• Published 13th Jun 2015
  • 1,180 Views, 41 Comments

Fancy That? - HapHazred

Whilst attending the opening night of an art exhibition, Princess Luna notices her sister admiring one of the ponies there more than the paintings. She tries to find out what is so special about the millionaire patron of the arts Fancy Pants.

  • ...

Actually, Scratch That...

The treble needed adjustment, Vinyl thought. She flicked a few switches and turned back to her screen. The lines and dots on the screen could only be understood by her, and her alone. That was her talent. Even magnificent musicians, even her special somepony couldn't handle the type of control Vinyl had over sound. Few musicians even thought in terms of Hertz and wavelengths. No, Vinyl knew she was alone.

That's what made her love it.

She heard a quiet knock on the door. She turned the volume up on her headphones. If they knew her, they'd leave her be. If they didn't, she didn't care to meet them.

She laid her hoof on the ground. The hard wooden floor would let her feel any further vibrations from the outside world, even if she didn't want to pay attention to them. She simply found them less distracting than the noise. It was a technique she had learned from history books. Beethoofen had done something similar with a piano.

She didn't need to use the vibrations in the ground to hear the next knock. No matter how loud her music was, it couldn't drown out the thundering sound as her door got pummelled. Vinyl dropped everything and spun around on her chair, flicking her headphones off her head.

"Yeah?!" she shouted. The door opened, revealing two ponies.

The first one she saw was frightening enough to look at. With reptilian eyes and disturbing bat-like wings, it gave her a polite look as it adjusted its suit. It didn't matter to Vinyl. Just looking at its teeth was worrying enough.

The second pony was far more imposing. It was surprising, in fact, that she hadn't noticed her first. Even for a recluse like Vinyl, she recognized Princess Luna's starry mane and powerful frame. Behind her tinted glasses, Vinyl's eyes widened. "Oh."

"Miss Vinyl Scratch!" Luna exclaimed loudly. "We wish to interrogate you about your father!"

The office rooms were almost empty. Vinyl was a night owl. She preferred to work under the cover of night, where she wouldn't be as distracted by trivial matters. Like ponies.

Of course, this did not account for ponies who kept similar hours. Princess Luna, whilst not wholly nocturnal, had the habit of staying awake until three in the morning. And then there was her butler. Vinyl hadn't heard much about Night Ponies, or Batponies, or Thestrals or whatever... But she knew they were nocturnal.

Once her initial fright had died out, she was surprised by how inoffensive he was. He acted like... a butler, she supposed.

"So. What's this about my dad?"

She poured herself a cup of thick, black coffee. It looked more like tar than anything anypony would want to drink, but Vinyl was accustomed to it. It couldn't be any worse than the tea Octavia drank.

"'Tis a matter of utmost importance," Luna declared. "He is taking an interest in..." She looked around consiprationally. "...my sister."

Vinyl shrugged. "So? He keeps an eye on loads of artists, scholars, and stuff."

"His motivations are hardly the same!"

Vinyl didn't react in any way. She looked as expressionless as ever. "Uh huh. So?"

"I must know his likes and dislikes!"

Vinyl sipped the vile drink she had concocted. "Why?"

"I must gauge his suitability. My sister's happiness is at stake."

Vinyl scoffed. "Oh, I think I get it." She put her drink down. "Listen, my dad is a real smooth talker. Loads of ponies think he's charming, and everything... refined, and all that. And sure, I guess he is." Vinyl's expression fell. "But I think your sis' might be misreading some signals somewhere."

It was then Silver's turn to speak up. "That may be so, miss. However, I find it highly unlikely that I would misread said signals."

Vinyl gave him a look. "Oh yeah? What makes you say that?"

"A gentlepony has ways of understanding gentleponies of similar dispositions. Perhaps more so than their own daughters." The corners of his lips curled. "An outside opinion can be far more revealing than an implicated one."

Vinyl picked her coffee up again. "Okay. So why come to me at all, then?"

"Because, being an outside viewer, I cannot observe him as much as milady wishes me to."

"Miss Vinyl, the happiness of two ponies is at stake," Luna said. "One of them is even of consequence!"

Vinyl went silent. She wasn't familiar with the monarchy... she didn't even care what happened to Celestia. But something in what Luna said stung her. One of them is even of consequence, she thought. There was no doubt in her mind that Luna had been referring to her sister... but Vinyl took the matter very differently.

There were only two ponies she considered 'of consequence' in the world. The first, the only musician who could keep up with her, made her happier than even music itself could. Octavia was... special.

And the other was her father. Even if Vinyl was right, and he wasn't interested... Didn't she want him to have the same happiness she did around Octavia?

Perhaps she was letting her own feelings cloud her judgement. She wasn't sure. She'd ask Octavia later.

"Okay, whatever," she said. "He likes colourful things, and being surprised. He's kind of artsy that way."

Luna's face lit up. "You shall assist me?"

Vinyl shrugged. "Yeah, why not?"

The Princess of the Night turned towards her servant. "Do you see, Silver? Our persistence has defeated the young mare's reticence. Now we shall secure our victory!"

"Indeed, milady."

"...So long as your sis' isn't going to hurt my dad," Vinyl added. "He's just a guy, 'kay? I don't want your Princess madness getting his feelings hurt."

Silver sighed. "I think that with milady's involvement, madness is all but a guarantee."

Luna ignored him. "I am assisting my thousand year old sister to get engaged in a unmarried relationship with a single father!" she exclaimed. "I believe I am becoming 'modern'."

Vinyl frowned to herself. She promised herself to talk with Fancy as soon as she woke up next afternoon.

Vinyl trotted through the spacious corridors of her father's city house. She still had mixed feelings about them to this day. They were so large, and so empty. The whole house had been almost completely devoid of life when she was a child. It was like existing in a vacuum, she mused. Little wonder she moved out as soon as she had the opportunity. She wondered what effect that had on Fancy.

The stallion in question was out on the balcony. It overlooked a fair portion of Canterlot. Unlike a lot of nobles jostling for a view of the country, Fancy preferred to keep an eye on the streets. He liked ponies, he said, and preferred to keep them in sight.

"Hey," she said. "I let myself in."

Fancy Pants was holding a drink and book. He put both down when he saw Vinyl approach. "Ah! Vinyl." He gestured to a seat on the far side of the balcony. One of three. "Take a seat, if you want."

Vinyl obliged. She was a pony of few words, and Fancy knew it. "I got a visit from somepony last night."

Fancy raised an eyebrow. "Oh?"

"Uh huh. She gave me this." Vinyl unfolded a small piece of paper covered with elegant hoofwriting. Fancy examined the paper with his monocle.

"This is... what is this?" he asked. "It's just a list of things. White roses delivered by servant, ballads recited at midday, banquets... I fail to see the meaning of this."

"It's Princess Celestia's favourite things," Vinyl explained. "According to Princess Luna and her butler."

Fancy put the paper down, and rubbed his nose. "Ah." His face darkened. "You didn't..."

"I gave them one for you, yes."

Fancy Pants groaned loudly, and took a long sip of his drink. Vinyl knew it would be alcoholic. "I didn't peg you for a meddler," he said. "You never cease to surprise me."

"I didn't want to," Vinyl said. "But it's been ten years, dad."

The older stallion became sombre. "I know, Vinyl."

The pair fell into uncomfortable silence. It was Vinyl who decided to break it first. "Why the Princess, of all ponies?"

Fancy chuckled. "I didn't mean to, I assure you. I think she reminded me a lot of myself, is all." He smiled. "Not to sound pompous, of course."

"Yeah, you totally remind me of a centuries old princess," Vinyl deadpanned. "That ego of yours will get ya' one day."

Fancy grinned. "Not today, I hope. Now then," he said, picking the paper up again. "...Despite your unwelcome interference, I shan't look a gift horse in the mouth. Let's take a look, shall we?" He browsed the list once again.

Luna trotted through the gardens, going through the things she had learned in her head. So much had changed, she realized. Not just politics and dress code... but how ponies thought and behaved. Even though she knew they spoke differently and the borders had changed hands a little, she couldn't help but be amazed.

What else was new, she wondered? What else could she learn?

Vinyl had been a strange one. Music from electricity... the very thought was inconceivable.

She was determined to make the most out of her newfound knowledge. She found her sister sat by the fountain, surrounded by documents. Each sported different seals, and were made out of different parchments. Luna even recognized a handful from centuries ago. There was the seal of Minos, and... yes, she was able to make out the old Crystal Empire seal too. The years spent on the moon had not dulled her memory.

"Tia!" she exclaimed. "I have something for you!"

Celestia looked up, the faintest flash of exasperation visible on her features. "Yes, Luna?"

"There is no need to look so petulant, sister," Luna said, a little cross. "I have something that will please you."

She handed the note to Celestia. This one was hastily scribbled in ugly text. Vinyl had many talents, but clean writing was not one of them. Celestia recognized what it was immediately, given their discussion the previous night. "Luna, I told you not to meddle." She narrowed her eyes. "And I instructed Silver to dissuade you, too."

"Silver's allegiance is mine. And besides, he tried tempting me away, and it failed."

Celestia skimmed the list. "Watching the Wonderbolts Derby... Books by A.K. Yearling... not the Daring saga... Who wrote this?"

"That would be a young mare names Vinyl Scratch, Tia. She is a competent musician." Luna's eyes widened with exitement. "She makes sound using electronic currents at modular frequencies! I have instructed Silver to fetch me a book on the subject."

"And what is Vinyl's relationship with Fancy?" Celestia asked, becoming increasingly suspicious.

"...she is his daughter."

Celestia's shoulders sagged. "You pestered his daughter?"

"I did not pester!" Luna argued. "We formed an alliance."

"An alliance requires give and take from both parties," Celestia said, her quick political mind driving her to an inevitable conclusion. "One of these is in Fancy Pants possession, am I correct?"

"Yes, and the list was very exhaustive."

Celestia leant back. "I was wondering how this could get any worse."

It was then that their discussion was interrupted by a well dressed pony, trotting towards the pair. Luna quickly appraised the young stallion, and smiled. It seemed that Fancy was putting his plans into motion faster than anticipated.

"Your Highness," the stallion said, bowing. Celestia eyed him with a suspicious air.


"Flowers for you," he said, and held out a large and elegant bouquet of perfect, snow-white roses. Celestia widened her eyes. "From Algernon."

Celestia levitated the flowers, unsure of how to properly respond. Luna watched the exchange with an exited bounce. It had been many years indeed since she had learned this, but before her banishment, Celestia's favourites had been those very flowers, white roses. And Fancy knew which ones were the best in Canterlot. It seems Celestia's opinion of him was correct: he was a stallion of taste.

"I, um... yes, thank you," Celestia said, flustered. She turned back towards Luna. "This doesn't mean I'm not still upset at your involvement."

"I cannot fathom why," Luna replied. "You have what you wanted."

"...perhaps, but it was not your place," Celestia argued. She looked back at the bedraggled piece of paper. "I... I have work to do, and a meeting to attend." She got to her hooves.

Luna watched her sister leave, becoming peeved at her cold attitude. "I only wished to make you happy, Tia, and to understand."

Celestia hesitated. "...I know," she said. "It is simply... awkward."

Luna frowned. "This is why I am confused. When did the Princess of Equestria start acting like a nervous schoolfilly?"

"Since we stopped being gods, Luna," Celestia replied. "We are no longer worshipped in temples. We are mortals now, just like everypony else."

"I am getting that impression," Luna said. Celestia sighed.

"Gods cannot have friends. Gods cannot just talk, and enjoy the companies of others. I am no normal pony, but after you left, I couldn't survive being alone. So I changed things. I began the Chuckle-lot. I made friends." She smiled. "I even made more than friends."

"This is why I seek to understand," Luna explained. "I wish to become more modern. I wish to be more like you."

Celestia went silent. The as neither pony talked, the gentle breeze sounded more like a gale, and the rusting leaves became a roar.

"I think it would be best if you came with me," she said at long last. "I think it's time I show you something I should have shown you as soon as you returned."

Author's Note:

By the power of the 3+ sceptre of headcannon, I dub Vinyl Scratch Fancy Pant's daughter. 'Cause they're both unicorns and have white coats with blue manes. Amirite? Dat logic, it holds, right? Right?

If you enjoyed this story, I may have another you'd enjoy: Ponyville's Bad Day, where everything goes wrong for everypony.

New chapters every two days! Comment with criticism and stuff! I love hearing from you guys.