• Published 31st Aug 2014
  • 12,498 Views, 1,467 Comments

A New World, a New Ranger - ed2481

When a Pokemon Ranger is turned into a Ninetales along with her mate (who just so happens to be an Arcanine) she must find a way to survive in this new, and very odd world, and maybe find a way to make some reforms to the old Ranger Handbook.

  • ...

Chapter 14

“I forgot how much I hated this part of the job,” Abby grumbled as she stared down at the paperwork in front of her. “How am I even supposed to do this? I don’t have hands!”

“Search me,” Kasai replied with a small frown. “I think I’ve seen some of the Earth Ponies writing with their mouths, you could try that,” he said with a frown. “Or maybe one of your tails would work.”

Abby frowned and one of her long tails wrapped around a blue pen and she closed her eyes as she tried to bring it up to hover over the paper. It hesitated there for a moment and then she slowly brought it down towards the post-crime report and with the utmost care, signed her name at the top of it.

The signature wasn’t her usual flowing work, but the words ‘Abby Trombley’ were written across the top line of the casework and she was satisfied. She was about to dive deeper into the stack when the door was pushed open and Ace walked in, an unknown unicorn stallion walking beside her.

He had a straight, light blue mane and a slightly grey coat along with a pair of brown eyes. The stallion had obviously been on the force for a long time if the way he gave her and Kasai a quick once over with his eyes was indicative of anything. Despite his apparent age, he was well muscled and looked to be quite the bruiser.

“Abby, Kasai, meet Sgt. Tenderhoof,” Ace said, drawing their attention away from the new stallion for a moment.

“Hello there,” Tenderhoof said, a light smile in his eyes. “And no, I’m not related to the celebrity and just because I’m a ‘tenderhoof’ doesn’t mean that I’m inexperienced.”

“Hi, I’m Abby and this is Kasai, my partner,” Abby said, getting up from her chair and padding over to him, Kasai at her side.

“Hello,” Kasai said, giving the stallion a small nod as he examined him, his nose flaring slightly as he took in the smell of the stallion and memorized it.

“Good, now that that’s out of the way I might as well tell you why Tenderhoof is here,” Ace declared with a small nod at their introductions. “He’s going to be your new partner.”

Abby blinked twice. “By which you mean Kasai and I’s partner right? You’re not going to split either of us up.” The second part came out as more of a threat than she’d intended as one of her tails wrapped around Kasai’s.

“Yes, that’s what I meant,” Ace said, closing her eyes for a moment before moving on. “Anyways, let me put it this way Abby, the only reason that you’re here at the moment is because one, Sven slammed through our wall and left us with a problem that I couldn’t deal with and then this problem with Vincent which I also couldn’t deal with properly given the short amount of time that I’ve had to adjust. Now that things have stopped being quite so hectic I’ve decided that you need a little bit of training.”

“Do we really?” Kasai asked, raising an eyebrow as he looked down at the mare. “We’ve been Rangers since Abby was fifteen.”

“Yes really,” Ace said blandly. “Sure, you’ve been Rangers, but that’s not the same thing as going through proper Guard Training. Tartarus, it takes most cadets months to get to the point that they’re actually going out on patrols and you’ve been doing a lot more than that. So, here are my orders for the both of you, along with the rest of your ‘Team’. You’re going to go on patrol with Tenderhoof every night and during the day, you’re going to study up on our laws. If you can learn all that you need to know to pass the final Guard Examination, then you’ll become an official member of the Las Pegasus guard.”

Abby blinked twice as she absorbed all of that. She frowned for a moment and glanced at Kasai who shrugged his shoulders.

“Can’t be any worse than the Ranger Test, and I doubt there will be a dozen guilt inducing questions about Pokephilia,” Kasai declared.

“None actually, though there are several about both Necro and Pedophilia,” Tenderhoof interjected. “Hopefully neither of those will make you feel guilty.”

“No, not in the least,” Abby said, shivering slightly beneath her coat at the thought. “As for everything else... yeah, it all sounds reasonable. I mean, I don’t really know the first thing about your laws yet so... yeah.”

“So far you’ve managed to avoid making any serious lapses... except for on your first day,” Ace said with a small shrug. “But that was a crazy day everywhere apparently. I’ve gotten reports of giant metal eating Pokemon in Trottingham and demon dog like Pokemon in Canterlot.”

Abby nodded her head. “Yeah... don’t worry, if I actually do something illegal let me know... and sorry in advance.”

Ace snorted slightly but Tenderhoof simply shrugged. “I’ve trained a few griffons and zebras who came from places where the only real law was ‘don’t steal from those bigger then you’ before so I’m kind of used to giving instructions about that sort of thing,” the Sgt. said with a small shrug. “Don’t worry too much, kids, I’ll make sure you learn things the right way about how we do things here.”

“Right... so with how late it is in the day I take it that we’re going out for a patrol?” Abby asked, cocking her head to the side.

“Yep, you’ve already got your badges and if what I’ve heard about the pair of you is true, that’s all you’ll need,” Tenderhoof answered with a nod before glancing at Captain Ace. “Captain,” he said before turning on his heel and walking for the door.

Ace smiled faintly and then glanced at Abby and Kasai. “Go on,” she said, stepping out of the way and allowing them to pass. The pair of canines quickly caught up to the stallion as he walked down the hallway.

“So, how long are your patrols usually?” Abby asked Tenderhoof.

“Usually around an hour or so,” Tenderhoof answered, not at all intimidated to have them beside him. “I usually sort out a few drunken squabbles, possibly stop a mugging, and every once in a while help a lost foal get home. Lately though, I’ve mostly been dealing with lost Pokemon, the ones who still haven’t found their families or ‘trainers’.”

“Ah,” Abby said, nodding her head. “And what have you done to help them?”

“Done my best to point them in the right direction and make sure that they know not to harm anypony while they’re searching,” Tenderhoof said with a small shrug. “Other than that, we shouldn’t run into anything too odd.”

“Which means that tonight is the night that all kinds of weird stuff is going to happen,” Kasai snarked.

“Now that I’ve said that, yeah, most likely,” Tenderhoof agreed, chuckling lightly. “Oh well, I do my best ‘on the job training’ when weird things happen.”

Abby grinned. “Well then, let’s go out there and take on the weird!”

“This isn’t quite as weird as I was expecting,” Abby said as the three walked down the colorful streets of Las Pegasus. “I mean, I guess that one loud mare with the blue hat was weird, but she was just REALLY drunk so I don’t know if that counts.”

“No, it doesn’t here in Las Pegasus,” Tenderhoof stated with a small chuckle. “But like I said, usually things aren’t too bad around here. I don’t patrol the bad neighborhoods usually, not the best kind of thing for a rookie to start out with you know?”

“Makes sense,” Abby said.

Suddenly, Kasai stiffened, his fur sticking up slightly and his eyes narrowing as a low snarl left his throat. “Trouble, follow me.”

Before either Abby or Tenderhoof had time to react, he shot off like a golden bullet, dodging or sometimes jumping over the ponies in his way. The pair exchanged a look.

“He only does that when someone is in danger,” Abby said quickly before taking off after the dog. Tenderhoof frowned but set off at a trot after them.

What he discovered when he arrived was a terrified, and apparently rich if their clothing was anything to go by, griffin family staring at Kasai. Or more particularly, a stallion who seemed to have wet himself, who was at the moment beneath Kasai’s jaws, a large knife on the ground beside him.The downed stallion was shaking so hard that it was all Kasai could do not to draw blood as the family stared at the sight, their eyes wide with terror.

Abby was glaring down at the stallion hotly, small flames licking around her lips but she smothered them as Tenderhoof arrived. “Looks like we have ourselves a mugger.”

Tenderhoof blinked twice before he said. “Take your jaws off of him so that I can cuff him,” he instructed Kasai. The Arcanine hesitated for a moment and then let out a low growl directly into the stallion’s ear causing him to let out a terrified whimper.

Kasai released the stallion and Tenderhoof’s horn glowed, surrounding the stallion in a brown aura as a pair of hoof-cuffs floated off of the stallion’s waist and wrapped themselves securely around the unicorn’s hooves. At the same time, a small ring also floated up and on top of his horn and slid all the way down it.

The downed stallion squirmed for a moment before he stilled and Abby turned her eyes to the still confused and terrified family.

“It’s alright folks, everything is fine,” Abby said, her best ‘I’m friendly’ smile on her face, whether or not the red eyes actually helped was debatable. “You’re safe.”

“I... he was going to kill us!” the female griffin finally managed to gasp out.

“Th-thank you,” her husband managed to mutter, looking down at the random mugger.

“That was AWESOME!” Abby blinked twice and looked behind the two griffins to see a little griffin standing there, half hugging the female’s leg. “Oh my gosh it was just like in Dashing Blade!”

Abby blinked twice and Kasai answered, a happy, doggy grin on his face. “It was pretty awesome wasn’t it?” he asked the child.

“Yeah it was!” the griffin exclaimed with a huge grin on his face.

The parents exchanged a glance and began to relax faintly.

“How did you know that this was happening?” Tenderhoof asked as he finished securing the downed stallion.

“I can smell fear,” Kasai answered with a gin. “And these folks were terrified.”

Tenderhoof blinked twice and then shrugged and walked over to the family. “I’m going to need yours names, addresses, and I’d like to ask you to come down to the station at some point so that we can get your statements.”

“Of course... of course,” the male said with a nod of his head. “I’m Thomas Claw, this is my wife Martha and our adopted son Bruce.”

“Claw?” Tenderhoof asked with a frown. “Aren’t you the rich doctor?”

“Yes, that’s me,” Doctor Claw said with a nod of his head. Then he flared out his wings and gave Kasai a bow. “And before I forget, thank you ever so much Mr. Dog, I’ll make sure that you’re properly reimbursed for this.”

“Heheh, it was nothing, just doing my job, you don’t need to reward me,” Kasai said, plopping his rear on the ground, his tail wagging happily, belaying his words.

“Erhm,” Tenderhoof said, clearing his throat. “I’m sure that if you wanted to make a donation to the station Doctor Claw, you’d end up paying for a raise or two.”

The griffin blinked twice and then nodded. “Right, of course,” he said before glancing at Kasai again. “And what did you say your name was?”

“Kasai,” Kasai answered with a smile. “Kasai the Arcanine.”

“Well then Kasai, you have my heartfelt thanks,” Doctor Claw said before glancing at his wife and son. “I think it would probably be best if we flew home from here, good evening.” With that said, the trio took to the air and flew away.

“So, does that count as weird?” Abby asked, glancing over at Tenderhoof.

“Kind of,” Tenderhoof said with a frown. “Though it doesn’t come anywhere near my top twenty.”

“Mine either,” Abby agreed, chuckling lightly. “That was probably the Ditto who wanted to become a woman... let’s just say that she left a string of really confused men in her wake.”

Tenderhoof blinked twice. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“You don’t want to, trust me,” Kasai muttered, looking down. “So sticky...”

“Your own fault entirely,” Abby stated firmly. “That was one of those Pokephilia cases that I didn’t mind taking.”

“Well, now you’ve got me curious,” Tenderhoof said, raising an eyebrow at Abby. “What’s a Ditto?”

“It’s a Pokemon that can change shape into anything,” Abby answered. “They’re usually used by beginning breeders when they can’t find a female of the species they’re trying to breed because they can breed with anything... though they’re usually not perfect with the looks.”

“... okay... kind of sounds like Changelings,” Tenderhoof said after a moment. “At least, the shape changing part.”

“In reality, they’re little pink blobs of what’s basically anthropomorphic jelly,” Abby continued. “Anyways, one REALLY wanted to be a human woman so it worked very hard to get its shape changing right but it could never hold it for an entire day... so it went on dates with men and then in the morning they woke up to find a Ditto sleeping beside them. Most were understandably... freaked out. That’s where Kasai and I came into things.”

“It was supposed to be an easy case,” Kasai added with a shake of his head. “Abby left me behind in the hotel as she went looking for evidence and then she showed up later empty handed but in the mood and...”

“Still completely your fault for not using your nose,” Abby grumbled, slapping his rear lightly with one of her tails.

“Hey, she smelled exactly like you,” Kasai said with a roll of his eyes. “Exactly like you when you’re really in the mood. What was I supposed to do? Ask if you were secretly a shape shifting Ditto?”

“Heheh, I think I know where this is going,” Tenderhoof commented with a chuckle. “She walk in on the two of ya?”

“Yeah,” Kasai said blandly. “And she turned back into jelly out of shock... let’s just say that it felt very weird.”

“On the bright side, ‘she’ wasn’t able to run away,” Abby said with a small chuckle. Then she glanced over at the stallion on the ground. “Also, what do we do with him?”

“Carry him back to the station,” Tenderhoof answered as his brown aura wrapped around the stallion. “We should probably be getting back anyways. Our patrol is pretty much over.”

“Yeah, also, I’d offer to take him but... he kind of smells awful and I don’t really want to have that on my back,” Kasai said with a grunt.

“Yeah, that’s why I’m carrying him like this,” Tenderhoof said before chuckling. “You two did good work tonight.”

“Thanks,” Abby said, a smile on her face as the trio began to walk out of the alleyway. “Same time tomorrow?”

“Yep, we’ll see if we can’t find ourselves something a bit weirder,” Tenderhoof said with a nod.

“Yes, because that’s what Abby and I like, weird,” Kasai snarked as he leaned down and gave Abby’s cheek a lick.

“So long as I get to be with you, I don’t really care how weird things get,” she replied as she leaned against him.

Meanwhile, Tenderhoof looked over his shoulder at the pair. “What a pair of smoozy hounds,” he murmured to himself, a small, amused smile on his lips. “Wonder how long until they have puppies.”