• Published 3rd Dec 2014
  • 3,978 Views, 248 Comments

Sweet Pea - CartoonNerd12

The spin-off to The Midnight Dance starring the CMC as they take a journey to an island kingdom to face challeges that lie ahead

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Chapter 12

Rumble could not stop thinking about the kiss he shared with Scootaloo a couple of days ago. What he would give to taste those sweet lips again… He could always challenge her again, but he wanted her to kiss him of her free will the next time. He wanted a more natural feeling that he was meant to kiss her, but how? He went to a mirror that was in his guest room. He look over his reflection, licking his teeth to make sure nothing was stuck in them, and he checked his breath so it didn't smell bad.

A bath wouldn't be such a bad idea, either… he thought. Then he checked his wing in the cast, seeing if it was back to normal. He slowly unwrapped it and started moving the wing. To his luck, it was better! He knew this was going to please Scootaloo that he made a miraculous recovery. Even better! I'll surprise her! And I know how to do it, too… He put his bandages back on according to his plan.

Pip looked side to side when exiting out of his room. He had to go see Flim and Flam today, and he didn't want Apple Bloom or her sisters finding out. He quietly walked down the stairs to get to the outside when he came across the guards at the gates and he presented his coat of arms, which King Sombra and Queen Celestia gave to him when they hired him to be the princesses' personal escort. Not questioning his business, the guards let him out.

Apple Bloom was checking on Pip, only to notice his room was empty. "Hm, must've gone to get breakfast already." She went to meet up with her sisters and their new friends. "You haven't seen Pip this morning, have you?"

"No." both Sweetie and Scootaloo shook.

"Sorry." apologized Babs while blowing her mane up.

"Nope." shrugged Twist.

"Big guy who's white and has spots, right?" Dinky questioned.

"Yeah! With dark chocolate eyes! You've seen him?"

"Afraid not. I was just trying to remember if that was the same guy."


"Dark chocolate eyes?" Scootaloo had her brow up.

"It was one the first things I noticed about him!" AB went pink.

The sisters rolled their eyes.

Flim and Flam had the map laid out on the table while keeping the shop closed so they wouldn't be disturbed. Pip study the map carefully; it seemed real enough.

"As you can see, there are directions as well as clues to decipher before you can find the treasure." explained Flim.

"That is a bit of setback." Pip nodded.

"Think you can figure it out?" Flam asked.

"I can certainly try."

"Just remember that we get most of the cut as such." Flim pointed.

"I will take only what I need. The rest will belong to you."

"Atta boy! That's the way to do it!" Flam slapped his back.

Once he composed himself, Pip wrote the directions and the clues down, "It might take me some time to figure this out."

"Take all the time you need, but keep in mind that this offer is limited for a short time. Just so you know." said Flim.

"Then I'll get started on it right away. Have the map ready when I come back." he headed towards the door.

"Will do!" Flam said as he and his brother waved him off.

"Seriously, how close are you?" Scootaloo was asking Apple Bloom on their way to the castle library where they were meeting the others.

"Yeah, have you guys even kissed yet?" Sweetie smirked.

"No!" AB said annoyed.

"Uh… that's weird, cause Button and I kissed and Scootaloo kissed Rumble."

"I told you, it was fake make-out! He was the one who made the stakes and I won."

"You have just refused afterwards." Bloom pointed out.

"Yeah… why didn't you…?" Sweetie was slyly grinning.

"Hey, he was asking for it! I wanted to see it backfire on him!" her face was red either from ranting or blushing.

Apple Bloom shook her head and turned it to see Pip making his way to the guest rooms.

"Pip?" she called out to him.

He froze with his back turned to her and slowly faced her, "Oh, hey, Apple Bloom…" he was rubbing his neck.

"Where were you this morning? I asked every pony if they've seen you, but when they hadn't, I was beginning to worry."

"You were worried… about me?"

"Yeah, and I didn't know if you'd be back or something happened to you."

"Well… I'm touched by your concern, but as you can see, I'm quite alright, so no need to worry anymore."

"I can see that, but I would feel better knowing where the hay you have been…"

"I was…um…" He quickly thought of something that could work for a good excuse, "…getting a frame for the portrait you made for me!" He silently prayed she would buy it.

"A frame? For your portrait?"


"Oh. But why not wait until later?"

"I couldn't stand seeing the portrait just sitting there, not after all the hard work you've done."

"Oh, Pip, you didn't have to go through all that trouble and where's the frame?"

"Oh, well, I couldn't find one that would have worked with the portrait."

"Oh… okay… will I see you tonight?"

"Uh, probably not."

"And why's that?" her brow raised.

"I, um, have to do… make a report!"

"A report?"

"Yeah, I have to… give a status report to your parents to assure them everything is going alright."

"Oh… I guess if you have to…"

"And I do. It's important that your parents get it."

"Well, when you're done, come find me so we can hang out."

"Hang out? With you?"

"Yeah, I was hoping…maybe…" she was moving her hoof in a circle, "that you would like to do something together…"

He gave a small grin, "I would like that…" but then frowned, "But it might be a while before we do anything… sorry…"

"I understand. Your job does come first… I'll see you around…" she turned the corner to go meet with her sisters.

As she was going, Pip had his hoof out, wanting to stop her, but he knew he had business to attend to. Once he made it to his guest room, he set the paper with the directions and clues down while taking out a compass out of a brown saddle bag he brought with him. Before he left the inn to take the personal escort job in Canterlot, Aunt Hazel Nut presented him with the compass, explaining it used to be his father's. She knew it would be of good use to figuring out the directions.

He thought to himself, The sooner I find the treasure, the sooner I can be with her…

That evening, Rumble knocked on Scootaloo's door, which she answered.

"Oh, Rumble…" she was a bit surprised to see him and gave a cheesy smile.

"Are you OK?" he raised his brow at her odd behavior.

"Yeah! I was just… reading!" she lied though her teeth. She was actually thinking about him when he suddenly showed up, catching her off guard.

"Um, cool?"

"So what brings you by?" she quickly asked, changing the subject.

"Well, I was…" he should have thought of a good excuse before coming over.

"You were what?"

"I was wondering…" he rubbed his neck.


"Wondering that…" he said the first thing that came into his mind, "…that you would still get my brother out of jail."

She looked offended and he immediately regretted what he said.

"Rumble, we made a deal, didn't we? I intend to keep it."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean… Ugh, I can't even say something without messing up!" he moved out to her balcony, "I should just go…" He leapt over with her shouting behind him.


"What?" he started flying back up to face her.

"How…? You can fly?!"

"Oh!" he flew in circles around her, "I noticed this morning. I'm back to my regular self!"

"Does that mean you're going to throw a frying pan at garbage to get away again?" she joked.

"About that, why is it every time we met, I ended up either hit, smacked, or yelled at?"

"Because you're so good at it?" she smirked.

"Hm… Maybe… I am good at a lot of things, like you…"

"Wow, that's… pretty big of you to say…"

"Well…" he came down to her level, "It's the truth…"

Their violet eyes stared at each other for the longest time until he broke the gaze and offered his hoof.

"Come on…"

"Come on what?" she questioned.

"Let's go fly around the island, since my wing's all better now."

"I don't know, Rumble… As good as a flyer I am now, I still have trouble with air currents…"

"Why's that?"

"My wings were always too short for me when I was little. All the kids my age were already flying while I could hardly get off the ground! To this day, I still have trouble staying in the air…"

Rumble was amazed at this tidbit of information and offered, "Well, I could help with that."

"You can?"

"Sure, do you trust me?"

She smirked, "Is that a trick question?"

"Is that a yes or no?"

She stood silent for a while before whispering, "Yes…" She took his hoof as they began taking off together.

As they got higher up to the night sky, he noticed Scootaloo was wobbling and quickly wrapped his arm around her to keep her steady from the wind. He didn't see it, but she was blushing. They stopped on top of a cloud and admired the view. They could see the starry night, the island being lit, and the ocean moving calmly below them.

They were quiet while watching the sights until Scootaloo broke the silence, "I've dreamt of moments like this…"

"You have?" he asked.

"When I was young, I was afraid that my wings never grow… That I would never have a chance to fly… Luckily, that didn't happen. Hay, if it wasn't for my wings, I wouldn't have met you. They were the reason I caught you in the first place."

"Wow…" Rumble admired how her wings used to be so small that she couldn't get off the ground with them. But that didn't stop her from trying, and she was right. If she hadn't flown, they never would have met and they wouldn't be where they are now… He felt something overwhelming him and took Scootaloo's hoof by surprise. "Scootaloo, how would you like to see the world with me?"

"The world? With you?" her eyes gleamed.

"Yes… I can show you the world… Shining, shimmering, splendid… Tell me, princess, now when did you last let your heart decide? I can open your eyes… Take you wonder by wonder… Over, sideways and under… On a magic cloud ride… A whole new world… A new fantastic point of view… No one to tell us no or where to go… Or say we're only dreaming…"

She sang out, "A whole new world… A dazzling place I never knew… But when I'm way up here it's crystal clear… That now I'm in a whole new world with you…"

"Now I'm in a whole new world with you!"

"Unbelievable sights… Indescribable feeling… Soaring, tumbling, freewheeling… Through an endless diamond sky… A whole new world!"

"Don't you dare close your eyes…"

"A hundred thousand things to see!"

"Hold your breath, it gets better…"

"I'm like a shooting star… I've come so far… I can't go back to where I used to be…"

"A whole new world…"

"Every turn a surprise…"

"With new horizons to pursue…"

"Every moment, red-letter…"

They sang together, "I'll chase them anywhere… There's time to spare… Let me share this whole new world with you…"

Rumble sang, "A whole new world…"

Scootaloo sang, "A whole new world…"

"That's where we'll be…"

"That's where we'll be…"

"A thrilling chase…"

"A wondrous place…"

They finished, "For you and me…"

They went into a tight embrace and then started to fly around the island.

Trixie was by the tavern waiting for her boss to show up when she spotted something up in the sky. She saw two pegasi going on a moonlight flight. Not really sure why she cared, but she decided to spy on the lovebirds and summoned a pair of binoculars with her amulet and got a closer look at the couple. Once she got a good look at the male pegasus, she said out loud.

"Well, well, I remember you…"

"Remember who?" came a voice.

She turned to see Dr. Caballeron and pointed out, "Look through these and see for yourself."

He took the binoculars and saw the same thing Trixie did, "Well, I'll be… If isn't our old friend, Rumble… I can see he's a stallion now. The last time I saw the boy was when he was on his own and I enlisted his help to squeeze in small places at the temple to reach for Amulet of Amethyst. Of course, he double-crossed us and took the amulet for himself…"

"Do you think he still has it?"

"He could, but we would have to find out for sure…"


"Hmm…" he looked through the binoculars again and saw how close Rumble was flying to the mare next to him. "We'll use her."


"Yes, the girl that's with him. It is clear that he has feelings for the pretty creature."

"How do you suggest we get her, then?"

"First, you must follow them on where they are staying and then we shall devise a plan."

She nodded as she continued watching them. They kept flying around for a bit until they went towards the castle.

They made it back to the balcony attached to Scootaloo's room. Facing each other with loving glances, she said, "Well…"

He repeated, "Well…"

"Thanks for a great night…"

"It was my pleasure, princess…"

They leaned closer and kissed passionately. This kiss was nothing like their first kiss. That was just a taste of what a real kiss was like. Now, they were sharing a kiss that meant something.

When they broke away, they both ended up saying, "I love you…" Eyes widened as they realized what just been spoken. They both said again, "You do?!" They stayed in a loving embrace.

"This is too unreal…" she softly spoke.

"Afraid you'll wake up?"


"Me, too…"

"Just how? We hated each other, didn't we?"

"I didn't hate you. I was… intrigued by you…"

"You were?"


"I guess I didn't really hate you either just for the fact that you bested me."

"Like you bested me."

"And that makes us equal."

"You are my equal, Scootaloo, and I couldn't be happier."

"Even when I win?"

"Especially when you win."

They kissed again and whispered, "Good night…"

He went to the door and he glanced back at her before going. Once he was gone, Scootaloo fell onto to her bed and stared at the ceiling in a dreamy way.

Sweetie was pacing again when she heard the knock at her door. Once again, Featherweight had the message in his mouth and Sweetie took it. She read the letter out loud, "Sweetie, I couldn't get a hint to the next test, unfortunately, so be on the lookout for anything tomorrow. I can only hope that since you passed the first time, you will be able to pass this next round. Try to get some rest and let me have the sleepless night on your behalf…" She tried reading the words that were scribbled out and could have sworn one of them started with an 'L'. It just ended with, "Your good friend, Button."

She put the message down and gulped. Maybe she should have taken Discord's offer after all…

Author's Note:

Fun fact: Back when I did The Midnight Dance I was thinking of giving A Whole New World to Rainbow and Soarin' but went for Looking Through Your Eyes instead it just seem like a better fit for them. But I was able to resurrect it with Rumble and Scootaloo and it is so good! :rainbowkiss: