• Published 24th Aug 2012
  • 3,608 Views, 28 Comments

My Little Butterfly - Carpetbagger

Fluttershy gets an unexpected visit from two visiters she hoped to never see grace Ponyville

  • ...

"My Little Butterfly"

"Oh Spike, it's wonderful!"

"You really think so, Rarity?"

"Yes, it's magnificent. I've never seen one so big and... so thick. Can I touch it?"

"Well, I don't know..."

"Would you really deny me the gratification to touch something so glorious? Please... Spikey-wikey. I promise to be gentle."

"Maybe a few strokes wouldn't hurt."

"Spike! Wake up!"

The baby dragon's eyes shot open, almost jumping out of his cozy bed. He looked down at the tip of his nose and noticed that his beautiful mustache: the focal point his dream was gone. Another dream ended prematurely, just before the good part. Spike sleepily heaved himself from under the covers and stumbled downstairs into the main section of the library. Twilight Sparkle frantically paced around looking over a stack of supplies. It was Friday morning, and Twilight was planning a camping trip with Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Fluttershy in the Everfree Forest.

"Are you ready?" Twilight asked.

Spike grabbed a checklist from Twilight's desk, licked the tip of his pen, and gave a nod in anticipation. Sending a spark of energy to the tip of her horn, Twilight sent items into a nearby saddlebag, naming each one.

"Map of the Everfree Forest."




"Sleeping bag."


"First Aid Kit."




"Travel size telescope."



"Uh, Twilight?" Spike looked up from the list, scratching his head in confusion. "Not trying to pry into your personal life and all, but do you think it's appropriate to bring something like that on a-"

"I said a sextant! Not a... *sigh* ... moving on..." Twilight rolled her eyes and continued listing items as she packed them.

"Water purifier and canteen?"




"And finally, 'A Guide to Ancient Canterlot Language - Intermediate Edition, by Cunning Linguist."

"Check, and check." Spike confirmed, making a final swipe on the scroll in approval. "The dragon thumbed at his chin for a second. "I thought this was a camping trip. What's up with the translation guide?" Spike asked with narrowed eyes.

"Spike, this isn't a camping trip, it's... more of an... an expedition." Twilight stammered while pawing at the floor. She didn't need to look up to feel the dragonling's glare. "Remember how I told you about those strange wall inscriptions on the temple where we first found the Elements of Harmony?"

The little assistant rolled his eyes at the true intent of Twilight's trip. But before he tried to object, the thought of having the library to himself for the weekend added a delightful perspective on things. He thought of all the glorious dreams he could finally complete without being woken up unexpectedly. Rearranging bookshelves, cleaning up after an all night study session, re-rearranging the bookshelves... "You all set Twilight?" Spike almost sang, ready to shove the librarian out the door in hopes of continuing his recent fantasy where it left off.

"Almost, just one last thing to do." Twilight levitated another scroll from the desk and gave it to Spike. Confused, the dragon unrolled the document which was entitled 'Re-Checklist.' A chorus of clangs and thuds filled the room and he looked up at Twilight dumping out everything she just carefully packed. Spike let out a groan and plopped down, readying his pen.

Fluttershy sat under a parasol in her front yard, sipping a fresh cup of tea. The morning seemed be most kind to the gentle pegasus. Feeding the local wildlife went by smoother than expected, the squirrel she was taking care of recovered from his cold and gladly returned to his family and the chipmunks made a beautiful flower chain as thanks for everything she does. Even Angel bunny was in a good mood casually laying at his caretaker's hooves, munching on a carrot. Everything this morning was almost perfect. At least it would be, if not for what she knew was approaching later in the day. She turned her attention to the southwest at the Everfree Forest. Even though she's made frequent trips into the forbidden thicket, something about that forest felt otherworldly. It scared her. The idea of spending a whole weekend in the Everfree made the pegasus feel more uneasy than usual. But Twilight reassured that her ability to communicate with animals will most likely be needed. Fluttershy smiled at the thought of being needed. Having her friends around gave the pegasus a new found strength she never knew she had.

"Hey Fluttershy!"

Fluttershy jerked a bit from being lost in thought. She looked around for the source of the familiar voice, but nopony was there. Realizing exactly who the voice was coming from, she looked up in just enough time see Rainbow Dash spiraling down from a low hanging cloud and taking a seat across from her. The cyan pegasus eyed the stack of muffins sitting on the table. Fluttershy nodded in approval as she poured a cup of tea for her childhood friend.

"Thanks a lot. Blossomforth and Thunderlane called in sick, something about a ... crying lotus?"

Fluttershy blushed a bit while stifling a laugh.

"Anyway, I had to get up extra early to work their weather routes." Rainbow dash said with a cheek full of pastry. "I didn't even have time to get breakfast."

"It's okay Rainbow Dash, I always make extra for the birds."

The two pegasi sat at the table talking about nothing in particular. Actually, Rainbow Dash was doing most of the talking. She went on about the Wonderbolt's upcoming events, how peaceful it's been since Pinkie Pie left on a trip with Applejack and Zecora, and even the latest rumors about who's dating who. Fluttershy hung on every word, smiling and nodding. Every once in a while, she would catch herself glancing over to forest, but quickly turned her focus to Rainbow Dash in enough time to catch any sudden changes in subject.

"...so I told Quicksilver: 'Look the size of his wings. I still don't know how the big lug manages to get off the ground with those tiny things.' Seriously, he's gotta be on something, or Scootaloo should be really embarrassed." Rainbow Dash threw her head back and let out a laugh. When she finally caught her breath, she noticed Fluttersy looking off into the distance. Her maroon eyes followed the shy pegasi's gaze and everything became clear. Rainbow Dash leaned forward speaking in a comforting tone.

"Are you worried about camping in the forest?"

"A little..." Fluttershy meekley confessed, hiding behind her pink bangs.

"I thought you of all ponies would be excited. Sure, that place is waaay scary, true. But there might be some... uh cute creatures in there, waiting to be discovered."

"Really?" Fluttershy perked up. "I didn't think about that."

"Yeah, you might even find that Manti-"


Fluttershy let out a squeaking yelp and took cover under a table. A grey, blonde maned pegasus clumsily hovered above the table with a mailbag hanging from her neck. Her golden eyes seemed to keep both Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy in focus ... at the same time. Fluttershy peeked from under the table, letting out a sigh of relief.

"Thank you, would you like a muffin?" Fluttershy asked while the mailmare handed her a stack of letters. The grey pegasi's walled eye's lit up at the offering. She happily snared the largest muffin from the tray and glided away, carefully balancing the treat on her nose despite her awkward style of flight. Rainbow Dash shook her head as she sat back down.

"So, like I was saying, you might even find that Manticore you helped when we went to look for the elements."

"That would be nice." Fluttershy replied, looking up from the envelopes she was shuffling though. "But what are the odds that we run into a Manticore and it's that manticore?"

"I dunno, there can't be that many of those things in the Everfree right? But then there's gotta be at least two starting out..."

Fluttershy smiled at the thought and felt a little better about the trip. She shuffled through the stack of letters and stopped at a rather large envelope. The butter colored pegasus took a gulp as stared at an ominously familiar wax crest sealing it. Angel looked up at his mistress and emphatically drooped his ears in concern. Rainbow Dash's voice faded out to a faint atmospheric echo as Fluttershy stared at the marble tinted parcel. Working up enough courage, she broke the seal and her aqua eyes skimmed the expensive looking paper.

"...do you think Manticore lay eggs? ... Fluttershy?" Rainbow Dash broke out of her one sided conversation, seeing her friend staring off into the distance as if there were a flock of dragons invading Ponyville. After looking behind just to make sure, Rainbow Dash got up and approached the frozen pegasus for a closer look.

"Fluttershy? What's wrong? Fluttershy? ... Fluttershy?!"

"Don't you think you're a bit over prepared?" Twilight asked, darting her eyes to the over sized rucksack on Rarity's back. Along with the large bag she seemed to effortlessly carry, the stylist was draped in a camouflaged cloak with matching safari hat, garnished with various plastic fauna.

"You can never be over prepared for such a perilous journey, Twilight." Rarity replied, levitating a mirror and applying face paint that matched her ensemble. Twilight couldn't help but wonder how she could focus on makeup without looking where she was going as Rarity instinctively sidestepped a deep puddle in the dirt path.

"You do realize that we're not going into the forest until tonight, right?" Twilight deadpanned. Rarity lowered her mirror and looked back with an awkward grin.

The two unicorns cleared the last hill leading to Fluttershy's cottage to see Rainbow Dash approaching them with a grave look of concern.

"Guys, we got a problem!" Rainbow Dash called out, flapping around frantically. "Something's wrong with Fluttershy!"

Twilight and Rarity exchanged glances and looked up at their panicked cyan friend. Before either unicorn could ask anything, Rainbow Dash shot off in a spectral blur, only stopping to look back and see if the others were following.

"Don't just stand there, get over here!" The pegasus scolded before disappearing over the clearing. Twilight and Rarity nodded to each other and took off in a full gallop towards Fluttershy's house.

"...and then when I asked her if Manticores lay eggs or not, I looked up and she was like this." Rainbow dash explained. Angel sat atop Fluttershy's head, waving a paw in front of his caretaker's thousand yard stare. Twilight nosed though her saddlebag and produced a small flashlight from her first aid kit and shined the light in Fluttershy's eyes. Nodding and humming in satisfaction, she turned around to address Rainbow Dash and Rarity.

"It looks like she's in some kind of trance."

"That's it?" Rainbow Dash asked, dissatisfied with the prognosis. "How do we snap her out of it?"

"Poor thing, it's like she's frozen with fear." Rairty added in, waving in front of the frozen pair of aqua eyes. Twilight continued thinking to herself before she turned to Rainbow Dash.

"What was the last thing you remember Fluttershy doing before she went into shock?"

Rainbow Dash let out a frustrated snort.

"I told you already, we were eating muffins and gossiping about the weather patrol. The mailmare dropped in... literally and scared the horse apples out of us. I asked Fluttershy if Manticores lay eggs and then she froze."

Twilight took a step closer.

"The mailmare scared the two of you? Did Fluttershy go into shock then?"

"No, she was just fine, a bit shooken up... you know how she is." Rainbow dash noticed both unicorns plus a white bunny nodding sagely. "But after getting handed a stack of letters, she offered the mailmare a muffin. So then, she was looking through her mail, and-"

Rainbow Dash stopped in mid sentence, feeling something pulling at her tail. She looked down and saw Angel hopping up and down holding a stack of envelopes. Twilight levitated the bundle from him and looked through each one, reading aloud.

"Congratulations! You may have already won 10,000 bits!"

"Lose six inches off your flanks in less than six weeks..."

"Dear recipient, I am the finance minister of Zerabwe I regret to inform you that the king has passed. I need to send the contents of our treasury to Equestria for safe keeping. But I need your bank account number to do so..."

Twilight stopped and rolled her eyes.

"Do you owe over 5,000 bits of debt?"

"Increase your horn length and or girth in less than 30 days!"

The librarian looked up cross eyed at her own horn and then looked at Rarity's horn which seemed to be a few inches longer.

"Twilight, it's not the size that matters, it's how much magic you have within it." the fashionistia announced waving dismissively.

Twilight blushed in embarrassment and looked back down, cycling through the letters. "What's this?" She asked, coming across an opened wax sealed envelope. Twilight carefully put the broken seal together, taking note of the crest resembling a beaming sun, peeking over a cloudy horizon. With a raised eyebrow, she carefully glanced over the paper's contents, looking more and more confused with each pass.

"It looks like this was sent to the wrong address. Fluttershy's name isn't even mentioned at all."

"Here, let me have a look." Rarity quickly swiped the letter in her own magical grasp and began reading aloud.

"To my beloved little Butterfly..." The fashionista looked over at the still statuesque Fluttershy, taking note of the pink butterflies on her flank. "It feels like a lifetime since I've last held you in my arms... This injustice shall go no further... Be it dragon, or Tirek himself... nothing shall stop our precious reunion..." Rarity blinked twice looking back at Fluttershy, looked back down at the letter, reading to herself mouthing each word. A blush formed on the alabaster mare's face as she levitated a red couch from out of frame and threw herself across it swooning.

"Looks like we found what broke Fluttershy..." Rainbow Dash said flatly while lightly jabbing Rarity in the side a few times. The fashionista snapped back to reality with a giddy grin on her face.

"Girls, I think this is a love letter." Rarity whispered. Twilight and Rainbow Dash both looked at the rigid pegasus.

"Fluttershy with a coltfriend?" Rainbow dash scoffed. "I tried setting her up with Thunderlane when he moved to Ponyville. He said she couldn't stop talking about bunnies and chipmunks all night. Beside, if Fluttershy did have a special somepony, don't you think I'd be the first to know?" Rainbow Dash tapped at her chest proudly.

"Okay, that makes sense.... I guess... but who's the letter from, Rarity? ... Rarity?" Twilight looked over at the fashionista as she continued reading the letter again in awe. Almost instinctively, she looked at the leering Twilight and Rainbow Dash which she responded with a high pitched 'squee.'

"Erm, right... the signature is a bit hard to make out, but it looks like... Sunburst."


Twilight turned her attention to the starstruck Rainbow Dash.

"Who's Sunburst?" Twilight asked the cyan pegasus, raising an eyebrow. Rainbow Dash fluttered her wings and did a back flip, landing on top of Fluttershy's chicken coop.

"Who's Sunburst?! Why, he's one of the most daringest of daredevils! That guy doesn't have a fearful bone in his body. I still remember when I saw him do a double inside out loop through three rings of fire ... while blindfolded!" Rainbow Dash proudly boasted, flying circles above the two unicorns in excitement. Rarity looked back at the stiff pegasus, stroking at her chin.

"Why would Fluttershy have such a dangerous love interest?"

"Give it a rest Rarity." said Rainbow Dash, landing in front of the fashionista. "Sunburst has been doing stunts long before the Wonderbolts. I had to see his stunt shows on film... in black and white! He's probably old enough to be Fluttershy's..."

Fluttershy stood in the same position since reading the mysterious letter. Neither bunny, pegasi, nor unicorn were able to snap the shy pony out of her trance. But despite being several yards from Rainbow Dash, the single utterance of a single word rang in her ears.


"Eep!" Fluttershy squeaked, snapping out of her shock which immediately transformed into panic. With an amount of velocity that would put Rainbow Dash to shame, she shot into her cottage, slamming the door. Rarity and Rainbow Dash took off towards the house trying to make sense of the her retreat.

Twilight nonchalantly took a few careful steps in the opposite direction as she quickly lifted up the horn enhancement ad she browsed through earlier and slid it into her saddlebag. The librarian looked down watching Angel folding his arms and giving her a menacing scowl. Twilight replied with a menacing scowl of her own as her horn lit up, eyes glowing in an emissive white light.

"Celestia help me, If you tell anypony or anything about this, I'll...

"Come on Twilight!" Rainbow Dash shouted, peeking out from the cottage window. Twilight looked back down at Angel, who was already making his way for the cottage's doorway. He waved back at the librarian, but without using all of his didgets. Twilight gave the bunny the same glowing eyed scowl and slowly mouthed the words 'rabbit stew.'

"Come on out Fluttershy! So, what if your dad is coming to visit. What's the big deal?" Rainbow Dash called out, knocking on the shy pony's bedroom door. "Give me some help here." she whispered, looking back at Twilight and Rarity. Before either unicorn could think of any words of encouragement, Fluttershy spoke up from within her room.

"What about your family Rainbow Dash? What if they came to visit?"

"Uhh..." The cyan pegasus stammered, stepping back. She took a deep breath to bolster some confidence. "I don't know much about my old man. But my mom..." Rainbow Dash let out a nervous chuckle. "...she'd probably raid Rarity's boutique."

"Really?" Rarity perked up at the mention of her establishment.

"Yeah, she'd drag me along to try on fru-fru outfits all day. She always likes to dress in style." Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes at the last statement.

Rarity let out a giggle and then approached Fluttershy's door.

"Is this what you're worried about darling? Are you embarrassed by your parents?"

There was no response from Fluttershy. Rarity frowned a bit and lamented about her own parents.

"Mumsy and dadsy embarrass me all the time deary. Their outdated clothing, those oh so dreadful, dreadful accents..."

"Mumsy and dadsy?" Rainbow Dash put a hoof over her mouth, holding back a laugh.

Rarity and Rainbow Dash looked back at Twilight, who quickly put away a letter she was reading, carefully concealing it from prying eyes.

"Sorry, but aside from my brother that just happens to be the captain of the royal guard I somehow didn't mention until recently even though he's my BBBFF... I got nothing." The lavender unicorn whispered.

"Come on Twilight, you parents have to do something that ruffles your mane." Rainbow Dash whispered back. Twilight thought for a moment and smiled to a realization as she approached Fluttershy's bedroom.

"Well, mom and dad do go on boasting about how I'm Princess Celestia's star pupil with other parents at the country club." Twilight looked over to Rarity forced a smile and made a gesture, beckoning for more. Twilight rolled her eyes and threw out some impressions of her parents voices.

"Oh, our little Twilight is so talented. She brings great honor to our house. Isn't that right honey?" Twilight squeaked in a thick neighpanese accent. She waved an imaginary fan in her face and let out a boisterous noblemare laugh.


She turned the opposite direction and took a few puffs from an invisible pipe while reading an imaginary newspaper. "Mmmm, yes, that's our little twinkler, nyahaha..." The librarian jutted her chin out to add to her father's snooty cackle.


Both Rarity and Rainbow Dash doubled over laughing uncontrollably. A blush formed on Twilight's cheeks, realizing she said a bit too much. Suddenly, a the creaking of Fluttershy's bedroom door drew everypony's attention to a pair of aqua eyes peeking out from the doorway accompanied by a smile.

"... and then mom ran around like her tail was on fire. That crab held on for dear life!" Rainbow Dash chuckled.

Fluttershy, Rarity and Twilight all giggled at the blue pegasus imitating her mother shaking water out of her mane and screeching in horror. Rainbow Dash gave a bow and joined the others on Fluttershy's couch, helping herself to a oatmeal cookie from a tray of snacks sitting on the coffee table. The mares sat in silence, smiling at each other until Twilight cleared her throat to bring up the metaphoric elephant in the room.

"So Fluttershy, what are your parents like?"

Fluttershy almost choked on her juice, but looked around at the others as they leaned in, faces showing immense interest. The shy pegasus looked down with a frown forming on her face.

"Can I be honest for a second?" Rainbow Dash piped up. "I kind of thought your dad was ... you know, a dragon or something."

"A Dragon?!" Fluttershy looked to her childhood friend, eyes widened with terror. "Why would you think something like that?"

"I dunno, your fear of dragons, 'Flutterdad' being a dragon. It made a weird sort of sense in my head..." Rainbow dash scratched at the nape of her neck, at the awkwardness of her theory. Fluttershy glanced over at Twilight and Rarity, who both had the same look on their faces, as if they were thinking the exact same thing.
Suddenly, there was a loud knock at the door that startled Fluttershy into hiding behind the couch. Rainbow Dash let out a sigh and approached the door preparing to answer. The wooden door flew open, sending the cyan mare crashing into the corner. Rarity and Twilight looked up and both gasped, muttering amongst themselves.

"Rarity, is that.."

"Oh my, she looks just like..."

"Is that even genetically possible..."

"It's like looking into a mirror...."

The two unicorns gawked as an older pegasus mare entered the cottage. She had the same light pink mane, azure eyes and buttery coat as Fluttershy, but only a few shades paler. Aside from lighter colors, the only blaring difference between the older mare and their friend was her slender, almost fragile build and the three pink, green stemmed posies on her flanks.

"E-Excuse me, but ... um, is this the F-Fluttershy residence?" The mare stuttered in a breathy half whisper, hiding behind her bangs.

"Rarity? Did she just..."

"Sweet Celestia, she even has her mannerisms..."

The faded mare looked away whimpering. Completely flabbergasted by the uncanny resemblance, Twilight and Rarity continued to look on, speechless.

"Oh dear, not again. I-I was hoping to have the right house this time..." The mare sighed, turning to leave. A pair of azure eyes peeked up from behind the couch that grew wide in excitement.



Fluttershy flapped from behind the couch and glided in front of her slender duplicate. The two mares made eye contact, looked away from each other, pawing at the ground nervously. In unison they looked back at each other again before exchanging excited nuzzles and hugs. Twilight and Rarity snapped out of their initial shock and approached two mirrored pegasi that were already locked into their own conversation.

"F-Fluttershy. You look so... um.. thin?"

"Mommy, you're thinner than me..."

"A-Are you eating right? Your coat is practically hanging off of your bones..."

"That doesn't make any sense, I have the same body type as everypony else."

"N-No stallion is going to want to court a malnourished mare."


"No buts sweetie. N-Now open wide..." The older mare pulled a biscuit from her saddlebag.

"Mommy, I just had-Mmmmf! *gulp* mmm..." Fluttershy was interrupted by the pastry being shoved in her mouth. A euphoric smile curled across her mouth lost in the blissful flavor of buttermilk.

"T-That's better, keep you weight up so you can bring you mother lots and lots of healthy grandfoals."


Twilight and Rarity gathered on either side of Fluttershy and nodded to the older Pegasus. Fluttershy continued looking on until Rarity cleared her throat loudly and alerted the gentle pegasus.

"Right... Mommy, these are my friend's Twilight Sparkle and Rarity.

"Pleased to m-meet you." The paler mare whispered from behind her mane.

"The pleasure is all ours Mrs Shy." Rarity replied, giving a formal bow.

"P-Please, call me Posey..."

"Urrrrr... did somepony get the number that train?" A slurred voice called out from behind the open cottage door. Fluttershy and Posey both let out startled yelps as they leaped away from the doorway. The door creaked closed and Rainbow Dash stumbled to her hooves, shaking the cobwebs from her head. A pair of pink maned heads peeked out from under the couch, both making sure it was safe to come out.

"Oh my, I almost forgot. Mommy, this is my friend I met in flight camp, Rainbow Dash."

"T-That's Rainbow Dash?" Posey perked up with and excited squeal. The maternal mare glided over to the cyan pegasi that was too busy dusting herself off. Sweeping multicolored mane from her face, Rainbow Dash looked up at Fluttershy's senior doppelganger, staring with a wide smile on her face. When Fluttershy glided down next to her mother, a look of dissatisfaction swept over the face of Rainbow Dash.

"Awww crud, did I get another concussion? I'm seeing double."

Posey grabbed a blue forelong in both hooves and started shaking it wildly. She began to ramble like another butter colored pegasus when excited.

"No, you're not seeing double. At least I hope not. I'm Posey, Fluttershy's mother. My Fluttershy told me so much about you. I'm so glad we can finally meet. Especially since-"

"Whoah, take it easy. Slow down." Rainbow Dash took her hoof back. The blue pegasus looked over at Fluttershy, back at Posey, back to Fluttershy, and back again at Posey. "Wow, it's like looking into a-"

"Yes, yes, we've been over that already." Rarity jumped in. Rainbow Dash continued to look at the two pegasus mares in bewilderment as they both looked back, hiding from behind their bangs.

"Sorry, this is going take a second to get used to." Rainbow Dash turned to Fluttershy. At least she hoped it was Fluttershy. "So, where's your dad?"

"Is daddy not coming to visit?" Fluttershy asked Posey with hopeful eyes.

"He's not?" Posey responded cluelessly blinking twice. "Maybe I should go let him know."

Fluttershy put a hoof to her face, stroking her forehead. The cottage door flew open and once again crashed into Rainbow Dash. A large golden yellow, red maned pegasus stallion swooped in, carelessly knocking Twilight and Rarity back from the strong back draft.

"Where is she?! Where is she?!" The stallion shouted looking around frantically. Fluttershy peeked out from under the couch and took a deep breath as if preparing for her execution before coming out of hiding.


"My little butterfly!" Sunburst boomed, sweeping Fluttershy into his large forelongs hugging her tightly until she squeaked. The stallion sobbed wildly while nuzzling the shy pegasus. Rarity and Twilight looked up from behind the overturned coffee table whispering amongst themselves.

"Fluttershy's dad seems a bit... loud."

"A bit? Twilight, that has to be the understatement of the century."

"Kind of obvious which one she takes after, right?"


"Feeling better about 'mummsy and dadsy,' Rarity?"

"Much better... Twinkler."

The front door creaked closed again, revealing Rainbow Dash sitting on her haunches and swirling her head around dizzily. She finally focused her vision and smiled at the sight of Sunburst. She stood up, dusting herself off again and held a hoof out to greet a fellow stunt flyer.

"Mister Sunburst? I just wanted to say that it's an honer to- " Rainbow Dash was yanked up into the stallion's grip as he gave her bear hug.

"Well met, blue one! But you can save the formalities! From what my little butterfly has told me, you're practically family!" Sunburst announced, squeezing Rainbow Dash tighter. After hearing a few loud crunching noises, she struggled to escape his grip.

"Family?" Rainbow Dash looked down at Fluttershy as she looked back up sheepishly with an increasing blush across her cheeks.

"Flutter~shy! For buck's sake, I told you I wasn't like tha-" Rainbow Dash was interrupted again as Sunburst held her dangling upside down by her tail. The stallion narrowed his eyes and stroked his chin to examine the pegasus.

"You're a bit sickley looking than any stallion I've seen. Are you eating enough? ... Posey!"

"Y-Yes honey." Posey darted in front of Rainbow Dash, pulling another biscuit from her saddlebag.

"Sickley? I'm aerodynamic... Wait, You think I'm a stallion? I don't know if I should be flattered or mmmmf! *gulp* mmmm... delicious... w-what was I saying again? "

Sunburst dropped the pegasus on her back as he towered over her. Standing on his hindlegs, the stallion placed his hooves on his flanks heroically.

"Aerodynamic or not, you have a fire burning within you. Such youthful vigor... you almost remind me of myself." The large stallion announced, throwing his head back in a roaring boisterous laugh. Rainbow Dash, still laying on her back glanced up at Fluttershy. Before either one could say anything, Posey sat between them, clapping her hooves happily.

"I-I'm so proud of you Fluttershy. I can almost hear the pitter-patter of my grandfoals little hooves..."

Rarity and Twilight looked on, mortified at the display. The two mares drew in deep breaths and catiously approached the chaotic reunion in an attempt to settle everypony down. Already alerted by the presence of the unicorn duo, Sunburst picked them up in each forelong, giving the pair spine liquifying hugs.

"Look Posey, My little butterfly has so many friends! Which one of you will be the maid of honor?"

"Sorry *hnng!* but we just came from an *oomph* wedding." Twilight objected, in beween feeble attempts to escape Sunburst's embrace. Twilight looked over to Rarity and watched the fashionista effortlessly go limp and slip out of the deadly sign of affection. Rarity flipped away like a maretial artist, landing in front of Sunburst and Posey, carefully patting her coifed mane.

"I don't know where to begin darling, but you've been grossly misinformed. First off, Rainbow Dash isn't a-" Rairty felt a tug on her tail. She looked back to see Fluttershy shaking her head with pleading eyes.

"Rarity, just let them think she's a colt, just for now. I'll explain later." Fluttershy whispered, lower than usual. Rarity looked back at Sunburst, who was busy playfully boxing at a cornered and frightened Rainbow Dash while Posey loomed over her with another biscuit. Twilight managed to slink away and join up with Rarity and Fluttershy.

"I hope we don't have to cancel our trip because of this." Twilight whispered.

"What trip?!" Sunburst asked, drawing the attention of the three whispering ponies.

Seeing an opening to break up the increasing awkwardness, Twilight used her magic to upright the overturned coffee table. She pulled a map from her saddlebag, laying it out and motioned everypony to join her.

"Out of the question!" Sunburst slammed a hoof on the table. "No daughter of mine is going into that deathtrap of a forest!"

"But daddy..." Fluttershy whimpered looking up at her towering father. Sunburst's temper cooled instantly at the sound of his daughter's sweet voice and looked down at her smiling.

"Yes, my little butterfly?"

"I'm actually looking forward to the trip. My friends are here with me."

"Yeah, and Fluttershy is a lot stronger than you think." Rainbow Dash joined in, resting a reassuring hoof on her friend's shoulder. "She lives right next to the Forest anyway."

Sunburst turned his head, looking out the window and seeing the deadly forest just beyond the cottage's front yard.

"Hmmm, then there's only one thing left to do." The stallion hopped to his hooves, grabbed a large dresser and proceeded to carry it towards the door. Rainbow Dash Rarity, and Twilight looked on in growing confusion. Posey peeked her head out of the kitchen in twice the confusion.

"Daddy, what are you doing?" Fluttershy asked, landing between the large pegasus and the doorway.

"I'm moving you as far away from that dangerous forest as possible." Sunburst declared. "Living so close to that place, and now you want to go on a camping trip like it's nothing?"

Before Sunburst could take a step further, the dresser was pulled away in a purple forcefield of magic. The Stallion looked back at Twilight Sparkle effortlessly placing the furniture back against the wall behind her.

"It's not a camping trip, it's an expedition. We're going to explore the ruins of the royal pony sisters by order of her majesty, Princess Celestia!" Twilight boasted, adding the mention of the princess in exaggeration. Twilight planned the expedition by herself, but she was going to include it into a future friendship report. What's the difference? The mare thougth in the back of her mind.


Out at sea, Applejack leaned over the balcony of the large vessel leaving Zerabwe. Without warning, she felt an icy claw dance down her back causing her to shudder violently.

"You feeling any better Applejack?" Pinkie Pie asked, popping out from a nearby steam shaft.

Applejack gave her friend a slight nod before leaning her head back down on the balcony. She's had enough of those twitches to realize what had just transpired. One of her closest friends just told a big lie. The farm pony mulled over the thought until the boat hit a patch of turbulent waters. A tint of green blanketed Applejack's face as she held her head over the guardrail to physically express her discontent for traveling by sea.

(Continued in Pinkamena "Anansi" Pie)

"For the princess?" Sunburst parroted. He looked back at Fluttershy who looked back, hiding most of her face behind her mane. "But what does this expedition have to do with my little butterfly?"

"Everything, Sir Sunburst." Rarity piped up, taking a stance next to the shy pegasus. "Why, when we first went into the forest to confront Nightmare Moon, Fluttershy saved us from a ferocious manticore."

"A-A manticore? Nightmare Moon?" Posey asked, landing next to Sunburst.

"Yeah, and when this big dragon threatened to cover Equestria in a thick cloud of smoke for a thousand years, Fluttershy stared that overgrown lizard down and made him leave." Rainbow Dash added, joining Rarity and Fluttershy.

"My little butterfly felled a... dragon?" Sunburst arched an eyebrow glancing down at his sheepish daughter.

"That's not all. She even saved me from a dangerous cockatrice, while protecting three fillies." Twilight affirmed joining the rest of her friends. Sunburst and Posey exchanged glances and whispered amongst themselves.

"Fluttershy? Why do your parents think I'm a colt?" Rainbow Dashed whispered.

"I um, may have left out some details in my letters to them. I meant to clear up the misunderstanding, but they were so happy." Fluttershy explained, face increasing with blush. Sunburst and Posey finished their side conversation and the stallion approached the four ponies.

"You must really care about my little butterfly to lie about all those brave exploits." If it's such a big deal, she can go into the Everfree Forest with you. But, only on one condition..."

Fluttershy awoke to a sweet smell coming from downstairs. It was the familiar aroma of her mother's cooking. Posey was never the brightest apple in the bunch, but when it came to cooking, she was a genius. The smell grew stronger as Fluttershy advanced downstairs. With every step, the pegasus could envision every item on the menu: cinnamon pancakes with fresh apple syrup that could put Sweet Apple Acres out of business, cheese stuffed hash browns, wild berry oatmeal bars, and her mother's signature recipe of freshly baked 'buttershy' biscuits, so good that they melt in your mouth. There was another faint smell mixed in, even more familiar than her mother's cooking, but she couldn't quite figure out what it was. As she drew in a breath, focusing on the smell, it reminded her of fond memories that seemed to relax the usually anxious pegasus, but at the same time, made her stomach grumble even more than the meal that awaited her.

"Good morning butterfly!" Sunburst beamed, waving at his daughter from the couch he was sitting on. A couch that was once on the other side of the room. Fluttershy looked around and noticed that just about everything was rearranged, upsetting the balance of Fung-Sway that she spent years carefully aligning. She recalled the entire day she spent first moving in, making Big Macintosh shift and move furniture per her request as she rang symbols and fanned incense. She felt so guilty that day, but for some reason, Big Macintosh didn't seem to mind. In fact, he refused any form of payment at all and smiled the entire time.

"It felt a bit cramped in here, so I hope you didn't mind that I moved some of your stuff around." Sunburst mentioned thoughtlessly.

"No, I um, don't mind." Fluttershy lied with a forced smile. She could feel the bottom of her eye quiver slightly. It reminded her of Rarity, when Sweetie Belle tagged along on one of their weekly trips to the spa. Every bottle that broke and every customer that was injured that day made Rarity's eye spasm out of control. The familiar yet unfamiliar smell hiding behind a delicous breakfast grew stronger, overpowering her recollection and turning the gentle pegasi's attention to the kitchen.

"G-Good morning honey." Posey sang as she continued to flip a set of pancakes in a pan. "Breakfast should be ready in a few minutes. M-Maybe you should go wake your little friends up."

Fluttershy walked out of the kitchen, bumping into relocated a side table and causing a flower arrangement to wobble. She carefully reset the vase and took a few steps for the stairs. Suddenly, she stopped, took a few steps back and looked at the vase the flowers were sitting in. The vase was a long slender blue smoked glass tube, stretching out from a round funnel at the base. Sticking out from the base was a short metal tube that had a tiny flower placed in it.


"Y-Yes dear?"

"Where did you find this 'vase?"

"When your father was moving your f-furniture around, I happened to find that tucked in the bottom of your dresser. I still can't figure out why there's a hole in the base of that thing, you can barely fill it up with water."

Fluttershy's eye twitched further. The familliar, almost therapeutic smell grew stronger.

"Oh! Speaking of f-flowers..." Posey continued. "I watered your plants in the back yard."

Fluttershy's eyes widened, almost Pinkie Pie's level of wideness. She looked out the window above her mother and focused on a wooden structure in the distance.


"Y-Yes dear?"

"Did you go in my shed?" Fluttershy's held her breath, anticipating the worst.


Fluttershy let out a sigh of relief, but the smell grew a bit stronger, stinging Fluttershy's lips with familiarity.

"...Y-Your father did."

If the smell were a pony, it would have bucked Fluttershy's nose clear off her face.

"H-Honey, I know you're not an earth pony, but you should already know these things. P-Plants need sunlight, those poor little trees your father found in there were on the verge of death." Posey opened the fire pit at bottom of the kitchen stove as smoke began to fill the room. "I don't know where you got those plants from, but they weren't even worth using as k-kindling." Posey said, between snorts and coughs.

"You tell her Posey!" Sunburst added in with bloodshot eyes. The stallion was stuffing his face with biscuits. "Those things *mmmf* smelled so *smack* strange and *urp* all that funny colored smoke!" Sunburst chugged down a large mug of coffee. "Wow! All that work this morning must have taken it's toll, I've never felt so hungry!"

"I thinkI'll ... um, open a window." Fluttershy said sheepishly. She could feel her eye spasming out of control and a vein spidering from her temple.

The rest of the morning went on smoothly. Fluttersy managed to air out the cottage before any of her friends woke up. She did however, have to comfort an inconsolable Angel bunny, stopping him from diving into the stove in a selfless attempt to salvage one of the precious 'trees.' After breakfast, Rarity locked herself in the bathroom primping herself. Rainbow Dash took to the skies trying to burn off calories from the extra generous portion of food Posey gave her. Posey and Fluttershy were in the kitchen washing dishes as she tried to explain why that vase had a metal tube sticking out of it. Twilight Sparkle and Sunburst sat in the once again rearranged living room, going over the unfinished map of the Everfree Forest. Fluttershy was a bit relieved that she didn't have to camp in the forest last night as part of Sunburst's request. But her parent's conditions of accompanying the four ponies into the forest lingered in the back of the shy pegasi's mind.

"...then all we have to do is follow the riverbend and we'll be there in no time." Twilight concluded. Sunburst folded his arms, stroking his chin.

"No wonder you're her highness' number one pupil! I bet your parents speak highly of you Twilight Sparkle." Sunburst patted Twilight on the head, mussing up her pin straight mane.

"Heh... maybe just a little.." Twilight blushed at the overly enthusiastic praise while creeping away from the stallion. Sunburst took a closer look at the mapped out path.

"But why not take this mountain ridge to the east?" The staillion asked, pointing to a shorter route.

"Because that ridge doesn't exist anymore. Something caused an avalanche when we first went into the forest, conviently elimating shortcuts to the ruins. This map is a bit outdated but there aren't too many ponies willing to travel into the Everfree, let alone take the time to depict its topography."

The front door swung open and Rainbow Dash walked in, short of breath. The rainbow maned pegasus plopped down on the couch between Fluttershy and Posey who had recently finished cleaning up.

"Oh Rainbow Dash, you're j-just in time." Posey smiled, pulling out a large book.

"Mommy? Is that what I think it is?" Fluttershy asked in a shaky voice.

Rarity made her way downstairs, styled to her usual standards. The fashionista joined Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Posey on the couch.

"Did I miss anything important?" The white unicorn asked.

"N-Not at all, I was just about to show everypony this." Posey opened the book, revealing photos of a newborn butter colored, pink maned foal. A chorus of awwws reigned as Fluttershy slunk back behind the couch.

"Mommy?" Fluttershy asked, peeking from behind a cushion.

"Y-Yes dear?'

"Um, I don't think we have time for this. Maybe we could look at my baby pictures after we get back."

"Don't worry butterfly, there's always time for photos!" Sunburst chuckled, patting the shy pegasus on the head.

"I-I don't know honey, she might be right." Posey added in, halfway closing the album.

"Yeah, we should head out before it starts getting late..." Rainbow Dash interjected, meeting Fluttershy's pleading gaze. Twilight looked at the clock above the kitchen.

"Late? But it's only-" The lavender mare stopped to Rarity jabbing her in the ribs and gesturing towards an embarrassed Fluttershy. "Right, it is getting late, we really should start making our way for those ruins."

Fluttershy peeked up further from behind the couch as Posey closed the book shut.

"W-Well, in that case, let's skip ahead to Fluttershy's yearling days!" Posey reopened a book from a gathering of pages and settled on a picture of a thin butter colored pegasus huddled down and blushing. Next to the younger pegasus was a bed with a yellow stain in the middle of it.

Everything else was a blur to Fluttershy, she felt the vein in her temple getting larger right before everything went black. The pegasus couldn't recall any specific detail, but she was pretty sure she would spend many a night being haunted by the laughter. The one thing that did stick out were visions of Angel sticking his head in the stove'ves pit and taking long, deep breaths. She made a mental note to check with that grey mailmare to find out when she could pick up an express package from Jamareca.

Once Fluttershy regained conciousness, everypony made their way to the Everfree Forest. There weren't as many perils as she remembered. It might have something to do with traveling during the day. Rainbow Dash and Sunburst were flying further ahead, trading stories of dangerous stunts, and flying tips. Fluttershy lingered behind Twilight and Rarity as Posey glided between them, sharing any and all embarasing stories about her daughter. Her friends did their best not to laugh. Still blushing, Fluttershy felt a bit better because realized Posey wasn't telling that story. As they advanced further into the thicket, Sunburst drifted back to Fluttershy and the others.


"Yes daddy?"

"Do you still have that little problem at night?"


There it was. Fluttershy had hoped it would come from Posey, at least she could distract her mother with something philosophical. Worst case, get Angel bunny to jump out and scare her. Angel probably wouldn't object after this morning. But it came from Sunburst. All it would take was somepony to-

"What little problem?" Rainbow Dash asked, hovering alongside Sunburst.

It had to be Rainbow Dash. Fluttershy took flight, drifting ahead, hoping something, anything would leap out and attack.

"Ever wonder why my little butterfly always insists on having her own room when traveling? I bet she told you that she's a sleepwalker or something..." Sunburst leaned over to a nodding Rainbow Dash.

Timberwolves? Yeah, that would be disruptive enough. But they only come out during Zap Apple season, darn. Bats would be a safe distraction, but it's barely noon. A cockatrice? That would be perfect, maybe it could turn Sunburst into stone and run away. But cockatrice only come out at night too. Why do all the scary creatures have to be nocturnal?

Fluttershy broke out of her panicked thought pattern to hear the conclusion of Sunburst's embarrassing story. She thought about asking Big Macintosh to help her pack when she got home.

"... so the doctor said to switch to soy milk and keep a window open in her nursery every night just to be safe. I still feel sorry for whoever moved into that appartment after us, the smell is probably still in the walls..." Sunburst laughed, elbowing Rainbow Dash in the ribs.

"Oh my..." Rarity prepared to feint dramatically.

"Holy Celestia..." Twilight blushed.

"Bwahahahahahahahaha!" Rainbow Dash barrel rolled, holding her stomach with tears running down her face in laughter.

A surge of red started at the shy pegasi's neck and quickly rose up, enveloping her entire face. She could handle her parents thinking Rainbow Dash was her special somepony. Getting biscuits shoved in her face wasn't all that bad. The baby pictures? That would take some therapy to get over but still manageable. The destruction of her entire stash of 'trees?' A few bits in the bucket. But even Angel wouldn't dare tell anyone Fluttershy's most embarassing secret, because he knew that there'd be a severe drop in Equestria's bunny population. Fluttershy took a deep breath, realizing that she hasn't dropped dead from embarassment yet and Sunburst didn't tell them about her other nickname.

"At one point we even considered renaming her Flatushy!" Sunburst cackled uncontrolably. Rainbow Dash flopped to the ground, beating her hooves into the soil and struggling to breathe from laughing so hard.


Everypony stopped and looked up. Fluttershy had ascended above them, eyes burning with the fury of a vengful daymare. As the enraged pegasus glided down to the ground, she stared daggers at her parents, mainly Sunburst. Approaching with pent up malice expressed in each hoofstep.

"Why do you always do this?! Why do you always embarrass me?!"

Posey took a step forward.

"F-Fluttershy, don't talk to your father like th-"

"Stay out of it you studdering featherbrained buzzard! You always protect him!" Fluttershy roared. Posey slunk down whimpering.

"We came out in this forest to protect you. The least you could to is let us have a bit of fun." Sunburst called out, showing a slight sign of terror. Fluttershy landed and stomped towards the large stallion.

"Fun?... Fun?! How about I have a bit of fun with you daddy? Hey everypony..."

Rarity, Twilight and Rainbow Dash looked on as Fluttershy continued her verbal tirade.

"Shouldn't we stop her?" Twilight asked, looking to the others.

"Twilight, I don't even think we could stop her. That's a lifetime of pent up rage that almost needed to come out." Rarity said, almost speaking from experience.

"Just remind me to never get on her bad side." Rainbow Dash added. Rarity gave the rainbow pegasus an icy leer, installing extra guilt for laughing.

...and my daddy is a washed up stunt pony that likes to live in the past!" Fluttershy shouted to nobody in particualr. Sunburst's ears drooped down.

"B-But butterfly..."

"And that's another thing! I'm a grown mare, I grew up a long time ago! I'm not your little butterfly anymore!"

Sunburst grimaced from Fluttershy's harsh words. The large pegasus stumbled to his hooves and walked past his daughter, hanging his head down.

"If anypony needs me, I'll be *sniff* doing recon." Sunburst announced, mane hanging over his eyes. Extending out his full wingspan, the stallion took to the air, deeper in the forest and leaving behind a trail of moisture dripping from his face that glistened in the sunlight.

Fluttershy let out a twenty-something year sigh of relief and confidently walked in the direction of her cottage. Twilight raised a hoof, as if prepared to go into a speech but she felt something touch her shoulder. She looked back to see it was Rarity, shaking her head.

"Twilight, this is a family matter, they need to sort this out themselves."

Twilight looked back at Fluttershy spreading her wings and noticed Posey walking up behind her.


The Fluttershy stopped.

"I-I think you should go apologize to your father."

Fluttershy started to flap her wings.

"F-Fluttershy? I said you should go apologize to-"

Fluttershy closed her eyes and lowered her head. "...No..."


"I SAID NO!" Fluttershy turned around eyes widened, exerting a willpower that would bring emotional pain to any living thing that would dare meet her gaze. The painful look had many names for many ponies throught the ages, but the most prominent name for those who knew the shy pegasus using it was...

'The Stare'

Locked in the powerful glare, Posey took a step back. Her wings unfurled as a single tear ran down her cheek. Twilight and the others looked on in shock, as this was the first time any of them had ever seen Fluttershy use the stare on another pony. Twilight sent a spark of energy to her horn and took a step forward.

"Okay, this has gone far enough." the unicorn declared. As she took another step forward, something pulled her two steps back. She looked back at Rarity and Rainbow Dash pulling at her tail. Rarity let go of Twilight and pointed back at the event unfolding.

Still locked in the painful gaze, Posey took a deep breath. Her own eyes widened and unleashed a stare of her own. The two pegasi stared at eachother, aqua eyes to aqua eyes, drawing closer. The battle of willpower went on with either side relenting. Without warning, both pegasi collapsed and looked away whimpering. Posey was the first to come to her senses and picked herself up, trotting wearily over to her daughter. Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Twilight gathered around Fluttershy as she began to regather her thoughts.

"F-Fluttershy, I know you hate me right now but there's something you should know." Posey said as she pulled a book out from her saddle bag. The mare set the book down and nosed it over to her daughter.

"Mommy, I don't hate you or daddy. I hate being embarrassed like that."

"Whether you hate us or not, there's something you should know about your father." Posey sat down in front of Flutershy and opened the book. It was another photo ablum, but instead of baby pictures, it was filled with an assortment of clippings, ticket stubs, and programs from Sunburst's stunt flying events.

"You already know your father was a daredevil. He loved the spotlight, sometimes even more than me. But fame comes at a price." Posey turned the page. Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Twilight, and Rarity flinched at the sight. Several pictures of Sunburst in bandages filled the next pages. With each page turn, the injuries looked more severe. Broken legs, dislocated wings, neck braces, stitches, the pictures told a story of the dark side of flirting with danger.

"Sunburst lived for the spotlight. He lived for it until it nearly killed him. I can't remember how many long nights I spent unable to sleep. Wondering if I would wake to the day that Sunburst would give his final performance. He loved the spotlight and would die for one last chance to bask in it's glory. At least until he found something he loved more..." Posey turned the page. Fluttershy stared at the contents, eyes brimming with tears.

"Posey, what is it? It's a colt right? I can't wait to teach him my triple barrel roll..."


"...then, when he's old enough, my act could become a father son duo."

"C-Can we talk about this later I'm still in- NNNNNNG!"

"Think about it Posey... Sunburst and Son! That's got a nice ring, right? I should get Sparkler to make the costumes..."

"P-Please, Sunburst this isn't really the ti-ARRRRGGGH!!"

"...and then Firefly could show him the ropes. She's a much better flyer than me. Uh, Just don't tell her I said that."

*Splash!* "Uwaaaaaah! Uwaaaaaah!"

"S-Sunburst, look! It's a filly.."

"A filly?! How am I supposed to pass on my legacy to a-"


"She's ... she's so adorable... D'awwww look, she's already fluttering her little wings."

"H-Have you thought of a name yet?"

"How about Flutter? How's that little one? You want to be named Flutter?"


"S-Sunburst, I think you're scaring her."

"Maybe she's just shy... Hmmmm... wait a second..."


"I got it! How about Fluttershy? Hello, Fluttershy... my little butterfly..."

"What about your father and son act? Aren't you d-disappointed."

"A little, but you know what? I think I'm finally ready to retire."

"W-What?! When did you decide that?"

"Just now when I was looking into they eyes of my little butterfly. Look at all those times I've gotten hurt doing those dangerous stunts just to get some attention. Now, after seeing the face of my daughter, it doesn't really matter anymore. I want to be around as long as possible to watch my little butterfly grow up."


"...it was love at first sight. Sunburst never looked back at his stunt career ever again. He always used to say that each day that he could walk away from death was victory. Eventually, he started saying every moment he had you in his life was a blessing. And those nights I spent worrying about if Sunburst would have his final show? Recently, the've been shared with your father, staring into your old room. Holding on to those precious memories. Memories of his little butterfly." Posey closed the album and wiped Fluttershy's tears away.


"Y-Yes dear?"

"I need to go apologize to daddy."

Suddenly, a loud roar came from the deep thicket. Everypony looked around to find its source but there was nothing. Something lept high from out of the bushes, blocking the sun with its large body as it pounced. Rainbow Dash was the first to react.


The rainbow maned pegasus, for once in her life, froze with fear. All she could do was clench her teeth and cover her face.

"Oh, you're just a great big kitty aren't you? Did you miss me?"

Rainbow Dash looked out from between her forelegs and her jaw dropped.

"You gotta be kidding me..."

The manticore purred happly sprawled out on his back. Fluttershy hovered above him, playfully rubbing his belly. Posey looked on in amazement while Twilight fanned at the feinted Rarity.

"Look Rainbow Dash, it's a manticore, and it's that manticore. What are the odds?"

"Yeah, what are the odds?" Rainbow Dash said flatly.

"Fluttershy darling, shouldn't we be catching up with Sunburst?" Rarity groggily asked, sitting up.

Fluttershy stopped petting the manticore and descended to the ground as the large beast stood up. She thought for a few moments until a sly smirk overtook her face. The smirk faded back into her usual innocent smile as she addrressed the fashionista.

"Oh Rarity, I have a much better idea." Fluttershy gestured for manticore to lower his head, which he immediately obliged. The shy pegasus lifted one of his ears and began whispering. The manticore started smiling and began wringing his paws villainously.

Sunburst sat on the top of a large, vine covered rock. His eyes welt up with tears while mulling over a photograph. The heartbroken stallion sobbed to himself staring at a picture of his younger self, a mare that beared a striking resemblence to Fluttershy, and a tiny pink maned filly riding on his back. The pegasus choked back a few tears and forced a smile at the fond memory. Loud rumbling and roaring deeper in the forest pulled Sunburst back into the present.

"Daddy! Help!"

Sunburst's ears perked up. It was his little butterfly, calling for help. The stallion sprang into action, ascending into the air, his eyes locked on the rustling bushes. Fluttershy emerged from the thicket and ducked behind her father. Sunburst looked down, giving her a comforting smile. Another louder rustling drew his attention back to the foliage as a large manticore leaped from the bushes and threw his head back with a ground shaking roar.

"Don't move at all." Sunburst whispered. Fluttershy looked up from behind her mane nodding, while trying to look as scared as possible.

Sunburst swooped down and landed in front of the large feline hybrid, spreading his full wingspan and adding to his already impressive size. The stallion stared into the beast's eyes with a glare that only a parent proctecting their young could give. Sunburst and manticore pace circles around eachother, sizing eachother up. Eventually, the beast looked over to Fluttershy, giving her a reassuring wink.

"Don't you dare look at her you foul monster!" Sunburst declared, while rising above the manticore. "I've spent a good part of my life, dedicated to proctecting my little butterfly. As long as I draw breath, you will not harm a hair on her precious head!"

At the climax of Sunburst's threat, both Fluttershy and the beast exchanged glances, sharing an eye roll.

"Prepare youself for battle you abomination! For at this day's end, one shall rise, and one shall fall!"

Sunburst swooped down with deadly velocity, headbutting the large beast. The stallion gave all his might into that one blow, but it had no effect. Sunburst slid down the manticore's face and crumpled to the ground with his eyes rolled in the back of his head. The beast made eye contact with Fluttershy frowning as if he was expecting a longer fight. The mare looked back with apology across her face as she nodded. The manticore hopped back on his hind legs, stumbling while grasping his chest. In an overdramatic flourish he fell on his back. Fluttershy giggled at his theatrics as the beast retreated back into the forest. Hearing Sunburst stirring awake, Fluttershy ran over to him and picked his head up to support his neck.

"Daddy, Are you okay?"

"Are you okay, butterfly?"

"I'm okay."

"Then I'm okay too." Sunburst smiled, brushing Fluttershy's bangs from her face.

"You're beautiful, just like your mother. I never understood why you two always hide that beauty behind your manes." Sunburst laughed softly, a tear rolling down his cheek.


"I'm sorry for embarassing you so much Fluttershy. You grew up so fast. It feels like all I have left are the memories."

"No you'll always have me, no matter how grown up I am." Fluttershy pulled Sunburst's hoof up, stroking her cheek.

"I love you daddy."

"I love you too Fluttershy."



"Can I still be your little butterfly? Um, if that's okay with you."

The two pegasi hugged eachother tightly. Posey, Twilight, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity looked on smiling warmly. Wiping a tear from her eye, Twilight noticed something off in the distance, behind the two pegasi's heartwarming display.

"Is that..."

The librarian walked up to a large wall of foliage and magically cut through the greenery. Everypony gasped at the amazing sight of the ruins of the royal pony sisters, basking in the sunbeams peaking through the forest's trees. It was obvious that they centuries weren't kind to the stone structures as the weather damage told a clearer tale than the glyphs decorating its walls. Twilight led the group further into abandoned castle feverishly glancing at the wall scriptures and flicking through pages of her book. Most of the walls were already damaged beyond recognition making the trip seem like a complete waste. At least until they reached a large alter room with well preserved hieroglyphs that almost looked as fresh as the day they were chiseled.

"Have you had any luck yet Twilight?" Rarity asked, visually drinking in the glistening jewels that powdered the rooms walls.

Twilight started showing signs of frustration as she flicked through the book several times over. She looked up at the wall blinking, looked down at the book trying to mouth out something, but went back to scanning the wall again.

"There's nothing like these markings in the book. It's showing a passage of time... but it's just pictures. I-I don't know what it means." Twilight lamented, popping down on haunches in defeat. Sunburst approached the walls and silently hummed to himself in satisfaction before looking over at Fluttershy gesturing her to join him.

"I think I do, Twilight." Sunburst said. The others looked at the stallion as he put a wing around Fluttershy smiling.

"Mister Sunburst? Do you have a background in translating ancient Canterlot?" Rarity asked with a raised eybrow. Sunburst gave Fluttershy a loving nuzzle and looked back up.

"Not really..."

Sunburst's eyes grazed the surface of the ruins' walls. Starting at the top of the structure, there was an image depicting a male alicorn seemingly made out of the night sky itself. Walking behind him was a white alicorn filly basking in the fresh morning horizon. As the series of carvings scrolled across the wall, the filly progressively grew in size and distance from her male counterpart while the sun slowly rose in the sky. By the time the sun rose to its peak, the filly had caught up with the male alicorn, walking alongside him The very last marking before the wall was faded beyond recognition, depicted the male alicorn sitting next to a fully grown alicorn mare looking up at the moon leaning against each other.

"...I have a background in being a father..."

Sunburst and Posey hovered in front of Fluttershy's cottage as Twilight, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash looked on. The rest of the evening was spent sharing embarassing stories, photo albums, and Fluttershy trying to explain to her mother why her 'coltfriend' didn't have a squared muzzle like other stallions. By the time they finally reached the cottage, the sun was setting, telling its own tale of a day's end.

"Until next time my little butterfly?"

"Daddy, you and mommy can stay longer... if that's okay with you." Fluttershy said genuinely.

"Yeah, I didn't even get to show you my buccaneer blaze." Rainbow Dash called out. Sunburst drifted down to the cyan pegasus and Fluttershy rested a hoof on their shoulders.

"It's not goodbye, more of a 'see you later.' I'll be back, you can count on it." Sunburst put a foreleg around Rainbow Dash pulling her aside. "Hey, I just wanted say sorry for mistaking you for a stallion. Fluttershy speaks so highly of you, her letters were a bit confusing." Sunburst glanced up at a blushing Posey.

"No worries." Rainbow Dash said with a smile. "It actually makes me feel better about trying out for the Wonderbolts."

"The Wonderbolts?!" Sunburst did a double-take at the mare. "Why didn't you say so? Firefly is their personal trainer, the two of us go way back. I'll make sure to put in a good word for you."

"Really?!" Rainbow Dash's eyes lit up like a pair of sonic rainbooms.

"Anything for a friend of my little butterfly. Just do me a favor..." Sunburst drew closer to whisper. "You seem to be a lot closer to my daughter than the others. My little butterfly has a lot of love to give. So, should you find that somepony tries to take advantage of that love and breaks her heart..."

Rainbow Dash clopped her front hooves together menacingly.

"Atta' girl!" Sunburst chuckled, slapping the cyan pegasus on the back, accidently crashing her to the ground.

"E-Excuse me, but um, does this mean I shouldn't be expecting any g-grandfoals anytime soon." Posey drifted down with steepled hooves.

Twilight, Rarity, and Fluttershy and Sunburst put a hoof to their faces in unison.

"Don't worry, I'll explain to her on the way." Sunburst winked, as he gained altitude. "Come on Posey!"

"Y-Yes dear." Posey looked back to Fluttershy giving her own parting words. 'M-Make sure you eat right Fluttershy. There's a lot of handsome stallions around, I-I saw a very strong looking red one at a farm not too far from here. M-Maybe I should stop by before heading back-"



The two pegasi ascended into the direction of Coudsdale, waving before dissapearing in the clouds.

"My, my, that was quite an exciting weekend." Rarity said, plopping down.

"Yeah, I feel like Daring Do when she went in search of the Lost Mark." Rainbow Dash said, masaging her shoulder.

"It wasn't all bad, right Fluttershy?" Twilight smiled looking behind her. "Fluttershy?"

Everypony looked inside the cottage and watched as Fluttershy and Angel hung their heads over the stove's still smoking kindler taking long, deep breaths.