• Published 3rd Dec 2014
  • 3,978 Views, 248 Comments

Sweet Pea - CartoonNerd12

The spin-off to The Midnight Dance starring the CMC as they take a journey to an island kingdom to face challeges that lie ahead

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Chapter 4

Button couldn't stop thinking about the voice in his dreams. Day and night, it was pounding in his head, never stopping. He took a walk on the shoreline with Featherweight, who was trying to cheer him up, but it wasn't working.

"How about a joke? Why did the chicken-"

"Featherweight! Enough! It's not helping, okay? Sorry… I'm just so tired. I haven't been sleeping right for about a week now and it's upsetting me."

"No worries. I get cranky if I stayed up all night mumbling 'Where is she? Where she is? Why hasn't she answered my call!'"

He had a look of embarrassment across his face, "You heard that?"

"Every night for the last few days."

"Aw, nuts… Please tell me it's just been you."

"So far, I think so."

"Good, and let's keep it that way."

"Whatever you say. Now back to the joke-"

"Look!" Button pointed to a white figure lying on the shore.

"Just some pony lying on the beach. Nothing unusual about that."

"No, this is different! I think they're in trouble! Go get some help!"

He saluted and hurried back to the castle.

Button quickly rushed over to the figure and was shocked to see a most attractive mare. Wow… you're the most beautiful mare I have ever seen. Well, I've seen other mares like Mother, but still, other mares are probably aren't as stunning as you are…

The mare began to stir and slowly opened her eyes.

And she has eyes that match the sea! Surely she must a sea pony from the depths of the ocean transformed into a mare!

"Oh!" the mare gasped when she saw him.

"Please, don't be afraid. I just want to help you…"

That voice… she thought, Where have I heard that before? She then sat up and asked, "Where… where am I?"

"In Marendelle, an island off the coast of Equestria."

"Marendelle? You mean, I'm right where I'm supposed to be?"

"If you mean that you have been traveling to Marendelle, then I say you are."

"I have to know, but has a ship from Canterlot arrived?"

"Not… yet. But we're expecting guests from all sorts of kingdoms to arrive at any moment. Why do you ask?"

"Because I am one of the princesses of Canterlot sent here by invitation of the king and queen."

"You are? You did?"

"Yes, and if you would be so kind as to help me get to the palace, I can meet my sisters there."

"Well sure, but I don't understand. How did you get here ahead of your sisters?"

"I fell overboard and the next thing I knew, I was here, staring at… you…"

Now that Sweetie Belle's vision was becoming clear, she could see he was so handsome with the sun beating down on him. His dark tan coat, that ginger hair, and his eyes were golden as they gleamed.

"Um…" he found himself saying, "I guess the feeling's mutual. I was just minding my own business walking on the beach when I spotted you ashore."

"Oh, well, I guess I better introduce myself. My name's Sweetie Belle."

"Sweetie Belle?"

"I know it's not a good name, but-"

"No! I mean, no, it's a beautiful name. It… belongs to a sweet pony such as you are…" he moved his hoof through the sand awkwardly.

She found herself blushing hard, "You… You think so?"

"Yes… I truly think so…" he was blushing in turn.

"What is your name?"

"My name? Oh! My name, right… I'm-"

"Button Mash!" came a voice.

They turned to see Featherweight returning with Snips and Snails in their knight attire.

"Featherweight, I thought I told you to get help!"

"I was, but I bumped into these two and they insisted they could help out."

He gave out an exasperated sigh and turned back to Sweetie, "Sorry about that. This is Featherweight, the castle fool."


Sweetie giggled as she found him amusing.

"And this is Snips and Snails, the… knights…"

"Here to help you, fair maiden!" Snips bowed.

"Yeah, we're always saving the day and helping damsels-in-distress!" Snails gestured.

"How very brave of you. But I think I'm in good hooves already…" She looked at Button while smiling at him, which he returned. Then she asked him, "Did I hear Featherweight right? You're… the prince?"

Button nervously chuckled, "Guilty as charged."

Snips intervened, "He sure is! The head honcho!"

"The big cheese of the island!" Snails impeded.

"Okay, that's enough, guys!" he commanded and addressed Sweetie, "Yes, I am Prince Button Mash, heir to the throne of Marendelle, but I don't act on it."

"He sure doesn't…" Featherweight said under his breath.


He nodded, "I'll explain when we get you to a room so we can have our doctor look you over."

"I would like that. Thank you." she beamed.

He felt dumbfounded whenever he smiled at her like that, causing him to always have a dope grin spread across his face, telling her, "You're welcome…" then, he shook his head as he faced his knights with authority in his tone, "Make sure she gets there safely. I don't want anything more happening to her."

They saluted and said, "You got it!" They extended their arms around Sweetie, carrying her up. She gave Button a quick glance before leaving from his sight.

Once she was gone from view, Button cheered and hopped around Featherweight, "She's the one! She is the one!"

"The one what?"

"The one for me! She's all I could ever want!"

"But Button, what about the girl from your dreams?"

He immediately stopped hopping and suddenly remembered the voice that teased him in his dreams, "Oh… right… but wait… Sweetie showed up out of nowhere just I was pondering the voice! I bet it is her!"

"But can you be so sure?"

"Hmm, then I guess I have to hear what Sweetie Belle sounds like when she sings. If it matches, then I'll be forever happy."

"And if she isn't?"

"I… don't know… A part of me wants the voice, but the other part wants Sweetie Belle."

"We'll just have to wait and see if she is your mystery girl or not."

"So we will." He started heading back to the castle.

Sweetie marveled at the seaside castle before her as the comical knights helped her inside. It was even more spectacular once they got her through the doors.

"This way." Snips started going one way.

"No, this way!" Snails was going the opposite direction.

"It's this way!"

"That way!"

Poor Sweetie Belle felt she was being a toy argued over by two foals. She was grateful when she heard his voice.

"Hey!" Button caught up to them and grabbed Sweetie in his arms. She went pink in the cheeks when she was being lifted into his strong arms, "It's up there!"

"Oh…" the both of them said.

"You two have helped enough for one day. Go back to your duties."

"Yes, Sir!" they trotted off with smiles on their faces.

"Sorry about that. You okay?"

"Uh-huh…" she nodded slowly, still feeling red over the fact she was so close to him.

"Come on, I'll take you to your room."

In moments, he opened the door to a lovely bedroom. It had all the luxuries of any guest room: a huge canopy bed, a vanity, chairs and pillows, and a balcony that overlooked the sea.

Sweetie Belle was speechless of how she was given such an exquisite room.

Button looked at her face and took it as a bad sign, "You don't like it, do you?"

"No! No, of course I like it. It's a gorgeous space that I don't think I deserve."

He couldn't help but laugh, "Well, if anything, the room doesn't deserve you."

Her cheeks flushed again and the next thing she knew, he swept her off her hooves and placed her on the bed.

"I'll be right back."


He smiled at her and slowly went out the door before closing it.

Sweetie Belle went under the covers and felt the soft comfortable mattress to her coat. She suddenly felt tired remembering the night before, how scary it was to fall overboard. She was so sure she would have drowned at that point, but the heavens had smiled down upon her and had her washed ashore to Button's beaches. Thinking about her savoir, she could have sworn that she heard his voice somewhere before. She was growing exhausted as she couldn't think anymore and slowly fell into a dreamless sleep.

Button saw his parents on their thrones and decided to pull a fast one on his mom like he did back when he was a colt. He sneaked behind the thrones and was going to blow a whistle when he got close to his mother, but just as he was about to blow, she said, "Don't even think about it."

"How did you know?" he faced her.

"I'm your mother. I know everything. Now where have you been?"

"I thought you said you knew everything."

"Just answer the question."

"Uh, I was taking a walk on the beach with Featherweight," he spoke quickly, "and came across a princess who fell overboard! Okay, bye!" He was about to run off until she said.

"Hold it! What princess?"

"Princess Sweetie Belle of Canterlot. She fell overboard last night and was washed onto the shore this morning."

"Oh… the poor dear… where is she now?"

"I put her in the guest room she was going to have."

"What room is that?"

"The one on the second floor on the right."

"But sweetheart, she was supposed to have the room on the left and with her sisters."

"Oops, my bad."

"You did that on purpose, didn't you?"

"Well, just like you sent out those invitations without my permission."

"He does have a point." spoke the king.

"Thanks, Pop!"

"Cinnamon, don't help."

King Cinnamon Swirl rolled his eyes.

"Look, I know I should've come to you first, but Sweetie Belle needed the rest and has to be look over by the royal physician. She could get sick after falling overboard on her ship."

"Yes, you did the right thing, my dear. It's just I'm going to have to change room arrangements for all the princesses now and there's very little time."

"I could help, if you like."

"No need for that. Your father and I will sort it out."

"We will?" The queen gave her husband a nudge, "I mean, yes, we will."

"Thanks, Mom. Thanks, Pop. I'll be back as soon as I check on her."

"Just don't find yourself in the habit to do it all the time."

"Why?" he raised his eyebrow.

"Because… oh, never mind. Just go."

Button shrugged and went off.

"Interesting." quoted the king.

"What?" his wife questioned.

"You know, it's almost as if you're afraid that Button will get too attached to the girl…"

"Oh, now, darling, that is quite silly of you to say. Why would I be doing this whole ball for princesses to come to see Button Mash and to see if any of them would be interested to be his wife?"

"Exactly. You arranged this entire ball just so you can figure which princess would be a good wife for our son, a wife that you would like all because you're too scared to admit that you would lose your little boy to just any strange mare."

Queen Love Tap kept her head down as she couldn't deny her husband's words. For too long has she looked after her little precious Button Mash ever since he was born. A tiny baby colt in her arms, she loved him dearly. As he grew, she watched how rambunctious he was while playing, but he was sweet and calm around others. Every night since he was a baby, she would always have to sing a lullaby to make him go to sleep. She remembered the words exactly.

"Come, stop your crying, it'll be alright… Just take my hoof, hold it tight… I will protect you from all around you… I will be here, don't you cry… For one so small you seem so strong… My arms will hold you; keep you safe and warm… This bond between us can't be broken… I will be here, don't you cry… 'Cause you'll be in my heart… Yes, you'll be in my heart… From this day on… Now and forever more…You'll be in my heart… No matter what they say… You'll be here in my heart always…"

She smiled as the memory faded.

"Honey, I know you love our son. I do, too, but you've got to let him grow."

"Of course I am, so if you'll excuse me, I must see to the princesses' arrival." she stepped down, and when she made it to the ballroom, she sang out loud, "Don't listen to him, 'cause what does he know…? We need each other to have, to hold… He'll see in time… I know… When destiny calls you… You must be strong… I may not be with you… but you got to hold on… They'll see in time… I know… We'll show them together… 'Cause you'll be in my heart! Yes, you'll be in my heart! From this day on… Now and forever more! You'll be in my heart! No matter what they say! You'll be in my heart! Always… always… always…"

Apple Bloom and Scootaloo couldn't stop staring at the place where Sweetie Belle fell over. Pip and Rumble looked on in sympathy.

"They've been standing there ever since this morning." Pip told his compadre.

Rumble wanted to go over and console Scootaloo, knowing of the pain to lose a close sibling, but he figured he should give her space at the moment since he wasn't sure what her reaction would be to his support.

Pip cautiously approached them and asked them calmly, "I take it you'll just want to go home now? Since you wouldn't be in the mood for a ball."

Bloom looked at him with a faceless expression, but then she gave him a small smile, surprising him by saying, "Sweetie Belle is alive. I can feel it."

"Me, too." said Scootaloo.

"She's out there somewhere in that ginormous ocean and we're going to find her."

"That's great, at least you're not giving up." mentioned Rumble.

"Give up? Never!" Scoot replied.

"Sweetie is lot a tougher than she looks. We know that for a fact." said AB.

"So what's the plan?" Pip questioned.

Scootaloo explained, "We keep on heading to Marendelle where we can get help searching for her."

"Did you hear that, admiral?" Pip called out.

"I did! We're casting away to Marendelle!" he steered the ship in a tight turn, causing the girls to fall into the arms of the colts they were liking.

The four of them blushed to the awkward situation.

The doctor examined Sweetie Belle as she slept. To Button, she was a sleeping beauty that he wanted to very much to awaken her with a kiss.

"So far, everything seems normal. She was a very lucky young lady."

"Thanks, Doc."

"But if there's any problems later on, let me know."

"I will, thank you." The doctor nodded as he went out. Button moved closer to her bed, "Rest, princess. You have my vow that I will protect you from any harm… You may or may not be the voice in my dreams, but you are some pony I most certainly want to help with all my heart." He remembered what she said about her sisters, "And when your sisters arrive, I will bring them to you." On that oath, he did a glance before leaving and shutting the door making sure that nothing would disturb her rest.

Author's Note:

The Queen's song was You'll Be in My Heart is an extended version from Tarzan the Musical. Okay, the next chapter may not come out for awhile cause one, I'm waiting for a book that can help me with more on this story since it is a retelling of The Princess and the Pea. And two, the next chapter is introducing the princesses and having details of the ball. And three, like so many of you I have finals this week and next week. Until then, see you there.