• Published 20th Apr 2012
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Chaos Lands: The Quest For Harmony - Zoodude255

Chaos Rules Equestria, as it has for hundreds of years. Follow Starlight on her quest to find theEoH

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Chapter 3: Truth and Confectionaries

Starlight stared at the page for a moment before slamming the book shut. She was confused. Her world was becoming complicated, and she lived with the King of Chaos! It was too much. If the kind, gentle Draconicicus she knew was not as he seemed, then she needed to do some serious thinking.

If she went with her upbringing, then she must disregard everything that this crazy pony, Twillight sparkle, said about Discord, he best friend and mentor. And yet, if what she said was true, then Discord was a powerful and maniacal being, and with such power as the armor and EoH could offer, he truly would take over all the world for 1000…962 years.

NO, she could not let that happen! He world wasn’t perfect, and Discord flew into odd rages now and again, but she could live with that!...wait.

Suddenly, she made a connection between the strange fits Discord had been having with the rise of Twilight’s power. It was clear now that she remained stone as long as he wished it. But no creature lives forever, and in his ancient days, Discord could not keep his power diverted to so many outlets; Chaos took so much energy, and the King was not what he once was.

Starlight considered the fact that Twilight was telling the truth. But one point made no sense to her; why would the king, lord of Chaos, keep the ancestor of his greatest enemy in the same palace.

The answer came to her in a flash, as an old saying; “Keep your friend close, and your enemies closer.” Discord was keeping an eye on his student, making sure she had no plans against him! Well, if she chose to believe this Twilight, then the first thing she must do is find the Elements of Harmony, and then recover the Armor of Chaos!

But first, she needed to make sure that all the preparations were in place for the statues’ arrival. She fell asleep, into a dark and restless dream world of Chaos versus Order. The Sisters captured Discord and entombed him in the armor, but he broke free and used its power to destroy a great city. She gasped in her dream as she recognized the Old part of Chaosalot. Buildings ruined, ponies running in fear, and fire. Fire Everywhere. OH GOD THE FIRE, IT WAS BACK, HER PARENTS-

She awoke in a cold sweat, chilled to be reminded of her parents. Discord was her mentor; “Her parents were nothing”, she chided herself. “Everything you are is from Discords teachings.”

And yet…Twilight Sparkles letter, passed down through centuries, was a wakeup call. She could no longer live in the shadow of a great being. An old god had arisen, and now…

“Now, He must FALL!” whispered Starlight, with an expression that had been passed down to her from Twilight. The maniacal grin faded from her face as she realized that if she did anything out of the ordinary, Discord would suspect something. She decided to continue with her normal life until she could fins an excuse to leave. She fell back into an uneasy sleep.

Discord looked at the sleeping alicorn, and laughed quietly to himself.

“She wants to over throw the King of Chaos? Well, I may not be the ORGINAL Chaos, but I have a few tricks up my sleeves.” He snapped his fingers, and a small Earth Pony appeared beside him. He placed his finger on his head before the pony could react, and the pony’s eyes glazed over and his coat lost its glossy brown sheen.

“Go and unlock the Forgotten Door. Some pony needs to be reminded of her place.” He grinned as the dazed pony walked away. “I haven’t had to open the Forgotten Door in ages! Oh, Starlight. You were fun for a while, but now…you assume too much. I am not overthrown so easily.” He sighed again.

“Well, who shall we send in first…nothing to difficult, but perhaps…AHA!” He brightened and snapped his fingers. A huge, fat pony appeared behind him. Its mane, which covered its eyes, was long and tangled, and a dull dark green. His hide was a dull orange, and was matted with filth and grime; the cutie mark was a bag of garbage. You could SEE the stench rise off of him in waves, and flies in the area dropped dead. This was no ordinary Pony…

“Hello, Gluttony.” Discord smiled. “Ready for some FUN?” He smiled wickedly, his snaggle tooth protruding above the rest of his teeth.

Gluttony hogged a Louie. “You know it, Boss!” He reared on his hind legs and slammed into the ground. A huge pit opened, and inside was a huge collection of sweets and deserts, but at a nod from Gluttony, they decayed into a mass of mold and disgust.

“Excellent! Here is your assignment!” Discord said gleefully as he snapped his fingers, producing a picture of Starlight. “Get rid of her.”

“Okie Dokie, Boss.” Gluttony replied. He waddled away, but since there was no door, he ignored the wall and walked through it, leaving a large hole. Discord snapped his finger and the wall repaired itself, even though now it was made of cookie dough. He began to laugh as he pondered how Gluttony would take care of his troublesome student…