• Published 4th Dec 2015
  • 3,042 Views, 88 Comments

There Goes the Neighborhood - The card holder

So, stop me if you've heard this one: a changeling queen, a homicidal flower, an extremely intelligent meglomaniac, a much less intelligent metal ball, and a mute sociopath are stuck in a house together in Ponyville...

  • ...


Octavia hummed happily as she trotted home, saddlebags full of groceries. Somewhere in the back of her mind, she was aware of the fact that Ponyville had gone a full four days without something crazy and/or stupid and/or dangerous happening, but she pushed those thoughts aside in the name of blind optimism, a trait which is responsible for 80% of any civilized population retaining the will to live.

As she trotted up to the front door of her new house, seeing as the old one was demolished during a particularly bad incident involving fruit carts, she couldn't help but notice that there was another house next door. Normally, this wouldn't be very notable, but she was pretty sure that said house wasn't there before.

Shrugging and attributing it to her imagination, she went ahead and entered her home, simultaneously expecting the sight before her and disappointed by it all the same.

"Vinyl! Can I not be gone for five minutes without you making a mess?!"

From behind the couch, she heard the rustling of what were no doubt numerous wrappers as the neon blue mane of her housemate appeared, removing her headphones from her ears. "Oh, hey, Octy. Back already?"

Octavia rolled her eyes as she stepped further in. "Why are you even eating this many snacks? You know I was out shopping!"

Vinyl shrugged. "I got bored and hungry. Oh, by the way, we're out of Nays."

"We had two family sized bags left!"

"Well, we did."

There was silence in the room, before Octavia let out a sigh. "Just make an effort to actually clean this up for once, please?"

Vinyl looked at the piles of candy wrappers, empty chip bags, and a few stray smashed cans around her. "Alright, fine, I might've gone a bit overboard."

Octavia only let out a small "Hmph," as she left for the kitchen, while Vinyl started levitating trash into a nearby small trashcan. After a few moments, Octavia shouted from the kitchen, "And would you stop leaving those novelty flowers outside of the windows!"

Vinyl looked up from her community service work. "What?"

"I said, stop putting your stupid dancing flowers everywhere!"

"Hey, those aren't stupid!" Vinyl thought over what she just heard. "Also, what?"

"Don't act dumb! I'm looking at one of them right now and I know it was your doing!"

Now legitimately confused, Vinyl followed her roommate's shouts into the kitchen, hoping to figure out what exactly she was talking about. There, she found Octavia glaring through the kitchen window, where a smiling flower in a pot was doing a small dance on the other side.

Vinyl couldn't stop herself from letting out a small laugh at the sight, making Octavia turn the glare towards her. "What? I didn't do it, but that doesn't mean I can't find it funny!"

Octavia rolled her eyes. "Yes, just like how it wasn't you who put itching powder in my shampoo, or it wasn't you who unscrewed the salt lid before I used it, or how you claim to have not even been around when I find out that someone placed coat dye in the soap."

"Hey, that last one was an accident, and you know it!"

"Regardless, go out there right now and-" Octavia looked back out the window, but noticed that the flower wasn't there anymore. "...get... your...."

Vinyl looked and noticed the lack of a dancing flower, as well. "Huh. Weird." She then turned to Octavia. "See? I told you I was innocent!"

Octavia looked back and forth between the window and her roommate. "I don't- But-" She sighed. "Okay, perhaps I was a bit quick to judge."

After a moment, Vinyl leaned forward. "Aaaand?"

"...and what?"

"Are you going to apologize?"

"Vinyl, you still owe me several apologies for other things you've done."

"Name one."

"Remember that time you managed to shatter all the windows in the house with your speakers?"

"...name five."

"There was-"

Suddenly, they heard some faint screaming coming from outside.

"...was that-"

At that moment, a metal ball crashed through the kitchen window, revealing itself to be the source of the screaming. At the same time, Octavia and Vinyl started screaming, which caused the ball to scream even more as its single blue eye flicked back and forth between the two ponies, causing a feedback loop of screaming and terror.

In other words, a typical Ponyville event.

Eventually, the screaming died down, and the ponies looked at the ball, worried and scared expressions on their faces.

"Uh, sorry about that," the ball said. "Small accident while moving around."

Vinyl took the time to look out the smashed window, where she saw a rather portly bipedal figure leaning out of an equally shattered window in the house next to them.

Upon seeing her, the figure waved. "Apologies for the damages, but could you please return the talking metal ball?"

Not really thinking, Vinyl picked up the ball with her magic and brought it through both windows, where the biped grabbed it out of her magic. "Thanks!" the ball said on its way back.

Once both of them disappeared into their own house, both Vinyl and Octavia looked at the pieces of glass on the floor.


"Yes, Octavia?"

"Did that just happen?"




"...should we be worried?"

"..." Vinyl shrugged. "Probably."

"Oh, just kiss already, you two!"

Both ponies let out yelps as they turned to the voice, which belonged to the same dancing flower they had seen earlier.

Octavia was the first to speak after the silence. "Y- you can-"

"Holy shit a talking flower!" Vinyl blurted out.

Octavia just looked at her friend, before turning back to the flower. "...are you with the metal ball and whatever it was that took him back?"

The flower rolled his eyes. "Yeah, I'm stuck with those idiots." Suddenly, his face lit up. "Hey, maybe I could stay with you two? You seem a lot less annoying than that other bunch." His face briefly twisted into a mildly demonic visage. "But that's not saying much."

Suddenly, he was picked up in Vinyl's magic. "What-"

"Nope nope nope nope get out," Vinyl quickly said, throwing the flower, pot and all, into the other house, where she heard it hit someone, but she didn't care enough to check as she stormed out of the room, muttering about "damn demon flowers".

Now alone in the kitchen, Octavia could only bring herself to do a reevaluation of her entire life up to that point.

Maybe she should not have gone to Ponyville. Her parents were right, it is indeed a silly place.