• Published 3rd Dec 2014
  • 3,978 Views, 248 Comments

Sweet Pea - CartoonNerd12

The spin-off to The Midnight Dance starring the CMC as they take a journey to an island kingdom to face challeges that lie ahead

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Chapter 27

With the information Rumble gave, there wasn't much to go on. The group met in the gym to discuss how they were going to go after the kidnappers.

"The best thing to do is to pick up a trail… It's our only hope…" Sweetie said.

"Good thing the king barred off all ships from leaving port, which means we can't go home until Button is returned safely." said Babs.

"So the good news is that he's still on the island." said Twist.

"The kidnappers would be stupid to leave the island with Button. The whole navy would be looking, not to mention all of Equestria." said Dinky.

"The king and queen are waiting for a ransom to be made." said Featherweight.

"Then we best hurry and get going before they have to pay a cent." said Scootaloo.

"If we're going to face off a bunch of kidnappers, we need the proper attire and weapons." suggested Apple Bloom. She had the trunk with her, so she took out a green chest plate and put it over herself.

Sweetie took out a blue chest plate, a blue crown, and shoes to match. She wore them and found a pickaxe.

Scootaloo put on a purple chest plate, a biker helmet, and leather boots. She took out the two halves of the amulet and put them together, creating one whole piece again.

Apple Bloom put her hair in a ponytail and wore cowgirl boots while gathering rope up.

Twist asked, "How come you guys have matching chestplates?"

"All of Canterlot's royal family has them," explained Sweetie, "though it's mostly for the girls. Our mom and aunt have them on, and our sisters have them. They don't wear them as often."

AB exclaimed, "Neither do we, but in a time like now, might as well."

The rest of the rescue party that was going got ready as well. Pip walked in wearing a blue shirt, his mane pulled back, a red bandana on his head, and a sword at his side. Featherweight wore a loose white shirt and had a sword, too.

"Here, you'll need this extra one for Button." Babs handed another sword to him.

"Good idea." he put it on his other side.

Babs wore a black pirate outfit and put on a captain's hat, but it was missing something. With a wicked grin, she plucked out one of Featherweight's feathers and set it on top of her hat.

"Hey!" he complained.

"Thought it would be cute." she stated, giving him a cheesy smile.

Apple Bloom giggled, "You know, it actually is."

Featherweight's face softened, seeing how happy it made his princess by having something personal from him. They stared into each other's eyes.

Sweetie and Scootaloo admired Babs and Featherweight's sweet moment, but it also brought them pain about how their beloveds were either in danger or imprisoned. It brought determination to succeed with this mission.

Sweetie said, "Now let's go over the plan one more time."

Twist said as she pointed to herself and Truffle, "We'll stay here to await any further news and give support to the king and queen."

Dinky said, "I'll keep an eye on the search party with Snips and Snails to see if anything comes up about Button's whereabouts."

"And the rest of us will track the kidnappers and hopefully find Button and rescue him." said Babs.

"Looks like we're ready as we'll ever be…" said Scoots as she put the amulet around her neck and grasped it, thinking, I won't fail you, Rumble… I will set you free… and Button, too… Suddenly, she felt something surging through her and her eyes glowed. She found herself seeing a strange room full of storage and a group that looked familiar to her. There was a pony tied up to a chair with a blindfold over his eyes. Getting a closer look, she saw it was Button! Then, a stallion came closer to him and Scootaloo gasped when she recognized the stallion all too well…

"Caballeron!" she ended up shouting.

They turned to her in confusion, "Who?!"

Her eyes stopped glowing and she yelled out, "That treacherous villain is Rumble's worst nightmare! He set him up!"

"Whoa! Scoot! Back up! Now start from the beginning and tell us who exactly is this Caballeron?" pointed AB.

She took a deep breath and explained the whole story that happened the night of the talent show, excluding the marriage. She was careful to go around that detail.

"Oh, Scoots…" Sweetie rubbed her front hoof, "I'm sorry… I thought…"

"It's okay… You didn't know. None of us knew… but the amulet's power gave me the insight to see the culprit behind this whole plot…"

AB gestured, "But why kidnap Button? It doesn't make sense. If this is a revenge game on Rumble, why involve Button?"

"I don't get it myself, but what matters is getting him back and freeing Rumble!"

"You're right!" Sweetie declared, "Button is in trouble and we've got to get him out of it!" she charged for the door with her backup right behind her.

"Good luck!" Dinky and Twist shouted out.

In the basement storage of Flim and Flam's Exchange Store, Flim and Flam were nervous about the fact that the Prince of Marendelle was held up in their basement.

"I don't like this, brother…" said Flam.

"Nor I, brother… but Caballeron was sure this was the only place to keep the prince until the plan is complete."

"In the meantime, we best get back to the working to avoid suspicion." The brothers went upstairs.

Caballeron was smirking at Button, who was waking up. The prince groaned and then he felt himself being bounded to something. Seeing only a light blindfold, he asked, "Huh? What's going?! Where am I?!"

"Calm yourself, Your Highness. You'll be free soon enough…"

"Do you realize what you have done?! This is treason to kidnap a prince!"

"Which is why you're blindfolded at the moment: you can't identify your capturers after you're set free."

"If you're waiting for a ransom, then I must warn you: my parents will send an army of guards to come after you!"

"We don't want ransom. You're quite right that it would be foolish to do so… No, we're after something else and you just happen to be the bait…"

"Bait? What are you trying to do? Capture a whale?"

"That's very funny, your Grace. Let's just say that my client would be very pleased that this certain some pony is out of the way. The best part will be that I will be able to have my revenge on a pony I had the displeasure of meeting…"

"Who is it?!" Button demanded.

"Oh, no pony you would know. Then again… maybe you do… His name is Rumble. Ring a bell?"

"How do you know Rumble?!"

"When he was a colt, he used to steal for me until he stole from me! I got him good when he saw us kidnapping you. It was so easy to pin it on him. Poor boy… but he brought it upon himself…"

"You do realize that once I get back, I'll just set him free!"

"Ah… the thing is, once I fulfill my cilent's wishes, I will keep you here as long as I have to in order for Rumble's demise to be complete! He shall have the punishment he finally deserves!"

"For a crime he did not commit! I won't let you do this to my friend!"

"Let me tell you something about your so-called friend… my liege… If it weren't for him, you wouldn't be here! He's nothing but a black cat that brings misfortune wherever he goes! He already had him and his marefriend nearly killed once!"


"Yes, one of the princesses, I believe… I'm sure you've met…"

Button thought, He must be talking about Scootaloo… He told his kidnapper, "Maybe…"

"Oh, you don't have to hide anything, prince. We saw you hanging around on the beach with those princesses, Rumble, and a few others, I believe. So there is no point in denying."

Button just bared his teeth.

"Now just stay here and everything should be alright and before you know it, you'll be back in your comfortable palace…" he shouted, "Trixie!"

She came to him.

"Watch His Highness, will you, while I look out for our objective?"

She sighed, "Yes, sir."

"That's a good girl." he trotted out.

"Trixie? Wait… I remember you!"

Trixie used her magic to untie Button's blindfold and reveal herself.

"You're from the talent show!"

"I am…" she broke down and begged at his feet, "Oh, do forgive me, Your Majesty! I never wanted this to happen to you! It was bad enough I almost killed Rumble and that girl!"

"You were…?"

"Caballeron forced me to! The Alicorn Amulet was no help at all by keeping me on the dark side!"

"Then why don't you get away from it? Why not get rid of the thing and leave Caballeron?"

"It's not that simple… Caballeron's got his grip on me and if he sees that I'm not wearing the amulet, he'll get suspicious!"

"Trixie, tell me, why is he against Rumble so much? Who is this pony he's trying to get by using me?"

"Rumble was a young colt when we met him. He had talent that we thought we could use. Then when we sent him to get the Amulet of Amethyst, he just disappeared. When we came to this island, we saw him again. The real reason he hates Rumble so much is because he was planning to have him take over the band someday. He felt betrayed when the boy left us."

Button was surprised to hear this, "He cared… he actually cared…"

Trixie slowly nodded her head, "Caballeron never had any children of his own, so when Rumble came along, he reminded him of, well, himself. He was determined to teach Rumble everything about finding treasure and making a profit. He told me he was going to take him in as a son, but when he sent Rumble to retrieve the amulet, he felt hurt and angry. Something tells me he would have offered Rumble to rejoin the gang again if not for the fact Rumble had someone else in his heart…"

Scootaloo… Button concurred.

"That's why he's been trying so hard to get rid of Rumble, so he can erase any feelings he had felt for the boy…"

Button shook his head. This was a sad tale indeed, but it was even sadder that a stallion like Caballeron would try to hurt some pony he had cared for…

"And to answer your other question… I'm sorry to say… but he's after-" She stopped short when she heard hoofsteps and she quickly put the blindfold back on him.

One of the henchies came to her, "The Doc thought you would need some help."


She and Button were forced to be quiet for the rest of the time.

The rescue party made it into the village and started looking around for anything that could give them a clue about the kidnappers. Pip stopped short at the pawn shop own by the Flim Flam brothers. Apple Bloom joined him and shared the same grimace as him.

"One would think they would have skipped town." said AB.

"After all they have done to us, one would hope so…" Pip agreed.

"Might as well see if they've seen anything weird."

"True, but they may not be so talkative to us."

"Then we'll just have to make them talk." AB started going to the store and the bell rang as she did.

"Welcome to Flim and Flam-" Flim gasped when he saw who it was and ducked behind the counter. Flam joined him.

Apple Bloom gave a careless expression and Pip came by her side, giving an emotionless face.

The brothers were shaking and Flam spoke, "Your Highness! We… We were going to get help to save you from that crumbling temple!"

"Right! And we were going to make sure you got out safely!" Flim kept nodding his head.

"But we were detained and got lost in the jungle!"

AB rolled her eyes and Pip slightly shook his head.

"We're not here to arrest you if that's what you're trying to get out of…" spoke Apple Bloom.

"You're not?!" The brothers said in shock.

"I mean… Of course not!" Flam said smoothly.

"In fact," said Pip, "We need your help in something."

"Oh? And what could that be?" said Flim.

"We're looking a friend of ours… Prince Button Mash of Marendelle." said AB.

The brothers cringed and their lips were trembling.

"You do know the prince, don't you? You obviously live in Marendelle." pointed Pip.

"Of course!" Flim sputtered, "It's just… we never met him… so we don't know what he looks like…"

"So we really can't be of much help! It was nice of you to drop by, so good day to you-"

Suddenly, the brothers found themselves being tangled in rope.

"Don't you dare lie to us!" shouted Apple Bloom, "Now you two know something and you're going to tell us!"

"Why should we?!" Flim demanded.

"Because if you lie, that rope is going to get tighter until you tell the truth!"

Flam laughed, "Yeah, right!"

Pip scowled and yelled, "Haven't you two learned anything from the temple?!"

"Go ahead and try it! Tell a lie and you'll see what we mean!" AB tested them.

"Alright," started Flim, "we know nothing about the prince being kidnapped."

Instantly, the rope around them got tight. They yelped in pain.

"We never said anything about Button being kidnapped…" AB's eyes slit.

"But now that you mention it… Would you care to tell us…?" Pip smirked.

"Okay! Okay! You got us!" shouted Flim, "He's here! Underneath the shop! Caballeron is holding the prince hostage!"

"Thank you." AB gave a smug look, "You have been most kind to help us."

"I'll get the others." he kissed Apple Bloom's cheek before rushing out.

"Say, your princess-ness, where did you get the magic rope anyway?" asked Flam.

"It was a gift from my parents on my 16th birthday. They told me to only use it under dire circumstances and this is a dire circumstance."

The others came bursting into the shop by then, and Sweetie Belle was fuming when facing the Flim Flam brothers, "Where is he?! What have you done with him?!"

The brothers were so frightened to speak that they pointed their heads to the trapdoor behind them.

"I'll go first…" Scootaloo told them and the door opened with a creak. She slowly made it down the steps. When she reached the bottom, the basement was just like her vision with all the storage. She felt an eerie calm around her and when she looked ahead, she saw him. "Button!" He heard someone call his name and tried to make sense of who it was. She started running towards him until she stopped by a sword blade.

"Not so fast…" Caballeron stepped out from behind a stack of boxes.

Scootaloo glared furiously at him, "You! You framed Rumble!"

"For his own good, I assure you…" Caballeron smirked.

"You're going to pay!" she flapped up and flew past him. As she did, he caught sight of what she was wearing around her neck.

"The amulet…" he breathed. Then with a look of hatred, he shouted, "He gave you the amulet?!"

"And what of it?!" she landed at her feet. "He couldn't give it to someone like you!"

"That amulet is mine! I have been searching for it for decades!"

"Why?! Why does it mean to you?! What are you planning to use it for?!"

"Silly girl. I plan to use it to have whatever I want!"

"Like what?!"

"Why should I tell you anything? You've been a thorn in my side ever since I met. Turning Rumble over with all your charm and riches…"

She raised her eyebrow in confusion and then turned towards the sound of hoofsteps rushing down.

"Scootaloo!" Sweetie yelled and then saw Button in the state he was in, "Button!"

Button heard her angelic voice and called back, "Sweetie!"

"Henchponies! Keep them distracted!" Caballeron ordered.

The ponies did as their leader commanded and ambushed the group. They fought back as much as they could and Sweetie kept calling to Button.

Hearing her in distress, he struggled with his bonds and tried to free himself. Trixie decided to intervene when she saw Caballeron distracted with Scootaloo. She loosened the ropes and released the blindfold with her magic. Button was surprised at first, but looked at Trixie as she gave a wink. He nodded in gratitude, and when he saw the trouble, he rushed to help.

Featherweight was swordfighting when he saw his best friend coming. He smiled and quickly mumbled, "Button, here!" He took out the other sword and tossed it to Button.

Button saw it and grasped the sword with his teeth. He heard his love screaming when he saw thugs heading towards her with swords pointing. He came to her aid and fought them off. Once he disarmed them, they retreated and Button smiled at her as she returned the smile. Both had tears in their eyes and embraced while giving a kiss.

Their reunion was short-lived when they saw their friends struggling with the other henchponies. Sweetie looked above them and saw a net hanging. Using the pickaxe she brought with her, she used her magic to cut the ropes with it. The net landed right on top of the henchies.

While the battle had been going, Scootaloo dodged blows left and right from Caballeron.

"He won't be able to protect you this time!"

"I'm aware of that!" she retorted.

"I was forced to get rid of him the first time, but as long as you're here, I can rid of you and maybe once you're gone, he'd be willing to rejoin me!"

"He'll never do it!"

He chuckled, "And what makes you sure? You don't know him as long as I have…"

"Maybe not… but he's a part of me just as I am a part of him!"

"A sentimental thought to be sure, but he'll dump you on the spot!"

"That's not true!"

"He left me. What makes you so sure he won't leave you?!"

"He wouldn't! He… couldn't… No! He won't!"

He gave a small laugh, "Unsure, are you…?"

"I'm very sure!"

"Then give me one good reason he couldn't leave you?" he smugly grinned.

"I…" she lowered herself to the ground. She couldn't say it; it was too risky. If he knew, he would only make sure that she would never have a chance to raise her child, hers and Rumble's…

He smirked evilly, "I thought so… Face it, sweetheart. That boy only causes heartbreak wherever he goes…" he slowly drew near her.

"No… you're wrong…" she slowly stepped away from him, but was soon rammed against a wall. She stared into his cold eyes and it scared her. I really wish Rumble was here!

"At last… the amulet…" He grabbed for it, but felt a zap that made him moved back from it. He glared at her, "It appears the amulet is protecting you… So once you're out of the way…" he grabbed for the sword.

Scootaloo clenched in fear, closing her eyes and held on to the amulet, thinking, Rumble! Help!

Unbeknownst to her, the amulet glowed and while Rumble sat in his cell at the castle, a strange glow surrounded him. The next thing he knew, he saw in horror that Caballeron was about to strike Scootaloo!

With his anger raised in fury, he flew with all his might and cried out, "GET YOUR HOOVES OFF OF MY WIFE!" he punched Caballeron in the face and the latter fell back, knocked out.

Scootaloo cried out in joy, "Rumble!" She ran into his arms and they embraced for a while.

"I'm so glad I got here… The question is, though… how did I get here?"

Scootaloo looked down at the amulet, "The amulet… I wished you were here and it must have summoned you!"

"Oh, Scoots… Had I known it was Caballeron, I never would have let you go…"

"It couldn't be helped…" they embraced again until they heard an ahem. They turned to see their friends gaping at them.

Apple Bloom spoke first, "I'm not sure if I heard right, but did Rumble say 'wife' to you?"

Rumble and Scootaloo exchanged glances and faced their friends, who were giving them confused looks.

Scootaloo sighed, "Looks like the cat's out of bag…"

Rumble nodded, "I'll tell them."

When story time was over, Scootaloo could see the hurt in her sisters' eyes.

"Girls… I'm sorry… but there was no other way… Rumble and I… We were going to die and I thought I could do one last thing that could make me happy…"

"Now we know why you asked if adopted princesses were able to marry ponies…" said Babs.

"Yeah… pretty much…"

"I just wish… you could have told us…" said Apple Bloom, "We agreed to no longer hide secrets from each other."

Sweetie sighed, "Actually, Apple Bloom…" she looked at Button who nodded. "Button and I were engaged before the final test took place. It happened right after you went after Pip… I'm sorry I didn't tell you both, but I felt like it was just Button's and my secret… Just something he and I shared…"

Pip gestured, "So let me get this straight," he pointed to Rumble and Scoots, "You two are married," then he pointed to Sweetie and Button, "You two are engaged…" he turned to Apple Bloom, "Were we the only ones whose relationship that didn't go further than a confession?"

"Not really," said Babs, "I've yet to tell the pony I love how I feel…" She looked at Featherweight, who was blushing red.

"You… you feel that way… about me?"

"I do… You help me get past my worries and know when to cheer me up in my gloomy times… I love you, Featherweight…" she kissed his cheek and that caused him to turn red all over.

They laughed at his new color while he gathered himself.

"Then it's best I say this…" he said, still blushing, "I love you, Princess Babs Seed. Everything about you is incredible: the way you show a tough side when you're feeling sad inside. The way you laugh is adorable; I can't get enough of it… You showed me that I can be serious while still being funny… For that, I will always be grateful and I never want to lose you because of that…"

Babs had to wipe a tear away, "Come with me…"

"Come… with…?"

"When I have to go back home, I want you to come with me. I won't care what my parents will say. I won't marry any pony but you…"


"Really, truly…" they leaned in for their first kiss.

"Aww…" the ponies who surrounded them gushed.

"Oops…" said Babs, "Forgot we had an audience…"

"That was so romantic!" AB sighed.

"So, old friend, looks like it's the altar for the both us…" Featherweight said to Button.

"It sure is. I wish you the best of luck…" Button extended his hoof. Featherweight took it and they shook on it.

Pip pointed out to the three guys, "You do realize that you just put the pressure on me, don't you?"

"Yeah…" Sweetie nudged him, "When are you going to pop the question to our sister?"

"Possibly never…" AB lowered her head.

Pip lifted her chin up, having her face him with tears in his eyes, "You have no idea how much I want to…"


"If I didn't have other obligations back home, I would have asked for your hoof a week ago…"

Tears were spilling from her face, "Oh… You would have…?"

"Yes… because that's how much I have come to love you…" he kissed her forehead.

"And I will always love you no matter what…" she nuzzled his head.

"I hate to ruin this moment, but we can finish this when we get back." said Button.

"Right." they all agreed.

"Leaving so soon?" a voice echoed.

They turned back to see Caballeron and his henchies, who were all free now.

"What?! But how did you-" Rumble started.

"While you were all being mushy and stuff, I quickly went to free my comrades. Now, we have some unfinished business to complete… Trixie! Teleport us!"

Trixie was taken aback at first. Button was silently begging to her, but she just hung her head and gave into Caballeron's command. She used the Alicorn Amulet's magic and in a flash, they, except Trixie, were teleported to a beach with a seaside cliff. In the distance, dark clouds were gathering and lighting was flashing.

"This will be the perfect place to finish the job." he started heading over with his sword. The group braced themselves as he shouted, "Attack!"

The henchponies aimed for the group and they began to fight. Sweetie Belle suddenly felt a hoof grabbing her and dragging her away.

"You're coming with me…" Caballeron said.

"No! Helppp!" she screamed.

Button saw this and cried out, "Sweetie Belle!" He tried to go after her, but was overpowered. The others were held back, too, by fighting them off.

Sweetie was kicking and screaming when Caballeron threw some powder on her. At the moment, she went unconscious.

"Alas, sweet princess… this is how things must be… If only you weren't hated by one so fair… Adieu…" He dropped her off the cliff.

In that one moment, they stopped fighting to see her falling… and falling…

Button, Scootaloo, and Apple Bloom were mortified. Caballeron gave the signal and the ponies who worked for him went off, leaving the young ponies in a state of horror.

When Button reached to the top of the cliff, he shouted, "I have to go after her!" He was about to make the jump until Apple Bloom and Rumble held him back.

"Let me go!" he squirmed to get out of their grip.

"Don't be a fool!" Scootaloo proclaimed, "She… she's…" tears came running down.

Apple Bloom was sobbing, too, "She's… gone…"

"No! No… She… she can't be…" Button moaned.

Babs, Featherweight, Rumble, and Pip gave off solemn looks.

Button fell into despair and thunder crashed as rain began to fall. Button crouched to the ground and mourned for his lost love…