Furret I'm Done!

by Dragon363

First published

Human gamer of pokemon turn into his best pokemon a Furret. His apperance causes an old villain to make himself known and he is from the past of the princesses. Will our friend be able to help?

Ok, this is my attempt at a Pokemon gamer, who has a bit of a My Little Pony love, gets warped to Equestria as a Furret. It seems everypony thinks it’s cute to try and snuggle the almost 6ft long, fluffy animal that states his dislike of it. As this goes on, a powerful foe from the deep past awakens; dragons flee before it and even Celestia fears it due to its might. How in the name of all the legendary Pokemon will this turn out for the gamer turned Furret?
This Twilight is not an Alicorn in this story.

Rated: Teen I'm paranoid
Pokemon, MLP: FiM, nor any of the idea related to asassins creed are not owned by me
Those who want to hate, maybe you could recommend some good people that can help me get better.
Also; thanks to my editor idreas199 and theseventhaxol
I will post my unedited chapters first, then an edited version after they’re edited.

chapter one edited

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I'm playing my Pokemon gen 6 game while listening to some awesome tunes by Blackgryph0n on my MP3 in my backyard. As I was playing my game it got a bit cloudy and I didn't really think much of it. I just beat the last of the Elite 4 with my favorite Pokemon a Furret, some may think that it's just a Furret and sure they may be right BUT it is my Furret that I caught back when Pokemon Fire Red was new. The Furret was given the name Hunter. I had just finished beating the Elite 4 and was going for the Champion. With my headset on and my brain focusing on the Champion I didn't hear the storm roll in. As I was taking down her Pokemon pretty quickly but her Gardevoir took down most of my team, not that I expected a mega evolution to be easy to defeat but still. As I ordered my final Thunderbolt hoping that I would get a crit, it was like the universe was saying "hey, look, I can do that too. Watch this." As I got hit by a lightning bolt myself. I passed out with a final thought. "Did I win?"

I was beginning to wake to the sound of someone talking with extreme worry in their words. The voice said, "Oh my, it's severely hurt. We have to take it back home so I can heal it. Barry can you carry the poor dear back with me, that is if you don't mind." I heard a growl and thanks before I felt my body being lifted upwards. After a while, I fell asleep in the two, big, furry arms.

Sometime later I woke up to the discomfort of having bandages. I jolted and hit a table scaring whoever was living here. An eep and loud sounds of pots hitting the floor scared the crap out of me. In my state of fear from the really loud noises, I jump onto my feet and run to a hiding place. As I run at an accelerated speed for an animal with the leg length and paw size of a ferret, As I zigzag to a hiding place under her couch I learned that what I am in close to the ground so I must be as I thought too long for the couch if that is true then I must be sticking out from under it somewhere.

I then hear Fluttershy (I could never mistake that voice anywhere) timidly say, "H-H-Hello, anybody there?" Me in all my wisdom squeak and growl. I kinda hope I'm not as crazy as I sound.

I then hear Fluttershy come into the room and say, "Oh thank goodness you're alright. Don't worry I will take good care of you mister Ferret" As I hear Fluttershy say that I figured out what the heck I am. And since I am as tall as Fluttershy herself and look like a ferret. I am a Furret but not just any Furret I am the Furret, Hunter. That made me happy and also wonder why. I then squealed happily.

Amidst my musings, Fluttershy had gotten me out from my hiding spot and is reapplying the bandages. Wanting to know what is causing me to wince pain I tried to turn my head to watch, Fluttershy just turned me back and said,"Well the reason for your pain is due to a really bad set of burns and cuts on your body." My eyes went wide since those injuries match what damage Hunter received in his battles with the members of the Elite Four and champion. Fluttershy seeing this asked, "What's wrong you look shocked about something?"

I mewl gesturing towards my bandages.

Fluttershy said, "Oh not long just a day of rest and you taking it easy for a week."

I nod. The butter color mare looked to have accepted this answer then asked, "You hungry?" I nod as my belly growls. Fluttershy nods and goes to get me some food to eat. I relax and start to wonder if I can even do any of Hunters attack, which is now my attacks since I'm him, so my brain started to hurt trying the wrap it around the logic of this. As I wonder about my powers I also start to imagine how everyone will react to it.

I decided not to try to see if I can do any attacks, I know Hunter knew, but not sure if this body can. Fluttershy trots in with a small bowl of berries and sets it in front of me. I then start to eat the berries which I can tell are blueberries by looks and taste. As I eat I hear Fluttershy closing the front door most likely to get Twilight and to tell her about me. Once I finish eating the food I yawn and close my eyes to take a nap.

chapter 2

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I wake up and shake my head as I sigh. I need to find a way to show Fluttershy I'm sentient and intelligent, maybe there is some pencils or ink that I could write with on spare scraps of paper that I figure she would have due to being a technical business of taking care of animals. I then get onto my paws with a sigh since I'm still not used to walking on four feet. As I look around I see a rather unhappy white bunny holding a carrot like a club. At first, I wasn't sure if this was Fluttershy's pet Angel, but I was confident it was Angel after noticing he looked ready to hit me with the damn carrot club.

"Hi there," I said in a sequence of squeaks

The bunny says, "Hi there Fresh Meat, let me explain how shit works here. You, being new, eat last since its seniority rules. Then at the end of every week, we battle in a tournament style. So it’s fair we have carnivores in their own tier of battles likewise for herbivores. Omnivorous animals like you and a few others around here fight in the tier they feel comfortable. Though a few herbivores have fought in the carnivorous tier, but that is at their own risk. I happen to be the champ of both tiers. Fluttershy calls me Angel Bunny, what's your Freshy?"

"My name is Jeffery, but I need to ask, does Fluttershy have paper and ink or a pencil?" I respond

Angel nods and says, "She does, but why do you ask?"

I respond with, "Because I speak like you guys and I want to show Fluttershy and her friends that I'm highly intelligent. So, are you going to help me, Angel, or am I going to have to beat the champ to get my favor?"

Angel looks to be thinking about his answer. I bet he is trying to think if I’m serious, crazy, both, or if this is a prank. He then takes a deep breath and said, "You do realize if they realize that you're going to be used for something other than what your planning, right?"

I reply the foolishness of my actions hitting home a bit "True enough" After the words left my muzzle Fluttershy enters the cottage with Twilight Sparkle following in right behind her. Fluttershy smiles at most likely how I and Angel were getting along.

"Twilight, this is the six-foot long ferret I was telling you about." She says

Twilight looks at me. I start to get worried when she says "I want to run some tests as to why this ferret got so big, is that ok?"

Fluttershy nods and answers, "It’s ok, as long as they don't hurt him too much."

"I'll be careful, be, " says Twilight.

With that, I got afraid since who knows what she will do to me. As I got levitated I felt completely helpless. For the whole time I was lifted, I felt tense. Then, once I got set onto her back, I decide to relax for the time being. Twilight then trots out to her tree library house thing.

As we went through Ponyville I got nervous at all the ogling at me that was going on; probably due to my most likely cute, fluffy appearance. I then thought, I should change my last name to Hunter (since that is who this body once was), so Hunter isn't forgotten.

When we arrived at the treehouse/library mix Twilight opens the door and heads down to her laboratory. I gulp I fear at all the implements meant to do harm to the body in fear of what they could do to mine or is it Hunter's...hmmm. I'm then brought out of my thoughts by being placed on a metal slab.

She comments "Interesting…subject seems to look as if he was thinking about something. Rather unlikely, but maybe this ferret isn't a ferret; rather a mutant animal from Princess Celestia's’ labs that escaped. If that is the case must test to see what its skills are. We will start with intelligence tests after sending a letter to the princess." She then said looking at me, "Don't move from that spot." She then trots upstairs.

I then sigh; Twilight is my only hope for being able to communicate with everypony. I stand on my hind paws to stretch out my stiff joints. After I finish stretching, I notice what looks to be a computer or at least a really fancy typewriter. I realize a great time to start a prank on her, then I notice that the buttons are lucky that it's in English. I smile seeing this as I start to type. I zone out as I type my message, but I do admit that I each one of my pants is only big enough to tap one letter button at a time and, when finished, I go back to the metal table just as Twilight canters into the lab and notices what I typed.

Hello Twilight,

II have gained full sentience and am in need of more ink, do this or else next time you are with your friends I will loudly type out all of your fetish stories you have used to write.

Signed This Typewriter


Twilight, while reading this, was understandably shocked. She then turned to me and says, "Did you type this?”

To this, my act just to screw with Twilight is to give the look of confusion along with a cocking of my head to the side in what many would find adorable in a way.

Twilight looks into my eyes with a look that is trying to tell if there are any lies in what I'm doing, but I keep my innocent appearance up as to screw with her more.

The purple maned pony shrugs then return to hooking electrodes to my body...at least I hope they are electrodes since some have gotten dangerously close to my ass. I look to Twilight looking very unhappy as she then throws a switch to see what just shocking me with electricity will do. The moment I feel the electrical energy enter my body I start to twitch and convulse on the table. As I convulsed I channel the electrical energy out suddenly as Charge Beam attack and punches through the wall and a lot of dirt it appeared since I'm on my side so depth perception is shitty.

After that Twilight turns off the machine and is taking notes about this, but is startled as good old Sun-Butt showed up via teleportation.

Celestia then said, "Twilight gather your friend now it's important."

I listen and wait to find out the information which is so imperative to have the cake addict leave her throne. Granted I still haven't given all of what I am seeing and feeling being nothing more than a coma induced dream from the bolt of lightning and my brain is just trying to keep me stimulated. I ignore the feeling of Celestia petting me since if I do reveal my intelligence then I might be experimented on worse than what Twilight could do. Best to keep a low profile and not draw attention to myself. I also hope and pray Celestia doesn't sit on me.

"You're a big ferret aren't you at least your very very fluffy," said Celestia as she uses her magic on me to move me to her back. Which much like my guess is very soft and doughy from all the cake she eats.
I look and see that Twilight and her friends come down the stairs.

Chapter 3

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When I wake from my nap I stretch, much like a cat would. I look up to see Celestia welcoming Twilight and her friends, minus Spike, who is oddly absent from the group.

"Did you find Hunter?" Asks Celestia in a worried tone, but I can tell she is acting due to the fact she knows I'm the one they're looking for.

"We have had no luck at all Celestia. What about you? Did you find him?" Twilight asks.

Celestia says, in a cryptic tone, "Yes, I did actually. I there was no need to search."

Twilight looks confused, as do the rest of her friends, when good old Fluttershy responds, "Wh-wh-what do you mean Princess? Could you explain if that is ok with you?"

Celestia, smirking, says offhandedly, "Well I'm not sure if is up to me to tell you."

Twilight asks, still confused as all hell, "Then whose call is it?"

I the hop off Celestia's back and stand on my hind paws so I'm at full height of near 5'8 and said in a playful tone, for the first part then I go hyper serious, "That would be up to me, dear Twilight Sparkle and before you ask; Celestia cast the translation spell on me. I am Hunter, or at least the body is. My name is Jeffery Hunter. I was the life force linked to Hunter when good old “Sun Butt" everypony, but Celestia (she just chuckled) gasped at the complete lack of respect for one of their rulers. “brought us here. Unfortunately, Hunters body was too weak to hold on, so when the life force and soul merging happened; I became the dominant mind and personality. I was dying too when this happened from a bolt of lightning that if I had to guess the amount of energy going threw it would be 1.21 gigawatts, but that’s beside the point." Rainbow Dash opens her mouth; most likely to make snide remark or a comment about me and my odds of beating the GLD. "I'm not a ferret, but a different species of animal from a different universe called a Pokèmon. More precisely; a Furret. So before you laugh and make a crack about me and being this big dragon’s lunch, let me explain. I am a lot more powerful then I look, but I will need help and a target range for practice if I am to kill this dragon." Everyone is understandably in shocked silence. Except Celestia; she is smiling and also looking a bit unsettled by how close I am to looking her in the eyes. I am, by my calculations, taller than Luna by about 5 inches or so.

Celestia then says, "I think we can get you those things, but what kind of help you need I all is what I want to know."

I say before anyone else can speak, "I need, when I fight this monster, for the weather to be clear and sunny. If possible more sunny than normal; it will help with one of my attacks. I'll give demonstrations outside if you guys want."
"Damn it!” Twilight exclaims, “I now have missed out on my asking questions, but before we go watch this demonstration; would it be a good idea for us to have a force field?"

I nod and start to the exit of the lab, only for us, without warning or anything, are teleported to what look to be a military training arena. I am a little on the dizzy side from the teleportation, due to never having been in a teleportation before.
"Ok Hunter, show us what you got." Celestia says.

I gulp and nod nervously. I'm not sure if I can do any of the moves Hunter is able to do. I look down range at a target, the focus on a howling blizzard in my mind, since one of the moves I picked is Blizzard for Hunter to have. I then open my mouth and exhale and, to my relief, I use the move Blizzard and I have it rage on down the shooting range nearly destroying or freezing solid all the targets. After about 30 seconds I close my mouth since I want to stop my attack from doing too much damage to the range. I say when done with Blizzard, "That move is called Blizzard, now for my next move. It will be a little more destructive, with much more limited range, but for this to be even remotely quick I will need a really bright and sunny atmosphere. Celestia, if you could please be so kind as to help me out?"

Celestia nods apprehensively and does so, making a mini sun like orb in the far corner of the room. Seeing this, I imagine myself taking in the sun’s energy to charge my solar beam attack. I do this till my instincts tell me to stop. I then fire a beam of pure energy at a single target and vaporize it and about 500 yards of palace (it looks like) behind it. I chuckle sheepishly and say "Sorry. I didn't think my Solar Beam would be that destructive."

Rainbow Dash says, overly excited, "That was awesome! Do got any other moves you can do?" Meanwhile Celestia disperses the sun like orb.

I nod and say, "I should say that this body can do the attacks; I'm doing but I'm not sure how. So they may take longer than it normally would for Hunter, but the next attack I'm doing; it’s Shadow Ball. This one I'm not sure what it will do." I then start to try and to create a shadowy ball of energy in my mouth much like the Pokemon Eevee does in the anime. When I see the ball start to form and it gets to about the size of my head, I smile and fire it at a target. When it hits the target, it does nothing to it. I sigh and said, "Well, figures a ghost attack would do nothing. My last attack is Thunder Bolt, but I don't want to do it, in fear of hurting everyone around here."

As I say this I hear a new pony trot in and hear in the caps lock abusing voice of Luna "WHERE IS THE INPURDENENT FOAL WHO DARES BLAST A HOLE IN THE CASTLE AND WAKE ME FROM MY SESSION OF CAKE STEALING FROM OUR DEAR SISTER! ANSWER ME; THE PRINCESS OF THE NIGHT OR I oooooh, fluffy, cute animal. We must pet it and snuggle it." She then gallops over before anypony can speak and picks me up in her forelegs in a hug to keep me from falling. Since all I can see is blue, she must be taking minor flight.

chapter 3 part two

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I feel Luna petting me, but I can't help feel all the hate I have for being handled this way. I close my eyes in calm peace. For what feels like an hour, (it’s really only 2 minutes) I hear the “daawing” of at least three feminine ponies. I then hear Luna say, thank goodness not in the royal canterlot voice, "We are taking this cute animal as our pet; unless anypony has any objections to this?"

Once I hear this, my eyes snap back open so fast I fear I might cause whiplash. I yell and use, unknowingly, Hyper Voice, "NO I WILL NOT BE YOUR PET PRINCESS LUNA! I AM NOT ANYONES PET! NOW PUT ME DOWN ON MY PAWS!" Luna, in shock, drops me on the ground and everypony else is trying to gain their hearing back from the sonic assault on their ear drums. I dust myself off and say, smirking like a troll, "Thank you Lulu. Though I have to say; if I had to be anyone’s pet, I'd rather be yours than Sun Butt's. If you sit on me I won’t be crushed, but if Tia does; I might not survive the weight on me." I start giggling after saying this.

“I thank you for the complement young, although talkative, ferret. But how do you know me and my sister’s nicknames for each other?" Luna says.

"I'm not a ferret. I'm a Pokémon called Furret." I respond.

"We don't know what a Pokémon is, but I must ask; what is your name?"

"A Pokémon is a species of sentient beings that have powers that can baffle science. My name is Jeffery Hunter. I got pulled here by Celestia. Ok, not me personally, but Hunter, who is the body I started to inhabit when I got dragged here. Hunter and me were both dying when old Sun Butt found Hunter and inadvertently found me. You know what; can you explain this Celestia?"

Celestia nods and says, "I can and will. Though you never told us why you know what we call each other."

I mentally scowl; I had hoped this would make her not ask, but seeing no other alternative, I begin to explain "Ok. In the world I'm from, Pokémon, and maybe Time Turner if this is a universe where the Doctor is here, or if he is just a really good clockmaker. But back to what I was saying; the Pokémon universe in my world is fake. I have no idea how I linked my soul to Hunters. I think it might have been during a time when it was mandatory for me to take ADHD meds. I also had a bunch of other pain killing and medicinal drugs to help me with pneumonia and headaches. Oh, and sleep pills. I was in a huge haze, so I might have done something to make the link happen."

Everyone is shocked, except Luna. She just says, "I am not that shocked; I have observed other worlds while on the moon." After Luna finishes, Celestia explains my appearance here and everything I’ve told her.

I wait patiently as they all talk. I yawn, very bored, and wonder. Since I'm a Pokémon, Arceus, if he can hear my thoughts, can answer me and give me advice. I never wanted to be a hero. Ok, it would have been nice to be a Pokémon trainer with Hunter as my partner. I then lie down and curl into a ball and fall asleep.

I open my eyes, noticing that I'm in a white void. I look around to see where the hell I am, and when I look behind me I see Arceus. I wonder if he is a dream-made Arceus, or if he is the real one. I decide to ask. "Um, are you the real Arceus or a dream-made one?"

"Well… to be honest, my Jeffery, yes; I am the real one. I felt your distress, even from a different universe. Even though you were human Jeffery, you are now in the body of one of my children; thus making you one of my children. What is bringing you distress, Jeffery Hunter?" Arceus says.

"Well I, or at least Hunter, have been brought to Equestria to fight a mighty dragon called “Grand Leviathan Dragon” But we, and by “we” I mean me and Hunter, are now one are just a simple Furret. What am I to do about this?"

Arceus looked as if he was thinking about my predicament, or what he is having for lunch, I’m not sure. So I wait for his response, or at least some advice. "Well, I think I can help you in many ways. One is that I take you from Equestria to my world and make you human again and Hunter alive, or at least in full control of his body; since you are the more dominant soul than his. The second is that I give you a major boost when you have to fight the dragon. The third is I give you help during the fight with Grand Dragon Leviathan." Arceus finally says.

"Well option one is out since I can’t do that to these ponies." I say. I then start to think over which option is better for me.

Chapter 4

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After a bit I start to wake, but I haven't answered Arceus yet. I hope that Arceus doesn't pick an answer for me. I look around since I'm not sure how long I have been asleep, and I see that I'm on a train, alone, headed to what appears a desert. I start to panic since, well, I'm not sure what I'm doing here. I stand and feel my paw on something that feels like paper. I look down to see what I'm standing on and see that it’s a note. It reads:

Dear Jeffery Hunter,

We understand if you're in a panic. Well, calm down. The train you're on is headed to Appleloosa. You are going there to save our settlement from a power-hungry alliance of Griffons and Minotaurs bent on taking all of Equestria, since they think we have gone soft. We (The princesses) need you to be our secret weapon and show them we have fighters that can and will protect our settlements.

Your foes are both radically different. Griffons are flight based killers, but most of them suck at land based-fighting. In the sky, griffons are speedy and you, looking like a prey animal, will be at risk of their claws catching you and them eating you. The Minotaurs are the most merciless killers here (at least of the intelligent beings). They use heavy two-handed weapons and are as slow as heck. If you don't die from the Griffons’ claws and the blades of the Minotaurs, and you kill off or make this invasion force flee, you can come back. You will be thought of as a hero! Also, you get the fighting you need to train for the battle with the dragon.

Thanks for not getting mad at me

Princess Celestia

I growl; Celestia is sending me on a suicide mission! I go back to sleep with my answer to Arceus; I want both.

Once asleep, I see Arceus. "Can I get both the second and third option?" I ask him.

Nodding, Arceus responds "Yes, you can. May I ask what the reason is for you asking for both?"

"Celestia is sending me on a suicide mission. I also don't know if I am strong enough to fight the GDL and do all the other tasks Celestia wants me to do. So, I’ll need the power boost during the fight with the dragon and I want the help fighting. I would also like some Pokémon friends for my stay here. Now, before you ask, I want my other four Pokèmon on my team; Storm, my female Flygon, Ziggy the male linoone,...Wait, you can read my thoughts, so you know who I'm talking about."

Arceus chuckles. "I can. I just wanted to see your emotions when you talk about your team. I can do that. When you wake and get to the location, you will get your friends and team. I think you need a sixth member, but I understand your reasons for just your team. I think I should let you know; you don't have the 4-move limit like your Pokémon did in your game."

"Thanks for the information Arceus." I say. Arceus nods and forces me to wake up.

As I wake I feel the train stop and the speaker say "Everyone off!"

I obey the statement and get the off the train, only to hear screams. "Monsters and Dragons!" I sigh and go through the running crowd; going against the flow of the running, easily scared ponies.

I'm abruptly hug attacked by a blur of green and at once I'm in the grip of a scaly hug and being nuzzled lovingly. I then hear "Hunter, my love, I found you."

I say, "Hey Storm, missed you." What I said isn't a lie, since I kind of missed my team. Storm pulled me away and put me on the ground.

"Arceus told us about you and Hunter being one, so I'll explain what happened before you got here with Hunter." Storm says, smiling.

"Is the rest of the team here?" I ask. I wanted to know if they’re here since Storm alone isn't enough to fight off an invasion force.

Storm nods and says "They will be here soon. I got dropped off by Arceus first."

Before I could say anything, I see the dust of charging Minotaurs and the sight of flying Griffons. I then say "Storm, we need to fight some monsters here. Then we can get to the explaining of the history of you and the team." Storm nods looks behind her and sees the foes.

"I take sky, you take land?" She asks.

I nod. "Keep them off me please; I'm not in the mood to be lunch to any griffons."

We charge at the invaders to keep them out of the settlement. I get up to my first Minotaur and fire a Blizzard attack at point blank range. I smile as the Minotaur, and a few others nearby, are frozen solid. I then use Thunderbolt to try and fry as many as I can and kill the frozen ones with an intense freezing then heating. The ones that I didn't freeze that got hit by the direct bolts started to swing like crazy killing others of their own. After a bit of doing this to Minotaurs, I use Protect to give me time to charge up my Solarbeam and catch my breath. As I charge it up and have protect up, the axes slam into my defenses. I also see Storm getting badly hurt by the Griffons. I fire Solarbeam prematurely and kill only half the amount I could kill with a full power one. I yell with all my might "Take the power of THUNDER!" As I say this a massive Thunder attack is unleashed and causes an explosion on the ground where the lightning hits it. I pant as the dust settles and our foes run away. I see the form of Storm getting covered in the dust and rush over to see if she is ok. Once I get there, I put my paw on her neck to see if there is a pulse. I feel blood and get worried at first, but relax since I feel a strong pulse. I then use all the strength I have to drag Storm onto the train station. I wait for the next train to come around since the battle took some time. I don't know when it happened, but I fell asleep, snuggling Storm’s warm body.

I wake, feeling myself being shaken awake by Storm. I smile when my eyes open and see my whole team of Storm the Flygon, Ziggy the Linoone, Fury the Raticate, and Champ the Staraptor. "Hi guys! Before we talk, let's start back to where I'm needed to return to."

I'm then startled by the crack of a teleportation. I stand up to see Celestia and I say "Celestia. Um… hi. This is my team; the one I had before I became Hunter. Could you give them the ability to speak Pony?”

Celestia nods and casts the spell on my team. “Um Miss Celestia. Can we… is there somewhere me and Hunter can talk in private?” Storm asks.
“Yes,” Celestia replies, “but we are going to Canterlot first since my throne room is private when I want it to.” She then uses magic to teleport us. Once she is done I see Storm fall to the ground in what looks to be major pain.

“What did you do, old fat Sun Butt, that caused Storm to be in such pain?!!” I yell angrily.

“The teleportation it burned like an overcharged Geomancy attack.” I hear Storm say weakly.

“Oh my! Celestia, before you say anything, dragons from the Pokémon world are hurt badly by fairy attacks. Your magic must act like a fairy attack to Storm” I say I realization.

“I’m sorry, Miss Storm, about the pain I have inflicted on you.” Celestia says. “Please let me show you to a room you may stay in for now till you're all better and we’ll have a living arrangement figured out for you and the rest of your team.”

“It-It’s ok and th-th-thanks, Princess.” Storm says, pained.

"But since we are all together, you can tell me why the rest of you are here. I didn't summon you four." Princess Celestia says.

"You summon me and you get the whole team. Princess Celestia, meet Storm the Flygon," I gesture to the downed dragon. "Fury the Raticate," I gesture to the battle-scarred rodent. "Ziggy the Linoone," I then point to the Pokémon that looks like me. "And Champ the Staraptor." I point with my tail to the, now-perching, bird. "They’re here to make sure I don't die from any of the suicide missions you are thinking of sending me on."

"Nice to meet you four, and sorry about what happened at Appleloosa. I had no choice; the guards I have aren't strong enough to take a battle force like what you scared off with the help of Storm." Celestia replies.

I growl and say "Couldn't you have, I don't know, went with Luna to use your godly power and make a threat of taking the sun away or something along that nature?"
"No. Celestia answers. “If I do that, there’s a chance ponies might fear changing things, due to the thought I will take the sun away."
I roll my eyes and say "Celestia, before you ask my friends if they know about the Grand Leviathan Dragon, can we just stay in the castle since it will be easier than sending letters whenever you need us."

"Not a bad idea. I might need a favor of you, Jeffery. Due to the GLD waking up, the dragon nation is running the hell away from their home and some are coming this way. Their culture is built so that they will leave the area they choose as their new home if they are beaten in a fight." Celestia said
I interrupt her. "And you want me and my friends, ok you mostly want Storm; being the dragon here, to fight what could be a grand elder dragon to keep your nation safe. This favor isn't up to me, but rather, it’s up to Storm."

I look to Storm who is asleep and say "I think we should take the cue from her and all head to bed. Could you lead us to where each of us will be staying?"
Celestia nods and says "Follow me" as she leads us down a hall.

Me and Fury get Storm on our backs and follow Celestia. She gets to the first room. "This is where Storm will sleep, due to her size being bigger than a Pony’s. It’s big enough for two beings of her size." I could tell she was insinuating something, but I chose not to comment. Fury, on the other paw, is laughing.

I sigh as me and Fury carry Storm onto the bed and lay her on it. Before I can go, I see Fury use Quick Attack and get out of the room and close the door. I bet he knew damn well that I have no thumbs and can't open the door without help. As I mentally plan my partner's death, I'm snuggled by Storm. This oddly relaxes me; I'm not sure why, though. I then get an idea that really scares me; what if Hunter and Storm were mates. I shudder at the idea of those two getting it on and the troubles they must have doing it. Though the notion those two...us as mates, does make the statement when I was first hug attacked make sense. Deciding not to mentally wear myself, out I go and snuggle Storm and fall asleep.

5th chapter

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As I wake from my sleep I see arguably the creepiest sigh ever next to those eyes of Espurr(*shudder*). Storm the Flygon watching me as I sleep with her face near mine. I then do a just and in my opinon reasonable reaction I scream(what would you do if you were in my positin?). I jump onto the floor and say, "What in the name of the darkside are you doing Storm?"

"Watching you sleep, to make sure you don't go sleep walking." Said Storm in a reasonable tone.

I then say after my heart beat returns to normal, "Ok, but next time remeber personal space please or I might if it happens again use an attack on you.

Storm nods and said looking visably hurt, "Ok well I was told to wake you to let you know that the princesss want you in the royal dining hall." She then opens the door and flys out into the hall.

Seeing this I feel like the bigget, ok arguably biggest ass on the planet. I then start into the halls to the find the royal dining hall hoping I don't meet the blue jack ass. As I walk with out much hurry in my step I pass a glass case. As I pass it I see something that catches my eye; its a hoodie or at least it look like one, its fully black on the out side and on its inside apperse to be winter camo in color. It reminds me of my old hoodie back on earth which I called for my own ego The Hood of Shadows. I start to think over if I should take it out of the case and try it on to see if it fits me. After giving the same ammount of time that it would take to eat a double meatball sub with about 2 pounds of bacon and 5 of pepper jack cheese; I then tap on the lid of the glass case and the case opens. I reach in with my paw to grab the coat just as I am about to feel the material of it I hear the voice of Celestia coming down the hall. I then quickly pull my paw back and close the lid I then go and make it look like I am admiriering it. As I see out of the corner of my eye coming up on my left Celestia and her guards.

Celestia said looking to her guards, "Guards you may go I am ok with our guest since he is of no real threat to me." The guard then run off to see off to other duties not sure what though. Celestia looks to me and said, "Jeffery I see you have found The Dark Coat of the Stealth it is very beutiful and it is magnifacent spell work. Other then the user no one other then the maker of this magical artifact has been able to use it. The makers name was called Shadow-spell Weaver he said on his death bed, "The Coat will only work for..." then he died before he could finish the statement. Would you like to try it on even though your paws are really short for it?"

I nod and Celestia opens the case and uses her magic to pull the jacket out and put it on the ground next to me. That is when I tried to slip it on when I got it on and the hood up. After I got the coat on it glows and shrinks to fit me perfectly. I smile and snuggle into the fluffy inside of the jacket; I see Celestia's shocked look and asked, "What is it?"

"Your invisable, you activated the coats powers could you turn yourself visable?" Asked Celestia

I nod and say smirking under the hood and said, "SHAZAM" then I turn visable and standing on my hind legs.

Celestia said, "let's go to the royal dinning hall to eat breakfast Jeffery also you may keep the coat. Its reverseable too since Shadw-spell couldent decied on a stlye for his coat. " She then starts to walk away I quickly follow her feeling like a part of me has been restored.

As we arrive in the dinning hall I see my team and the mane six eating. Twilight is also bothering my team to get information out of them about pokèmon. I go to my seat and sit and smile as I look to my left to see Storm and my right I see Ziggy. I look at my plate to see stake and eggs on it, I then take off my coat with ease and I silently thank magic for making take off and putting the coat on easily for the wearer. Licking my lips I start to eat the food quickly and I finished eating quickly. I look to see everyone else finish eating too. Celestia said, "The reason I called you all here is because The Crystal Empire has returned and I need you 11 to go investagate this since it could have something to do with the GLD wakeing up or something else. Here is a helpful bit of information to those who don't have a warm coat on them or thick fur. Its cold as the frosty balls of the windgos out there, Your train leaves in a few hours your all dismissed." I get up and puts on my coat then leave the room as I hear my team follow I feel bad ass while this happens. I then leave the castel to get to the train station.

Alert for fans and those who have been waiting for a new chapter

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I am overhauling and redoing this story so don't worry and enjoy the fixed old work and new chapters