• Published 10th Dec 2014
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Imperium et Imperator - Emperor Gerald I

Gerald Wellesley: historian, politician, imperialist, and monarchist, is transported to Equestria, where he is given a taste of absolute power. Gerald must decide between possessing the power he has always desired and his newfound friends.

  • ...

IV- He Awakens

Fluttershy and Twilight rushed to the side of the creature's bed.

"Is he okay?" asked Fluttershy.

"Yes, he is okay Fluttershy." responded Twilight.

Gerald could not believe it, two ponies whom were from that show he had watched the pilot to, not two days before, were standing in front of him. He slowly opened his eyes again.

"Hello!" exclaimed Twilight, seeing Gerald's eyes open again.

"Ah, I must be in the hospital, with a concussion, and this is just some hallucination, or extremely lucid dream." Gerald mumbled to himself.

"I think he is trying to talk!" exclaimed Twilight.

"I am trying to speak." confirmed Gerald, shaking his head.

"Great, you speak the same dialect as us!" said Twilight eagerly.

"Of course I do, you are just figments of my imagination." said Gerald, pinching his arm to see if he was dreaming.

"We are actually not figments of your imagination, you are in the land of Equestria!" Twilight said "and we are a species known as ponies. This is Fluttershy, I am Twilight, and this is my assistant, Spike."

Gerald was too busy testing his lucidness, and due to the sensation of pain in his arm, throbbing pain on the back of his head, and huge desire for food and water, had determined he was hallucinating.

"We are not familiar with your species" Twilight continued, "and we have searched these lands extensively so you must be from very far away."

"I am not from anywhere else, I am in the hospital right now, or god forbid, still lying in the forest, talking to myself."

Twilight could not understand why this... thing would not be able to comprehend that he was indeed not still unconscious and why he would think that her, Fluttershy and Spike were figments of his imagination. She concluded that he had never encountered another sapient spices before.

"We are just another sapient species of animal" explained Twilight "that is not unusual in this area, here we have ponies, griffons, buffalo-"

"I would be inclined to believe you" Gerald interrupted, "but I have seen you before, on a Television show, I already know all your names, and your friend's names as well."

"A television show? Is that a telepathic vision?" inquired Twilight.

"No, it is not" replied Gerald, shaking his head again "I cannot believe I am still talking with myself, I must wake up now."

Gerald closed his eyes tightly and clenched his teeth.

"You are not dreaming!" cried Spike from the foot of the bed.

"And I can prove it." said Twilight.

"Really?" replied Gerald.

"If you were in a dream right now, you would be in a lucid dream correct?"


"And if you were in a lucid dream, you could control the dream, correct?"


"So try to control this "dream"." Twilight concluded.

Gerald closed his eyes and he tried, he tried using every last ounce of his brainpower to change this dream from this equine filled room to the living room of his home. He reluctantly opened his eyes.

"Still here, see?" laughed Twilight.

Gerald, still not quite believing what was quite evidently before his very eyes, just nodded.

"So what is your name?" asked Twilight.

"G-Gerald, Gerald Wellesley"

"That is an interesting name, what is your species?" Twilight continued.

"I am a human"

"Interesting I have never read about humans before..." said Twilight, grabbing her book on rare and mystical species..

"Umm, don't mean to interrupt, but you probably need some food... right Gerald?" asked Fluttershy from the back of the room.

"Yes, some of that, and some water please." replied Gerald

As Fluttershy left the room Twilight turned to Gerald.

"I am just going downstairs to write a quick report of this to Princess C-"

"Yes, Princes Celestia, I know" stated Gerald.

"How did you know that!? Are you really telepathic?" inquired Twilight.

"I shall explain it later."

"Very well, Spike will remain here until I have completed the letter in order to retrieve whatever you require" said Twilight, walking to the door."

Spike offered Gerald a small bow. "Anything I can get for you?"

"Yes" replied Gerald "I would like my clothing back. In fact, why am I still not wearing my clothing?"

"We didn't want to steal it or anything!" replied Spike worriedly "we thought it would be uncomfortable, a-and Twilight wanted to study you, and I mean who wears clothes ALL the time anyways?"

"Us humans do." replied Gerald.

"Oh-okay sorry about that! Let me get your clothes!" Spike ran off in search of Gerald's clothing. Spike brought Gerald's bundle of clothing back to the bed. Gerald looked at him, wondering why he did not leave so he could get dressed.

"Spike, why have you not exited the premises yet?"

"Ummm, should I have?"

"Yes, I am getting dressed."

"Okay... weird." said Spike, walking into the hallway and closing the door.

After Gerald was dressed and fed and Twilight had finished her report to the Princess, Gerald attempted to explain how he had known about the ponies prior to meeting them.

"It would be like a book, just a moving picture book." Gerald attempted to explain the concept of Television yet again.

"Is it powered by magic?" asked Twilight.

"Quite a similar concept, we refer to it as electricity " answered Gerald.

"We are also familiar with the concept of electricity through the phenomenon of lightning! So it was electricity that was powering the device in your backpack?" inquired Twilight.

"Correct." replied Gerald.

"Very interesting" said Twilight, quickly writing down some notes.

"So how did your tele-mabob know what we were doing?" asked Spike.

"That I do not know."

"Another question" said Twilight, "how did you get here?"

Gerald explained how he had seen the bright light and had tripped backing away from it, then the next thing that he remembered clearly was awaking in Fluttershy's bed.

"Sounds like a spell to me!" said Twilight, referring to the bright light that Gerald had seen. "Now, I have a few questions about your species and where you are from..."

By the time Twilight had finished thoroughly questioning Gerald it was quite late at night. Fluttershy was tucking her animal friends into bed and Spike was snoring on the sofa. Twilight closed her notebook.

"From what you have informed me it sounds like you might be from a whole different universe! Very interesting! I would like to stay and chat more but it is getting quite late, and we have to get back to the library soon." said Twilight "nice to meet you Gerald, and have a good night"

"It was nice meeting you too Twilight, but I have one question for you before you leave" replied Gerald, "can you get me back home?"

Twilight thought for a moment "I certainly hope so, but I won't know for certain without a bit of studying, and it certainly would not be any time soon."

"Very well, thank you Twilight, for all your assistance."

"No problem, always happy to help a pony- err- human in need!" said Twilight, standing up from her chair.

"Bye, see you tomorrow Twilight." said Fluttershy, escorting her friend to the door.

She turned back to Gerald "Gerald?"

"Yes Fluttershy?"

"You can have my bed again tonight if you want."

"Thank you for the offer, but a guest bed is more than sufficient." Gerald graciously replied.

"Okay then I-" Fluttershy let out a tiny yawn, "am going to bed now."

Gerald smiled "Goodnight Fluttershy"

"Goodnight Gerald, I'm glad you are felling better!"

The next day Fluttershy suggested that she and Gerald go into the village for the day, if Gerald was felling up to it.

"I think I am feeling well enough to go to the village today." said Gerald.

"Are you certain?" Fluttershy asked.

"Quite so." replied Gerald, then stood "also, I must thank you for taking me into your abode to recover from my grievous wound." said Gerald, bowing and doffing his hat.

"You are welcome." Fluttershy said, blushing. She thought that Gerald spoke a lot like Rarity.

"Let me go get my things from upstairs, then we will be on our way."

As the two walked toward Ponyville, Fluttershy asked Gerald what he liked to do.

"Just so we know what you might like to do when we go into Ponyville." Fluttershy explained.

"Well one thing I would like to do is get some more clothes, you see us humans wear clothes everyday."

"Every day? Isn't that a little much?"

"Well, not for us humans, we only take off our clothes to bathe, we also find it... embarrassing to be unclothed around others."


"That is a good question... I don't really know to tell you the truth, us humans just feel very uncomfortable if we are not clothed."

"Oh, okay. Sounds like we'll be making a stop at Rarity's today."

As Fluttershy and Gerald approached the village, a sudden warning made them turn their heads skyward.


Fluttershy and Gerald jumped from the path as Rainbow Dash slammed into the dirt.

"Okay, I guess maybe I should try that trick a biiit slower next time." said Rainbow Dash, shaking the dirt from her mane.

"Are you okay Rainbow Dash?" said Fluttershy, returning to the path.

"Yeah, yeah, I'll be fine!" said Rainbow Dash, preparing to take back to the skies. As she did so she caught sight of Gerald, walking back to the pathway trying to wipe the dust from his trousers. "What the hay?..."

Gerald looked up from his trousers and stuck out his hand.

"Good to meet you, I am Gerald, and you must be Rainbow Dash!"

"Yep, thats me!" replied Rainbow Dash shaking Gerald's outstretched hand, "and if you don't mind me asking what are you?"

"I am a human." Gerald replied.

Rainbow Dash looked Gerald up and down slowly.

"You really don't look like anything else I've seen before." said Rainbow Dash

"He isn't from here" said Fluttershy, "he is from a different universe."

"Oh yeah, of course, I knew that!" Rainbow Dash said.

"Anyway, we are going into Ponyville for the day, do you want to come?" Fluttershy asked Rainbow Dash.

"Yeah, I think I'll do that, I think I've done enough tricks for one day." said Rainbow Dash, rubbing her head where it had hit the ground. "Where are you two planning on going in Ponyville?" she inquired.

"We are going to Rarity's shop to get some clothes for Gerald." Fluttershy replied.

"So, you are into that "clothes" stuff too, huh Gerald?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"In a matter of speaking, yes." said Gerald, adjusting his ascot.

"I think Rarity will get a kick out of this guy!" whispered Rainbow Dash to Fluttershy.

The trio continued into Ponyville, Gerald's appearance eliciting many a inquisitive look. They arrived at the Carousel Boutique as Rarity was seeing a customer out of the store.

"Have a fabulous evening dearie, your dress will be complete within a week."

"Hey Rarity!" yelled Rainbow Dash, "we have somepony here that you might want to meet!"

"Rainbow Dash!" chided Rarity, "can't you see I am speaking with a customer..." her voice trailed off.

Rarity was presented with the sight of a huge clothed... thing standing beside her friends. Gerald bowed and doffed his hat.

"A pleasure to meet you Rarity. Allow me to introduce myself, I am Gerald Wellesley." he said.

"The pleasure is all mine." Rarity responded, still perplexed as to what she was talking too.

"Gerald is from another universe." Rainbow Dash explained, seeing the confused look on Rarity's face.

"We are here to get Gerald some clothes." Fluttershy added.

"Very well, do come in!" Rarity said pleasantly.

As Gerald stepped in he was amazed by the sight he beheld, a grand boutique with dresses lining the walls, all encrusted with the largest gemstones he had ever seen. They were not behind any glass, they were simply scattered throughout the room.

"The gems are fake I assume?" Gerald asked Rarity.

"No, not at all, they are of the highest quality." she responded.

"Is there an abundance of such gems in Equestria?" Gerald asked, picking up a particularly large gem off of a table to inspect.

"Not at all dearie, there is a reason the name Rarity suits my business so well!" Rarity giggled.

Gerald, resisting his desire to pocket the gem, placed it back upon the table.

"You were here to inquire about purchasing some clothing?" asked Rarity.

"That is correct, but the problem is, since I arrived here... unintentionally, I have no funds available." sighed Gerald, looking longingly at one of the gem encrusted dresses.

"That is unfortunate!" responded Rarity "but it is no matter, I shall simply not charge you!"

"You don't have to do that. I'll pay for him." said Fluttershy.

"No, no, I insist!" Rarity replied "by the sounds of things this poor fellow is quite lost, and it is the least I can do to help!" she turned to Gerald "Now, what type of event will you be requiring this clothing for?" Rarity asked.

"There is no event, us humans wear clothing every day."

"Every day!?" cried Rarity with excitement "I simply MUST know where these "humans" are from!"

"Remember, other universe?" said Rainbow Dash.

"Oh, you were not kidding? That is unfortunate, at any rate, what type of clothing do you like Gerald?" said Rarity, gesturing to her displays.

"Well I really like tophats, canes, and three piece suits." Gerald replied, "as well as more... traditional styles of clothing like wigs, kneesocks, and tricorne hats."

"Perfect!" Rarity replied excitedly, "If I may say, you have an excellent sense of style! All we need now is your measurements, and we can start drafting some designs."

Rainbow Dash leaned over to Fluttershy "These two could be at this for HOURS, lets bail and go down to Shugarcube Corner until they're done." she whispered.

"But... I think we should stay here, with Gerald. He is new here and-"

Rainbow Dash grabbed Fluttershy by the forehoof "Me and Fluttershy will be at Shugarcube Corner when you're done Gerald." said Rainbow Dash, dragging Fluttershy out the door.

Rarity sighed "Don't mind Rainbow Dash Gerald, she does not appreciate the art of creating the perfect outfit, much unlike myself."

"It is no matter, I am used to others not sharing my tastes in clothing!" Gerald laughed.

After three hours Rarity had figured out generally what Gerald wanted, and promised to make five different outfits, at least to start him off.

"I cannot thank you enough Rarity! But are you certain it is acceptable that I do not pay for these? Some seem like they would be very expensive to create." said Gerald, inspecting the intricate designs Rarity had illustrated.

"Of course Gerald! You are stranded away from home with nothing, it would be terrible to ask you to pay for my services in your state!"

"Ah yes, indeed." said Gerald frowning.

"What is wrong dear?" Rarity asked, sounding concerned.

Gerald slowly traced the outline of one of the designs with his finger. "Its just that... your statement has made me realize that I really am stranded here."

"It is alright Gerald, I am certain you will be able to return home very soon!" Rarity replied. "Now, shall we join Rainbowdash and Fluttershy at Shugarcube Corner?"

"Very well." replied Gerald sadly.

"He's like this big, huge ape thingy, with a mane around his face, like a lion." Rainbowdash spoke to a group of Ponies whom had assembled around her, interested to hear about this strange being that had come to their village.

"Rainbow Dash, you're making him sound really... scary." Fluttershy whispered to Rainbow Dash.

"I haven't said anything that isn't true!" Rainbow Dash hissed.

"I guess." Fluttershy responded.

"Now where was I?" Rainbow Dash continued to the crowd.

"OHHH! I KNOW! I KNOW! I KNOW!" cried Pinky Pie, jumping up and down, "you were saying he was really big!"

Rainbow Dash was not listening, she had noticed that Gerald and Rarity were entering Shugarcube Corner, just in time to hear Pinky Pie's tirade.

"Thanks, thats enough Pinky." said Rainbow Dash, coming down from the table that she had been standing on.

A silence swept through the crowd as they beheld the fearsome creature that Rainbow Dash had been describing.

"A-and you were saying that Gerald is a big ape, with a mane like a lion!" continued Pinky Pie, oblivious of what had just occurred.

Rainbow Dash looked up at Gerald, her face blushing, and shrugged, as if to say: sorry!

Gerald stared back down at her intensely. The whole room seemed to hold it's breath.

"Sorry?" squeaked Rainbow Dash.

Gerald stared a moment longer, then burst into laughter "That was an excellent description Rainbow Dash!"

"It... was? Oh, yeah, of course it was." replied Rainbow Dash.

"Hey, you didn't tell us he could talk!" said one pony from the crowd.

"Or that he wore fancy clothes!" noted another.

"I'm certain she just forgot to mention those points, right Rainbow Dash?" said Pinky Pie.

"Yeah, right." said Rainbow Dash, nodding.

After the crowd was done gawking at Gerald, Rainbow Dash and the others sat down at a table to enjoy some sweets and chat.

"So, how are you enjoying Ponyville Gerald?" asked Fluttershy.

"It is quite interesting... but I still have a hard time believing this is all real." Gerald responded.

"Poor Gerald" said Pinky Pie "I think YOU need a cupcake!" said Pinky Pie, pushing a cupcake across the table toward Gerald.

"Thank you Pinky Pie." sighed Gerald.

"I really liked your design ideas for your clothes Gerald, they were very posh!" said Rarity, trying to cheer Gerald up.

"Thats very kind of you Rarity." said Gerald, giving her a weak smile.

"I told ya they'd be here Twi!" came a voice from the doorway.

"Applejack! Twilight!" cried Pinky Pie, hopping out of her chair with excitement.

"Hello Pinky Pie." said Twilight, embracing her friend. "Gerald, I have some news for you!"

"News?" said Gerald, lifting an eyebrow.

"Yes, news." said Twilight, hurrying over to the table where Gerald and the others were sitting. "Princess Celestia responded to my letter, and I have some good news and bad news."

"Whats the good news!?!?" asked Pinky Pie excitedly.

"The good news is, Celestia can get Gerald home." said Twilight.

"Whoo Hooo!" cheered Pinky Pie.

"And the bad news?" Gerald inquired.

"The bad news is, I'm really sorry Gerald, but it could take up to five years." said Twilight.

"Five years? Could she not speed up the process at all?" asked Gerald.

"Unfortunately not. Speaking of which, gals, please come over here, we need to have a private talk."

Twilight and her friends gathered in a group, well away from Gerald.

"What is it Twi?" asked Applejack.

"The Princess asked us if we could, you know, let Gerald into our friend group during his stay here."

"Yay! New Friend!" Pinky Pie cried happily.

"Shhh!" Twilight silenced her.

"Ah, right, private talk." said Pinky Pie.

"So, the Princess wanted me to ask you gals if that would be okay." Twilight continued.

"Fine with me." said Rainbow Dash.

"He seems like a fine feller, I guess." said Applejack

"I think he is... nice." whispered Fluttershy.

"I like new friends!" said PInky Pie.

"He seems like a proper gentleman." Rarity noted.

"Its settled then, while Gerald is here he can hang around with us!" surmised Twilight.

The group returned to Gerald.

"Might I now know what it was you were speaking about?" asked Gerald, wiping some icing from his upper lip with his handkerchief.

"I was just making certain that everypony was okay with the Princess' idea of you staying with us until you return home." explained Twilight.

"Ah, very well then." said Gerald, popping the last of the cupcake into his mouth.

"I've already talked to Applejack about who you would stay with, and she has some extra room at the farm, and needs some extra help finishing up the harvest." said Twilight excitedly.

"And you would be welcome as part of the Apple family." Applejack said.

Gerald shook Applejack's hoof "Thank you for accepting me into your home... and family."

"No problem pard!" responded Applejack, "But we gotta get you set up in your new room as soon as possible, those apples aren't gonna harvest themselves!"

"Perfect! I am glad everything worked out so nicely. I will check in on you tomorrow Gerald, goodbye!" said Twilight.

The mares quickly dispersed, and Applejack lead Gerald toward the doorway.

"I think you're gonna love it at Sweet Apple Acres Gerald!" said Applejack happily.

"I think I shall Applejack" replied Gerald "I think I shall."

Author's Note:

Huzzah! Gerald meets the ponies at last! Next chapter Gerald will be introduced to the Apple family and begin working on the farm. We shall see how Gerald enjoys that!

As always compliments, comments and critiques are appreciated. I shall definitely read them all, and if time permits, respond.


Emperor Gerald I