• Published 29th May 2012
  • 2,314 Views, 63 Comments

Conversion Bureau: A Girl's Wish - Lux

A girl meets an unlikely friend and wishes for a new life

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Penny's Wish

The Conversion Bureau




By Lux

Chapter 8 – Penny’s Wish

The day had finally come when Penny and her parents would go to the conversion Bureau to become ponies. The three traveled on a bus into the city with only the clothes on their backs, a few personal items, and of course Penny’s favorite stuffed animal, Peggy. Penny looked out the window of the bus, watching the crowds pass by. Some were human, but there were now a great number of ponies in the crowd. The girl smiled at the fact that in a short time, she would be one of them.

Finally after what seemed like an eternity of sitting and waiting, the bus pulled up to the curb in front of the Conversion Bureau. The place looked like a fairly ordinary brick building with a sign above that read 'Midtown Conversion Bureau'. Penny and her parents walked to the door, passing by a mare that was leaving as they were entering the building. Penny wondered if this pony was one born a pony or became one like her friend Swift did.

The three approached the open waiting area that was filled with an assortment of people. Some were there by themselves while others were together as friends, couples or families. Penny’s parents approached the reception desk where a cheery earthpony greeted them and gave them some papers to sign.

Penny sat in a chair and waited as her parents filled out the necessary paperwork. Then upon returning, after giving the information to the receptionist, she and her parents waited some more. The place was very boring to Penny as there was nothing to do. Penny read a children’s magazine but after that resumed her bored state. As she waited people were called by the receptionist and entered through the door to the right. She knew that each one would eventually become a pony and wondered what type they would be or what they would look like.

Penny then wondered where Swift was. Her friend had promised to be there to see her one last time before she became a pony. Yet as the minutes passed, she didn’t see Swift Wing enter the building, only more people. She was about to give up hope when she heard a familiar voice.

“Penny!” Swift called as she flew to the girl.

“Swift, you made it!” Penny said as she hugged the pony.

“Of course I did silly,” she said with a grin, “I made a promise to be here, and here I am. Oh, and hi, Penny’s parents!”

“Hello Swift,” the two said, happy to see their daughter’s friend off.

The receptionist then called Penny and her parents, indicating it was their time.

“So I guess I’ll see you when I’m a pony then?” Penny said as she hugged Swift one last time.

“Don’t worry. I’ll be waiting for you,” the Pegasus said with a smile.

With that the three entered into the door. They proceeded down a long white hall into an open room that the receptionist told them to go. The room was fairly plain, like an exam room in a hospital. In one corner was a curtain structure that formed a small box like room in the center. Then another pony appeared, a yellow unicorn dressed in a nurse’s garb.

“Hello!” the pony said, “I’m Nurse Vital Signs. I’m going to be taking some basic tests today before your conversion.”

One by one, Penny and her parents were checked with their hearing, vision, reflexes, blood pressure, height and weight. Penny was a little nervous just like she always was being in a doctor’s office, but the pony nurse was very kind and caring, even explaining to the Penny what each test did to allay any fears.

“OK then,” Nurse Vital Signs said as she used here telekinesis to place her stethoscope around her neck, “I’ll be right back!”

She then disappeared down the hall and a few minutes later returned with three hospital gowns.

“Now then, please change in the room over there,” the nurse said pointing to the curtained off area, “Please place all your clothes and items in the blue bin outside when you are done. I’ll check back on you in a few minutes.”

Penny’s parents went first and changed into their gowns. As they exited they dropped the last of their human items into the blue bin. It then came time for Penny to get changed. When she had put on the gown, she left the curtained area. Penny easily deposited her clothes, knowing that she wouldn’t need them as a pony. Then she paused as she held her pink Pegasus pony plush in her hand. She was going to miss the thing that she took with her wherever she went, but she knew that she now had a friend who was a real-life Pegasus, and hopefully she’d be a Pegasus herself very soon. With a sigh, she let go of the plush, letting it fall into the bin.

The nurse then returned and saw that the three were ready. “Ok then! Follow me.”

The three followed her further down the hall to an open room with a hospital gurney and a small desk. Then a purple unicorn walked in the room followed by a yellow Pegasus.

“Good afternoon,” the unicorn said, “My name is Twilight Sparkle. I will be overseeing your conversion into ponies today. This is my friend, Fluttershy. She is studying humans through the conversion process.”

“Oh, hello,” Fluttershy said quietly.

“You’re pretty!” Penny said to the Pegasus.

“Oh…. Um… thank you,” Fluttershy said blushing slightly.

“Can I give you a hug?” the girl said.

The yellow pony looked at her unicorn friend to see if it was OK. Twilight nodded in approval.

“Um sure,” Fluttershy said.

The girl gave the pony a hug carefully before returning to her seat.

“Penny loves Pegasus ponies,” her father explained.

Her parents then told the two ponies about how Penny loved Pegasus things, how she met Swift, and how she was excited at the possibility of becoming one through conversion. The unicorn and the Pegasus listed with a smile at the tale.

“Well,” Twilight said when the story ended, “I’m sorry, but unfortunately the potion used for conversion won’t let you choose your pony type.”

Penny looked like she was ready to cry when the unicorn said this. She was so close to her dream and now she might not get it.

“Wait,” Fluttershy said suddenly, causing everyone in the room to jump, especially her friend Twilight, “I can’t see this sweet girl who wants to be a Pegasus pony get denied that chance.” She then turned to her friend with a determined look on her face. “Twilight, take one of my feathers and add it to the potion.”

“Fluttershy, I’m not sure if that will change anything,” Twilight said.

“I know, but this will give Penny a good chance to become what she always wished for. Please Twilight?”

“Fine,” Twilight said with a sigh as she plucked a feather out of Fluttershy’s wing. She then levitated the feather over to the purple concoction and dropped it in. For a few brief seconds the feather was seen weightlessly floating before dissolving into the mixture.

“OK then,” Twilight said, “It’s time. Penny, you’re first. Please sit on the bed.”

Penny looked at her parents.

“Don’t worry,” her mother said, “We’ll be waiting for you when you wake up.”

With a final hug from her parents, Penny climbed up on the gurney. Twilight then levitated the purple potion over to the girl.

“Now Penny,” the unicorn said, “You will need to drink this entire potion for me.”

Penny grabbed the drink and took a sip. The substance tasted like a grape drink. She then drank the rest of the potion before handing it to Twilight who immediately moved the empty container back to the table. No sooner had Penny taken the potion than she began to feel very sleepy. She laid down on the gurney, closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.