• Published 7th Sep 2014
  • 574 Views, 15 Comments

This is why I don't write ship fics - Flashburn37

Twilight Sparkle looked at a list of spells and spell schools she's mastered, and noticed Spike had crossed out the Enchantment school! She then remembered the want it need it incident and has decided to remaster the school! What could go wrong?

  • ...

Chapter 1: Ugh, shipping.

Chapter 1: Ugh, shipping.

Twilight got up a stretched her wings, the castle was nice but she missed waking up in the library. She trotted out of her room, the stone floor being far too loud, and stopped in her personal library. It was smaller than she would've liked, but she had only just begun replacing all Tirek had destroyed. She looked at a project that Spike and her would likely never finish, a catalogue of every spell she had mastered. She smiled and started reading through them. Teleportation, levitation, transfiguration, conjuration, alchemy... the list went on and on. Then she saw a spell school crossed out.

"Enchantment? Why would Spike..." Then she blushed, despite nopony being around to see her. "Oh yeah... that."

She thought back, not so fondly to the time she botched the want it need it spell. She had basically sent the town in an all out civil war! Over her doll! She knew Celestia said she had the most raw power she had ever seen but still, accidently putting too magic was disastrous! She needed to refine it, she needed to test it, she needed... practice.

She sat in the library thinking of a way to do this... Maybe she should start by refining the target. Make something irresistible to one pony. Spike walked in and yawned. That's when Twilight got one of those ideas, one of those ideas she really thinks is a bad idea, but she does it anyways. She smiled.

Spike saw Twilight staring at him eerily and got worried, "Twilight? Why are you looking at me like that?"

"I have an idea! Why don't we host a... Castle warming party? We can invite everypony! All my friends, my students and anypony Pinkie thinks would be a good idea." Twilight's gaze darkened.

"Okay..." He acknowledged, sure that he was in for something terrible. "I'll start writing the invitations, when do you want it?"

"Oh how about this afternoon?"

"This afternoon? As in, this afternoon this afternoon?"

"Yes, why not? We don't have anything scheduled. The rest of the week is booked, this is the perfect time."

"Alright, Twilight." He shrugged. He walked over to his desk and began to scribble the notes down. He thought he felt something warm touch his back, but when he turned Twilight was just reading a book on advanced thermal aerodynamics, while throwing around gusts of presumably warm wind. This went on for a few minutes, until all the letters were ready.

"I'm done Twilight!" Spike got up and handed the letters to the Princess.

"Good! Send them all to Pinkie with this, " She gave him a note, "She'll do the rest." Spike sent the letters and began preparing the Castle for its eventual guests. Looking worriedly over his shoulder at the over excited pony that he considered a slightly insane aunt. Fun, but kind of scary. And loads of work!


"Could you get me the Zap Apple frosting from the cupboard over there dear?" Pinkie heard Mrs. Cake ask.

"Yes indeedy!" Pinkie dashed off in a whirlwind of energy. She opened the cupboard and thrust her whole head in, her eyes stretching in the gloom, until the lighted on the precious container. She grabbed it with her hair when she heard Mrs. Cake call her name again.

"I got it!" Pinkie yelled from within the cupboard. She went further in, until she was crawling out of the sink behind Mrs. Cake, who held a scroll stuffed with envelopes. "OOOOOO an order?"

"Oh my sweet Celestia! You spooked me! I told you not to do that anymore Pinkie!"

"Sorry... It's a habit." She shrugged.

"Oh and this is for you." She said as she took the frosting. She dropped the scroll on Pinkie's hoof. It felt good, it felt... LIKE A PARTY INVITATION!!!!!!!!

"Are you going to need me at all the rest of the day?!" Pinkie giggled in excitement.

"Not unless business really picks up, but you know Thursdays. Why, have a party to plan?"

Pinkie looked at her shaking hoof, "Yep!"

"Have fun Pinkie." Her boss nodded.

Pinkie zoomed up the stairs and opened the scroll as she sat on her multidimensional reference finder. "Dear Pinkie, I, Twilight Sparkle... blah blah blah... hosting a PARTY... blah blah blah... invite anypony whom you believe will add to the party... blah blah blah... no gifts... could you help set it up... blah blah blah... usual fees plus ten percent for short notice... Sincerely, Twilight Sparkle and Spike." She smiled wide and ran around the room gathering her supplies.

"Oh this will be so much fun!" She proclaimed.

"Fun?" A muffled voice from a closet let out.

Pinkie ran up to the closet and beat on the door, "You know the rules! Absolute silence or no sunshine for a week!" She then trotted down the stairs, "La la la la la la!"