The phone rang several times, filling the small office with its eerie tune.
Gulping audibly in a vain attempt to banish his fear, Jeremy reached out to listen to the prerecorded message.
“Uh, hello? Hello?” a very familiar voice called out. “Listen, I know this is your last night and you’ve probably grown attached to the animatronics by now—“
Checking his camera to see if the animatronics were still dormant, Jeremy saw that Bonnie, Freddy and Chica were all gone.
Eyes widening and heart racing, Jeremy nearly knocked the brand new CRT screen over in his haste to get his mask on, hoping that he could once again fool his nightly tormentors.
“—but you should probably know, something strange happened a few hours before your shift started: all the animatronics disappeared!”
Confused, he slowly lifted his Freddy Mask and fed his flashlight some power. With nothing directly in front of him, Jeremy checked the vents, also finding nothing.
“The police were there, but they didn’t find any signs of forced entry… or blood for that matter.”
Barely wanting to believe his ears, Jeremy brought his camera up once again. Out of habit he focused his attention on the Prize Corner and wound up the music box slightly, bringing it to three quarters before checking the other rooms.
“Now as I’m sure I’ve told you, the animatronics are designed to recognise any criminals no matter what disguise they wear, so this is all very shocking to us here at Fazbear Entertainment.”
Not in any of the party rooms… click. Mangled aint’ there either… click. The balloon vendor is gone as well… click. Even those old suits are gone! I don’t believe it!
The guard whooped in unrestrained joy. He would get his week’s pay with no risk of being turned into a bloody mush!
“Now since you are already there, could you just stay there for the night?”
Having already gotten out his Bandai LCD Solarpower gaming device, Jeremy began playing Terror House. Though the once terrifying game lost most of its edge to Jeremy since his new job started. No matter how hard he tried, Jeremy couldn’t remove the gigantic grin from his face.
“Fortunately the Puppet is still safe; the thieves probably didn’t see him since he was hidden in the gift box. We just need you to guard him until morning, make sure nobody steals him, or gets killed trying to take him.”
I’ll have enough money saved to buy that new Gameboy device that’s coming out later this ye—wait…what did he just say? In a panicked surge, Jeremy got onto the security monitor again, snapping his attention to the Prize Corner.
The box was open, the Puppet nowhere in sight.
“Soooo, yeah! Enjoy your last night here at Fazbear Entertainment! Just remember keep that music box wound up!” Clank.
In the middle of the most dangerous forest in Equestria, a flash of light briefly illuminated the area. Crumbling walls, faded carpets, cracked floor tiles.
In that one instant, five badly damaged figures appeared, slumped over.
One slowly began to stir. It sensed no activity or children around it. It was not where it was supposed to be.
Two red dots appeared where the figure’s face should have been, signalling the activation of its built in motion sensors.
It looked back again. It could not go alone. It nudged the lead singer and backup singer. With a metallic screech, the yellow figure activated, followed closely by their lead singer. Both soon came to the same conclusion as the first figure.
The third and largest figure got to its feet and tapped the microphone it held several times to no avail. They would just have to perform at a lower volume.
There were no children nearby, they needed to find them, they had to entertain the children.
With an objective set, the original band of Freddy Fazbear set out to bring a smile to children and keep them safe from bad people.
From the shadows of the ruined castle, an ancient being smirked maliciously. The time for vengeance was near.
Meanwhile in a relatively safer part of the forest, three little fillies were getting ready to turn in for the night. Their day had consisted of various physical activities, from gathering wood for a fire to foraging for food, all of which was supervised by Zecora to make sure they didn’t accidentally eat anything poisonous. Needless to say none of them were willing to make the trip back to their homes that night. They unanimously decided to ask the Zebra to take them in for the night.
“Thanks for letting us stay for the night, Zecora!” said Scootaloo, shifting around slightly in her hammock to get into a more comfortable position.
“Yeah!” Sweetie Belle enthusiastically agreed. “Getting camping cutie marks would be amazing, this is so much fun!”
Having finished preparing the third and final hammock in her living room, Zecora turned to the eager filly with a smile. “You are most welcome, Sweetie Belle, but for now, your need for sleep you must quell.”
“But we ain’t tired yet!” Apple Bloom complained from her spot on the ground behind the Zebra.
Zecora lifted an eyebrow in scepticism before stepping forward and lifting the young filly by the scruff of her neck, setting her into the hammock. “You must rest as well, Apple Bloom. Tomorrow with your crusading you may resume.”
Apple Bloom pouted, but complied none the less.
Zecora chuckled slightly at her reaction. “For now get the rest you need. Tomorrow we shall all do the potion making deed.”
“Yay!” Both Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo cried out while Apple Bloom remained silent, having already tried to get her potion making cutie mark.
With a nod, Zecora blew out the candle in the centre of the room, leaving nothing but the moon for illumination.
A bit earlier in the day Rainbow Dash had come by, asking if she had seen the Crusaders. Zecora had filled her in on the situation and assured the speedster that they would be safe in her care until morning.
Apple Bloom drifted into sleep within seconds. Along with their taxing crusading, she did chores earlier that day on the farm. Her young body wasn’t used to this much activity yet.
The other two followed suit, albeit at a slower pace than their earth pony friend. The two fillies spent several minutes just listening to the quiet serenity of the forest before darkness finally claimed them.
No...please, don't do this...
...The flashbacks, they're coming back! No, don't jump at me, puppet!
*Proceeds to fetal position, and start to suckle on my thumb*
All the Golden Freddies...
*Proceeds to foam at the mouth, eyes rolling to the back of my head as my body starts to convulse*
I did exactly what you said. I put Pinkie Pie in place of Jeremy, and she is making some crazy crap happen. But this... this is interesting. It puts a completely different spin on things. I've never read a fic like it. Pretty cool. You get a thumbs up!
Dude, I actually had a few nightmares about Golden Freddy D:
Just, fucking appearing and glitching the fuck out...
Don't suppose BB ended up falling into an active volcano? No one deserves to put up with that creepy twerp.
This story is amazing. This got to my favorites.
5432518 Hopefully in the nearest pit of eternity.
This is gorgeous OwO
**hugs a Rilakkuma teddy with a tophat on and a label reading 'Totally legit Freddy Fazbear' while clicking favourite**
You got Zecora to rhyme
You have officially made my day. I never see anyone on this site actually get Zecora's rhyming right. When I saw that I chuckled to myself with pure joy. I already like this story and I haven't even started the second chapter.
That opening... Pfft... HA!
The guys not going to do well since the puppets loose, if I understand it right that puppet once loose pretty much wins
Wait...... Jeremy's in this! He's my 2nd favorite character, behind Mike Schmidt AKA the phone guy AKA the purple guy AKA Springtrap!..............My head-canons are wierd!
Golden Freddy