• Published 6th Mar 2015
  • 7,408 Views, 340 Comments

inFAMOUS: Second Storm - FrostTheWolf

A young conduit that lives in San Diego does not know what he got himself into after saving a young girl during a hostage crisis.

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Chapter 15- Maelstrom

Chapter 15- Maelstrom

Seattle, Washington

Shawn had many thoughts rolling through his head by the time he got off the phone with Augustine. Of course, most of these thoughts though were of personal doubt. Did he really make what Delsin and everyone else would call “A deal with the devil”? He might’ve told her that he wanted to get it done his way, but with how he hung up the call earlier and did not give Augustine a chance to respond to him, was she actually going to allow him to do that? He didn’t think so. He thought that Augustine would see him as reacting based on his emotions instead of thinking clearly. Which could be anyone’s downfall if you don’t have any control over them.

He was currently on the way to Tacoma international airport, and the weather was beginning to pick up. It was getting cooler and the clouds in the sky meant that the forecast called for showers later in the day. Shawn himself was taking a breather on the rooftop of CenturyLink Field. Home of the Seattle Seahawks. The stadiums retractable roof was already closed, but he was right now on it as he looked back at his phone. It had been almost an hour since he barged out on the group when he had got the news from Roman and his deal. Within that time, he had received a few missed calls from Delsin, the Sheriff, and other individuals that he met. But looking through his voicemails and text messages, he had noticed one that he had come across that he didn’t notice before. The number was unlisted. Unrecognizable. But when he read the text, the snow conduit was startled by who it was from.

‘I warned you, yet you didn’t listen. Now, you are beginning to suffer the consequences for your actions. You and I are not playing the same old game as before. I will be seeing you soon, Snow Angel. Just don’t do anything stupid until then.’

It was Janus. Yet, she wasn’t rhyming or anything like the last time he encountered her. Instead, she was speaking clearly. But he could recognize the voice. Yet, what did she mean? Shawn took a moment to try and reply to the message.

“What are you talking about and how did you get my number?” He asked in his next message. Moments after he sent it though, he got a quick and sudden reply.

‘The reflections of any surface are an extra set of eyes. I can see a lot of things. Especially your movements. However, I can’t hear what you say. Hence, why I am responding to you.’

“Then why are you trying to hide who you are? Seems kind of fishy that you kidnap Twilight and her friends only to turn back around and try to help me seconds later.” Shawn replied back as he hit the send button. Looking at the watch on his wrist, the time read “4:57pm”. He had another two hours before Augustine would arrive. His phone dinged with the Fluttershy “yay” sound effect, indicating he got a reply back.

‘There’s a saying I know that fits your question. “In order to save my city, or in your case… the entire country, I have to be someone else. I have to be something else.” I had to portray myself as something else because I didn’t want to risk myself hurting other people anymore. Do you understand now?’

That surprised Shawn, giving him an idea of what to say next. “What are you trying to be then? A vigilante?”

‘You can say that. I would be more concerned with yourself for now. We’ll talk when the time is right. You got someone else to deal with right behind you.’

The moment that Shawn read that, he looked up and had to dodge to the side of the slick surface he was on as the Conduit looked up. He was now seeing Celia, who now had paper flying around her that looked to be as sharp as knives.

“Hey, what gives!?”

The conduits “reply” was throwing even more paper knives at Shawn, who had to dash across the rooftop to not get hit by them. He was almost grazed at one point, but was still mobile as he tried to fight back with a few Hail shots. The bullets of ice were deflected by the origami flowing around the white rabbit as she tried to wound him.

“With you out of the way, I can get to Augustine. That way, I can show her how much I have learned while she was gone.”

‘Sh*t. She’s trying to kill me to get to Augustine?! That’s clever of her, but also really f***ed up.’ The snow conduit thought, tossing a blizzard grenade that went off at Celia’s feet. “If you want to try and get me, you’re going to have to try and catch me!!” With that, the Snow Angel took it to the Skies and glided across to the next building as he continued to run, absorbing water from a birdbath as a “to go” refill on his powers before dashing again. When Celia got closer, Shawn fired an Arctic Missile not only to hit her, but to propel himself forward. During the confusion, the conduit made a quick call and put it on speaker as he continued to run.

“Mr. Kingston? I didn’t expect you to call so soon-.”

“No time for that!! You remember your student, Celia?”

The phone line paused for a minute before she responded. “Yes, what about her?”

“Take a guess at who’s trying to kill me!” Shawn hollered, dodging a few paper projectiles that were shaped like cranes as they shattered the nearby glass windows of the local buildings. “How much longer until you are at the Airport!?”

“Thirty minutes. We’re taking a shorter, direct route to there as we speak.”

“Well, try your best to get here faster-. AGH!” Shawn flinched in pain as one of the knife like shots that Celia blasted at him cut through his right arm. “Son of a-!”

“W-what happened?”

“She almost nailed my arm!!”

“Hang in there. We’re going as fast as we can! Just try to hold on for a little while longer.”

“I’M ALREADY TRYING THAT-!” He yelled before hanging up the phone. He needed to focus his priorities on running away from his possible killer than talking to one. Boy, was this really what his life had come to? He was almost halfway to the airport and in order to block off the White Rabbit’s main route, Shawn had to drop a few snow like mines the size of golf balls and have them get ran over by a DUP convoy. When the vehicle flipped and the troops got out, their attention was focused on Celia instead of him, giving the Snow Angel a window of opportunity to escape in the maelstrom of chaos that had occurred.

Man, if Discord were actually here, the Draconequus would be proud of the Conduit and his tactics.

Anyways, after taking some time to recover and blend in, Shawn’s next priority was to get to Tacoma International Airport. Which would be hard to do, if there wasn’t an air conditioning system that served as a perfect entry point for him. But he had no time to waste.

The clock was ticking and it wouldn’t be long until Celia found him again. He absorbed another huge puddle of water that was on the runway to heal himself as he checked the clock.


Augustine said “thirty minutes” only ten minutes ago. Which meant he needed to hold his own for another twenty minutes. A call tried to come in for Shawn from Celestia, but he ignored it. He had higher priorities to deal with and one of them was trying to survive. Looking up, he saw a flight tower to his right and began to make his way towards there. He thought that it would be best for him to have a vantage point to know where Celia might be coming from in order to hold out on his own.

Because now, this turned into a deadly game of hide and seek.

“That’s… odd. Shawn isn’t picking up his phone.”

“He’s not?” Delsin replied. “It’s almost been an hour. Where could he be?”

“I don’t know. He did look emotionally distressed when I saw him ran off.” Celestia told the Akomish Conduit. She was going to continue, but something that caught Eugene’s attention was now becoming a major concern.

“Uhh guys… I found Shawn. And it’s not good.”

Using his powers, Eugene plucked a internet link from his computer and threw it onto the nearby TV like a game of darts. As it dispersed and reformed back onto the TV, something began to play. It was a news broadcast of Downtown Seattle.

“We got breaking news of a MASS disturbance in downtown Seattle involving two conduits. One that appears to be the so called “Snow Angel” that has been discussed about across Social Media and another conduit that is known as “The White Rabbit”. The White Rabbit was known solely for the infamous police case that was called “The Paper Trail” and has only been seen once or twice. Why the two of them are chasing each other is unknown, but Law Enforcement and the DUP are trying to look into the matter and have encouraged citizens to please stay in their homes for both of these two are considered extremely dangerous.”

“Dammit. What the hell is he thinking!?” Delsin snapped. “Is he just trying to get himself killed?”

“We don’t know that. Hell, we don’t know anything right now,” Eugene replied. “I’m trying to snoop into recent reports and logs of the DUP, but nothing has occurred recen-... Uh oh.” The Video Conduit paused, looking at a recent report that he found from San Diego. with is, a list of captives that they have arrested.

The first two names on the list being the names of Shawn’s parents. The others… were a series of Conduits that they were holding in their house at the time of the incident.

“Eugene, talk to me.”

“This may be bigger than we originally thought…”

“Where are you?” Shawn thought to himself. Time was ticking away slowly, but his patience was growing thin. He had to hurry if he were to save his parents, Luna and the others that Roman was holding hostage. Despite Augustine saying that Trixie was going to help with making sure Luna and the others were safe, he wasn’t quite sure if he would trust a stage performer with the lives of his friends. He also needed to be careful of where exactly Celia could be. She seemed to be the Conduit with a lot of tricks up her sleeve, so he had to do whatever he could in order to not let his guard down.

Soon, the huge DUP airliner was beginning to fly in as Shawn saw it land on the runway. He dashed downwards, landing on the ground at the place where the hatch for the plane would open and waited. Setting down a couple of frozen orbs behind him just for precautions. As the hatch opened, the concrete conjurer of the DUP stepped out. She was a lot different in appearance since the last time Shawn had seen Augustine make a public appearance, but it wasn’t unsettling to say the least.

“So… You are Shawn Kingston? I expected you to be… different.”

Before he could respond, Shawn heard the sound of paper being launched at him from behind and smashed the orbs by his feet. Using the creations as a frozen barricade, he turned back to Augustine. “No time to talk. Celia’s here and she’s pissed.”

Looking up, Augustine now had a clear look at the girl with the paper mask and gasped in shock. She was very different now. Different from the last time she had seen her. She wasn’t the sweet peaceful girl that she had raised anymore. But a cold blooded and merciless killer. This was not what she wanted to have her become.

“RRRHHH!!” She screamed, throwing paper stars that Shawn blocked with his powers. The plane was slowly trying to take off while all the commotion was going on.

“Close the hatch!!” Augustine ordered to one of her troops. But when they tried, paper knives ravaged across their chest and through the body armor that they were wearing. Shawn, in response, used another grenade to try and blind the paper conduit to buy them more time. When the grenade faded away, Shawn noticed that there were a series of puddles nearby her and got an idea. Using his powers, he caused the water to spring to life, wrapping it around and freezing Celia’s outstretched hands before she could respond. By then, the plane was successfully in the air and the hatch was sealed.

“That… was some quick thinking. You seem to know how to control your powers quite well.”

“Thanks… but I can still improve.” The Snow Conduit sighed. “So, I am to assume that we’re heading back to California?”

“Yeah, but with the way things are, we got about five hours until we make it back. Don’t worry though, it won’t be until we get closer to our destination that we’ll have to discuss the plan over with you.” Augustine told him, noticing his hands as they glowed a little with his snow powers. “Just out of curiosity, how long have you had your powers for?”

“Why do you ask?” Shawn replied. He was hesitant in trying to open up to Augustine. After all the things she had done while in power, he was unsure if she was someone he could trust.

“We got five hours yet until we land. With Trixie being back at our Destination and the other conduit Robert flying the plane, we still have a lot to discuss.”

“...... Four years. You might be surprised as to how someone like me could have been under the DUP radar in that amount of time, but it wasn’t easy, let me tell you that,” Shawn began to speak, pulling up a chair and sitting down. “I was a nervous wreck when I first got them. I was worried that I would get taken away from my family… That I would be seen as a freak… All of this caused me to feel bad about myself. But when I decided to do something about it, my parents fully supported me. Dad helped me build a training facility in the basement of my home so I could have a place to practice my powers and in return, I promised not to demonstrate my powers in public. Recently though, things have changed. A lot.”

“Changed? What do you mean?” Augustine asked, confused.

“Remember when you said about how you found Trixie?” Augustine nodded her head. a sign for Shawn to continue speaking. “Well, two weeks ago at the mission valley mall, a gunpowder conduit named Pablo held up a target store and had a little girl hostage. I beat him and rescued her, only to have her asking for my help the next day. She is what Trixie and a few others like her know as Luna. She came here with her sister Celestia because many people like Trixie had been forcefully taken from their own and brought here. Not only that, but they also became conduits.”

“She told me of something like that. A world called Equestria correct?” Shawn nodded his head. “Well, that explains it.”

“What do you mean by it?” He asked.

“I’ve been trying to help Trixie with her powers, but every time she learns something new, she gets a vision of someone that she recognizes. Trixie had even mentioned names, including the two individuals you said before.”

“Celestia and Luna.”

Augustine nodded, using her powers to form a place for her to sit. “So, how many of these conduits are we looking at?”

“Excluding Luna and Celestia, there’s twelve. I excluded both of them since they came here on their own and have been trying to help fix the problem. So far, I’ve met only like… nine. If you count the ninth one being Chrysalis, a conduit that tried to kill me using glass and is in league with Celia.”

“Glass? Her power is glass?”

“Yeah.” Shawn sighed. “Both hot molten glass and shards. Also, she could shapeshift since that’s one of her traits back home.”

“What other powers do these other conduits have? I know that Trixie can use energy, but I’m curious as to what the others have.” Augustine replied honestly. She had seen many abilities, but with these new conduits being spoken of, the conduit was interested in hearing about their powers. Shawn complied, not mentioning names, but mentioning what the powers were. Wind, Storm, ESP, Ink, Dragonfire, Crystal, Magic, Sound, Light, and Solar energy. The two of them continued to conversate and share information about what they knew. Later on, Shawn mentioned Janus and her powers. Telling her that she was unsure what kind of role that she had been trying to play.

Augustine had suggested that Janus sounded more like a vigilante that was, in another way, a guardian angel. For reference, she even mentioned that all heroes at one point are seen as the villain because they were afraid. Anyone can be afraid of something they know nothing about and that definitely fit the bill. She experienced this personally days after she discovered her powers and the experiences the concrete conduit had influenced a lot of her decisions. From forming the DUP to what she had in mind as a safe haven for keeping conduits safe. However, she forgot one major factor.


People had the right to choose whether or not they think that something would benefit both themselves and the country as a whole. Instead, Augustine abused her power as head of the DUP to force her authority onto others. A mistake she truly regrets and now, she saw that same mistake and arrogance in Roman.

“Augustine? Can I ask you something?”

The question had the conduit snap out of her brief flashback and look back at Shawn. “Sure, What’s on your mind?”

“How exactly are we going to pull something like this off? In the DUP book, wouldn’t this be treason?”

“I don’t care about that. Right now, I just want to focus on the first step of the plan.”

“Would that involve putting me in restraints?”

“Mostly. But these ones I’m placing dry ice in. It may be hazardous to humans… But to conduits, it’s not. Specifically for you, this may provide you energy over time and once you have enough energy, you can break out of them.”

“That’s… actually not a bad idea.” Shawn complimented.

“Augustine, we’re only two hours out from our destination. Both of you better get up here and strap yourselves in.”


“Dang it… Things are just too boring around here…” A certain Draconequus was saying to himself as he roamed around the cottage that a friend of his let him stay at. “Matter of fact, too strange.” The spirit of chaos, who was properly named Discord, had been feeling some strange shifts in the flow of magic over the past few days.

Magic to him was like a map and each being that controlled it was like a location. If they disappear completely, the town was “wiped” off the map. But there had been too many individuals disappearing as of lately. He can’t get his head around it, but somehow, The Princesses, Celestia’s student, two other elements of harmony, the student’s assistant and various other ponies had disappeared. The amount of magic in total would equal the size of a small town the size of Ponyville. Something like this though was not something that could just be ignored.

Thinking to himself, he tried to create a rectangular like screen in which he would use his chaotic like magic to try and find wherever one of the princesses would be or where one of those other ponies had went. After finding them, the screen would then show the events that they had seen within a certain amount of time. But strangely enough, a trial run lead to him not finding the royal sisters like he intended.

Instead, he found a boy. Strange to him at first, but he continued to observe, contributing a bit more of his magic to add sound to the mix. He seemed to be talking to another figure. A female one that was much older than her. But one thing caught his attention immediately and that was when the boy was speaking.

“Well, two weeks ago at the mission valley mall, a gunpowder conduit named Pablo held up a target store and had a little girl hostage. I beat him and rescued her, only to have her asking for my help the next day. She is what Trixie and a few others like her know as Luna. She came here with her sister Celestia because many people like Trixie had been forcefully taken from their own and brought here. Not only that, but they also became conduits.”

Discord was speechless. This kid knew about the Princesses? He needed to listen in a bit more.

“She told me of something like that. A world called Equestria correct? Well, that explains it.”

“What do you mean by it?”

“I’ve been trying to help Trixie with her powers, but every time she learns something new, she gets a vision of someone that she recognizes. Trixie had even mentioned names, including the two individuals you said before.”

“Celestia and Luna.”

At this point, Discord had heard enough. Using a talon, he pressed the screen and paused what he was seeing. Only one thought was on his mind… and that was that he needed to tell Fluttershy as quickly as possible.

San Diego (7:30pm)

By the time the DUP airliner had touched down, Roman was waiting patiently. To his left and right were DUP Knights and Bishops along with James Murray, one of the other conduits that worked under his leadership. He was suspicious at first as to why Augustine of all individuals had volunteered to apprehend this “Snow Angel”, but he ignored the possible reasons and instead focused on the outcome. He had offered for him to turn himself over in exchange and release his parents, but he never made any agreements in regards to this promise. Nevermind the other conduits that were also discovered and siezed. They were… interesting to say the least and he wanted to keep them around a while so he could perform some “tests” using Joker’s cards when she was done with reclaiming Curdan Cay to see how they can undergo different scenario’s.

As the hangar opened, three people stepped out. The first was Augustine. The second was Breaker, who was holding the third individual. He was already suited up in a DUP jumpsuit and also had the restraints on him placed. The only thing out of place was that there were headphones around his neck. When detaining a suspect, the DUP’s regulations had to remove all personal devices on that person and there were no exceptions. But he did overhear Ms. Kingston say that her son was likely to be on the Autism Spectrum and with it, came the fact that he wasn’t necessarily okay with big changes. Which, in turn, gave an excuse for him to let it slide this one time.

“So, this is the Snow Angel that’s been giving us so much trouble? I never thought he look so serious for his age.” Roman smirked, looking at Augustine. “You have really impressed me, Brooke.” Looking at the two closest DUP bishops, he quickly tilted his head. A signal that meant “get him out of my sight”. “Put him in holding cell 43 and lock it down tight.”

Shawn himself tensed up. “Wait a second, I thought we had a deal!” He was trying to play the part like what Augustine had told him to do. First step was to overreact in regards to Roman’s trick.

“We had one. You ever heard of Bait and Switch? You took the bait and now, you fell for it. You’ll be joining your parents and friends soon enough.”

“You lying bastard-!!”

“Take him away.” The Wire conduit ordered. The two bishops holding onto him started to take him to the cell that he was assigned. Which in turn, came the next step. Cooperation. It would take nearly half an hour for his hands to absorb the dry ice and if he struggled, he might lose his grip and cause the process to take longer than normal. As he passed through the long hallways, he didn’t notice that Rainbow and the others were in one of the rooms that were in that section of the base. Preparing to be “transferred” to another undisclosed location.

This, in turn, was Trixie and Robert’s part of the plan. They were the ones in charge of the “Transfer” and instead of taking them to a DUP site, they were going to take them to a safe house in La Jolla. They didn’t know it yet, but soon, luck would be on their side.

Back to Shawn, he was passing through more cells, counting the numbers as he went along. He saw a quick glimpse of where they held his parents and made sure to keep a mental note of their cell number. 14. This was to make sure that he stopped by and rescued them on the way out of this forsaken hellhole.

Finally, they arrived at Cell 43. The bishops used a special code to unlock the door as they pushed him inside. Shawn scraped himself against the door hinge of the lock on the way in, but this was actually intentional. The effects of the dry ice not only applied to his hands, but to the rest of the restraint. This would come in handy later. The cell he was in was a huge octagon like containment area that made him think of a UFC fight cage. One with benches and no windows except for the one at the door. Now… he had one other current objective to do before he could let loose.


The minutes ticked by as Shawn closed his eyes and waited. Mere minutes inside the chamber felt like hours and he was beginning to feel tired and wanting to go to sleep. However, when it was time to get ready, a voice woke him up. It wasn’t Augustine's, Breaker’s, and not even Trixie or the other Equestrians he knew. It wasn’t even Delsin or any other conduits her knew either. In fact, it was entirely new and also very… familiar.

“Wakey Wakey, Shawny… Rise and Shine…”

Shawn rose up almost immediately. Unsure of who or what was talking to him. But then, he realized that the voices were inside his head. Trying to talk to him telepathically.

“Pinkie, you can’t just expect for him to talk to you just because you got him to wake up.”

“Oh come on, Applejack. You’re trying to ruin my fun. The three of us were asked to watch over this… screen thingy while Discord talked with Princess Cadence and Shining Armor. It’s not like he could talk back-.”

“W-who said that?” Shawn said, simply to test if these voices could hear him.

“Whoa nelly, did ah hear that boy just talk?”

“Well, that answered my question.” The Snow Conduit thought to himself.

“Girls, what happened in here?” Another voice asked. This time, a male from the sounds of it and one that Shawn could recognize by heart. Discord. Spirit of Chaos. “And why are you trying to talk to Shawn? You know he can’t-.”

“Wait… how do you know my name?” The Conduit asked again, playing along to try and see what was happening.

“Well, I stand corrected. Hello Shawn, my name is Discord. Mutual friend of the sisters and Spirit of Chaos. Somehow, I was able to feel your aether energy and be able to see what you have been going through over the past few days with Celestia and Luna. We also know of your current situation.”

“Hold up… you can feel my powers? How does that make sense?” Shawn asked.

“Oh kiddo, what’s the point in making sense sometimes? Look, I’m going to have to be brief about this, but that lady you were trying to work with can’t help you now.”

“Augustine? Why?”

“That guy with the black suit jacket forced her to take the rest of the night off. Meaning she can’t help you with the rest of your plan.”

“Sh*t.” The conduit cursed. Augustine was suppose to be guiding him out of the prison and serve as his eyes and ears while she was inside. With her gone, he would be trying to charge out of their blind. “What about the others?”

“Luna and the others are already out of the premise. It’s just you, the guards, your parents, that black suit guy and one other one under his wing or however you humans phrase it. I can’t talk long, but I will be trying to keep an eye on you and make sure everypony comes back home safe. Bye.”

“Wait-!” Before Shawn was able to say anything else, the link in his mind disconnected, causing a short, but pounding headache. Once he got up on his feet again though, the conduit of snow soon began to get to work. The dry ice he absorbed was now beginning to take effect as he used his powers to cause the metal brace to freeze and rust from the inside. Once he felt that the opportunity was right, he smashed the hand restraints against the door, the steel grips shattering like hardened clay.

His hands were free and now, he had access to his powers again. It was time for him to get to work. Seconds after he broke the restraints and removed the DUP jumpsuit, he dropped a blizzard grenade to cause a smokescreen and blind the camera’s in the room. Doing this would have probably attracted the attention of the DUP and soon enough, a group of three armed DUP pawns soon entered to try and find him.

“Spread out! He can’t have gone far-.”

By the time the head of the squad gave the order, the Snow Conduit had already made short work of the first guard and then kicked him with enough force to hit the other two guards and have them collide into a wall. He looked at the unconscious bodies, scavenging a key card and a pistol with extra clips for added measure. That way, his father had something to defend himself with when he got them out.

As he left his cell though, he could hear the mobilizing of troops and quickly dashed into an air conditioning unit about him to hide himself. This time, more foes. Trying to see what the problem is.

“Aww Sh*t. We got a breakout!! Conduit is out of containment!! Code 19!! I repeat, Code 19!!”

“Time to hurry up.” Shawn thought to himself. Using the air conditioning vent, he surged through it towards the location in which Roman had his parents locked up and by there, was two guards who were unaware of the present situation. The element of surprise was in his favor as he dropped down, landing on the first guard and quickly freezing the second one. Using the key card, Shawn slid it through the card reader on the door and it soon swung wide open.

He was shocked by what he saw. Both of his parents looked like they haven’t had anything to eat in the past few hours and their clothes were all wrinkled and tattered. They were bruised, broken, beaten and scarred. “M-mom? Dad? Oh my god, what did they do to you?”

The two adults looked at their son, shocked and stunned. “S-shawn? What are you doing here?”

“I’m getting you two out of here.” Shawn replied, hurrying to them and taking a medkit off the unconscious guard by the door. “Can you and mom walk?”

“Y-yeah we can.” She replied. “I’m worried about your father though.”

“Well, here.” The conduit of Snow replied, sliding the medical kit to his mother and the gun to his father. “Patch yourselves up. I don’t know how long until they know where I am, but I think I can buy you some time. How much do you need?”

“I would say five minutes at least. Ten at most.” Stacey Kingston replied, opening the kit. She soon got started working on fixing themselves up.

“That’ll be all the time I’ll need. Afterwards, go outside and stay low. I’ll find you as quick as I can.” Shawn replied before disappearing through the ventilation shaft again. This time, appearing in a separate room. One that made him think of a gladiator pit. It was huge and also had it’s own variance of obstacles. Mostly metal. At first, this didn’t seem to be a problem.

Until a purple like black hole pulled everything towards the center of the room and destroyed it. Shawn only had mere seconds to encase his feet around him in Ice before looking up to see who did it. He couldn’t tell who or what his intent was, but he looked like a samoan with the look of a football player from the University of Hawaii.

“Magnetism…… that’s original.”

“Not when I’m done with you!!” The other Conduit growled, using his powers to pick up a series of weapons from a nearby gun rack and beginning to prep them to fire at him.

“Oh for god's sake, is this seriously what I get for sarcasm!?” He shouted seconds before the weapons began to open fire. Quick motions had Shawn form a wall of ice in front of him just before any of the shots could get closer to him. However, because of this conduit’s powers, the bullets were beginning to act like drills and cutting through them. Thinking quickly, Shawn hit the vents again, trying to escape before the bullets could cut through. He was lucky enough for that to happen, but them had a new problem.

Despite this conduit using up all his ammunition, they now began to tear up the air conditioning vents that he was in. Possibly to cut off all escape routes. When he re-emerged, he looked up to see the big burly bruiser that was once firing at him.

“Oh sh*t!!”

The incoming attack was coming straight at him, forcing Shawn to have to use his powers to materialize a weapon. Through what he had seen, this conduit had mostly used his arms when coordinating his powers, but the rest of his was also still vulnerable. Forging a short dagger from ice, he quickly sliced around the ribcage. The brief pain caused the Magnetic conduit to roar in pain, despite Shawn not trying to tear him apart. As he turned around, Shawn dropped a Blizzard grenade to act as a smoke bomb as he disappeared through what was left of the air ducts.

As he got out, Shawn found himself in the one place he thought was good enough for him. The break room. Not for the reason to rest or anything like that, but because there was an unused water cooler nearby the door. Taking the opportunity, he drained the source quickly before barging out of the room and then bashing himself through a window to get outside. Five minutes had already passed and it was close to ten.

“Mom! Dad!” He yelled out, trying to find them. He didn’t want to risk using his phone because he thought that the DUP could trace his calls.

“Shawn!!” He then heard, coming from a certain direction. He was trying to follow the noises he heard, but as he got closer, the conduit felt like this was too easy. Like something was wrong. Really wrong…

“Run!! It’s a trap-!!”

The second he heard that, he had to dodge incoming spears of wire as the lights of the runway now revealed what was truly happening. There stood Roman. Head of the DUP. And in his wired clutches were both of his parents, But the way they were held stunned him. The wires that were around them were shaped like Nooses and below them were platforms.

He was going to hang them.

“Let them go!!!” Shawn yelled, his powers forming around his hands.

“Any last words that you want to say, Mr. Kingston?”

“Rot in hell, you son of a b*tch.”

“Ms. Kingston?”

“S-son... I-i’m sorry… Goodbye…”

“Mom, don’t-!” He pleaded, seeing now that both of them were beginning to slip downward. “Stop!!!!”

“I love you-.”


The Wire platforms beneath them gave way as the sounds of snapping echoed through the night. As the bodies of the judged were thrown aside, the Snow Angel rushed as fast as he could to where they were, hoping that somehow, they still had a spark of life. But that spark was already diminished.

He felt like he failed. He promised to protect those he cared for and he wasn’t even able to do that. He couldn’t even protect them.

Now though, as the the Wire conduit watched him, Roman thought he was mourning the dead. But now… the air itself began to feel dramatically colder. The ground around them began to lightly freeze and the air itself began to change to where snow swirled violently. Shawn’s sorrow was now replaced with a new emotion.


As he turned towards Roman, the one who murdered his parents in cold blood, he let out a cry of anger that fueled his hatred.


Celestia woke up startled. She had felt a massive surge of power being released moments ago. But… it was coming from Shawn. Where did he get something like this? Using her powers, she tried to focus on the conduit of snow, only to see a brief image. An enraged conduit staring down another and with the next phrase being drilled into her head. One that reminded her of what happened to her sister on that fateful night a thousand years ago.

“Oh no…” Celestia gasped upon seeing that image. “This is bad. Very bad.”

End Chapter 15

Author's Note:

Finally, I got this one done. This one was hard to write, but I would like to thank Nova Cosmic for helping me with coming up with the ideas and helping me be able to complete this chapter. And now, Shawn learns about what happens when those he cares for get in the way.

*Rage mode activated.* :flutterrage:

Hope you like this chapter. I'll try to get the next one up and running when I have the time. College is back up and now trying to make managing my life harder for me. :ajbemused: Hopefully, I'll still be able to produce more chapters for you guys. Because right now, I feel like this guy with the stuff I already have.