• Published 10th Jul 2014
  • 2,328 Views, 194 Comments

Sleipnir's Big Adventure - BlackRoseRaven

A hero makes an unlikely alliance with a stubborn prince, and they adventure across Equestria together.

  • ...

Escape To Exile

Chapter Twenty: Escape To Exile

Blueblood rubbed moodily at his face: he'd only gotten a few hours of sleep, and he'd had all kinds of uncomfortable dreams about undead ponies frolicking through his mind. But they were just about done here, at least: he had rested for the night while Sleipnir had cheerfully escorted the Lich King... well, ex-king, now... around from place-to-place, warding off assassination attempts and reassuring the dubious undead this was the best course of action.

Auros seemed very confused and upset by everything that was going on. Not that Blueblood could entirely blame him, of course: he barely knew what was going on himself, or precisely why the hell Sleipnir was being so insistent about trying to save the Lich. He didn't think this was the kind of pony they wanted on the loose in Equestria, after all, especially if he really was some five hundred year old master of dark magic.

Still, Blueblood had learned it was better just to wait until Sleipnir finally explained what the hell he was doing instead of trying to force it out of him, so for now Blue was just following the two around, waiting impatiently for them to be ready to leave.

By now, the Lich had taken care of most what he'd promised to do around this dark little kingdom that was no longer his: Blueblood figured that he was most surprised by the fact that the stories he heard about this evil ruler of undead weren't all that bad, really. Sure, he could sympathize with the citizens who wanted him thrown out, and locking a mob of dissenters up with a monster was inexcusable. But, as Blue was learning... there were better ways to punish some ponies than death.

Auros seemed plenty miserable at least, as he sighed and stepped away from the door he had just finished removing the enchantments over, scowling at it and mumbling: “There. That's all I can do without my horn, anyway... but I suppose the magic from those will fade in time, too.”

“Aye, and of course, they will have access to magic and magical implements of their own now.” Sleipnir added pointedly, and the Lich grumbled under his breath before Sleipnir reached up and gently squeezed his shoulder. “Come now. This is not so bad, is it?”

“No, it's terrible.” Auros said flatly, glowering up at Sleipnir. “I have no idea what you're trying to do or what you want from me, but I know you have some cruel plan in mind. And your petty revenge against me is going to put this entire kingdom at risk. These idiots can't look out for themselves!”

“Idiots often look out for themselves and each other far better than academics and scholars and other such smart-types do. We idiots do not feel the need to weigh or judge or value one-another constantly, after all.” Sleipnir said kindly, and the Lich scowled up at him before the enormous earth pony asked: “Does thou desire to see thy kingdom fall or flourish?”

Well, it's not really my kingdom anymore now, is it?” asked the undead unicorn moodily, but Sleipnir only laughed loudly at this, making the Lich slump and grumble. “Fine. I have no patience for this. You've already won and there's no point in trying to change anything.”

Then the Lich winced when the enormous earth pony reached up and ruffled his mane kindly, almost as if he was a foal. “Now there is no need for that! Blue, does this silly knave remind thou of somepony? Although aye, certainly thou wert never so silly as he is!”

“Oh, thank you.” Blueblood said moodily, scowling a little at the earth pony before he reached up and rubbed slowly at his aching face: it still hurt like hell, and he felt horribly like when he finally managed to get a look at himself in the mirror, he wasn't going to like what he was going to see. “Can we please just leave now, Sleipnir?”

“Aye, fine, very well. Thou art both so stuffy.” Sleipnir huffed a little, and then he turned, the two following grouchily in the wake of the earth pony even as Blue tossed uneasy looks every so often at the former monarch. “Oh, what have we here?”

As they strode into a large, open intersection, they found quite a few undead were waiting for them. Blueblood immediately felt nervous, but Sleipnir only smiled out at them benevolently as Auros tried to hide behind him. “Hello friends. I am pleased to announce that thy leader has done all in his power to dispel his own traps. The prisoners are freed, the thralls are released from servitude, and the kingdom is now in thine own capable hooves. And as I have what I came for, I shall happily escort Auros out and send him on his way.”

“That's very nice to hear.” A skeleton stepped forwards, his eyes glowing malevolently and his horn thrumming with malicious energies, and Sleipnir frowned a little. “And believe me. Me and my brethren are very happy that you defeated the Lich King, and humbled by your generosity in making him return the horns he stole to their rightful owners as well as turn over all his old treasures... but I'm afraid we do have one little disagreement to work out.”

“The Lich King isn't going anywhere.” growled another voice, an armored, pale monster dragging itself forwards as he shouldered a massive axe. “We had a little vote, see. And we decided that instead of exile, he should be executed.”

“Oh really?” Sleipnir asked mildly, looking fearlessly at the mob of angry undead in front of him. “I do not pretend to-”

“Then don't pretend. Then don't defend him or lecture us anymore, hero, or whatever you are.” interrupted the unicorn skeleton sharply, and Sleipnir frowned a little before the undead mage stepped forwards, saying coldly: “Perhaps our lives don't matter to you as much as a living pony's, but he still had plenty of our kind destroyed for 'treason.' Justice demands that we put him in the soul press. Like he did to so many of our compatriots.”

The Lich whimpered in terror at this, his eyes widening in horror before he shook his head wildly, babbling: “N-Now wait! I... I never... never ever used that on... I wanted peace! I was making you all strong, we were going to have our own kingdom!”

The skeleton mage only snorted in disgust, and the pale, armored zombie beside him grinned coldly, saying mockingly: “And we're going to finish that dream. A kingdom where we can just live out in peace... but for that to happen, we have to make sure there can't be any... sources of dissent. Isn't that how you phrased it yourself?”

Auros looked pleadingly up at Sleipnir, almost clinging to the earth pony, and the stallion frowned across at the horde of undead before he asked slowly: “This soul press... I take it that it destroys both body and spirit?”

“In a matter of speaking. The body is trapped inside, burned to ash, and these ashes are crushed into a gemstone that imprisons the soul of the victim. If the gemstone is destroyed, so is the soul.” the skeleton mage replied with a shake of his head. “Our 'benevolent king' crushed down souls to create the gemstone that powered his flesh golem...”

“In all my years here, I have only executed two people with the soul press! Two! My own apprentice and a madpony who would have threatened our whole society! And that was only because there was no other way to kill them, you... you know that, Roch!” the Lich pleaded, shaking his head vehemently. “Anything, anything but that-”

“Would be too little punishment! You deserve to die for locking our friends up with your monster, for trying to keep us all as your slaves, tinkering away down here, for never letting us use magic!” the skeleton mage snarled, and then he suddenly slashed his horn forwards when Sleipnir took a step forwards, scarring the ground in front of the earth pony with a jolt of lightning. “Don't move!”

Sleipnir huffed at this, and then he suddenly broke into a short, agile tapdance, leaving most of those present staring in disbelief before the enormous earth pony halted with one foreleg extended and on the tips of his other hooves. Then he dropped flat to all fours before saying in a suddenly-serious voice: “Thou does not desire to go down this path. It shall lead thee to naught but pain and heartache.”

There was silence for a few moments, and then the zombie in armor growled before saying disgustedly: “I think we've all heard enough from you, flesh-sack. Now, the Lich King can come with us peacefully... or you can try and defend him or whatever the hell is it you're trying to do, and we'll kill you and your little friend. We know mortals take a long time to heal, and now we have our magic and our weapons back. Even if the Lich King was at full power, he wouldn't be strong enough to stop all of us now, so I highly doubt you are.”

Sleipnir only shook his head slowly, and then he said softly: “Fools. Unified, no single force can ever break thee. Steel and magic pale in comparison to the strength that comes with working together.”

“Nice story. Let's go.” growled the zombie impatiently, and Sleipnir sighed... then perked up slightly as a strange noise reached his ears, and Blueblood frowned uneasily as the group of undead stirred and looked curiously around.

And a moment later, the mob of living dead parted stupidly, watching with disbelief as Lock, Shock, and Barrel slowly rolled in on a minecart that seemed to be magically propelling itself along the trackless rocks. It bounced and clanked, but all the same slowed easily to a halt in front of Sleipnir as the trio of skeletons looked at him lamely, before Lock laughed weakly as he looked over his shoulder and said awkwardly: “Uh... there's a guest.”

Shock nodded hurriedly, adding quickly: “Guest! Guest at the doors, just... we're just going to take Sleipnir and Blue and uh... leave. Okay?”

“She made this for us.” Barrel said helpfully, and then both Lock and Shock whacked him firmly on the head, knocking his mask over his face and sending him sprawling backwards.

“What are you idiots talking about?” growled the skeleton mage, looking frustrated now that his initial disbelief had worn off. “Look... fine! But the Lich King comes with us!”

“Oh, very well. Fie upon all of thee.” Sleipnir grumbled, and Blueblood looked surprised before he winced when the earth pony picked him up and easily tossed him into the mine cart. Then Sleipnir hauled himself forwards as the Lich King stared up at him with horror before the earth pony turned around and leaned over the edge of the cart, whispering something quickly to Auros before he sniffed loudly and sat back. “We shall peacefully leave. Now, how does this contraption work...”

Sleipnir hammered lightly against the top of the minecart even as the horde of undead looked at him suspiciously, but a moment later, the overstuffed cart began to toddle straight ahead, rolling past the Lich and heading down the tunnel they had just come from. And as they vanished into the distance, Auros trembled a bit before he stepped backwards and held up his hooves, saying hurriedly as the mob began to approach: “W-Wait! I... please, listen to me! Let... let me give one last speech!”

“One last speech.” The skeleton mage and the zombie at the head of the group traded looks, then they both glared balefully towards Auros before beginning to approach him slowly. “No.”

“I... two minutes!” pleaded Auros, and when they continued to approach, he dropped to his knees, covering his face and crying: “One minute! Th-thirty seconds!”

There was an uneasy silence for a few moments as the skeleton mage and the zombie halted and considered... and then the dead warrior rolled his eyes before dropping his axe in front of him to lean on it moodily, sighing tiredly. “Make it count.”

“I... I am the Lich King! I... did... many things in... the name of my people! I uh... I didn't ever mean to go this far and I am... sorry.” the Lich King said lamely, and there was silence for a few seconds before he cleared his throat. “I think that if-”

“Time's up.” growled the zombie, and he and the skeleton mage began to lead the horde of undead forwards again as the Lich staggered backwards, whimpering... and then the zombie's eyes widened before he looked up at a loud screeching of metal. “What in the name of-”

The enchanted minecart came rocketing out of the tunnel, and Sleipnir scooped up the Lich as they shot by before the cart simply rammed through the mob of undead, knocking them flying in all directions like bowling pins before the skeleton mage roared: “Get them! Kill them all!”

The minecart streaked up a hill as Auros screamed like a filly, flailing his limbs as Sleipnir held him high above his head, shouting cheerfully: “I would advise thee to hold on, but I know not to what!”

“Why is this happening to me?” howled Auros, and then he yelped as his head smacked painfully off a low archway, almost knocking him out of Sleipnir's hooves as he covered his face and curled up in the fetal position. “Put me down!”

Sleipnir only laughed loudly as they swerved around a corner, Lock, Shock, Barrel, and Blue all clinging to the cart and yelling as it zigzagged violently around skeletons and other gaping undead. They didn't slow even as they hit a slope and shot up it: if anything, they only seemed to be gaining speed still, as the enormous earth pony shouted cheerfully: “Onwards, onwards!”

They shot up over the slope of the hill... and then Sleipnir's eyes widened in shock as several blasts of magic shot at them from the end of the corridor from a pair of skeleton mages. Without thinking, Sleipnir immediately yanked the Lich down in front of him, holding him like a shield and using the undead unicorn to deflect the bolts of dark magic even as Auros howled in frustration, flailing wildly in the earth pony's grip.

The minecart slammed through the two skeleton mages before zipping around a corner, thankfully seeming to find the way on its own as Auros all-but-screamed: “What the hell was that?”

“'Twas an ambush. But fear not, thou did well in protecting us from the attack.” Sleipnir said blandly, and Auros almost twisted his head completely around on his shoulders so he could glare furiously at the earth pony... then squealed and flailed when Sleipnir nearly dropped him as he reared back in surprise. “By the Gods, do not frighten me so 'lest I leave you to be picked over by the... well... the skeletons. 'Tis an awkward thought, skeletons picking thy bones, but-”

“Sleipnir, behind us!” shouted Blue, and the earth pony looked back in surprise before his eyes widened as he saw several phantasmal stallions were charging furiously after them, rapidly gaining on their minecart. They glowed with hellish light as they roared silently, and the stallion gritted his teeth: the last thing they needed to deal with were wraiths.

“They can only be harmed by magic! Blue, drive them back!” Sleipnir shouted, and then he looked forwards and winced as they turned a corner to find another set of skeleton mages waiting for them at the end of a long tunnel, peppering the cart with dark energies. But once more, the earth pony used Auros like a shield, the Lich swearing furiously as he swatted wildly at the bolts of energy.

Blue swore under his breath, then turned around and concentrated, drawing up what energy he could before he fired a bolt of magic straight at one of the wraiths. It easily sidestepped, however, hissing silently before putting on a burst of speed, jaws biting furiously at the air, and the unicorn winced before he gritted his teeth as he charged up a different spell.

He snapped his horn forwards, lobbing out a grenade of energy that exploded in a burst of white light and sound in front of the wraith, and it screamed as the radiance drove it backwards. The other wraith staggered in its charge, and Blueblood quickly hurled out two more grenades of light, sending up bright flares that sent the second wraith shrieking into a retreat.

Blue wheezed in relief... and then shouted in shock when something crashed into the side of the cart before a zombie began to haul itself over the lip of metal, snarling furiously. Lock, Shock, and Barrel all immediately screamed in terror, hugging each other as the zombie clawed wildly at them... and then the prince slammed a hoof into the fleshy undead's face and knocked it loose from the minecart, sending it bouncing loudly down the stone tunnel.

The prince stared stupidly down at his own hoof, barely able to believe that he had actually just done that. But without thinking, he'd purely reacted, and... apparently he had learned a lot more from Sleipnir than even he'd thought.

He continued to look dumbly at his hoof for a moment, but then flinched as he was brought out of his reverie by the minecart smashing through a pair of skeletons. He looked up, then grinned in relief as they zigzagged through an intersection and launched over a familiar platform, smashing down beside the minecart tracks and racing up the slope.

But as they zoomed around the corner and into the intersection, the minecart hit a patch of rocky spikes, Sleipnir swearing in shock as the enchanted cart lurched back and forth before it suddenly toppled forwards, launching the ponies and skeletons flying. They crashed to the rocky floor in the center of the intersection as the Lich flew across the room to smack face-first into the stone wall, then peel slowly off it with a whimper.

Blue and Sleipnir picked themselves slowly up, the earth pony rubbing moodily at his head before he looked up with a scowl at a skeleton mage and a zombie in armor, both all too familiar. “Well. Normally I am fond of surprises, but 'twould be a lie to say 'tis pleasant to see thee here.”

“There's only one way in and out of these caves. And teleporting is much easier for the dead than the living. You don't have to worry about silly things like organs and pressure and all that.” growled the skeleton mage, his horn sparking with energy. “Now why don't we try going over this again, like adults?”

Sleipnir only chuckled as he climbed to his hooves, and Blue swore under his breath as he crawled up to his own, gritting his teeth and drawing his silver sword to stumble to a ready position. But to his surprise, the earth pony simply held a foreleg out, even as he smiled warmly. “Thou makes me proud, Blue, but... do not be foolish. Our friend here has taken precautions.”

Blue frowned uneasily... and then he gasped as something tore into his shoulder. A horrific, biting cold ripped through his body, like nothing he had ever felt before, and Blue struggled to stay on his hooves... but it was a battle he soon lost, falling to his knees and coughing hard as his sword clattered to the rock, his whole body shivering violently as his blood froze in his veins.

He forced himself to look weakly up, and he saw a grinning wraith looming over him... and there were more. At least three more, but he couldn't see very well anymore as he breathed hard in and out, struggling just to stay conscious now as he whimpered weakly. He heard noises, but they barely made any sense to him...

Sleipnir swore under his breath as Blue slumped to the ground, and then the earth pony spun towards the skeleton mage, growling: “There was no need for that! What dishonor, what... what childish cowardice, to call parlay and then ambush my wounded companion!”

“I didn't say we were going to talk, did I? I said we're going to handle this like adults.” growled the skeleton mage, and then he gestured sharply at the dead warrior beside him, the zombie grinning widely as he slammed the blade of his executioner's axe into the stone floor. “Just make it quick. Don't make me send in the wraiths.”

Sleipnir, however, only bowed his head courteously before he said politely: “I fear that I must decline this duel. 'Twould only be a waste of time upon all our parts, and I have my friends to attend to. So I shall ask that all of thee step out of our way, for I can sense our friend politely waiting just ahead, and she is not a mare to be kept waiting.”

“Oh, you don't get to just say 'no' and walk away, colt.” growled the zombie, dragging his heavy axe behind him as his eyes blazed with fury, and then he hefted the heavy axe up before starting to swing it outwards in a showy, intimidating cut-

Sleipnir's hooves moved like lightning, the earth pony slipping fearlessly forwards into range of the blade so he could catch it and twist sharply, spinning the weapon around and slashing downwards before anypony could react.

The axe buried deep into the stone floor, Sleipnir resting one hoof on the handle and looking calmly, almost complacently across at the undead warrior, who frowned in disbelief as he stepped slowly backwards... and then his eyes bulged and he gave a weak gurgle before his head and most of his upper body toppled forwards, broken armor clattering loudly to the ground as one foreleg collapsed in two halves. The rest of his body fell after another moment, looking almost like a large scoop had been taken out of it thanks to the curving slice Sleipnir had torn through the zombie.

The skeleton mage staggered backwards in shock as the zombie whimpered weakly on the ground, eyes rolling in his head as he spasmed helplessly, and the earth pony leaned down and said gently: “As I said. I must decline this duel. And 'twould be very, very rude of thee to insist any further.”

Sleipnir reached down and gently bopped the zombie on the nose, the bisected undead warrior mouthing silently before Sleipnir stepped back from the axe, smiling pleasantly across at the skeleton mage. “Now. I shall ask these wraiths to be called off. And then my friends and I shall peacefully leave. Otherwise, I fear 'twill end up being difficult all around.”

The skeleton mage gritted his teeth, then he suddenly snapped his horn forwards, sending a blast of dark energy at Sleipnir as he shouted: “All of you, get the earth pony!”

Sleipnir only batted the blast of toxic magic fearlessly aside with one hoof, his eyes sharpening before he suddenly leapt high and backwards, a wraith looking surprised as it missed clawing into him. The moment the earth pony landed, however, the other wraiths converged rapidly in on him, the skeleton mage grinning coldly... then glaring angrily over at Lock, Shock and Barrel as they crept for the tunnel entrance, shouting: “Don't you idiots dare to try and run away! This-”

He was cut off as something smashed into his back, knocking him flat against the ground before a black streak ripped past, and the skeleton looked up in horror as a unicorn formed out of the darkness before she simply slashed her horn through a wraith, the spirit dissolving with a shriek into motes of energy.

Then the snarling mare spun to the side, lashing her horn out towards the startled wraiths and blasting them with hellish whips of blue flame, the specters shrieking as they flickered in and out of reality before quickly breaking rank and fleeing wildly in all directions. Only two of them made the safety of the tunnels, however, the others blasted apart by purging sapphire fire.

The newcomer hissed as she began to turn towards the skeletal mage, but Sleipnir caught her by the shoulder, looking at her reassuringly as he said gently: “Take care of Blue, Invidia. Protect thy companions first. Destroy thine enemies second.”

Invidia grumbled under her breath, then nodded shortly before she hurried over to the dazed unicorn. Sleipnir nodded firmly at this, then turned towards the skeleton mage, who looked fearfully up before he shook his head hurriedly, raising his hooves and pleading: “I... please, have mercy on me!”

“Oh, after thou failed so many times to show mercy for us, or for thy former king? Now thou pleads for mercy?” Sleipnir asked moodily, striding over to the skeleton mage, and the undead unicorn whimpered weakly before wincing when the earth pony grabbed him by the back of the neck and hauled him up on his hooves. “Tell me, why should I show any mercy to thee?”

The skeleton mage looked back and forth fearfully, and then he flinched when Auros suddenly scurried up beside Sleipnir, the Lich shouting: “Yes! You don't deserve mercy, you deserve punishment, suffering, agony, atonement, anger, the whole kitchen sink! You wretched little defiler, you... you jerk! You deserve-”

Sleipnir reached up and firmly bopped the Lich between his ears, making him whimper and grab at his head as he ducked low, and the earth pony shook his head wryly before he said gently: “He deserves mercy, because all deserve mercy, Auros. And if thou argues with that, then I shall leave thee to debate the merits of who deserves mercy more with thy little friend here. Understood?”

The Lich King mouthed wordlessly at this... and then he scowled and dropped his head forwards, mumbling childishly to himself. Sleipnir looked between the two for a moment, and then he gestured calmly back over his shoulder, saying softly: “Look there. Blue and Invidia, a demon and mortal, one whom used to fear the other greatly. Now they are friends. And look here: in pursuit of the revenge thou foolishly called 'justice,' thy friend lays in ruin, thine own peers look upon thee with fear, and thy servants lay in death and defeat. Many have been hurt in pursuit of this 'justice,' and now, I ask thee: is such suffering worthwhile? Say for a moment thou had achieved thy victory, killed us all: 'twould only be more death, heaped upon a kingdom where all of thee should know well the price of taking and giving life.”

The skeleton mage dropped his head, looking awkward and shuffling a bit against the floor as the Lich King began to open his mouth, but then Sleipnir easily smacked him again between the ears, making him wince away before the enormous stallion said sternly: “And thou. Look at the pain and suffering thou hast caused. Look at the rage thou hast stirred up in these ponies: defend thyself if thou likes, saying it only proves that thou took their tools from them for a reason, but that speaks nothing to the fact that if thou had never taken their tools in the first place, if instead thou had tried to love them, or teach them, or aid them, then thou would have never needed them taken away, would thou?”

The Lich huffed and dropped his head, shuffling a bit on the spot, and then Sleipnir shook himself out before looking up with a smile as Invidia approached, supporting Blueblood as the unicorn half-dragged his sword behind him, barely able to summon up the strength to carry it. “'Tis good to see the both of thee. Fear not, Blue, thou shan't be needing thy sword. Will he?”

The skeleton mage shifted nervously, looking fearfully at the demon as Invidia glared at him with disgust before she said coldly: “You should kill him. He'll follow us.”

“N-No. I promise. I... I promise.” the skeleton mage said hurriedly, nervously backing up a few steps and shaking his head quickly as he retreated slowly towards the tunnel. “I... I've learned my lesson, really!”

The moment he thought he was far enough, the skeleton mage turned and bolted, and Invidia growled as her horn began to glow... but Sleipnir reached up and gently grasped her shoulder, shaking her lightly as he said softly: “Nay, 'tis fine. 'Tis fine. He will not trouble us any more.”

The demon grumbled under her breath, then nodded finally as Blueblood smiled a little: he wasn't even entirely sure why, but he felt strangely good as he carefully rose his sword and sheathed it awkwardly. And then Invidia grumbled as she glowered at the trio of skeletons that awkwardly approached, asking moodily: “And what are these?”

“They are friends. But come, out of this wretched place, before more wraiths attempt to ambush us. 'Twould be a fine joke to have made it through the mines, only to fall victim to our foes here.” Sleipnir said wryly, and Invidia nodded before grimacing and looking disapproving as Auros scuttled hurriedly up to Sleipnir's side.

But no one spoke as they made their way out onto the cold, icy tundra. Lock, Shock and Barrel looked around almost as if in awe, gazing around at the bleary terrain as if it was the most beautiful thing they had ever seen, while the Lich hugged himself and sneezed loudly, then scowled and rubbed at his face, mumbling. Blueblood only shivered, and he couldn't help but press closer to Invidia for warmth as the demon looked at him worriedly.

Sleipnir, meanwhile, was gazing off into the distance meditatively, tapping one hoof against the powdered earth before he asked quietly: “So what did thou see?”

“An occupied fortress, as you predicted, but it was... very strange.” Invidia hesitated for a moment, looking uncertainly into the distance. “It was not occupied by either Royal Guard, nor by bandits... the ponies there were very... odd. I did some investigation, but some of them were immensely talented... I was unable to hide my presence from them for very long.”

The stallion cocked his head curiously at this, and then Invidia sighed a little before she said finally: “But I do not believe they were hostile. They were very strange, that is for certain. But they did not seem dangerous. Merely... very different from those we have encountered so far.”

Sleipnir nodded slowly, then he frowned a little over at Blueblood as the prince struggled to straighten, breathing roughly in and out as he trembled in the cold. “Thou shall have to keep him warm as best thou can, then, and we shall spend the entire day pushing quickly onwards to that fortress, and hope for the best. Come, let us first head to the forest... I shall make a sled to carry our wounded companion upon.”

Blue tried to shake his head, tried to say he wasn't hurting that badly... but his numb body refused to move properly, and he shivered violently as the cold seemed to bite at his bones, to suck all the energy out of his body. He gasped quietly, then only pressed himself against Invidia as best he could, letting her help him stumble onwards through the powder as he felt the faintest prickles of heat over his form from the demon's magic.

“His energy has been almost completely drained by the wraith... I cannot do much for him with magic alone. He needs treatment.” Invidia said worriedly, and Sleipnior nodded quickly as he carved a path through the powder.

The demon hesitated, then looked moodily over her shoulder at the Lich, who was following hurriedly along with Lock, Shock and Barrel. “And not to question your judgment, Sleipnir, but... these strays that you seem to have adopted...”

“Aye, they are cute, are they not?” Sleipnir asked ironically, and then he shook his head quickly, murmuring: “Fear them not, Invidia. The skeleton triplets are friends to us, as thou no doubt learned thyself, and Auros can do no harm to us.”

“Yeah, you have his... phylacty-whatsit, right?” Shock asked brightly, and Lock and Barrel both looked at her dumbly before she seemed to grin, tilting her head up proudly. “Hey, I listen!”

“I listen too! But what's the point of talking about it when you don't even know what it is?” complained Lock, and then he huffed when Shock shoved him.

Barrel only shrugged, then looked ahead, asking hesitantly: “Is he gonna be okay?”

There was silence for a few moments, and then Sleipnir smiled over his shoulder, nodding firmly as he said softly: “Of course. Blue is very strong, and while the wraith may have weakened him, he has a true warrior's spirit. He will recover in due time. He merely needs to rest and recuperate.”

Invidia nodded in agreement as Blue shivered, breathing hard and trembling as they continued slowly but surely forwards until they reached the edge of the forest. And then the unicorn groaned and all-but-collapsed as the demon gently settled him down under the shade of a tree, looking worriedly down at him before she lowered her head, horn thrumming with energy as she concentrated more energy into the warmth spell.

Sleipnir quickly went about his own business, finding several large, loose branches and tearing them free as he heard nature's worried murmurs running through his mind: he knew that if they wanted Blueblood to pull through, they had to be fast. If they took too long to get him to safety and warmth, he would end up crippled... or worse. A pony who died from a wraith's vampiric touch was cursed to become one of the energy-sucking specters themselves...

But Sleipnir wasn't about to let that happen to his friend, as the earth pony hurriedly but smoothly put together a stretcher out of raw materials and some rope from his bag. He dragged this back to Invidia, and the two carefully slipped Blueblood onto this as he shivered and whimpered.

Invidia worked to keep him warm as Sleipnir dug out a blanket and quickly wrapped it around Blueblood, as the skeletons and Lich simply sat nervously nearby. Sleipnir swore quietly under his breath as he touched Blueblood's forehead, muttering: “Cold fever. Use what thou can to keep him warm. I will pull.”

“Uh, here, let me help.” Shock volunteered, and she hurried forwards as Sleipnir smiled in gratitude. She slipped the rope harness on over the earth pony, tightening it quickly before giving her brothers a pointed look.

Lock and Barrel looked at each other lamely, and then the skeleton who was still wearing his red uniform asked lamely: “Uh. Can we help?”

Barrel nodded fervently, but Sleipnir only shook his head, saying softly: “Nay. 'Tis very kind of thee to offer... but if thee wish to accompany us, thou art all more than welcome to. And thou, Auros, do not try and slip away. I will be most vexed.”

“I'm not that stupid.” the Lich grumbled, shifting on his hooves before he reached up and tenderly poked at the wound in his forehead: it had at least closed for now, but his horn didn't seem to be growing back all that quickly, which was probably for the best. “Besides, where else am I supposed to go? My entire kingdom is gone. Just... gone, like that. All turned over to the... the lunatics I was trying to keep under control in the first place...”

“Oh, do not justify and rationalize thyself as hero now of all times. 'Twould be very annoying.” Sleipnir grumbled, and then he gestured calmly to Invidia before starting to pull the stretcher smoothly through the snow, the demon falling into pace beside the stallion as her horn glowed brightly and spread warmth over Blueblood's shivering form.

Lock, Shock, and Barrel all hurried to keep up with the earth pony, while Auros slouched and followed grumpily along at the rear, grumbling under his breath. They were a strange group as they made their way through the forest, but all Sleipnir could focus on right now was making sure they got Blueblood to safety before anything irreversible happened.

Fifty miles was a long march with a larger group, but thankfully the undead were tireless, and Invidia refused to rest, the demon keeping her pace equal to Sleipnir's even as her magic continued to warm and comfort Blueblood as best she could.

They marched for roughly half the day before the forest started to clear around them, and soon enough the enormous, mouldering fortress was in sight, now only a few hundred yards away and well-hidden between ancient, burnt trees and several looming cliffs. Sleipnir sighed in relief at the sight of this, even as Auros looked up and asked nervously: “What about us? Our kind have never been welcome, anywhere in Equestria...”

“Oh, stop that. There is no need to whine, friend.” Sleipnir said almost crossly, and then he shook his head quickly as he slowed only slightly in his approach, murmuring: “Some of these marks are fresh... aye, and some of these burns upon her, nature tells me they have yet to heal.”

Invidia tilted her head curiously, but Sleipnir merely smiled briefly. “Nay, worry not. One way or the other we shall speak to those inside and... we must merely make it clear we are not hostile. Come, there looks to be the main gate.”

The demon nodded as Lock, Shock and Barrel shifted nervously, and Auros only sighed tiredly, muttering: “Well, at least this can't go too terribly wrong. I'm much less afraid of ponies than I am of those lunatics we left behind in charge of my kingdom. My former kingdom.”

“Thou art never going to let go of this, art thou?” Sleipnir asked ironically, and Auros merely grumbled from the back of the group before the enormous earth pony turned his eyes forwards, saying quietly: “Look, there.”

As they stepped into a narrow patch that was more of a yard than a road in front of the fortress, Invidia's eyes rose up past the half-raised drawbridge towards the burnt battlements, and she immediately noted what Sleipnir had seen. There, on top of the crumbled wall, was a pony with binoculars: they were clearly being watched, although it didn't seem like an alarm had gone up yet.

Sleipnir came to a halt at the edge of the moat... well, it was more of an empty trench, with soggy, swampy muck covering the bottom of it. Sleipnir grimaced a little as he leaned forwards and looked uncomfortably down into this: without any water, it was more of a vulnerability than it was a help, considering how shallow it was and how easy it would be to climb down the sides.

Then the earth pony looked up, and when the watchpony only continued to stare down at them with his binoculars, the enormous stallion cleared his throat loudly before he leaned up and called clearly: “Hello! I am Sleipnir the Mighty, and I seek shelter! My friends and I mean thee no harm, and one of us is grievously injured and requires urgent medical care! I beg thee for compassion and promise that in return, I shall pay thee handsomely or do whatever other tasks for thee I can accomplish!”

There was silence for a few moments, and then a whole group of heads poked their heads over the battlements, staring down with amazement at Sleipnir as the earth pony looked back up at them with a smile before he childishly waved up at them. “Hello!”

The group of ponies all ducked immediately, but they could faintly hear them arguing with each other for a few moments. And then there was silence, before a voice called shakily: “We... we don't want any trouble! Your... those undead have to stay far away!”

Auros scowled... then blinked in surprise as Sleipnir said evenly: “Nay, they are friends and allies, and I shan't leave them out here to suffer in the elements. One requires some medical care himself, and the others were invaluable in helping us escape the kingdom of the undead to the south! But please, we do not have all day to argue, my friend was badly injured by a wraith and I fear that if he is not treated soon, he will never be able to heal!”

More arguing from above, and then a voice shouted fearfully: “No way! How do we know this isn't a trick?”

Sleipnir turned a moody look towards Auros, and the Lich looked dumbly back at the stallion before he suddenly huffed and shook his head violently. “How dare you accuse me! If these ponies have ever been attacked, then it certainly wasn't by my citizens! They are not permitted to leave the kingdom except on special occasion.”

“Yeah, the Lich King was always really strict about that.” Lock added helpfully, but a moment later he frowned and tilted his head in thought.

And as if she could read his mind, Shock said slowly: “Although it's possible that... well... on the way to the kingdom, some of the meaner undead might have tried to sneak in here...”

Barrel nodded a few times, then he shivered and hugged himself: “Oogy would have.”

Immediately Lock and Shock both whacked Barrel, knocking him flat as they both snapped: “We don't work for him anymore!”

Barrel only mumbled on the ground, and Sleipnir sighed a little before he turned his eyes upwards, saying in a more-frustrated voice: “Thou must take my word for this! We are not thy enemies, we do not mean thee any harm! My friend is suffering and if we desired to harm thee, why would we all stand here before thee with no secrets?”

There was silence for a few moments as the ponies above digested this, and then that same voice shouted almost angrily: “No, no! No! We are not letting you in!”

“Oh damnation.” Sleipnir grumbled under his breath, and then he quickly unharnessed himself, muttering: “Very well. Do not let us in.”

Sleipnir set Blue's stretcher gently down, then he calmly strode a few steps down the rugged path before turning around and sprinting forwards, then flinging himself into a high leap, even Invidia staring as the enormous earth pony arced high and far through the air to catch the edge of the drawbridge. His rear legs kicked as he gritted his teeth, then he quickly hauled himself up to balance precariously on the edge of the bridge as voices shouted and panicked from above.

Sleipnir ignored them as he calmly, gracefully strode to one corner of the drawbridge, then he reached down and tugged at the large ring one of the drawbridge's paired chains was anchored to before he grunted and flexed... and there was a loud snap as the whole bridge shuddered, before listing slightly as the earth pony let go and the thick-as-a-limb chain fell loose.

The drawbridge creaked painfully beneath the earth pony even as he carefully turned around, striding carefully back along the swaying edge with catlike grace before he only looked moodily down as voices yelled at him: “Stop it! Stop him, don't let him attack!”

“I am not attacking thee. Were I attacking I would have already pummeled all of thee.” Sleipnir complained as he reached the other corner of the drawbridge, reaching down and testing this chain... and then he simply leapt down, yanking the end of the chain with him and snapping it like it was string. The drawbridge fell with a tremendous crash into place across the moat, while Sleipnir swung down on the limp chain and then easily dropped to land in front of several terrified-looking ponies.

They thrusted farm implements and rusted weapons at him, and Sleipnir didn't so much as budge, only reaching a hoof up to carefully push the point of a pitchfork away from his face as he said gently: “I am going to bring my friend inside now. I require a warm place indoors.”

The three ponies looked fearfully between each other, and Sleipnir sighed before he reached out and firmly swatted the old scythe one of the ponies had, the stallion yelping and dropping the weapon... before he stared in disbelief at the fact Sleipnir had actually struck with enough force to smash the head of the scythe off the pole, and it was now laying in a broken heap against one wall. “If I wanted to harm thee, I would have done so by now. My friend requires aid, and I do not have the time to negotiate and argue with thee. 'Tis better to save his life now and make my apologies later, than let him die now and never be able to apologize to him or his aunt.”

There was silence for a few moments, and then Invidia calmly approached, Lock, Shock and Barrel all carefully pulling the stretcher with them and Auros following moodily last. And as the three stallions looked nervously towards Blueblood, saw him shivering and whimpering on the stretcher, they finally relented and parted.

Sleipnir smiled warmly, then he clapped one of the stallions on the shoulder before striding easily past. He entered a large courtyard that was filled with scaffolding and tarps covering half-completed projects.

He frowned a little at the sight of this, then sighed tiredly as a voice howled: “You idiots! He's got a cadre of monsters with him, he just broke down our defenses, he's going to kill us all!”

Sleipnir pointedly ignored the Pegasus that was now shooting fearfully around his head, the frazzled-looking old stallion glaring furiously down at Sleipnir as he zipped back and forth, just out of reach. “I know your kind! Murderer! Killer! Thief!”

Sleipnir only led his group of companions quickly through the courtyard until he caught sight of the first door visible through the debris. He pushed towards this, patiently ignoring the Pegasus zooming around his head, then knocked twice before opening the door and poking his head inside.

A mare looked up at him with surprise, and Sleipnir smiled warmly: not just at the sight of her, but at the warmth and the roaring fireplace. “As much as it pains me to trouble a beautiful young mare, I fear that I shall have to ask for thy courtesy and patience for a moment.”

The mare didn't have a chance to respond before Sleipnir turned and carefully hefted Blueblood off the stretcher, the prince whimpering weakly, barely conscious and freezing cold to the touch. Sleipnir shivered a little at this as he carried the earth pony quickly inside, and the mare's eyes widened at the sight of the unicorn before she stepped forwards, asking worriedly: “What's wrong with-”

“Steele! Don't trust them! He brought monsters into the camp, monsters, he's a monster!” howled the voice of the Pegasus as he tried to worm down through the opening... but Invidia sharply snapped her horn, and the Pegasus yipped as he was sent hurtling backwards by a blast of telekinesis.

The mare turned nervously towards the door, though... and then paled, almost falling backwards into her chair as the rest of the group bustled inside, Auros following last and yanking the door shut behind him as he mumbled: “This is precisely why I wanted to avoid mortal society.”

Invidia only shook her head slowly, and then the demon glanced moodily at the mare who was now shivering in the corner: the demon studied her intently, from her steel-gray body to her bright-blue mane, and then Invidia lowered her head and said softly: “Now, there's no need to be afraid of us. We're not going to do any harm to you.”

The mare shivered a little, then looked towards Sleipnir... and her fears seemed to recede somewhat as she watched the earth pony carefully, gently lay Blueblood down on a bedroll he had set up in front of the fireplace. Without looking up, the earth pony smiled: and it was somehow clear he was smiling at her, even before he said gently: “Aye, Invidia is right. We mean none of thee any harm, fear not. I merely had to be... blunter than I'd like to ensure my friend here is taken care of.”

Sleipnir gently began to remove Blueblood's armor from his body, setting each piece carefully aside before he asked curiously: “Is there a forge here? While my friend is healing, I would like to at the very least repair our equipment... it has been a long journey, and promises to be longer still. I would like to ensure we are well-prepared for it when he awakens.”

“I... yes. We've been trying to fix it for a while now but... as you see, things aren't...” the mare halted, and then she blushed before looking nervously over at the skeleton trio, who were huddled awkwardly up as Auros simply sulked in another corner of the large, L-shaped den. “Just... just who are you people, though?”

“My name is Sleipnir, and this is Blue.” the earth pony paused, turning to point out the others one-by-one. “This is Invidia, Lock, Shock, Barrel, and Auros. Do not fear any of them: Auros may be rude, but he means no harm.”

Auros grumbled, crankily brushing snow away from his tattered robes before he mumbled: “Yes, I'm not a former ruler of an entire kingdom or anything, I'm just some unimportant pony now, that's all. Everyone just ignore me.”

“Okay.” Lock, Shock, and Barrel all said simultaneously, and then they giggled like children as Auros scowled at them horribly.

Sleipnir merely smiled wryly, then he finished removing the last of Blueblood's gear before carefully laying his cloak and blanket back over him. The stallion was still shivering and whimpering, but being out of the cold and the heat of the fire would both hopefully help him recover. Or at the least, it would take him out of danger long enough for Sleipnir to mix up some medicine that would help restore Blue's energy, and purge the wraith's toxic effects from his system.

Sleipnir reached down and gently touched the wounded side of Blueblood's face, and the prince gritted his teeth and shivered a little. He would need to make a salve for that, too... but since it had already started to heal, the earth pony thought that it might end up scarring. He sighed a little, wondering quietly if that meant he'd failed... before looking up in surprise as the mare they had barged in on asked nervously: “Is... is there anything I can do?”

Sleipnir turned towards her, studying the fellow earth pony for a few moments, and then smiled at her before he said quietly: “I have not made the best impression on most of this encampment, so I must go and try to make my apologies, and see if they will offer me their aid freely. Perhaps thou and Invidia could speak while I am gone: Invidia knows what I require, and thine own curiosities certainly deserve to be assuaged... Steele, is it?”

“Yes, Steele Love.” the earth pony said awkwardly, shyly shifting a little... but she wasn't able to hide beneath her long blue bangs, or cover up her cutie mark... what looked like a metal pole standing out of a heart, Sleipnir realized. He leaned curiously forwards as he eyed this pointedly, but Steele only blushed and shuffled on the spot, obviously not wanting to talk about it.

So finally, the earth pony shrugged before smiling encouragingly at Invidia, and then he turned and headed for the door. He was unsurprised when Lock, Shock, and Barrel all followed him out, although he hadn't expected Auros to join them as well, the Lich scowling and shoving his way through the trio of skeletons to fall into stride next to Sleipnir.

The earth pony looked at the Lich curiously, but Auros only huffed and looked grumpily back at the stallion, saying distastefully: “Oh, I've dealt with your kind before. I know precisely what you're up to, Sleipnir, you can't fool me. I'm not letting you escape with my phylactery, to hide it off somewhere or destroy it.”

Sleipnir only rolled his eyes, saying wryly: “Aye, that sounds much like something I would do. Hast thou not taken even a moment to get to know me, Auros? For even if thou considers me an enemy, 'tis to thine own great disadvantage to never try and understand me.”

Auros huffed, but he didn't get a chance to reply as the Pegasus from before zoomed down, yelling: “Here he is! He's right here! He's probably already killed Steele and turned her into another monster, just you go and see!”

“Oh, shoo, buzzing fly.” Sleipnir said crankily as he came to a halt, waving a hoof in the air, and the Pegasus zipped backwards as several other ponies nervously poked their heads around a corner. Sleipnir looked back at them for a moment, and then he leaned forwards and said in a gentler voice: “I mean none of thee any harm. Come out now, let me see thee.”

The ponies shifted uncertainly... and then finally, the ponies hesitantly strode into the open intersection, a group of seven people nervously planting themselves across from Sleipnir as he smiled at them benevolently. Three stallions, five mares... plus the stallion who was buzzing around above their heads, squawking away, but everypony seemed to be doing their best to ignore him.

The earth pony cleared his throat, and then he said kindly: “My name is Sleipnir. I do not remember if I had told thee this or not, and these are Lock, Shock, Barrel, and Auros. They mean thee no harm and nor do I. I am here to make amends for my rudeness in entering thy camp, and to beseech thy aid with my friend. And, of course, 'twould be very nice to know precisely what this place is.”

The group of ponies looked nervously between each other, and Sleipnir softened: they all seemed so afraid. And they were all a little battered, a little dusty and dirty... thinking about it, even Steele had seemed a little worse-for-wear, even if she'd at least been clean. But she'd definitely had the same nervous air about her...

And then the Pegasus shot down out of the air, glaring furiously down at Sleipnir and pointing at him violently as he declared: “He just wants to steal our mares and foals! He's a killer!”

Sleipnir rolled his eyes, then reached suddenly up and snagged the Pegasus by the forelimb before yanking him down to the earth, the Pegasus squeaking and sending up a puff of dust as the earth pony asked irritably: “By the Gods. What is thy problem, wicked little cur? Does thou have nothing better to do than buzz about and be as a fly in the ointment?”

The Pegasus scuttled quickly backwards, hissing over his shoulder at Sleipnir before he spun around in front of the group of ponies... but another pony quickly stepped forwards, hip-checking the Pegasus off to the side before the pony smiled awkwardly, saying quietly: “Uh, sorry about Rack. He's... well, nervous.”

The salt-and-pepper Pegasus hissed like a teakettle before taking to the air, zooming around their heads as he declared: “I'll laugh! I'll laugh when he kills all of you naïve fools!”

Since the other ponies all ignored him, Sleipnir decided that it was safe enough for him to do the same as he only studied the strange little group before asking tactfully: “I do not wish to be rude, but... perhaps thee could introduce thyselves, and we can take a moment to better know each other, if it would help thou to trust me.”

The group of ponies almost seemed as if this only made them even more anxious, which further piqued Sleipnir's interest. But after a moment, one of the stallions stepped forwards bravely, raising his head proudly before he declared: “I'm... I'm Jolly Roger. And uh... this place is called... well... we call ourselves the Outsiders, and this is Fort Exile.”

Sleipnir studied the stallion with interest: he was a big, brawny Pegasus with a sky-colored coat and a rugged, darker blue mane, and on his haunch was a symbol that looked suspiciously like... “Thy emblem, why does it remind me of a pirate's flag?”

Jolly Roger cleared his throat loudly, rubbing at his scruffy beard, and then a unicorn mare stepped up and said hesitantly: “That's... that's because it is. Like my cutie mark, well...”

The glasses-wearing, bright-yellow unicorn looked with embarrassment at her own flank as she twisted slightly so Sleipnir could see it: it looked like a large... ear? “I'm um... I'm very good at listening. I can remember anything anyone tells me, or identify notes and sounds... or... you know, eavesdrop on ponies from a block away...”

“We're all... we're misfits here.” said an earth pony finally, the dark orange stallion smiling as he stepped forwards and reached up to rub a hoof embarrassedly through his deep brown mane. “Some of us in more than one way. I'm uh... well, everypony calls me the Butcher. Or just Butch. My talent is, well... preparing meat.”

Sleipnir's eyes widened in understanding as he looked over these ponies, stomping a hoof firmly as the group of misfits shied nervously back... then stared at the bright smile that spread over the enormous earth pony's face. “Well, will wonders ever cease? Look, Auros! We have found the perfect little place, of talented and wondrous people whom I never dared imagine existed!”

Auros only rolled his eyes, then complained moodily: “What precisely are we supposed to learn from a bunch of freaks and weirdos, Sleipnir? These oddities make Lock, Shock, and Barrel look normal. It's ponies like these who used to give up their lives to join my kingdom.”

“Aye, and what a great folly that was, was it not?” Sleipnir asked ironically, and Auros scowled at him grouchily before the earth pony turned a kinder smile back towards the group of misfits. “No, thou art... thou art the most blessed of all ponies in Equestria, for thy unique skills! I could not ask for a better and safer place to-”

“I warn you, he's going to kill us all!” Rack suddenly hissed, the Pegasus shooting down between the groups and zipping back and forth, and Sleipnir slouched and glowered a little up at the Pegasus before the crazy old stallion suddenly turned around careened off towards the large, half-collapsed building in the center of the keep. “I'm going to tell all the others about this!”

None of the group looked exactly worried: if anything, they all seemed relieved that Rack had vanished. And Sleipnir cocked his head curiously as he asked with interest: “The rest of thee? How many live here?”

“There's about... thirty of us, I'd guess.” Jolly Roger said after a moment, and then he cleared his throat and rubbed awkwardly at his head. “Most of us, well... weren't very good at holding down our jobs, you see. So we would wander, tossing back and forth over the land like she was the mighty sea, blown in one course or another until we heard a rumor of this place, where... where ponies who don't belong anywhere else come to live.”

“Oh, sure, it's a little... crazy here from time-to-time.” added the unicorn mare, and she laughed awkwardly as a few ponies glared at her. “You have to respect each other's uh... eccentricities as well as their talents and try not to let your own... step on any hooves.”

Butch grunted, nodding and adding: “But as long as we work together, it's... not terrible here. Or at least it wasn't until recently...”

He looked nervously over his shoulder at the damaged keep, and Sleipnir frowned a little before he said gently: “Well, perhaps if thou shall help me, I shall be able to help thee. If thou can give me access to any stores of herbs or medicines thou has, and a decent table, I shall be able to mix up what I need to help my friend recover... and more, listen to thy story of what has befallen thee. Perhaps we can help.”

The misfits looked at each other, and then Auros mumbled: “Wonderful. I've gone from being the Lich King to assistant to some shoddy earth pony's work crew.”

“You're the Lich King?” gasped the yellow unicorn as her glasses almost fell off, and Auros looked up stupidly as the misfits shuffled awkwardly... but also glared at the mare, who blushed deeply and quickly looked lamely down. “Uh. Sorry.”

“'Tis fine. And he is not. Not anymore, at least.” Sleipnir said kindly, patting Auros on the shoulder and making him grumble, but then reluctantly nod in agreement.

The earth pony smiled benevolently even as he felt the seconds ebbing away, but he allowed the misfits to huddle up and whisper amongst themselves again, not wanting to push them too much as Lock, Shock, and Barrel lingered in the background, inadvertently huddling together themselves. And then, finally, the misfits all nodded firmly before Butch said finally: “Y'all are welcome to come and see what we have in the apothecary, then. Ain't much, but... maybe a stallion like yourself can help us find some herbs afterwards to make up for it.”

“I shall do thee one better and ensure there are enough salves and medicines to go around for the rest of winter.” Sleipnir replied with a kind smile, nodding firmly. “Lead on, friends!”

The misfits still didn't seem entirely sure of themselves, but all the same, Butch turned and began to lead them all back towards the main structure. And even if they were strange and wary, Sleipnir all the same had a good feeling about these ponies, and he only hoped he would be able to help them... and that he would be able to keep his promise to Blue, as well.