• Published 3rd Dec 2014
  • 3,978 Views, 248 Comments

Sweet Pea - CartoonNerd12

The spin-off to The Midnight Dance starring the CMC as they take a journey to an island kingdom to face challeges that lie ahead

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Chapter 24

Author's Note:

Songs featured are Proud of Your Boy from the Aladdin Broadway musical and You'll be in My Heart Reprise from Tarzan the Musical.

Sweetie Belle tossed and turned in her bed with sweat rolling down her face. In her mind, things were moving around her. She saw clips of failing the test and the queen looking upset as she said, "You failed…"

Button protested to his mother and the queen was furious and banished Sweetie Belle from Marendelle. When Button was marrying a different princess, Sweetie was shouted "no" over and over again.

"Button! No! Please! I love you! I love you!" she screamed.

"Enough!" a voice commanded and in a blast of blue light, the images were gone and in their place was a tall, night-blue alicorn flying down to Sweetie.

"Aunt Luna!" Sweetie's eyes gleamed.

"My dear niece… Sweetie Belle…"

"It's so wonderful to see you! How's Mom and Dad?"

"Fine, but they are concerned about when you and your sisters will return."

"Oh… well… we've gotten a little side-tracked…" Sweetie blushed.

"I see… and I can't help but notice that… you are having doubts?"

"It's just…" she turned her head away, not sure how she could tell her aunt everything that happened. Instead, she just said, "Button can't find anything about the next test… His mother refuses to say, so it's been hard… and I really have to win this because…" she stopped short.

"You and Button are engaged?"

She gasped and stared at her aunt in disbelief, "How… How did you know?"

"I am the Princess of the Night. I go into my subjects' dreams and know all about their troubles… Also… I know about the connection of your dream and Button's dream a while ago."

"You do?"

"Button was having a hard time with the fact he had to get married for the sake of his kingdom. Because of what happened to your sisters, I wanted a chance to redeem myself since I had a hoof in your sisters' capture…"

"Oh, Aunt Luna… Rarity had told me all about that… You were only trying to protect them…"

"Still, I felt responsible, so I was going to help Button out by finding a pony whose mind was like his. Only then could a connection be made. I began searching and to my surprise, I found that it was you, my dear niece, who would have a similar view to his."


She nodded, "It seems that fate has been kind to you, Sweetie Belle. Your adoption into Canterlot's royal family was the only way for you and Button to meet… And you have passed every single test the queen has given you so far, proving you were meant to be here."

"But, Luna… I don't understand. Button and I were able to hear each other in the dream, but we couldn't see each other."

"Yes, that is something beyond my power. There was a bridge between yours and Button's dreams, but because you're never seen each other before, you couldn't see each other."

"Is it possible we can see each other now in our dreams?"

Luna smiled, "Will seeing your love help you sleep better?"

Sweetie nodded.

Luna's horn began to glow, "And one last thing, Sweetie Belle…"


"Do not fret about failing the next test. You have passed these tests with your heart. As long as you keep using your heart, you will succeed in the end… Have faith in yourself, child, and you will have your prince…"

Sweetie's eyes filled with tears, "Thank you… I will remember that…"

"I sense him nearby. Good luck, my sweet niece…" Luna's aura engulfed the alicorn and she was gone.

"Sweetie Belle? Is that you?"

Sweetie turned to the sound of his voice. He was there in the middle of the golden ballroom just like their first dream together. He was dressed in his finest like he did at the ball and she in turn was wearing the same pink gown. She went over to touch his hoof.

"Yes, I'm here."

"Are you sure I'm not dreaming? Cause I could have sworn I went to bed."

She giggled, "Well, yes… We are in a dream, but we also here together…"

"But it's really you?"

"It is. In here, we are allowed to speak freely of our future plans, like what our wedding will be or how many kids we want."

He blushed at the thought, "So, exactly how many kids do you want?"

She blushed herself, "Er… I don't know yet, but I definitely want more than one."

At that point, music started playing in the background. They tried to see where it was coming from, but gave up when they found nothing.

Button made a bow, "May I have this dance?"

She curstied, "Of course."

They went into a waltz position and started dancing closely, only this time it was just them and no pony else was watching them. They were in their own world, where there were no tests, no mothers, no duty, no titles, and no kingdom to look after. This was a happy moment for Sweetie and Button and they never wanted it to end. They kept dancing and as they did, they could feel themselves being lifted gently up in the air. They didn't care since all they focus on was each other. They held on for the longest time.

"I love you…" they both said.

"It's amazing," said Sweetie, "Before, I was supposed to help you gain your freedom, but instead… I gained your love…"

Button smiled, "At first I did want freedom, but you had opened my eyes on what freedom is… My dad was right. Sometimes being free means choosing not to go, but to stay… I am free as long as I am with you…"

They were about to kiss until they felt a shift and Button was being pulled away, "I'm waking up!" he tried reaching out, "Sweetie!"

"Button!" she called out as she saw him fading away.

"Button… Button…" a voice called him awake.

Button stirred in his bed.

"Button, honey…" a hoof shook on him.

Button groaned as his eyes opened and once his vision was cleared, he saw who it was and got upset, "Aw, Mom! Why did you have go and do that?!"

Love Tap was taken aback and stammered, "Honey… I'm sorry, it's just… you weren't up yet and I wondered why you were sleeping in…"

"You always ruin everything!" Button threw the sheets off and glared at his mother, "Why can't you let me be happy just this once!" he had tears welling up and he ran past her and out of the room.

The queen was shocked and wondered what happened to her sweet little boy, who would always come to her whenever he felt sad and angry and she always calmed him down. Now it was she who caused him pain. That made her release a few tears.

Button went straight to Sweetie's room the minute he ran out of his room. He had his head on her legs as she sat on the bed and she stroked his mane. It reminded him of when his mother did the same thing. He felt guilty that he shouted at the mare who raised him since he was a baby. He was able to tell her anything, but now he was forced to hide his relationship with the mare he loved. He wanted more than anything for his mother to be happy for them.

"Why…? Why did I do that?" he kept asking himself.

"Sometimes… we lose it with the ones we love… You keep seeing her as some pony in your way to happiness, but it could be that you just miss having her around."

"I have been pretty distant lately…"

"Did that start when… I came?"

"No… it started long before you came into the picture, even before I heard your voice in my dream…"

"You need to patch things up."

"How? We've been clashing against each other with this whole marriage and test business so much that I don't know if we'll ever fix things between us."

"You need to remember a time when your mother and you were happy together and that there was nothing in the way."

He smiled as he closed his eyes and memories came to him when his mother would play with him, comfort him, read him stories, and sing to him… She would always sing a special lullaby… He opened his eyes in realization, "Sweetie… I'm going to need your help…"

She gave a confused look.

Love Tap had a sorrowful look while on her throne. Her husband noticed the distress she was in and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong…" she said quietly.

"Since when do you mope around? You're always on top of things."

She did a huff, "If I was on top of things, how come my son has been avoiding me…? Shouting at me… Telling me I'm ruining everything…?"

"Well, sweetheart…" he put his hoof around her, "You can't expect him to cooperate with these princesses being tested to show that they are good for him. All he wants is a chance to prove himself to some mare he could like instead of a mare being chosen for him."

"But I know that because he's the crown prince, it's wise that he marries a princess who knows what she's getting into. An ordinary mare would have no idea how hectic this lifestyle really is. I'm just trying to help him…"

"Maybe he doesn't need help when it comes to love…"

She sighed, "Why did you love me?" she faced him with big eyes, "Why did you give it up? The life you had before me?"

This surprised him for a bit, and then he softly chuckled, "You know… Button asked me the same question… The answer is quite simple: I fell in love and for once, I felt happiness… I've been everywhere in Equestria, but never has there been a place that felt more right to be in other than here…"

"But don't you miss it?"

"Perhaps sometimes, but if I ever got on a ship again somehow, I think I would feel empty inside…" he smiled at her.

She smiled in return.

"Just please tell me we're at the last test already."

"We are just about there, but first, our remaining champions must complete in another test and then it will be determined who's qualified for the final test and to be Button's future queen."

He shook his head, "Must we really force him to marry some pony he hardly knows…?"

"No, I plan for the two of them to get know each better before the ceremony."

"But that doesn't mean they'll fall in love, dear…"

"Sometimes… things must…" she couldn't bring herself to say it.

"So you're putting the kingdom first before your own son…"

"It's not that I don't want to…"

"Love… I have supported you since we ascended to the throne. Every decision, every proclamation… But I cannot support this… as far as our son is concerned… I was hoping that by seeing what the tests would do, I hoped that you would have changed your mind and call the whole thing off… But if you're that willing to see your son unhappy, than what kind of future do we have?" he started getting up.

The queen was staring at her husband in shock, "Cinnamon…?"

"I love you, but what you're doing to our son is not love…" he turned to go and gradually left the room, leaving Love Tap crying. He heard the cries and that caused him to cry as well.

"…And it's done!" Sweetie finished writing the notes and lyrics to the song she wrote. She magically gave the sheet to Button, "From what you told me about how you felt being with your mother when you were little and how you wished it can be like that again, this song will express everything."

He kissed her head, "You are the best!" Then he looked nervous.

She beamed and took his hoof, "Trust me, your mom will love this… Good luck…"

He nodded and kissed her cheek before going. She waited for a bit before following him.

Queen Love Tap sighed miserably and her head hung low. Suddenly, she heard hoofsteps and looked up to see Button looking back at her, "But… Button?"

"Mom…" he took a step forward with a solemn look on his face, "I… I wanted to apologize…"


"I snapped at you this morning and that was wrong of me… I'm sorry… To make it up to you, I have a song for you."

"A song? For me?"

He nodded and headed to a nearby piano, where he set Sweetie's music down on the stand. He struck a few chords to warm up, and then he cleared his throat as he began to play and sing.

"Proud of your boy… I'll make you proud of your boy… Believe me, bad as I've been, Ma… You're in for a pleasant surprise… I've wasted time… I've wasted me… So say I'm slow for my age… A late bloomer, okay, I agree… That I've been one rotten kid, some son, some pride and some joy… But I'll get over these lousin' up, messin' up, screwin' up times… You'll see, ma, now comes the better part… Someone's gonna make good… Cross his stupid heart… Make good and finally make you proud of your boy! Tell me that I've been a louse and a loafer… You won't get a fight here, no ma'am… Say I'm a goldbrick, a goof-off, no good… But that couldn't be all that I am… Water flows under the bridge… Let it pass, let it go! There's no good reason that you should believe me, not yet, I know, but… Someday and soon… I'll make you proud of your boy! Though I can't make myself taller or smarter or handsome or wise! I'll do my best, what else can I do? Since I wasn't born perfect like Dad or you… Mom, I will try to… Try hard to make you… Proud of your boy…" He stopped to face his mother, who had tears in her eyes.


He moved up to her and she got up and went to him. They stared at each other before moving into a motherly-son embrace.

"My little boy… You've grown so much over the years… It's just so hard to believe…" she started crying again.

He patted her back and softly sang a melody she recognized, "Don't be afraid… It will be all right… Just take my hoof… Hold it tight… No matter where I am, I'll be with you… Just think of me… Don't you cry…"

They sang together, "No one could understand the way we feel… How would they know, how could we explain? Although we're different, deep inside us… We're not that different at all… 'Cause you'll be in my heart… Yes, you'll be in my heart… From this day on… Now and forever more… You'll be in my heart…"

Love Tap sang, "You'll be here in my heart…"

Button sang, "No matter what they say…"

"Oh, you'll be with me…"

"You'll be in my heart…"

"Here in my heart…"

Both sang, "Always… Always…"

"Mother… I'll be there for you always…"

"Always and always…"

"Just look over your shoulder…"

Both sang, "Just look over your shoulder…"

Button sang, "Turn around…"

They finished, "And look over your shoulder… 'Cause I'll be there… always…"

They embraced for the longest time, unaware that a unicorn princess was watching them from the door, smiling.

Button let go and said, "Mom, if it makes you feel any better, I will marry a princess…" He saw Sweetie Belle and gave a quick wink.

"Oh, Button… you will?"

He nodded, "In truth, I am grateful that you invited all the princesses in Equestria, but I still don't approve of the contest…"

"It's almost over… Tonight at dinner, the remaining princesses will have another test to determine the ones who will go on to the final test…"

"And… what is this final test?"

"One that would prove who is a true princess…"

Button kissed his mother's forehead, "Very well, Mom. Do what you have to and I will do what I have to…"

"Button, you will be a wonderful king…" she hugged him again as he returned it.

"Thanks Mom… that means a lot to me…" he smiled to her before leaving the room. He closed the door and faced the mare he loved, "Did you get all that?"

She nodded, "This is it… By passing this test, we move on to the last one…"

"You can do this. I have faith…"

She giggled.

"What's so funny?"

"Oh, just something some pony told me… I believe that both you and this pony were right…"

He moved his hoof around her and she nuzzled under his chin.

Dinner had been served and the remaining princesses were seated, along with some princesses who stayed to see the final results. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo weren't going leave without their sister anyway and Twist and Dinky were staying as moral support. Also, Twist didn't want to say good-bye to Truffle too soon.

"So…" Babs played with her food, "This next test comes down to the last test?"

"That's what I heard." said Sweetie, "Babs… I know you have to stay for the sake of your kingdom… but I have to win in the end…"

"I know… you love him… That's why I'm hoping I do fail this one… And if by some chance I don't, I will drop…"

"But… what would your parents say?" Scootaloo asked.

"I don't care. I never wanted to be queen of Marendelle, anyway. Instead, I want a husband who can make me laugh…" she winked at Sweetie, who smiled when she got the message.

Suddenly, the trumpets blared and the royal family entered the banquet hall. The princesses stopped eating and bowed their heads in respect.

The queen spoke, "Forgive our interruption, but I would like to do the next test with the princesses who passed the last test. Girls, if you could come here."

Sweetie Belle and Babs headed over and so did Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, Princess Aura.

The queen spoke loud and clearly, "Ladies, you have passed every test that I have given so far. This next test with show how well you can speak with an audience in a room. You will each have a chance to speak, telling me why you are the best princess for my son, Prince Button Mash. Princess Aura, you may start first."

"I, Princess Aura, have passed the tests since they were first given. That is why I am best princess."

"Thank you, Princess Diamond Tiara?"

"I, Princess Diamond Tiara, am a princess by birth and know all that there is to be a princess. I also come from a kingdom that has much to offer to Marendelle. I shall be a worthy queen for your son, the prince."

"Princess Silver Spoon?"

"My reasons are the same as Dia. There's no need for me to repeat the same thing."

"I see." she looked at Sweetie, "And you, Princess Sweetie Belle?"

Sweetie was caught off-guard and her heart pounded. Behind her, her sisters worried. She thought, What can I say? Then, she remembered her Aunt Luna's words to her, "…you have passed these tests with your heart. As long as you keep using your heart, you will succeed in the end… Have faith in yourself, child, and you will have your prince…" She stared at Button, who was staring back at her with concern.

"Princess Sweetie Belle?" The queen asked again.

Sweetie thought with a determined look, What else can I say…but the truth…? She took a breath, and spoke, "I love your son."

There was instant muttering and her sisters were giving each other looks of bewilderment. Button was stunned himself that Sweetie would outright admit her love. Diamond Tiara was snickering inside her head, Oh, she's in for it now! The queen will never let her pass now!

Love Tap was surprised by this revelation and she asked, "And why do you say that?"

"I've been in love with your son since the day we met. I believe I am the best princess for him because I can offer him support and comfort. Happiness and love… He deserves someone by his side who can do just that… I will always love him and that will never die. I will be loyal to him and only to him… My prince… My king… My love…" She saw that he was on the verge of tears.

"Thank you…" the queen softly said, "Princess Babs Seed?"

Babs stood quiet for a moment and then said, "If this was a question about what is best for the kingdom, I could give you a number of reasons. But the question is who would be the best princess for Prince Button Mash. And I believe that princess is Sweetie Belle, for she has made it clear that she loves your son and would anything to make him happy. In the time that I have known her, she is a true friend. She will be the best princess that rightfully belongs by Prince Button's side. You will make the right choice if you choose her." She stood quiet again.

There was a pause in the air and all eyes were on the queen as she stood silent. The king and Button exchanged looks, wondering what was going on in her head. Just then, she spoke, "Princess Diamond Tiara and Princess Sweetie Belle shall proceed to the final test."

Mouths gaped open by the surprising announcement.

"We shall leave for you to finish your dinner. Thank you for your cooperation." she turned to go with her husband and son right behind her.

Once they were gone, Sweetie was surrounded by her sisters and friends cheering and congratulating her. Diamond was fuming nearby, watching the happy scene.

"Wow… even after she admitted having a thing for the prince, the queen still let her take the final test…" Silver Spoon pointed.

"No… I will not let that little nobody have a chance of living the high life… She belongs back where all commoners belong… in the dirt and unseen… I am going to win this test and there is nothing she can do about it…"

The princesses gathered in Sweetie Belle's room going over the recent events. Pip and Rumble were there as well. Once they learned what happened, they were surprised as well that Sweetie got to move on to the last test.

"You got lucky." said Rumble.

"I will admit: I was scared that she wasn't going to let me pass, but when she did…"

"I bet Babs' speech had something to do with it." said Apple Bloom.

"I merely followed Sweetie's example and told the truth. I wasn't going to be able to say why I was the best princess for Button because I wasn't."Babs admitted.

"What do you think this last test is going to be like?" Scoots asked.

"Who knows…" Sweetie shrugged.

"But doesn't Button…?" questioned Dinky.

"The tests were kept secret from him. He's just as much in the dark as the rest of us."

"Well, you made it this far. That should be a sign telling you that you will pass!" gestured Scootaloo.

"I sure hope you're right, Scootaloo… I sure hope you're right…"

Just then, a knock came at her door and in stepped the page they met before coming to Marendelle.

"Hey! You haven't seen you in a while!" Scoots motioned.

"Yes, Your Highnesses, I've been very busy. Now it is my duty to escort Princess Sweetie Belle to a private chamber so that she may be well rested for the final test tomorrow."

"Huh?!" they all said.

"But what's wrong with the room she's in now?" AB asked.

"Nothing. The queen just thought she needed a place to relax so she may be prepared tomorrow."

"What happens if I refuse?"

"Then you cannot compete in tomorrow's test."

"What?!" they all said again.

"That's not fair!" Apple Bloom protested.

"Yeah!" the others agreed.

"I'm sorry, but those are the queen's orders."

"Looks like you don't have much of a choice…" Twist whispered.

"Alright… I'll go." Sweetie got up.

"We'll go with you." said Scoots.

"You cannot. I was told only to escort Princess Sweetie Belle. No one else can follow."

The sisters groaned.

"It's okay, guys. I'll just see you in the morning." Sweetie hugged the both of them and they returned the hug before the page led her out and shut the door behind them.

"That was weird." said Babs.

"Hm-mm…" the others nodded in agreement.

Sweetie walked down the hallway with the page, and then he stopped at a door, where he took out a key to unlock it. He opened it and walked in. When Sweetie Belle entered, she stopped and gazed at the bed. She slowly looked up to see twenty mattresses on it. She gawked at the sight.

"Nightgowns are in the wardrobe. The private bathroom is next to it, and there are some milk and cookies on the table…"

"Wait, you want me to sleep all the way up… there…?" she squeaked.

"As the queen requested."

"But… But…"

"Are you afraid of heights?"

"Heights I can handle, but falling…"

"Not to worry. The bed and the mattresses are enchanted. No pony can fall off."

"You're sure?"

"I assure you, you will be perfectly safe. Why, when you'll be up there, you say you'll be sleeping on air."


"Sleep well, Princess, and we shall see you in the morning…" he took his leave and went out, locking the door.