• Published 3rd Oct 2014
  • 1,491 Views, 38 Comments

Furret I'm Done! - Dragon363

Human gamer of pokemon turn into his best pokemon a Furret. His apperance causes an old villain to make himself known and he is from the past of the princesses. Will our friend be able to help?

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chapter 2

Author's Note:

all chapters are being reworked bar chapter one,

I wake up and shake my head as I sigh. I need to find a way to show Fluttershy I'm sentient and intelligent, maybe there is some pencils or ink that I could write with on spare scraps of paper that I figure she would have due to being a technical business of taking care of animals. I then get onto my paws with a sigh since I'm still not used to walking on four feet. As I look around I see a rather unhappy white bunny holding a carrot like a club. At first, I wasn't sure if this was Fluttershy's pet Angel, but I was confident it was Angel after noticing he looked ready to hit me with the damn carrot club.

"Hi there," I said in a sequence of squeaks

The bunny says, "Hi there Fresh Meat, let me explain how shit works here. You, being new, eat last since its seniority rules. Then at the end of every week, we battle in a tournament style. So it’s fair we have carnivores in their own tier of battles likewise for herbivores. Omnivorous animals like you and a few others around here fight in the tier they feel comfortable. Though a few herbivores have fought in the carnivorous tier, but that is at their own risk. I happen to be the champ of both tiers. Fluttershy calls me Angel Bunny, what's your Freshy?"

"My name is Jeffery, but I need to ask, does Fluttershy have paper and ink or a pencil?" I respond

Angel nods and says, "She does, but why do you ask?"

I respond with, "Because I speak like you guys and I want to show Fluttershy and her friends that I'm highly intelligent. So, are you going to help me, Angel, or am I going to have to beat the champ to get my favor?"

Angel looks to be thinking about his answer. I bet he is trying to think if I’m serious, crazy, both, or if this is a prank. He then takes a deep breath and said, "You do realize if they realize that you're going to be used for something other than what your planning, right?"

I reply the foolishness of my actions hitting home a bit "True enough" After the words left my muzzle Fluttershy enters the cottage with Twilight Sparkle following in right behind her. Fluttershy smiles at most likely how I and Angel were getting along.

"Twilight, this is the six-foot long ferret I was telling you about." She says

Twilight looks at me. I start to get worried when she says "I want to run some tests as to why this ferret got so big, is that ok?"

Fluttershy nods and answers, "It’s ok, as long as they don't hurt him too much."

"I'll be careful, be, " says Twilight.

With that, I got afraid since who knows what she will do to me. As I got levitated I felt completely helpless. For the whole time I was lifted, I felt tense. Then, once I got set onto her back, I decide to relax for the time being. Twilight then trots out to her tree library house thing.

As we went through Ponyville I got nervous at all the ogling at me that was going on; probably due to my most likely cute, fluffy appearance. I then thought, I should change my last name to Hunter (since that is who this body once was), so Hunter isn't forgotten.

When we arrived at the treehouse/library mix Twilight opens the door and heads down to her laboratory. I gulp I fear at all the implements meant to do harm to the body in fear of what they could do to mine or is it Hunter's...hmmm. I'm then brought out of my thoughts by being placed on a metal slab.

She comments "Interesting…subject seems to look as if he was thinking about something. Rather unlikely, but maybe this ferret isn't a ferret; rather a mutant animal from Princess Celestia's’ labs that escaped. If that is the case must test to see what its skills are. We will start with intelligence tests after sending a letter to the princess." She then said looking at me, "Don't move from that spot." She then trots upstairs.

I then sigh; Twilight is my only hope for being able to communicate with everypony. I stand on my hind paws to stretch out my stiff joints. After I finish stretching, I notice what looks to be a computer or at least a really fancy typewriter. I realize a great time to start a prank on her, then I notice that the buttons are lucky that it's in English. I smile seeing this as I start to type. I zone out as I type my message, but I do admit that I each one of my pants is only big enough to tap one letter button at a time and, when finished, I go back to the metal table just as Twilight canters into the lab and notices what I typed.

Hello Twilight,

II have gained full sentience and am in need of more ink, do this or else next time you are with your friends I will loudly type out all of your fetish stories you have used to write.

Signed This Typewriter


Twilight, while reading this, was understandably shocked. She then turned to me and says, "Did you type this?”

To this, my act just to screw with Twilight is to give the look of confusion along with a cocking of my head to the side in what many would find adorable in a way.

Twilight looks into my eyes with a look that is trying to tell if there are any lies in what I'm doing, but I keep my innocent appearance up as to screw with her more.

The purple maned pony shrugs then return to hooking electrodes to my body...at least I hope they are electrodes since some have gotten dangerously close to my ass. I look to Twilight looking very unhappy as she then throws a switch to see what just shocking me with electricity will do. The moment I feel the electrical energy enter my body I start to twitch and convulse on the table. As I convulsed I channel the electrical energy out suddenly as Charge Beam attack and punches through the wall and a lot of dirt it appeared since I'm on my side so depth perception is shitty.

After that Twilight turns off the machine and is taking notes about this, but is startled as good old Sun-Butt showed up via teleportation.

Celestia then said, "Twilight gather your friend now it's important."

I listen and wait to find out the information which is so imperative to have the cake addict leave her throne. Granted I still haven't given all of what I am seeing and feeling being nothing more than a coma induced dream from the bolt of lightning and my brain is just trying to keep me stimulated. I ignore the feeling of Celestia petting me since if I do reveal my intelligence then I might be experimented on worse than what Twilight could do. Best to keep a low profile and not draw attention to myself. I also hope and pray Celestia doesn't sit on me.

"You're a big ferret aren't you at least your very very fluffy," said Celestia as she uses her magic on me to move me to her back. Which much like my guess is very soft and doughy from all the cake she eats.
I look and see that Twilight and her friends come down the stairs.