The Last worlds

by lucarioaaron

First published

Lucario arrives to Equestria but upon meeting the ponies, something tragic happens and he is sent to the moon for 1500 years. Once his time passed, Dialga destroyed most of the multiverse and Twilight now needs Lucario to save the multiverse

Lucario arrives Equestria, meets Applejack and Twilight, but Lucario accidentaly hurts Twilight with his aura powers and Applejack sacrifices to save her but Luna thinks that Lucario killed Applejack and send him to the moon. 1500 years later, Dialga destroys the multiverse except some planets including Equestria, Twilight rescues Lucario from the moon and they rebuild the civilization and a plan to go back in time to save the multiverse, Lucario and Twilight fall in love and they make a son and they get new friends and new struggles with Sombra, shadow demons, changelings, robots and the brigade

This story is from an unfinished roleplay story that i want someone to complete with me in my steam account and is the first story i submit so i don't expect it to be good, the files of the long version are here

Last Homes

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Lucario arrives to Equestria on canterlot castle and stealthily goes around the palace without being noticed by anypony, he sees he is not in the castle he used to live in Kanto, as he was passing through the palace, he saw many stained glasses showing the previous events in Equestria making him wondering where is he, he escapes to everfree forest and there he met Zecora who explains to him where is he and what is happening, then she told Lucario some directions to ponyville and the nearest spot is sweet apple acres, he goes right there and meets Applejack, he order some food, but didn't have money, so he would make a few jobs for Applejack to pay his food, he would push Applejack's cart to the market with his aura clones, on his way to the market, he milked the cows, shot some changelings disguised as gardeners, then freed some rabbits and birds from a cocoon and played Trot Trot Revolution with Rainbow in the arcade.

Lucario explains his story, he is from Kanto region from 1000 years ago, he used to battle along his master sir Aaron, but a war strucked his kingdom and he wanted to help but Aaron sealed him in his staff until he was rescued by a boy named Ash Ketchum, but Lucario got confused about arriving in the future, ash and Lucario travel to the tree of beginning to rescue Pikachu but the tree got corrupted and Lucario and ash gave most of their energy to heal it, in the tree Lucario finds out that Aaron sealed him because he died giving his energy to the tree to stop the war just as they did, then Lucario forgave Aaron, later he separated from ash and kept living in the castle serving the queen, until he arrived to Equestria by a portal on a cave. after hearing Lucario’s story, Applejack wanted to introduce him to Twilight, when they meet her, at first he want glanced to see her and explains that he wanted to return to Kanto and for that he transfers his memories to Twilight but Lucario accidentally hurts Twilight and Applejack with his aura powers, Lucario rushed to the market and stolen her cart to move them without putting everypony in panic, he gather them in Zecora's house, but Twilight becomes too ill to recover, Applejack tells him to connect a tether on their chests, he reluctantly did it when she sacrifices herself, as she died, Twilight protested of doing that and Lucario was incredibly sad he wasted her, Applejack thanked him for saving Twilight, Luna appears and thinks that Lucario killed Applejack, then the princess arrest Lucario and make him decide if he want to be banished or executed, he decided to be banished because Applejack would not wanted him to die, then is sent to the moon, Lucario apologized for causing that before leaving, Twilight forgives him.

1500 years later, Dialga destroys the multiverse except some planets including Equestria, Twilight wakes from a crystallized tree, after recovering the consciousness, she heads to rescue Lucario from the moon, there she finds him sealed in many layers of shame remembering everyday the day he killed Applejack, she tries to wake him up from his lament. She hears a voice of terrifying manner in his core that he got at being devastated of what he've done, and that he thinks Aaron would hate him for it but Twilight reminds him as the hero he used to be with the memories he gave to her, she tell him that it wasn't his fault that tragedy, it was Dialga's fault, one year after Lucario was arrested, Dialga came, destroyed the multiverse and let Equestria dried and jumped everypony 1500 years in the future, she need him right now, Luna did right on arresting him because he could die if he stayed in Equestria or Pokémon world, now clearing his mind, they return to Equestria finding everything destroyed and stumbled, and for Lucario’s shock, Twilight informs him that Aaron didn't died in the Kanto war, he died fighting the Dialga that destroyed the multiverse, Aaron was proud of Lucario for saving Twilight with Applejack's wishes, the princesses used many mega powerful shields that turned them into statues to preserve what's left of the main cities, Shining Armor became insane after his troops felt one by one against Dialga and torn his limbs apart, Spike and all the other dragons were immune to Dialga's attack so the dragons became the dominant species but periodically became feral through the centuries and only survived the ones that kept their reasoning, so spike had become a wild dragon but still remembered his past life among ponies, also that Dialga destroyed Pokémon world with all the humans and creatures in it, meaning that he is the last Lucario on existence, then they move to Celestia and Luna's old castle to be safe from the disasters and try to rebuild the civilization. After seeing the library, Lucario comes up with a plan to go back in time to save the world by finding the blueprints of the portal mirror and the time travel spell to go back in time to before Dialga destroys everything, even with the plan set, they don't get their mood together yet, at the same time, as the princesses are sealed, the sun and moon now change places every month and half.

Lucario wakes up but he becomes weak due the lack of meat in his diet, he don't want to eat Twilight, so he asked her to drink her milk, so then he drinks it and proteins he need, but at the same time, Twilight wanted a more intimate relation with Lucario since he is her savior, she previously used Cadence's love spell which it worked at first, so they had mated and breeded a cub, but she does the spell wrong and shut down Twilight’s magic gland, she would need a gland transplant from other alicorn, but as there are none, the situation seem doomed, until by miracle Applejack returned as a princess but Lucario didn't believed she was real until he make the surgery and save both Applejack and Twilight, yet Lucario feels remorseful for repeating the day that changed him emotionally, even they were comforting him for saving them. Applejack tells Lucario that she survived the aura accident because his feelings of guilt backfired to combine Applejack with Twilight’s genes turning her in alicorn, but she didn't liked being an alicorn since she can't talk in country accent, she adds that she used to love him since the day she met him, but she saw he felt in love with Twilight, and broke her heart but she approves it. Lucario got stupidly confused of how she survived and the fact that he spent and unfair life sentence for her, Applejack then explains that she rested the time in the Nexus of generations (the pony heaven where Twilight got her wings) until that moment she revived to thank Lucario for saving her.

Luna, Celestia and Cadence are still alive but sealed as statues and barely can see their surroundings, they telepathically saw what Lucario actually did, invading him, Applejack still replied all of that and her "death" wasn't his fault and he should stop belittling himself, she could see and hear what they were planning and she would help them build a time mirror, also Applejack tells Lucario that he got Twilight pregnant and they will have a cub, Lucario got joyed knowing he will be a father and Applejack hopeful they can have their cub to help them retrieve the blueprints and she would be there to help him resolve any troubles they get on their way, Applejack learned a food spell that even non unicorns can do for emergencies and they can eat from it, for Lucario’s meat hunger, he ate Applejack's wings and Twilight’s old gland, and he could fish in the river. Lucario still was feeling his sanity was falling apart of the sudden changes and some of his demons.

During 7 months, Lucario starts to learn magic, weather control, farming, fishing, beekeeping, hunting, camping, survivalism, crafting, engineering, chemistry, glass crafts, alchemy, applied physics, blacksmithing, botany, potions, medicine, zoology, veterinary medicine, Equestrian history, Applejack's stories about their past lives and the creatures they met, Lucario occasionally went to ponyville to see if there is useful stuff for their survival, he got farming tools from Applejack's old house, books from Twilight’s castle and her old library and seeing how the spa tanning beds works, he built sun lanterns to give the plants enough sun power for the photosynthesis when the night is up, he gathered metal pieces to forge them in other useful pieces and used his new weather powers to make snow around the region to cool down the temperature when the sun stays up, also he and Applejack made some stuff to make the castle cozier with the stuff he found and they built and repaired some broken walls and ceilings, they made a farm to feed themselves and they found a herd of cows they invited to have dairy supplies.

After 7 months, Twilight gave birth to a healthy puppy named Aether, they were excited about Aether being born which gave them more hope, the parents were happy to know they had everything fixed, until Applejack rushes to alarm about shadow demons, Lucario and Twilight go toward the demons and they use their now compatible powers to defeat the demons, Lucario made a cloud with materializing spell to make it rain on the demons, with their love they could reform the demons turning them back to ponies, but those ponies remember Lucario as Applejack's assassin, he gets instantly shunned and rejected by them until Twilight and Applejack convinced them that he is the one who saved them from being demons, but their angry chanting made Lucario seal in his shame, so Twilight had to tell them to say good things about him to unseal him, and so they did, the surviving ponies are Bonbon, Lyra, DJ pon3, Octavia, Lightning Dust, Spitfire, Rainbow Dash, Derpy, the Cake family, earth colt Neon, unicorn stallion Icebolt and Pegasus stallion Split, time after reviving the former demons, Aether start to learn magic as his father did.

The next week the sun rises again which Twilight thought it was impossible but the explanation for that is that Sombra was also alive and return to claim every soul he finds to turn them into shadow demons, so then Lucario and Twilight rush to the sky to fight the shadow demons, but Twilight was still weak from giving birth to Aether that she had to rest and she used a wing spell on Lucario to make him fly, nevertheless, Lucario couldn't fly steady and the wind made him clumsier, telepathically he asked somepony to teach him how to fly but his new arteries didn't responded well, Split came to aid him against the demons rounding them in an aerial rodeo, but he could be walking on the clouds he could fend off with Sombra, he was shooting many of his blasts to Sombra, but the demons were receiving the shots to block them, Split also went to detour the demons, with that chance, he shot at Sombra's heart with his aura blasts, now Sombra turned in his physical form but now evolved into alicorn, Lucario used his wits and combat instincts to match up the fight, using his new magic and elemental powers to avoid Sombra's crystals, he sent a clone to a river to distract him while the real Lucario appeared camouflaged in mud and tossing mud at Sombra's eyes, doing punches, kicks, Lucario summoned his aura bone to make fencing against his horn, but Sombra stabbed Lucario with his horn, then Lucario rolled and bite his neck ripping the evil horn, after Twilight arrived she horrified seeing what Sombra did to him, and was about to kill Sombra but Lucario wanted to spare him as he sensed a bit of goodness in him, then they spared Sombra after Twilight removed his horn from Lucario’s chest.

After that, Lucario decided to train everypony in combat to defend themselves from hostile creatures, he also finds a train and learns to drive it, with the train he travels to get some information about the landscape and the outlands and brings furniture, electronic stuff, electrodomestics, toys for Aether from an abandoned market place and city malls, medical supplies, food, potted plants from town villages, laboratory equipment, movies, musical instruments and books from universities and high schools, he also bring bulls to help with the farming and to date the cows, in other of his train rides Lucario get snatched by a dragon to their lair, guarded by their leaders claw, Spiny and cuddle, but cunningly, Lucario could control the dragons and be back in his train, also he finds an abandoned train factory in which he builds weapons for the survivors like elemental aural swords, bows, crossbows, spears, staffs, guns, rifles that can change into many elements that the user can convert, earthbending horseshoes, cloud guns, ramming horns for the bulls, milk cannons for the cows and wing blades for the pegasi and Twilight, Lucario also explains that as he was gathering stuff for their shelter, he found a history book from Country Hill university near manehattan, the last chapters mentioned about Lucario in the day he met Twilight but they describe him as a feral monster named Luggarko, that he wanted to eat Twilight and Applejack and consume their magic like Tirek wanted to, until Luna defeated him and sent him to the moon, but it was too late for Applejack and they had to fight their way without Applejack, but the real versions of them know the history is wrong, but Lucario now would expect everypony to believe that version.

Twilight and Lucario successfully reform Sombra and make him a good guy again, Lucario apologizes for breaking his horn and biting his neck, and he also apologizes for stabbing him, to compensate the attack, he would move the sun and the moon, in gratitude for ripping his evil horn, he informs Lucario that he went to Kanto once and he met a Lucario named shine and he gives Lucario a medallion that belonged to shine, a rainbow shined at Lucario’s eyes seeing the medallion, which turns out to be from Lucario’s mother, then Twilight theorizes that Sombra is Lucario’s father but Lucario denies it. After reforming Sombra, Lucario started to train everypony in combat with the weapons he made and a spell he invented to make time-lapse slower called time bubble, to make their training like for years, they adapt to the weapons and learn the fighting styles Lucario learned from Aaron, while Lucario learned new powers and how to fly, suddenly Big Macintosh came out of the dirt, he survived Dialga's attack living underground, he join the survivors but is unaware of Lucario’s past, later on, the dragons contacted Twilight with a letter telling that Lucario invaded their lair and they want to hunt him down and bring him to them, but Twilight instead informed that Lucario is inoffensive and incapable of harming them, luckily their leader Claw and his siblings Spiny and Cuddle are Spike's children, knowing that, the dragon siblings sent another letter apologizing for the misunderstanding, and they give them one of Spike's power scales, explaining he died in peace as a wild dragon but still appreciating his life with ponies and his 3 children.

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Now that everything seem to be in calm, Lucario could relax and improve himself to return to past Equestria until he spied from the Cakes that something happened to Pound Cake, he talked to them pretending he don't know anything, after what they talked, Lucario figured out they left Pound in the bathroom, soon Lucario goes to investigate and finds Pound in a cocoon turned in a bug, then he informs Twilight about changelings, but then another bug attacked the Cakes and flew away, everypony in the castle alarmed and went to the scene, Lucario told it was the changelings, Twilight wanted to kill him thinking there is no way to turn him back, but Lucario still saw some pony essence on him an wanted to spare him and look for a cure, Applejack then sees Pound in the cocoon and intends to stab him to not infect the others but Lucario and Twilight insisted to not kill him and try to cure him, but Applejack could stab him, much to the horror of everypony, but Lucario sees that Pound can survive the stabbing, as he is changeling, he can survive extreme physical damage, Lucario decides to manage going to the hive and destroy it, but he would go alone to not risk the others of be found and capture everypony and the bugs wouldn't expect anyone like him, before leaving, he set rain on the forest because changelings can't fly with wet wings, then Lucario went alone to destroy the hive, while Applejack apologized for wanting to kill Pound, but she now sees that Lucario can still save him from his state, soon Lucario arrives the hive, he disguises as a changeling named Morgo and infiltrate to search for the egg sac and destroy it.

At first he could fool the entrance guards to let him in, then he could blend in and be undetected, he met some changelings that were the closest thing to friendly they could be, he acted natural as a changeling would, he pretended to lay eggs stacking some in his costume and sliding them through it like laying eggs, and he went to the love bar and absorbed the pain of some ponies and creatures to make them believe he is consuming their love, there the encountered a rude barbug that treated "Morgo" and the other changeling very badly, the other changeling named Tyaarung informed him that he has to capture somepony to let him in the egg sac, and to do so he had to make some recognition and blessing from the queen, they went to Chrysalis' private chamber to it, Lucario could pass some tests to prove his fake identity, when he met the queen, he could tell his fake story and there was a more slight chance she find out he isn't a changeling, the goo from Pound's cocoon and the eggs covered his scent and his aura was covering his trace of magic, therefor not even Chrysalis can recognize aura so he would be safe, there he discussed with Chrysalis and he made up that he had a brother that knew the last whereabouts of Twilight and that she was dead, therefor she granted "Morgo" permission to go hunt, and he asked also permission to lay his egg on her, but she didn't allow it until he become a captain, so he went out to capture some ponies, he had to think how to do it without hurting anyone.

As he goes thought the forest, Lucario finds a zebra, as he tried to reason what was his mission, the zebra was acting weird, she didn't spoken in rhymes and was taking and saying strange things about zebra families, finding out she was a changeling, he backed off and fought her intensely to gather information, the bite, punched, rolled, blasted, at an air dog fight Lucario made rain on her to fall from very high, they did headbutts, multiple punches, kicks, brags, Lucario took a knife and opened her belly to put a poison grenade inside, if she talked he wouldn't make it explode, then she teleported, that worried Lucario because she could blow his cover, however she appeared some yards close, he tried to ask her again where are the hostages, but she exploded herself to not answer anything, Lucario could use her corpse to fool the other changelings disguising her as a unicorn with hallucinogens that only work on changelings, once he could delivered the dead changeling, he went to the farming section where they captured many ponies for harvesting, Lucario could recognize Cheese Sandwich, Coco Pommel, Applebloom, Cherry Jubilee, Pipsqueak, Mrs. Peachbottom, Donut Joe, Upper crust, Fancy pants, Gallop j Fry, Thunderline, Doctor stable, Snails, Amira, Stellar Eclipse, Pina Colada, Maud pie, 25 unicorns, 27 earth ponies, 24 pegasi, then Lucario tried to seduce Chrysalis trying to convince her to let her in the sac but that didn't worked, Twilight contacts Lucario and she tell him that there is other entrance in the back of the cave and he can attack it there.

Then, he sets to capture more ponies, telepathically, Twilight tells him that she sent Applejack, Rainbow, Split and icebolt to help him, but he wanted to go alone, reluctantly he accepted, they reunited and they set a plan to attack the hive, but Applejack is snatched by an unknown creature, she lost her front leg so they returned to the castle, then he continued alone but felt bad about letting Applejack losing her leg, then Lucario found a swarm of giant jewel wasps which are the changelings' natural predators, he manipulated them to help him rescue the cocooned hostages, then Twilight telepathically tells Lucario that Pound escaped and captured Bonbon and Lyra, so he went out to the other entrance of the egg sac without disguise, he impaled stealthily the captain guards and shot Chrysalis with a fire arrow, as the queen was burning, "Morgo" waved goodbye to his queen, the last thing she could do was bloating herself to destroy Lucario with her, but Lucario could jump to a river and shield the farming cave with the hostages inside, after hitting the water, Lucario and the wasps started to brawl on many sets with Lucario’s powers and weapons, he blasted, shot, frozen, soaked many flying enemies, then Lucario took a ride on a captain which he possessed to help him capture the transformed drones, he shot slime from the captain's horn making sure to capture all transformed changelings in cocoons, he could also recapture Pound, Lyra and Bonbon, at the same time he kept ripping the heads and wings from the born changelings, also using guns, cloud guns, bug spray and a swatter and katana. With the hive destroyed, the wasps made it their new home and thanked Lucario for that, finally they finished the born changelings and captured the transformed changelings in cocoons.

Lucario tells Twilight to bring the dragons to haul the cocoons back to the castle, there Claw finally appears and Lucario tells him that he is dating Twilight making him part of his family, having proven his fierce and power, Claw gave Lucario a robot sword built in the most expertise laboratories in Equestria and is dna controlled, right then, they were hauling the cocoons back to the castle, Lucario freed the captured ponies and let them recovering in the basement laboratory while he does what he knows of medicine trying to cure the cocooned changelings, there he spent countless hours in his lab trying to figure out the right combination of plasmids, genomes, chromosomes, neurotransmitters, electro pulsations, blood transfusions, shapeshifting spells, drug formulas, chemotherapies, radiation therapies, Applejack got a prosthetic robot leg to replace the other one, Lucario used some experimental components he found in the university and cattle blood to reinforce their immune system and not let them escape from their cocoons, Lucario was still using all he knows of medicine but he failed many times making the cure that he gets frustrated, he got sealed that he feels bad he knew he had to go alone and allowing the other ponies in his mission costed Applejack's leg, suddenly a former changeling appears now turned into pony but Lucario distrust this pony because he treated him badly when he was in the hive, believing that the pony named Magnusson might want revenge for killing the queen but Magnusson is a doctor willing to help find the cure.

Soon the captured ponies wake up, Lucario was worried those survivors would be shunning him too, Twilight and Applejack still believed he would be fine if they know him but Lucario still didn't felt ready to show himself to them, but he thought of a plan to tell them the truth, Lucario would burn film rolls on his computer about his old memories and Twilight shows them in the movie room, so then Twilight sent them to the movie room, Lucario levitated the film and Twilight pretended to levitate it, there they seen the movie about Lucario’s memories, he was right and at first they thought he was a monster until they kept going watching the movie, they see he was innocent about Applejack and he did more heroic acts in the present and the past, then they stop believing that Lucario ever was a monster and they want to join his army, they get excited when they meet the real Lucario in person, but he got bad news for the mares, that he could save them from becoming changelings but they got eggs inside them when they were in the cocoons, but he would use those eggs to make medicine for the transformed, the mares had to lay those eggs out of their bodies, then Magnusson and Lucario start working on the cure, which was hard at the beginning but later Pound, Lyra and Bonbon are now cured with magnusson's genes and some ingredients Lucario was scouting, in gratitude, Mr. Cake gave Lucario a badge of power that belonged to an ancestor of his.

The army was doing great with Lucario’s instructions and Aether was learning much faster than his parents in magic and Pokémon powers and have practiced for any situation and magic attacks, if the gravity inverts, underwater training, hard weather training, swapped species training, random teleportations and more types, Lucario have traveled further in the train to more exotic places and met some species that survived Dialga's attack, meanwhile during the training, Applejack started to have feelings for Split and Rainbow started to be reluctant about the training, the reason is because she also had feelings for icebolt but he was dating Lyra, so Twilight convinced icebolt to date Rainbow, now everything was in balance, until Lucario went back to his lab to find a dead changeling and Magnusson was the culprit of the murder, whom then reveal that his real name is Haseo Kajimosa, a human assassin in disguise from a group called the Twilight brigade, he went to a mission of searching and capturing everypony he finds, Lucario gave a gun to Twilight and she shot him

Although they killed that traitor, Twilight feels shame like Lucario for killing him and Lucario furious for what Haseo did, and mostly because he never trusted him and he still knew he was an enemy but he didn't listened to his instincts, that made him turn gray and feral like werewolf, everypony reasoned him back to normal, but Twilight sealed in her shame for killing him, but Lucario could unseal her by telling her it was right to kill him to protect everypony else, then she returns from the seal, but reveals that she had a vision of complete disaster and chaos, Lucario set everypony for when that happen, everything past, Lucario delivered the cocoon of the dead changeling and prayed for her in the broken tree of harmony, some Rainbow flowers bloomed with his prayers. Later after having to deal with Haseo, Lucario needed some time for himself so he wouldn't train the troops and do his hobbies to clear his head, Applejack got pregnant of Split and she had a fast pregnancy for staying in the time bubble, Lucario predicted that she would give birth in 5 days and that she has a filly pegasus, they got excited, Lucario goes to explore Equestria. 5 days later, Applejack start to have complications for having her foal, but Lucario use his aura waves to sooth her, then Applejack gave birth to a pegasus named Aegle, everypony is happy for her, then Lucario took a train ride again to appleloosa and zebrica, there he found a tribe of zebras with Zecora as guru witch.

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Several months later, it came the day of Twilight’s vision, their army was replaced by robots, many of the ponies, bulls and cows weren't match for them, and for worse, Aether was kidnapped, that made Twilight and Lucario turn into werewolf and werepony destroying every robot they find, then Twilight finds the hq of the brigade, they enter but get suddenly fend off and caged in the brigade lab, they get tortured, shunned, Lucario gets frozen in a symbiotic gel, used in experiments, the brigade used the victims for more experiments and to eat from their meat, other members were Ovan, the leader who has a large cannon in the left arm, Sakisaka, an engineer whom dislike ponies and dogs, Tabby a cat girl that loves animals, Shino, a medical witch that also loves animals, and Haseo whom survived Twilight’s shot and mainly tortures Twilight and Lucario, Ovan has shrunk Aether and used him as power source of his cannon, as he is son of Twilight and Lucario, he is one of the most powerful beings of all, he is draining him to destroy the rest of creatures he find. Lucario and Twilight become desperate to get out and save their son, Lucario gets remorseful about not being a good father but Twilight lifts his hope of getting out and get revenge, mostly he wants revenge on Ovan and Haseo, spending the time in the brigade and watching Aether in the cannon reminded Lucario when Aaron sealed him and he didn't wanted the same fate for Aether.

As they were trapped in the cage, their chances to save Aether decreased every hour, the longer they stood in the cage the more Lucario was losing it and the most traumatized he feels about Aether trapped in Ovan's arm, they got disturbed by Haseo and frozen many times the both of them, Sakisaka was also making experiments on Lucario and Twilight, Shino and Tabby didn't liked what they were doing to those poor broken creatures, they were secretly helping them to survive their capture, they fed them and Shino made sure Aether was still alive in the cannon and heal their wounds, Haseo was still harassing them, Lucario promised him to not have pity when he get free would turn him in a chew toy, but Lucario still couldn't stand the desperation, Tabby and Shino still felt horrible for torturing them and she revealed that they are captives too, knowing that, Twilight discovers that they were threaten, forced and blackmailed to join their cause, Lucario had to beg them to bust them out and save their son, which they cannot since they can't disobey, Twilight insisted that Ovan is using them to destroy everything, then they are convinced and Shino and Tabby took care of Twilight, Aether and Lucario until the day they counterattack, and after helping them escape with Aether, he offers them to return them home or the stay in Equestria turned into ponies, they were now looking forward to being turned into ponies, therefor they waited for the day Ovan repairs his cannon and in that day they get revenge on Ovan and make sure he don't harm anyone else.

Now the day Ovan repairs his cannon, Tabby brings Lucario and Twilight to be shot by Ovan, but secretly they all plan to free Aether and kill Ovan, then the moment comes and Shino breaks the cannon out of Ovan and they wait to free Aether, while Lucario manage unfinished business with Ovan, they rustle and crunch their claws and fists a lot, Shino gets Aether out of the cannon unharmed and unaware of his capture, they then come out to help Lucario, Lucario nearly defeats Ovan, Aether then starts glowing meaning that he evolves to an adult Lucario, his father gets joyed for that but Ovan points a gun at Twilight, he then jumps to his face to bite him but he gets shot as well, Ovan gets KO and Lucario almost dying from a punch in the gut, he then dropped his medallion and Spike's scale, Aether's eyes shine in Rainbow and cries for his father critically damaged, crying he evolves to a Lucario, Tabby, Shino and Twilight are happy that Aether evolved but worried of Lucario dying as he turns transparent, Aether uses his full power to revive Lucario, having a vision of Aaron and ash telling that he was a great father and mentor protecting everyone, Lucario wakes up, but so Ovan, the three confront him, after some punches, he was bleeding oil indicating Ovan is a robot, Aether takes the cannon to recover his drained power and kills Ovan, now destroyed, he can't harm anyone, but then they discover he did harmed their entire army, no survivors left and Lucario and Twilight sealed, but Aether could reason to his parents that if they stayed in the castle they could die as well and they couldn’t save him and they can save everypony else when they go back in time, Lucario crawls deeper in his shame feeling that he failed this followers by abandoning them and let them die, but the reasoning of Aether gets to him with Twilight’s help, even they won against the brigade the battle left them specially Lucario with big scars inside out in many senses, their gruesome victory felt like a defeat as they already lost too much and Lucario would not be the same anymore.

They sadly continue to the railway looking for Lucario’s train, Lucario has lost most will to continue their quest, making Twilight upset and Aether disappointed of his father for giving up after everything they worked for, Lucario feels terrible for the death of his followers as he didn't proven to be a good leader that trained them hard to survive, but the training was in vain and also he isn't a good crafter as his weapons weren't enough to save them from the robots, Twilight was still angry but optimistic declaring that they just got back from where they started, when they arrive the train, Twilight went for some things from the castle before leaving, looking for her stuff, Twilight finds a talking robot dagger between the busted robots, the dagger tells her that he was created out of Lucario’s sword from his genes and intellect, he has collected the dna of everyone Lucario had interacted with and that he can replicate them in other bodies, meaning he collected the souls of all the deceased, those were great news, even a miracle, but Aether was still disappointed at Lucario for cowering at the brigade base, Twilight tried to explain why his father was like that.

They left everypony to die and for him to be kidnapped and used as a mass destruction weapon, but Aether was still with the idea that Lucario isn't as brave as he thought, but when Lucario comes to talk to Aether, he explains that he shouldn't be upset because he didn't know about Lucario’s real past, he was young orphaned in Kanto, then adopted by Aaron and his mentor sealed him to save him but he felt betrayed, he almost died healing a massive tree mountain with his first human friend, when he met Twilight and Applejack, he was blamed for killing Applejack then sent to the moon unfairly, and he risked his neck to save everypony that shunned him and thought he was a monster, got many scars every time he saved somepony including him, Aether then felt horrible for being upset at the father that saved him and always loved him, he apologized and saw he was even braver than he thought, then the family get to the train to canterlot, also picking up Shino and Tabby. Lucario, Twilight and Aether make it to canterlot which is sealed by a hyper strong shield made by the princesses, no kind of magic can break it but Aether's hyperbeam can, he break a hole on the shield, the blast alert the cyborg demons.

The brigade previously experimented on Sombra's demons and made them cyborgs to have them controlled, Aether went on his own and Twilight and Lucario went digging to the sewers, there they continue to where the blueprints are, while they continue, the brigade follow up, Lucario finds a now regretful Haseo whom now wants to apologize for helping Ovan to exterminate everyone and almost killing his family, he says that he had no idea Ovan wanted to exterminate all creatures, even foals, colts and fillies, Ovan lied that ponies stole their power key and he tricked him into capturing his army to find the thief, but now he wants to redeem himself by helping him build the magic mirror and go back to the past, but Lucario’s grudge was bigger and now wants to kill Haseo for everything he have done, Lucario beaten him up and was going to crush him telekinetically, but everyone else including Twilight told him to stop, he was going to be like Ovan if he do it, then Lucario stopped, but still hated him, the brigade actually didn't know Ovan wanted everypony dead and they are sorry for helping him, Lucario and Twilight let them stay in their group but Lucario would now nearly kill anyone who betray him.

They continue in the sewers, then they connect Aether to the telepathy, they reunite in the center corner of the sewer then they get to Twilight’s old house, Twilight have stabbed most of the demons in the bionic eye to collect their dna to regenerate them in the past as ponies, arriving the house they hide until the cyborg demons get away, there they rest for a moment and set some things and shared some personal secrets, after they get away, the group directs to the canterlot palace, where they cross through many halls, rooms, the gala ball room, the throne room, Celestia, Luna and Cadence were in the center of the palace sealed in a giant gem still turned in statues, Lucario still had flashbacks of the day Luna arrested him, but Twilight still try to calm him, then Twilight writes a letter explaining the situation, afterwards they continue, and they pass meeting the room where used to be the portal, later they walk stealthy to Starswirl's old lab, there they open many old rusty vaults where they suppose are the blueprints and the spell, they find many artifacts, gizmos, inventions, prototypes, recipes, magical science theories and equations, right while they were looking for the papers and notes.

Twilight now understands how Lucario feels with his shame layers, and now she can help Lucario to melt his layers, then she connects to Lucario’s core where she sees his valuable inside rotting like moss for the past misdeeds, other being also connects to Lucario who is the key solvent for Lucario’s shame, that being is the one and only Princess Luna, even if is been hundreds of years passed, Lucario still feel specially shunned and intimidated of Luna, Luna explains she was wrong in imprisoning Lucario unfairly she feels regretful as when she was evil, therefor she apologize and say that he is now a great hero, the comment made Lucario’s layers melt, then Lucario recovered many of the powers the shame has blocked which are hyperbeam, giga impact, dragon pulse, dark pulse, swords dance, metal claws, copycat, and shadow ball, also as compensation of sealing him in the moon unfairly, Luna gave Lucario a bracelet enchanted with her moon powers, and other one for Twilight with sun powers, afterwards they continue searching for the right spell, many tries without success, until Lucario finally finds it with many things. The group returns to Twilight’s house and spend the night there, except Lucario who would take a walk through the city avoiding the demons.

He walks through the plazas, malls, parks, the chess garden, restaurants and entertainment places, he then stops by to the palace looking for advice from the princesses, which they didn't respond at first, but then Luna spawn a letter indicating they are proud of Lucario and now they named him a king, and the bracelet is his crown, later he returns with the group and Twilight got unexpectedly surprised of the news, yet joyed, Lucario just realized they left the shield hole open and the demons could escape to capture anyone they find, so he and Aether combined their power with his new bracelet to make many EMP shields on the remaining tribes to dissolve the circuits on the demons and keep intact their developed dna, the group would now leave Canterlot back to the Brigade HQ to build the portal, Haseo and Sakisaka didn't wanted to come, they were still ashamed of what they've done and they wanted to be killed by Lucario, but Lucario was just going to abandon them because he promised Applejack not to kill anyone but Dialga before she died, the group was continuing their march outside the city, Tabby and Shino stated to feel bad for the boys, Lucario remained indifferent to them, as Lucario had begged Shino and Tabby to free him from the cage, the girls begged him to let Haseo and Sakisaka back with them, telling him that Haseo has a wife and a son and Sakisaka has a girlfriend, Lucario reluctantly accepted considering they now have nothing to fight for and as he recovered his lost powers he could kill them easily if they betray him again, Haseo and Sakisaka were still very ashamed of what they did and Haseo would allow him to kill him if he make another mistake, Lucario warned him that he really will.

The group headed back to the base, even they have now all they need to return to past Equestria, Lucario wasn't sure he wanted to leave yet, Twilight gave him some time to think things through, as well she give him a consolation prize for beating Ovan, on a cloud, after they are done, Lucario returns to the train factory to build a safekeeping spherical turret sentry to keep Twilight’s dagger while it regenerate everyone, he also meditate and have a short chat with Luna but is frustrated she can't talk very long, he plan to return to the base with the turret and materials to build the portal, before going, Lucario flies to every tribe to wave goodbye and collect every single bionic eye without leaving anyone, then he goes to the tree of harmony to gather the Rainbow flowers and then go to canterlot to leave the flowers to the princesses, the three princesses finally can contact together Lucario and their tell him that they bless him in his quest to kill Dialga and restore the multiverse, Celestia got proud of Lucario that she gave him a pearl ivory dagger that she was going to use when she get free, but Lucario would need it more.

Floating Timeline/The Unexpecting

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Returning to the base, Lucario gathered some food to eat before going, Haseo still apologized for killing everypony and got very remorseful, to repay him, Haseo gave Lucario a power necklace he used in his world since he is not worthed anymore to wear it, Lucario asked why he joined The Brigade in the first place, he respond that in his world they have pieces of a power puzzle that could be rejoin with the key of Twilight and the Twilight brigade was in charge of looking for that key, but Ovan lied that ponies stole it and they should capture all of them until find the thief, and now they really got shocked to find out that he actually was doing genocide and after knowing he was part of that monstrosity, Haseo would let Lucario kill him, then Lucario responds that Equestrians never had or even know about that key, Twilight hardly forgive them but Lucario didn't, but at least he was happy to send them back to their world and get them away from him, which he agrees. After eating, the group was going to see the dragons for the last time, in their lair Aether and Claw got bonded greatly, Lucario also promised Spiny to help the dragons populate further, then they spent the day until they return to build the portal.

Once they build the portal, Twilight focuses hard to make it transdimensional and not kill herself, the group had to leave the lab to let her concentrate, Lucario told them to not think in anything because that could also distract her, she successfully connect it to the dimensions, and send Haseo and Sakisaka back to their world, Haseo thanks Lucario for not killing him and he would find a way to unmake his mistake, then now Lucario and Aether power the mirror to go to the past, the date is set to a week before Dialga attacks, but Lucario feels they aren't ready to fight him yet and wants to go to a week before he arrive to Equestria, Twilight insisted they are ready and they have a week to prepare everypony, and they can't go any further, therefor Lucario goes even he believes they aren't ready, the rest follow. The family arrive to 19 days before Dialga arrives, a mistake from Twilight, they rest in the room due the drowsiness of time travelling, but Lucario hears a guard coming, so he escape with Aether while Twilight distracts him, they fly to Twilight’s castle, Aether get glanced about how Equestria used to look like, then they arrive to ponyville into Twilight’s castle, there they see Spike, he get scared at them at first but they explain him they are Twilight’s wolves so he calmed, they spend little time in the castle tree.

Twilight warn her wolves that the guard figured out what's happening and Luna sent a troop to arrest them, the two flee to everfree forest, Aether teaches his father how to cloak and forward Lucario teaches how to grow wings, but Aether can't fly yet and even they cloak, the mud leaves footprints, they run until arriving to Zecora's house, they ask her to hide them for the soldiers, so she offers them an old and mostly rotten shack close to her house, there they hide while waiting for Twilight. Later Twilight escape the palace to look for Lucario and Aether, but Lucario tell Twilight that instead go to her castle and order Spike to write to Celestia, she instantly get to her castle and tell Spike about the letter. they wait and later Twilight arrive, she planned to get to canterlot, yet Lucario feared to be arrested again, but they fly there anyway, while they go, pegasi and unicorn soldiers shoot lasers, arrows and spears at them, Twilight freeze the soldiers, then they get to the capital, Twilight put fake handcuffs to Lucario and Aether to fake the arrest having a chance to explain what really happened, then they get gathered inside the palace to the throne room with Celestia waiting, Twilight try to explain the truth, but turns out that she already know, then she kiss the 3 of them for taking care of the kingdom in the future, explaining that she and Luna could kill Dialga, but they would die and the planet with them, so she waited their return, also she dropped all of Lucario’s charges, Spike, Shining Armor and Cadence join the reunion finally meeting their siblings in law and they meet their nephew, Luna also appears but she is unamused with her grudge against Lucario, the rest try to explain the truth but she doesn't believe it, until Lucario shows his bracelet and the letter she wrote, also they see the video recordings of Twilight’s dagger.

Now knowing the truth, Luna feels horrible about punishing Lucario unfairly and she would do anything to compensate him for that, at the same time Lucario asked Shining to get the best wizards for protection spells in every city, asked Cadence for the best medics that can cure the changelings and the soldiers in the battle, asked Celestia to warn the other species about Dialga and Twilight to bring the other mane 6, Luna still feels bad about what she did to Lucario, for that she would now admit her mistake to the masses and she now wrote a decree that pardons Lucario and orders the guards not to arrest him, Lucario comes out to see if he could gather the best scientists and engineers to help him make his weapons, but some guards still don't know about his pardoning and 2 pegasi police try to arrest him in public eye, then now everypony remember him as the monster, he even gave them Luna's letters and they still don't believe him, to prove it, he made a tiny moon above canterlot using his bracelet and levitating boulders to make it, that proven his innocence but not that he is a king or Twilight’s mate, Lucario clears his name of being Applejack's assassin but he is still shunned and mistreated by everyone, he decides to return to Twilight’s castle as he didn't wanted attention like that.

They return shortly to the castle and spend the night there, they meet the rest of the mane 6, except Applejack as she is still in the dagger, the other girls are glanced at Lucario and Aether, and shocked to know they came from the future, they have seen the video that was shown to royals in canterlot, the girls would be willing to combat and help kill Dialga before history repeats, Fluttershy and Aether comes out to see the streets, but then they are still out very late, Lucario goes out to search them but a guard orders him to stay indoors due a curfew, even the guard knows he is the king, Lucario is told to be inside but the reason is confidential, but orders the guard to look for Aether and Fluttershy, he looks for them, he return to the castle surprised to know there is a curfew which even he can’t come out and suspects that somepony in the royalty is hiding something.

Telepathically he asked Celestia to give him a permission avoid the curfew which she grants, she explains that the curfew is due some peacewalking missions against changelings, Aether and Fluttershy return to the castle and spend the night there, the next day, the ponymon family and Fluttershy, go to canterlot to make a planning on the strategy against Dialga, Lucario tells Twilight that he asked Luna to bring her parents to canterlot, which she is surprised and joyed to hear, arriving the main plaza, they get to Night Light and Twilight Velvet, the noble princess get excited to see her parents and them impressed to see their son in law and grandson, Lucario asked to see his siblings in law, but velvet tells him that they are busy with an emergency peacewalking mission, they have a short moment of reunion and later Lucario tell his son to be with his grandparents while they are busy with their grandaunts, Aether leaves with their grandparents.

Later on, Twilight, Lucario and Fluttershy go to the palace hoping to see the princesses, they get present and Lucario shows an aural representation of one of Twilight’s visions, which it shows a riolu fighting Dialga, it could be Aether or Lucario who could be in that vision, as Shining Armor was absent, Lucario asked Luna to talk to the army's second in command, that pony is a bulky hardscrabble 450 years old mare named Bloodstone, she enters the room and rudely pass through Twilight and Lucario, then she take a secret talk with Celestia, but Luna, Lucario and Twilight cannot enter their meeting, Lucario start to suspect more about Celestia holding a secret that hardens everything, at the end of the meeting, Bloodstone leaves blasting the doors, but not without smashing and breaking Lucario’s foot, Fluttershy and Twilight get shocked of Lucario’s disfigured foot and he cannot walk, they ask what's going on but Celestia says is confidential, they asked more but she still cannot reveal anything to anypony nor Pokémon who is not in her battle position, Twilight was considering not wanting Bloodstone, and Fluttershy is too disgusted of Lucario’s foot to heal it, Lucario and Twilight rush to the hospital.

At the hospital, Lucario pretended to be a regular dog, their turn was on, Twilight disliked hospitals as she didn't liked the howls and painful sounds of patients and animals, Twilight delivered Lucario to the vet doctor, saying is her dog and that he broke his foot, Lucario accidently spoke but the doctor didn't freaked out about him, the doctor examined Lucario’s foot, the good news is that it hasn't critical fractures and it can be fixed easily, but for that the prosthetics doctor, Dr. Lichtvenstein must cut his foot to prevent lethal infections, that completely scared Lucario, but if the infection could kill him, he should replace his foot until somepony else regenerate it, later they pass to Lichtvenstein’s operating room, he then proceed to cut Lucario’s foot but he can only replace it with a robotic prosthetic and cannot regenerate his foot, Lichtenstvein proceed to cut Lucario’s foot with strong painkillers, Lucario faints in the surgery, after the surgery, Lucario wakes up with a robotic prosthetic in his foot, he feels devastated of it, and dr Lichtvenstein can't regenerate it, Lucario leaves his office painfully and losing balance as he walks, Twilight is devastated as well seeing his hound like that, and worse, Lucario sees his aura and is blocked in the ending of the foot, that is bad as they get, Lucario doesn't know if he can use his powers in his foot or the rest of him, the couple contacted Luna to see if she can help them but she was busy comforting Celestia as she got sad about a secret she had, Lucario felt so devastated that he felt like a scared newborn, to cure his pain he wanted to take fresh milk, he hopped on Twilight and they went to look for a farm or a herd of cows.

Twilight could find a herd of cows atop of Canterlot's mountain, there they fed Lucario to make him feel better, and Twilight told the cows that they are now the king and queen of Equestria, but they prefer to call Twilight "princess" because queen make her sound old, Lucario was relieved but not completely, he invited someone from the herd to be their milkmaid, a cow named Johanna hay accepted and she went with them. Later Twilight and Lucario went to reunite with their son and their parents, the family would return to ponyville to rest Lucario’s foot, then Night Light, Twilight velvet and Aether didn't noticed Lucario’s foot there, they go to the train station and ride the train to ponyville, while all passengers and citizens still stare at them. back home, they wait for Shining Armor and Cadence to return, when they returned they are shocked seeing Lucario’s missing foot, Twilight explains Bloodstone stomped it rudely as she thought they were lessers, Cadence tells that Bloodstone is like that because some bandits killed her parents 3 days after she was born and she was raised by creatures in the forest where they died, she was born with a scar and was called a freak, she joined the army and was the captain before Shining became captain, she was banished for 100 years because she killed 10 soldiers by forcing them to train and exercise until die of overwork, and she now do anything she can to prove herself in the hard way, Lucario thinks she does in the inappropriate way and she has no right to do what she did since he is the king and is 7 times older than her.

Cadence regenerate Lucario’s foot but he still don't feel it and doesn't know if his powers would work there, Lucario feels better on his foot but disappointed they wasted the day in that nonsense because he wanted to regenerate with troops that day, the siblings that Celestia is really upset and she don't want to tell the reason, also that Lucario would be directing the troops in what he knows about combat and they will put time bubbles in every cities' armies to have more time-lapse training and get them ready for the battle, Cadence's medics would be working near the turret to receive the regenerated, also they say that the day isn't over and they can regenerate the deceased, Lucario remembers that he left his turret behind the magic mirror, so the siblings fly back to canterlot to the tower where the mirror and turret is, Lucario left it there because he was hiding with Aether behind as he feared they remember him as Applejack's killer, but Shining fixed the situation and nopony remembers that, so they fly back to canterlot and they find the turret in the tower and Lucario assembles it with all its weaponry, but it became too heavy to carry it by hoof, they carried it to the garden magically, there Cadence and Twilight made a big hole to put the turret underground, once it was hidden, Twilight puts her dagger inside the turret and they four make an hyper shield like the canterlot lockdown to keep the dagger even safer, Lucario programs the dagger to start regenerating, Tabby and Shino appeared that day but they were hiding since there are no humans in Equestria.

Eye of the hurricane

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Later on, they come out and want to relax for all the troubles, they go to the castle spa, by now everypony now admire Lucario as the hero he always was and forgot about the bogus monster they thought he was, there they get a bath, massages and acupuncture, later night, they have a double date in the wind of petals restaurant, they talk of childhood experiences and go to sleep after dinner. The next morning, Lucario and Twilight wake up the next morning in canterlot palace, Lucario goes to the training hall and takes some arrows and bow and practice archery, Shining joins and they two make some combat training, Lucario also did it while riding Shining, then they come to see the guards and Lucario introduces himself to them, they are confused but they will cooperate, after the training, they have breakfast with the rest, but Celestia is still too upset to come, Lucario takes a private tour through the castle then he meets with the scientists and engineers he demanded, Dr Fermion Hall PhD MD, Zachariah, Dr Johnathan Colna, Dr Colt Brasston, Blaythe Staine and the only Dr Lichtvenstein, they'll be building his weapons and to studying the time space anomalies, the scientists would design the weapons and steel factory workers would build them with Lucario’s original designs, the team sets to build the weapons with the tested prototypes, after seeing the designers, Lucario orders a private to bring the mane 6, Aether and the apple family to canterlot, he goes to gather them.

Lucario waits for Shining, Cadence and Twilight to arrive and receive Applejack, Twilight rushes to Lucario telling that she lost Cadence on a peacewalking mission, changelings kidnapped her and they will harvest her for love, Lucario comes to rescue her but Twilight orders him to stay and open the hole to the caverns, but Lucario feels that Twilight could be harvested too if she goes, only Lucario can see a disguised changeling and Cadence would be harvested if he waits in the castle, so Lucario had to disobey Twilight and rise to the skies looking for her, Twilight upset goes after him, they were arguing as they chase each other, Lucario seeing a blue dot that could be Cadence's aura, the blue dot was inside the bag of a strange trader of an unknown species, Lucario tries to reason with it, but he didn't responded, then he tried to arrest him, but he fled with a smoke bomb, Lucario gathered the trader's bag and returned it to Shining, but the bag was filled with sticks and matches, Lucario is awed to see he was wrong.

And worse, Twilight is now missing too, he rushes to the skies again to look for her, he sees Twilight and try to call her to search Cadence together Twilight don't listen at first, but Lucario touch her and her face is disfigured, then she turn into sand, quickly Lucario finds out he is in an illusion, and the master is controlling his conscious, Lucario is immune to illusion due to other illusionary pokemons and knows that anything he does there affect the real world, he ignores the evil entity and still looks for Cadence and Twilight, the evil entity gave Lucario some clues of their whereabouts, but Lucario still was upset that Cadence and Twilight were missing, he thinks with logic and uses his sword to triangulate the signal of the real universe, then, he appeared in a large laboratory, but the evil creature made many holograms of himself, Lucario was slashing thought them to see who is the real one, but better he was receiving signals of the holocomputer, he went to the weakest spot of the signal and found the real one.

The creature is a catman named Naobi, he is from Haseo's world but he was rivals with the brigade and he targeted the princesses for his purposes as Ovan wanted Aether for his. Lucario fights Naobi but he is too fast and calculative for Lucario’s style, also he was mocking and taunting him so much Lucario started to rage, his wings felt and he turned again in werewolf, he was trying to keep up with Naobi, but he was still very formidable, Lucario then just started to destroy the lab until find Twilight, Naobi's computer started to derez Lucario at defragmentate him, Naobi orders him to tell him who is in charge of Equestria but his computer weaken him so much he was about to die from the defragmentation, Naobi healed him to have a fair fight then, this time with better health, he could keep up the fight even Naobi with power spells and an axe and Lucario with his bare claws, they were having a fiercely fight that almost ended, Naobi put a blind spell on Lucario, but Lucario use his aura vision to see.

A green aural creature appears but is not Naobi, the creature kills Naobi and unblinds Lucario, the creature is a purple alicorn that seems to be Twilight, Naobi was derezzing her too but instead of defrag her, it made Naobi possess her, Lucario then didn't wanted to fight because he could hurt real Twilight and couldn't talk as he turned into werewolf, and to add he was losing too much blood with Naobi's fight, the alicorn healed him, still wanting to get information from him, Lucario still didn't wanted to fight, but Naobi was menacing into taking Twilight’s body if he don't tell him who is in charge of Equestria or if he don't fight him, he still didn't wanted until he saw Twilight’s core shrinking, then he had no choice but to fight her/him, but not harming much Twilight, Lucario even gave him/her a health barrier to prevent her body to die, they fought hard like he was doing with Naobi, he really was cautious of not hurting Twilight but she was injured severely, finally Lucario gave Naobi power uppercuts, then Naobi leaves her body and dies. Now Twilight awakes with full pain, Lucario is relieved of saving her but sorry of dragging her to Naobi.

They escape the lab, but doubting if is real Equestria, Twilight assures is real Equestria, Lucario ask Luna for help but she is still comforting Celestia and she still doesn't tell her secret, she cannot leave, Lucario also tells that Cadence is missing and they are badly hurt, Luna have sent some troops to look for Cadence but she cannot send anypony else to pick them up because those soldiers could be killed if they go, that upset Lucario even more, then they went to everfree forest to Zecora's house for help, but she is busy helping other brothers and sisters in danger and cannot attend Twilight and she didn't had any medicine for her, suddenly Lucario and Twilight ride a manticore to get to Ponyville, there they ask for help, but the citizens cowered and were too scared of their injuries to help, their apathy and the rejection intensified Lucario’s rage, Twilight was nearly dying and not even that would make them get her to the hospital. Fluttershy passes by and notices both of them seriously hurt, there she takes Twilight to her house to heal her, then, Lucario continues on his own to save Cadence but seeing he had 8 days in a row of painful duties and tortures, getting punished unfairly, everypony treat him badly, them shunning him, ignoring him, hurting him and insulting him and his beloved ones, made him want to leave Equestria after they kill Dialga, Lucario heals himself a little with medical herbs he found in the road.

Lucario told Aether telepathically that he loves him a lot and his mother but he can't stand things anymore and wanted to leave Equestria, that made Aether get even more upset than Lucario there and Aether lost all hope on his father and don't want to speak to him there. Lucario now could feel Cadence's aura and continued, a gryphon came by to greet Lucario but he was in rock hard mood, the gryphon still wanted to make company but Lucario was still hard on him, the gryphon named Kather was empathic about Lucario in his quest and he informs him that he saw Cadence and the changelings, Lucario hopped on Kather's back and they were venturing to where Kather saw Cadence, they find changelings disguised as pegasi soldiers, Lucario and Kather battle them ripping their heads and gizzards but Cadence wasn't there, then Cadence contact Lucario and tell him she is in a dungeon in jackmaht, they take off there, Lucario tells Cadence to hold her breath because he will flood the dungeon since changelings can't fly with wet wings and cannot swim with holes in their hooves, he waterbends a river to flood the dungeon, there he and Kather maul and decapitate the changelings from the top, then Lucario break the levels of the dungeon to find Cadence, she was almost covered in a cocoon, Lucario impale the changelings guarding her and they swim to the surface but the changelings surround him like sharks and piranhas, they use their powers and absorption and Lucario use his elemental powers and aural plasma blasts and arrows, changelings presses Lucario’s pressure, but Cadence levitate Lucario to the surface, the changelings follow up, but Lucario shoot a lightning cloud using his weather powers, and he and Cadence freeze them in an ice prison.

Lucario and Cadence vomit large amounts of water, he saved her but feels stupid of his plan of flooding the dungeon as they almost drown and almost kill Cadence, now he hates himself, but Cadence thanks him for saving her and the changelings could have killed her before the water could, they headed to Fluttershy's house and Lucario ask Cadence to heal Twilight, as they arrive, Cadence heals Lucario a little since changelings ate part of her powers, later Lucario and Kather go back to Canterlot while they leave Cadence at Fluttershy's, he sees Applejack’s aura and starts digging to the mines, Kather sees Lucario opening his wounds as he digs so Kather took his place digging, more and more Lucario was getting upset, disappointed and hateful of everything, he started to believe he was named king to be a puppet and everypony else were pulling his strings, Kather tried to comfort him but he sealed himself in a shield to be alone, Kather left him alone. Back in Ponyville, Fluttershy could put Twilight’s bones in place and put bandages in her bruises and scabs, Cadence then could use her love power to heal her, she successfully heals Twilight and Fluttershy feed her to recover her strength, in Canterlot, Kather stays in the castle while Lucario recovers his mood, he then pass by aside Luna, Kather is pleased of meeting Luna and he informs her what's happening, Luna is relieved about recovering Cadence but now more worried about having Lucario upset, she goes to sleep hoping Celestia and Lucario recover their mood, but that made Lucario feel even more abandoned and he burned Luna's letters and to throw away the gifts he received in the future.

Now that Twilight recovered her consciousness, she was hasty about returning to Canterlot, Fluttershy told her to take it easy as she just recovered, but she still lifted to the skies reaching to Canterlot, Cadence stayed in Fluttershy's meanwhile. Lucario now fully enraged, combined his rage with his weather powers and made a storm on Canterlot, turning it into depression to tornado and hurricane, Twilight was rushing to the palace while avoiding the harsh winds and lightnings, she was now determined to find out what's going on with Celestia, Kather couldn't fly home with the storm so he had to stay, a butler offered him to stay in the castle while the storm passes, he accepts. Twilight lands in the garden and the servants receive her but she tell them to leave her, she heads to Celestia's room, a maid try to alert Celestia about Twilight’s arrival, but she still ignores her, when Twilight finally encounters her, Celestia finally responds cuddly wrapping her in her wings, then now Celestia has the courage to explain what happened, she comes out in a golden plated armor, she explains that Naobi cursed her before they arrived from the future with his evil spirits, and even she wanted to help, the curse corroded her will controlling her, until Lucario or Twilight killed him and free her from his curse

Before she could explain more, they notice Lucario’s rage which made him do a hurricane in the city that is destroying the trees, damaging the buildings, making a mudslide in the mountain side and weakening the city's support beams, he would destroy the city if they don't calm him down, they rushed to him, the servants are already there trying to calm him down but he don't want to listen, Twilight makes a sonic scream that pauses Lucario’s hurricane but breaks her voice that moment, Celestia try to talk to Lucario but he doesn't respond neither, a butler signs that Kather knows why Lucario is upset, Twilight rushes to see Kather, he tells her and Celestia that he is upset of the suffering and unfair struggles he had to do, mostly the apathy and rudeness that everypony shown to him, mostly that Twilight was dying and nopony wanted to save her and that Luna didn't comforted him when he was losing hope, Celestia then orders everypony to be inside the castle, she then carries a big gun and calls Lucario inside, there Celestia try to reason with Lucario but her statements were taken aggressive to Lucario and he was too stubborn to listen, he was still complaining of the situation and freezing the city, Celestia was about to shoot him to avoid more damage to Canterlot, Lucario was so depressed that he would take the shot, Celestia reluctantly was about to pull the trigger, but before getting shot, he wanted to talk to Twilight, Celestia then allowed him to, when he talked to Twilight, she could reason with Lucario telling him that villains destroy everything to get answers and a hero can find his goodness on his own, Lucario then stopped the storm but feels worse for making it in the first place.

The hurricane Lucario made was like their week being tortured with Ovan, Naobi and the demons, the rejections, the emergencies, the calmed moments were like the eye of the hurricane, but now the worse already happened almostly, Twilight and Kather tried to cheer Lucario to not make him more upset, then he and Celestia discussed some things, Lucario thinks that she should have told him about Naobi and he shouldn't and wouldn't destroyed the city, she agreed but she is mad at herself, she tells that when he killed Naobi, he freed her from his curse, Lucario also remarked that now all Equestria is in war against Dialga so peacewalkings are over and everypony must focus on destroy Dialga, Celestia also agreed, but as well she knew that Aether was so depressed that his father was leaving that he would take drastic actions, Lucario teleported to Aether's room to save him for killing himself, Aether was still mad at his father but Lucario now changed his mind about leaving him if he will suicide, also explained that he saved Twilight from a catman and nopony willed to help her when she was bleeding critically and Celestia and Luna ignored them too, that made Aether reflect why he wanted to leave and they reconciled a little, not completely but enough at the moment, but Lucario teleported while having a massive internal bleeding and that would kill him as usual, Aether called for help, Shino made a super powerful healing spell on him, saving him again.

Box of chocolates

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Now reconciled, Lucario and Aether went to pick up Applejack, before the hurricane, Lucario frozen the mines to not flood them with the storm and drown Applejack and to avoid the city's support beams to break with the water weight and corrosion, Applejack could see the upper light from the hole, Lucario was still too weak to lift her, so Aether lifted her, she got surprised Aether already grown up. but a huge crowd came to the palace wanting an explanation about the storm, then Lucario Aether and Applejack cloaked and hide in a secret dungeon while Celestia and Twilight explain everything, there they explain to Applejack what happened while she was dead, after she get informed of the events in the week, they come out of the dungeon, the crowd has calmed and they returned to their homes, Twilight and Celestia explained the hard times they had and Lucario’s rage wasn't his fault, Shining and Bloodstone come by also wanting to know what happened, Lucario tells, then Bloodstone nags and belittles Lucario even more for that, but Twilight in defense blames her for breaking his foot which made him upset to make the storm, then Bloodstone said that Shining was disappointed at him for leaving him while getting Applejack and risking his wife and sister for doing his instincts, and even more for being enraged and destroying the city risking many others, Lucario then wanted to be alone to clear his mind.

After going to the mountain to be himself, Lucario returned more calmed but yet unhappy, Twilight told Bloodstone and all the other elite ponies that he isn't bad but sometimes has a temper, also tells Lucario that Shining wanted to see him and discuss some things, he went to Shining's room and they talked about Lucario’s mess, he just made low damage to the buildings and nopony got hurt, Shining was still a little upset for what he did, but Lucario explained about Naobi and the changelings and that nopony wanted to help Twilight when she was bleeding critically, and he feels worse that when he saved the girls, he also almost kill them, and his bad mood was since they were prisoners in the brigade and TAN, they wanted to use Twilight and Aether as weapons to destroy the place, they spared Tabby and Shino, and Twilight brought Ovan's arm even Lucario hates it, then Shining understood why he did the storm and he approved Twilight to bring the cannon, but he would let Lucario destroy the cryogenic chamber, Shining forgives Lucario for almost destroy the city and he apologizes too for being mad at him and he would be happy to lead the soldiers the next day with him, Lucario leaves his room and plays a windigo song in the piano, Cadence hears his song and likes it, she thanks him again for saving her from the changelings.

He tells her that Shino healed him but he still don't feel good, Cadence inspected him but he isn't injured, just depressed of the things that happened, and Shino reinforced Lucario’s bones like they were of steel and put a shield in his heart to not be cut, she also tell him that Twilight and Celestia are no longer cursed since Naobi is dead, but they were sad about he wanted to leave, Lucario is still homesick of kanto but he won't abandon his family, also he is still confused about figuring out how to be a king, Cadence informs him that it was Chrysalis who kidnapped her far from the entrance of the city, but Cadence killed her and the drones still took her away, he rescued her in time before the bugs harvested her, also he tell her that all the changelings were captured and the peacewalkings are over, she is happy the worst is over and they reconcile too, then Lucario returns to the garden where he left his gifts, Twilight tells him that Aether is happier and he turned his knife in a necklace to remember that suicide is never worthed, that relieves Lucario, Twilight tells him that his gifts represent his good deeds and he wears them again to now be covered in good vibes and let go the bad ones.

He sees the rest of the mane 7 and the apples coming to the palace and they meet with Applejack, Lucario is still nervous the apples remember him as Applejack’s killer, he cloaked and climbed to Shining's office and wrote a note, then he turned the note into a paper plane and sent it to the group, the plane says "to Applejack" in the wings, the letter says that Applejack must read it only for herself, and Lucario want to see her in the throne room when she tell the rest what really happened the day she met him until today, she goes and sees him, she tells him that her family don't remember him at all and don't know about Aegle and Split, Aegle would revive in 5 hours, the rest of the apples come to the throne and see Lucario but they don't believe he was real, Applejack explains who is Lucario, and Lucario explains that Big Mac and Applebloom were in the future and who are Aegle and Split, which is a great surprise for them. The rest of the girls come in and Lucario explain them how bad the future will become if they fail in killing Dialga, the facts shock them and motivate them to participate once more in saving their homes, Lucario return to Twilight’s room and she says that she is worried about Aether growing too fast, he is now interested in Tabby and she fears they discover the wild magic, but Lucario has a good feeling about it because their love would replace his painful memories of the brigade, and he isn't worried about Aether getting wild because he already explained how it works and Aether didn't liked it, Twilight was still having a bad feeling about that, but Lucario wasn't worried at all, they cuddled in the bed and later, Lucario departed to see the scientists.

The professors have completed their task of making enough weapons for everyone, they made even more than enough and the leftover weapons could be distributed to ally kingdoms, Lucario stated about upgrading Applejack’s robot leg, with her current leg she can walk, run slow, make a shield and shoot flares, Lucario remembered the foot that dr Lichtvenstein made for him and it was better than Applejack’s leg, other upgrade he wanted them to work on were experiments Lucario didn't finished in the future, vampiric syringe catchers, ricochet shields, Taser horseshoes, phantom phasers, mimickers, metalbending horseshoes and upgrades for the turret, as Lucario seen they worked hard, he offered them to take the night off, they still got excited about making the weapons, Lucario then crawled to the hole where he left the turret and he met Cadence's medics there, Dr Dial Ysis, Dr Calcium Osmeo, Dr Adenin Glandson, Dr Stable and Dr Curacion, but they didn't believed he was the king nor Twilight’s date nor he built the turret nor being related to Cadence, there Lucario fixed some twitches from the turret and checked for upgrades, he also told the medics to look for a cure for changeling transformation, they have been working on that for years but every patient dies when they tried, Lucario explains that he cured Pound Cake, Lyra and Bonbon in the future, but Magnusson betrayed him before telling him the right formula, but when they regenerate they can extract their blood and analyze the sample to look for the cure, also Lucario still have his and magnusson's notes, with those they can look for a cure, he asked if they had the same healing powers as Cadence, but the doctors slightly can do it like her, he also suggested to let Fluttershy in their team but they refused as they thought she isn't expert like them, Lucario returned to the surface and called the rest to come to the hole.

Twilight was too sleepy, Granny Smith didn't like going underground and Celestia is apologizing to everypony for ignoring them, especially Luna; the girls, Spike, the Apples, Cadence, Shining, Aether, Tabby and Shino would come, they crawl down the hole in the garden and they find the turret, there Lucario explains how it works and also he mentions some upgrades he will put in the turret like lasers, crossbows, ice generators, poison sprays, and others, the others think that would be more than safekeeping, Lucario then explains his plan to defeat Dialga and they are on to it, then they see Aegle's 100% regeneration, the turret opens the regeneration panel and makes a womb like sac with amniotic fluid, Applejack was nervous but she waited for her daughter to appear, the machine started to make Aegle's tissues, bones, muscles organs, brain, hooves, wings, head, plot, tail and other parts, then she came out of the turret like coming out of her mother, Lucario gave Aegle back to Applejack and she was very touched of that, Aegle is healthy and unaware of her death.

They return to the palace's living room and Granny Smith was pleased about seeing her great daughter, granny thought Lucario was her father, but Applejack explains Split is her father, she used to love Lucario but she died and he felt in love with Twilight but she found love with Split, there they cuddled and had a reunion in the living room, Lucario returned to his room, Twilight finally had a rest for all the troubles they had, and she disconnected the cryochamber from Ovan's arm for Lucario to destroy it since she don't need that part and she knows how much Lucario hates it from the traumas of having their cub inside the chamber, Lucario was happy she remove it so he can destroy it all he wants, he took the chamber and went to a construction site asking an architect for some tools, he took them to the garden saying everypony else he was doing gardening, he drilled, cut, hit, smashed, shot, burned, frozen and hack slashed the chamber until become a pile of junk, Twilight was happy as Lucario he broke that thing.

Twilight was worried more about the romance of Aether and Tabby, and feared more about they mating, as Twilight was getting sad her cub was growing too fast, Lucario still was thinking of let the nature continue their course, Cadence have told Aether how that love works but he already knows and he didn't needed any lesson, Aether may be a biological teenager now but he may still be a child at heart mentally and psychologically, he is sleeping in the same room with Tabby and Shino is living in the house of a pony she met named raindrops, later on they would turn her into a pony, she then felt better of herself, Lucario and Twilight did other wild thing to rise their mood, then they went to the spa to be pampered and to have acupuncture, there he asked a guard to go to ponyville and bring Johanna and Twilight’s parents to the palace, Twilight also tells Lucario that she was once sucked in a comic book and was a supermare, she tells that he is a real live superhero already.

The next day Lucario went to the training hall and practice his powers there, he finally was going to lead the troops for the battle, he goes for breakfast and he meets Mrs. Cake there, Celestia hired her while the main chef was absent, Mrs. Cake makes Lucario’s breakfast while he tells her what happened in the future, she got disturbed to know her husband became a sniper and her son became a changeling, horrified to know she and the others died and worried she will unite with her future self and they need Pound's blood to make a cure, but she controlled herself and kept cooking, he tells her that he wants all his food that has dairy was made with Johanna's milk, Mrs. Cake tells him that the guards already bringed her to canterlot, Twilight’s parents too, Johanna goes to the kitchen and cooks with Mrs. Cake, Lucario fed Johanna with strawberries and chocolates to add flavor to her milk, the rest of the royals to breakfast and Lucario discuss some things with his aunts

Celestia and Luna regained their mood, Lucario wanted to ask some things he didn't asked in the future, like if the tree of beginning is connected to the tree of harmony, but Celestia doesn't know, Lucario suspected those trees are the branches of a bigger dimensional tree, also if she knows who was the changeling killed by Haseo, the changeling was a unicorn named lift style, a mane stylist but she still don't know about her future because she could feel hunted, also if Lucario was a king for his merits or just because Celestia has named him like that, Celestia said it was for his merits, also that the Rainbow flowers that bloomed with his prayer were made by her, as she was seeing he was sad for the death of that changeling, also if the tree of harmony was attracted to him by his merits or just for the alicorn genes that Twilight patched on him, it was his merits, also Lucario mentioned that he promised Claw to rise the dragon population, Celestia was going to help the dragons but they still aren't allowed in the cities because they are still to uncivilized, Luna and Celestia got impressed with the skills Lucario learned in the future and of the stuff he made for their survival and his weapons, as Lucario knows that she and Luna used to work with Starswirl with his inventions too, also Lucario wondered how would it be if he was Celestia's pupil but she said that he would not need to be her student as he is now a king, he would have graduated with honors, finally he apologizes for making the storm, and Celestia kisses him apologizing for almost shooting him.

Full metal Jackal Wolf

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Lucario started to teach the soldiers how to use the aura weapons and get the hang of them, he told them that those aren't toys, Lucario summoned clones to let the soldiers practice, the soldiers combine their attacks to multiply the attack force, Lucario then put them to shoot at moving targets and they shoot them efficiently, Lucario asked Shining if he would also train like that but he was more comfortable with his sword and his magic shots, but Lucario recalled the times Twilight had to save him and Lucario thought that his magic may not be enough, so Shining would reconsider it, later Lucario told the troops to do earthbending, the soldiers put on their horseshoes, the soldiers had doubts about doing so, but they get a bit the hang of it, they make rock shields, mesas, hills, rock projectiles, earthquakes, quicksand, shoot pebbles from the ground, then they take the cloud devices and make weather manipulation with the controls of them, they make rain, snow, breeze, hail, cloud forms and use the lightning minigun. Shining came to Lucario telling him that Bloodstone wants to talk to him, he reluctantly attends.

There Bloodstone tells him that she have some private matters, she tells that she got jealous of Shining's skills and bravery and she had a fight with him, but she lost but not only the fight, Shining blasted half of her face ripping her eye and ear, and not just that, Celestia have now demoted her for her brutality against Shining and Lucario, she feels worse than nothing and now she is suspended to clean the weapons and cannot lead the soldiers for the moment, Lucario replied she was lucky she just got demoted and that Shining didn't killed her, also that she must put her pride and envy aside for the better, but she then revealed that she called him to kill Shining, she would pay him an empire's ransom if he do it and if he don't she will kill the two of them, Lucario used part of his telepathy to record his conversation with Bloodstone, he said that Twilight would kill him if he does it, Bloodstone dismissed him. later, Lucario contacted Twilight and warned her that Bloodstone wants Shining dead, he warned her that if Shining die she would be the main suspect and be arrested or banished but Lucario doesn't know if she really mean it or she lied to trick him into incriminate him, or she said that for her madness, Twilight suspected she wants to use Lucario’s stress issues in her favor, Lucario ordered her to not make him upset again.

Lucario returned with Shining, the soldiers were still doing well, Lucario insisted Shining to use his guns and weapons but Shining still refused to use them, Lucario pretended that nothing happened to not panic Shining and make him lose his focus, Lucario would give the kung Fu lessons after seeing the scientists, but Shining thought that kung Fu was unnecessary since they are too buffed to do those moves, but Lucario thought otherwise and that they must work on their versatility, besides in the future he trained everyone including the bulls, cows, dragons and buffaloes in kung Fu and they did well, Lucario felt they must work on versatility because Dialga is even more random than discord, adapting to the unfamiliar was a key thing, Shining saw his point, before leaving he tried to tell Shining what he heard without being watched by Bloodstone, he contacted Twilight but she is too sick to come, so Lucario tried to whisper what Bloodstone told him while pretending to strangle him, knowing that, Shining teleported away and Lucario followed him, Shining is now paranoid of if Lucario or Bloodstone were going to kill him, Lucario said that he wasn't going to kill him, but he had to pretend strangling to make it look real and then expose Bloodstone as a traitor, but Shining now wanted to hunt her down, Lucario told him that if they kill her without proofs she will be a martyr and they will be incriminated, what he must do is not being alone at all times since she wouldn't kill him in front of witnesses, and act natural and pretend he don't know anything.

Lucario contacted Celestia and told her what's going on, she was now worried of demoting her but she can't arrest her neither without proofs, Lucario told her proposal could be a trick to make them look bad, Celestia advised him to not do anything until have proofs against Bloodstone, also Shining agreed with Lucario about staying with witnesses but he would finish her if she pulls on something, then he teleported back to the base and Lucario went to see the scientists. in the lab Lucario sees the scientists and he propose them to make vampiric injectors, tiny syringe attachments to the melee weapons to steal the mitochondria of an enemy and heal with the damage dealt, but Dr Lichtvenstein said that wouldn't be possible because of the blood incompatibility, but he could make the syringes to adapt to an enemy's biomolecules to make a temporary resistance, other project is a phantom phaser, a function Lucario discovered from his sword which passes through solids, with those soldiers can avoid friendly fire and they can be set to pass through the dna of the soldiers and civilians, to prove it Lucario attempted to cut his arm and the blade passed through it, Lichtenstein thinks he could apply that to the melee and some ranged weapons, he would use a steel-to-screen computer to analyze Lucario’s sword and reverse engineer its processes, the third upgrade are metalbending horseshoes, which the earthbending horseshoes are made with a superconductive material that harness the dirt but the other metals are too rigid to mold and they could make a way to be more bendable.

The metalbending horseshoes could be too heavy, but Lucario thought that the soldiers can use metalbending in the front legs and earthbending in the back legs to get used to it, the final upgrade is ricochet shield, the other researchers though of a bullet shield, but Lucario explained that a regular shield stops bullets, a ricochet shield bounce them back to an enemy, the last one would be easy for the scientists, as they get to work on that, Lucario thanked them and went back with Shining. Shining feels better, Bloodstone left and maybe she won't return, they don't know if she knows that Lucario told on her, Shining says that after Lucario told Celestia about Bloodstone's desire, she talked off Bloodstone and pointed out about wanting to kill Shining Armor, about breaking Lucario’s foot and making him upset, then she ran away, but it is also Celestia who feels bad about ignoring him and Twilight when they needed her, by the moment they won't worry about Bloodstone, then Lucario was ready to lead the kung Fu lesson, the soldiers were also reluctant about learning kung Fu but they would take the lesson for anything that could happen in the war against Dialga, they learned the fighting stances, the animal forms, the punches, kicks, summersaults, twists, weapons, vaults, Lucario and Shining decreased the gravity to make it easier for them do it, also they made taichi and meditation to focus their minds, they practiced with staffs, meteor hammers, maces, hookswords, sabers, nunchakus, sai, spears, archery, crossbows, 3 section staffs.

The sword alarmed again and this time it was Split coming, the royal family was coming, Luna called Lucario telling that Celestia has something to say, Shining and Lucario went to the hole, Lucario mentioned to Shining that he made memory pills for the soldiers to remember every lesson, Applejack is rushed to see her cutie pie, the others as well, Shino, Tabby, Aether, Luna and Cadence also came, Twilight was too sleepy and sick to come, Celestia also came and wanted to speak to Lucario, Lucario guessed she may be lecturing him about his issues, but actually Celestia apologizes for ignoring him and Twilight, not telling him about Naobi and aiming him with her big gun, Lucario doesn't feel like she need to, but she still feel guilty for not helping him when they needed her but Naobi's curse made her lose her own will, she then replies that if he had known about Naobi he would have killed him earlier and got rid of their curse and he did right of going to save Cadence instead of waiting in the garden, If he had stayed, she and Twilight could still be cursed and corrupted and he couldn't have saved Cadence in time, Lucario feels his instincts betrayed him because he dragged Twilight to Naobi and was wrong when he though he got Cadence back, but she tells that his instincts were the key of saving the 3 princesses, she also feels bad of the times he get injured, so she enchanted the dagger she gave him in the future with her immortality gene, that will heal him when he get critically damaged, and she made a law that makes illegal to harm him and Aether as they are the last Lucarios in the multiverse, to avoid their extinction, Lucario thought that was the reason Bloodstone left, Celestia mentioned that in part was for breaking his foot, but mostly for wanting to kill Shining and her ruthlessness, Lucario actually didn't wanted her to leave just to not be brutal, as he felt sad of her hard life, Celestia saw that Lucario still felt compassion for her, Celestia had asked the scientists to make an improved bionic eye and bionic ear for her before leaving.

The group now went down to receive Split next to the turret, Applejack was still glanced of seeing him being born again, after he regenerated, Split was flying full speed and startled to Applejack being blind for a moment, he then opened his eyes to Applejack, Lucario told him he is in the past, Split couldn't believe he revived from the turret and Aether has grown up, and the original mane 6 were there with the grand princesses and mostly that Lucario became a king, he was happy to be back to life and in the past in front of the royal family, they got to lunch after getting out of the hole, Lucario went back to the training hall but the guards were still resting, then Lucario went too for lunch, they all sat in the table and Lucario still had some questions for Celestia, of why Shining and Twilight have the harmony star, she replied because they were chosen by the tree to represent the war and peace of the Equestrian race, Lucario also noted that he got disappointed that he was wrong about following his instincts when he wanted to save Cadence, but he was wrong when he thought he got her, Celestia said that he had to prioritize when to listen to himself and his loved ones, but he still regret having to disobey Twilight and almost kill her and Cadence, but Celestia remarked that it was necessary to save them and her, but she got surprised of the way he beaten her to beat Naobi out of her, Lucario questions why Naobi didn't killed him when he could, Celestia guessed because of fighting with honor, but Lucario knows that enemies like him have no honor and guessed instead that he needed them alive to take their regal power, as he fought many cheating enemies that never give up, but Lucario wanted to forget about him, after lunch he would make a monster attack simulation.

He finished eating and went to the base and set every soldier to simulate a giant monster attack, with his aura he made a giant monster of his imagination and he made clones to simulate civilians, the entire city went to refugees to be safe in the simulation, they started the simulation and the monster was making every movement Lucario was doing, while the soldiers were fighting it with everything they know, Lucario was still attacking them and giving them tips of how to make it weaker for when Dialga comes, the soldiers applied their techniques with the weapons Lucario made, they were clever and attacked the head, arms, tail and belly, they applied spells and dodged the attack until subdue the beast, they did the part of surviving the attack but failed a bit in the part of protecting the clones, the soldiers kept a reminder of securing the civilians when they make a rescue. after the monster attack simulation, Lucario shown them the wing blades, he grown wings and wears on himself, he went up in the sky and the dropped bombs on the clones used for the simulation, the pegasi got impressed, Lucario also sliced aerial targets and used the blades as twin swords, the pegasi got excited of wearing them, a volunteer was wearing them and the rest got impressed too, after the session, the soldiers rested and practiced the techniques.

Lucario returned to his room, Twilight and her parents were there, her parents told him he could call them mom and dad, Twilight was still drowsy about not sleeping well from her nightmares in the future, but she was getting better with her parents and she would be back in the training the next day, Lucario felt better at hearing that, but he was rubbing her chest unaware, then he left the room and gone to Aether's room, they talked and Aether tells him what Twilight told him, that suicide isn't worthed because he not only kill himself, he also kill emotionally the rest of the loved ones with the hole they leave behind, and they talked more about why were all their problems, Lucario invited Aether and Tabby to train the next day and they could make some melee perfectioning, there Aether will learn magic and Pokémon powers, they accepted and Tabby also wanted to fight with a beast like the one he made, he accepted and left them into having their love, Lucario spent some time for himself to remove more his stress, and then he returned to the base. Lucario deployed more blades for he pegasi, the non pegasi were practicing the previous lessons, Lucario was teaching pretty well the blades and they were learning fast to slice and hack the enemies, but the new blades were loaded of flour as they aren't ready to drop bombs yet, they learn how to drop the flour bombs and to use the twin swords, they still felt weird of using them but they liked them.

Call at next step

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After the wing blade training, they will make a randomized magic simulation, that training simulates if they are attacked by a magic enemy like tirek, discord or Dialga, Lucario and Shining combined their powers to randomly manipulated the soldiers, they levitated, teleported, burned, frozen, blasted, blown, inverted gravity, made portals, tornadoes, blizzards, earthquakes, magic attacks and other stuff to make the ready for unexpected. For their final lesson, they did krav maga, a weaponized karate-judo art, everypony equipped their guns unloaded for the lesson and Lucario and Shining instructed how to disarm an enemy and how to knock out a unicorn to not shoot the horn laser, Lucario knocked Shining slowly to demonstrate how to do it, Shining too shown Lucario how he disarm an enemy, the soldiers were learning very well and followed the lesson, then Lucario went to the lab and made paintball ammo to play after the training, with a pill machine he made plenty ammo for the whole army and himself, after they practiced krav maga, they went to a paintball game, Lucario and Shining were the captains of each team, the rules were to make 10 pushups if they get shot, no melee nor KOs, no flying above walls, teleporting only once, no cloaking, no weather, wear safety armor and mask, last stallion standing, who get caught cheating will peel food, they entered the battle, almost everypony got shot, Lucario aimed specially unicorns and Shining. Almost out of ammo both teams were getting out soon, after the paintball game, Shining told Lucario that Twilight want to see him, and Lucario said she missed Shining everyday in the future.

Lucario returned to see Twilight and she was better rested but still a bit drowsy for Naobi's attack, she had a nightmare of him, and Lucario thought he was still alive, but she was sure he is really dead, they snuggled in the bed until Twilight felt asleep again, then he went to the library, and later he went with Johanna and Moonbeam, Lucario was going to get her adopted, but she said she wanted to be adopted by Shining Armor and Cadence, then Lucario teleported to Shining's office, he explained the situation but Shining was confused about she wanted to be his daughter, and Shining really want to be a father, but with biological foals, Lucario tried to convince him to accept because he felt it was wrong to deny her that chance of being adopted, as also he was adopted by Aaron and Cadence was adopted by Celestia, Shining explains her story, that she was born in the moon and then teleported through a beam from the moon, and her parents got enslaved by Sombra and separated or dead, she may survived this long with Sombra's curse on the empire, Shining would think about it, Lucario returned with Johanna and Moonbeam in the chess garden, there he told Moonbeam that she would be adopted but maybe not by Shining, Moonbeam was still with her decision of being adopted by Shining Armor, Lucario contacted Cadence and told her about Moonbeam, Cadence heard of her, she was outside the city but coming to canterlot, Lucario told Moonbeam she was coming and got excited that Cadence would be her mom and that she is the princess of Crystal Empire.

Cadence arrived immediately and saw they three in the garden, there Johanna and Moonbeam meets Cadence, Moonbeam is excited to see her and Lucario explains what happen to her in the future, then Cadence takes Moonbeam with Shining, there they discuss about adopting her, Lucario and Johanna stood in the garden and kept playing chess and chatting on things, Kather also went to meet Lucario and also meets Johanna, there they tell on each other how they met Lucario, they see the troubles they got and Kather suggested to go to go karts, then they went, and they met Spike on the track, Kather thought he was a lizard, as they take their karts, Lucario and Kather were toe to toe to the finish line, Lucario guessed the other racers let him win for being the king and to not make him upset again, except Kather and Johanna, but Lucario would want a fair race next time, Spike leaves the track, then they go to the monument walk, where Lucario thinks Rarity and Fluttershy went.

Cadence appears there and tells Lucario that she and Shining are looking forward of adopting Moonbeam, and she still also wants a foal of her own, Lucario suggested her to let Shining "do her" for that, she thought about it, then Lucario asked her if she knows a memory erase spell, she does, he asked her to erase his time in the moon, the brigade, Bloodstone, Naobi, everypony shunning him and refusing to help Twilight, but she replied that if she does in that order she would erase the important and good memories too, then Lucario thought she erase only the moon banishment, he having many years wanting to forget the banishment that gave him many painful flashback and he wanted to forget Luna's expression when she arrested him and about Applejack’s corpse, then he later will ask someone else to erase the rest, Cadence started to erase entering the moon and the hours, days, months, years, centuries and millennium and half he was there until the moment Twilight came for him, now Lucario don't remember the horrible sounds, sensations, tastes, looks and feelings of his punishment in the moon, but he still knows he was there, and still remembers Luna and Applejack because Twilight was there and his brain prevented him to erase that.

Johanna, Kather, Moonbeam, Lucario and Cadence returned to the palace where they announced they had a new member in their family, initially Twilight and her parents got confused with this because they thought she was from a story book, Moonbeam was more than grateful they allowed her in their family, she was also glanced of meeting Twilight, Celestia and Luna, which also they bowed to her, surprisingly to Lucario, the family was getting more complete, Moonbeam would live with Cadence and Shining while they complete the adoption papers. Lucario explained to Twilight that Cadence erased his memory of the moon and he still want to forget about Ovan, Naobi, his foot and everypony shunning him, she could help with that when they clear their problems. While Moonbeam was getting used to her new family, they talked and chatted all night.

Lucario’s sword alarmed and Lucario remembered that Sombra is next regenerating, but he told telepathically that Moonbeam would panic and cry if she knows he's coming and they didn't wanted to ruin her special day, Luna took Moonbeam to a playground theme park, the rest went to the turret, but Lucario told Cadence and Shining to stay in ground level because Sombra may not be ready to see them yet as they killed him once, as they went to the cave turret, Lucario asked Celestia about some pictures from Starswirl's old lab which she was in love with Sombra, but she denied it, arriving there, Sombra appeared and he is still reformed as his young self was still dead, Lucario explained what happened in the future and the last days, then they got out of the cave, there Lucario was wondering how would it go encountering his old nemesis, they got in good terms and Lucario also explained about Moonbeam, later they went to the spa to clean the amniotic goo he was covered with.

The rest of the family has dinner in the dining room, after they finished eating, Lucario and Twilight went to make their promise of turning Shino into a unicorn, to do that she had to be naked completely because her clothes could mix with her mutating dna and besides everypony is mostly naked in Equestria, she takes all her clothes off and Twilight use her shapeshifting spell to turn her into a unicorn, then Lucario manipulated her recent mutated chromosomes to be a permanent unicorn, she could be a human again but now temporarily, she was still feeling wobbly about her new body and tried to regain balance, Lucario told her to rest in the bed to get more used to it, she thanked them for making her a unicorn and she will casts spells from her body now, after that, Lucario and Twilight went to their room and snuggled and went mildly wild in bed clearing more their stress, and went to sleep to make the training for the next day. after their sleep Lucario went to his personal training and later take Twilight to the training too but she was still too sleepy, he asked Mrs. Cake to make fruit salad to wake her up, but that didn't worked, and he pretended to be her dad that she would be grounded if she don't go to Celestia's school, didn't worked neither, he levitated her to the hall and woken up the rest of the mane 6 and Aether, in the hall he still tried to wake her up, he used the last resource making rain on her, she waken up, but was set of putting rain on her, he kissed her to apologize, she was late for training.

Johanna and Kather were there for training too, Aether has learned well his spells and he could fly steady, the mane 6 also had combat training and just had to get used to the weapons Lucario made, Lucario made mild wing blades for Fluttershy but she heavily refused to fight at all, he insisted that she had to save the multiverse and he made her blades like butter knives to be inoffensive and she still refused, Lucario told Twilight about this and she agreed with Fluttershy about she isn't violent and would be better as medic, Lucario already asked Cadence's medics to join her but they also refused because she is not expert as them even he told them that she healed Twilight when was beaten and almost dying . As he was still saying that he knows she hates violence but in the war against Dialga she would not have much choice of defeating him peacefully, then Twilight would assign Fluttershy with the medics, and Lucario could convince Fluttershy a little to apply tough love to save their friends, as remorse is much worse than fear, and also that he would make medical arsenal for her, which she accepts, and he now must order the medics to allow her in their team, talking about that now reminded Lucario that he left his medical notes in Twilight’s castle, the elements suggested to go for them, but Lucario don't want to return to ponyville, the others wondered why, is because he don't want to see the ones who cowered and shunned him when Twilight was dying and nopony was brave enough to help them.

After talking out