don't have to like it."

"I just hope you know what you're doing." Gothic declared.

"Thanks, guys." Shine smiled.

At that moment, Shade walked over to them.

"Shine." Shade declared. "After a little deliberation, I've decided to take you up on your offer."

"Really?" Shine smiled.

"You bet... cuz." Shade nodded. "Just let me put a few affairs in order, then I'll be right along." He turned to Scirocco. "Scirocco, let the guys know I'll be... away for a few days."

"Of course." Scirocco grinned, turning tail and heading back to the hideout.

"Thanks, Shade." Shine smiled. "You won't regret this, trust me."

"Oh, I'm sure I won't." Shade smirked.

Meanwhile, Scirocco was making his way back to the hideout.

"Ohh, what an opportunity." He chuckled to himself. "The greatest heist ever practically lands at our hooves..." He then gave a evil smirk, "And with softy gone, I will get to lead the boys till he gets back. It's brilliant..."

"Well, looks like you're doing pretty well for yourself."

"Thanks..." Scirocco said absent-mindedly. "Wait, who said that? Come out and show yourself!"

"Very well..."

Stepping out from behind a rock, out of the shadows... was none other than Solomon, donning his cloak, but leaving his mask off.

"...Solomon Thunder?" Scirocco gaped. "...Is that you?"

"So nice of you to remember me, old friend." Solomon gave a snide smirk. "Given how... badly the circumstances we parted terms on."

"Oh..." Scirocco felt a chill on his spine. "You're not still mad about that, are you?

"I have... other things to occupy my mind right now." Solomon declared. "Things more important than a petty grudge."

"That's a relief." Scirocco let out a sigh of relief. "So, how have you been? I hadn't heard from you in ages."

"I've actually been quite busy." Solomon admitted. "New projects and alliances have taken up much of my time. And what of you, old friend?"

"Same old, same old." Scirocco shrugged. "Still stealing and robbing. We've been doing pretty well for ourselves. Shade isn't the ideal leader, but he's gotten us some sweet scores lately."

"I must say, I'm surprised at you, Scirocco." Solomon declared. "Letting a soft-hearted fool like that call all the shots. I never knew you to take orders from somepony like that."

"If you ask me, he's about to earn his keep." Scirocco declared, "Millions of it. We will be set for life."

"Yes, but by playing the part of a friendly guest." Solomon sneered. "Is this what the Fifty Thieves have come to since I left? Robbing ponies nicely? I remember a time when that name was feared. When your ruthlessness was dreaded across the desert."

"Those were the days..." Scirocco mused. "I can't even remember the last time I actually killed somepony..."

"And doesn't that infuriate you?" Solomon asked. "Your so-called leader is turning the entire gang soft. What good is untold riches without fear and respect?"

"It's true, you can't put a price on fear." Scirocco nodded. "I never liked Shade's ideas of mercy and restraint in the first place. We are criminals, are we not? We shouldn't have to rob ponies nicely! You know, I wanted things to go back to the ways things were when you were around. That is all I truly ever wanted."

"Well, I can fix that." Solomon smiled darkly, "I believe the time has come for a change. You see, Scirocco, in my absence, I have devised a brilliant plan that will not only bring the Fifty Thieves back to their former glory, but it will help me with settling some unfinished business, and we will all get what we want..." He tilted his head slightly. "Are you interested?"

Scirocco mulled it over, a twisted grin emerging on his face.

"Tell me more..." He smirked.