• Published 4th Jun 2012
  • 6,016 Views, 170 Comments

A Behemoth in Equestria (cancelled) - Fanskapet

Follow the mad times of a confused Behemoth in Equestria

  • ...

13 Breaking Dash

"Soooo what exactly is biggie here? he kinda looks like a mix between something purple and a dragon thingy."
Rainbow Dash asked as she landed on Vilefors head, much to his annoyance.

"Well, we haven`t exactly found anything out about him, my books have said nothing and i have been waiting for the pri-"
Twilight said before stopping mid step.

"Oh no the princess!! ohnononononono i completely forgot!! she was supposed to come by today!!"
She said as she did a little dance on the spot as the panic set in.

"Whoa that`s a nice dance Twilight, let me try it!"
Pinkie said as she begun the same panic dance.

"What the fuck are you doing?"
Vilefor tried to say but it came out like.
"Mmht mmh mmhk mrrr mmm mmng?"

"Twilight calm down, remember what happened last time you panicked?"
Rainbow said with a bored expression as she lazily poked Vilefors horn.

"Yes, you are right, calm and collected, no panic, just stay calm and collected."
Twilight said taking slow and steady breaths to calm herself.

Well this is just great, a mentally instable unicorn who has contacts with the royalty is keeping me captured, sorta.
Vilefor thought as he saw the unicorn combing down her mane with a hoof.

Pinkie said as she noticed Twilight stopped dancing.

Whatever, i keep walking, damned horses or is it ponies, what is the difference?
Vilefor thought as he just shook his head and began walking again.

"Hey big guy! where do you think you`re going?"
Rainbow Dash said as she almost fell off when he begun walking.

"Mmnmg, mmhm mm mmhm mmhng mmh mmng mnng?"
He mumbled in response.

Wait we are in the woods, far from any other ponies/horses, why the hell am i still wearing this chain?
He thought as he grabbed hold of the chain and ripped it off without any effort.

"Whoa there biggie."

"Ah freedom of speech how i missed thee."
Vilefor said with a deep breath.

"Vilefor! what are you doing?"
Twilight hissed as she saw the chain being thrown to the side.

"I am moving my jaw, what the hell does it look like?"
Vilefor growled before stroking his little beard.

"Ooooh your voice is grumpy and angry like a dragon all graawrlrgh and braaaaghrblbrgl an- mpph!"
Pinkie said before Rainbow Dash flew over and shoved her hoof in her mouth.

Vilefor snorted as he saw Pinkies expression.

"Yeah, this usually works with her, but i have to say you got an awsome voice Vilefor."
Rainbow said as she removed her hoof from Pinkies mouth.

"Yep, i am quite awsome."
Vilefor answered with a smile.

"Hey don`t get cocky."
Dash said pointing her hoof at Vilefor.

"Yeah that`s dashies job."
Pinkie chirped, getting an angry glare from Dash.

"Okay you had your fun now, come on lets hurry up, we can`t be late! Princess Celestia might be at Sweet Apple Acres any minute now!"
Twilight said as she begun walking ahead of the group.

"What`s up her ass?"
Vilefor asked looking at Dashie. who only rolled her eyes in response.

"There`s something up Twilights ass?!"
Pinkie said with a gasp as she zipped over to Twilight.

"AH!! Pinkie what are you doing!?"

"The fu-?! hah!"
Vilefor laughed as he saw the pink pony run over and lift Twilights tail in the air to get a better look.

"Ahahaha that was awsome!! high hoof biggie!"
Rainbow Dash laughed, holding out a hoof in the air, to which Vilefor just shrugedd and gave her a highfive with a little to much force in it, smacking her out of the air and into a nearby tree.


"Pinkie! let go of my tail already!"

"Eh Dashie? you okay?"
Vilefor asked as he shoved in his hands into the branches, spreading them apart, spotting Dashie wedged betwen 2 branches, holding up one of her hooves.

"Best high hoof ever, whoohoo! ow I think I hit my head."
She said looking a bit dizzy, before letting the hoof fall down to her side again.

"Would you hate me if I carried you?"
Vilefor asked.


"To bad, I doubt you are able to fly in your condition, now be still Dashie."
Vilefor said as he reached one hand into the branches to pull her out.

"Guh you better not try and grope me."
She said hanging limply as Vilefor reached for her.

"Wouldn`t even dream about it."
Vilefor answered.

"Unmh i`m not good enough for you?"
She mumbled.

"Dashie how hard did you hit your head?"
He asked.




"Crap, uh girls? i mean eh mares? I think I broke this one."
Vilefor said holding out the rainbow pegasus towards the other two.

Author's Note:

yay authors fucking note . and a new damn chapter i actually wrote this while being sick, i pretty much see double now so i hope its good lol.

and come on you bastards gimme atleast a try to guess where the name of vilefor the purple came from.

and i just realised the feature box up in the right corner is gone .......why in the fuck did they remove it? it helped me find atleast 10 good stories and now they just say lol whatever