• Published 26th Jan 2016
  • 2,866 Views, 90 Comments

Hornless - Death Pony

Sometimes all a man can do is try to make the best out of a situation. And then there's this. Sent to a world he knows nothing about by accident, one man will try to survive long enough to figure out if returning is worth it, or if he belongs here.

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Chapter Three

After a moment of silence, the minotaur chuckled. “Sorry, I was referring to the Auto-Doc, Mk. III,” he waved a mitten at the sheet covered object in the corner. “And by ‘magic’, I was referring to…an event or outcome that might defy casual explanation. I didn’t mean to infer actual uh…sorcery?”

Emerald managed to relax enough to giggle a bit. “Oh, so this, thing under the sheet is a…uh, healing…shrine?” She was peering at the hidden shape with renewed interest.

The biped nodded with a hum. “Yes and no. He’s not a shrine but a…” he paused as if to search for the word he wanted. “Automaton, I suppose? I just call him ‘Doc’. Most of these didn’t have personalities or even a voice, but I tinkered with this one using some old data I dug out of the archives a while back.” One could hear the pride evident in his voice. “He’s gotta pretty good bedside manner, for a machine.”

The mare suddenly gasped in surprise. “Whoa! Is this…an honest to goodness Golem of Minos? And it can talk!?” The pegasus was almost dancing from hoof to hoof in disbelief. “But, I thought minotaurs lost this kind of magic a long, long time ago! This is so awesome!” The pegasus was beginning to actually let go of all the day’s misfortune and take an honest interest in this new line of discussion.

The bull chuckled at her childlike glee, causing the mare to blush. “I see. Well, indeed he does talk but first things first. Let’s make sure uh, Snowy is stabilized and ready for Doc to fix her up. Now then, let’s see what I have available…” He began sorting through a large white bag sporting the familiar red cross of hospitals and clinics around the continent when he continued talking. “Now, normally I’d just use some stimpaks to speed along recovery. However, I don’t know if stims are compatible with…uh, ponies? The last thing I want to do is make things worse… Ah ha!” Hornless exclaimed and pulled out a shiny bag of red liquid.

“What is that?” The pegasus asked, while trying to figure out what the bag was made of.

The great being held up the bag in triumph. “This, my friend, is a rather rare commodity even back home. This is a protoplasmic soup full of amino acids, proteins, and breakthrough compounds that can recreate blood type and composition with just a small sample of the original. It’s called a Sanguine Rescue Pack but the marketing teams of the time decided that Blood Bank was catchier, I assume.” He turned his head towards her to see a look of lost confusion on the pony’s face.


The bull sighed a little. “It’s a medicine that will help replace her lost blood.”

“Oh! Yeah, that’s what I uh, thought you said,” the mare replied, while coughing into her hoof.

One could almost hear the grin under that muffler. “Of course it was little one,” earning him a mock glare. “At any rate, this particular medicine will be copying her blood, so there shouldn’t be any issues with compatibility. Doc will be able to know for sure.” The bull sighed dejectedly and looked away at nothing specific, lost in some thought. “I’d heard that once upon a time, hundreds of thousands of individuals volunteered to donate blood for just such emergencies, but even then it wasn’t always enough.” Hornless turned to the mare. “I’m glad I had this on hand though.”

Emerald would almost swear the minotaur was actually warming up to her a bit. The thought made her rather happy. “Me too,” was all she could say in response.

“Right then, let’s set this aside for a moment and find the other thing I wanted,” and Hornless dove back into the bag to search. After a few moments of looking he gave a whispered, “Yes!” and pulled out a device that Emerald would have called ‘large oil can’ or ‘weird spray bottle’.

“What’s this one do?” The mare asked while trying to get a better look.

He held the bottle up for inspection. “Liquid bandage; it contains antiseptics, painkillers, and a compound that will both seal the wound and slowly pull it closed.”

She grinned up at the bull. “Neat.”

“So, now we’re going to have to trust the Doc here with our recovered materials and let him fix up your friend here,” and with that he pulled the sheet off of the shape to reveal another strange metallic object. It was shaped somewhat like the fancy heart monitors found in Canterlot’s best hospitals, but this was made of another strange metal and sporting a few limbs that ended in rather frightening devices if Emerald was being honest. The monitor screen usually reserved for heartbeats was instead glowing an eerie green and covered in strange text.

The mare was staring in wide-eyed fascination. “I saw one of these golems once, well it was a lot less…impressive than this one, “ she waved a hoof towards Doc. “In the Canterlot Museum of History where they had the Ancient Golem of Minos, popularly considered to be an art that was lost forever." She smiled at something as if recalling a silly story. "I used to imagine going into a ruined crypt and helping find something like this. Maybe aid in recovering the lost art of rune smithing…” She trailed off, lost in some fantasy.

“Is that right?” Hornless asked with some interest.

The mare chuckled nervously as she realized she had just suffered an egghead moment with a stranger. “I guess it being a lost art isn't the case then? So you’re an honest to goodness Runemaster?” When the biped just looked at her quietly with a tilted head, she wilted a bit. “Sorry about that. I…grew up reading stories about the Stormdancers; elite rune knights of the Divine. The special forces of the pegasi,” she rubbed her hoof in small circles while looking away abashedly. “I always dreamed of joining their ranks, being a hero to ponies everywhere, and doing something grand in life, ya know? Kicking flank in service of the kingdom, seeing exotic places, maybe even becoming as famous as the Wonderbolts..." The mare sighed and looked down at the ground, her good mood evaporating. "It's silly, sorry to bring it up.”

Hornless knelt down in front of the mare and gently placed a mitten on her head. “I’m sorry to say, I’m not a…runemaster, or anything like that. I didn’t build old Doc here; I just fixed him up and did some tinkering. He’s at least two-hundred years old, built by folks a lot smarter than me.” When he noticed her look of disappointment he stroked her head a little. “However, there’s a chance…if I could get my hands on one of these, ‘golems’ that I could try to reverse-engineer it, and maybe figure out how it works. I can’t make any promises, but we’ll never know unless we try, right?”

Emerald sniffed up at the bull with a dewy expression. “Really? You’d, do something like that just because of my stupid dream?”

Hornless laughed warmly. “I never said I’d go spelunking into dangerous ruins and solve ancient mysteries or anything; just that I’d take something apart and see how it works if I got the chance. Okay?” He rubbed her head firmly but affectionately until she backed out from under his hand laughing.

“Hey! It’s rude to mess up a lady’s manestyle buster!” she said, while still chuckling and pointing a hoof in accusation. “And, thanks H-Hornless,” she added not shyly by the way, thank you very much.

“Right. Now then, let’s get this show started, shall we?” He stood up, walked over to the golem, and pressed a large red button on its console.

Author's Note:

I think most of us know what this is a crossover with (*hint Fallout Universe), but he's no hero, at least...not any of the kind we know about already. :pinkiehappy:

Stay tuned for more developments.