• Published 11th Aug 2014
  • 7,738 Views, 147 Comments

A Blind Delight - MajorFrostwing

Say hello to Trevor your run of the mill blind man. Transported into Equestria via an accident. How will he survive let alone fit in?

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Part 10: I Will Fight On Day 5 of 7

A Blind Delight
Part 10: I Will Fight On Day 5 of 7

By: Major Frostwing

An insistent beeping pierced Trevor's foggy mind as he awoke. 'What is going on?' He asked himself sitting up in his bed. The door opened making Trevor look to the door suddenly. "Who's there?" He demanded.

"Oh I see your awake that's good." A man said walking towards Trevor who in turn reached around for his cane unable to find it. "Do not worry young one I am a doctor. One of the coordinators brought you to the infirmary you seemed as if you were near dead." The doctor examined the machines Trevor was hooked up to.

"So what happened to me?" Trevor clicked his tongue finally "seeing" where his cane was.

"You were malnourished and dehydrated." He said calmly pulling up a seat next to Trevor. "You have been asleep recovering for all of the fourth day." Trevor's eyes widened at the revelation.

"Is today day 5?" Trevor asked reaching for the IV on his arm. The doctor tried to stop him but Trevor shoved him off.

"You can not compete in your condition. It's useless anyways I already resigned you from the tournament so just lay back down." Trevor had heard enough pulling the IV off along with the other cords.

"That is not your call to make." Trevor said standing up he felt weak but he needed to do this. "I will not give up I have to win." Trevor picked up his cane along with his second blade strapping it to his back.

"If you go out there you will die you know this right?" Trevor only shot the doctor a smirk.

"I do not fear death but the sight that awaits me when I do pass on." Trevor left the room leaving his mask behind. He would not need it today for he will be himself for this fight.


"SADLY TODAY'S FINAL FIGHT FOR THE MASTER DIVISION SEMI-FINALS HAS BEEN CANCELED DUE TO A FORFEIT BY TREVOR OF PONYVILLE. SO THE VICTOR TODAY WILL BE SLEDGE HAMMER CAPTAIN OF THE NIGHT GUARD!" The crowd cheered but Sledge Hammer stood his arms crossed watching the opponent entrance. The door suddenly exploded open as Trevor walked into the arena his blades already drawn.

"This fight is still on." Trevor said walking past the announcer. Trevor stopped in front of Sledge Hammer. "Your victory will not come on this day Sledge."

"Then let us see what you have." Sledge raised his hammer to his shoulder. Trevor could tell by the sound of the hammer contacting Sledge's shoulder paldrons that the weapon he used was heavy.

"THE SEMI-FINALS IS ABOUT TO BEGIN FROM A RECEDE OF FORFEIT BY TREVOR OF PONYVILLE!" The announcer moved out of the way. "READY?" Trevor and Sledge both stood stoic. "FIGHT!" Trevor backed off holding both of his blades backwards a smile crept on his face Sledge hesitated for a second watching Trevor closely.

"Loud Style: Fear." Trevor tilted his head to the side his smile becoming a sickening grin that would make the devil shudder. "Where will the blade come from I wonder." Trevor slumped his shoulders walking slowly towards Sledge. "So many choices to chose from." Trevor suddenly dashed forward swinging both of his blades in a wide arc. Sledge raised his hammer to block the blades but something changed. Trevor extended his leg dropping his position to a low stance. Sledge didn't have time to block the blades as Trevor placed two clean cuts on the calf and thigh of The Night Guard. Sledge dropped to one knee as Trevor finished his spin he raised his blade high swinging down.

Sledge moved his hammer blocking the attack but then he noticed his mistake. The second blade moved like lightning placing a shallow cut on his neck. Trevor suddenly jumped back still smiling.

"That's twice I killed you." Trevor dashed forward again that sickening grin still present on his face.


"Fear is one of your greatest weapon in your arsenal. If you can make an opponent afraid of you then you could twitch a finger to terrify them." Trevor listened to his master intently determined to learn about this new form. "This style has no effect on you visually but mentally it will break you." The master stopped his blade against Trevor's neck putting a light cut on him. Trevor instinctively moved back from the attack. "One such fear people have is death play on this factor and they will beg you to stop. Tell them after each strike at a vital spot that they are dead." Trevor smiled gently learning this style would be hard but worth it in the end.

"I will learn this style master I swear." Trevor bowed going out to practice.


Sledge didn't know what this feeling clutching at his heart making him make simple mistakes. Trevor's unyielding assault did not help his situation either but he was determined to not yield this fight. Sledge stood albeit slower than he would normally due to the multiple cuts on his legs.

"What are we at now Sledgy I think it is 68 now." Trevor tapped his chin thinking that same smile never leaving his face. In the eyes of those who watched they only saw a monster. Trevor's smile vanished as his blades shifted to a forward position. "But your pain will only become worse as this continues." Trevor said solemnly as the blade in his right hand shifted backwards. "BUT ISN'T THIS GREAT FUN WE ARE HAVING!?" Trevor dashed forward slamming both of his blades against Sledge's hammer.

"What in Tartarus are you?" Trevor continued to smile not out of sick pleasure for making his opponent fear death but out of the joy of a good fight.

"I just want to have some fun don't you?" He raised his left blade thrusting it into Sledge's shoulder paldron. The blade seemed to glide right through the protective gear earning Trevor a pained gasp. Trevor raised his leg slamming it into Sledge's chest throwing all of his weight forward. Sledge fell back to the ground. For almost the entire fight Sledge was on the defensive. "Come on play with me." Trevor pouted sheathing both of his blades suddenly. His smile replaced by a frown.

"Do you think you not need your weapons to fight with me." Sledge groaned as he stood lifting his hammer before dashing forward. "FIGHT ME!"

A pain expression was on Trevor's face. "I hope you will forgive me for the pain I am about to give you." Trevor dropped low taking hold of the hilt of his blade on his back. "For it will be agonizing." Trevor looked to be in more pain than Sledge was through the entire fight. When Sledge was close enough silence grabbed the arena not releasing it's grip for several long seconds. Everyone gasped at what they saw. The end of Sledge's hammer was sticking out of Trevor's stomach but Trevor's blade was on the other side of Sledge as if his attack missed. They stood still until Sledge's armor seemed to break apart revealing a long cut across his stomach. His hammer snapped in two pieces one piece still in Trevor's stomach the other fell from his hand.

"A precise strike taking a mutual hit but making sure your attack was lethal. This is what you meant by pain." Sledge's eyes rolled back as he fell to the ground unconscious. Trevor sheathed his blade pulling the end of Sledge's hammer out of his stomach. He felt sick but he needed to remain standing.

"AND TREVOR HAS DONE IT ONCE AGAIN CONQUERING THE ODDS BY DEFEATING HIS OPPONENTS!" The announcer yelled out walking out towards Trevor as the medical team rushed forward to help him. "TREVOR MOVES ON TO FACE SHINING ARMOR IN THE FINALS WHO WILL BE VICTORIOUS SHINING ARMOR CAPTAIN OF THE ROYAL SUN GUARDS OR TREVOR OF PONYVILLE?!" Trevor was placed on a stretcher along with Sledge. Both were rushed to the medical room to have surgery Trevor eventually succumbed to sleep even though he wanted to remain awake.


Trevor slowly awoke hearing the insistent beeping just like he had earlier in the day. He sat up but immediately regretted doing so placing his hand over his stomach wound wincing at the pain it caused.

"Trevor thank Celestia you are alive." Trevor knew that voice looking over to the voice. Cloudkicker wrapped her arms around him smiling. "When I was informed that you were injured I rushed here as fast as possible." Trevor raised his arm holding Cloudkicker tight.

"I'm ok Cloudkicker I won't drop so quickly." He smiled feeling the warmth of Cloudkicker course through his body.

"Trevor please tell me you will be dropping out of this tournament." She said almost as if she was begging him to stop fighting.

"I can't do that Cloudkicker I have to keep my promise." Trevor's words seemed to cut her deep.

"Forget our deal if you go against Shining Armor he will kill you in your state." Trevor chuckled laying back in his bed.

"I have one last ace up my sleeve. I will have to use Joy for almost the entire fight just to keep myself going but I need to win." Trevor smiled contently. "As long as I remember my training I will not lose." Trevor felt his eyes grow heavy. "I have to win..." Trevor whispered as he slipped into sleep. Cloudkicker remained with Trevor until the doctor asked her to leave even then she wanted to remain.

Author's Note:

We are close to the season finale and I hope you will all enjoy it. I appreciate the continued support for this story and hope to see all of you in season 2.