• Published 12th Feb 2016
  • 1,019 Views, 80 Comments

Shades Of The Past - Bluecatcinema

Shine goes to a small town to investigate a bandit leader... and learns more than he bargained for.

  • ...

It's Called "Karma"


It was a hot and humid day on the dusty plains.

It was hot to a point where no sane ponies would be caught walking out there. Unfortunately, Shade was not that lucky.

Shade, a gangly teenager, was slowly but surely making his way through the plains, hauling a cart filled with wares to be received in the nearby towns.

Normally, he would know better than to haul a heavy cart in such heat, but he hadn't a choice. It was only but a few weeks back that he came home one day to find his mother Belle coughing profusely to a point of collapse. After rushing her to the doctor, she was revealed to be very ill, and in order to treat this "Grogar's syndrome", he had to come up with some money.

However, being born and raised in a small town, the best he could do was become a delivery pony. Even then, it was exhausting, demeaning work, but how else would he pay for his mother's medical bills? He did not know of any pony who was rich enough to help them, or would be willing to help them, and as far as he knew, this was the highest-paying job he could find.

But despite that, it still wasn't enough to pay for even a fraction of the bills, even after a couple of weeks. But he was the 'stallion' of the house, and Faust damn it, he will find a way to get the money and help his mother.

'Don't you worry, mom...' He thought, as he focused his efforts into pulling the cart. 'I'm going to pay those bills, no matter what. If this lousy pay isn't enough, I'll just find another... mark my words.'

Suddenly, Shade heard some commotion in the distance. A dark shape from approaching.

'What is that?' He frowned.

As the shape drew nearer, it came into view. It was an amored wagon, carrying several unsavoury-looking ponies.

"Oh, buck..." Shade gulped.

Shade quickly tried to turn around and run, but the cart greatly impeded his movement. It was only matter of seconds that the other ponies caught up to him.

"What's the hurry, kid?" One of them smirked.

"Okay, just stay where you are." Shade declared, standing his ground. "I don't want any trouble."

"Neither do we. We're just looking to introduce ourselves." A younger Scirocco grinned. "We're the Fifty Thieves. You may have heard of us."

"Fifty?" Shade looked around. "I can only count... twenty."

"...It's a work in progress." Scirocco grunted.

"Maybe you should go and work on it, then." Shade smirked. "And leave me alone!"

"Ooh, tough guy." A younger Flying Daggers sneered

"Nopony tells us what to do!" A younger knots snarled.

"Well, this pony does." Shade shot back.

"My, aren't you a bold one?"

Suddenly, his blood ran cold, as he felt the fur on the back of his neck tingle, and a sensastion like as if electricty was flowing through him.

Shade turned around, and came face to face to a rather intimidating stallion. His yellow coat seemed to shimmer brightly, his body fit enough for any physical task. His white spiky mane was a bit unkempt and long, but his orange eyes pierced his soul... he seemed like a stallion that means business...

Well, that, and the fact that his horn was crackling with electricity.

"W-who... are you?" Shade murmured, trying to not feel threatened.

"Oh, where are my manners?" Solomon dropped to the ground. "The name is Solomon Thunder. I run this operation. I take it you met my second-in-command, Scirocco."

"Yeah." Shade nodded. "It was a real pleasure."

"Mouthy little runt, isn't he?" Scirocco grinned.

"Just back off, you hear me?" Shade growled. "I'm not looking for a fight."

"So hostile." Solomon tutted. "We just came out here to make sure hard-working delivery ponies like you don't run into any trouble on your routes. Maybe you reward our generosity with a gift... say, whatever it is you're carrying there?"

"Not a chance." Shade growled, knowing full well he wouldn't be paid if the goods weren't delivered, and it could surely cost him his job, "The other towns need this stuff."

"Well, then, looks like we are gonna have a problem." Scirocco sneered, "If you don't give us what we want, we'll just have to take it. And we won't be gentle about it."

"Give it your best shot, baldie." Shade snarled, as he then threw off his harness, "You will get this cart over my dead body."

"Hmm, pity... and here I thought you were smart." Solomon shook his head with a smirk, as he then gave a nod, "Boys. Sic him."

Several of the thieves lunged at Shade. Shade didn't have much experience in fighting, but he wasn't about to lose his meager wages because of some scruffy thieves. Not with his mother's life on the line.

Like a stallion possessed, he lashed out with cold fury, kicking one thief aside, and headbutting another away. Another leapt on his back, but he flipped him.

"What the-?!" Knots frowned. "How are you losing to that runt?"

"I'll show you how it's done!" Flying Daggers charged, blade drawn.

Reacting quickly, Shade sidestepped Daggers, and tripped, leaving him sprawled in the dirt.

"Impressive." Solomon mused, his eyebrows raised in amusment.

"Yeah, not bad." Scirocco shrugged.

Even Shade was surprised at himself.

'Did I really just do all that?' He wondered. 'Guess it's true what they say: You don't know what you're capable until you need to do it...'

More and more of the thieves charged into the fray.

"Come on!" Shade said cockily.

"Take this, you little..." Another thief spat as he lunged at Shade.

"Better idea." Shade caught his punch, as another came from behind. "Let him try!"

Shade flew the thief into his cohort, knocking him out.

"Well, now." Solomon smiled, more impressed. "What reflexes..."

However, in spite of Shade's valiant efforts, the thieves kept coming at him in many numbers, and it wasn't before long that Shade grew sloppy in his attacks.

"Come on..." He panted, as he kicked one away. "Is that the best you've got?"

"Not even close!" Knots wrapped his ropes around Shade.

Shade struggled as the ropes tightened. He was running out of air, but dropped down and grabbed a fallen knife, cutting himself free.

"My turn." He charged at Knots, punching him out.

More thieves came at Shade, who was more exhausted than ever.

"We got ya now, punk!" One smirked, as he kicked Shade in his side.

"Wanna bet?" Shade kicked him back, knocking him down.

"That's a sucker bet!" A second thief headbutted him, but Shade headbutted him back.

"And you're... the sucker..." Shade wheezed, unsteady.

"Nighty-night, kid!" Another thief sneered, as he punched Shade to the ground.

"Gah... oh..." Shade tried to not whimper, as all the adrenaline he had soon worn off.

"Finally." Scirocco snorted. "It took you clowns long enough. Now, let's take this cart and go."

"No..." Shade moaned, as he tried to get back up. "I won't let you..."

"You just don't know when to quit, do you?" Scirocco brought out his hoof-blades. "Well, looks like I will have to put you down."

"Please..." Shade whispered. "...Don't... I need..."


Scirocco stopped, as he turned to Solomon, as well as the other thieves.

"What's up, boss?" Scirocco frowned. "This kid is obviously asking for it."

"He is a tough one." Solomon admitted. "And tenacious, too..."

Solomon approached Shade, as he then bring him to his hooves.

"Gotta say, kid, you got some spark." Solomon smiled, "I mean, for a lowly delivery pony, we weren't expecting somepony like you to be difficult, as here you are, trying to put up a good fight, even though you are surely beat."

"Oh, screw you..." Shade growled, though he was still in pain.

"Hey, don't be like that." Solomon smirked, "You have potential. And potential like that shouldn't be squandered hauling cargo. Such combat finesses should be nurtured, and I can think we can put it to good use... if you were to... I don't know, join up with us."

"What?!" Shade spluttered. "No way! You're a bunch of crooks!"

"Are you serious, Solomon?" Scirocco scowled. "You want this punk to join us?"

"This punk took on half our number and held his own." Solomon pointed out. "And all over the contents of a little cart. To us, that's just pocket change..." He then turned back to Shade. "But I take it that you need the bits for this delivery for some reason?"

"More than you know." Shade nodded firmly, "That's why I can't let you take this cart..." He then stepped away from Solomon, taking a rather shaky battle stance, "And I will die before I let you keep me from making this delivery..."

"Now, hold up." Solomon held up a hoof, "Clearly, you are in no position to fight all of us, and I rather we not have to kill you." He then smiled, "Besides, you are passing up a great opportunity."

"How so?" Shade glared.

"Simple. Why waste your time and effort being a measly little delivery boy for a few bits?" Solomon pointed. "If you were to join up with us, you will be entitled to a share in the profits of our... 'escapades'. That will be a couple thousand bits, dropped right into your hooves."

"A couple thousand bits?" Shade murmured. That was a lot of money. In fact, that would be more than enough to cover all the bills as well maintaining monthly treatments for his mother's illness...

"What's more, me and the boys can train you. With your fightin' skills and a little TLC, you could prove to be a valuable asset to our team... what do you say?" Solomon held out a hoof.

Shade was unsure. He knew the Fifty Thieves were criminals, but Solomon was right about him needing money. The delivery boy job just wasn't cutting it. But he was struggling with the idea of being a thief, especially if his mother ever found out.

But there was no alternative that he could see, not if saying 'no' meant losing what meagre pay he was due. And he had to provide for his mother, no matter what... and maybe it wouldn't be so bad?

"Looks like he's not going for it." Scirocco sneered, raising his clawed hoof. "Such a pity."

"...I'm in." Shade nodded.

"You are?" Solomon smiled.

"He is?" Scirocco scowled.

"Yeah." Shade added. "As long as you don't ask what I'll be doing with my share, I'll all for it."

"Good to hear." Solomon grinned. "And we can start right now, with all the wares in this cart. I daresay they'll fetch a pretty penny."

"Guess we'll see, right?" Shade grinned.

"Welcome to the Fifty Thieves, kid." Solomon declared. "What's your name?"

"Shade. Shade Paladin." Shade replied.

"Paladin, eh?" Solomon mused, "Unique name."

"Yeah... my mom says it comes from my dad." Shade frowned, the subject a little sore.

"Say no more." Solomon shook his hoof. "Welcome aboard. Something tells me this is the beginning of a long and prosperous association..."

As Shade followed his new group, he felt a twinge of guilt over becoming a thief. But he put it aside, knowing that he needed the money, and he needed to see his mother healthy.

'I'm doing this for you, mom.' He thought. 'Even if it's against everything you've raised me to believe, I will get that money, and see you well again...'

The Present...

Fletcher, still dejected over the night's events, returned home.

"What a disaster." He sighed. "I shouldn't have said those things to Caboose... even if he did cost me my dream job!" He added with a snarl.

"Fletcher? Fletcher, is that you?!" Dove called out.

"Dove?" Flether's ears perked, "Is everything alright?"

Suddenly, Dove came down the stairs, running over to hug him while squealing.

"Oh, Fletchy, it's more than alright!" Dove squealed joyously, "It finally happened!"

"Happened? What happened?" Fletcher frowned.

"This!" Dove smiled, as she pulled up what seemed to be a pregnancy test... with a blue + showing, "I'm pregnant!"

"You are?!" Fletcher gasped.

"Yes!" Dove hugged him again. "I just found out a few hours ago! We're going to be parents!"

"Oh, that's great..." Fletcher put on a fake smile. "At long last..."

"Are you okay, Fletcher?" Dove asked. "You seem a little... tense. Did something happen at that party?"

"...Nothing out of the ordinary." Fletcher lied. "Just the usual high society event. No big deal."

"If you say so." Dove shrugged. She wasn't entirely convinced, but her great discovery made her focus elsewhere. "Can you believe we're finally going to have a foal? I can't wait to tell Caboose and Daring!"

Fletcher tensed up. After what had happened between him and Caboose, the last thing he wanted was for Dove to find out of their falling out.

"What's the rush?" He asked nervously. "Maybe we could wait a while to tell them. Make it a surprise, you know?"

"...Yeah, I guess we could do that." Dove shrugged. "Oh, the looks on their faces..."

"Priceless, I know." Fletcher nodded, relieved that she was buying it.

"It's all so wonderful!" Dove hugged Fletcher again. "Everything's falling into place!"

"Yeah, it is..." Fletcher nodded with fake joy.

'What am I going to do?' Fletcher thought. 'Without the General position, I may not be able to provide for the little one.' He then grimaced further. 'For all I know, I might end up losing my job...' He let out a harrowing sigh. 'Damn you, Caboose... why did you have to put me in this position?'

Meanwhile, within his quarters at the Canterlot Castle, Elite was sitting at his desk, drinking some bourbon.

"What a disappointing night this turned out to be..." Elite sighed. "Fletcher and Caboose both had so much promises. Call isn't exactly bad himself... but those two... I actually thought they could be..." He shook his head, as he pour another glass and downed it, "And Shade... poor kid... You'd think somepony with a bloodline like that could have done better..."

His musing was interrupted when one of the guards came in.

"Sir?" The guard addressed.

"What is it?" Elite frowned.

"Forgive my intrusion, but one of the Royal Guards wishes to speak to you." The Guard revealed.

"Look, if it's Ulysses, tell him I have no interest in speaking to him." Elite scoffed.

"Um, no actually." The Guard shook his head, "Actually, it's Napoleon"

"Napoleon?" Elite raised a brow... only to give a scowl. "Well, I don't want to speak to him either."

"Are you sure? Napoleon seems very insistent on seeing you." The Guard frowned.

"I don't care. Do not let him through that door." Elite sighed in frustration.

"Yes, sir." The Guard nodded.

The Guard stepped outside to relay Elite's words to Caboose... only for him to come back.

"What now?" Elite growled.

"Caboose wanted you to read this note." The Guard handed him the note. "I fail to understand the meaning, but perhaps you will."

The Guard departed.

As soon as it was just him in the room and everything was silence, Elite glanced at the note, and only furrowed his brow in confusion.

"...Hey, Kool-Aid?" Elite grimaced. "What the f-"

Suddenly, Caboose burst the wall, coming from a nearby room.

"Oh yeah!" Caboose whooped.

"What the-?!" Elite growled, "What the buck?!"

"I'm sorry for the intrusion, sir." Caboose bowed, brushing off the rubble. "But I just had to speak with you."

"Lieutenant, did you not understand my instructions?" Elite frowned. "I said-"

"You didn't want me to come through the door." Caboose cut him off. "That's why I came in through the wall."

"Uh..." Elite was thrown for a loop. "How did you even do that?!"

"Trust me, sir, I had bursted through many walls in my lifetime." Caboose said proudly, "And with little to no reprecussss...." He trailed off, drooling from the mouth and becoming dazed... before snapping back to normal. "Um... what did I come in here to do?"

"You said you wanted to speak with me." Elite frowned. "And since you have no intentions of leaving me alone, you might as well be out with it."

"Oh right!" Caboose lit up, before clearing his throat, and then adopting a serious face. "Sir. I must implore you that you give Fletcher another chance!"

"...And why would I do that?" Elite frowned. "You two purposely withheld information about a known felon. Outright lied to your squadron and to your superiors. You realized that this is grounds for court martial, right?"

"...Yeah..." Caboose cringed. "But regardless, you gotta give him another shot. I know we messed up and all, but Fletcher's a really great guy! He's smart, he's tough, he's a great leader, he has a really snazzy manestyle, great taste in wines, a demon in the sack, from what I've heard... wait, where I was going with this?"

"Tartarus if I know." Elite growled.

"Anyways, more importantly, Fletcher's the best Guard I've ever met." Caboose declared proudly. "And if there's anypony out there that deserves to be RDL General, it's him."

"Look, Lieutenant. I know you are trying to stick up for your friend and all, but it doesn't change the fact that you and Fletcher had lied." Elite sighed. "I need somepony I can trust."

"But you can trust Fletcher!" Caboose protested, "Come on, this whole thing with Shade is the only 'wrong' thing he had ever done since coming here! He's always done things by the book. He always follows arrest procedure, he fills in his paperwork, never taken a sneaky sick day... Faust, I don't think he ever cursed... well, in Equestrian, at least."

"That's all well and good." Elite brushed it off. "But it doesn't change the fact that he lied about-"

"-But only because I talked him into it!" Caboose cut him off. "It was my fault that he lied about Shade. He wanted to turn him in, but I beggws him not to. So did Shine."

"...And why exactly did you lie about Shade, Lieutenant Caboose?" Elite gave a suspicious glance. "Surely, if you and Fletcher had just done your duty, this could had turn things in both your favor."

"Well..." Caboose rubbed his head. "I guess I wanted to give Shade a benefit of a doubt. I mean, you know me, Caboose Napoleon, youngest of the infamous Napoleon brothers. Honor among thieves, you know?"

"Yes... except this thief nearly made off with some gold, right from under your noses." Elite grunted.

"Okay, granted, that was a mistake." Caboose admitted. "But I wanted to give him a second chance. And I wanted Fletcher to give him a second chance. And now I am here asking you to give Fletcher a second chance."

"I'm sorry, Caboose, but you are wasting your time." Elite sighed. "I can't just overlook Fletcher's errors because his friend broke in and beg me-"

"For crying out loud, Fletcher doesn't even know I'm here!" Caboose snarled.

"...Huh?" Elite said, confused.

"Yeah, me and Fletcher aren't really 'friends' anymore." Caboose frowned in remorse. "We got into this big fight, and Fletcher blamed me for this whole mess... and honestly, I don't blame him."

"Then why are you here?" Elite asked. "It sounds like you should be cross with him."

"Trust me, I was." Caboose sighed. "...But again, it was my fault this happened to begin with. Despite everything, Fletcher is still my friend, even though he hates me now. He has done a lot for me this past year, and I let him down by costing him his dream..."

"That is... tragic." Elite admitted. "But I don't know what this has to do with the position."

"Everything." Caboose declared. "Look, when you first came in, saying you were looking for someone for General, I made a promise with Fletcher that if it came down to just us, I would make sure he got the position. I promised him that if he had agreed to lie about Shade, that everything would turn out okay... I already broke one promise... don't make me break another..."

"...Hold on." Elite frowned. "So... you're saying that in the trials... you had been purposely holding back, just so Fletcher would get better scores and get this position?"

"Yeah, that is the gist of it." Caboose nodded.

"Caboose." Elite glared, "What you did was completely unfair."

"Unfair?" Caboose frowned. "How? It's not like I took a nassball bat to Call's kneecap..." He then growled. "Though as of now, that would sound nice."

"I'll pretend I didn't hear that." Elite growled. "I meant that you were being unfair to both yourself and Fletcher. You're saying that Fletcher deserves this position, even though you 'could' be better than him."

"But I'm not." Caboose insisted. "Fletcher is the best damn Guard I know. He graduated from a Norhay military academy. They make him run with ten ton weights stuck to his hooves. And he's so good at archery and all that hero stuff that he could moonlight as the Green Quiver if he wanted to!"

"Caboose, I came here to Canterlot to find the best pony for the position of the RDL General." Elite frowned. "And I will not lie. Fletcher was a great contender for the position. But so were you. In spite of only getting in through faked credentials, you kept up with the other Guards even though you had zero military training, questionable dietry habits, unusual exercise routines, and an odd leaning towards cannons. Speaking honestly, you probably had the best chance out of the three of you to get this position... yet you would throw that away, for your captain, who might not even deserve this position... why?"

"...Because he's my friend." Caboose murmured. "I mean, I admit we got off to a rocky start, but he just got me unlike any other friends I had. Not even Iron Hooves. He always inspired me to be my best, and even though I'm a screwy 'on break' criminal, he put up with me. He showed me what a real Royal Guard is made of, taught me the true meaning of loyalty, and inspired me to be a better stallion! I wouldn't have made it this far without him."

"Well..." Elite brushed his snout. "That is a... 'compelling' speech... but I can't just look the other way. We uphold the law, you know..."

"If you must punish anypony... punish me." Caboose sighed. "Don't make Fletcher pay for my mistake. This job is his dream. I can't let him lose it, no matter what. I'll take full responsibility for all this, and any punishment you dish out, just as long as you don't cut Fletcher out of the running! Getting run out of the Royal Guard is a small price to pay, if it means Fletcher gets his dream!"

"...You really mean all that, Lieutenant?" Elite asked.

"Every word." Caboose nodded, as he kneeled before him, "Please...don't make me beg here, because I will do it. Let Fletcher back into the running... and I will give you some... executive relief. Just give Fletcher another chance. I'll do anything, you can buck me, you can get bucked by me. You can watch me buck something? Just point at something in the room, and I'll buck it for you! Just tell me what you want me to buck!"

"Alright, alright, you made your case, Caboose." Elite said awkwardly. "And as... 'enticing' as your bargaining sounds...But I don't bend that way."

"Oh... well, neither do I!" Caboose chuckled nervously. "I just want to do right by Fletcher."

"...Well, Lieutenant, I must say, your loyalty is quite impressive." Elite mused. "Your captain must be quite a Guard and stallion to inspire such devotion."

"Oh, he is." Caboose nodded, "So... is that a 'yes' on the Fletcher getting a second chance?"

"...Hmm, now, I am not sure." Elite admitted. "But I will take it into consideration... but as of now, what about you?"

"What about me?" Caboose asked.

"It occurs to me that your skills could be quite invaluable in... certain fields." Elite declared. "How would you feel about working in the private sector? In expanding your horizons, and taking on new responsibilities?"

"Well, uh..." Caboose frowned.

Suddenly, an alarm rang out.

"What the? What's going on?" Elite asked.

"I swear, I didn't do it!" Caboose piped up.

The Guard from before entered the room.

"Sir, there was a prison break. Shade Paladin has escaped!" He yelled.

"What?!" Elite gaped.

"Whoa." Caboose gasped.

The Guard noticed Caboose, then the hole in the wall.

"...Am I interrupting anything?" He asked awkwardly.

Elite and Caboose ran past him, in too much of a hurry to answer his question.

Elsewhere, all the way back in Praireville...

Back within the hideout of the Fifty Thieves, the entire place was now in shambles, devoid of any riches, following the raid led by Call Duty. All that was left were seven thieves, all languishing in their rotten luck.

"From Fifty Thieves down to eight." Girth Gut groaned. "How did it come to this?"

"That's a very good question." Flying Daggers frowned. "How did the Guards know where to find us?"

"And more to the point, how did they know the password?" Knots added.

"I have a few ideas." Scirocco declared, not letting on how much he truly knew.

"What do we do now?" The Chineighse stallion sighed. "Without our comrades and our battle wagon, we're sunk."

"And our reputation is in the toilet." Flying Daggers growled.

"So much for being feared." Jump sighed.

"And respected." Leap added.

"But especially feared." Spin frowned.

Suddenly, the cavern opened again.

"Oh no... another raid?!" Flying Daggers gaped. "Are you serious?!"

"Not again!" The triplets groaned.

"It's a good day to die!" The Chineighse stallion struck a fighting pose.

"Oh come now, no need to be afraid..."

"Wait... that voice." Flying Daggers murmured.

"Can it be?" The Chineighse stallion gasped, breaking his pose.

Approaching them all from the shadows, horn still crackling with electricty, was none other than Solomon Thunder.

"It is just me... Solomon Thunder." Solomon smirked.

"Solomon?" Girth asked.

"You're alive?!" The triplets gasped at once.

"Impossible..." Knots whispered.

"How... how are you alive?" Flying Daggers gaped, "I mean... what happened between you and Shade..."

"I can assume it is a miracle." Scirocco stepped forward, giving a subtle wink at Solomon. "It seems our old leader has came back from the dead."

"Please, you flatter me, friend." Solomon chuckled, "I'm but a survivor, like all of you..." He then sneered. "No thanks to your so-called 'Western Shade'."

"Shade?" Flying Daggers gasped.

"You saw him?" The Chineighse Stallion asked.

"If you did, tell us what he wants us to do now!" Girth pleaded. "Because we're up a paddle with a creek!"

"Oh, I'll tell you what he wants..." Solomon growled. "He wants you all to rot in prison!"

"What?!" The Chineighse stallion growled.

"What do you mean?" Flying Daggers asked.

"Do I have to spell it out?" Solomon glared. "He betrayed you all to the Royal Guard!"

"I don't believe it!" Jump, Leap and Spin said in unison.

"Me neither!" Girth agreed

"He has a point, though." Scirocco declared, playing his part. "Think about it. Shade leaves for Canterlot, and a few days later, we're raided."

"It can't be..." Flying Daggers shook his head. "Shade wouldn't do that."

"The Western Shade is loyal to the end!" Jump, Leap and Spin declared, hopping on one another.

"Oh, don't be so naive, ya pushovers..." Solomon scoffed as he then knocked them over.

"Ow..." The trio groaned.

"How do you think those guards got the magic words to get in here?" Solomon asked.

"...Shade told them the magic words?" Girth asked dumbly.

"That can't be!" Knots growled. "How do we know if Solomon is telling the truth? We all know how bad things ended between him and Shade!"

"Yeah, he's the one we can't trust!" Flying Daggers added.

"Ingrates." Scirocco scowled. "Solomon was once our leader, remember? He led us long before that brat took charge... and now he's back, to pick up the pieces after Shade betrayed us!"

"We don't have any proof Shade sold us out!" Flying Daggers said stubbornly.

"All we have is speculation!" The triplets chorused.

"And we don't know if it's true or not." Girth added.

"Guys, guys..." Solomon soothed. "Have you all forgotten what life was like before Shade came along?"

"Ah, those were the days." Scirocco grinned. "When we didn't have to worry about 'harming in the innocent'. When we free to be as rough and brutal as we liked."

"Of course you'd say that." The Chineighse stallion retorted. "You've always hated Shade."

"And with good reason, it would seem." Solomon mused. "That soft-hearted fool turned this gang into a toothless shell of its former self... and then, ratted you out, like a backstabbing turncoat!"

The other Thieves shared unsure looks.

"We were once feared, and with good reason." Scirocco declared. "But with Shade's overly-compassionate leadership, we no longer had the force to back that fear."

"I do miss curring my victims..." Flying Daggers mused.

"Choking them with ropes." Knots added.

"Poundin' 'em to pulp." Girth chuckled.

"I rarely get the chance to exercise the full extent of my combat skills." The Chineighse pony declared.

"All that sensitive stuff was pretty boring." Jump noted.

"I can't remember the last time we broke some bones." Spin agreed.

"Well, I'm sick of always holding back!" Twist scowled.

"Exactly." Solomon nodded. "I was once your leader. And under my command, we flourished."

"Those were the days..." Scirocco grinned.

"And that is why I am here. To clean up the stains that the Western Shade had made on our reputation." Solomon declared, as he smiled darkly. "Together, we can regain that former greatness. If you will allow me to become your leader once more. Under my leadership, we will get the biggest scores around, with none of the pitiful 'compassion' Shade indulged in. We will reclaim our former glory, and be feared once more!"

The Thieves once again glanced among themselves.

"So what do you say?" Solomon smirked. "Are you in, or out?"

At the same time, Shade returned to Prairieville, in a dour mood.

'Home, sweet home.' He thought to himself. 'I should never have left...'

Stuffing his poncho and effects into his satchel opposite of his loot bag, he made his way to his mother's house.

Belle, her health growing steadily better thanks to the treatments, was in the front living room when he entered.

"Shade?" She smiled.

"Hi, mom." Shade grinned dimly.

"Back so soon?" Belle asked, having been informed of Shade's trip beforehoof. "How was Canterlot?"

"It was... an experience." Shade shrugged. "Little too 'high society' for me, though. That's why I came back so soon. I just like it out here..."

"What about the royal family?" Belle urged. "Were they nice?"

"Some of them." Shade sighed.

"And the Guards?" Belle continued. "I've heard they are a noble bunch. And friendly, too..."

"Yeah, kinda..." Shade bowed his head in sorrow, remembering how much fun he'd had with them.

"Shade... are you alright?" Belle frowned, "You look... sad."

"I'm fine, mom." Shade sighed. "I just... had a long flight..." He then forced a smile. "How about I get dinner started?"

"Dear, you really don't need to do that." Belle insisted, "I can do it myself-"

"Please, mom, I insist." Shade urged. "It's the least I can do for my only family."

Shade marched into the kitchen, leaving Belle confused.

"What happened up there?" She frowned. "I suppose he'll tell me when he's ready..."

As Belle turned to sit in her chair, her hoof bumped into Shade's loot bag, resulting in a jingling sound.

"What's this?" She mused, bending down to examine the bag and Shade's satchel.

In the kitchen, Shade tried to focus on making the meal, but his mood was making it difficult.

'Come on, focus!' He told himself. 'Focus on the food, and nothing else...'

Moments later, Belle came in, wearing an odd expression.

"So... Canterlot. Quite a fancy place, isn't it?" Belle declared.

"Yeah, one could say that." Shade nodded.

"I assume there's a lot of fancy stuff there as well." Belle noted, "Dresses, perfumes, gourmet food, fancy linen, exotic flower gardens, marble towers, gold and jewels..."

Shade stiffened, not liking the way she brought those last items up.

"I reckon in the castle, they must have a surplus of those." Belle glanced at Shade oddly, "Worth millions upon millions of bits... am I right, Shade?"

"...Um, yeah..." Shade nodded nervously. "Enough to buy this whole town ten times over."

"Shade... what happened to your necklace?" Belle asked, pointing to Shade's bare neck. "This has to be the first time I've seen you without it."

"Oh, I accidentally snapped the string." Shade murmured, hoping it would change the conversation. "So, uh, how have things been around here? Anything interesting happen while I was gone?"

"Not much." Belle shrugged. "How about you? What kind of 'experience' was it up there?"

"Nothing too major." Shade said awkwardly. "Just this and that."

"I see." Belle nodded. "And would the 'this and that' include a bag full of gold and jewels?"

Belle held up the loot bag, its valuable contents peeking out. She glared at her son disapprovingly.

"Um..." Shade stammered, as he cringed under his mother's glare. "I can explain..."

"Explain?" Belle glared, "I think this explains quite a lot... you're the Western Shade... aren't you?"

"I, er..." Shade spluttered, shocked. "I... I don't know what you're talking about."

"Don't lie to me, young colt!" Belle snarled. "I'm your mother, and I deserve the truth!"

"...Okay, fine, you got me." Shade sighed. "I'm the Western Shade."

"...I knew it..." Belle shook her head. "I should have known that the name sounded familiar. And the fact that you would go off for days at a time... but I wanted to give you the benefit of the doubt... but now..."

"Mother... please, it isn't what you think..." Shade insisted. "I've been doing this so I could pay for your treatment. It's not like I wanted to do it, but the jobs weren't cutting it..."

"Shade, I understand why you're doing it..." Belle nodded. "And I am grateful that you would go to such lengths for me... but this is too far... you have to stop it."

"Stop it?" Shade gasped. "But mom, robbing ponies is what's been paying all these bills. And we wanted for nothing for the longest time. We were happy!"

"Yes, but we've been living off the happiness of others." Belle frowned. "Our good fortune was built on the misfortunes of those you had robbed."

"But this was all for you!" Shade protested, "If I hadn't joined the Thieves, we would had never afford those treatments. You would have died an agonizing death!"

"To be honest, I would have preferred that over living on the stolen wealth of others." Belle frowned.

"Oh give me a break!" Shade snarled. "I've been only stealing from the rich. Those ponies would've just wasted it on prostitutes, drugs, and fancy carriages!"

"What about the other ponies?" Belle glared. "I can bet you there are rich ponies that are trying to make ends meets just like us. Those with families and loved ones!"

"Well, excuse me for finding your life being worth more than their livelihoods." Shade growled.

"What about your own life?" Belle asked, "I can't imagine all the risks you must be taking. Fighting over stolen goods, being chased by the law... I don't know what I would do if you'd died out there..."

"There's no risk." Shade snorted. "I can take care of myself. And I have my gang to back me up."

"A gang of cutthroats and brigands." Belle snarled. "Not the kind of friends I wanted me son to have."

"They're a great bunch, once you get to know them." Shade said defensively. "Besides, I happen to think I've found quite the lucrative career."

"Well, I don't." Belle growled. "I want you to stop this. I will not take any more treatments that were bought with ill gains."

"Mother... you can't be serious." Shade protested.

"Never more so." Belle said firmly. "I'm sorry, Shade, but I thought you were better than this. But I guess I was wrong... I guess you didn't turn out as well as I'd hoped after all..."

Shade stepped back a bit, the statement cutitng through his heart.

"...Oh..." Shade felt tears welled up in his eyes. "I see how it is."

"Shade, I didn't-" Belle started.

"You know what, mother?" Shade snapped, "I don't care... I JUST don't care..." He sniffed, trying to hold in his tears. "I'm sorry if I am a big fat disappointment to you... but I don't care. Because you're everything to me, and honestly, I rather be a disappointment to you and have you alive, rather than have you all happy and care-free..." He then slammed his hoof into the table, "AND DEAD!"

"You can't mean that..." Belle frowned.

"I do. I would pillage all of Equestria, if it means you stay alive. You're the only family I had left, and here you are, spitting in my face after all the things I've done for you!" Shade sniffed, "You're right, I did put myself at risk. I put my life on the line, all for you!" Tears began streaming down his face. "I wanted you to be well, because I didn't want to lose the only family I had. Being a delivery pony or some other rube wasn't working. I had only one way to make sure you got better, one choice for us to stay together, even if it meant going against what you taught me!"

"And who says that choice is yours to make?" Belle glared. "I am your mother. I raised you all by myself!"

"Oh, and why is that, hmm?" Shade sneered. "BECAUSE MY MULE-FACED SCUM OF A FATHER ABANDONED US!"

"He did not!" Belle growled. "And you will not talk of him like that!"

"Why not?! He only left you when you were pregnant with me and left us to struggle on our own!" Shade snarled.

"I know your father had a good reason for what he did." Belle retorted. "And he would be very disappointed if he knew what you've been-"

"Well, now I know why he left!" Shade scowled. "My father... he was a twisted revolutionary who was betrayed by his brother and would later on go on to try and take over all of Equestria! And now he's dead! All because of the royals, because of Shine, because of all of them!"

"Shade, that's enough." Belle frowned. "Getting angry won't solve anything."

"Angry?" Shade scoffed. "Didn't you hear me. My father was-"

"Shade, I know." Belle nodded sadly.

"Wait... you did?!" Shade spluttered. "All this time?"

"Yes." Belle answered. "Some time after your father left, I took a trip to Canterlot to visit an old friend. While there, I read a newspaper report about a vile stallion known as 'Red Eclipse' who was causing trouble. There was an artist's rendering of him, and it looked just like Black." She sighed. "I admit, when I learned the truth, I was a bit shocked. He was always so secretive of his past... and I could imagine why."

"You knew what kind of stallion he was..." Shade growled. "Yet you still love him. You still think of him as the greatest stallion you ever met!"

"Of course..." Belle nodded.

"How could you love him?" Shade demanded. "He was a evil stallion, who left you before I was born, and to do what? Take over Equestria? How can anypony love somepony that caused them so much pain?! Huh?!"

"You don't know him like I did, Shade." Belle insisted, "Nopony else did. Everypony made him out to be this monster... but when I first met him... all I saw was a good soul, greatly misunderstood by the world."

"Good soul? He nearly murdered a child!" Shade roared.

"I'm not denying that." Belle sighed. "But I know the pony who did that wasn't Black. Sombra's horn had corrupted him, made him cruel and heartless, not like the Black I knew..."

"You know what? Save it!" Shade spat. "I already had a crappy night, and the last thing I need is to hear this bull crap all over again from someone who spurn my help! The fact you never told me that you knew who my dad was all this time is just..." He let out a snarl.

"And what would that have done? It didn't change the fact that your father was... not around." Belle frowned. "And even then, I knew in my heart that Black had a good reason for leaving, and that he wouldn't want his son to end up as a petty thief. I was only trying to give you a happy life..."

"Well, so was I, but apparently, that's not good enough for you." Shade growled, as he grabbed the bag of loot and stormed out.

"Shade, where are you going?!" Belle asked.

"Away from here." Shade reorted angrily, as he grabbed his stuff. "To the one place where nopony will judge me!"

"Shade! Shade!" Belle called out to him... only to frown in remorse. "Oh, Shade..."

Almost blind with rage, Shade stormed out of town, making his way to the hideout.

'Okay, time to salvage what's left of this lousy night...' He thought. 'At least the guys'll be pleased to see my haul.'

Putting on a smile, Shade uttered 'Open Sesame' and entered the cavern, making his way through the tunnels and into the main cavern.

"Fellas, I'm home!" Shade called.

There was no answer.

"Fellas?" He glanced around... and noticed something odd. For a hideout that housed fifty thieves, it was... so quiet, and as he took in his surroundings, he noticed that the cavern was void of anything. "Hey, what's give?! Where is everything?"

Shade went deeper into the cavern, looking in all directions.

"Guys?" He called. "If this is a joke, it's not very funny!"

Suddenly... Flying Daggers stepped forward...

"Oh, Daggers, thank Faust. What's going on here?" Shade approached him, "Everything is-"

He was cut off when Flying Daggers pulled out two swords, looking at him with a rather nasty scowl.

"Daggers?" Shade murmured, "What's wrong?"

From another shadowy spot emerged the Chineighse stallion, wielding his own sword and the same venomous expression.

"What the...?" Shade blanched.

From above, rappeling on his rope was Knots, also with a sword and a glare.

"Knots?" Shade gaped.

Then coming from behind three pillars were Jump, Leap, and Spin, each holding a blade, and nearby, Girth Guts, wielding a heavy club.

All seven of them approached Shade menacingly, glaring at him.

"Guys?" Shade frowned, "What... what's going on? Why are you all looking at me like that?" He held up the bag of valuables. "I brought back enough gold to settle us for life..."

"Us... or you?" Daggers glared.

"What?" Shade frowned. "Wait, where are the others?"

"As if you don't already know." The Chineighse stallion sneered.

"What is the matter with you guys?" Shade demanded. "Aren't you happy to see me again?"

"Oh they are... just not in a way you would like..."

Shade's blood ran cold as it did that day, as he felt that familiar electric sensation...

"No... no... it can't be..."

Shade glanced towards the shadow, as stepping forward, flanked by Scirocco, was none other than Solomon.

"You." Shade said quietly.

"Yes, me." Solomon sneered. "I'm here to take back what's mine..."

"Look... let's just talk about this..." Shade tried to reason with him.

"Lights out." Solomon threw his hoof forward as everything to white.

Back in Canterlot...

A fuming Celestia was waiting at the balcony, angered by the night's events. She was joined by Luna, Dusty, Mist and Elite.

"Your highness?" Elite asked.

"Not now, Everest." Celestia growled.

"Sister, you must get a hold of yourself." Luna urged.

"I said, not now." Celestia growled

"What's wrong? I heard there was some commotion over here." Mist added.

"Shade's... been arrested." Dusty sighed. "For trying to rob the vault."

"What?!" Mist gasped. "But... Shine?"

"He helped Shade escape." Luna frowned.

"Such a pity." Elite sighed. "Breaking the law for a loved one... both right and wrong at the same time."

"He hasn't been seen since." Dusty added.

"Oh, Shine..." Mist sighed.

"Perhaps we should send out a search party?" Luna suggested.

"Do what you will." Celestia scowled. "I don't care."

"Um... your majesties?"

Everypony glanced at a Guard, who just came in.

"We just found Prince Paladin."

"What?!" Celestia gasped.

"Oh, good." Mist smiled.

"Why would he come back?" Elite wondered.

"Let's find out." Celestia frowned. "Bring him in."

"Yes, your highness." The Guard nodded.

Not long after, Shine was being escorted in, with a rather smug Call Duty, who was nursing a bump on his head caused by Shade earlier.

"Shine..." Celestia seethed.

Shine looked impassively at Celestia, trying not to appear apologetic.

"Frankly, what you did tonight was most disappointing and most unpleasing." Celestia glared.

"It is tragic how the mighty have fallen, your highness." Call sneered. "Our once-great Prince, throwing everything away to help his criminal cousin."

"You stay out of this!" Celestia snapped at him.

"Eep." Call clamped shut.

"Shine, why would you do something like this?" Mist asked.

"Because I was the one who brought him here." Shine sighed, "I realized it was a mistake... but he was still my family and he didn't deserve to rot in prison because of me."

"That wasn't for you to decide." Celestia growled. "He was a criminal, who needed to be punished. And you went behind my back and broke him out! What will the populace say if they found out?"

"Well, I can care less what they think." Shine growled. "Shade is my family... he was my family."

"Like Black?" Celestia frowned as she shook her head in disgust. "There you go again, making ridiculous allowances for those related to you, no matter how twisted and evil they are"

"Shade is nothing like Black!" Shine insisted. "He's a liar and a traitor... but he is far from my definition of evil."

"Well, forgive me, but your definition isn't all that clear, since you seem to defend Black all the time." Celestia glared.

"Because Black wasn't evil either, just misguided." Shine retorted.

"That's it, Shine." Mist nodded. "Hold on to your beliefs..."

"And again, you defend him." Celestia scowled.

"This isn't about Black, it's about Shade." Shine insisted. "And the fact that he's not as bad as you think he is."

"How can you say that after he lied to you, used you?" Celestia scowled. "Tried to steal from us?"

"You don't understand..." Shine shook his head. "Shade has a mother... and she's sick. He has been stealing so he could pay for her treatments!"

"That does not justify his actions!" Celestia retorted. "There are better ways to get money than stealing! But clearly, your cousin didn't care!"

"How can you say that?" Shine snorted. "You don't seem to mind to mind the Napoleons commiting crimes left right and center, but you're ready to crucify Shade for far less. You do see the hypocrisy there, don't you?"

"HEY! Leave my family out of this!" Dusty growled.

"The Napoleons and Shade are two completely different matters." Celestia declared. "At least the Napoleons gave to the poor, and not themselves... like Shade."

"Don't talk like you know him!" Shine retorted. "You never even tried to get to know him! You hated him from the beginning!"

"Because I could see what he was!" Celestia yelled. "Unlike you!"

"You were just seeing what you wanted to!" Shine roared. "Just like Black! You are just becoming a hateful, bitter harpy!"

"And you, an idealistic, bleeding heart fool!" Celestia shot back.

"Sister, please!" Luna urged.

"At least I still have a heart!" Shine yelled.

"Shine, don't!" Mist pleaded.

"How dare you!" Celestia spat. "You foolhardy-"

"You spiteful little-" Shine started.

"ENOUGH!" Elite shouted, slamming his metal hoof.

Everypony glanced at Elite.

"Will you all just shut up and listen to yourselves?" Elite snarled.

"Excuse me?!" Shine frowned.

"Elite, this is most out of line!" Celestia gasped, outraged.

"I'm sorry your highness, but I must have my say!" Elite declared, as he turned to Celestia. "Celestia, you have every right to hate Black for what he did. He did murdered a village, using your Royal Guards to help him, he almost took over Equestria, and almost took your daughter's life. I can understand clearly all the trepidations you had about Shade."

"Exactly!" Celestia growled. "I've been trying to tell Shine that all al-"

"Let me finish, your highness." Elite held up a hoof. "Black is a terrorist and a traitor to the country... but is that truly the definition of an evil pony? Think about it: back at Crystal Sun, Black had you all held captive... if he was this 'monster' as you say, he could easily done away with all of you. And he wasn't out to destroy Equestria, he simply wanted to take control and try and better it. In a warlord kind of way, mind you, but monsters don't do that. In fact, did anypony at all die during the Crystal Sun event?"

"I don't think anypony did." Dusty mused.

"None at all." Luna nodded.

"You'd think a big battle like that would incur a sizeable body countt..." Mist joked.

"But he was willing to kill anypony who got in his way!" Celestia snarled. "What about my daughter and Shine?"

"Desperate stallions do desperate things when things come to a head." Elite shrugged. "The thing is, every pony has their own story, and it is one pony's story that defines him, not one particular moment."

"That may be true, but-" Celestia started.

"And what of Luna?" Elite gestured to Luna. "Didn't she become Nightmare Moon? Sure, she might have not have had as much time as Black to truly hurt anyone... but in her short time before she nearly went out and 'made night eternal', did you ever consider her evil?"

"Faust no!" Celestia snarled, "But Black and her are two entirely different ponies!"

"Are they?" Elite asked. "I don't seem to recall Shade ever trying something like that, yet you are ready to demonize him for far less."

"I... well..." Celestia muttered.

"That was what I was trying to tell you!" Shine declared.

"And you're exactly innocent, either." Elite snorted.

"What?!" Shine asked.

"I believe what you say about Black and Shade." Elite declared. "But you're letting your defense of those beliefs make you stubborn, and unyielding. We are all entitled to our opinions, you know. And you shouldn't show such hostility to your own wife, just because she thinks differently than you."

"Well, I..." Shine muttered, shaken.

"I understand that you two of you have conflicting views on Black." Elite declared. "But you're letting those views tear you apart. You are husband and wife, Prince and Princess. You love each other. If I heard right, Shine got his cutie mark because of your love for each other. Honestly, is Black or Shade truly worth throwing away such a strong bond? Is this Faust damn argument really worth throwing away twelve years of marriage and tearing this family apart... well, is it?"

Shine and Celestia looked at each other... as their anger soon turned to guilt and sadness...

"No." Celestia sighed. "Shine, I'm sorry. I don't want to lose you. You don't deserve any of the strife I've placed upon you these last few days...no, these past weeks. I just... Black came so close to taking so much from me... and I was afraid he was going to take you away... it was petty..."

"No, you were right... I'm sorry as well." Shine bowed his head. "After everything that's happened, I've let things with Black get to me too. It's just... when I found out about Shade, I thought that was my chance to make things right, to place Black's son on the path of righteousness. Turns out I was wrong."

"Oh, Shine." Celestia sighed. "I've forgotten what it is like to have a family member set against oneself. I suppose if I were in your position, and Luna in Shade's, I would have done the same thing. I cannot blame you for such an act. And the fact you returned to face the consequences means a lot as well..."

"I couldn't leave you." Shine smiled, as he turned to the others. "You or the others. In spite of all the trouble we've been having, I wouldn't want to face life without you."

"Nor I." Celestia smiled.

The two royal ponies embraced, and kissed each other deeply.

"Finally." Luna smiled.

"Yes..." Mist grinned.

"Now that's more like it." Luna added.

"Hold the phone!" Call roared. " So that's it? You're letting him off the hook?!"

"Of course, Sargeant Duty." Celestia nodded, breaking from the embrace. "In spite of the crime, he did it out of love. As as Princess of Equestria, I am more then willing to forgo any punishment."

"To hell with that!" Call snarled. "Your husband just busted out the biggest criminal this side of Manehatten! That scum is free to loot and pillage all over Equestria because of him! This is a outrage, a miscarriage of justice! I worked hard to bring this little crap to justice and-"

"QUIET!" Shine yelled. "Where do you get off, insulting your Prince. I could have you arrested for treason, you know."

"What?!" Call yelped. "But you-"

"I know what I did." Shine nodded. "It was wrong, but you are way out of line. Maybe your duties have grown too stressful. Maybe if you don't improve, I'll get you an early retirement. How does that sound?"

"Why you..." Call snarled.

"Call, just stand down." Elite declared. "It's done and over with."

"Unbelievable..." Call snarled as he departed. "Treating a loyal veteran like that..."

"So... what now?" Shine murmured.

"Well, I guess all that's left now is to just put this ugly business behind us." Celestia sighed. "But I am curious... what of Shade?"

"Yeah, what happened to him?" Mist asked.

Shine let out a sigh.

"There will be no need to worry about him." Shine frowned. "Shade is gone, and he'll probably never come back."

"Oh... Shine..." Celestia murmured. "I know it must have been hard for you to let him go."

"It was... but Shade made his choice." Shade gave a sad growl. "Now that everypony knows who he is, he'll probably just go back to a life of stealing with his little gang. If that is what he want to do with his life, then screw him."

"Shine..." Mist frowned. "He's our family..."

"Only in blood. But as far as I am concerned, he's just a dirty thief known as the Western Shade... and as long as he stays away from Canterlot, the better off I will be."

"Oh, Shine..." Mist said sadly.

"Family should stay together, not break apart..." Dusty sighed.

"In an ideal world, yes." Elite nodded. "But this isn't an ideal world."

"A pity..." Luna noted.

"If that is your decision, I shall support it." Celestia nuzzled him. "As long as we can just move on from this."

"Thanks, cherryblossom." Shine smiled, as he nuzzled her back. "You know, it is nice to get this all out in the open. After tonight, I think we're gonna be just fine..."

Little did Shine know how wrong he was about Shade, and that they had not seen the last of the Fifty Thieves...