• Published 15th Nov 2015
  • 6,293 Views, 208 Comments

Family of a Lifetime - TyrannosaurusVenom

Life can throw you many surprises, and Scootaloo is about to be thrown one of the biggest surprises she'll ever see.

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Unexpected Results

The brawl between monstrous dragon and vengeful ponies raged on with fierce intensity. Rainbow and Scootaloo continued to ram and pound Black Death in their transformed states. The dragon tried to slash them with his claws, but both pegasi were far too fast for the dragon to nail any kind of attack. All his power and fire were useless against the rage fueled speed demons. Powerful electrical energy was surging forth from each attack that made contact. From within their flame cage, the ponies looked on as the fight continued.

"Go get em Rainbow, make em pay for what he did," Applejack shouted from within the cage.

"They're holding out quite well sister," Celestia said. Luna on the other hoof, was unsure of how the fight would end.

"This is starting to get dangerous sister. Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo are doing well, but the harder they attack, the more frustrated Black Death gets. His anger might push him to a degree where he can fight them."

Rainbow and Scootaloo had just finished ramming Black Death and were pulling away for another strike. The aura covered dragon was seething with frustration, being hit so many times and not being able to strike back had driven him quite mad. As the siblings came zooming back at him, the dragon eyed them angrily.

"I am not about to be humiliated by a couple of ponies! I will get back at them for this!"

Black Death launched himself straight at the speed demons with his own velocity, and grabbed them in his claws before they could maneuver. The dragon held himself in the air and brought the transformed ponies in front of his face.

"At last! I finally have you animals, now I'll crush you for embarrassing me. No pony is going to make a mockery out of Black Death!"

The dragon tightened his grip on the ponies, trying to crush their bodies. Both ponies were struggling with their current predicament, but neither of them uttered a sound.

"Oh no, Rainbow Dash!" Twilight was horrified at what was happening, but Applejack and the Crusaders spoke up.

"They'll be alright Twilight, those girls are tougher than you think."

Both ponies seemed to be concentrating their strength into something. Black Death noticed that a few sparks of magenta and blue lightning were escaping in-between his claws.

"Hmm, what's this?"

As he tried to see where the lightning was coming from, both ponies gave him an evil smile with their white fang filled mouths. The two siblings roared in sync, then two balls of blue and magenta energy began erupting from their bodies. The energies enveloped Black Death's body and the dragon screamed in pain. Blue and magenta lightning was surging around each ball of energy. Then both spheres exploded around the dragon and his body disappeared within the explosions. Twilight and the others were left speechless at the spectacle that had taken place.

"The Sonic Rainboom and the Buccaneer Blaze!? She really has taught Scootaloo everything she knows." Twilight was amazed at the progress Rainbow and Scootaloo had made since becoming siblings.

Amidst the combined energies, the ponies could see Black Death's body plummeting to the ground. When he crashed, the dragon was quivering in agony from the attacks. The scales on the front of his body and his face had been peeled away, showing torn up raw muscle. His wings had been shredded so badly that there wasn't any membrane left. Rainbow and Scootaloo had done a serious number on his body with their unified attacks. As the energy faded, both transformed pegasi could be seen with confident smiles on their faces.

On the ground, Black Death was looking back at the siblings, struggling to get back up.

"No, they're just ponies. There's no way that a couple of pegasi can be this powerful!" The dragon clenched his fists and brought back the black aura surrounding his body. The scales were being restored at the same fast rate as before. However, Black Death staggered as he got back up. The attacks had a bigger impact on his body than he thought and left him in a somewhat shaken state.

Black Death flared up his red eyes and shot a fireball that went faster than all his other attacks. As it went in-between Rainbow and Scootaloo, the fireball exploded and sent the ponies in opposite directions. The blast had been able to harm them, and Black Death got a wicked idea.

"So, if I can't hit them physically, then I'll just have to use explosions to harm them. It seems those forms do have a vulnerability after all."

Black Death took flight and began flying towards the siblings, both ponies sped away from the dragon to come back for a fresh attack. The dragon sent a ricochet of fireballs across the sky after both ponies. The sky became enveloped in explosions from the fireballs, Rainbow and Scootaloo had to maneuver like crazy to dodge all the attacks. Scootaloo had just pulled away from a handful of explosions when she found herself face to face with Black Death.

"Hello glorified chicken." Black Death had a ball of flame in his mouth and it was flowing forth towards Scootaloo at point blank range. But right before the blast escaped his mouth, Rainbow rammed him from the side and the attack forced the flame into a different direction. Even though she had been overcome with rage, Rainbow still cared deeply for Scootaloo. Black Death looked back at the pair with fury burning behind the red eyes.

"You bothersome pest! I will show you why nopony messes with me!" Black Death angrily flared up the intensity of his black aura and sped towards the siblings with increased speed.

His head rammed both ponies and soon all three of them were in a speed fight. The siblings going back to their ramming tactics and Black Death trying to hit them with almost equal speed. The fire explosions had shaken the fierce duo and now Black Death was able to fight them in the air, firing exploding fireballs whenever he had the chance. He caught Rainbow Dash off guard with an explosion and it distracted her long enough for Black Death to deliver a painful punch. Rainbow was sent rocketing away from the battlefield, but it left Black Death open for a collision to the gut from Scootaloo.

The dragon clutched his stomach in pain and shock after Scootaloo had rammed him. He angrily tried to slash at her, but it only left him open for Rainbow Dash to smash him in the head. Stunned, the dragon couldn't defend himself when Rainbow and Scootaloo sped down at him from above, the combined collisions sent him smashing back into the dirt. Black Death shook the pain from his head as he looked back up at the powered up pegasi.

"I don't get it, no matter what I do they keep on coming back for more. Explosions don't seem to do enough damage to be effective. I'll have to blind them, then attack."

Black Death began filling his lungs with air and it made everypony wonder what he was planning. Then Black Death unleashed a wave of fire that filled the entire sky. The blue sky turned an evil shade of red from the amount of fire being sent into the air. Rainbow and Scootaloo were protected, but the fire had them surrounded and they couldn't make out anything. Without warning, Black Death's fist punched them within the flames.

The two siblings were confused at what had just happened, but the dragon's tail swatted them away before they could act. Then they heard the dragon's voice speaking from all directions.

"Now I have the advantage. You're in my domain now ponies, in all this fire my attacks are stronger than before. I'll grind you pegasi into the dirt for all that you've done to me."

Black Death lashed out with vicious attacks from within the inferno. Rainbow and Scootaloo had to go on the defensive, but no matter where they turned it always led to being smacked around by the dragon's claws. They had lost their advantage in the fight and were now being pummeled by Black Death. It looked grim for both pegasi as they were knocked out of the inferno and near the canyon where their saviors bodies were. Nopony had noticed it, but both Rainbooms had vanished inside the canyon during the fight.

As Black Death landed in front of them, their forms began to fade and disperse until both pegasi were back to normal. The fight had exhausted their rage and had used up the power they had been unleashing against the dragon. Both pegasi collapsed as the damage they had accumulated during their fight began to take its toll on them. Black Death gave a smug smirk at the ponies.

"Well, it seems your forms have reached their limits. Now both of you are drained of energy and have no chance of standing up to me now. I'll put you in the same grave as your saviors, then you fools can spend eternity together."

Rainbow looked over at Scootaloo in sadness.

"I'm sorry Scootaloo, we did our best but it just wasn't able to make the cut."

"It's alright Rainbow Dash, at least we'll get to see our saviors soon."

Black Death began making his way towards the beaten ponies. everypony could only look on hopelessly as Rainbow and Scootaloo awaited their fate. Then suddenly Black Death froze in his tracks as he heard voices within his head.

"You. Will. Not. Harm. Our. Family."

The dragon was so taken aback he had no idea what was happening.

"What's going on? Where are those voices coming from?" Then the voices spoke again, only louder and angrier.

"You. Will. Not. Harm. Our. FAMILY!!!"

All of a sudden an enormous column of energy erupted from within the canyon. Black Death was beyond shocked, he had never seen anything so powerful before. Everypony could hear mixed roars coming from within the energy, then the column of power turned down and went right behind Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash. Both ponies turned towards the energy and were shocked by what they were seeing.

From within the spiraling tower of power the ponies could make out six sets of glowing red eyes. They couldn't believe what was happening, it wasn't possible.


As the energy tower began to fade, their shapes were becoming more clear. There was no denying it, the Raptor Squad, Indominus and Tyrannosaurus Rex had been brought back from the dead. But something was different about the dinosaurs, they were not the same as before. The raptors had all grown to twelve feet tall, their colors had brightened and had become more pronounced, but Tyrannosaurus and Indominus had the biggest changes.

Tyrannosaurus's skin had changed to a bright shade of red with yellow on his stomach and mouth. There was a series of dark jagged lines running along his body and down his legs. There was also a collection of golden yellow spikes running along his back. He looked far more fierce than before and way more deadly. Indominus had a similar change done to his body.

Indominus's skin had acquired a shade of light blue on the upper part of his body. There were dark red jagged lines running along his back and down his legs. He had a single line of long dark red spikes running along the full length of his back. The hybrid had become more powerful and the marks on his body proved it. In addition to their changes, all the dinosaurs had a bright red aura around their bodies and streaks of blue lightning surging around them.

Their intense red eyes and bared teeth bore down on Black Death, who was so terrified at the sight of dinosaurs found himself stepping back. He had killed them, they had been beaten and thrown into the canyon to die, there was no way that they could've been revived.

"I-It should be over, I-I killed them. H-How are they alive?"

It was supposed to be nothing more than a name on a scroll. They were never meant to be anything besides carnivores. But Rainbow and Scootaloo's love filled Rainbooms had brought them back, and had made them into legends. At long last, the power of the beasts had been harnessed, the dinosaurs had become the Guardians of Equestria. Now Black Death found himself facing not a group of animals, but a team of warriors sixty million years in the making.

Author's Note:

You guys didn't really think I would kill off my favorite dinosaurs? The death scene was just used so their revival would be that much more epic. Now Black Death is in deep trouble, he now has to face the Guardians of Equestria. And they have a bone to pick with him.