• Published 16th Sep 2014
  • 4,989 Views, 738 Comments

Absolution 2 - ed2481

After Cres left, Applejack thought that she'd never have to hear the words 'Pokemon' again outside of Twilight's constant questions. However, it seems that hope was misplaced. With only the help of Cres, can she find her way back

  • ...

Chapter 7

Author's Note:

This chapter contains something a bit darker then normal, viewer discretion is advised after the first page break.

Also, thanks to Speven for additional editing

Matt and Roxanne had said their goodnights to Applejack after leaving a spare blanket and a comfy pillow out on the couch for her to use, but the mare just couldn’t get to sleep. Too many thoughts rushed through her head. Instead, she sat at the kitchen table thinking over her day.

What is happening to me? I’m trapped in a world full of… of monsters and predators and even Cres is here, she thought with a small irritated growl. Out of all the beings in this world, and I had to run into him? I thought I was done with him when he ran away from his crimes, now I’m stuck with him for who knows how long. She let out a slow, drawn out sigh. And I can’t shake the feeling that he’s part of the reason I’m here. Why else would I be here and run into him? This is not a coincidence, this was planned!

Her right forehoof rubbed against the tile on the kitchen floor as she frowned in thought. It has to be that... Giratina fellow... I mean, how else would I get here and be stuck here? Cres must have made some deal with him to keep me trapped here so he can-

Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of paws on the kitchen floor. Her ears perked up and she quickly turned around to faintly see a crimson shape moving through the dim light of the kitchen. Whoever it was, was clearly smaller than ‘Belle’ had been and certainly a lot less careful with their steps as it approached the fridge. Then it opened the fridge up and Applejack saw the small shape of a male Absol kit with brilliant crimson fur as it rummaged through the fridge for a moment before pulling out a slice of... meat of some kind.

Applejack narrowed her eyes with cautioned as her legs spread out to- What am I doing..?

The mare blinked a bit at the thought for a second. It was a kit, probably Belle’s and... Cres’s, and right at the moment it was harmless to her, so the need to take a defensive stance was absurd. So she just stood still as she watched the kit devour the slice of meat, his surprisingly sharp teeth dicing their way through it like a group of knives. Though she shouldn’t be too surprised, he was a carnivore after all, he should have sharp teeth and claws... and she could bet on that horn of his to be sharp too, remembering the clean cut Cres made across her back once with his.

The kit finished his meal and closed the figured door, licking his paws a bit before turning and his eyes glance past her before his head did a double take and his body stiffened slightly. As if he’d been caught with his hoof in the cookie jar.

“Ah!” the kit squeaked out in surprise before getting a better look at her. “Oh! Hello! I’m Xav! You’re the mean Ponyta thing who made my dad stay in the room all day!” Despite the words, he didn’t seem very angry, more like he was excited to meet her than anything else.

The mare eyes fell a bit flat. “I’m not a ‘Ponyta’... I’m just a pony,” she corrected, not even knowing what a ‘Ponyta’ is. “And yes... I might be the one who your... dad is talking about,” Applejack answered, deciding to sit on her rump.

“Well whatever you are, you shouldn’t be mean to my dad, he’s the nicest, strongest, most awesome Absol ever,” Xav said with a frown at her before shaking his head. “Though not the smartest, that’s my mom!”

Applejack couldn’t help but scoff. “Your dad is a criminal... he ran away from my world before he could even be arrested.”

To her surprise, the kit only frowned at her. “What were the charges?”

“Breaking several of our laws that keep predators such as himself in line and resisting arrest,” the mare answered.

“Yes, because that tells me so much,” Xav said, rolling his eyes before shaking his head. “I don’t believe you, and it’s not a good thing to tell lies about people,” he added with a small shrug before he began to walk past her.

“I’m not lying you little pup,” Applejack said with a firm edge to her voice. “Your father murdered animals who were protected, resisted us for trying to contain him for that, and he breathed fired near my little sister. And before I could properly get him arrested, he ran away.”

Xav frowned for a moment before shaking his head. “You’re wrong and a liar,” he told her before shrugging. “And I’m tired,” he added before walking into the far room where she briefly caught sight of the kit hopping up beside the blue furred lion and snuggling up against him.

Applejack rolled her eyes. What did she expect? Him to see past his blindness of his ‘kind’ father? The mare shook her head as she lifted a hoof to her now tired eyes, finally wanting to seek some sleep. She let out a small yawn, as she shook her head and slowly made her way to the couch. She pull herself up and wrap the blanket around her as head lay down on the pillow. She gazed aimlessly as her heavy eyelids shortly fell down, embracing her in darkness of night.

Applejack frowned. The world was hazy and incomplete. The sun was too bright. The smells too strong. One smell permeated the air. Apples. She was home! She smiled as she looked around herself to find that she was standing on the road to her house! A grin crossed her face as she walked up the old porch, though for some reason it seemed brittle and incomplete. As she pushed the door open she found herself staring at the sight before her eyes.

A gasp of horrified shock left her mouth as her eyes went wide, taking steps back and muttering. “No.... no... no... no...”

Blood dripped from the walls, pooling the on the floor, and flies buzzed around the corpses of Granny Smith, and Big Mac. Their bodies were sliced open, the color to their fur a sickly pale, and their eyes... their eyes....

Applejack closed her eyes and physically fought down her gag reflex before a thought sprang to her mind. Apple Bloom! Her heart began to race as her strength returned and she got on all fours and bolted up the stairs.

With a mighty buck she slammed door to Applebloom’s room open and found herself staring at blood red sheets. Applebloom lay there, struggling for breath, a gaping hole in her shoulder.

“Ap-Applejack,” she crooned weakly. “Why-why weren’t you here?” she moaned. “Why-why didn’t you stop him?”

“Apple Bloom!” the mare shouted as she rushed up to her, only to be stop as something rammed into her side, knocking her down to the ground. She growled as she glanced up to see Cres, his face and coat soaked in blood, and a vicious smirk on his lips as he licked a few drops of Apple Bloom’s blood off of them.

“So glad you could join us for dinner, Applejack,” the Absol said with a grin as he bent down and sank his teeth into her shoulder, tearing off a portion of her coat and the flesh beneath it before scarfing it down. “My my, you DO taste like apples.”

The mare let out a painful grunt as she pushed her forehooves up to knock him off of her, but he simply danced around them and his blade flashed out twice. She let out a scream of pain as her hooves stopped obeying her commands, he’d slashed her tendons.

“We wouldn’t want you doing that, would we?” Cres asked her as he lowered his muzzle to her shoulder and lapped up the blood leaking out of it. “You might hurt yourself and that would be just the worst possible thing.”

“You’re low sinking varmint,” she growled as she spit into his face. “I knew you were a monster all along!”

“Then why didn’t you stop me?” he asked, a sick smirk on his face as he turned his back on her and got back onto the bed beside Apple Bloom. “Instead you let me walk around like I owned the place, and I guess I kind of did,” he added before he leaned down and licked Apple Bloom’s cheek. “After all, I could kill you at any time you know.”

“Just you wait, once Celestia finds out she’ll-”

“Oh, her? I already killed her, first on the list actually,” Cres said, letting out a laugh that made Apple Bloom cringe. “What’s wrong little apple? Did I scare you? I’m so sorry, oh, and you look like you’re bleeding, let me help you with that.”

The Absol opened up his lips and unleashed a stream of fire over Apple Bloom’s wound, causing the filly to let out a heart rending cry of pain and allowed the smell of cooking meat to drift down to Applejack’s nose.

“APPLE BLOOM!” the mare screamed, but as the fire settled down, the filly was... still alive... but a good portion of her shoulder was covered in deep, third degree burns.

“All better,” Cres told her, giving the wound a lick. “Mmm, and tasty too.” Then he took a large bite out of it, causing her to let out another scream of pain. He turned back towards Applejack as he munched on her sister’s cooked flesh. “I’m going to make you watch me eat her alive, Applejack, and then I might just leave you here, I haven’t made up my mind yet.”

Applejack gritted her teeth. “I swear Cres... I WILL KILL YOU!” she screamed out in anger.

“Oh goodie, I just love hearing people say that,” the Absol stated before taking another bite out of Apple Bloom, getting another scream out of her as she shook against him. “Mmm yod knod thish isth REALYHTS godth,” he told her in between bites as blood leaked down his jaw before he swallowed. “You know, I would feel just awful if I ate ALL of this by myself.” With that, he tore off another chunk of meat and got off of the bed, padding up to her and plopping it into her open mouth before he used his paws to close it and begin to force her to chew it. “Doesn’t she taste magnificent?”

The mare’s stomach turned as she tried to spit it out, but Cres held a firm hold over her muzzle. With nothing else to do, she swallowed the chunk, it’s unnaturally wet flesh slid down her throat. Cres released her and let out a chuckle at her pain. “Oh my, it looks like you liked it so much that you want some more...”

Applejack began to scream, it was an awful, indescribable scream of pure terror and pain as Cres-

Her body jumped as something shocked her at the base of her neck, her fur and part of her mane was standing on their end. She jolted herself upright, panting heavily as her heart pounded against her chest.

“Be at ease, you are awake,” a calm, male voice told her, causing to whirl her head to see Ohm standing next to her. His yellow eyes seemingly glowing in the dark.

“GAH!” she yelped in surprise and one of her hoof lashed out reflexively and hit Ohm in the face. It wasn’t very effective, and she felt like she was hitting a wall of solid brick. Ohm for his part, let his head roll with the punch, and returned his gaze back at the mare.

“Feeling better?” he asked, his tone reaming its calm and neutral state.

The mare blinked at him blankly, her breathing slowing down as her heart ceased in its rapid movements. “Yeah.... I’m... sorry...” she said, retracting her hoof to lay next to her once more.

“Wow! I’ve never seen anyone have a nightmare like that!” Xav’s voice said from beside his ‘uncle Ohm’. “You were screaming and shaking but no noise was coming out! You’re lucky Uncle Ohm has such good hearing!”

“Xav, this is not the moment to be amazed at,” Ohm told the kit in a instructive tone.

“Sorry Uncle Ohm,” the kit replied before looking up at Applejack. “But still! Her fur was all white and pale! I didn’t know that could happen to orange fur!”

Ohm shook his head slightly as he looked up to Applejack. “Excuse young Xav, he’s still a kit. But for now, do you need anything?”

Applejack let out a sharp sigh as took in deep breath. “I just need... I just need some room,” she said, shoving off the blanket and slid off the couch. “I just need some room to walk.”

“Of course,” Ohm said, backing away from her while using a simple paw to pull Xav in the same direction.

Applejack got up and began pacing around the room. She went around in circles for a long time, but it wasn’t helping. With every pass her legs getting anxious as she felt some of her muscles tense. She needed to do more than walking, she needed some kind of work. She looked at Ohm, who was simply sitting down watching her with Xav who was sitting in the same pose as copied the lion.

She frown slightly as she let out sigh. “You wouldn’t happen to have any trees nearby that I can buck?” she asked, feeling a bit silly asking the question.

Ohm tilted his head slightly. “There is a forest near the city, but it isn’t safe to go there during the night. But if you’re looking to burn off some energy, I can take you to Matt’s gym.”

“At night?” Xav asked with a frown. “I thought we weren’t supposed to leave the house after dark Uncle Ohm?”

“You aren’t, for you are still too young to explore the city by yourself,” Ohm replied. “As for me, I have permission.”

Applejack rubbed her right hoof against the carpet, remembering the place Ohm was probably describing. “As long as it just you and me... no one else,” she said.

“That is agreeable,” Ohm said with a nod of his head. He looked down at Xav. “Return to your parents, and if anyone ask, tell them of our location.”

“Aww... okay Uncle Ohm,” Xav said disheartedly before he shot an irritated glance at Applejack and walked off.

The mare frown at the glance, but Ohm walked up to her and he gestured his head at her. “Follow me,” he said as he headed for the door. Her frown deepened slightly as she thought about whether or not to really trust him... but he did seem more tolerable than Cres ever had been. The mare got up on all fours and followed Ohm as he unlocked the door and walked out of the apartment.