• Published 16th Oct 2014
  • 9,305 Views, 207 Comments

The Midnight Dance - CartoonNerd12

An MLP fairy tale comes to life when six princesses fight for love.

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Chapter 7

Rainbow paced back and forth outside on the castle jousting grounds. She was waiting for Scootaloo to get there before Blueblood made his appearance, which he was taking his sweet time about. No doubt he was afraid of getting his hooves muddy when he’d be walking out, but she didn’t care. In fact, she was glad for the extra time, since her personal assistant wasn’t here yet. Then, she heard the running of footsteps and thought it might have been Scootaloo, but was surprised to see Spike instead, panting.

“Spike? What the heck? Where’s Scootaloo?”

“Uh-oh… Did-did you needed her today?” he cringed in fear.

“Yeah! Of course I needed her today to help out with getting back at Blueblood for what he did to Rarity!”

“What?! What did he do?!”

“I’ll tell you later. Right now, I really need Scoots. Where is she?”

“Um… that’s the thing…” he started sweating.


He quickly said while having his hands shield him from the impact, “Applejack gave her the day off!”

“WHAT?! Without asking my permission first?! Why did she do that?!”

He gulped, answering, “She… that is, we were in the kitchen…” As he unfolded the events from earlier that morning, Rainbow’s face softened and she sighed, forgetting foremost that Scootaloo was still a kid and needed her free-time.

Remembering when she was Scoots’ age, she would always need to get out of the castle and her father was always right there to play with her. She loved how her dad would throw her into the air so she could fly on her own. He was the one who taught her how to fence, joust, and all sorts of things that normally a stallion would be doing, but by being a headstrong girl, she never was into frou-frou stuff like most of her sisters, mainly Rarity and Fluttershy. She missed her father. In fact, King Sombra was the one who introduced her to the Wonderbolts and she met a younger Soarin’ at the time.

Soarin’… She thought sadly, remembering their talk about a few days ago, but then her face lit up with an idea. She turned back to Spike, “Thanks for telling me this, Spike, and tell AJ she did me a favor!” she flapped up.

“Wha…?” Spike scratched his head in confusion.

“Now you better go before Blueblood gets here.”

“Okay…” he was still confused, but left just as Blueblood made his grand entrance.

Blueblood stopped to look at his hoof as if checking to see if his pedi was still intact, “There had better be a good reason why we’re… ugh, meeting in a dirty arena…”

“Well… I was going to show off my great jousting skills to you, but there’s been a slight change in plans. Instead, we’re going to the Wonderbolt derby.”

“Oh, very well… if we must.” he lifted his head high and kept it up.

She rolled her eyes and led the way.

“Soarin’!” Spitfire called out when she was at a dressing room door of the derby, “Move your tail on out of there! We have a race to be in!”

“What’s the point!” his voice muffled from inside, “You know I won’t be able to win!”

“Quit with the moping, already! Look, I know she was your inspiration to fly at the speed of light, but you did the right thing when you had to move on! She is a princess, after all!”

“She was more than that! She was… amazing…” Inside the room, he was laying on his back on a sofa and held his hooves to his face.

Fleetfoot walked up to the captain, “Still not coming out?”

Spitfire nodded and pulled down her shades, “He’s lost the will to fly… Without Princess Rainbow Dash, he doesn’t have motivation to take wing into the sky anymore.”

“Well, this should cheer the both of you up…” she knocked on the door, “Soarin’? It’s Fleetfoot! I just want to let you know that I was checking out the bleachers and guess who I saw in the box?! Princess Rainbow Dash!” There was a pause and the two Wonderbolt mares didn’t hear anything. Then, out of the nowhere, a blue blur zipped out of the room.

The mares were spinning around until they stopped and were dizzy.

“Well, that certainly… got him back up.” said Spitfire before she passed out.

Soarin’ couldn’t believe it; she was here! He flew at a fast pace, but then stop in midair to see who she was with: the ever-known and elusive Prince Blueblood. No doubt he was a suitor for the princesses. Dash had told him all about growing up with Blueblood and that he was unpleasant and annoying, but why would Rainbow be hanging out with him if that was the case? Maybe she had to? If he was a suitor and Rainbow had no choice… but then, a horrible thought occurred to him: what she’s here with him because she wanted to? He had to find out for sure as he flew up to the side of the box and hid from view, making a psst sound.

Blueblood gestured to Rainbow Dash, saying out of boredom, “The Wonderbolt derby is hardly what I call a sporting event.”

“Oh, well, I guess if you don’t like it, then I’m sure could find some other prince to marry who would like to come with me.” She knew that would get under Blueblood’s coat by leading him to think that it would be the best way to get married to her.

Sure enough, that sparked his interest and he pointed out, “What I meant was, that it’s not to be a sporting event, but a way of life.” he gave a smug grin, as if congratulating himself for saying the right thing.

She could only roll her eyes, thinking, Sheesh, he’s really going all out on this just to get closer to the throne… By then, her ears perked up to hear a psst sound and turned to see Soarin’s head popping up to the open window. Just the colt I wanted to see. She turned back to Blueblood and told him, “I’m going to get us some snacks before the race starts.”

“Don’t bother. I never need eat, ugh, commoner food…”

“If you say so.” She flew down the steps while grumbling, “I swear, one more complaint and I won’t act so sweet anymore…”

She found Soarin’ waiting for her and they went below the stands. They stood silent for a moment until he rubbed his neck and said.

“It’s… great seeing you again…”

“Is it? Because I recall… That you broke up with me!” She yelled into his face, causing him to wince.

“Broke… broke up? But we weren’t dating!”

“Yeah, well, we might as well have been! You broke my heart!” She turned away from him.

“Dash…” he reached out his hoof.

“Oh, so now it’s Dash? Not Princess or Your Highness?!”

“Do-do you want me to-“

“No! I rather you call me by my name, like you always did!”

“But then why-“

“Because the last time we were talking, you said we wouldn’t be able to see each other again! Well, I proved you wrong, didn’t I?!”

“Not really!” he finally had the chance to yell back, “You came here with other guy! How is that seeing each other?!”

“Blueblood was an excuse for me to get out of the palace while I was…” She made air quotes with her hooves, “hanging out with him. My original plan was for me and Scootaloo to show off our jousting skills to him and then try to convince him to joust with him to see if he was made of hard stuff.”

“I don’t think he is, so why…?”

“For two reasons. One is to get him out of the castle so none of us becomes his bride and two. He hurt Rarity by being a… grrgh, he’s got me so mad I can’t even say it.”

“So this is also payback… whoa… Sure am glad I stay on your good side. Uh, I am still on your good side, after what happened…?”

“I’ve gotten over it, but I’m still pretty ticked you would leave me like that. I suppose you’ve been flying hard to keep your mind off that day.”

“Actually… I haven’t been flying, not since I told you we shouldn’t see each other again… I couldn’t fly until Fleetfoot told me she saw you here, and I lifted myself off the ground just to see you…” he did a bashful blush and turned away so she wouldn’t see his cheeks.

Her mouth was wide open from bafflement until she scowled and scolded at him, “Let me get this straight: you couldn’t fly because of me? Of the all… Soarin’! I refuse to be held responsible for a Wonderbolt not being able to do their job of being the greatest flyers in Equestria! If you cared that much about me, then you should have say so! Or better yet, to never say those words to me about us never seeing each other again!” her face softened, “Now, you tell me that you care and I will say the same thing…”

He lifted his head in surprise, his eyes filled with hope, “You… you do?”

“Nah-ah. You won’t get anything out of me until you say what you have to say.”

“Alright… since you really want to know…” he smiled, “You’re awesome. You’re this amazing flyer that I don’t think I could ever keep up to… You may be a princess, but you sure don’t act like it and I don’t have a problem with that… And, I’m afraid to tell you this, for fear you might give me a black eye, but here it goes…you’re the most beautiful mare I’ve ever laid eyes on… I know that’s cheesy, but that’s the way I see you…” he lowered his head to avoid her gaze of how she’ll react.
Suddenly, he felt his head being quickly lifted and could see his lips touching with hers. He slowly closed his eyes to the bliss. After what seemed like a while, they finally broke away and gave each other loving glances.
“Now it’s my turn…” she told him while smiling, “Soarin’, you’re the first colt friend I have ever made… I never liked any boys until I met you… You may think you can’t keep up with me, but you’re wrong. You’re the only guy who can keep up with me… and that’s what I like about you… by the way, as cheesy as that was about me being beautiful, you’re not so bad yourself…” she swished her tail on his face.
He started grinning like an idiot until he remembered why he had to let her go in the first place, “But Dash… I can’t give you what a prince can… Isn’t that why your mother…”
“Phooey on any princes! My sisters and I have a plan on getting rid of any suitors that come to us. And who says you can’t give me what a prince can? You’ll be giving me something better than princes could even hope to have!”
“You… you think so?”
“Of course you would! Listen, I need your help to finally give Blueblood the hoof.”
“Name it.”
She whispered the plan in his ear.

Pinkie bounced up and down the streets of Canterlot, being happy as she remembered the previous night of dancing in the underground kingdom. She couldn’t wait to see Cheese and to tell him of how happy she was again without revealing the secret castle. She wanted to tell him so badly, but she and the sisters made the Pinkie Promise she created in the first place not to say a word about it. After all, one couldn’t break a Pinkie Promise. In fact, it was their father who helped her create the Pinkie Promise.
He taught her that ponies should always be honor-bound to keep their promises no matter what. She remembered his hearty laugh and in turn, she laughed, thus the start of her wanting to spread joy just as he did with his playful side. She hummed until she stopped to look at the shop before her, “That’s strange…” she pondered, “Cheese’s Joke Shop is always here…” Above her was a new sign saying, Bank Loans and Accounting. She pushed the door open to go in and saw empty shelves that once held pranks and fun party games. Below them were boxes all taped shut. Then, she got to the front counter and saw papers stacked up in a neat pile.
By then, Cheese walked out from the back room, but there was something different about him. He was wearing glasses and a plain shirt with a red tie. He didn’t see her until she said something to him, “Cheese? Wha… What’s going on?”
“Pinkie?” he moved his glasses and a small smile spread across his face, being happy to see her, “I…I didn’t think I would see you again! I thought you’d be so busy at the palace meeting suitors…”
“Well, Prince Blueblood did answer the call, but we got a plan of getting rid of him and other suitors because we agreed to never get chosen as a bride!”
“Wow! Really?”
“Uh-huh, and I wanted to let you know that so I can tell you something…”
“But first, take off those silly glasses and second… Tell me what in the pink is going on here?! Why is the joke shop so grey and boring?!”
“Oh, Pinkie…” he sighed and took off the glasses as she had asked, “I figured with you having to get married, I didn’t have the heart to have fun anymore… So I thought it would be a good idea for me to move onto a new business to keep my mind off of you…”
“What?!” her hair slightly deflated, “But… don’t you like me anymore?”
“Yes! No! Of course I do like you! I just… don’t have any fun without you… You always brighten up any pony’s day. You brighten… my day… Knowing I was going to lose you, I didn’t know what else to do…” he stared at her with pleading eyes.
“Cheese…” she had near tears of joy as she got closer to him and nuzzled his head, surprising him as she kissed his cheek, “You know what I feel about you?”
“No… what do you feel about me?” he asked curiously.
She gave him a one moment gesture and zipped out, only to bring back a pony named Octavia who had a cello. She whispered a request and Octavia started playing just as Pinkie started singing.
“Once a lass met a lad… You’re a gentle one said she… In my heart I’d be glad if you loved me for me… You say your love is true and I hope that it will be…”
He gave a wide grin and took her by the hoof to join her in song, “I’d be sure, if I knew that you loved me for me…”
They started going around Canterlot with her singing, “Could I be the one you’re seeking? Will I be the one you choose? Can you tell my heart is speaking? My eyes will give clues…”
“What you see may be deceiving… Truth lies underneath the skin…”
“Hope will be blossom by believing…”
Both sang, “The heart that lies within!”
He sang, “I’ll be yours… Together we shall be always be as one… If you love me for me…”
“Who can say where we’ll go…”
“I’ll be yours…”
“Who can promise what will be…”
“Together we shall always be…”
“But I’ll stay by your side…”
“Be as one…”
They finished up the song while staring at each other lovingly, “If love me for me… If you love me… for me…” They slowly kissed, then had their noses keep touching while being hopelessly in love.
Twilight was aimlessly looking for books and out of frustration, she grunted, “Ugh! Spike! Of all the days had to leave me to go help Applejack instead! I was hoping to find way to prove to Mother that having an arranged marriage for us isn’t a good idea!” She set down another book that wasn’t going to help her and decided to take a break.
She set a hoof out of the library, but soon bumped into some pony. But it wasn’t just any pony: it was the pony she been seeing every night before she went bed, or in the case of last night that she met with him before going into the magical underground kingdom. “Flash!” she gasped.
“Twily!” he beamed, “Didn’t think I would see you on this side of the castle.”
“That’s because… I’m…” She quickly thought of a good excuse, “I’m with the princess!”
“The youngest one? The one you’re friends with?”
“That’s right!” she nervously chuckled while blushing.
“Wow, think maybe I can see her?” he leaned his head over her to look inside the library seeing if the princess was there.
She blocked his view, “Oh no, you can’t! She’s… she’s much too busy, preparing to get married you know.”
“Oh yeah, I’ve heard about that… I feel so sorry for the princesses… to never have the chance to find a very special some pony…”
“Tell me about it…” she mumbled.
“Well, at least you’re lucky, being the princess’s lady’s maid and all, such laws don’t apply to you.”
“Oh! Right… of course…” she did a forced smile and thought to herself, I wish that was true… If I was actually a lady’s maid, then I could be free to myself around you instead of always hiding the truth… She sighed loudly and that got his attention.
“Is… everything alright?” he asked with concern.
She gave him a solemn face and finally blurted out, “No, no everything’s not alright! In fact, everything’s all wrong!” she sniffled and started running away.
“Wha… Twily!” he called out to her, but she did not respond or come back.
By early afternoon, Applejack cheered while finishing putting clean sheets on a bed, “Hee-haw! That’s the fastest I’ve ever gotten anything done!”
Spike took hold of an empty basket and said, “I told you we would make things easier if we worked together.”
“Land sakes! I can’t believe I didn’t listen to you sooner. You are so good at finishing the job so quickly…” she beamed at him, causing him to slightly blush.
“Aw, it’s nothing; you did most of the heavy work anyway.”
“Still, I never could get with my cleaning duties done so early. Do… do you want to do something before preparing for dinner?”
His face lit up and asked, “Sure! What is it you want to do?”
“Well, um… I’m not sure. Do you have any ideas?”
“Hmm…” he deeply thought, then got a glimpse of Applejack’s cutie mark and then it struck him, “I know!”
“Just follow me.” he waved his claw and went in front of her.
She glanced in confusion, but followed him nevertheless.
Pretty soon, they went into a part of the castle gardens and saw the apple orchards. Memories instantly came to her as she remembered playing hide and seek here with her sisters when they were fillies and their father, the king, was playing with them. She tried her best to hide up in the tree, but she fell out and her father caught her in his strong arms. He told her to be more careful and taught her how important it was watch out for family. Sombra never did want to lose any of his girls or his wife.
“You okay?” a voice next to her said, bringing her back to the present.
“Sorry, I just, I haven’t been here in a long time… I’ve wanted to visit, but never had the chance to… Thank you for bringing me here…” She gave him a small smile.
He returned it and replied, “You’re welcome…”
“Why don’t we rest under one of the trees? We could use it after all the hard work we did today.”
“Alright!” he took to the nearest tree that had lots of shade and started relaxing.
She chuckled and joined by his side, crouching down to lay her head down. Once she had shut her eyes, Spike made sure she was fast asleep before moving over to her and set his head down on her side. He gave out a sigh and slowly fell asleep.
The derby was over with and because of his newfound love with Rainbow Dash, Soarin’ had won! But as happy as she was that her colt friend won, they couldn’t quite celebrate his win until Blueblood was out of her hair. So the plan was that Soarin’ would follow them around with a single dark cloud he made until she would give him the signal to use it.
They were going down the main street when Rainbow said loudly, “Well, I sure had a good time!”
“You did?” Blueblood was astonished to hear that, but was quite pleased all the same, “Must have been my charms, wouldn’t you agree?” he smirked.
“Yeah… sure… let’s go with that.” she winked back to Soarin’ and he took the hint to get ready.
“Yes, quite. I do have that effect on mares, though I was surprised it was you I ended up with. I was sure I could’ve had Rarity. Actually, I was hoping for your sister, Fluttershy.”
“Fluttershy?” she questioned and then asked in a skeptical tone, “Why would you want Fluttershy?”
“Well, rumor is she is the most beautiful creature in all the land, and with me being the handsome stallion that I am, we would have made a perfect pair. But of course since you’re so willing to be my wife, I’ll take what I can get.” he held her hoof.
Yeah right… Like that’s ever going to happen! She thought with a grimace as he shut his eyes and started to lean in for a kiss. She frantically waved her hoof while thinking, Now, Soarin’! Now!
In a split second, the lightning bolt came down and startled Blueblood from behind, causing him to scream like a girl and run away, leaving a cloud of dust.
The dark cloud came down with Soarin’ as he said, “Whew, one more second and I would have just done it, since he was that close to kissing you…” he frowned.
“Luckily, I already had my first kiss with you.”
“That was your first?! Whoa!”
“And what’s wrong with that?!”
“Nothing, in fact… that was my first kiss, too!”
“No way! A good-lookin’ Wonderbolt like you has never been kissed until now?”
“Well,” he rubbed his neck, “I never found the right girl before to share it with…”
“Heh, same here…” she wrapped her hoof around him, “Say, we got some time before I have to get back to the castle for dinner. Wanna go hang out?”
“You bet!” They took off to the sky, flying away.