• Published 4th Jun 2015
  • 9,626 Views, 418 Comments

Monkey Business - FrostTheWolf

The plan was to dress up as a Faunus from RWBY. Specifically Sun Wukong. But plans don't always go the way we hoped. I just hope that my newfound abilities and skills don't get myself in Major trouble. [Displaced][RWBY/MLP Crossover]

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Tail 17- Snow Monkey

Monkey Business- Snow Monkey

Carousel Boutique

Ever since the night that he said yes to having Fluttershy be his marefriend, Sun had been growing closer and closer to the mare. He remembered to give her the gift that Max gave him when he visited her realm and also made sure to help Velvet be comfortable around Blake. The next day though was when things became a little more complicated than he thought. Mostly because of the fact that he needed to talk with Coco after her… drunken shenanigans the other day. Rarity was out in Canterlot during the time, so she allowed Sun to be in the Boutique to talk with Coco once she was waking up.

The brunette looked completely beat as she was just beginning to wake up, her eyes flickering to life as she yawned deeply. “Agh, I feel like I went through a blender…”

“Good morning to you as well, Sleepyhead.” Sun teased a little, hoping that she would come around to her sense after a while.

She opened her eyes suddenly, shooting up into a sitting position. “Sean!?” When she saw Sun’s face, she went back into a laying position.

“You know… You were very spot on with your guess… Charlene.” He said, using her real name for added effect.

Coco looked at her hands, before feeling her face. “Uh… Sean… Why do I sound wrong? And why do you look like Sun?”

“Easy there… You’ve been through a lot…” He told her, asking a follow up question. “What do you last remember?”

“I was with my group, there were a bunch of us… We all bought something to start, and then… A drinking contest? When do I ever drink!?” Panic took over her features as she looked into a mirror. Tears welled up in her eyes as she realized that it wasn’t her face she was looking at… It was Coco Adel’s… Pain hit her heart, and she started to hyperventilate.

“Hey hey… It’s alright… Just take it easy…” He said to calm her down. “There's a lot to explain, but to start, what happened to you was the same thing that happened to me. My friends and I were all at a convention, I was Sun, Nathan was Neptune, Samuel was Sage and Santana went as Scarlet. Each of us at a different time bought something from a merchant that looked like Junior and next thing I know, I ended up here.” Coco could now see that Sun’s tail was holding Ruyi and Jingu Bang as she looked back at him in shock.

“This… This can’t be real…” Coco started gasping for air, but her lungs ignored it.

“Trust me. I first thought that when I was here. But that’s only the tip of the iceberg. Your group is also here too. And that drinking contest you said… that happened between you and Fox according to Velvet.” He explained, also nudging Coco’s handbag to her with his tail after he put away his own weapons.

“W-wait, where are we!? Please tell me you told the hospital or my sister what happened to me, my mom’s got medical problems and can’t do anything without me!” That, caught Sun off guard. He did not know much of Coco’s family, but he felt sorry for her.

“I’m sorry Coco… But we are a long way from home.” He explained, opening the blinds to a nearby window behind her. Letting her look outside to see the citizens of Ponyville trotting through the streets. “I’m really sorry…”

“No, no… No… No!” Coco put her hands over her face. “No! No! No! I swore I’d stay by her side!”

“I’m sorry Coco… The same thing happened with my mother too. I never asked for this either.” He told her, trying to comfort her a little, but being careful because he didn’t know if she would snap at him or not.

She did. Coco shoved him across the room before she stood up and swiped her bag. “Keep away from me… Your mom didn’t have suicidal thought…”

“You don’t know her like I do. She came here recently and it was the first time I saw her in a year. I had nightmares where she died right in front of me. Making me feel worthless and that I didn’t do enough to help protect her. I might not know your family, but I did not do any of this to you.”

“But that’s the thing here you don’t see! Your mom got better! My dad was her doctor and told me how she was! She was fine! And now she’s here, and everythings swell and dandy for you when my mother, the only person I’ve ever been loved by, is sitting in bed about to die because she needs me to live!”

Sun’s expression was darkened. “Nothing was dandy for me. I don’t have a father and my mom is not better anymore. She’s worse. I am sorry for you, Coco, but if you forgive me or not is your decision. I don’t know how to help you, but I want to try my best. If there was a way to bring you back home, I will tell you. But right now… I don’t have an answer for you on that. I never wanted this… for either of us…” Thinking that Coco would want him out of her sight, Sun began to walk towards the door. But it was when he gripped the handle that he heard something from her.

“I was never mad at you for ending our relationship that soon… I understood that family came first.” Coco said monotonously.

Sun turned to her, surprised a little. “I… never knew that… Look, I know that we can’t be back together anymore… But if it means anything… Can we still be friends?” He asked her, thinking that her response was going to be a straight up “No”.

“I only call those who I care for be called that. I may not be mad that you called it off, but I was a little pissed that you never tried to start a friendship. When you cut me off I was humiliated at school.” Coco stated.

“I’m sorry for what happened… If it means anything… we can try starting that friendship now. Besides, if it weren’t for me and your friends, you would be waking up someplace not as comfy as the bed you are on.” With that though, there was a slight knock on the door, in which Sun opened to find something that surprised him.

“Oh. Hey Yatsuhashi, you came just in time.” He told him as the warrior entered the room, seeing Coco on the bed that she was on.

“Yatsu, what happened?” Coco asked as she examined herself.

“You mean when we first arrived or your drunken rampage?” Yatsuhashi asked, causing Sun to facepalm himself and sigh deeply. “Trust me on the second one, you pulled me into it.”

“Yeah, I don’t care if I pulled you into something or the other way around. What happened?”

“Well, you caused over a million bits in property damage, shot at Sun and the rest of us, and called Sun’s mother, who was there at the time, little boob lady.” He replied. “We’re thankful that Sun was able to talk to his friend Twilight and she was able to pardon you because of the fact that you had over twenty drinks.”

“I remember seventy.” Coco said, shrugging. “It’s starting to come back to me… We got stuck in some part of the city and some horny horse was giving out free drinks… Wait, Dwilikes Sparples? Why does that sound familiar?”

“Would you mean Twilight Sparkle by any chance?” Sun asked. “Because she’s a friend of mine here.”

“Yeah, that… Meh, I didn’t need her. I don’t need anyone but my team. I’m going to find a way home for the four of us.” Coco said.

“If you talk with her, she could help. She is a master of magic and if you give her some time, she can probably find a way home for you guys.” He suggested. “I’m going to give you some time to rest a bit. I can get you Velvet and Fox if you want. They’re waiting outside.”

“I need some time to process this… Alone... Tell her I’d like to have a way home, but that doesn’t mean I won’t go searching for a way back myself.” he nodded, stepping outside and letting Fox and Velvet know about Coco waking up before he made his way back to Fluttershy’s cottage. For today, he felt like he made some significant progress. But still, as the old saying goes, time heals all wounds. The relationship between him and Coco though… that may take some more time than expected.

Two weeks later,

It was in the middle of december and Sun was scrambling to try and solve a personal dilemma of his. One that didn’t involve Coco or anypony else this time around since he had already relayed her message to Twilight. No, this one was different because when it came to relationships, Sun had never actually seen himself at this stage in a relationship… ever.

He was trying to find a perfect hearth’s warming gift for Fluttershy. Over the time he had been with her, she had gotten the chance to know him better. However, he had not learned a lot about her besides being an animal lover and also being kind with her friends and family. He had asked Discord, Blake and Velvet for advice, but that didn’t help him solve his dilemma one bit. It instead added onto it, causing him to stress out over the problem.

It was during this miniature crisis that he felt like he was getting pulled back like when you bungee jump off of a ledge. He was getting summoned. For what, he wasn’t sure. But he had a feeling that this could probably help him take his mind off of things for a little while. After all, he needed some time to think this through in order to make sure he didn’t screw anything up.


The first thing the Faunus remembered was toppling over someone as his face hit the deck and his face to kiss the wooden floor of what looked to be a small cabin. “Oww, what hit me?” He asked himself before looking up. His eyes laid on a whole crap load of Displaced, causing him to say the only thing that came to mind at first. “Matter of fact, who summoned me? Please don’t tell me I was called up for Displaced Jury Duty.”

“No this is the Displaced Christmas Party, Jury Duty is for those that vote.” Sun soon turned around at the familiar voice, recognizing that it was Loki as they greeted each other.

“Oh hey Loki,” The Faunus noticed. “Haven’t seen you in a while. How’ve you been?”

“Other than becoming a Void Dweller? Not bad. You?”

“Same here. Just doing… things.” Turning around, he soon noticed everyone else and sighed. “Sorry about that. I’m Sun Wukong. Nice to meet you guys.” The rest of the guests greeted him in their own fashion, some being a little more sinister than others from appearance, but he just rolled with it. Even going as far as summoning Lance so that way he could have the chance to talk with him. It had been almost a month since he saw him last. Things seemed to get out of hand when what appeared to be an undead lich showing up and passing around a vodka bottle.

“Oi laddly nice ta metcha, I be the captain of this fine ship!” He said before wondering off. Sun just rolled his eyes to himself personally, taking a moment to wonder around and see if anypony needed help with anything specifically. It was during then though that he forgot to zip up his jacket. He didn’t know it at the time, but not taking five minutes to do so would lead to some… awkward situations.

“Why hello there mister~.” The voice caught Sun’s attention as he turned around to stare directly at what appeared to be a young changeling girl, who was wearing a yellow dress and a short dark green mane. She had her hands behind her back and a pretty big smile on her face as she looked at the Faunus, who was beginning to feel uncomfortable with her. Just who was she?

“Uh… Hello?” Sun replied, a little bit confused. As the little changeling girl was smiling at him. “Who are you?” He asked.

“I’m Pupa. I turned 16 last week and I was thinking you and I could have a nice hot chocolate~” Pupa purred at him as she take his hand and pulls him inside. Sun was mentally shouting “HELP!! I’M BEING KIDNAPPED!!!” in his mind when he tried to struggle out of her iron grip. Possibly the love that he had for Fluttershy was still ripe to the point that Pupa wanted to taste it for herself. However, when he did turn around, he saw the same lich as before.

Only this time, he wasn’t happy. The Lich looked like he was about to burst into flames. “Stay away from my baby girl!” He roared, summoning a cutlass and charging at Sun, who had no other choice but to make a break for it.

“Stop dad! I love him!” called Pupa as she ran after them.

“Okay, HOW THE HELL DID I GET MYSELF INVOLVED IN THIS!? I DON’T EVEN KNOW WHAT’S-!? AH, NOT THE FACE!!” The Faunus shouted as he barreled out a window into the cold snow outside. Taking a moment to use his semblance, he created a small decoy for them to chase after as he slowly tried to re-enter the same house that he had to leap out of moments earlier. Now though, it looked like there appeared to be a short blond guy with a red jacket on getting tackled by a bunch of other changelings that were part dragon.


“Talk about swarming that guy.” He thought to himself, trying to casually walk into the place, exhausted a bit after a lich and his daughter tried to chase him down. “Hey, what’s with the midget Santa?”

The “midget” perked up at the words the Faunus used to describe his current situation as of right now. “Oi! Who you calling midget?”

“Oh boy…” He heard Lance say to the side as his cousin watched the events unfold.

“Uh… Who else?” Sun asked, shrugging his shoulders.

Before Midget Santa could react to Sun’s comment, he was pinned in a bone crushing hug from the yellow changeling queen. “Soo cute! Can I have him, grandpa?” She said, the mischievous smirk not leaving her face.

“I apologize for my granddaughters shenanigans… ahead of time.” A man in a blue cloak groaned nearby. “No you can NOT have him Lea.” He then told the yellow changeling.

“Hey he’s mine!” Yelled Pupa who was being held back by her dad Asphyxious outside. Sun have five seconds to possibly say something before they were to break in here and go off on a wild goose chase again.

“No, I’m not!!” Sun retorted. “Geez… Why is everyone acting like this? It’s suppose to be christmas!!”

“You called me a midget!” Shortstack yelled, but was muffled by all the children and one changeling queen. “I’ll have you know I’m 5'11", hmph.”

“I was just asking an honest question.” Sun sighed, before facepalming himself. “Besides. that’s just the same height as Lance.”

“Hey, don’t pull me in on this. You messed up!” The Adept told him.

“And I was taller before I got displaced, but that doesn’t count I guess.” The red cloaked shorty said again was muffled by the changelings. This was getting way too out of hand and the two that were chasing him would come in any minute. So now, he was beginning to take his leave.

“If you need me, I’ll be on the roof.” He mumbled, shortly before leaping up there before Asphyxious roared to the heavens in search of the Faunus. For a little while, he just laid there, hiding and thinking about things. Like what the hell was the real reason for coming here? How was he suppose to find a gift for his marefriend at this rate?

It was only some time later that he heard a small bit of commotion going on in another part of the landscape as a snowball fight was breaking out. Smirking a bit, he took his two gunchaku, formed his bo staff and landed over there in what resembled a pole vault leap during the Olympic games. By the time he landed over there, all eyes were on him as he asked them a quick question.

“Hey… You guys have room for one more?”

“Well that was fifteen minutes of my time wasted.” The Faunus groaned. Originally, he thought that the snowball fight that was going on was one all out free for all. No one ever mentioned to him that it was a team based battle until midway through the contest. At one point though, he surprised a Displaced by throwing a Poro from League of Legends that he found roaming around. But now, as he was heading back to the cabin, he could feel an odd chill down his spine as he slowly turned around. What he saw was not like anything he had expected at all.

It was a Dragon. More specifically, a dragon with no eyes. And with it, came a very familiar voice. “You and I have words boy.” It growled as the shell around it mouth opened to show off sharp teeth. As smoke bellows out of it mouth.

“Oh COME ON!!!” Sun yelled, bolting through the trees to try and get a head start on the next pursuing chase. Running from a Lich was one thing. Running from a freaking dragon!? That was something that made Sun feel like he was going in over his head.

I SAID HANDS OFF MY DAUGHTER!” Asphyxious Roared as he ran out of the cabin after Sun in his dragon form trying to eat the faunus Displaced.

“It not my fault!” Sun yelled as he ran for his life. “She was hitting on ME!”

When I get my claws on you I’m going to-!” For a moment, the dragon stopped, turning around at all the other Displaced and smiling for a minute before going back to chasing the Monkey Faunus. “Merry Christmas.

“Okay, seriously!? You have issues with me, but you're fine with everybody else!? How is that fair!?” He hollered, barrel rolling to the right to avoid the group that was preparing the christmas tree.

I maybe the Dragon Of Instinct but if you think I’ll let you lay one hand on Pupa you have another thing coming boyo!” He roared, just as he used his claws to trip Sun, causing him to fall face first into the snow. He was now towering over the Faunus, with Sun being stuck in a few feet of snow as it is. Asphyxious then started covering the faunus in more snow. Leaving him stuck for a while as he decided to leave him out there to freeze. Unfortunately for the dragon, he did not know that Sun kept a few pieces of Fire Dust in his coat pockets to keep himself warm during the cold weather. However, the downside was that with these shards, it took almost twenty minutes to get out of the snow. And when he was finally out, it was around the time where they were passing out gifts.

In which the subject made him think about Fluttershy again, causing him to groan a little as Loki volunteered himself to be the Displaced Santa Claus of the night. The Poro that he threw earlier ironically came back around for the faunus, so he decided to keep it instead of hitting the lich in the face with it. Because that was just asking for trouble.

However, trouble always seemed to keep finding him in the most… unexpected of ways. One being with a little digimon like lion. The other being almost like the fifth star wars film. However, it was Pupa that was striking back instead of the Galactic Empire. “I have my present~” Said Pupa, who was hugging Sun from behind with Asphyxious standing behind them in his Lich form, breathing down his throat.

One wrong move.” He snarled, looking down at them. This in turn, caught Chrysalis’ attention, who when Sun was looking at her, was smirking evilly. However, what was unknown was that Sun was being pushed to his breaking point. Like a kettle that was about to spill over.

“Pupa if you’re going to bed with this Monkey, use a condom.” She said causing Pupa in turn to blush.

And causing Sun’s anger to spill over.

“Okay, THAT’S IT!!” Sun snapped, throwing the condom in the fireplace as it burned to cinders. “I’M NOT SLEEPING WITH ANYONE BECAUSE BEFORE I WAS SUMMONED HERE, I WAS GOING TO GET A GIFT FOR MY MAREFRIEND!” Breaking himself free, he took the Poro that was with him, zipped up his jacket and walked outside. “Now, if you would excuse me, I will be seeing myself out. Good night and merry christmas. I’m sorry if I angered anyone or hurt anyone, but I just about had it with the way I’m being treated tonight.” With that, Sun took his own token, tore open a rift for him to walk through, and returned home, closing the tear behind him so Pupa wouldn’t follow him.

During the time away from the celebration, Sun had too many thoughts go into his head. For one thing, he felt that he failed at one simple job. Of giving Fluttershy one thing that she would truly love for hearth’s warming. He was up in his room, tired, upset, angry and trying to calm himself down. Negative emotions such as these would lead to more Grimm spawning in the everfree and a Grimm attack on Ponyville was the last thing that he would have wanted on a holiday like this.

Unexpectedly though, he soon heard a soft knock on his door. “It’s open.” He said briefly, unknowing to the fact that it was Fluttershy on the other side of the door, who had a green scarf on.

“Sun? Are you okay?” She asked. The mare was concerned for him given his emotions when he got home. Even though he had already told her about the party he attended and the small Poro he got for them, she could tell that something else was wrong.

“No… I don’t feel okay… I… I’m not really sure how I feel.” He told her.

“What’s wrong?” She asked, looking at him as she put a hoof to his cheek, noticing a tear coming down his face.

“I… I screwed up,” He mumbled. “I’ve been looking everywhere and trying to find a gift for you for Hearths Warming, but I wasn’t successful at all. I tried asking Discord, your friend. Hell, I even tried asking Blake and Velvet and I still wasn’t able to follow through. I’m really disappointed in myself…” However, the reaction that he got from the mare was… unexpected. She was first a little surprised, then she was giggling to herself.

“What’s so funny?”

“Sun… For all I care about, there was only one thing that I wanted for Hearth’s Warming and it was not something you could purchase for bits.” She said, moving closer to him. “You see, all I wanted… was for you to be with me. For us to be together. And for us to be happy.”

That… caught him by surprise. He wasn’t really expecting to hear this from her, but soon he understood what she meant. The only thing though… was the Draconequus over their heads.

“Now… Kiss.” He said holding a little flag saying Shy x Sun.


“What? This is suppose to be an emotional scene. You two need to follow through so you don’t leave the audience in suspense.”

“... What?”

“Nevermind.” He said, soon disappearing afterwards and leaving the two of them alone. Fluttershy just blushed afterwards, chuckling a little as she looked back as Sun.

“Um… So where were we?” She asked. Sun’s answer was reaching across to her, holding her close as he laid a kiss on her lips. Fluttershy shuttered for just a minute, but soon gave in with it and returned the kiss as both of them soon parted.

“I think we were at that stage.” He chuckled as Fluttershy moved closer. He could feel that her fur was a bit cold as he held her. But then, Fluttershy asked something that was out of the blue.

“Sun… Um… C-can we… c-cuddle for a bit? My wings are cold.” That in turn caused the Faunus’ cheeks to blush a bit. But soon, he nodded his head.

“Sure thing, Fluttershy. Sure thing.” He told her, falling asleep with her side by side as the snow kept drifting down outside.

Early next morning…

“Ahh… That was the best sleep I’ve had in weeeeks…” Sun cheerfully proclaimed inside his head as his eyes began to adjust around the room. He felt quite warm in his bed with the soft sheets and blanket. But it was when he turned around that he realize one major thing. Fluttershy stayed with him. Through the night. She didn’t leave at all for anything at all, but instead stayed with him all the way til morning. That, to him, felt very special. She was true to her words and what she said the day before. About how them being together was the best Hearth’s warming gift that she ever had. In a way, she was right. But what she said in a way made him feel whole again as well as made this relationship feel… Special.

Though, one thing was still fresh on his mind and that was the encounter with that Lich at the party. He had a feeling that his outburst before storming off was taking it too far in his opinion. Now the only thought that he had was that he had to make things right. Apologize for his behavior. It would be what Fluttershy would do.

Taking the token of a friend that he met last night named Ken Ahkrin, the Faunus planned to use it to create a rift back to the party shortly after he got dressed and was ready to go. However, as he was putting on his jacket, he heard his marefriend slightly moan a little as her eyes fluttered open.

“Good morning, Shy.” Sun greeted, going to the mare’s bedside. “How was do you feel?”

“Great! Best sleep I had in a long while.” She told him, kissing Sun on the nose. “It’s a little early to be dressed. Where are you going?” The pegasus was a little surprised to be seeing Sun up this early and had personally thought that he would want to sleep a little longer with her for a while. It was only five in the morning and the sun wouldn’t be up for another hour or so, giving them some time for extra rest.

“Last night, I went to a holiday celebration for Displaced, but ended up storming out of there when someone pushed me overboard.” The faunus said, sighing a little. “I was going to go back and see if he was still there so I can apologize to him. You know the old saying… Putting the past behind you.”

“That… is a good idea. I agree with what you’re saying.”

“It won’t take long. I promise.” He said, returning the kiss she gave him earlier. “Afterwards, we can get back to having a very merry christmas.”

Fluttershy herself, upon hearing that, tilted her head. “What’s Christmas?”

“Oh right…” The Faunus chuckled, a little bit embarrassed. “You see, Christmas in my world is basically Hearth’s Warming. Just with a different name.”

“Oh I see now.” She said, smiling a little. “Come back soon!” Sun nodded, assuring her that he will as he walked downstairs. However, as he leaped through the portal, he felt something else come with him as well and as the rift closed, he got a brief look at the one thing that was trying to pounce on him as the faunus was entering the void.


Sun’s arrival attracted some attention from the few Displaced that were there. But what got their attention more was seeing Penny pop out from the void right behind him as they both landed inside the cabin. From first glance, the Faunus could see a LOT of familiar faces from the other night, including Ken. The Scalebound that he met the night before.

“Salutations! I am combat ready!” Penny proclaimed, making Sun think that she was actually asking for a fight.

“Penny, nothing overdramatic please.” Sun sighed. “We’re not here for a fight.”

“Hello again Sun and Hello Penny.” The greeting came from a Displaced that resembled Wendy from Fairy Tail as Sun turned in her direction. Before he could say anything though, Penny was quick to jump the gun on her response.

“Hi!” Penny said waving. “And who’s that weird looking Rainbow Dash with the funny looking ears?” When she asked that question, it triggered a series of responses from numerous Displaced. But the one thing in particular that happened was that the Lich he was looking for had arrived. And actually noticed the Faunus in the room when Sun asked where Ken was.

“Oh… Umm hi Sun, sorry about what happened at the party.” Asphyxious said to him in an apologetic manner. “You’ll understand when you have kids.”

Sun sighed a bit to himself, looking at the Lich as he asked a question. “Let me guess… Parental instincts?”

“Yes and I have the instincts of a dragon.” Said Asphyxious as he rubbed his head. “Not the easiest thing to deal with.” Both of them continued to talk for a little while, trying to get the chance to know each other a little. The stench of vodka had all but disappeared from Asphyxious as he was now sober, allowing him to think clearly for himself instead of making bad decisions with an intoxicated mind. Hearing these things put the Faunus at ease and soon, he turned to Penny, finally completing what he sent himself out to do.

“Well, I better get going before Time finds out about everything that’s been happening. Penny, take your time and have fun. I’ll be back at Fluttershy’s okay?”

“Affirmative!” Penny said, saluting. “Wait, I’m going and you aren’t?”

“I just thought you would want to get the chance to make some friends while you’re here. Remember, you can summon me if you need me.” He told her, disappearing in the same void he arrived in.

Fluttershy’s Cottage

Upon arriving back from where Asphyxious and the others were, the faunus spent his christmas morning with Fluttershy and the animals that were at the cottage. Not trying to do anything too over dramatic for the most part since Pinkie and Applejack were with their family, Rainbow was with Twilight and most of Team RWBY and CFVY since Coco and Weiss were with Rarity. Neptune, Sage and Scarlet for the most part were minding their own business and at one point, actually started a snowball fight with Team JNPR.

For Fluttershy and Sun though, they stayed at the cottage. Drinking some Hot Chocolate and later decided to head outside and mess around in the snow. Where the Faunus was trying to make a snowman version of Angel and Fluttershy while the pegasus was trying to talk to the blue jays and robins that were flying overhead on there way back to their nests.

However, this happiness though… was short lived. At one point while they were outside, someone caused Fluttershy to become frightened, rushing behind Sun faster than Courage the Cowardly Dog.

“Fluttershy, what’s wrong?” Sun asked.

“I-i heard something moaning behind that tree over there.” She said, pointing at the tree with her wing since she basically glued herself to Sun’s right leg. Curiosity got his attention now because soon, he began hearing those same moans. Looking back at that tree, he slowly pulled out his weapons, having them form his bo-staff. He wasn’t sure about what it was, but one thing he could tell is that it wasn’t a grimm. In fact, it sounded a lot more like a pony than anything else.

Now though, he was beginning to hear movement. A scraping sound. Almost like if someone was dragging themselves through the snow. Sun and Fluttershy looked at one another in confusion for a moment, wondering what could be causing that noise.

Until they saw the figure come out from behind the tree. It was a changeling in form that was as tall as one of the princesses. However, it’s entire body was covered in bloody claw marks and open wounds, leaking turquoise blood out onto the white pact of snow. “P-please… H-help m-meee……” It moaned, before passing out because of fatigued. The Faunus raced over to the creature, inspecting its wounds as it tried to find out what caused such a thing.

It was in that moment though that Sun caught a glimpse of Kreed, who was on the patio staring towards them as she got closer. “What is SHE doing here!?”

“You know this one?” The Faunus asked, noticing the trail of blood that looked to span all the way down the road.

“Know this one? Know THIS ONE!? She’s Chrysalis-!!” Kreed barked. Racing down from the porch now, the changeling’s eyes widened as he saw the extent of the queen’s injuries. “Bloody hell, what could’ve done such a thing!?”

“My only guess is Grimm, however, that’s not the biggest priority. If we don’t tend to her now, she’s gonna die!” The Faunus warned him, trying to pick her up off the ground. Kreed was looking farther down the pathway and making sure nothing was following them as Fluttershy raced inside to find the first aid kit she left inside. Setting her down on a blanket, the pegasus first began to tend to her injuries while Sun walked back outside with Kreed.

“Kreed? Are you okay?”

The changeling, at first, was quiet. Then, he began to speak again. “I don’t get it… It doesn’t make any sense…”

“What doesn’t make any sense?” Sun asked him, putting his weapon away.

“Why would she be out here? It’s miles away from the hive,” Kreed first said. “Furthermore, she didn’t have her crown with her. During the Canterlot invasion and any time I saw her in the hive, she always had it on.” Sun didn’t say anything, but instead noticed something twinkle a little in the distance and walked over there. On the ground was the same crown that Kreed had said before, but shattered into multiple tiny pieces.

“I think I found out why.” The Faunus explained, showing the remains of the tiara to Kreed. He put them in his pocket so he could give them back to her when she was awake. But it was around then though that he thought of something. Something based on the look on the former guardian’s face. “Kreed… is there something about this you aren’t telling me?”

The changeling himself didn’t say anything. Instead, he just paused, gathering his thoughts for a moment before speaking again. “I’ve told you about the queens… but there was one thing I left out at the time, given the situation back when you first found us. I guess now is the time I need to tell you. The queen I served was Amaranth, but one of the other queens was her sister.”

Sun, at first, didn’t understand. But then, realization hit him harder than a freight train once Kreed finished his sentence.

“Chrysalis was her sister. She’s the aunt of Reson and Honeydew.”

Sun’s expression changed quite a bit. Especially with hearing about this revelation. “Okay, that is… surprising. However, right now, we need to tell Twilight about what happened and get this mess clean up. I don’t think any of us want Grimm to be tracking the scent of blood and have them be lead into town. Especially on a holiday like this.”

“What about Chrysalis though? What do you plan to do with her?” The Changeling then asked

“We’ll need a doctor to examine her. We can tend to her wounds, but a professional could tell if she has any broken bones or anything. We’ll get to the other part once she wakes up.” The Faunus told her, shoveling fresh snow onto the dampened blood covered path to bury the scent of changeling blood. He hoped that they could attend to her the best she could for right now. But then there was also the case that Twilight needed to be informed of what happened. Remembering something, He turned back to the cottage. “Where’s Discord?”

A pink puff of smoke almost went off by his forehead as the Draconequus soon appeared in a winter coat and scarf, chewing a candy cane. “Did somepony say my name?”

“Discord, I need your help. We got ourselves an emergency. Can you get Twilight?” He asked him. The spirit of chaos was going to ask about what the emergency was, but after seeing the condition of the changeling that Fluttershy was attending too, he just gave a brief salute and responded with what Sun thought was his best Arnold Schwarzenegger impersonation.

“I’ll be back!”

While Discord was gone, Sun and Kreed worked on cleaning up the mess that was outside before heading in. For a moment, the Faunus thought that Discord was taking a page out of Rainbow’s bag of tricks when he returned with Twilight and also some other pony that appeared to be a nurse from the local hospital.

In ten seconds flat. “I’M BACK!”

“Okay, what was that for Discord?” Twilight asked him, narrowing his eyes.

“Sun said he needed you here because there's a bit of an emergency here. Given the circumstances, I also got Nurse Redheart from the Ponyville Hospital.”

“Define emergency.” The Alicorn deadpanned.

“You might want to see this for yourself. Both of you.” Sun told them, leading them to where Fluttershy was as she finally stopped the bleeding. Both mares were in for quite a surprise when they first saw the unconscious changeling in the state that she was in.

“Dear sweet Celestia, what happened to her!?” Twilight cursed, looking back at Sun.

“My only guess at this rate is Grimm. She was covered in claw marks from head to tail and she was weak when passing out in Fluttershy’s backyard. Kreed and I cleaned up the mess outside and made sure no Grimm was following her, but I thought that we needed a doctor to examine her so we can know what we were dealing with.” The Faunus explained, taking out the shards of the broken tiara that he found on the ground.

It was after the Faunus finished that Nurse Redheart stepped up to the plate. After Discord used his chaos magic to provide the doctor with the right tools, everyone helped moved the wounded creature upstairs, resting her on the bed. Sun, Fluttershy, and Twilight stayed upstairs while Kreed and Discord were in the bottom floor of the cottage. They did not want anypony to disturb Redheart while she was working with a patient, but it was when she was working with Chrysalis that she found some things that were… off.

“Well, she is stable, however… the extent of her injuries were way more than what you found.” Nurse Redheart told them.

“What do you mean?” Sun asked.

“What I mean is that upon examination, it looked like she was attacked by somepony else before the Grimm that you speak of got to her.” Nurse Redheart explained, having the three of them come closer to see for themselves. “She had been stabbed through her left forehoof and there were puncture wounds in her back legs. After a bit of operating, I found these.” Taking a metal tray in her teeth, Redheart soon set the tray in Sun’s hands and what he saw shocked him.

“These are bullets.”

“You mean from a gun?” Twilight asked him.

“Yeah, but not from mine. My gun fires ammunition in bursts. This looks like it came from a different kind of weapon.” He explained, putting the bullets back in the tray.

“The only way we're going to find out is through Chrysalis. But it might be a while before she wakes up.” Nurse Redheart told them, looking back at the asleep changeling. “I recommend that she gets as much rest as possible.” With it, the earth pony made her way downstairs and Twilight was following suite. However, she was surprised when she saw Sun sit down on the other side of the room on the couch. Fluttershy next to him.

“Aren’t you guys coming downstairs?” She asked. Sun’s response was just a shake of the head.

“We’re going to wait until she wakes up. If what Nurse Redheart said was right, it means that something is happening within the hive. Plus… someone needs to let her know what happened right?”

“... I guess so.” The Alicorn muttered as she trotted downstairs, leaving the Faunus and Pegasus that were sitting on the couch and had begun to wait patiently.

Manehattan Harbor

“Sometimes, I wish I never dressed as Torchwick…” An orange haired man said, a cigar in his mouth unlit. Standing on the Manehattan pier and watching the waves of the ocean roll with the night. “You know, I used to go to the shore with my dad when I was little… I don’t remember why, but it always seemed to calm me…” He turned to a group of ponies, griffons and minotaurs unloading a shipment of something. “If only you assholes weren’t here, I might have actually been calm…”

“Boss, please don’t take out your anger on the paid labor,” Another voice not far from him that was sitting on the roof of a boat shack was saying as he tossed the man a lighter. “It’s been hard to try and get any good help since Embargo and his crew were ratted out in Baltimare.”

“I don’t give a damn about that, it’s the fact that half of my crew are morons. And then there’s more kids with bigass weapons! How am I, a simple man, compete with overpowered children!?” Roman yelled.

“Isn’t there the phrase fight fire with fire? You have your cane. Maybe if we find a way to make some weapons to counter those kids, maybe it’ll be more of a even fight.” The voice now stepped out into the limelight, showing themselves to be a pegasus with a dark black mane and tail to match with the dark grey fur of his and a scarf around it’s neck. “But you don’t need to take my suggestion for it. I did help you get this far and overthrow the last ringleader for you, but now I’m merely just an observer… Besides, don’t you have that one grey haired kid on your side? What’s his name, Mercury?”

“Yeah, but he tends to… Over exert himself. Thanks for the idea, but I don’t think anyone here can use a weapon like them, and who’s even going to build them!? The only thing I can think of is hiding in cities far away from them… I was thinking somewhere like Los Pegasus, or better yet, Fillydelphia.” Roman said, frowning.

“That won’t get you far though. Trust me, I’ve worked with others that have those same thoughts and now they are either dead or in prison. Hell, with myself as a fixer, I’ve been asked to kill some of those said people because of fears that they might expose their contacts…” The Pegasus stopped though, thinking something through as he pulled up something on a device of his. “I think what you need is a client. And I think I found one for you.”

“That’d be great. Who are they, he, or she?” Roman asked, smirking.

“All I know is that they’re stationed out in the badlands, way far out from civilization and that they managed to overthrow Chrysalis and the leaders of the hive. How they did it is similar to what you said before as a “trojan horse” maneuver. Plus… the leader seems to be in the same boat as you.” The Pegasus explained to him, making Roman interested. However, there was one thing that he needed the most and that was the client’s name. That way, he knew who to talk too.

“I need a name…” Roman said, looking back as he was lighting his cigar and was beginning to take a smoke. Until he heard the pony named Stratos reply to him.

“Adam. Adam Taurus.”

Roman hacked and coughed. “Wh-what!?” He shook his head, “Nevermind… I need to call him.”

“Actually… he sent someone over to you to first establish contact. A girl.” Stratos replied. “I’ll be leaving you two alone for now.” Without getting the chance to speak, the pony disappeared into the night and when Roman turned around, he found himself staring at a young green haired girl that had a pair of revolvers holstered behind her.

“You must be Roman Torchwick. I’m Emerald. Adam Taurus sent me here to establish contact and see how we can help out each other.”

End Tail 17

Author's Note:

Alright, with another chapter in the books now, this all adds up to the point where things are becoming a little more interesting... Thanks for reading!

P.S. New Shipping unlocked: SunShy

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