• Published 30th May 2012
  • 7,374 Views, 586 Comments

Dancing Flames, Cooling Ember - Tamara Bloodhoof

Human in Equestria becomes a dragon. Takes place in the universe of Griffin the Griffin & Co.

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Chapter Seven, Who Ever Said I Was Alone?

Chapter 7,
Who Ever Said I Was Alone?

(This chapter is going to get confusing rather fast, so please work with me here. First off, words being spoken in real time will show up as red for Ember and grey for Grim. For settings I’ll write it in plain black, and for speech in the past I’ll write it as per the norm. Also, the black parts in the end of the story are actaully Ember narrating. I know it’s confusing, but please bear with me.)

So, Grim, do you have any clue how babies are made?

Yes, a boy and a girl get together a…

No, I didn’t mean that. I meant do you know how they are actually formed inside the womb?

Ummmm…Ember, what’s a womb?

And that right there just answered my question. The answer is that babies are…well… actually made from eggs.

Like yours will be?

Ummmmmm……I guess so.

Well, call me stupid, but aren’t they made inside their mothers bellies?

Well, yes, your right, they do grow inside their mothers stomach. But here’s the rub, they are actually eggs that grow inside of the body rather than grow outside. But even though they’re grown inside the womb, many things can happen in there. You know what, let me just tell you everything, rather than wax poetic about teratology.


The room was dark and cluttered, piles of medical equipment piled on every surface. Sitting in the two lone chairs were a young woman and an older man. The woman was tall and slim, her hair black as coal, her face round and cherubic. She was garbed in a dress of black silk, her face in tears. The older man sitting across the table from her was short and stocky, a beer belly hidden behind a lab coat. His head was shaven and slick with sweat, his voice a harsh rasp.

“I…I…I’m sorry ma’m, but….one of them…..well…is gone.” the man said, stuttering throughout, determinedly keeping his eyes pointed towards the ground . “O…one is still there…but….w-well….I’m sorry…”

“What do you mean gone?” the woman asked, her face remaining stony despite the tears that continued to stream down her cheeks.

“Well….it…..umm…disappeared?” the man pleaded, his response almost a question in nature.

“Di-disappeared!” she said, and as she spoke her composure completely shattered, her hand clutching her heart, her eyes widening in terror. “But how?!”

“I d-don’t k-know ma’m, it just is.”

The woman’s face hardened as she stared at the man, her eyes now alight with anger. “You, don’t, know?”

“I’m sorry Ms. Kazumi, but that’s the truth.” the man spluttered, finally looking her in the eye. “But the baby is gone.”

Kazumi stood up from the chair and looked at the man. “But is one of them still safe?”

The doctor looked up at the woman who now towered over her. “Yes. Are you sure you still want it?” he asked, his voice low and secretive, as if he was afraid of being overheard.

Kazumi held her belly in her hands. “It's mine and I wouldn’t give her up for anything.”


So, as you see, my mom was expecting twin children, but, seeing as I’m a single child, it evidently didn’t work out.

So she actually wanted a child so young? Why not wait till she was older?

Well, she was actually forced into a marriage and her husband decided not to wait.

Really, why not?

Because my birth father is the most cruel, sadistic, self-centered person I’ve ever met, and trust me, I’ve met quite a few.

That makes two of us then.



It was nighttime, and a full moon shone in the window of the tetralogy ward. Kazumi was laying down on her back, her dress pulled up to her breasts, and her belly was covered in a jelly. A different doctor, this one much more weedy looking, was sitting at a video screen, his brow furrowed in concentration. Silence reigned within the ward.

After minutes of contemplation the doctor spun his chair around to look at Kazumi, his brow still furrowed. He sighed as he rubbed his temple.

“We have good news and bad news ma’m.”

Kazumi looked at him in irritation, then yawned widely. “I’m too tired for guessing games John, could you just get to the point?”

John stopped rubbing his temples and smiled. “Sure, why not. You seem to have a perfectly healthy girl in there. Their happens to be a small problem. I’m finding one girl, but two heart beats. Do you have any clue as to why that would be?”

Kazumi gasped in surprise, the irritation vanishing from her face in an instant. “Two heartbeats? Truly?”

“Yes.” John said, scooping a folder from a low table. “I read about how you were supposed to have twins, but one of them died. Am I right or are these files phony.” he asked innocently, a large smile plastered across his face.

Kazumi glared at him, but when her only response was one of wide eyed innocence she laughed. “Okay, fine, I did have those files re-written.”

“Thought so.” John chuckled, spinning back to the screen. “You’re at seven and a half months, but our biggest problem is this second beating. I would just say that you should prepare for twins anyways.”

Kazumi looked at John, her face a picture of pure joy. “You mean that there may still be two?”

“May be nothing, I say it’s probable. Don’t hold me to it in court, but my opinion is that there should be two there.”


Wait, I thought that you were the only child?

No, I said that one of the two embry

What in the name of Sirius is an embeo?

An embryo is, simply put, a baby in the mother’s womb.

And a womb is?

*sigh* It’s the mother’s belly, or the inside.

So there were two hearts and one kid? How is that possible?

Why don’t you let me finish my story?

Okay then, continue on.


Kazumi was lying down on the same cot as two months ago. Two doctors surrounded her, one of them being John. It had been over nineteen hours since Kasumi had entered labor and after delivering Kazumi to the hospital her husband vanished.

“She’s almost out Kazumi, just push a little harder.” John said calmly. “We can see her shoulders coming out now. Once we get past those we’re home clear.”

Kazumi didn’t reply with anything other than an agonized scream, her voice hoarse from pain. Her legs clenched for a quick second, and the child between her legs finally cleared her shoulders. John slowly wrapped his arms around the upper half of the child that had made it out, and within three minutes the child had been deposited into his arms. He slowly stood up and handed the child to Kasumi.

“She’s finally here, your little girl.” he said morously.

Kazumi gasped again, struggling for air. As she looked at the little baby in her arms, she smiled. “I can’t believe it. But,” she said, turning to look at John, “What about the second baby?”

He looked down, tears slowly falling from his eyes. “I was wrong……..there isn’t a second.”

His words seemed to chill the room and even the second doctor, who had not ever met Kasumi nor knew the reason behind both of the others sudden despair, felt the inexplicable cold that descended upon them.

“But…but….you…said….there…..were….t-two….beats……..” Kazumi sobbed, tears falling from her eyes. “You….p-promised.”

John shook his head slowly. “I did say there were two beats. Look down at your hands and you’ll see where they are.”

Kazumi looked at the baby in her hands, and slowly laid her hands on the baby’s chest and felt an irregular pace. *thump thump thump thump…thump thump thump thump…thump thump thump thump* the tiny heart went, beating in two places, one in the left side of her chest, one in the right side. As she continued to look at her newborn daughter, the baby opened its eyes a crack, and looked Kazumi in the eye. In a flash Kazumi could see two different creatures look back at her, as if she was looking at two people at once.

“Now I know why there are two heart beats. She’s has chimerism.” John said sadly.

Kazumi hiccupped. “What is chimerism?”

John sighed. “It’s a medical condition that occurs when you someone has two types of D.N.A. in their bodies. It can also happen when two twins are literally fused together. In this case it seems that she has two hearts, though one seems stunted. She’s unique, a human who is unlike any other. But her sister died a while ago.”

To everyone's complete and utter surprise Kazumi laughed, her voice full of joy rather than sorrow. “No, she’s not dead. I’m holding them both right now. My daughter lives on inside of her.”

“What are you going to call her then?” John asked, tears still streaming down his face.

“Ember, for she’s carrying the last spark of my other daughter within her.” Kazumi said softly, gently stroking her daughters head.


You mean you have two hearts? How?

Were you listening to me at all?

No, I mean wouldn’t you produce so much blood you’d die?

Not necessarily. True, I do make more blood than most, but I don’t have two full size hearts, but rather a full sized one and a small one.

But who’s Gemina?

Just about done. I’m going to tell you about when we first met. I had been playing with my mother, still only about two. My mom had been talking with me while I drew in my favorite book, but then my dad came.


Me and mom were sitting in a bleak white room, it’s only features a small table and two chairs, and we chatting about a dragon I was drawing with a chubby crayon. We were both having good time, and I remember one of my favorite tunes playing in the background, but then the door opened with a bang. My dad, a tall man, pale as a vampire, strode into the room, and he looked like he was about to explode with rage. He barreled through the room towards mom, and when he reached her he pulled back his hand and gave her an almighty slap. The sound reverberated throughout the room, but was instantly suffocated under the sound of his shouting at mom. Mom just stood there talking to him, her voice soft and pleading, but he continued to shout at the top of his lungs. After about a minute of his storming he slapped her again, so hard she crumpled to the floor.

When he slapped her I felt something within me shift, and I could suddenly feel myself being pulled back into my mind. It’s hard to describe, but the simplest way to explain would be to say I saw a world of pure black, with a girl standing in it who looked exactly like me, but instead of my midnight blue eyes she had ones of deepest purple. She stared at me, but it didn’t feel like she was being mean, more like she was happy she could finally talk to me and see me.

”Why you crying?

”Because my mom is being hurt again.

”Do you want to protect her?”

”Y-yes, but h-how?”

”Easy, let me out.”

”What do you mean?”

”Look around me.”

When I looked around her I then noticed a giant cube of a cage that surrounded the girl, and immediately walked to the door.

”How do I open it?”

She just looked at me as if I was stupid then. ”Just try.”

Next thing I knew I was wrestling her back into the cage and shut the door again. I don’t know exactly what happened while I was out, but I do know that I had somehow knocked my father out in a set of four attacks, something that should’ve been impossible to do at my age, but out he was when I came to. He immediately wanted to try me out for any athletic clubs possible, and signed me up for kickboxing around the age of four. I guess he wanted a champion.


When my mom asked me later about what that had been I answered as close as I could, that I had met someone inside my head. It wasn’t until a few years later, after I had turned seven, that she actually explained who and what I had met, but she always knew that I had met my sister, and when I was ten she told us what our real name was. Not mine, nor Gemina’s.

But why lock her up?

Maybe later, but you’ve learned enough about me, how about you?

"You’ve got your secrets, and I’ve got mine." he said, helping me to my feet. We shared a quick smile, and started down the path to home.