• Published 7th Sep 2014
  • 576 Views, 15 Comments

This is why I don't write ship fics - Flashburn37

Twilight Sparkle looked at a list of spells and spell schools she's mastered, and noticed Spike had crossed out the Enchantment school! She then remembered the want it need it incident and has decided to remaster the school! What could go wrong?

  • ...

Chapter 5: Heating up in here!

Chapter 5: Heating up in here!

Twilight flew from corridor to corridor, her quarry always a step ahead of her. The castle was changing, she no longer recognized the twisting hallways or the spiraling stairwells. She would have lost Discord's trail long ago if he had made any attempts to conceal it. She flew out of a corridor and landed in a field that had been spawned in a forgotten meeting hall. She saw Discord and Fluttershy sitting next to a tree, lost in each other's eyes. Discord looked up at Twilight and growled. Twilight smiled as she amped up the spells power. She could see the strain in Discord's face as he tried against his own heart to stare down the intruder, but he couldn't bear another moment without seeing his precious Fluttershy's face again. Twilight poured more magic into the spell and his will failed him. Twilight had won.


Rarity watched in horror as Fluttershy and Discord were dropped in the main hall, not even the lord of chaos was safe!

"Spikey? Have you had any luck with the door?"

The dragon grunted in frustration as the doors continued to reject his proposal. "That's it!" He growled.

He breathed his green fire until he ran out of breath. Looking up he saw the door remained unscathed.

"It's magically protected! Rarity, I can't open it but maybe you can!"

"I... I'll try." Rarity mustered up all the magical energy she could and attempted to open the door. It remained stoically shut. She tried once more and her magic was repulsed! She only felt it for a moment, but she recognized the energy...

"Spike! I think... I think Twilight's doing this!" Rarity panicked.

"No way! Twilight would never... Well she was unusually happy this morning..."

"We have to find her Spike! Get a letter to Celestia or something."

"One letter to Celestia coming up! Do you have any parchment? Or a quill?" Spike asked.

"No. But we can find substitutes! You find the paper and ink, I know where to get a quill!" They nodded and split. Spike knew there was some ink in the cupboard by the punch and any old tablecloth would do, but where would Rarity get a quill?


"Sup?" Rainbow awkwardly shuffled over to Applejack.

Applejack blushed, "Um... Big Mac really seems to like Miss Cherilee dontcha think?"

"Um yeah..." Rainbow gulped. "So... uh... AJ?" Rainbow stared at Applejack and wondered why she never noticed just how cute her mane looked, like how it matched her tail! She looked so strong...

"Ye... Yeah Rainbow?" Applejack stared back, her eyes slowly noticing things she never had before, like how Rainbow's mane would always keep the colors separate... How strong her wings looked. Those smooth, feathered, beautiful wings. Like a swan's, but stronger than an eagle's...

"I... I have a question to ask..." Rainbow scooted in and lost herself in those deep green eyes. Why she almost saw a heart in them.

"Go... go ahead an' ask." Applejack stared deep into the magenta pools that were the windows to Rainbow Dash's soul, or heart.... she knew what the question was going to be.

"Do you want t- BUCK A TREE PONY FEATHERS OW!!!!!" Rainbow shrieked in pain.

"Um... sorry about that. Carry on!" Rarity ran off, levitating some cyan feathers away.

"What were you going to ask?" Applejack asked, anxious.

"What are you talking about? And what's with your eyes?" Rainbow asked nervously.

Applejack stared into Rainbow's eyes, but the heart was gone.

"Nuthin..." Tears rolled down Applejacks cheeks.

"What did I do AJ?" Rainbow rushed over to her friend.


Celestia was just sitting down to the Solstice dinner, one of the few meals she and Luna had together when a plume of green smoke flew in through the window and landed before her revealing a torn bit of table cloth with a crude note written on it. She was about to read it when Luna trotted in, already in her work clothes. She quickly folded the note and stuffed it under her plate.

"Ah, Luna! Dear Sister, please sit down! We hardly ever speak anymore! What has been going on? Any news?"

"Well, I may have to cut this short, I have a feeling I'll be dream walking a lot more tonight. Oh and I met a colt!"

"Oooooo! You met a colt! We can talk business later, let's get straight to the juicy stuff!" She took a big bite of banana cake.

"Oh it's nothing, just a torrid fling in a poorly written fan fiction, won't last long."

"Been awhile since you've indulged the fandom, what made you change your mind?"

"Boredom mainly, and this self insert, can really self insert, if you catch my drift." Luna raised her eyebrows suggestively. They both laughed.

"Besides," Luna continued, "The thing is written poorly so it won't take up to much time."

"You know, we've spent far too much time researching the Pinkie sense, a few months ago and we'd never have even considered half of this possible."

"It's been fun though!" Luna rebutted.

"Ah yes, what do you think of this one?"

"I don't even know the premise... "This is why I don't write ship fics" strange title indeed." Luna smiled.

"I haven't paid much attention to the happenings, but the purpose is fun."


"The author is attempting to write something incredibly bad, for his own entertainment and to make fun of Fan Fictions in general. He honestly thinks that anyone who's read this far won't mind this part."

"You said he's "trying" to make it incredibly bad, is it good?"

"Oh no, it's terrible." Celestia turned towards the 4th wall and winked.