• Published 4th Jun 2012
  • 6,013 Views, 170 Comments

A Behemoth in Equestria (cancelled) - Fanskapet

Follow the mad times of a confused Behemoth in Equestria

  • ...

Chapter 12 It been that long?

"That was delicious, but we have to go now *burp* excuse me."
Twilight said after finishing the big meal Ditzy had prepared.

"*BURP* yep."
Vilefor answered with a loud belch.

"So how do we get you back to the farm without anypony notice us?"
Twilight asked as she waved goodbye to Ditzy.

"Hmm how about you put some ropes or something around my neck and claim you conquered me? ......that sounded better and less perverted in my head."
He said as he watched Twilight walk out of the garden to see if the coast was clear and taking a quick look at Caramels sleeping form, before turning her head back towards Vilefor.

"I suppose that might work and yes that sounded weird."
She answered as she conjured a long chain to put around Vilefors neck and muzzle.
"Is it to tight?"

Vilefor mumbled through his once again chained muzzle.

"Good, now let us try and get back to Sweet Apple Acres and if you get spotted try and yank a bit at the chains, so it looks real okay?"

The things i do for ponies.
He thought as he let out a snort.

"How long did we even stay at Ditzy?"
She asked looking at the sun going down at the horizon.

How would i know? and how would i answer? still it was only a few hours but it felt like a few months.
He thought as he looked down on the little unicorn.

"There he iiiiiss~."
Vilefor suddenly heard from above, causing him to jerk his head upwards and flinging Twilight in the air with a shout.

"Mmps smmy tmmlght."
He mumbled as he looked down at the unicorn frowning at him, before turning his head upwards again, only to spot the pink mare from earlier being held in her forehooves by a grumpy looking blue pegasus with a rainbow mane and tail and a black eye.

"Okay i believe you Pinkie."
The rainbow pegasus said as she let Pinkie down on the ground.

"Well i told you a giant horned purple pony eater was rampaging through town, why wouldn`t you believe me?"
Pinkie said as she tilted her head at the pegasus.

"Well you are Pinkie Pie."
The pegasus said rubbing her eye.

"Oh i guess that makes sense."
Pinkie said happily skipping around Vilefor, who just sat there watching the weird pink mare jumping around him.

"Uhm you girls aren`t scared of him?"
Twilight asked as she pointed a hoof at Vilefor trying to keep his eyes on Pinkie.

Pinkie chirped as she tried to lift his tail and look under it.

"Mmh! mhp mmr mmm mmmng wmm mmm mmil?"
Vilefor mumbled through the chains as he took his tail in his hands to keep it away from the pink demon, altough he tried to growl( hey! what are you doing with my tail?).

"Yeah Pinkie already said it talked and here you are dragging it along like a dog, so i guess there is no danger at all."
The pegasus grumbled as she removed her hoof from the black eye.

"Okay.... so what happened to your eye?"
Twilight said as she walked closer to look at the eye.

"Well Pinkie happened, i was just laying on a nice cloud snoozing, before some shouting woke me up and Pinkie laughing wildy as she flew like a a ..well she flew like me."

"Oh and she flew right into you?"

"Mmmh mmphy mmhr!"
Vilefor mumbled as Pinkie suddenly appeared on his horns, causing both Twilight and Rainbow Dash to stop talking and look at the two.

"Oooh how big, does this means you are magic? like unicorns? ooh like a double unicorn? oh oh a doublecorn, i think i call you Cuddles."
Pinkie laughed jumping from horn to horn just dodging Vilefors atempts at swatting her away.

Rainbow said after turning back her attention towards Twilight.

"Talk about unlucky, out of hundreds of clouds in the sky, she had to fly into yours."
Twilight said summoning a small icebag to hold against the eye.

"Thanks, sooo where were you going with it?"
Rainbow asked as she took the icebag, sitting down on her haunches and pointing at Vilefor wildly swatting away trying to get hold of the laughing pink mare.

"I was trying to get him back to Applejack, since he kinda rampaged through town and scared almost every single pony to death, but for some reason Ditzy was completly calm around him, even inviting him to dinner."
Twilight said grabbing the chain again to prevent Vilefor from madly running around trying to crush Pinkie.


"Well i am not really surprised, Ditzy has always been weird."
Rainbow said just shaking her head.

"Come Vilefor! stop playing around with Pinkie we have to get back to the barn."
Twilight said as she tugged at the chains to get his attention, only getting a growl and an angry glare.

"Now the safest route would be going through the forest and coming through the zap apple orchard, so we can reach Sweet Apple Acres."
Twilight said using a small stick to draw on the ground her little plan.

"Oh oh i know! gimme the stick!"
Pinkie said jumping up and down next to Twilight.

"Uhm okay."
Twilight said hoofing over the stick to her.

She said as she grabbed it in her mouth and began dragging it furiously over the little map, humming a happy tune before spitting away the stick.




"Mmth hme mhkk?"
Vilefor said as he saw what Pinkie had drawn on the ground.

"You drew a Vilefor smiley? why? no wait nevermind, let`s just go through with the plan."
Rainbow said throwing her hooves in the air with a sigh.

"Yeah uhm Vilefor you ready to move?"
Twilight asked looking up at him.

He mumbled as he rolled his eyes.

"Oh right we keep that on in case we get spotted, any questions?"
Twilight asked looking at the other three, seeing Pinkie following Vilefors tail going back and forth where he sat.

"Then lets do it."

Here it finally is holy shit it got late i completly forgot about behemoth in equestria, i have been trying to write you know good and well made fics (none of them are up by the way) that and well i have like 7 different ideas for stories but i suck so much flobby white ass it takes fucking months to even begin.

and yes this was kinda rushed as it took waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay over a month since last chapter so i guess enjoy this chapter, oh and since i have no plans for this damn fic other than randomness what should vilefor be? a human? or a pony? or just a behemoth with amnesia?.

oh and one of the fics i am trying to create i was a bit torn between making it a twilight evil magic fic where she opens the gates to tartarus or vampire twilight with crossover things from soul reaver and bloodlines.