• Published 16th Sep 2014
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Absolution 2 - ed2481

After Cres left, Applejack thought that she'd never have to hear the words 'Pokemon' again outside of Twilight's constant questions. However, it seems that hope was misplaced. With only the help of Cres, can she find her way back

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Chapter 21

Giratina sat beside Luna on the blue painted carriage as it was drawn down towards Ponyville by a pair of pegasus guards, a small smile on his face. The world of Equestria beneath them was a brilliant green, full of life and joy. Or that was how he liked to think of it. He knew that there was pain and heartbreak there as much as there was anywhere else, but in Equestria he liked to believe that those things existed just a little less.

He took his gaze away from the landscape below and glanced over at Luna. She looked back and smiled, saying nothing as her tail moved around his and she nudged ever so slightly closer to him. Neither said a word, neither had too.

This was the life for the changeling, something he’d missed for so long that he’d nearly forgotten what it felt like rather than being a coward. He gazed back down to the passing landscape below, his mind wandering off like it tended to do now and then. As it often did when he was with Luna, his mind drifted to how he had met her, or rather, how he had been put on the path to meeting her.

Oh what a fool I was... how much one can change in six thousand years...

Hatred. That was the one thing flowing through his mind as Giratina, the large six legged dragon, watched the world through a pool on a floating island in his desolate prison. He watched humans pick through the rubble, expressions of pain, grief, and foremost of all, incomprehension on their faces. Before, there had been a city. Now... now there was a ruined landscape. The earth had been upturned and scarred. Trees had been split asunder, shattered into a jagged splinters, the grass reduced to little more than ash and dust which blew blindingly in the wind

Amongst the wreckage lay broken walls, seared black by the sheer destructive energy which had been on display. Roofs lay shattered, coble and flagstone streets were uprooted from the earth and thrown randomly around while silvers of broken glass spread out from what had once been houses. At least, in places that it hadn’t been liquified outright and reformed in bizarre shapes.

Out of all the destruction however, one thing brought him pleasure. The dead. There were so many and it filled him with such a self righteous sense of satisfaction. Dozens, hundreds, thousands of them, turned to dust, ash, reduced to bones, blood spattered this way and that. Men, women, children, all killed indiscriminately. As was what they deserved. They had taken those who he held most closely from him, attempted to use them against him and then... snuffed them out.

It was truly a massacre that would be remembered for all of time throughout the land of Orreia, an accomplishment worthy of him and him alone. His almighty Rage would not be be forgotten, nor dimmed. Yet... it had not been ENOUGH!

The young god gazed down at the pool, rage flowing through him as he saw the few humans who had been spare of his wrath. He let out a low growl and open his mouth, gathering up energy for a Hyperbeam and firing it down onto the pool. Sadly and most frustratingly the beam just disappeared the moment it hit the pool without passing through.

“Still angry my son?” a familiar voice asked from the darkness around him, a white light shining as his father appeared before him. Arceus gazed down at him with divine pity in his eyes, and OH how it burned Giratina. His so called ‘father’ could have stopped them. He could have stopped their hearts in a dozen ways but no. Instead he had let them... kill his Savants.


Arceus simply regarded him quietly for a moment before he spoke. “Two are of the balance of twenty five thousand?” he asked Giratina.

“It is for that city,” Giratina replied in a low tone. “They used my Savants, tried to use them to control me, and when they realized I was going to fight back they killed them! The whole city is behind their death so everyone deserves the same punishment!”

“However did I raise you to be so short sighted,” Arceus replied, shaking his head. “Giratina, were the children responsible for that act? Were the mothers and fathers? Who outside of the upper echelons of the city was responsible for Rosain and Martin’s death?” The God turned to look at his son straight in the eyes. “And more to the point, with all of your great power... were you truly unable to protect two humans? Truly?”

“Sorry if I don’t have the ‘all mighty powers’ you have!” Giratina snapped back.

“I don’t expect you too. I expect you to use the powers that I gave you, which are quite powerful, to protect those who you cared about,” Arceus replied pointedly. “You are a dragon Giratina. You are the mightiest Type of my children in existence at the moment and you still failed to protect them. This fault hardly lies on the city’s hands, it lies upon yours.”

“No... it falls on yours! You could’ve come in and saved them, whisked them away! But no, I bet you just sat there and watched them get stabbed through the heart!” Giratina accused, his anger to the near of boiling.

“Liver and the stomach actually, heart makes it sound much more dramatic sounding,” Arceus replied, shaking his head, which only caused Giratina’s anger to raise to greater heights at such allocations. “And I supposed I could have ‘whisked them away’ to safety but then it would have been a cheat Giratina. I serve Balance most of all, you know this, you’ve been taught it since I first made your brother and sister. I am not an intervener, I am a watcher, a balancer of scales, a creator. You, your brothers, sisters, and all my other children, it is your job to intervene. As you know.

The dam broke. “Cheat.... cheat... you call saving the only two people I could trust A CHEAT!” Giratina roared as he flapped his wings and launched himself towards Arceus, the edge of his golden helmet glowing to cut through the God’s neck.

“Yes, a cheat,” Arceus said, holding up a foreleg and stopping Giratina’s rush with a tap against said helm. “They were Savants Giratina, those humans I personally gifted with the souls and hearts of Pokemon. If I were to help those who I have already given so much too, then the Balance would have been broken.”

Giratina gritted his teeth and took a deep breath to let out a roaring dragon fire over Arceus. Which of course just licked all over him doing no sort of damage. Arceus simply tapped his mask again and Giratina’s fire died in his throat.

“Words please, you’ve spent enough fire to last a century,” Arceus commanded.

“You want words? Then you shall have them!” Giratina vented. “You are the cause of this no matter what you say. You say you’re looking to keep the ‘balance’ but all I see is chaos! These... humans of yours are running rampant. You allow them to much freedom and any wrong they do is merely brushed off by you! The death of my Savants was the final breaking point for me. All humans need to suffer the pain they had caused, no matter what age or gender they are! They deserve an everlasting NIGHTMARE OF PAIN AND DEATH!”

“Technically, the humans are your cousins’ combined doing,” Arceus pointed out. “I had no ‘hand’ in their creation. As for how much freedom I allow them...” he looked at Giratina. “I place the same restraints upon them I do as any of my Pokemon that being none.”


“You’re tired of looking in the mirror pools and seeing the person you blame,” Arceus replied calmly, not in the least bit phased. “And you won’t admit it.”

“I know I’m looking at the right person to blame for this,” Giratina replied with a dark glower at Arceus. “And I know I will never trust it ever again nor forgive.”

“So dramatic...” Arceus sighed. “Very well, stew in your hell.” The God looked at him and then said one word. “Judgement.”

Giratina’s mouth opened in a scream as his entire body shook with pain. The very pain he’d caused. It went on seemingly for years, from every set of eyes he’d killed... worst of all, from the eyes of his Savants. When it finally ended, Arceus was still there.

“Think before you act,” Arceus stated. “Or there will be more Judgement.”

That said, Arceus’ body stopped existing as it had and Giratina was alone on the island. He panted heavily as he looked up defiantly in the air.

“I will find a way to get out of here and reap my wrath on the world once more! I swear on the blood of my Savants, I WILL MAKE THE REST OF THE HUMANS PAY!” he screamed out.

When you regain your sanity I will return to you, his father’s voice sounded in his head. Until then, you are alone.

“IT’S BETTER THAN BEING WITH YOU!” Giratina yelled out once more before tossing himself down a little and looking around the ‘world’ he was trapped in. There had to be a way to get out... there was no such thing as a perfect cell.

Years passed by, how many Giratina didn’t know. Time had no meaning in this distorted world that he had been roaming every waking moment of his life. The only sense of it was from watching through the many pools of water that peered into the other world. Many times had he tried to fly through the pools to get out of his prison, but a barrier would appear and he would ram into it without making any sort of progress.

A searing anger and rage burned inside Giratina as he continued to fly around, checking for a way out. So much so for a moment he didn’t notice the changes that happened to his body. His legs had disappeared and his body became more lean and Seviper like. His golden helmet became more of a mask, his two burning darken red eyes the only thing showing from his face. His wings had become transparent and dark, splitting up into six large tentacle appendages that along with his longer body used to ‘swim’ through the world around him.

He had no idea how or why he didn’t notice the changes or how they even happened, but he didn’t care. It helped him traverse his cell and made the feeling of needing to eat or sleep no longer a necessity. That of course implied there was anything to eat here. He found no sign of any other life. Only the barren, dead trees that covered most of the scattered floating islands. Occasionally he found a waterfall that came and went to nowhere but he paid them no attention anymore.

He continued on, flying through, peering through pool after pool, failing to escape through each one, his rage growing with each failure. He glared heavily through many of the pools of water, the other world mocking him almost of what he could see. Other Legendaries with their Savants, living in peace, and it only made him growl in rage of how his were taken away. He stormed off, his wings and tail swaying in agitation as he went to search for a different mirror pool.

His anger may have been as hot as ever, but intermixed with it was a growing sense of despair. He’d been banished here, by his father. The father that he’d trusted and loved. Arceus allowed him to lose the ones that he’d most cared for, the only humans who he truly loved. Their voices echoed in his ears, their faces shining reflections in his eyes, looking up at him from within the pools. So much so that sometimes emotions overwhelmed him and he began to weep for them.

This went on until one day he found an island that he’d never found before, which was very strange. He knew it hadn’t been there before, even with the ‘tides’ that moved the islands. Yet it looked as if it always had and stranger yet the trees that were on it were... more alive looking than the rest. The bark on them didn’t look faded or chipped, and even if they didn’t bare leaves he could tell there were ‘alive’.

He flew closer to island and looked down upon it, seeing all the trees had at least one root reaching into a single pool of water. When he peered through the water, all he could see were leaves blowing in the wind. One of his tentacles reached down and for the first time ever, the red tip touch the water, sending a small wave of ripples out. A large, determine grin formed underneath Giratina’s mask as he lifted up his wing tentacle and flew back before bolting towards the water’s surface. There was a huge splash from the impact and his world went black.

Giratina sighed as he shook off the depressing memories. They were approaching the farm, or what was left of it, and hopefully there they’d find some answers.

Cres stewed in his Pokeball, his eyes closed. One thought circled through his mind. Why did I do it... it... it wasn’t her... even if it was I wouldn’t have... why did I lose control? The Absol didn’t know. Cres shivered hard in the darkness of the ball. For him, his discipline in battle was one of if not the most important traits he’d gained while working with Matt. He was not a loose cannon. He did not go around killing challengers, indeed he did not kill anyone unless he was truly hungry.

I’m better than this. That thought came up several times as well. A low snarl emanated from his throat. I should be better than this!

The images of Applejack destroying the house filled his mind and he bit back a growl. It wasn’t Applejack. It wasn’t that Donphan who he prayed was still alive. It was possible, he’d cut into the fatty part, not the jugular. Of course, it was still his Blade which had struck and even if the Donphan was alive then Cres knew he’d be punished severely for it.

Now... now he waited for Matt to take him out of his Ultra Ball.

He waited for a long time, it felt like hours until he heard the words, “Cres, come on out.”

Cres’s world turn bright for a second as he reappeared in Matt’s spotlessly clean office. The man was leaning against the laminated hardwood table which was sparsely decorated with a computer and a few pictures of his Pokemon along with one of Roxanne. The walls were mostly obscured by a few filing cabinets and a bookshelf along with a display case for his Pokemon League Trophy and each of the badges he’d won. Along with the Trophy was a picture of when he was younger, wearing his old trainer’s outfit as he posed with Cynthia and his League team.

Matt himself was staring down at the Absol, a serious frown on his face. “Cres... would you mind explaining to me what caused you to nearly kill the Donphan?” he asked, his tone simple and inquiring, though Cress could tell he was holding back his anger.

“...” Cres hung his head, eyes staring into the floor, unable to meet the eyes of the trainer he’d come to love. “... is he going to be alright?”

“Yes, I was able to stop the majority of the bleeding before the ambulance came. Last I heard Donphan might not be in battles for a while, but he will make it. Another inch deeper though, that would have been a different story.” The man bit his lower lip before adding. “And now I have a lawsuit I need to settle along with a report to file with Cynthia.” He let out a heavy sigh. “Along with that, I need to figure out what to do with you, Cres, so please, explain why you did this?”

Cres winced. “...” A breath of air left Cres’ lips and he glanced up at the hard set eyes that were looking at him. “I...” he gulped in more air. “It was like the dream. I... I thought you were going to die.” He looked away, his heart dropping deeper as a singular solution appeared to him. “I’ll go... I’ll leave... just... just look after Belle and Xav for me.”

Matt let out another sigh. “I’m not going to release you Cres... but I might have to suspend you from any Gym Battles for... at least half a year, maybe, depending on how everything goes down. But, really? You thought your dream was coming true?”

“Yes!” Cres exclaimed loudly before checking himself. “...yes... it was so real Matt... the Donphan was Applejack... she used Magnitude and I thought the Gym was going to collapse around us and kill you. I... I’m sorry... I’m so stupid, I’m such a fool.”

The man simply lowered his head and closed his eyes, letting out sharp sigh. “You’re not a fool Cres, just... short minded sometimes, but if that dream of yours affected you like this. I will have to suspend you from further training with the others. I can’t have something trigger a reaction like this again and nearly, or actually kill your friends.”

Cres shivered and nodded his head. ... I’m so... useless... he thought to himself. “...I... of... yes... yes of course Matt.”

Matt nodded his head before lifting a hand off from supporting himself against the table and held it down in a opening gesture for Cres to approach it. Cres didn’t. Instead he just sat there, staring at the floor in failure. Matt tapped his hand lightly on the side of the table to get his attention and normally a single for the Absol to come to him.

I can’t go near him... I might hurt him... I might hurt everyone I love... Cres whispered in his mind. ... again...

“Cres, come here please,” Matt said, his voice soft as he tapped the table again.

“I don’t want to hurt you,” Cres said quietly, keeping his head down.

“I know you won’t Cres, just please come here,” the man said.

“But...” Cres looked up at him and Matt saw that the Absol was fighting back tears. “I don’t want to hurt you Matt... I can’t hurt you... not again.”

“And I don’t want to see you depressed like this, Cres,” Matt retorted. “And I know you can’t handle the stress alone, don’t go running off on me like you did to Belle.” He gave the Absol a soft smile. “Beside, I know your hiding spot, heh.”

Cres huffed and looked away. “Can you please try to take the probable threat to your life seriously? Please?”

“I am, I’m worried of what’s going on with you and Applejack with these nightmares and dreams. I’m worried that you would do this sort of thing when I know you’re better than it,” Matt said quietly as he knelt down as best as he could with his gimp. “You’re stronger than this Cres, or I thought you were anyways. It worries me that if you continue letting it affect you that you will kill someone, whether it be me, Roxanne, or even Belle or Xav.” He held out his hand once more. “So instead of trying to run away like last time, let’s work on getting this fixed, okay?”

Cres looked to him for a moment before coming forwards and pressing his face into the man’s chest. “I’m sorry... I’m so sorry,” he whispered into the man’s shirt.

Matt pet a hand down his back soothingly. “I forgive you Cres, don’t try to push away my help again alright?”

“Okay...” Cres whispered quietly. “Okay... sorry... I... I’m so used to standing on my own. Even now.”

“A building can’t really support itself with one beam, Cres, it needs a lot more,” Matt told him. “You’re part of a team now Cres, there is no more standing on your own.”

“Right...” Cres nodded his head. “Thank you Matt.”

The man smiled. “It’s no problem, it’s my job as your trainer to help you through tough times like this,” he said, patting lightly on the Absol back. “Now, I still have some paperwork to do, but can I trust you to stay in the building until it’s time to leave?”

Cres looked at the man for a moment before nodding. “May I... lay on your lap?”

Matt chuckled. “Might be a bit hard. My office chair is not as big as the lounging chair back home,” he said as he worked on standing back up and made his way back to the chair. “But sure, I think I can work around that.”

“Thank you...” Cres got up off of the floor and walked over to Matt, nimbly jumping into his lap and curling up there, putting his head down on Matt’s thigh. The man patted the Absol’s head a few times before reaching both arms over the Pokemon to the keyboard and began to type away.