• Published 29th May 2012
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Conversion Bureau: A Girl's Wish - Lux

A girl meets an unlikely friend and wishes for a new life

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Last Week

The Conversion Bureau




By Lux

Chapter 7 – Last Week

The relative calmness of the week before had turned into a flurry of activity at Penny’s house. Much of the small odds and ends of the house were now gone, making the rooms look very plain. It was a surreal experience for Penny slowly seeing the house that she was born and raised in slowly emptying before her eyes. Now things were even stranger for her as the larger furniture was moved out and loaded into vans.

There was also that ominous sign in the front yard that plainly read “For Sale.” Although she was a child, Penny knew what that sign meant. It meant that the house was no longer hers or her parents. Soon some other family would be living there, perhaps with a boy or a girl of their own. This new family would be watching movies in the living room, having dinner in the dining room, and even perhaps another child would be sleeping in her bedroom.

To lessen the blow of this big move, her parents kept Penny's room intact until the very last possible moment. It was a stark contrast between the very empty rest of the house and her room, like there was some magical force field that kept her things intact. One day, however, her things had to go.

To say that Penny was pleasant about giving up her things would be a gross lie. Some things of hers, like her clothes, she was able to easily give up. But when it came time for her Pegasus pictures and figurines, she couldn’t help but cry.

“Please don’t cry,” her mother said holding her daughter close to her, “you know we can’t keep them. But don’t worry. Your Pegasus things will find new homes, and somewhere there is a girl just like you who will love playing with them.”

“Really?” Penny said as she dried her eyes.

“Yes, Penny.” he father said. “You also have a great friend in Swift who just happens to be a Pegasus pony, and she loves you very much. Plus, in a couple of days we’ll be going to the Conversion Bureau. You might become a Pegasus yourself.”

“You really think I’ll be one?” Penny said as she looked at her parents in wonder.

“Let me tell you a story.” her mother said. “My mother, when I was a little girl, told me that if I wished for something with all my heart it would come true. When I was older, I wished that I had had a beautiful daughter to love. And sure enough, you were born, Penny. You’re my wish come true! So how about every night before you go to sleep you wish really hard that you’ll get to become a Pegasus?”

“Thanks, mom,” Penny said with a hug. “I’ll wish really, really hard. Can I at least keep Peggy?”

“Sure,” her father said as he handed her the pink Pegasus plush that she loved the most out of all of her things. Penny held the animal closely to her seeing it as a means of comfort to her now and a hope for the future she dreamed of in becoming a Pegasus pony.

At the final days, Penny’s parents decided to take her to Swift’s house. This way Penny had a friend to play with while her parents moved the last of her non-essential items. Penny was glad to be with her friend, especially after seeing her own house - and especially her bedroom - vanishing. It was like her world was falling apart, but at least Swift, and her own parents, were always there to cling to.

“Swift?” Penny said as the two were playing Wonderbolts on the last day that Penny would be human.

“Yes, Penny?” the Pegasus said.

“I want to thank you.”

“For what?”

“Being my friend. You helped me to see that I could be a Pegasus pony and despite us looking different you still wanted to be my friend.”

“Well, I can say the same thing,” Swift said, “I was worried that you wouldn’t like me because I was a pony. But you liked me and played with me and even invited me to your house.”

‘Will you do something, Swift?” Penny asked.

“Sure Penny! What do you want me to do?”

“My mom says that if I wish hard enough, I can become a Pegasus pony like you. Will you wish with me now so that I can become a Pegasus?”

“Sure, Penny,” Swift said.

The two spent several minutes in silence with their eyes closed. Penny wished to be a Pegasus while Swift wished her friend would become one. Deep down Swift wanted a Pegasus friend to fly around with, and this made her wish even more important and powerful.

After the wish the two embraced in a friendly hug. Finally it came time for Penny to go back with her parents to spend one last night in their house.

“Goodbye Swift,” Penny said.

“Not goodbye," Swift said, “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

That night Penny and her parents had a feast to mark their last meal as a human family. Each member of the family had their favorite food. Penny’s father had a steak with onions. Her mother had shrimp scampi. Penny had barbecued chicken with macaroni and cheese. The three ate and enjoyed each other’s company, just as they always did every night before. The three knew that despite having to move, giving up their things and way of life, and even becoming ponies, they would always be a family and always love each other.

That night Penny slept in her room. The only thing left in her once pretty room was her mattress, some pillows and blankets, and a few things needed for the next day.

That night she dreamed again of being a Pegasus pony, flying with her friend Swift. Suddenly many other ponies joined them in the skies until there was a rainbow of colors in the clouds. She hoped that her wishing would come true tomorrow, that her dream of becoming a Pegasus would be realized.