• Published 20th Apr 2012
  • 1,006 Views, 20 Comments

Chaos Lands: The Quest For Harmony - Zoodude255

Chaos Rules Equestria, as it has for hundreds of years. Follow Starlight on her quest to find theEoH

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Chapter 5: Just Desserts and Entrance into Everfree

Starlight and Crabapple looked at each other. This was one of Discords tricks, and if he did send this strange pony, then Twilight must be right. They nodded, and Crabapple drew her axe, while Starlight readied her spells.

Gluttony snorted with laughter.

“Ya really think ya’ll can best me? The Glutton? Then BRING IT!” he roared, slamming his filthy hooves onto the floor. It spli into a jagged chasm, revealing the pit of sweets he had summoned before. This time however, the sweets turned into bugs and began crawling up at the two ponies. Crabapple leaped aside, landing solidly on her hooves, while Starlight levitated above the crack, using her magic to spread a fire around the area the 3 ponies were in.

Glutton spat again. “Now listen here, Crabapple. Ah got no quarrel with ya, so back off. It’s this young pony Discord wants.”

“Over my dead body, Glutton!” Crabapple taunted. She spat at his feet. “Now, come and get some! Or has all that eating made you soft?!” She grinned. Gluttony’s eyes grew wide and redden as he snorted like a bull.

Suddenly, he gave a great roar and opened his mouth wider than anything else in the world. It seemed to encompass everything, and would have too, had not Crabapple not thrown a burning piece of wood into it. It stuck inside his mouth, and his tounge, long slimy and snake like, wrapped around it. By th time he removed the wood, the two ponies were gone. He gave a great snort and charged after them down the main hall.

“Quick, in here.” Crabapple panted. She opened a door on their left and shoved Starlight inside. The two ponies panted in the cramped darkness as they heard Gluttony galloping down the halls, bellowing Starlight’s name. Starlight opened the door slightly, and saw a muddy trail of hoof prints going down the hall; the owner was nowhere to be seen.

“Clear” She whispered. Crabapple stuck her axe back into her belt, and the two friends stole out into the hall. Suddenly, they heard a deep chuckling. Both ponies look at the celling in horror. Clinging there like a spider was Gluttony. He had grown even larger and his tongue was hanging out his mouth, like some huge worm. He snapped it out even further and grabbed a candle holder on the side of the hall, and flung it at Starlight. She easily disintegrated it. During that, he dropped down and faced the two.

“Looks like you can’t take it either Crabapple. Now, Starlight, submit!” He said. He prepared to open his mouth as large as it would go. Suddenly, however, a black and red ball appeared in his mouth as it snapped shut. Gluttony looked pleased as he devoured the morsel, and then suddenly froze. Something was wrong. Smoke began coming from his nostrils and out of the corners of his eyes. Starlight smiled as she realized what was happening.

“Go get him, Scales.” She said. The Glutton had eaten Scales, who was now breathing fire. The fire was reacting with the Gluttons stomach gases. If she was correct…

“NOOOOOOOOOO!” Screamed Glutton in horror. Starlight saw the same realization come into his eyes at the same time he burst into pieces. Rotten flesh was spread around the room and a horrible stench filled the air. Crabapple spat again.

“Good riddance to bad rubbish, Ah always said.” She said matter-o-factly.

“We don’t have time for congratulations. We need to find the rest of the elements before Discord realizes that we stopped his minion. Didn’t you say that a gang lived in Everfree? How close are we to it?” Starlight asked.

“Well, only about 20 minutes. We kin walk there. But we’ll have to be careful.” Crabapple replied. By this time, Scales had walked out of the stench of guts that now littered the floor, and Starlight had used magic to remove the gore that clung to him. He picked a piece of the floor that Starlight had missed and sucked it down like spaghetti, then grimaced.

“Rotttten….hissss” He blanched.

“Clever thinking anyway, Scales.” Starlight said.

“Humph.” Scales huffed.

The Trio left the manor house and walked through town, apparently unnoticed by anypony. When they finally arrived at the Everfree border, Crabapple turned to Starlight.

“Remember, nothing is as it seems in the forest. Ah know it’s taken as a joke that the forest is dangerous, but it really is. The deeper you go, the worse it gits. Stay close.” She turned again, and led the way into the forest…

After several hours of walking, and Scales complaining, Starlight had finally put him to sleep and he was snoring on her back. The tall shadows cast by the trees made everything look eerie, and she wanted to be on her toes. Crabapple felt the same.

“Careful miss…we’re being stalked.” She whispered hoarsely.

“You mean followed?”

“No…there’s more than one. They’re stalking us…”

All at once, from out of the trees dropped an assortment of different types of ponies, each carrying a sword or bow and arrow. Then, a high but strong voice called from out the treetops.

“No pony move! First one that does gets an arrow in the knee!”