• Published 3rd Dec 2014
  • 3,978 Views, 248 Comments

Sweet Pea - CartoonNerd12

The spin-off to The Midnight Dance starring the CMC as they take a journey to an island kingdom to face challeges that lie ahead

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Chapter 18

Apple Bloom yawned as she got up. She was exhausted from putting away the sets her sisters needed in the talent show. Babs, Dinky, and Twist were kind enough to help her out since her sisters mysteriously disappeared after the show. She decided to go see Pip and ask him what he thought of the show. But when she knocked on the door, there was no answer.

"Probably still sleeping…" she told herself, but she had a strange feeling that she should check, "Just one little peek…" she slowly opened his door and saw nothing. She opened the door all the way to see Pip was nowhere in sight. "That's the second time! Where is he? Maybe Rumble knows something…" she quickly went out.

Rumble slowly opened his eyes, only to feel something was attached to him and turned to see a sleeping Scootaloo on his arm.

He slightly panicked, Scootaloo? What- Then the events of last night played through his head and he gave a sigh of relief, Right, Caballeron… getting married… That is, if we really are married… He looked at his supposed wife. She was even beautiful in her sleep… she made cooing noises while breathing… and the way she kept holding his arm was very sweet… He beamed at the sight.

She started stirring and her eyes fluttered open.

"Morning, sunshine…" he told her.

"Rumble?!" she jumped up, "How…? What…? Did we…?"

He chuckled, "No, no, we did nothing like that, remember?"

Her memories of last night came to her and she blushed, "Right… the wedding…"

"So this is what it's like for spouses when they first wake up in the morning…"

"I guess so, though I'm pretty sure they're used to seeing another pony next to them."

"We'll work on that. By the way, are we going take turns sleeping in each other's rooms or are we going to just use your room?"

"We'll think of something. The main thing is we have to pretend our relationship hasn't changed. My sisters already figured that we were more than friends. Imagine their surprise when they'd find out we're husband and wife… supposedly."

"It'll be hard, but I think we can do it."

She smirked and pressed their lips together until a knock came at the door. A voice cried out, "Scootaloo? Have you seen Rumble? I have to ask him something!" It was Apple Bloom.

Both pegasi had a look of panic spread across their faces, trying hard to think of what do in this situation.

"Hide!" she told him.

He got out of the bed and crawled underneath it as Scootaloo went to the door, opening it a crack.

"Oh, hey, Apple Bloom…" she gave an uneasy smile.

"You okay?"

"Oh, I'm fine," she faked a yawn, "Just tired from last night's events." She had somewhat told the truth.

"Alright… but do you know where Rumble is? I have to ask him something about Pip."

"Pip? Why?"

"He's gone! Again! And I don't where he went or when he'll be back!"

Rumble heard that and thought, Ugh… I warned him… Wait, the note! He started to get up, but he bonked his head and shouted out, "Ow!"

"What was that?" AB questioned.

"That was me!" She rubbed her tummy, "My stomach is 'ow'ing for food!"

"Can stomachs even say 'ow'?"

"Mine can! Look, as soon as I see Rumble, I'll tell him you're looking for him, okay?"

"Sure, thanks sis. That means a lot." she turned to go.

"No problem." She closed the door behind her and gave out a sigh of relief as Rumble came out rubbing his head.

"You alright?" she started looking over the bump.

"It's nothing."

"That's what you said about your wing and looked what happen."

"As I recall, that was your fault for breaking my wing."

"Sprained it. I didn't actually break it."

"Sure felt like it when you tackled me to the ground."

"We're getting off topic here. I'm trying to make sure you didn't get a concussion and do you know anything about Pip?"

"Yeah, he came to me when he had gone."

"Gone? Gone where?"

"I don't know. He refused to tell me."

"Didn't you try to coax it out of him?"

"I told him that Apple Bloom would be worried, but he insisted on leaving."

"When did he leave?"

"Two days ago."

"Two days ago?! Why didn't you tell us sooner?!"

"Well, he figured that with you girls being busy with the talent show, it was a perfect time to go. Look, he gave me a note to give Apple Bloom, but with the talent show and everything that happened last night, I didn't have time to get it to her."

"Then go and give it to her now or else, we'll see AB in panic mode and I know how hard it is to get her out of that state!"

"Right away, honey."

"See you later, dear." They kissed before realizing.

"We're going to have to keep the pet names to a minimum." he said.

"No kidding. I'll never hear the end of it if my sisters heard me calling you 'honey' or 'dear'…"

"Love ya, Scoots…"

"I love you, too…" she smirked as he was leaving and quickly used her tail to swish on his face, causing him to give her a dopey grin before going out the door.

Button walked into the throne room with a skip in his step and a whistle. He then greeted his parents, "Good morning, Pop! Good morning, Mom!" He gave his mother a kiss on the cheek.

"Oh!" Love Tap was surprised but pleased, "Good morning to you too, Button!"

Cinnamon Swirl smiled and whispered to his wife, "He seems to be a in a chipper mood."

"He does… Button, sweetie, may I ask why you're feeling so happy?"

"Oh, just that I found something that I don't plan on letting go…" he sighed.

"That's good to hear." the king beamed.

"Well, as long as you're in a great mood, your father and I want to tell you something."

"Oh yeah? About what?"

His dad started, "Your mother and I been thinking, since you are almost of age… we think it would be a good time for us to retire…"

"…and for you to take over the throne and be king!" The queen finished and was smiling widely, "Isn't that wonderful?!"

Button was speechless. He knew he had to be king someday, but he didn't think it would be this soon. He trained all his life for this moment, but as prepared as he was, he felt he wouldn't handle the job. He finally spoke when finding his voice, "Are… Are you sure? Because I thought I would be able to watch you guys a bit longer and learn all I know before I can take over."

"Sweetheart, I understand that you're nervous. I felt that way too when your grandfather gave the throne to me." his mother explicated.

"But at least you knew what you were doing… I know what I have to do, but to actually do it… those are two very different things…"

"We'll discuss this later. Today, we have to go the Hot Springs with the winner of the talent show. Tomorrow, I have to present the next test to the remaining princesses. The ones who had failed have gone home, but there are still plenty of candidates that could make a good queen for you."

"Just, uh, who are the remaining candidates?" He already knew, thanks to Sweetie Belle, but it was best that he asked to keep his mother from finding out he was secretly dating one of the princesses.

"Princesses Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon from Stirram. One of them would be an excellent queen. They are from a well-off kingdom and have training that matches their pedigree."

And their attitudes… Button thought, recalling Sweetie's description of them.

"And then there is Princess Aura, Princess Babs Seed, Princess Dinky Doo, Princess Twist, Princess Sunny Daze, and the Princesses from Canterlot. I don't need to tell you that having an alliance with Canterlot would be good for us."

"Of course."

"Not to mention that the princesses are talented and smart young ladies."

"It seems you're impressed by them, Mom…" he smirked.

"All of these princesses have impressed me, Button, since they had passed two of the tests so far."

"Just how many tests are there left?"

"Not many. In fact, this next test should be able to eliminate a majority of the princesses."

Uh-oh… Button gulped.

"But there's no need for you to worry your pretty head over."

"Not worry?! Mother! Those girls are trying to win for my hoof when I should be the one trying to prove my worth!"

"He does have a good point." his father nodded.

"Let's not start that again…" Love Tap warned.

"If you'll excuse me, I have business to attend to." Button made a bow and left to go find Sweetie Belle.

Sweetie Belle… She was the mare of his dreams, literally, since he heard her voice before meeting her on that day when she washed ashore on the beach. To his luck, he saw her coming out of the banquet hall and started heading upstairs. With her back turned, he called out, "Excuse me, miss? Might I know where I can find the most beautiful mare in all of Equestria?" he smirked away.

She stopped in her tracks and slowly turned around with a smirk of her own, "And who may I ask would wish to know such a thing?"

"Oh," he took a step forward while smoothing his mane out, "Just the most handsome and bravest stallion in all of Equestria…"

She slowly walked down to him, "Hm, maybe I know, maybe I don't know…"

"I think you know…"

"Oh, really…?" They were an inch closer and their faces almost touched. "And what makes you so sure…?"

"Because, you're her…" Their lips made contact and they kissed for a while until Sweetie broke apart from him.

"Button, what if someone sees us?" she looked around.

He took her hoof and put his arms around her, "Let them see. I'm done hiding how I feel."

"But what about your mother? I don't want to come between you and her…"

"I don't care. I deserve this moment of happiness. Ever since I heard your voice, it brought me the hope of feeling happy like everyone else. And when we met face to face, I did feel happy and I'm even happier now… knowing the mare and the voice were the one and same… Don't you see, Sweetie? We were meant to be…"

Tears were rolling down her face and she blubbered, "Oh, yes, Button! Yes!" They went into a deep long kiss.

Apple Bloom was looking over the note Rumble gave her when he found her. She sat at her desk and read the note, which said, Apple Bloom, if you're reading this, it means I didn't make it back tonight. There is something I have to do. I would tell you, but it's a surprise. I will be back; I just don't know if it'll be tomorrow or the next couple of days. Don't worry about me. I'll be fine. When I come back, it'll all be worth it, trust me. Your good friend, Pip.

Apple Bloom kept re-reading the note, and the more she read, the more her anger swelled up. Why couldn't he tell her? Where did he go? And was he alright like he said he was? Rumble told her that Pip left the note for her a couple of nights ago and he had forgotten to give it to her. Two nights ago… Pip had been gone for two days now, and if he didn't come back today, he would've been gone for three days. And if he was still not back by the next day, that would be four. Then five, six, seven… A whole week! He'd be gone missing for a week!

She tried figuring out what caused Pip to go off. She thought back to how strange he had been acting since the first time she couldn't find him. And even before that… the day they went into the village, she was looking for a place to paint him, but when she came back, he was uptight about something… Somewhere in the village, Pip started holding back from his usual cool self.

"Apple Bloom?" Scootaloo came in, "Are you ready to go? The king and queen are going to take us to the Hot Springs Resort soon."

"Oh, Scootaloo…" she turned to face her and faked a cough, "I wish I could come with you, but I don't feel so good…"

"Oh, no… are you going to be okay?"

"Oh, yeah. It's just a small cold. Some fluids and soup and I'll be right as rain!"

"Okay…" she turned to go out, "I tell them and Sweetie you can't come, then…"

"Thanks, and don't worry about me." she got in the bed and waved her off.

Scootaloo waved back, "Get better."

"I will." she closed her eyes and once she heard the door close, she had a look of determination and got out the bed.

"Wow!" Sweetie looked around the Resort. Everything had an under-the-sea theme to it. The walls were dark blue and the lamps and wall decorations had a seashell design.

"You said it!" Scootaloo joined in her excitement with Rumble right beside her.

"Too bad Apple Bloom suddenly got sick. She would have loved it here." said Sweetie.

"Alright, ladies and gentlecolt, here are your room keys for tonight." the queen handed their room numbers to them.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." they bowed to her.

"Have fun and we shall see you in the morning." she and her husband went off as Button stole a glance to Sweetie.

She smiled at him before he went and she turned towards her sister, "I'm going to check into my room. See you at the spa?"

"You know I don't do hooficures."

"Ah, come now, Scoots. It might actually be fun." Rumble winked.

"Is that a challenge?" she eyed him.

"I'm just saying if you can't handle it…"

"Can't handle it?! Listen, buster! I can take anything!" she faced Sweetie, "Fine, I'll meet you in the spa…"

"Great! See you there."

Once she was out of sight, he asked, "So, do we sleep in separate rooms tonight?"

"Hmm," she pondered before throwing her key in a flower pot, "I say we sleep in one room…"

"You know, I wonder if we can get a honeymoon suite…"

"Whoa, easy there, tiger! Remember, we don't know for sure… The closest we get is sleeping in the other's room, that's it."

"Does that also limit the amount of kissing time?"

"Just as long as no pony we know sees us… no, it doesn't…" she pulled him closer and he moved her into a dip before they went into a long kiss.

Apple Bloom made her way into the village, retracing her and Pip's steps. She remembered leaving where there were a bunch of shops… She looked over the shops and figured out which one Pip could have gone into. She could just go in ask the owners if they have seen Pip before. She headed for the nearest shop that was called Flim and Flam's Exchange Store.

The bell rang and two stallions started saying, "Welcome to Flim…"

"…and Flam's Exchange Store!"

"What can we do for you, young filly?" asked the one without the mustache.

"Well, I'm looking for-"

"Perhaps you're looking for genuine pearls!" the one with a mustache started showing off merchandise.

"Those are pretty, but I was hoping-"

"…for something better! I couldn't agree more! Who needs pearls when you can have a genuine kelpie lamp?"

"No, you see, I-"

"Or how about a genuine Wonderbolt medal?"

"I'm looking for a colt!" she shouted out.

"Aw, of course. What young mare wouldn't be dreaming of the perfect stallion…?"

"What I mean is I'm looking for a colt that's white, has brown spots all over his body, and…"

"Wait, this colt wouldn't happen to be big and strong?"


"And has a brownest mane?"

"Yes! With dark chocolate eyes! You've seen him?"

"Hm, nope sorry, haven't seen him."

"Yup, sorry to say."

"But didn't you just-"

"If you aren't interested in buying in anything, then we'll take our business elsewhere. Good day to you."

"Wait! I'll buy it all!"

This intrigued the brothers, "Ah, but how are you going to pay for that?"


Suddenly, a huge bag of coins landed on the counter and the brothers stared at in bewilderment.

"Well, I say it was a pleasure doing business with you…" Flim started reaching for the bag.

"Not so fast!" she stuck her hoof over the bag, "I'm not paying until I learn all you know… Now, have you seen Pip…?"

"Pip? Oh! That Pip! Well, that is to say…"

"Circumstances being what they are…"

"Where is he?!" she demanded.

"He's out looking for a treasure!"

"What? What do you mean treasure?"

"Our treasure, to be precise…" Flim took out the map, "We own the map, but Pip is going to dig it up for us, so he gets half the profit."

So this is the surprise he was talking about… AB remembered from the note. "Well, he hasn't come back yet and I'm getting worried about him…"

"Oh, that's a shame… Well, brother, looks like we'll need to get a new pawn- I mean helper!"

"How dare you! Pip is lost out there and all you can think about it is finding another pony to take his place?! How much do you want for that map?!"

"Whoa, there, filly! Why should we give up a rare treasure map that could lead to riches beyond your imagination for a bag of measly bits?"

"Gee, I don't know. It could be because I am a visiting princess… and the fact that Pip was my personal escort. If something were to happen to him… something could happen to the princess he was protecting… and when the king and queen find who was responsible for the reason the princess was unprotected, then I'm afraid you will be blamed for it…"

The brothers' brows were sweating and they gulped.

"Now let's not be hasty, Your Majesty. Of course we want you to be protected, so take the map, free of charge!"

"Thank you." she took the map and handed another bag of gold, "For your troubles." She went out, leaving them speechless.

Author's Note:

For those who remember my chapters from the Midnight Dance, at this point it was near the battle, but here in this story, we're not even close to the ending! I totally surpassed my last story! How did that happen? And I guess we'll see if Scoots and Rumble are really married or not.