• Published 4th Jun 2015
  • 9,626 Views, 418 Comments

Monkey Business - FrostTheWolf

The plan was to dress up as a Faunus from RWBY. Specifically Sun Wukong. But plans don't always go the way we hoped. I just hope that my newfound abilities and skills don't get myself in Major trouble. [Displaced][RWBY/MLP Crossover]

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Tail 18- Time Bomb Part 1

Author's Note:

Part 1 of a 2 part crossover with A Displaced Spectrobes Master by The-Dark-Brony and Solphestus. Contains spoliers for future chapters of that story, so please, read at your own risk.


Monkey Business- Time Bomb Part 1

Fluttershy’s Cottage (Upstairs)

It had been some time since the medical evaluation of Chrysalis had been performed and right now, Sun was left to look out over her. He wanted to stay behind and see when she would wake up and Fluttershy agreed with her on that. But sometime later, she had to feed the animals dinner and help Kreed with explaining what happened earlier to Reson and Honeydew. The Faunus though, continued to wait patiently for any signs of if the Changeling was going to wake up. But from experience, he knew that recovery would take time.

Sometimes, it would last hours. But, it could be longer. Days to almost a week depending on how severe the condition was. He knew that firsthand because of how long he had to wait for his mother to wake up after she got in the car crash that lead to him breaking up with Aya. It was five days until on one visit he actually saw her slowly opening her eyes. Ironically, at the time that happened, he was praying for some sort of miracle to happen. To his surprise, Aya waking up then was the miracle he was praying for.

He was unsure if it was going to happen again this time around because of the circumstances. One, his mother was a family member while Chrysalis wasn’t even related to him. Two, he loved his mother and when it came to Chrysalis, almost everyone said negative things about her because of her past deeds. But, you can’t judge a book by it’s cover no matter what it looks like on the Surface. This can be hard to do because of Changelings being able to shapeshift into anypony they wished. The proper comparison to them would almost be chameleons because of how they could change the color of their body, but this involved changing more than just their skin color. It included their entire body.

Sighing to himself, Sun now just waited. There was nothing he could do to change things as they were right now. If it was anything like when his mother was in the hospital, Chrysalis needed a couple of days at best in order to be well rested. Taking a breath, he walked downstairs, passing Fluttershy as he was going to the door.

“Hey Sun, where are you going?” The Pegasus asked as she gave a baby carrot to Angel. The rabbit was pouting, crossing his arms as he looked at Fluttershy and began tapping his foot on the floor.

“I need to just take a breather. Clear my head a little.” The Faunus told her as he turned around.

“Okay, but make sure to take your jacket with you. It’s going to get cold later this afternoon, so bring it so you can stay warm.” The pegasus told him before turning around and looking at Angel. “Oh Angel… can you wait a teensy little bit? I almost forgot to feed Henry.” Sun chuckled a little as he walked back upstairs to grab his black jacket. As he stepped outside, he began to look around a little and take in the sights. However, it was during this walk that something caught Sun attention nearby a rocky cliffside. From appearance, it looked a little murky because he had to wipe of the snow that was on it. But soon, it was becoming less of a rock and more of a fossil by appearance. A fossil making out what appeared to be a lion cub or something.

But Sun did not have the time to ponder those thoughts. Because shortly after putting the fossil in his coat pocket, he began to hear more growls to find himself facing a pack of beowolves. And judging from the fact that these guys had green blood dripping from their jaws, they were the ones that savagely attacked Chrysalis. Without thinking, Sun turned to the ledge and just ran off of it. He was expecting to land on the soft white snow. But instead, with a blinding flash of light, he found himself somewhere… much different.


When the Faunus opened his eyes again, he found himself against a hard metal floor and a bunch of metal crates piling on top of him after plummeting from almost two stories in the air. Which got him a little irritated. If there was a phrase to represent his situation, it would be out of the fire and into the frying pan. The Fire was the grimm. The frying pan… that was the amount of crates that were trying to squish him.

“Okay, seriously!? That hurt!!” He snapped, trying to push the crates off of him that were weighing down on him. However, before he could move, he heard something click, causing him to move his head in the direction of the noise.

“Hey! Who are you!?” He heard a voice shout at him. Sun took a moment to close his eyes as he felt three auras besides his own in the proximity of where he was.

“You tell me, I can’t see a damn thing with these crates all over me! I think they’re crushing my ribs.” He said to them, trying to move his arms.

It was only a little while after that when he heard the same voice from before speak again. “Twilight, you mind helping Jen move the boxes while I make sure this pony doesn't try anything?”

From his position, all the faunus could do was chuckle a little. “Pony? Heh, that’s a good one,” He soon felt the pile of crates on top of him get lighter as he could now freely move his arms. “Okay, that helps. You might want to back up first, rather not hit you three.”

“Hang on… you can see us?” One of the voices asked, causing the Faunus to sigh.

“More of a sense thing, but that’s not the point,” Sun’s first action was to use his back legs to push off the crates holding him near the back, before using his hands to send the rest of the crates flying. It was then that she saw the three ponies that he had sensed and now that he could finally stand again, he posed a new question for them as he brushed the dust off of his jacket. “What’s up?”

“Who… Wha… How…” One of them stammered seconds before passing out. It was then that Sun noticed that she was holding his token and he deeply groaned to himself.

“Aw crap… Was she the one who summoned me?” Sun asked, just getting blank stares from the other two mares in the room as they looked at him, confused. One of them looking just like Twilight. Just as a unicorn.


“That’s my token,” The faunus said, pointing at the golden medallion that was on the floor. “Nevermind that, I forgot to introduce myself. Name’s Sun Wukong and… where exactly are we?”

“You're aboard my ship.” The mare with the laser pistol commented. That in turn just caused Sun to become even more confused.

“Ship?” He replied, looking around at where he was before sighing to himself deeply. “Maybe I should let you guys be a little more specific on that. Because right now, this feels like I’m on a ship in Star Wars.”

The mare with the pistol sighed, lowering her pistol and groaning to herself. “I’ll go get Jack.” She muttered as she walked out the door, leaving Sun to sit down and then use his tail to tickle the unconscious mare on the floor. It was then though that a new figure walked in and noticed the Faunus.

“Alright, who’s the Saiyan?”

“That’s Faunus. God, I already have one person calling me that, I don’t need a second one.” Sun sighed, facepalming himself as he looked towards the one he assumed was Jack. The teen laughed a little, looking back at him and chuckling for a second.

“Oh sorry… Just saw the tail, anyway my name's Jack what's yours?”

“Sun Wukong.” He introduced himself. “Trust me, I already had my Twilight mistake me as Son Goku when I first ran into her.” Thin in turn caused him to laugh a bit as the two of them continued to conversate a little, finding a bit more about one another before. When it got to when he first met Fluttershy, he then had something to ask them after saying a few words. “My tail was on the couch and she did hear the us part of it. Had to take a little bit of explaining to help her… Speaking of which, is your friend going to be alright? She passed out upon seeing me and it was her I think that found my token.”

Jack then smirked, assuring Sun that she would be up in a minute. He then walked over to the corner of the room and grabbed a bucket of water to throw it over his friends head “Jen wake up, or do you want me to get Komainu to lick you again?”

“Gah! what was that for!” Jen yelped before glaring at Jack.

“Don’t want you being anti-social with our guest do we?” He said, tilting his head in Sun’s direction.

“Whatever…” Jen grumbled before sulking off to tinker with some stuff. However, there was one thing with the current conversation that the faunus himself was confused about. Carefully, he asked Jack the first thing that came to his might at that moment.

“Who’s Komainu?”

Jack personally smiled and pointed to the ground, showing Sun a little dog like creature that way by his feet.

“This is Komainu.”

“... Okay, that’s new. I honestly never expected that to happen.” The Faunus replied as Komainu looked back up at Jack like an eager puppy.

Jack then smiles and says “You wouldn’t have seen one before, he’s a Spectrobe.” The name felt familiar to the Faunus, but then again, he couldn’t exactly put his finger on it either. So instead of guessing, he just let Jack continue after a small response.

“Never heard of that one before. Then again, I’ve met a lot of other Displaced so to each their own right? Besides, where I’m from, I have to worry about Grimm.”

“Grimm? What are they?” asked Jack, who was confused by what Sun was saying.

“Guess this was going to come up sooner or later.” The Faunus thought to himself before clearing his throat. “Grimm are vicious creatures that are mostly black and red, formed by raw negative emotions such as suffering, hate, anger, and primarily, Fear. They take on many forms and attack anypony on sight… Are you familiar with RWBY by any chance?” He asked Jack, wanting to see what his answer would be.

“RWBY… um not really heard of it.”

“Well, that’s really helpful.” Sun groaned sarcastically. “Well, it’s a web series by RoosterTeeth, the guys behind Red Vs. Blue. I’m based off of one in the characters in the series named Sun Wukong… Hey Jack, can I ask you something?”

“Fire away.”

“Have you met any other Displaced before?” Sun asked him, hoping that the topic would somehow ring a bell. Unfortunately… things didn’t turn out the way he hoped when he asked that question.

“Sadly not, we only got sent here earlier today… you're the first other ‘displaced’ that we have met… infact we don’t actually know a lot about other displaced.”

“Well, to put it in basic terms, Displaced is short for Dimensionally misplaced. Meaning that someone that either dresses up as a certain person or character can wake up to find themselves in their own version of Equestria. Mine has the Grimm and some other things where a few Displaced from the same webseries ended up there. Besides them though, I’ve been summoned by a variety of different people. You with me so far?”

“Yeah I think so… in fact i’m wondering have you come across anyone who was displaced as Kirito and Asuna?” Asks Jack hopefully.

The Faunus scratched his chin, thinking to himself a little before replying. “Now that you said that, I actually saw those two once. One Displaced was holding a huge holiday celebration in his realm and they were two of the hundreds of guests that were there. Didn’t get the chance to talk to them though, which was a bummer.”

“So whoever sent us here didn’t lie about that… still they may not know about Craig yet.” Jack said to himself, sadly. All this though just made Sun curious as to who these people were.

“Are those guys like family to you or something?” The Faunus asked, folding his arms as he waited for a reply. Komainu was even looking at Jack with a worried expression as he pouted a little.

He then looks down and says “Craig and Kirito are my cousins, Asuna is my aunty but i haven't seen them in years they all disappeared, I know know they were displaced.”

“Wow… Never thought your family would get pulled into it. Ironically though, that’s the same thing for me.” He explained, getting out a few pictures in his pockets. “My cousin Lance got Displaced as Gunvolt from Azure Striker Gunvolt and ended up in a world where Twilight and her friends are basically Superheroes. Same thing happened to my mother, who is in the same world. But… she hasn’t been the same as when I last saw her.”

“What happened to her?”

“That… I don’t know. She’s with another Displaced named Miles Upshur and she was relieved to see me after being separated from each other. But she’s just… different now.” He said, looking down a little. “Given the fact that my father died when I was a child, I had to look after her most of my life. So seeing that change just makes me… worried, you know?”

Jack then smiled as he said “I understand you completely, but sometimes you need to embrace that change otherwise you will just get yourself stuck where you are.”

“I don't understand any of what you two just said…” Twilight groaned before walking off to resume working on her research. Sun noticed the Unicorn as she was walking away, noticing that she was different than when he last saw his Twilight.

“I understand that. Maybe we should focus more on the here and now,” The Faunus suggested. “Do either of you have any questions for me?”

Jack then looks at the Faunus and said “Well we heard about token from some sort of voice before we met you... but we have no idea how to make one.” Sun complied with that, catching his nunchaku with his tail before they could fall onto the floor. But this though caught the attention of both Jack and Jen as they looked back at the faunus.

“Hey, what's that you're holding?”

“This?” The Faunus asked, picking the red nunchucks up with his hands as he flipped them around. “These are my weapons. Ruyi Bang and Jingu Bang.” Shortly after that, he had both weapons collapse into a bo staff that he held with his right hand.

“What does it do?” Jen asked as a glint appeared in her eye.

“Well, they’re a gunchaku/staff weapon-”

“What’s a gunchaku?” She asked, trying to reach for Sun’s staff. Sun, noticing this, collapsed the staff down and had them be nunchaku again. Only now did Jen see that she was staring down the length of a barrel.

“Gunchaku. They’re Nunchaku that also serve as shotguns. Because where I’m from, almost every weapon… is also a gun.”

“Cool! can I dissect one!” Jen asked with a smile that said ‘I’m a mad scientist’. This, in turn, caused Sun to facepalm himself as he looked back at the girl in order to try and explain something to her.

“I’m not sure if you can dissect metal. Plus, most of the people that have them are either clingy to their stuff or just don’t want their stuff getting taken apart. One girl has a Scythe that’s a combat action sniper rifle and she’s the other one that calls me Saiyan… mostly because she’s… well Ruby.”

“Now I really want to know where you came from!” Jen squealed as she started to gain ideas for a few new inventions inside her head as Sun just stared at her, surprised.

“...... Wow… That’s a first?”

“Now all that's missing is an automaton and I think I would be in heaven!” Jen giggled.

Sun turned to Jack for a moment at everything that Jen was saying and just said the first thing that came to his head. “I’m going out on a limb here and say that she’s new to the whole Displaced thing?”

“We both are, although I remember my cousin saying he wrote sorites about this before he disappeared” Jack admitted, only to have his colleague contribute to the conversation.

“Displaced? What were you two talking about while I was doing maintenance on my sword?” Jen asked as she held up her gauntlet before putting it on.

“We talked about what his world is like… oh and our families, turns out he knows about my cousins and their mother.” Jack to her, only to have Sun add on something for clarification.

“I saw them, but didn’t speak to them.”

“So that wierd guy in the blue cloak wasn’t crazy?” Jen said while raising an eyebrow.

“Well, you guys and myself aren’t the only ones in this situation. The possibility is hundreds to possibly thousands of people. Just as vast as the Multiverse itself. Just meeting me is only the tip of the iceberg for you two.” The faunus told them. “One thing to keep in mind though… Many people when Displaced would not be the type to follow the rules and instead say Screw the Rules, I do what I want. So just be careful.”

“And they are where?” Jen asked.

Jack then sighed for a moment, before thinking of the proper reply to say to his friend. “In separate realities Jen, we use tokens to travel between them, that's what you found to bring Sun here.” causing her to faint again.

“We could have just said Multiverse theory… Geez, this just makes me think of when I was explaining it to Lauren Faust.”

Komainu then waddled over to jen and started to lick her face causing her to bolt back awake. “Dang it Komainu!” She shouted as she ran from the spectrobe in an attempt to avoid being tickled. Almost like if a puppy was chasing after her.

Jack then started laughing and said to his friend “I did tell you that would happen Jen.”

“Heh… He just reminds me of Grif.” Sun chuckled. “Grif is a wolf pup that I’m helping my friend Fluttershy raise. Though… for being very young… he’s also very lazy.”

Everyone hold tight! were now approaching Equis and will be arriving at HQ soon.” Sweetie Drops called over the ship intercom. Leaving Sun confused as he looked at Jack and Jen. He only had time to ask one question during this moment.

“Is this is the part where I should hold onto something?”

“Were exiting warp not entering, did you not hear the approaching Equis part of what she said?” Jen said, rolling her eyes.

“Hey, no one told me that this was a freaking spaceship! I thought it was an airship- OW!” Sun’s sentence was cut off just as the ship made a violent stop, throwing him into another stack of crates. “Dammit, NOT AGAIN!! That’s twice now!!”

“Problem monkey boy?” Jen laughed as she just stood there.

“Oh HAHA!” He said, getting himself out and pushing a crate to where it flew into Jen’s face.

“Jen stop laughing at other people's misfortune… that's my job for you” jokes Jack. As Sun hopped out, the cargo bay doors were beginning to open as the three of them noticed both Sweetie Drops and Twilight outside. But the first thing they noticed was the mess of crates scattered all over the place.

“Okay, what the BUCK-!?”

“You hit my face!” Jen yelled at Sun as the crate he threw at her fell off her face.

“Hey, that’s not my fault! You forgot to dodge!!” The Faunus called out.

“Oh? And how was I supposed to do that?” Jen asked as she pulled out a massive wrench and gave Sun a slightly strained smile as her eye twitched.

The shenanigans between both Jen and Jack continued on for a little while until the mare that went by the name of Sweetie Drops re-entered the room, talking to Twilight and saying how they should go see the commander. Sun followed suite, leaving Jack and Jen to their personal shenanigans before stepping out of the ship. As soon as his foot touched solid ground though… all eyes were directly on them.

The Faunus personally just stayed quiet, thinking that saying anything would attract attention that he rather not have along with thinking that Jack and Jen might be able to clear up any fear or confusion that they might have of him. It was then though that Jack walked up to him and placed a hand on his shoulder and says “Calm down Sun, what are you worried about?”

“Hey, I was unsure what they would think of me because I’m different from you. Fear can cause many ponies to resort to extreme measures if you get what I’m saying.” He personally knew this a lot. Because primarily, fear attracted the Grimm.

“I get what you're saying but they all have more to fear as it is… to them you are only a small problem in comparison to the Krawl… trust me I know.” The redhead human sighed. Sun understood what he meant and right now, he just tried his best to keep his cool and not stress out over anything, letting Sweetie Drops guide them to meet this… commander that they had mentioned before.

Jack then looked at Sun while they were walking and decided to speak up a bit to ease Sun’s worries. “Look if the commander is willing to trust us with little to no proof i’m sure he won't do anything… but if Sweetie Drops say anything about him take it with a pinch of salt.”

Sun nodded his head as the doors for the command center parted ways, allowing for Sweetie Drops and Twilight to enter first, followed by the Spectrobes Masters and the Faunus that were following them. “Hey Jack. Is there anything I should know about your commander before we go meet him?” He asked as they made their way to his office.

“Oh yeah unlike most of the ponies you see here, he’s a griffon.”

The word “Griffon” caused a few red flags to raise in Sun’s head. Rainbow had a griffon friend named Gilda who was cool, but most of the griffons he knew were heartless bastards that did anything for profit. Case in point, Embargo Steelwing, who locked the Faunus in a cage for almost a week while they were out at sea. “Yeah… when I first arrived in my world, a griffon locked me up in a cage. Hopefully things will be better this time around.”

“I will promise you that he won’t harm you… if he tries he won’t get far.” The teen explained, pointing at a device on his arm. After Sun asked about it, Jack told him about the Prizmod that was what his Spectrobes called home. But one thing that caught his attention was that he said that these creature were from Fossils. Fossils… That got the Faunus to think a bit, remembering what he uncovered while he was on a walk.

“Hey, now that you mentioned that, I found this shortly before your friend found me.” Sun told him, getting one out of his coat pocket and handing it to him. “Can you make heads or tails of what this is by any chance?” It took almost three seconds for Jack to understand what exactly this fossil was.

“Yeah, it’s a fossil for one of the spectrobes… Leo if I remember correctly.”

“Wow… I honestly did not expect that to be a Spectrobe.” Sun said, before noticing Sweetie Drops by the door. “Oh, I think Sweetie Drops needs us now.”

“Probably The commander needs to debrief me, I was the only agent on the ground for the last mission… I’m really not looking forward to this” Jack sighed to himself. Sensing that this might not be exactly how he wanted it to be, Sun then said a suggestion.

“Should I wait out here while you get debriefed?” He asked, putting the fossil back in his coat pocket. “I rather not pull the pin on that grenade if I just walk in there without a reason.”

Jack then sighed to himself and then said “Look, I really can’t blame you… but if you think about what I’ve been through today this is like a piece of fresh air… no Krawl attacking us and a bit of time to relax.”

“Yeah… I’ll take your word for it.” Sun sighed, not telling Jack that before being summoned, he was chased off of a cliff by a pack of grimm that savagely brutalized his Queen Chrysalis. Sweetie Drops held the door open for both of them as they soon walked inside.

“I take it the mission was a success?” Commander Grant asked as the griffon looked outside the window that he had in his office overlooking the base.

Jack then sighed deeply as he began to speak. “Well, mostly… if only I’d got there earlier, I may have been able to save the others and not just Twilight… I feel like I failed them.” It was then that the griffon sighed deeply to himself, looking back at the teen as he turned his chair around. The grey feathers on the top of his head being illuminated from the light in the room.

“It's alright, you did what you could and they knew the risks…” He spoke, trying to assure Jack that he did the right thing. “Tell me what you were able to recover…” It was in this instance that Sun felt himself being targeted by his gaze. Like knives trying to pierce his heart. For a minute, the Faunus considered stepping out. But that option was taken off the table with the commander’s next few words. “and who’s that boy with the monkey tail outside?”

“Well Commander, we didn’t really find much it was more Twilight who found the Crystal that held the white Krawl,” Jack began to explain his findings like he was ordered before turning towards Sun. “Aas for the man behind us, it may be better if he explains it to you.”

Stepping inside, Sun was kind of nervous as he looked at the Commander. “Um… Hello? You must be the Commander I was told about.”

“Yes, I’m Commander Grant. What's your name?” The Commander asked.

“Sun Wukong, sir.” He replied, trying to show him respect.

“Well, it's nice to meet you Mr. Wukong.” Commander Grant said with a smile. “Now back to business, we need to go through the data with Professor Sparkle and see what she found. But we also need to find more spectrobes also.”

“The fossil I gave Jack could be a start,” The Faunus told him, showing the fossil that he gave Jack. “Also, Sun is fine, sir.”

“And Twilight seemed to have found a fair few as well.” adds Jack. Catching the Faunus by surprise based on these newfound details. The commander though just smirked as he stood up from his desk and looked at both him and the redhead.

“Then what are you waiting for? Go find a few more and start training the ones Professor Sparkle found.” The commander said before dismissing everyone, letting them depart towards the research and development wing.

Jack then turned to Jen and Sun before speaking again.“Well let's get started, we're in this for the long run.”

“Race you to the ship!” Jen shouted before running off.

Jack then sighed and said “I’ll be last place again won’t I?” Shortly afterwards, the two of them bolted after Jen in a friendly competition of stamina and endurance.

“Alright, so Jen… How many fossils do we have in total? Besides the one that I showed Jack?” Sun asked her as he set the leo fossil down on a nearby table after they entered the place she called her “laboratory”, which in turn made the Faunus think of when he watched Dexter’s Laboratory as a kid.

“Well, not counting the ones that Twilight kept for her research, we have four fossils.” Jen replied as she pulled out a pair of fossils and set them on the table with the leo fossil. Jack then pulled out the sword shaped fosil and placed it on the table as well.

“Okay, which ones are those? I’m getting a feeling that they’re more than just one type, right? I already saw Komainu earlier and Jack told me this one was Leo.” The Faunus said, noticing the sword shaped one that Jack placed on the table as he pointed at the one he found before arriving here.

Jack then smiles and says “The fossil I found is for Shakin… but this third one, I don’t know, it looks familiar but I can’t remember what it is.”

“Any ideas?” The Faunus asked him

“It's a Torga.” Jen said.

“Okay and what is a Torga? I’m really new to this.” He then asked, causing Jen to sigh deeply.

“Torga is a child spectrobe, that from what I remember was a Corona type, and as you can see from the fossil it looks like a toy RC car.” Jack then looks to Jen and says “Have I missed anything?”

“It’s also a fire type if you go by elements, but that should be it.” Jen said with a shrug.

“Elements? That must have been a origins thing.” replies Jack.

“I would ask… but I think it would be easier if I just let you guys do the explaining.” He said, rolling up the sleeves on his jacket and showing the red armguards that he was wearing.

Jack then looks around to check that nobody else was around then says “Spectrobe was a game that had three separate games related to it, the one I was referring to was the third one released and sadly the last one I know of.”

“And I’m the only one between the two of us to have played it.” Jen said with a slight smirk.

“Well, the more we know about this the better. One question though… Is it normal for fossils to be shaped like weapons.” The Faunus asked, pointing to the one that Jack set down that resembled a sword.

“To be fair there’s such a large amount that I can’t remember all of them. So it is possible that there could be”

With that in mind, Sun had something for his next sentence. Until Jen interjected. “As far as I can remember that's the only one that looks like a weapon.” She soon picked up the Torga fossil and walked over to one of the computers. The Faunus was also a little bit curious about some other things that Jack and Jen were telling him earlier, but since they mentioned the possibility of Krawl and Spectrobes being in different dimensions, there was a possibility that it might show up one day in his. If that were to happen, then he needed to be ready somehow besides calling for the two of them. Having him sit on the sidelines when he could be doing something just always got under his skin

Jack and Jen then looked towards Sun as he then asked him the first question that came to mind. “What was it we had to do for our token?”

“Well, do you two have an item that represents yourselves? Like a badge or something?” He asked.

Jack then looks to his wrist and says “Well for me, there’s the Prizmod… is it possible to have a shared token?”

“It is possible, but it would mean that sometimes both of you would be summoned together unless otherwise specified. I’m not an expert in how it works.” The Faunus shrugged.

Jack then turns to Jen and said “What do you think… this does affect us both after all.”

“Might as well, I can't replicate the prizmod though.” Jen said with a shrug.

“That may cause a problem… Sun is there anything else about it that would mean we wouldn’t lose the original?”

“You two are able to keep the original. When the token is sent out into the void, the void makes copies of the token you choose, allowing you to keep the real one.”

“How does it do that?” Jen asked as she put down the fossil and pulled out a notepad and pencil.

“Honestly, I don’t know how. Remember, we’re dealing with the Multiverse,” Sun added on as he continued to speak. “Not everything has the answer you’re looking for or could be easily explained.”

“Sadly Jen you will have to learn to accept that” mutters Jack as he removes his Prizmod from his arm. He then turns back to Sun then continues to say “So, what would we need to do next?”

“Well, what kind of message would you like to say about you guys?” He asked. “Most tokens usually let you hear a message from the person you summoned, so what would you two like to say to them.” He gave them some time to think of a collective response from Jen and Jack. But it was a little sooner than expected that they had the answer they were looking for.

Jack then smiled before he began to speak again. “Hi, we are Jack and Jen, The Spectrobe Masters. If you are in a position that is too big for you to handle alone, or simply want to talk, just hold this token in the air and call on us and we will come to your aid.

Sun smirked a little. “Okay, I can help from here.” Having Jack pass what they were going to use as a token, Sun used his coin to open up a tear in the void. Tossing the token in, it floated inside the rift as it multiplied. Before closing it, he grabbed the token again, handing it back to him. “There. All finished. Now, maybe we should get back to those Fossils?”

“Did you grab an extra one for yourself?” The teen asked, before seeing Sun hold onto one that was in his coat pocket.

“Does that answer your question?”

Jack then smiled and said “Yes… you know, would you like to awaken Torga as your own Spectrobe?”

“Hmm… What about the one I found that I showed you. Leo?” The Faunus suggested, holding the fossil that he showed Jack before meeting his commanding officer.

“Honestly I don't see it as a proper fit for you.” Jen said, “You seem more of a speed type than a defence type, that's why Jack recommended Torga.”

“Right, but when it comes to that, I’m more speed and strength combined. How else do you think I whack grimm with my staff?”

“No idea… probably out maneuver them using speed? To be fair we have never seen you fight” Jack admitted.

“Perhaps it’s best that I give you two a demonstration then before making any big decisions.” He offered. “Mostly, I’m a martial artist who is skilled with Hand to Hand combat and using my staff and gunchaku in battle. Besides that and my semblance, my only problem is when an opponent catches me off guard or attacks me from my blindspot.”

“Well by the sound of it you would be definitely more suited to a speed based Spectrobe” Admits Jack.

“You guys are the experts, not me.” The Faunus sighed, looking back. “Let’s get started.”

Jack smiled, nodding his head a bit. “I’d never call me an expert besides we just started on this trainwreck of a life.” He then walks towards one of the machines and says “First place your Prizmod on your arm.”

Sun did what he was hold, placing it on his right gauntlet as it changed to the color of his medallion. Gold with bits of red along the exterior.

Jack then smiles then says “That looks good on you… Okay the next step to simply wake up the spectrobe with your voice.”

“Okay um… Hello?” He said, unsure if there was something specific he needed to say. “Torga?”

“There is bit extra to that, the main thing is that it needs to fit a certain tone that resonates with the spectrobe, For example when I woke Komainu I had to say wake up three times at different volumes before he woke up” says Jack.

Sun thought that through, then thought of something. Switching his weapons mode, he took out the ammunition that was in there, replacing the live rounds with something different before looking at Jack. “Does it have to be me or loud noises in general. If it’s the second one, than cover your ears.”

He then looked up then said “I’d say any noise would do, but you would need to sustain the noise for a few seconds.” replies Jack before he and Jen both covered their ears.

Sun nodded, firing three loud shots that just left a dent in the ceiling, but echoed loudly throughout the room as the sound bounced everywhere. Luckily, nothing was broken. But it seemed to do just the trick. Soon, a light emerged from the fossil on the screen, before jumping out and almost knocking the Faunus onto the ground.

“Well, I think he likes you.” Jack smirked as Sun tried to focus on getting on his feet again.

“G-good to know…” The Faunus chuckled, looking at the Spectrobe for a moment before looking back at Jack. “What happens next?”

“Well at this stage he is just a child spectrobe… they can help search for fossils, minerals and some other things however they can’t fight like this.” The redhead replied. Sun assumed that when it came to this, Spectrobes needed to be care for before they grow to become full on adults. How though was another story as le looked back at Jack again. Who continued where he left off. “To evolve a child to an adult requires it it eat a certain amount of minerals for Torga it was five of them” Jack then walked over to the table and passed Sun fives different coloured gems, “Once you feed him these in the incubator he will shimmer and then once and then seconds later he will change shape into the next evolution in that Spectrobes chain.”

“I’m going to assume that I can’t feed him all five at once or something like that?”

“Actually... once he’s in the incubator, you just slide in the minerals and he’ll eat them.” Jack replied, insisting for the Faunus to let the Spectrobe eat the minerals the monkey was given. Sun, taking his advice, did so and slide them in one at a time, not trying to rush Torga or anything like that. Soon though, he slipped the fifth one in and watch the Spectrobe eat the final gem that Jack gave him. Once that was done, the teen gave Sun one last step.

“Once you finish this, he will change from Torga to his adult form, I don’t think you can go back after, but this is the first time we’ve actually evolved a Spectobe so this is all guesswork at the moment” Jack admitted.

“And I just call him out if I need his help right?” Sun asked, trying to make sure he wasn’t forgetting anything.

“Once you're sorted i’ll show you how to call him” He replied. They then looked back to Torga to see him shimmering as Jack said “See the button on the screen?”


“Once you press that the process will begin.” Replies Jack. Sun then nodded, pressing the button that Jack told him too and seconds later Torga was surrounded by what looked to be a cocoon as he says “use this, trace a line down the centre of the cocoon and the process will be complete.” Replies Jack as he passes Sun what looked like a pen. The Faunus nodded, tracing the line like Jack told him too, and seconds later a new creature appeared.

“Okay, that I honestly did not expect at all.”

“This is Torgazar, there is one more state after this however, this can’t be attained by using minerals alone, you will need to train him a lot along with lots of mineral and a ton of actual fights.” Seconds later, Torgazar faded away as Jack said, “He is now back in your Prizmod, ready to fight if he is needed.”

“Thanks. That helps a lot.” The Faunus complimented him. “Maybe we should get to those other fossils and see what else can be uncovered.” Jack agreed with that as the two of them now focused back on Jen. She herself was new to this and to start… was also kind of shy. Ironically, it reminded the Faunus of his marefriend.

As she finally chose her Spectrobe, Jen noticed Sun’s eyes wander a bit as he was complimenting her. In return, she then asked him something. “What are you thinking about?”

“Oh you just remind me of somepony I know back in my world,” He replied. “My marefriend, Fluttershy.”

“Fluttershy? Does her name fit her or something?” Jack asked him this time.

“Nah, it’s just that you two have similar personalities in some aspects. Nervous and only comfortable around certain people.” Sun explained.

“Does she also have the same hairstyle?” Jen asked out of pure curiosity.

“Same mane color, that’s for sure.” He said, showing a photograph that he had taken with her and her friends.

“I have a weird feeling like I'm looking at myself through one of those funhouse mirrors…” Jen muttered as she looked at the photo, “Well, at least my theory was correct.”

“Wow, looks like you two make a good couple.” The young red haired teen said, complimenting the Faunus.

“Thanks. I think this would work better than the last relationship I had. I had to end it because of a family emergency and now in my world, my ex is there and she has a handbag that can turn into a minigun.” The faunus sighed, causing Jen to stare at him in awe over the description of Coco’s weapon.

“Never piss her off, It would be the end of you.” The Spectrobe master said, trying to give his best advice.

“Trust me, I know. She told me that she drank over seventy shots before going on a bit of a drunken rampage. Coco even insulted my mother… in front of her face.” The Faunus sighed, facepalming himself as he recalled what happened in Manehattan.

Was she really that hammered?”

“You tell me when she picks a fight with a battalion of royal guards and causes almost a million bits in property damage. Along with the fact that she referred to my mother as little boob lady.” Sun sighed, groaning to himself over the last part.

“Yeah she went over the point of no return,” Jack coughed, looking back at both of them. “But never mention any damage to me and Jen we ain't exactly clean, so to say.”

“Don't remind me.” Jen said as she started to shake a bit. However, the faunus noticed the shaking and to him, it meant two things. Either she was cold… or she was scared. However, it wasn’t really freezing inside the lab they were in, so he went with choice number two.

“Is something wrong, Jen? You look nervous-.” Sun said before he was cut off by an ominous roar that shook the ship. The roar caused Sun to grab his weapon as he looked at Jack and Jen. “Okay, that’s not good is it?”

“Not good…” Jen muttered as she started to shake even more. Looking at Jack, Sun went to the door to try and see what it was. Only to get surprised by something out of the ordinary. Creatures that were black and cyan that took on numerous forms and shapes. And they… were… everywhere.

“Jack, we got company.”

“Jen what’s wro… Oh you have got to be kidding me!” He then turns to Sun then said to him. ““Well, you get to test out Torgazar.”

“Let me guess… It’s those Krawl freaks you were talking about?” He asked while seeing Jen quickly activating her blade from her Prizmod and Jack nodded his head.

“Yes, yes they are Sun, and right now we need to get rid of them… but in such quantities, i’ve not seen in such a large group before.” Jack replied.

“They must be moving in as a swarm. Try to beat us with overwhelming force.” The faunus stated, looking at his Prizmod. “I’m ready when you are.” All he saw shortly afterwards was a smirk from Jack and a few simple words before they stepped forward.

“Prepare to see what these idiots are like.”

End Tail 18

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