• Published 4th Jun 2012
  • 6,013 Views, 170 Comments

A Behemoth in Equestria (cancelled) - Fanskapet

Follow the mad times of a confused Behemoth in Equestria

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Chapter 9 Quills and measurements

"Oh no."
Vilefor said as he saw Twilight enter the barn with a huge grin and an even bigger pile of parchments and what looked like a bucket of ink.

"Aw come on Vilefor, this will be fun!"
She said as she sat down infront of him, still with that big grin on her face.

"Fine just launch your first barrage of random questions, so we can be done with this."
Vilefor said with a sigh as he laid down infront of the mare.

"Okay so many questions, where should I start?"
She said mostly to herself as she pulled the stack of parchments closer.

"Well what do you want to know?"
Vilefor asked with a bored sigh.

She screamed out, before putting a hoof over her mouth with a big blush on her cheeks.

"Well ....that narrows it down."
Vilefor said holding a hand over his chest, taking a deep breath to calm himself down.

"Never thought i would get scared by a horse."
He thought as he felt his heart beggining to calm down again.

"Ehehe sorry, uhm how about I take some measures and well do some tests on your body?"
She said holding a long measuring tape infront of her.

"Uhm what for?"
He said looking at the weird little pony fidgeting her hooves where she sat.

"Well you are a one of a kind unknown creature, none of my books says anything at all about a creature of your kind."
She said as she got up and walked over to him.

"There they go off with calling me a creature again, well guess there`s nothing else to call someone looking like a huge behemoth of a creature."
He thought looking down at himself, before returning his attention towards the pony.

"Eh can I measure your horns first?"
She said pointing a hoof towards his big horns.

"Sure can you measure from there or do you want to stand on my head?"
He said holding out a hand to help the pony up on his back.

"Well since you asked sure."
She said as she walked over to his outstretched hand, feeling a bit nervous as his hand closed on on her and placing her on his back.

"Okay now just be still while I measure your horns."
She said as she carefully walked over his back to get to his head.

Vilefor said frowning as he felt her hooves walk over him.

"Okay lets se here.....wow 1.54 meters and in perfect condition, you haven`t used your horns at all?"
She said as she stood with a hoof on his muzzle leaning herself as much forward she could.

"Well no, I only used my hands and big tail, oh yeah I almost forgot how does my back fin look? since I know it is in bad shape but will it you know...heal?"
He said pointing a finger at his back.

"And while we are at it will my bite wounds heal too?"
He continued as he turned his head to look at his tail, only to hear a frightened squeak and a thud as a small body hit the floorboards.


"Oh ehe woops sorry, forgot you stood on my head."
Vilefor said as he turned his head infront of him to look at the little purple heap on the floor.

"You okay?"
He said poking the little horse with a finger.

"Yes I think so."
She said as she got up on her hooves again.

"Well atleast got the measurments."
She said as she wobbled over to the parchments and begun writing it down.

"Soo about my questions?"
He said after watching Twilight write down her findings.

"Hmm? oh yeah the fin should be okay and the bite marks on your tail wasn`t really deep."
She said as she put the papers down.

"That is good, by the way where is your little lizard?"
Vilefor asked as he looked around the barn.

"Oh Spike? he is with Rarity she needed his help with something."
She said as she levitated her measuring tape again, walking with unsteady legs towards Vilefor.

"Who`s Rarity? and eh shouldn`t you lay down for a moment? you look kinda unsteady."
Vilefor asked as she walked up to his arm.

"Oh yeah sorry, Rarity is a friend of mine and don`t worry I am perfectly fine, can you stretch out your arm?"
She said as she held out her measuring tape against his arm.

Vilefor said raising an eyebrow as he stretched out his arm.

"Hmm sharp claws....massive arms..."
She kept saying as she was going over the arm taking measurments, checking the hand and the sharp claws.

"Umm how much longer is this gonna take?"
Vilefor asked after what felt like forever, turning his head towards the slightly dizzy mare measuring his tail.

"2.93 meters long....about 15 kilogram....huh you said something?"
Twilight said as she turned her eyes towards Vilefors face, noticing his bored expression.

"Oh no nothing, just hurry up will you?"
Vilefor said with a sigh.

"Mhm... okay now a blood sample."
Twilight said as she put down the measuring tape on the floor and summoning a big syringe, holding it infront of her with a smile.

"Like hell you are!"
Vilefor said as he saw the syringe, quickly getting up on his legs and backing away from it.

"Come on it will barely hurt."
She said walking closer to him with the syringe levitating infront of her.

"You never said anything about needles!"
Vilefor growled as he backed up into a corner.

"Don`t be such a baby, it`s just a little needle."
Twilight said wagging the syringe infront of her with a michievous smile.

"I`m not a baby!! and stop waving that syringe around!!"
Vilefor screeched before clasping his mouth with his hands, as he noticed he just screeched in the shrillest voice he could do.

"W-what was that?"
Twilight said rubbing a hoof over her ears from the shrill scream from Vilefor.

"I-it was....a manly...scream?"
Vilefor said with an embarassed frown.

"I am sorry what?! I can`t hear anything, my ears are still ringing!"
Twilight said rubbing her ears again.

Vilefor said with a sigh, glad that the mad unicorn dropped the syringe.

"I did not know you could scream that loud Vilefor, I mean you usually have a dark and growling tone to your voice but to be able to scream like a banshee."
Twilight said as the ringing in her ears finally stopped.

"Well you could`ve warned me about your blood fetish."
Vilefor said crossing his arms over his chest with an angry frown.

"What! I don`t have a blood fetish it was just a regular syringe!"
Twilight said narrowing her eyes at the big purple creature.

"Whatever horse, I do not like pointy things, so don`t ever EVER I repeat EEEEVEEER try that again."
He said pointing a clawed finger at Twilight.

"Okay, you could`ve just said you were scared of a little needle, instead of going all crazy about it."
Twilight said picking up the syringe with her magic and putting it away, ignoring the angry glare from Vilefor.

"I am not-"
Vilefor began before both stopped, as they heard the sounds of hooves coming closer.

"Whats all the screaminohmydearestCelestiaeternalgodessforeveristhat?!!!"
A young brown stallion with 3 horseshoes as a cutiemark, screamed as he entered the barn and spotted Twilight standing infront of a giant purple dragon creature.

"Well ....shit."
Vilefor said as both he and Twilight just stared at the newcomer.

"Okay Caramel, I know how this looks bu-"
Twilight begun before Caramel threw his saddlebags as hard as he could in Vilefors face and making a dash towards a surprised Twilight, diving under her and lifting her up on his back and running as fast as he could through the barn doors.

"What the hell? Twilight wha-"
Vilefor said as he pulled off the saddlebags from his face, only to notice Twilight on the back of a brown pony running at top speed away from the barn.

"What! he.....he stole my little pony!!"
Vilefor growled before he begun chasing after the kidnapper.

Horah the fuck rah i give you this chapter a week early for shits and giggles, soon the chapters will be flowing again.

And for other shits and giggling or just shits if you want, the eh ?quiz? where i got Vilefor the Purple from if you can answer it umm i dont know the first to answer can have a request i guess for an upcoming chapter