• Published 9th Jan 2015
  • 3,514 Views, 118 Comments

Moonlit Romance - Lux

Can a Guard win the heart of a Princess?

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Chapter 16

Chapter 16

The nights passed in euphoric bliss as you spent your time with Princess Luna. While the two of you had your jobs to do, after that the night was yours to do as you both pleased. Sometimes it was going to a club like your first night, and other times it was merely relaxing in the castle. No matter what the routine neither you nor Princess Luna grew tired of the other’s company as each moment felt like you were drawing closer and the bonds of friendship growing stronger. To you it felt like this was how it was meant to be, a certainty greater than you being a guard and equal to only who your parents were and the cutie mark emblazoned on your flanks.

Despite though this growing friendship, you felt that unrelenting hunger inside building with each moment you were with her. It was a forbidden desire, one made clear of such designation that night when Luna bore her heart to you about her lost love. Know you knew the reason why Luna chose not to love anypony else upon her return from banishment even though your mind couldn’t explain why she did not choose to move on and start anew. There was no way for you to fully understand her as you have never nor would ever live as long as her. You could only imagine having only those memories playing back over and over those thousand years as your only connection to the world you knew and yet they were also what caused the greatest pain. To then return to a world that was alien to her, Luna had only her memories once again to the life that she knew.

Your heart and mind were drawn into a tug of war between her desire to never fall in love again and your desire to be the one whom she could love. Every moment you saw her you were entranced by her body mind and spirit and the closer you drew to her the closer you still wanted to be by her side, not as friends but hers to love. But being her also brought you back to the words that she spoke to you, “don’t fall in love with me.” It was a promise and breaking it would shatter everything that you’ve built up to this point. You remember once hearing your fellow guard ponies saying that it was impossible to remain friends with a mare after entering into a relationship and having it end. The irony was that now you risked losing everything for love.

Each night was like a dance between you two, each taking the lead as your friendship grew. She would lead with friendship and you would follow, bonded by her promise yet hoping to help her to see that she didn’t have to settle on no love in her life. But each time you advanced towards that she drew back in the dance and the wall between you appeared. There seemed no way that you could avoid this unless you killed the dream of you loving her, but doing so would surely kill part of you in the process. You knew that that could never happen, but eventually though you knew that one day when you least expected it that part of you caged like an animal would escape.

It was on a seemingly ordinary night, just a few short hours before dawn. The two of you had completed your task and now the rest of the night was yours. But despite the numerous times when the two of you had good ideas about where to go you were both at a loss.
“How about the club again?” you asked Luna as the two of you stood on a balcony.

“Nah, I’m actually tired after that long Night Court session,” she said letting out a long not Princess like yawn.

“Ok, how about a movie?”

“Not in the mood for that either,” she said looking bored.

“Well excuse me Princess,” you said playfully sticking out your tongue, “Alright, if you don’t like my ideas how about you come up with one?”

“Fine I will,” she said sticking out her tongue in response as she mulled over the options before saying, “Alright, I got a place where we can go. Hang on!”

Before you could ask, Luna once again wrapped her arms around you and off you flew from the balcony and across the moonlit sky. With the surprise of the takeoff gone you settled into feeling comfortable in her arms, watching as the city below you pass by. You could feel the gusts of wind from the Princess’s powerful wings as she soared through the sky mixed with the cadence of her breath in your ear. It felt good being like this, two ponies in a lasting embrace but before you could dwell further of how pleasant this was, you felt yourself diving over the edge of the cliffs where the city stood upon. She then flew in a descending spiral around the waterfall that cascaded from the mountain above. For a moment you were afraid that she would dunk you into the cascading water, but she merely teased you as she flew you dangerously close. You felt the cool mist from the rushing water as you stretched out a hand and ran your fingers through it, letting out a laugh as you dropped lower down the waterfall. Finally you touched down on the rocky outcropping below as she let you go.

“Did you like the trip?” she asked.

“Oh yes, I loved it!”

“Great, but that’s not why I brought you here,” she pointing to the moonlit pool where the waterfall finally touched the earth, “It’s because of that. This is a place I like to go when I want to get away from the castle and Canterlot but still can be close enough in case of emergency.”

“Ok, so what do you do here?” you said looking at the pool and seeing nothing else around you save for a treacherous path coiled up the one side of the stone wall and disappeared from view, presumably leading back up to the city.

“Isn’t it obvious?” Luna said looking at you strangely, “I swim here!”

“Swim here? But Luna we don’t have bathing suits, so how do you expect that we…”

Your words failed you as you watched Luna give a sly grin before turning around and walking towards the pool. With a flicker of her horn she let her crown float off her head and set it on the wet rocks. Then she stepped out of her silvery shoes and removed her crescent moon necklace and arm guards, letting them join the place where her crown sat. Then without giving any thought to you be there she stripped out of her clothes. You stared at the magnificent shape of her backside, including her perfectly shaped plot until she dove from the rocks into the pool. For a moment that was nothing disturbing the water until soon the Princess’s head and shoulders emerged from the water.

“So are you coming in?” she said as a hand emerged from the water motioning you to join her, “Trust me, you’ll like it here, unless you’re afraid to get wet.”

You reluctantly stripped off your clothes, leaving only your boxer shorts. As you approached the edge of the water, your mind couldn’t help but focus on the fact that Luna was bobbing on the surface naked and without any shame. You pictured her lying naked in your arms as you looked into her eyes and whispered words of love to her. You would be hers and she yours, two ponies in perfect harmony no matter what happened around the two of you.

“This is crazy,” you said as you prepared to jump in, trying to push out the thoughts of being anything more than friends from your mind. Luna waited patiently as the water rose teased at her form as it rose and fell.

“Come on, just jump in,” Luna said as she crossed her arms, “I’m waiting.”

You were about to jump when your one foot slipped on the wet stone, causing you to ungracefully plunge into the water. You struggled to the surface, coughing up water as Luna stood by.

“Smooth jump,” she said as she then looked next to you and began to giggle uncontrollably.

“What? What is it?”

“Looks like somepony lost something else besides their footing,” she said pointing to your boxer shorts as it floated in front of you. Your face immediately went red as you realized that both of you were a mere few feet apart and naked. You reached for the shorts, hoping to maintain some dignity when a blueish aura seized them and hoisted them into the air like a flag of victory. You didn’t have to guess who held your clothes captive.

“You want them?” Luna said waving them just out of arm’s reach, “Come claim them!”

With that she dipped under the water, taking your boxers with her. You swam after them, stopping where Luna disappeared before looking around.

“Over here!” she teased as she poked her head out a few feet from you. Again you swam to where she was, trying to catch her, but she popped back under water.

“Come on Luna, give me those back,” you said before you suddenly felt yourself being pulled under water, as if something or somepony had your legs. Eventually you popped back up, disoriented as you searched for where the Princess was. Before you could react you heard a splash behind you as Luna deposited the shorts right over your head. You heard her laugh as you struggled to pull the soaked shorts off and deposit them where they belonged.

“Oh I haven’t had so much fun here in so long,” she said as she swam in front of you, “You are hilarious!”

Without think you splashed some water in the Princess’s face, catching her by surprise. She stood stunned for a few seconds as you worried that she would be upset. Instead her surprised expression changed to a devilish grin as she said, “Oh so that’s how you want to play?”

With a sweep of her blue arm she sent a small wave of water at your face. You recovered and returned with another wave of your own. She moved closer with splashes, trying to make you surrender but you kept splashing as quickly as possible. Soon the two of you were mere inches apart, splashing each other and laughing.

“So what are you going to do now?” she said as she continued. It was then that you suddenly grabbed her and pulling her close kissed her on the lips, not a kiss between friends, but a long passionate kiss that reached deep into each other’s hearts. Luna’s eyes went wide in surprise but you kept on kissing as your hands ran down the length of her body. With one move she ripped out of your embrace and thrashing her legs kicked you in the chest, knocking the wind out of you.

“Ow! What was that for?” you said gasping for air.

“What was that for?” she said as her face turned to anger, “What was that kiss for?”

“I… it… it just happened,” you said trying to recover.

“It did not just happen!” Luna said, “Kisses like that don’t just happen unless you mean it to be. I know that kind of kiss, one between lovers. It that it, have you developed feelings for me? Have you fallen in love with me?”

“Luna I…” you said trying to swim towards her to calm her down only to see her move away again.

“The truth! Are you in love with me?” she said staring at you with a fierce gaze that you never saw before.

“Yes… I love you Luna,” you said, “You are everything I want in a mare and I want to make you happy…”

“Stop,” she said as her voice quavered with a mixed of sadness and anger, “Did I not say that you could be my friend and nothing more? Did I?”

“Yes, you did,” you said before your sadness turned to frustration as you continued, “But Luna what you’re saying that you never want to love again, it’s stupid.”

“Excuse me?”

“Are you really going to be loveless because of that one guy a thousand years ago? Don’t you deserve to love and be loved? Well I’m not going to hide my feelings for you. I love you Luna.”

She stood there as a storm brewed inside her, until she said, “Well… I don’t love you! And you can forget about us being friends of you guarding me ever again!”

“Luna,” you said as you swam towards her to try and calm her down, “Surely you don’t mean what you say.”

“Do you dare question my words? Perhaps I should spell it out for you. You are by royal decree hereby stripped of your title as my protector and ordered to leave your quarters by next nightfall. You will no longer have contact with me or access to any rooms where I occupy. That is my order!”

“Please Luna,” you said reaching out your hand only for her to slap it away painfully.

“Get away from me!” she yelled as she climbed out of the pool and hastily gathered up her clothes, “We are through. Find your own way back to the castle and be gone from my life!”

She then hastily got dressed and not looking back spread her wind and took off, leaving you alone again in the pool. It was to be such a wonderful time, only to end in sorrow. The realization washed over you at the fact that your job, friendship, and love had been ripped away in one swoop and there was nothing you could do to get it back. As you looked up at the moon that illuminated the rocky outcropping, a painful reminder of what you lost, your tears flowed into the pool you floated in, as you felt nothing but sorrow for hurting Luna and for being stupid enough to even think you could fall in love like that.

Author's Note:

Is this the end for our hero's love?

We are nearing the end, so don't miss the thrilling conclusion!