• Published 11th Nov 2011
  • 21,574 Views, 353 Comments

Life in a slower lane. - JuyUnseen

After another rejection Scootaloo begins to rethink her role models.

  • ...

She's moved on

She’s moved on.

Winter dragged on, and with it came more snow. It fell almost nonstop for nearly a week, and when the air finally cleared of white flakes the layer on the ground was too thick for anypony to go outside. So Fluttershy and Scootaloo spent their days inside with Angel.

Scootaloo felt different than she used to. She was calmer, as if some of Fluttershy’s slower lifestyle was rubbing off onto her. Angel seemed to be less scared of her and acted around her more like he did around Fluttershy, indignant and slightly annoyed, but with the occasional sign of compassion.

Tea was commonplace in Fluttershy’s house, as was warm soup, a fire, and soft beds. Needless to say, this was the best winter of Scootaloo’s life. She spent it dancing, talking, laughing, and sharing moments with her newfound friend.

It was a good winter for almost everypony in Ponyville.


“I should never have yelled… s-she’s gone…” Rainbow Dash mumbled to herself in her dreams. Her ability to sleep had returned during the winter, but now her dreams were plagued with the filly she thought she’d never see again.

She’d searched and searched, but too soon had everyone had to shut themselves in. The snow finally stopped her search and forced the blue pegasus indoors as well. So it was inside that her emotions flowed for a time. It was here that she felt truly alone.


“So after all of that, when it came down to it I… well I suppose I became brave for a little while.” Fluttershy finished recounting her story.

“So you TALKED that dragon into leaving?!?!?”

“W-well it was more yelling than anything but…”

“That’s amazing!”

Fluttershy smiled at the little one’s enthusiasm.

Days passed, snow built up, plants died, and hopes for the future blossomed.

“So what are you gonna do in the spring?”

“Well, I’m going to wake up all the animals on winter wrap up day, and then I’m going to care for them until winter comes again. It’s that simple really.”

“You’re lucky.”

“Why’s that?”

“Well… you know what you’re meant to do. You’ve got Angel and all the other animals, and you’ve got your house, and… you… I dunno, you have a purpose.” Scootaloo shrugged meekly, “I guess being cooped up inside instead of going crusading has got me thinking about my cutie mark again.”

Angel rolled his eyes. He had heard this conversation before.

“You’ll find what you’re good at. In fact, I’m pretty certain… I mean… um... you are a really good dancer Scootaloo, you know that right?” Fluttershy asked.

“Yeah… but I’ve been dancing and dancing and still no cutie mark.” Scootaloo huffed.

“Well… maybe if you did something special… like, maybe the talent show?”

Scootaloo stopped and stared at the yellow pegasus. She stared for about twenty seconds before bringing a hoof to her forehead and nearly yelling.

“WELL DUH! Why didn’t I think of that?”

Fluttershy giggled, “So come spring you’ll enter?”

“Sure, why not?”

“You’ll need to practice a lot.”

“I know.”

The rest of the winter seemed to go faster for Scootaloo. She had a goal, and she was determined to make it. She practiced and practiced and practiced until, seemingly out of nowhere, it was spring. Winter wrap up day came and Scootaloo helped Fluttershy with the animals. As usual, Apple Bloom was hlping her family with the planting and Sweetie Belle gathered supplies for her sister’s birdhouses. Everypony did their usual jobs, except for a certain cyan pegasus.
Rainbow Dash sadly watched everyone from her floating house.

Everypony below her was working hard, but try hard as she might she couldn’t make out the speck of orange and purple.
She sighed. She didn’t feel like working. She didn’t feel like doing much of anything these days.

“Hey Rainbow!” A voice called from the ground.

Dash looked, and saw the color she was looking for. ORANGE!

She took off as fast as she could and landed with a thump. She was standing next to Applejack.

“Oh… hi AJ…”

“Rainbow, what’re ya doing up there?” She asked accusingly, “You’re supposed to be helping the weather team water the new seeds.”

“Right… I-I’ll get right on that…”

“Something wrong? It’s spring, you should be happy.”

“I… I lost something over the winter… something important.”

“What was it?” Applejack seemed genuinely concerned.

“I lost… lost… well, what it is isn’t important. What’s important is that I lost it and I’m not sure I’ll ever find it again.”
Applejack studied her sad friend.

“Now that’s not the Rainbow Dash I know. Dash wouldn’t let one little loss destroy her. She’d get back up and keep moving. So, why aren’t you?”

Rainbow Dash looked up.

“Yeah… YEAH!” She stood at her full height, “I’m Rainbow Dash! I’m the best flier in all of Equestria! I’m gonna be a Wonderbolt! I can do Sonic rainbooms in my sleep!”

“And yer gonna go water the fields for me now right?”

Dash gave her friend a salute.

“I’m on it!”

She alighted and flew off without another word, planning on getting her job done as quickly as possible. As she flew she felt something again, the wind whipping past her face. She could feel the speed, the adrenaline, the awesomeness to once again be flying free.


The bell tinkered in Scootaloo’s mouth.

“Rise and shine!” She called into the den. Little eyes opened and stared back at her. From within, two hedgehogs appeared, rubbing the sleep from their eyes. Behind them walked three tinier hedgehogs, their litter for the year.

“Awwwww….” Scootaloo straightened up, “I-I mean, uh… Good morning. Sleep well?” The hedgehogs nodded in response, and the babies squeaked happily.

Scootaloo smiled and moved on to the next den.

Fluttershy took a moment to look up from her own work to watch the younger pegasus. She couldn’t help smiling. She felt proud of Scootaloo. She had taught her how to act around the animals.
And look at her now the yellow pegasus thought. She was a natural. A warm smile crept over the yellow pony's face and she turned back to her own work.


Rainbow Dash finished her winter wrap up work in exactly ten minutes. Her share of the birds were herded back in just three minutes, the watering done in five, clearing snow from rooftops took a minute fifty seconds, and the clouds were cleared in ten seconds flat.

She had kept count of the time in her head, and she felt proud, it was her best time in years.

“Great job Rainbow Dash!” A young, awe-filled voice called up to her. Dash froze.

“Squirt?” she whispered to herself.

She turned to look at the ground below her. Nothing was there but melting snow and the occasional blade of new spring grass poking through.

Dash shook her head. She was just hearing things.

“No. I don’t need her. She’s… moved on! Yeah, that’s it. Moved on. I need to pony up and deal with it. She just can’t keep up with my awesomeness!” Dash struck a heroic pose and flew up as high as she could. “But really, who could hope to keep up with THIS!” with the last syllable she darted towards the ground. She went faster, and faster, and faster, and FASTER! The sky began to bend around her and wind howled past her ears.

Come on, come on! she thought to herself. Just a little more... and that was it. The sound barrier broke, and with it a shockwave rippled outwards.

The Sonic Rainboom was as amazing as ever. The rainbow spread across the sky, clearing the snow where it went.
Ponies watched and cheered.

Dash felt proud. She stared across the group who called her name.

See? I don’t need her. The looked over the crowd again. She couldn’t stop herself. No matter what, a part of her wanted to see her number one fan among the cheering ponies.

She wasn’t there.

Dash flew home.

She’s moved on. She said to herself again and again, you need to just deal with it.


In a small cottage by the forest, the Sonic Rainboom could be seen, and as it happened, a pair of eyes stared out of the window. This wasn’t the first time those eyes had seen that trick, nor would it be the last, but no matter how many times Scootaloo watched that amazing feat, she couldn’t help but remember what she had seen in the pony who could pull it off. She couldn’t stop herself from remembering the times when she had watched the pony practice that trick, the times when she had watched from her own personal front row seat, and even though some of the memories hurt, she knew she wanted to see that pony again.

As always, edits were done by Chocolateunicorn.