• Published 27th Jul 2015
  • 5,705 Views, 74 Comments

Gems of Power - WezzaHD

One's a boxer who puts too much effort into her hobby, another is a smartarse with a tendency of getting into heated arguements while the third is a depressed cynic. Regardless, each are forced to become heroes in the bodies of villains

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"Can you please walk faster, Lily?" My mum called out. It was true, I was dawdling and mum and dad were a couple of metres ahead of me. Honestly, I was in no rush to go where we were going. Not to mention the rain that was falling down. Maybe I was just looking for more things to hate that day. Regardless, I dragged my feet on the wet ground while my parents were well- ahead. They were just opening the gate while I was almost there.

"Hey." I jumped slightly when I saw a man by a stall. I didn't see him there before, it was like he had appeared out of nowhere, from thin air. He was wearing a wet black raincoat which covered his face. "Anything I can interest you in, young lady?" He appeared to be selling jewellery. He had at least six different types, but I couldn't worry about that right now. "I'll come back later." I said as I dragged my shoes through the soaked floor and went through the cemetery gate.

"Come on Lily!" I groaned as my mum rushed me forward again. We walked across the paths, going through two more sets of gates before we finally made it to the right tombstone; the one that belonged to my brother

I never wanted to come here, my parents made me. I hated visiting his grave; all it did was remind me that he was dead, and that I'd never see him again. I couldn't even take thinking about it, which is why everytime I went to see his grave; I could just never take it. I would usually end up storming off, out of sadness and anger which is why I didn't visit his grave often. This was one of those times.

It was his birthday, so I would usually at least try to make an effort to stay, but I could never look at that tombstone for more than a few moments. He had been dead for at least three years now, and Will's death still hurt. I couldn't hold back the tears anymore, and the rain wasn't exactly helping my vision either. I made it to the exit where I crashed into the stall, causing both me and the table to topple the ground. Meanwhile, the guy in charge of the small stand stand sat there calmly.

"I'm sorry." I blubbered. "I really am. How much will this be?"

"Nothing seems to be broken." He said. "I was just about to pack up anyway. You go do whatever you want."

"Oh, well thank you I guess." I tried to wipe the tears from my eyes, but it was replaced by more rain. He stayed put as I walked off. I just wanted to go home and forget about everything. While I was walking, I noticed my pocket lighting up. I looked and found one of that guy's gems. It must've fallen into my pocket when I fell. I turned around to give it back to him when I began to feel incredibly dizzy, and I wasn't able to feel anything except the rain splashing all over me before I passed out.

I slammed my fist into her face. She went down quickly, but got back up just as fast with a grin on his face. If this jackass thinks that's all I've got, he's got a couple more blows coming. I went in for a left hook, but he blocked it and threw another punch back at him. I was in the finals of a boxing tournament. Not to mention that my opponent wasn't someone that I exactly liked. However, as annoying as she was to me I could still respect her, especially how surprisingly durable she was. That was outside of the field however. On the field, I would not hold back. I gave her several punches before a final uppercut and one more left hook while she went down. I had won.

"Yeah!" I punched my gloved fist up in the air in happiness. The crowd clapped for me. I looked to see my family, as well as Natalie. I could her smiling at me, and I smiled back. I got my trophy, and left the ring to see my family and best friend. I panted like a dog as I walked towards them. I was exhausted from the fight.

"We're so proud of you Kassandra." My mum and dad hugged me.

"You did it Kass!" Natalie high- fived me.

"Thanks everyone." I found the energy to crack a smile.

"I got you a gift." My mum held out a necklace. I was never really big on jewellery, but my mum did buy it for me so I guessed it didn't hurt. I smiled and thanked them. They walked me to the changing room and left me to change. I changed into my normal clothes the surprisingly. I also put on the necklace as well to make mum happy. I was about to go when I let out a yawn. I still had a bit of time, so I closed my eyes and took a small nap.

I tapped on my keyboard angrily. I had got myself caught in a flame war with someone.

"I shouldn't have gotten myself into this." She grumbled. "But I'm in this now, and I'm not going to let some hater tell me how to live." I grumbled. Soon, a reply popped up while she was watching a funny video. "Maybe mum's right, maybe I am too competitive."

Speaking of my mum, it was her birthday tomorrow. Of course, I had panicked earlier when I realised that I still hadn't gotten her anything. It wasn't my fault though, I had been spending most of my time... thinking about what to get her. Yeah most of the things I could think of had already been bought by me, dad or some other family member. Luckily, I had found a guy who was selling jewellery for a real cheap price. It didn't seem to be fake or broken or anything, so yeah. I would've questioned it more, but I was very desperate and had little time left, so I just bought something and left. Mum liked collecting diamonds and gems and all that; it was her hobby since she was a geologist.

I had nearly everything, even a card signed "by Matilda". The guy even gave it to me in a small box, which I still needed to wrap. There was still some leftover wrapping paper from dad's gift, so it was easy to get. Before I did that, I wanted to open the lid of the box and got one last look at it. What did the guy say it was called? Perry- dots? I know I had heard the name of the gem before somewhere. It didn't matter, my mum would probably know. My vision began to blur for some reason, so I picked it up to get a closer look at it. My eyesight suddenly got worse as I fell to the ground. The last thing I remember was the gem painfully landing on my head.

(3rd person POV).

"Is this where the Princess said she might be?"

"Well she was last sighted around here that is what Princess Celestia said."

"Come on, we've been searching for hours, I don't think that this thing is here."

"And we still have not yet searched the whole area." Shining Armour said. "I don't want to be out here either, but the sooner we find it, then the sooner we can leave."

"I still don't believe that it's here."

"Do you doubt the princesses, soldier?"

"Well it doesn't help that her entire hunch is based off of a book captain."

"Regardless, we'll spilt up once again and search the remainder of the area. If she's not here, then we'll leave." They kept searching through the stone quarry, trying to find her. Their efforts so far had been fruitless. They had been looking around for several hours, with not one trace of anypony else being there. Shining was with another unicorn and a pegasus. They all looked around, and couldn't find a thing. They had already searched the area where she was sighted, now they were checking in neighbouring areas. This was one of the last areas that they were checking before they were to return. Shining looked around, but all he could see were two stone walls. He stopped when he heard something. It was a small tapping, as if something small was walking. The sound was faint, but Shining could definitely hear it.

"Storm Streak, fly up." Shining pointed upwards. "See if there's anything up there." Storm Streak was a light grey pegasus with a cyan mane. He flew up to see if there was anything up. "Nothing so far, I d- hold on." He stopped as he eyed a rather peculiar rock. It was light green with four circles on the bottom. It was also very shiny. Storm stared at it curiously.

"Hey, I found this odd rock." He called out to the others. "Actually it looks more like a metal on the other hoof."

"Bring it down here." Shining replied. Storm nodded and grabbed the spherical object. When he was bringing it down, a compartment opened up and blasted a liquid at him.

"Argh!" It went straight in his eyes, causing him to drop the sphere. While it was falling, legs came out of the circular marks and it landed on all four of them. It then crawled away.

"What is that thing?" Ember Spark thought aloud. Her red eyes were blinking repeatedly.

"I have no idea." Shining responded. "We need to follow it to see where it goes." They all tailed it. They stopped when it went under another small hole. Shining blasted the hole to create a space for them to walk through. When they went they saw more and more of them.

"What do you think they are?" Storm questioned. "Some kind of undiscovered species?"

"I think it's more like an insect." Ember commented.

"Hold on" Shining whispered. "I think I see some sort of light." They kept walking until they were in a room of sorts. It was a small room with only two items. One was a shiny platform, and the other was a chair.

"It's clear that something lives here." Shining said. "This is definitely a clue." Before he could think even further, he heard something and saw a light. They all shot around to see a bunch of rocks, with one that looked very peculiar. It had a multitude of green colours on it.

"This one is especially odd." It's similar to the description, meaning it was probably also made by our target so we should bring it back." Just as he said that, they were blinded by a light and the rock fell out of is magic. Once the light stopped, the rock was nowhere to be found, and they could hear hoofsteps.

"Follow that sound." Shining ordered. They ran through the huge hole they had created and saw something running away, and it was exactly like what Celestia had described. "Stop!" Shining made a barrier out of magic and saw it clearly, and she stared back at them with her light green eyes, covered by her visor. She was bipedal appeared to be wearing a lot of clothing. Her mane was pale green with a tint of yellow and done up in a vaguely triangular shape. However, the strangest thing about this creature was that she had five appendages floating around both forehooves.

"By order of Princess Celestia, we will need you to come with us." He said.

"Ugh, I thought she gave up on searching for us thousands of years ago. Why resume it now?" She rolled her eyes.

"What's your name?" Storm asked.

"What's yours?"

"I'm Shining Armour; these two are Storm Streak and Ember Spark."

"I guess you can call me Peridot."

"Okay, so what exactly are you Peridot?" Ember asked, causing the creature to grin.

"What I am is escaping!" Her fingers moved to form some sort of projectile- firer, which fired an energy beam at Shining. He jumped out of the way but he lost his concentration on the barrier and the area became filled with smoke. When it cleared it showed Peridot running away.

"After her!" Shining commanded and they all made chase. They were slowly gaining on her, and Storm grinned when he saw her nearing a dead end.

"Unless she has wings, she's cornered." He said as he slowed his flying down. However, Peridot did not slow down at all. They thought she was cornered, but she ran up the wall. They were surprised for a small moment, before Storm flew up to try and tackle her. He tackled her, causing her to trip and fall face- first into the wall. As soon as he tried to pull her down he felt an electrical shock making him immediately pull away. Peridot then tried to run up once again, but was tackled downwards once again by Storm Streak. They both landed on the ground. Peridot was surrounded with no walls to run up. She sighed.

"Well crap. I guess she caught me after all." She said. They eventually reunited with the other guards as she was escorted back with them.

"Why? Why search for me after all this time?" Peridot asked.

"Because Princess Celestia needs your help."

Author's Note:

This story made the popular list already? Neat. I'll be open for crossovers in a couple of chapters.