• Published 26th Jan 2015
  • 554 Views, 8 Comments

The Last worlds - lucarioaaron

Lucario arrives to Equestria but upon meeting the ponies, something tragic happens and he is sent to the moon for 1500 years. Once his time passed, Dialga destroyed most of the multiverse and Twilight now needs Lucario to save the multiverse

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Last Homes

Lucario arrives to Equestria on canterlot castle and stealthily goes around the palace without being noticed by anypony, he sees he is not in the castle he used to live in Kanto, as he was passing through the palace, he saw many stained glasses showing the previous events in Equestria making him wondering where is he, he escapes to everfree forest and there he met Zecora who explains to him where is he and what is happening, then she told Lucario some directions to ponyville and the nearest spot is sweet apple acres, he goes right there and meets Applejack, he order some food, but didn't have money, so he would make a few jobs for Applejack to pay his food, he would push Applejack's cart to the market with his aura clones, on his way to the market, he milked the cows, shot some changelings disguised as gardeners, then freed some rabbits and birds from a cocoon and played Trot Trot Revolution with Rainbow in the arcade.

Lucario explains his story, he is from Kanto region from 1000 years ago, he used to battle along his master sir Aaron, but a war strucked his kingdom and he wanted to help but Aaron sealed him in his staff until he was rescued by a boy named Ash Ketchum, but Lucario got confused about arriving in the future, ash and Lucario travel to the tree of beginning to rescue Pikachu but the tree got corrupted and Lucario and ash gave most of their energy to heal it, in the tree Lucario finds out that Aaron sealed him because he died giving his energy to the tree to stop the war just as they did, then Lucario forgave Aaron, later he separated from ash and kept living in the castle serving the queen, until he arrived to Equestria by a portal on a cave. after hearing Lucario’s story, Applejack wanted to introduce him to Twilight, when they meet her, at first he want glanced to see her and explains that he wanted to return to Kanto and for that he transfers his memories to Twilight but Lucario accidentally hurts Twilight and Applejack with his aura powers, Lucario rushed to the market and stolen her cart to move them without putting everypony in panic, he gather them in Zecora's house, but Twilight becomes too ill to recover, Applejack tells him to connect a tether on their chests, he reluctantly did it when she sacrifices herself, as she died, Twilight protested of doing that and Lucario was incredibly sad he wasted her, Applejack thanked him for saving Twilight, Luna appears and thinks that Lucario killed Applejack, then the princess arrest Lucario and make him decide if he want to be banished or executed, he decided to be banished because Applejack would not wanted him to die, then is sent to the moon, Lucario apologized for causing that before leaving, Twilight forgives him.

1500 years later, Dialga destroys the multiverse except some planets including Equestria, Twilight wakes from a crystallized tree, after recovering the consciousness, she heads to rescue Lucario from the moon, there she finds him sealed in many layers of shame remembering everyday the day he killed Applejack, she tries to wake him up from his lament. She hears a voice of terrifying manner in his core that he got at being devastated of what he've done, and that he thinks Aaron would hate him for it but Twilight reminds him as the hero he used to be with the memories he gave to her, she tell him that it wasn't his fault that tragedy, it was Dialga's fault, one year after Lucario was arrested, Dialga came, destroyed the multiverse and let Equestria dried and jumped everypony 1500 years in the future, she need him right now, Luna did right on arresting him because he could die if he stayed in Equestria or Pokémon world, now clearing his mind, they return to Equestria finding everything destroyed and stumbled, and for Lucario’s shock, Twilight informs him that Aaron didn't died in the Kanto war, he died fighting the Dialga that destroyed the multiverse, Aaron was proud of Lucario for saving Twilight with Applejack's wishes, the princesses used many mega powerful shields that turned them into statues to preserve what's left of the main cities, Shining Armor became insane after his troops felt one by one against Dialga and torn his limbs apart, Spike and all the other dragons were immune to Dialga's attack so the dragons became the dominant species but periodically became feral through the centuries and only survived the ones that kept their reasoning, so spike had become a wild dragon but still remembered his past life among ponies, also that Dialga destroyed Pokémon world with all the humans and creatures in it, meaning that he is the last Lucario on existence, then they move to Celestia and Luna's old castle to be safe from the disasters and try to rebuild the civilization. After seeing the library, Lucario comes up with a plan to go back in time to save the world by finding the blueprints of the portal mirror and the time travel spell to go back in time to before Dialga destroys everything, even with the plan set, they don't get their mood together yet, at the same time, as the princesses are sealed, the sun and moon now change places every month and half.

Lucario wakes up but he becomes weak due the lack of meat in his diet, he don't want to eat Twilight, so he asked her to drink her milk, so then he drinks it and proteins he need, but at the same time, Twilight wanted a more intimate relation with Lucario since he is her savior, she previously used Cadence's love spell which it worked at first, so they had mated and breeded a cub, but she does the spell wrong and shut down Twilight’s magic gland, she would need a gland transplant from other alicorn, but as there are none, the situation seem doomed, until by miracle Applejack returned as a princess but Lucario didn't believed she was real until he make the surgery and save both Applejack and Twilight, yet Lucario feels remorseful for repeating the day that changed him emotionally, even they were comforting him for saving them. Applejack tells Lucario that she survived the aura accident because his feelings of guilt backfired to combine Applejack with Twilight’s genes turning her in alicorn, but she didn't liked being an alicorn since she can't talk in country accent, she adds that she used to love him since the day she met him, but she saw he felt in love with Twilight, and broke her heart but she approves it. Lucario got stupidly confused of how she survived and the fact that he spent and unfair life sentence for her, Applejack then explains that she rested the time in the Nexus of generations (the pony heaven where Twilight got her wings) until that moment she revived to thank Lucario for saving her.

Luna, Celestia and Cadence are still alive but sealed as statues and barely can see their surroundings, they telepathically saw what Lucario actually did, invading him, Applejack still replied all of that and her "death" wasn't his fault and he should stop belittling himself, she could see and hear what they were planning and she would help them build a time mirror, also Applejack tells Lucario that he got Twilight pregnant and they will have a cub, Lucario got joyed knowing he will be a father and Applejack hopeful they can have their cub to help them retrieve the blueprints and she would be there to help him resolve any troubles they get on their way, Applejack learned a food spell that even non unicorns can do for emergencies and they can eat from it, for Lucario’s meat hunger, he ate Applejack's wings and Twilight’s old gland, and he could fish in the river. Lucario still was feeling his sanity was falling apart of the sudden changes and some of his demons.

During 7 months, Lucario starts to learn magic, weather control, farming, fishing, beekeeping, hunting, camping, survivalism, crafting, engineering, chemistry, glass crafts, alchemy, applied physics, blacksmithing, botany, potions, medicine, zoology, veterinary medicine, Equestrian history, Applejack's stories about their past lives and the creatures they met, Lucario occasionally went to ponyville to see if there is useful stuff for their survival, he got farming tools from Applejack's old house, books from Twilight’s castle and her old library and seeing how the spa tanning beds works, he built sun lanterns to give the plants enough sun power for the photosynthesis when the night is up, he gathered metal pieces to forge them in other useful pieces and used his new weather powers to make snow around the region to cool down the temperature when the sun stays up, also he and Applejack made some stuff to make the castle cozier with the stuff he found and they built and repaired some broken walls and ceilings, they made a farm to feed themselves and they found a herd of cows they invited to have dairy supplies.

After 7 months, Twilight gave birth to a healthy puppy named Aether, they were excited about Aether being born which gave them more hope, the parents were happy to know they had everything fixed, until Applejack rushes to alarm about shadow demons, Lucario and Twilight go toward the demons and they use their now compatible powers to defeat the demons, Lucario made a cloud with materializing spell to make it rain on the demons, with their love they could reform the demons turning them back to ponies, but those ponies remember Lucario as Applejack's assassin, he gets instantly shunned and rejected by them until Twilight and Applejack convinced them that he is the one who saved them from being demons, but their angry chanting made Lucario seal in his shame, so Twilight had to tell them to say good things about him to unseal him, and so they did, the surviving ponies are Bonbon, Lyra, DJ pon3, Octavia, Lightning Dust, Spitfire, Rainbow Dash, Derpy, the Cake family, earth colt Neon, unicorn stallion Icebolt and Pegasus stallion Split, time after reviving the former demons, Aether start to learn magic as his father did.

The next week the sun rises again which Twilight thought it was impossible but the explanation for that is that Sombra was also alive and return to claim every soul he finds to turn them into shadow demons, so then Lucario and Twilight rush to the sky to fight the shadow demons, but Twilight was still weak from giving birth to Aether that she had to rest and she used a wing spell on Lucario to make him fly, nevertheless, Lucario couldn't fly steady and the wind made him clumsier, telepathically he asked somepony to teach him how to fly but his new arteries didn't responded well, Split came to aid him against the demons rounding them in an aerial rodeo, but he could be walking on the clouds he could fend off with Sombra, he was shooting many of his blasts to Sombra, but the demons were receiving the shots to block them, Split also went to detour the demons, with that chance, he shot at Sombra's heart with his aura blasts, now Sombra turned in his physical form but now evolved into alicorn, Lucario used his wits and combat instincts to match up the fight, using his new magic and elemental powers to avoid Sombra's crystals, he sent a clone to a river to distract him while the real Lucario appeared camouflaged in mud and tossing mud at Sombra's eyes, doing punches, kicks, Lucario summoned his aura bone to make fencing against his horn, but Sombra stabbed Lucario with his horn, then Lucario rolled and bite his neck ripping the evil horn, after Twilight arrived she horrified seeing what Sombra did to him, and was about to kill Sombra but Lucario wanted to spare him as he sensed a bit of goodness in him, then they spared Sombra after Twilight removed his horn from Lucario’s chest.

After that, Lucario decided to train everypony in combat to defend themselves from hostile creatures, he also finds a train and learns to drive it, with the train he travels to get some information about the landscape and the outlands and brings furniture, electronic stuff, electrodomestics, toys for Aether from an abandoned market place and city malls, medical supplies, food, potted plants from town villages, laboratory equipment, movies, musical instruments and books from universities and high schools, he also bring bulls to help with the farming and to date the cows, in other of his train rides Lucario get snatched by a dragon to their lair, guarded by their leaders claw, Spiny and cuddle, but cunningly, Lucario could control the dragons and be back in his train, also he finds an abandoned train factory in which he builds weapons for the survivors like elemental aural swords, bows, crossbows, spears, staffs, guns, rifles that can change into many elements that the user can convert, earthbending horseshoes, cloud guns, ramming horns for the bulls, milk cannons for the cows and wing blades for the pegasi and Twilight, Lucario also explains that as he was gathering stuff for their shelter, he found a history book from Country Hill university near manehattan, the last chapters mentioned about Lucario in the day he met Twilight but they describe him as a feral monster named Luggarko, that he wanted to eat Twilight and Applejack and consume their magic like Tirek wanted to, until Luna defeated him and sent him to the moon, but it was too late for Applejack and they had to fight their way without Applejack, but the real versions of them know the history is wrong, but Lucario now would expect everypony to believe that version.

Twilight and Lucario successfully reform Sombra and make him a good guy again, Lucario apologizes for breaking his horn and biting his neck, and he also apologizes for stabbing him, to compensate the attack, he would move the sun and the moon, in gratitude for ripping his evil horn, he informs Lucario that he went to Kanto once and he met a Lucario named shine and he gives Lucario a medallion that belonged to shine, a rainbow shined at Lucario’s eyes seeing the medallion, which turns out to be from Lucario’s mother, then Twilight theorizes that Sombra is Lucario’s father but Lucario denies it. After reforming Sombra, Lucario started to train everypony in combat with the weapons he made and a spell he invented to make time-lapse slower called time bubble, to make their training like for years, they adapt to the weapons and learn the fighting styles Lucario learned from Aaron, while Lucario learned new powers and how to fly, suddenly Big Macintosh came out of the dirt, he survived Dialga's attack living underground, he join the survivors but is unaware of Lucario’s past, later on, the dragons contacted Twilight with a letter telling that Lucario invaded their lair and they want to hunt him down and bring him to them, but Twilight instead informed that Lucario is inoffensive and incapable of harming them, luckily their leader Claw and his siblings Spiny and Cuddle are Spike's children, knowing that, the dragon siblings sent another letter apologizing for the misunderstanding, and they give them one of Spike's power scales, explaining he died in peace as a wild dragon but still appreciating his life with ponies and his 3 children.

Author's Note:

this is the first story i submit